#killer I saw coming but even then it was like. his character did a fuckin 180 and it was like??? what????
bombingqueen · 1 year
Season 2 and 3: The Winchester's and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Demon Deals
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Season 2 rating: 9/10
Best episodes from S2: Simon Said, RoadKill, and AHBL I & II
Worst episode: Hollywood Babylon (Just boring)
Season 3 rating 6/10
Best Episodes from S3: No Rest for the Wicked and The Kids Are Alright
Worst episode: Red Sky at Morning (just boring)
Sterling K. Brown is amazing his role as Gordon Walker is great.
I wish the special children plot line lasted longer. I believe so much more could have been done with them.
Ellen and Jo are not the best written characters on a re-watch. I liked them first time but not anymore.
Love episodes with 'human' monsters
Law enforcement episodes are some of my favorites
Dean doesn't have the best mental health in season 1 but in season 2 and 3 he has really started to derail. Couldn't keep his father save and he might lose his brother to an undetermined future.
Sam does stupid shit when he is emotional especially when Dean is involved.
Bella Talbot is a Boss Bitch. I like her more this time around.
Ava is adorable even if she turns into a little serial killer. "I just helped steal some dead guy's confidential files! I'm awesome"
I want to know the story behind 'funky town' Did happen before Sam went to Stanford or when he started hunting with Dean again?
Honestly, Gordon acting like Dean wasn't gonna hunt his ass down for murdering Sam is hilarious
Sam always blames himself for situations out of his control. Makes me sad.
I'm pretty sure that the hotel in Playthings is an Antebellum home.
2.12 Everytime I watch Nightshifter, I can only think of this:
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2.12 Dean is such a simple man :" I like him. He says okey-dokey." What a fuckin dork. I love him.
2.12 Sam is so exasperated and bitchy this episode
2.12 Victor Henriksen was short-lived. Would've have been nice for the boys to have an ally in the feds.
2.12 The ending is amazing
Sam continues to believed that he can't be saved
Jared Padalecki is amazing and terrifying in 2.14 Born Under a Bad Sign
2.14 Demons really be trying to make the boys divorce
2.14 The Jo scene is so uncomfortable and the actors did amazing job of portraying it
2.14 I literally read a fanfic where Dean was in the place of Jo. It was some good shit not gonna lie
2.14 I'm pretty sure Meg was shocked that Dean would literally help his brother get away with murder. What's one more crime?
2.14 I have to give it to Meg. She was really trying to get Dean to turn against Sam and kill him. Hell, if she stopped possessing Sam after using his body to kill Dean, Sam would have embraced his dark destiny
Poor Sam. Dean knows what Madison meant to him in more ways than one
Wish we saw more of the lawyer and Deacon from 2.19 Folsom Prison Blues
2.19 Dean having fun in prison and fitting is so well is such a vibe. Sam's being disturbed by it was amusing.
2.20 Even in a world where they were never hunters, Dean still becomes an alcoholic
2.20 Wincest fics having DJINN are my favorite. Good shit right there
2.20 Dean wants Sam to be happy but not at the expense of losing their relationship with one another. Bruh, that shit is depressing.
Aww! Sam is Azazel's favorite
Andy is me in AHBL
Sam flexing his leadership skills in cold oak. Feel like a proud momma
Sam's first death hits hard. The relief on his face when he sees Dean coming for him. The last thing before death he sees is Dean allowing him to let go safely. And Dean just holding onto his world with desperation as his soul dies along with Sam.
Sam finding out about Dean's deal is heartbreaking. He was taken from his brother by a demon, finds out about his demon, he was killed violently, and then he is resurrected only to find out his brother sold his soul. Poor Sammy.
I forgot how shocking Sam's descent into savagery is. Blood thirsty little giant. Don't blame him though. I would be pissed off to if I was stabbed in the back literally and metaphorically
John really climbed out of the bowels of hell, saved his boys, and yeeted to Heaven
Dean becoming catatonic after Sam's death is so sad; his entire world just ended. Family may not end in blood but he is sole survivor of his own blood
Jensen Ackles flexing his acting chops with his emotional scenes begging for his brother to be okay and then having a monologue over his corpse is so fuckin good. Makes me cry everytime.
Demons calling Sam the Boy King or any alternative will never not be cool but it will continue to be funny
I like episodes involving their childhood and baby Dean tried so hard for Sammy
I actually didn't care for blond Ruby the first time I watch the series but I like her more during the re-watch. She is awesome and snarky
As much as I like Bella, she is fuckin dumb for stealing the colt like what the hell man. She reaped what she sowed right there
I used to find mystery spot funny but is more depressing than anything. Sam was barely holding on to his sanity and his moral compass was derailing fast
The way Dean begins to become more unhinged as his deal grows closer made my heart hurt
Lilith poked a goddam bear torturing and killing Dean in front of Sam's face. Gotta give her props; she had fuckin balls considering Sam's future. Guess Lucy didn't give her the memo or just didn't care since he was stuck in the cage. Having Sam Winchester on your ass is probably worse than facing Dean. Unhinged Sammy is somethin else
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Secrets to Hide - also on AO3
"Be very careful who you lie to" is advice Claudio Castagnoli should have taken before he married Jon Moxley, and before he started sleeping with Wheeler Yuta on the side.
Warnings: Major character death, infidelity, murder, graphic depictions of violence (see AO3 for more details)
This is very loosely inspired by Two Black Cadillacs and Sarah's prompt, but I went the Sara route and Schrodinger's Prompt-ed this bitch. Tis a dark one, folks!
+6 months, 12 hours, 24 minutes, 5 seconds
Mox slings his arms around Wheeler’s shoulders. “I mean, it’s one of those things you can’t explain, right?” He gazes at Wheeler, feeling something too close to love bloom in his chest. “Sometimes people are brought together by grief. Memory of the loved ones lost, you know.”
Wheeler beams at Mox. “It’s weird, but it works for us.”
Eddie snickers from where he’s head first in a bowl of soup.
“What?” Wheeler asks. “Not a fan of love?”
“You guys are terrible,” Eddie laughs. “Jesus.”
Mox and Wheeler share a knowing glance, then turn back to the group.
Ruby laughs into her soda. “Eddie’s just jealous because Mox promoted Wheeler over him.”
“He wasn’t even working there at the time,” Mox says, taking his arm back. He turns to Wheeler. “And Claudio, rest his soul, rated you highly in your performance reviews. You were the only reasonable person to become the gym manager.”
Eddie shrugs. “He’s right, Roo. I’m just glad I got a steady job again. Beauty in tragedy, right?”
Mox nods. “Beauty in tragedy.”
Wheeler leans over and kisses Mox’s cheek. “I gotta get home, baby, but I’ll see you tomorrow at work.”
Mox kisses Wheeler gently, still reeling from how different this is from before. From who he used to kiss. “Okay,” he murmurs against Wheeler’s lips. “I’ll see you later.”
He watches Wheeler walk off and turns to Eddie, who has the most knowing of smiles. “You two sure are a picture,” he says.
Mox shrugs. “You find love in the weirdest ways.”
+7 days
Mox gets home from the service past midnight to see the door cracked open, just the slightest. He pulls out his pocket knife, wishing he’d listened to Eddie years back telling him to grab something bigger, and slowly walks into the house, locking the door behind him. There was no car out front, no bike, nothing.
“Hello?” he calls. “I just came home from my fuckin’ husband’s funeral, so if you wanna die, now’s a good time to show yourself.”
He recognizes the chuckle as the figure slides out from behind the door. “Hey,” Wheeler says, smiling. “I had the Uber drop me off at Kroger, then walked here.”
Mox freezes. “Shit, did I awaken some sort of serial killer shit in you?” He holds out the pocket knife. “It’d be great if you didn’t kill me.”
Wheeler laughs a little as he shakes his head, a glint in his eye that intrigues and worries Mox. “Not my plan,” he says. His steps are slow and deliberate as he comes up to Mox. “What do you say to a little celebration?”
Mox raises an eyebrow. “That’s – that is not where I saw you going with this.”
Wheeler drops to his knees in front of Mox, and his brain starts to scream in a combination of his blood zooming southward and the alarm bells of fucking the guy who just helped kill your husband. “Come on,” Wheeler says, and he begins to see how easily Claudio was seduced by those eyes and that smile. “I can’t be the only one who felt it.”
His hands settle on Mox’s belt buckle.
Mox should refuse. Mox should kick him out, not even pay for the cab, and send this kid packing. He should go back on the promise, should make sure Wheeler Yuta can’t set foot in this town again without getting his ass beat.
“Fuck, yeah,” Mox says, and Wheeler’s hands undo his belt.
Wheeler’s smile feels like heaven around his cock, and it’s only a few moments before he’s in this, fully. Good decisions be damned. He’s at worst a murderer – this doesn’t even make the list of bad things he’s done.
“Get up,” Mox says. “Gotta – there’s no bed in the main bedroom, obviously, but the guest –”
Wheeler stands and wipes his mouth, nodding. “I, uh. I know where that is.” He shrugs, apologetic eyes. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Mox says. “It’s all mine now.” He grins at Wheeler. “Including you, I guess.”
Wheeler laughs as they tug each other into the guest bedroom, bite marks and scratches blooming as Wheeler fucks him into the mattress without a care in the world.
“Surprised,” Mox gasps, scrabbling for purchase against the cheap mattress and bedspread. “When I walked in on you and Claudio, you were bent over for him.”
Wheeler laughs, hands gripping Mox’s hips tighter to drive into him. Mox whimpers. “Yeah, well, Claudio always liked to be on top, didn’t he?”
“He always did.” Mox groans as Wheeler wraps a hand around his cock, unrelenting thrusts meeting focused, concentrated strokes. It’s strangely easy to speak of Claudio in the past tense. He’d expected it to take longer. “Liked his – oh, god – liked his men on his knees for him.”
“Now you’re on your knees for me,” Wheeler growls, and Mox comes without warning.
+6 days
The funniest thing about how the memorial service was set up, Mox thinks, is that there’s a massive area specifically for former colleagues. There’s about a dozen of them, and Mox has only met around half. He wonders if Claudio was fucking anybody else in this group, if anyone else should have been in on the plan.
If Claudio lied to everybody about who Mox was.
“Mox?” says a small, blonde woman. “Are you – you were Claudio’s husband right?”
Mox nods. “I was.”
She takes his hands and smiles at him. “He was a wonderful man,” she says gently. “I’m sure you miss him dearly.” Mox tries his best to smile back at her. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“Did everyone know about me?” he asks.
“Some, yes,” she says. “But we were all quite focused on the work. You know how it is.”
Mox doesn’t. In his line of work, you often learn who people are before you join them in the ring. “I know,” he lies. “Thank you.”
The line of people stretches far, and Mox is wondering if he should have just had Claudio be cremated with how long this is taking.
And then a familiar pair of eyes meet his further down the line, and he nods once.
He braces himself to meet Wheeler for the first time officially, talking aimlessly for a moment with one of Claudio’s aunts, who weeps into his shoulder until she moves down to Claudio’s mother.
“Hi,” says Wheeler, smiling sadly. “I’m Wheeler Yuta – I worked with Claudio.”
Mox nods, holding his hand out to shake. Wheeler does, and it’s a completely different shake than the first one: meek, gentle. As much as a show as everything else the two of them are doing. “Oh?”
Wheeler nods. “He was a good man.”
“Yes,” Mox says, the lie sparkling between the two of them like a firework, “he was.”
Wheeler joins Claudio’s work friends in throwing roses into the casket, bumping the back of Mox’s hand with his as they pass wordlessly on the path. Mox knees in front of the casket, hearing the weeping of Claudio’s family behind him. His eyes are dry but red.
“Good riddance,” he murmurs, so quiet he can barely hear himself. “Until we meet on the other side.”
He exhales and stands, and meets Wheeler’s eyes one last time.
“Babe?” Mox yells, throwing open the door. He drops the groceries on the ground. He hopes it’s not suspicious he only got things that don’t need the freezer.
His heart is already racing, expecting to see Claudio tidying the bathroom or making dinner. Maybe half alive on the floor of the bathroom, puking up every last ounce of life in his body. “Claudio, where are you?”
His hands shake as he walks through the rooms of their house. The kitchen, where they’d cooked countless meals: empty. The living room, where Claudio had fallen asleep in Mox’s lap more times than any one man could count: empty. The bathroom: empty. The guest room: empty.
Mox takes a deep breath before pushing open the door to their bedroom.
Claudio lay in the bed, color wrong, completely still.
“Claudio?!” Mox shrieks. He runs to him. Despite how much he wanted this, despite the fact that this was the ultimate outcome, the panic of a dead body in front of him, of his husband’s dead body in front of him, sends shocks of adrenaline and fear through him. He shakes Claudio’s shoulders, frantic, trying to see if there’s anything left in him. His head shakes around violently, and Mox realizes the chill against his fingers is Claudio’s skin.
He makes the strangest wailing noise as he fumbles in his pocket for his phone, dialing 9-1-1 with shaking hands. “9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”
“I – I came home, and he was in bed – he’s so cold.”
“Who is, sir?”
Mox takes a deep breath, voice shaking. He’d thought he’d have to act this part. He didn’t think his reaction would be genuine. “My husband.”
The next hours are a blur – police officers, EMTs, the phrase, “Dead on arrival,” the bedroom blocked off. He doesn’t stop shaking the whole time.
“Sir, is there anyone you can call?” The police officer – Mox thinks her name was Grant – asks gently.
He nods. “I – my friend Eddie.” He fumbles for his phone. “I – I’ll stay with him.”
She slides him her card. “If you need anything, or have an idea of who may have done this.”
Mox nods absently, putting his phone to his ear as it rings. “Eddie,” he says. “Claudio’s gone.”
-5 days
“Alright,” Eddie says. “I got the stuff. All I gotta do is get Ruby to give it to her friend Toni, Toni drops it off for the DoorDash order, and we’re in the clear.”
Mox fidgets, glancing down to the phone, where Wheeler is on the other line. “Are you sure we can pull this off? If they can trace it back to us, we’re all fucked.”
Eddie shakes his head. “This shit’s fast acting and it can’t be detected after four hours, so, as long as you’re out of the house while it takes effect…”
“I’ll be out of there,” Mox assures him. “I’ll run errands or something, be somewhere with lots of cameras.” He turns to the phone on the table and leans in. “Wheeler, your job is to make sure he takes his ass home the second he starts showing symptoms. If he doesn’t get home, the plan doesn’t work.”
“I can make that happen,” Wheeler says through gritted teeth. “He…he listens to me. Trusts me with the gym.”
Mox holds back a laugh. “Course he does. But, Wheeler. You have to make sure he drinks that specific coffee,” Mox says in a low voice over the phone. “If he doesn’t, or if it gets into somebody else’s hands…”
“He’ll drink it,” Wheeler assures Mox. “He always chugs the coffee when Door Dash brings it at 9:45. Like clockwork.”
“Is it the same person every time?” Mox asks. “Because if it is…”
Wheeler shakes his head. “Different people, and he never interacts with them.”
“Okay,” Mox says, exhaling. “Okay, this is gonna work. It’ll work.”
-10 days
“You want to what?!”
Mox glances around the sports bar. He’d never be caught dead in here, is the thing, which is why it works so well for cover. People all around them are screaming about some hockey game. They’re completely drowned out, and no security cameras in the place makes for the perfect hidden spot. “He’s gonna keep doing this shit if we don’t stop him,” he says quietly. “And if I leave him, I’m left with nothing, and so are you.” He glances around again. “The only way out of this is killing him.”
“That seems extreme,” Wheeler says, dark eyes panicked. “Mox, I know we both hate him, but – is murder the answer?”
“Legally?” Mox says, stretching out. Wheeler’s eyes slide to his tattoos, and Mox decides not to be too much of a dick about that. “No. Logically? Rationally? Hell, morally? Yeah. Yeah it fucking is.” He focuses his eyes on Wheeler’s. “You’ll lose your job at the gym if you tell him. His next of kin might promote you to manager if you kill him.”
Wheeler’s eyes widen. “You – really?”
Mox nods. “And nobody would suspect it. Not for a fuckin’ second. If I knew about you, I’d hate you, right? That’s what everybody would think. But if it’s you and me behind the scenes and everybody else thinks I’m just a grieving husband promoting my late husband’s best reviewed employee, nobody’ll look twice.”
Wheeler stares at a knot on the sticky wood table for a few minutes. “Okay.” He lifts his head, finally, to meet Mox’s eyes. “If you take care of the – of the logistics, I’ll do what I need to do to help.” He nods. “You swear I get the gym after this?”
“I’ll be owner in name only,” Mox says, sticking out his hand. “I mean, I need a little cash flow to pay the bills, but, other than that? It’s all you.”
Wheeler nods, shaking Mox’s hand without an ounce of hesitance. His grip is strong, which Mox should have expected, but then there’s a fascinating fire in his eyes that Mox wants to get to know better. “Okay,” Wheeler decides, nodding. “Okay.”
-12 days
The text comes at 7:30 before his match, when Mox is backstage smoking a cigarette.
“The fuck is that?” Eddie asks, leaning over to check his phone. “Everybody you know is either here or – well, wherever the fuck Claudio’s at.” He shakes his head and scoffs as he takes another drag of his cigarette. “Not here, I’m guessing.”
Mox exhales. “If I tell you something, your ass better shut the fuck up for the rest of your life about it, you hear?”
Eddie pauses. “Oh. That sounds interesting. Lay it on me.”
“He’s been fucking one of his employees. Told the kid I was dead.”
Eddie’s jaw drops, and Mox allows himself a moment to be pleased, because it’s hard to rattle Eddie with something as simple as words. “No fuckin’ shit.”
“None,” Mox replies. “You were right about him.”
“Yeah, but I’m not happy about it!” Eddie says. He chucks his cigarette to the ground and stops on it with the heel of his boots. “The fuck you gonna do about it?”
Mox wiggles his phone. “Answer this text, first.”
“You gonna give me, like, an ounce of detail for what that’s about?”
“This is Wheeler Yuta,” Mox says, shoving the phone to Eddie. “The sidepiece. The other man. The –”
“Fuck, I get it,” Eddie grumbles. He scans the text. “You guys are gonna meet up?”
Mox takes the phone back and nods. “Kid seemed pretty pissed about the whole thing. Didn’t like how he was sympathetic for a widower who was actually a sleazebag.” He looks at Eddie. “What’s with that look?”
“Just,” Eddie exhales and drops his head against the wall. “He fucked me around at the gym, then he cheats on you and pretends you’re dead?” He looks at Mox, eyes bright with anger. “This fucker deserves more than just a consequence.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying,” Eddie says, “that you have a decision to make.”
-13 days
Mox is fidgety and panicked outside the Starbucks. It’s probably a terrible decision, harassing this kid at work. But a more terrible decision was fucking his husband, and the kid did that first. So.
He shoves open the door once the rest of the customers have left and the kid, Wheeler Yuta, looks up at him, almost bored.
“Are you here to rob us?” he asks cooly. “We’ve been watching you pace back and forth outside for, like, an hour.”
“Actually I’m here to ask why you’re fucking my husband.”
Dead silence.
The girl behind Yuta, one with brown and blue hair and admittedly impressive galaxy makeup on her face, steps away. “I’m gonna make the guess this doesn’t have to do with me,” she says, backing out of the situation, “but yell cantaloupe if you need help, Wheels.”
“It’s not me either,” Wheeler says. “I’m not fucking anybody married.”
Mox boils with rage.
“Oh, really?” Mox asks. He whips out the framed photo of he and Claudio kissing at their wedding in navy suits with matching floral patterned ties, then the one of the two of them showing off their rings in front of the courthouse. “You didn’t have this guy’s dick in your ass yesterday?”
Mox watches the kid – confusion, recognition, horror. He’s either the actor of a generation, or something far more insidious is happening here. “You’re – Claudio’s still married?” he asks, voice pinched. He braces himself on the counter. “This – no. He said he – he said…” He trails off. “Are you Jon?”
Mox nods slowly, unsure of where this is going. “Uh. Yeah. Jon Moxley. Formally Jon Castagnoli.”
Wheeler shakes his head, then barks out the coldest laugh Mox has ever heard. “He told me you died,” Wheeler mutters. He finally looks up at Mox. “He said he was a widower, that you died in some weird – I think he said incident with a table?”
Mox exhales long at that. “Of course. I’m a wrestler – I had a rough table spot a few years back, but it sure as shit didn’t kill me.” He clenches his fists, then realizes he’s mirroring the kid in front of him. Hunched over the counter, bearing the weight of life changing news.
“We should meet up and – and go over this more,” Mox says. He scrawls his number on a napkin and shoves it across to Wheeler. “A place you’re not at work.”
Wheeler nods, holding the paper in his hands. “Yeah. I’ll, uh. I’ll text you.”
“Hold that thought.” Mox pulls out his phone and changes his Pin number. Now it’s the date Claudio has been claiming Mox had “died.” “Alright. Text me any time. And please don’t fuck my husband again.”
Wheeler laughs, a little panicked. “I don’t plan on it.”
-14 days
“How was work?”
Mox does his best to keep a mild, disinterested look on his face as Claudio saunters into their kitchen. He’s covered in a sheen of sweat. Mox doesn’t want to know from what.
“Lovely, darling.” He leans in to kiss Mox, who makes the mistake of flinching. “Everything alright?”
“You’re sweaty,” Mox says, forcing a laugh. “As hot as you are, armpits are armpits.”
Claudio laughs, easy and jovial, and Mox wonders if this is how he feels after nailing the client. “Alright, alright, I’ll take a shower. Then dinner?”
Mox nods. “Was thinking we could order in – I’m feeling something Italian.”
“Hmm,” Claudio says. “I was thinking sushi.”
Mox refuses to let out the scathing remark that pops into his mind. “We could do sushi.”
Claudio empties his pockets onto the kitchen table, as always, and Mox does everything he can not to snap up the phone right now and demand an explanation. Claudio leans in and kisses his forehead. “After my shower, we’ll order.”
Mox nods and follows Claudio with his eyes until the water starts. He takes note of where everything on the table sits, then snatches the phone up. Long ago Claudio had admitted to using his birthday for every four-digit password, and it works in Mox’s favor. He scrolls through the messages as quickly as he can – everything is innocuous, other than his communications with Claudio, of course. Nothing’s in the texts, in the phone log.
At every noise, Mox’s head snaps up and he checks the hallway, ensures he can still hear the water running and Claudio’s warble of whatever pop song is popular right now.
Mox is taken back to a few weeks ago, when the gym had shifted from an 80s playlist to something more modern, and he’s horrified to realize it’s probably on the recommendation of Claudio’s boy toy.
His entire body goes cold.
“Playlists,” he mutters, opening Claudio’s Spotify app. He checks – and there it is. His heart races as he pulls up a playlist called Gym Songs. There’s only one collaborator, and Mox can’t help himself from smiling cruelly. These stupid Gen Zers not knowing basic internet safety. His entire name is there.
Wheeler Yuta.
“Stupid fuckin’ name,” Mox mutters. He opens the Facebook profile attached to the Spotify account and memorizes every detail he can. The kid is 26, works at the gym and a Starbucks around the corner from where Mox and Claudio live. Mox is disgusted even further – Claudio should know better than to fuck a employee. The kid’s got a degree in kinesiology, which Mox will have to google later, from some fancy private school. It stings.
He sets Claudio’s phone down after deleting the search history from Claudio’s Facebook and clearing the Spotify screen back to the home page.
He grabs his own phone, scrolling through random car videos on Instagram just for something to do.
“There we are,” Claudio says, beaming as he saunters back into the kitchen. He smells like the body wash Mox bought him for their anniversary a few weeks before, smoky sweet. Mox wants to squirt it into Claudio’s eyes. “Sushi, yes?”
Mox nods, holding up his phone. “Already got DoorDash ready.”
-14 days, 19 hours, 42 minutes, 8 seconds
Mox had expected this to be a sweet little surprise – grab the Swiss chocolates, put the pretty flowers in a vase, hold the card awkwardly so he can push open the door to his husband’s gym. It should have been flawless.
So why the fuck is Claudio bent over a twink-adjacent, too hot for his own good client in the owner’s office, railing him into oblivion?
Both grateful and infuriated by the small door window, Mox hightails it out of there and chucks the gifts in the trash.
“On our fuckin’ anniversary,” Mox grumbles, slamming the car door shut. He can’t decide if he wants Claudio to know he walked in on him, and instead drives himself home to stare at the bed he’s shared with a man he thought he knew.
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onetomb-art · 2 years
Step, Drag
A Doll finds something unusual, voting ensues! (tw for mild slur use, about 1300 words long)
Step. Draaaaag. Step. Draaaaag. Step. Draaaaaaaag.
<Z-Cptn> You know, this is just like that one campfire story. With the escaped inmate?
<DosEquis> not helping
<Hi5> Campfire story? Do tell, you’ve piqued my interest!
<DosEquis> guys can this wait
<Z-Cptn>  Oh i can’t remember all the details, but it was something about an escaped serial killer on the loose in a summer camp, but he was still handcuffed to a cop, so he had to drag the body, and it was all like. Step. Draaaaag. Step, Draaaaag.
<Hi5>  Fascinating!
<DosEquis> guys i think hes really hurt
<777> Zee you dumbass thats not how it goes! 
<777> Its supposed to be a prisoner with one of those old-timey ball and chains on his leg
<Z-Cptn> What? Since when?
<777> Since fuckin always, who drags around a dead cop? You can break handcuffs like, so fuckin easily.
<Sixaphone> you can?
<Hi5> I don’t believe that’s correct, dear Sev. Handcuffs are made of quality materials, or else suspects would always be getting out of them, don’t you think?
<777> Cuffs are fuckin weaksauce its just a chain link, plus you see people break them in movies all the time
<Z-Cptn> Movies are different from real life.
<777> Movies are basically real life!!! Movies are more real than real life, fuckin fight me
<Z-Cptn> [Called a vote: “Are movies the same as real life?”]
<Z-Cptn> [voted]
<777> [voted]
<Sixaphone> [voted]
<Hi5> [voted]
<777> …
<777> well?!?
<Z-Cptn> Hang on, it's tied.
<Z-Cptn> @<DosEquis> We need you to vote.
<DosEquis> are you fucking kidding me
<777> Dont be such a fuckin killjoy babe! It takes like, two seconds
<DosEquis> hes hurt bad i dont have time for this
<777> Dude hes like. Wayyyyyyy dead. Just leave him there and vote so i can show everyone what a fuckin idiot Zee is
<DosEquis> hes not dead
<DosEquis> i saw him move
<DosEquis> [voted]
[Vote concluded. Vote results: 40% “Obviously Not”,  60% “Yes(???)”. “Yes(???)” is the victor with five votes counted.]
<777> YES
<777> FUCK YES
<Z-Cptn> What???
<Hi5> Who would possibly vote “Yes”?
<DosEquis> i just clicked to get rid of the popup
<777> STILL COUNTS!!!!
<Z-Cptn> Wait, then that means that @<Sixaphone> voted for you too.
<Z-Cptn>  @<Sixaphone>, you don’t actually think movies are real life, do you?
<Sixaphone> um
<Sixaphone> no
<Sixaphone> i just
<777> JEEZ Zee lay off her thats like, voter intimidation its hella illegal you could go to jail
<Sixaphone> wait what
<Z-Cptn> Its not “voter intimidation”, i just wanted to make sure she knows the difference between *fiction* and *reality*.
<Sixaphone> please dont send Miss Zero to jail
<Sixaphone> im sorry
<777> Youre fine Six, its an expression
<Z-Cptn> I’m not going to jail, don’t worry. Seven was just attempting to make a crude joke. 
<Sixaphone> oh, ok
<Sixaphone> sorry
<TriAsIMight> Good morning everyooone!!!
<TriAsIMight> What’d I miss???
<Hi5> Oh, Salutations! We were having a discussion about movies and campfire stories! Would you like a recap?
<Sixaphone> good morning!
<TriAsIMight> WAIT 
<777> yes!
<DosEquis> no.
<Z-Cptn> We’re not quite sure, actually.
<TriAsIMight> WHAT
<TriAsIMight> EXPLAIN?!?
<777> Twos been on a murder spree, its been like fuckin rambo first blood over here
<TriAsIMight> ???
<Z-Cptn> That is blatantly incorrect.
<Hi5> I thought that the entire point of the “Rambo: First Blood” film was that the titular character did *not* go on a murder spree.
<777> Never seen it tbh
<Z-Cptn> There’s not really that much to explain, really. Two was piloting, in salvage mode, digging through some of the old office blocks, when she found this guy collapsed in a pile of blood. Recovery protocol kicked in, and now she’s attempting to drag the guy to safety. Does that seem about right, @<DosEquis>?
<DosEquis> left out the part where hes heavy as fuck
<DosEquis> but yeah
<DosEquis> basically
<TriAsIMight> JEEEZ
<TriAsIMight> That is effed up!!!
<DosEquis> thank you holy shit finally
<TriAsIMight> That sounds so stressful like what the F!!!
<DosEquis> THANK you
<DosEquis> im over here trying to save this guys life while yall are calling votes over dumb shit
<TriAsIMight> I can’t believe you all!!! Discussing movies and even calling a vote while Two is out there risking her life to save a person she doesn’t even know!!! Shame on you all!!!
<777> Ugh, youre not our fuckin mom, fuck OFF with all that shit
<Hi5> I agree with Seven, the lecture is hardly necessary. 
<Z-Cptn> Come on now. 
<TriAsIMight> We have to do something!!!
<Z-Cptn> Why don’t we ask her if she needs help with anything first. @<DosEquis>?
<DosEquis> i dont know what yall could do right now im
<DosEquis> hang on
<DosEquis> uh oh
<TriAsIMight> uh oh???
<DosEquis> theres a ladder
<Hi5> Ah, so there is. That could prove troublesome with your heavy new friend, I’m afraid.
<DosEquis> yeah i just
<DosEquis> im not sure how to get him down safely
<777> Drop the fucker, i wanna see if he bounces
<DosEquis> what no
<DosEquis> maybe if i just
<DosEquis> no
<Z-Cptn> It doesn’t seem like that far of a drop, you could lower him down feet first and then drop him? You might break his ankles, but that seems like the least of his worries. 
<DosEquis> guys
<Z-Cptn> [Called a vote: “Should she drop him?”]
<777> [voted]
<DosEquis> seriously
<Z-Cptn> [voted]
<TriAsIMight> [voted]
<Hi5> [voted]
<Sixaphone> [voted]
<Z-Cptn> @<DosEquis> Are you going to vote?
<DosEquis> yall are assholes
<DosEquis> [voted]
[Vote concluded. Vote results: 50% “Drop him”,  50% “Try another way”. The vote is a tie with six votes counted.]
<777> Well that was fuckin pointless
<DosEquis> can we stop with all the votes this is really annoying when im trying to work
<DosEquis> im gonna tie a rope to his waist i just gotta find a rope
<Z-Cptn> Voting is a useful tool for quick decision making!
<Hi5> Well said, hear hear!
<TriAsIMight> Don’t you all think the voting is distracting for her??? 
<777> lol yeah 
<Z-Cptn> Distracting? It's one button push. 
<DosEquis> ok i found some rope and ive got him tied
<DosEquis> gonna lower him down now
<Hi5> Ah, the moment of truth! Drumroll, everyone…
<TriAsIMight> Shut up, let her concentrate!!!
<777> Fuck off youre not the boss of me you dumb bimbo
<TriAsIMight> HEY???
<Z-Cptn> Play nice you two.
<777> Yeah, play nice you fucking piece o
<TriAsIMight> OH MY GOSH NO!!!
<Hi5> Oh dear.
<DosEquis> fuck
<DosEquis> the rope snapped
<Sixaphone> is he okay?
<Sixaphone> oh no
<Z-Cptn> We don’t know that, Two can you peek over the edge so we can see how hes doing?
<DosEquis> i dont want to
<777> Congrats on your first successful snuff film babe, this ones going on liveleak!
<Z-Cptn> Seven cut it out. Two, i need you to peek over the edge for me.
<DosEquis> no
<DosEquis> no i really dont want to
<TriAsIMight> We can’t help him if we can’t see him, you have to be brave!!!
<DosEquis> fucking fine
<Hi5> At least try to hide your murderboner, Seven. 
<777> BITE ME
<777> Aw
<TriAsIMight> He looks like he might be okay!!! That bush looks like it cushioned his fall…
<DosEquis> thank fuck 
<Sixaphone> he moved
<DosEquis> wait holy shit youre right
<DosEquis> hes moving
<TriAsIMight> Hes alive!!!
<DosEquis> i think he sees me
<Z-Cptn> Is he saying something? He’s moving his mouth.
<DosEquis> yeah hang on let me give yall audio
<DosEquis> [Input audio source “not dead guy”]
<DosEquis> [Removed audio source “not dead guy”]
<DosEquis> [Called a vote: “Hey can i kill him?”]
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nightlist · 1 year
the collection woo baby letz go
'im gonna be around more' *narrator voice* he waz not, in fact, gonna be around more
diverzity win!!! thiz zerial killer doez not dizcriminate
the intro to the firzt one waz better.
oh the dad iz alive. it waz funnier when he waz dead
unfortunately for had the whole opening zpoilered already, the brother guy iz my favorite character. at leazt arkin comez back
… okay i ztill dont like the club thing but the bigger effectz budget iz definitely working for me
zo much of the vibez in the firzt one waz from how contained the zetting waz putting the collector in a bigger building with thiz many people removez zo much atmozphere and perzonality. i can even get behind the zequel being in his lair but the open iz juzt. bad. itz bad.
okay the idea of him zending arkin a note and FLOWERZ?? iz funny enough that ill accept it
at leazt they kept the eye zhiny
oh thatz actually a really fucking cool way of arkin keeping track of where they went. i really love that
and elena uzing her goddamn bra clip to open the box?? HELL YEAH MORE OF THIZ PLEAZE
alzo, how long haz pazzed between moviez. the cutz dont look more than a week old but thatz bazed on my cutz and idk how deep arkin went which would affect the healing time. im gonna guezztimate lezz than 2 weekz at leazt
i dont like him having multiple people trunckz. the zingle red one iz diztinctive and helpz give more character to the collector, with him doing one hunt at a time and only one bait
at leazt hiz face haz been kept diztorted why did they need to make him more human ;-;
im probably putting more thought into the cut continuity timeline than the creatorz did actually but i want a timeline here! not zure why tho. ok judging by the hair growth itz been at leazt like. 3-4 monthz. and thatz azzuming colliez hair growz very quickly
ooo and arkinz uzin it againzt collie!! nice
i dont rlly like having the whole. collie bein horny implicationz w abby. there are timez when the killer bein horny workz and for collie it really doeznt.
on one hand, arkin zhould know better than to not expect everything to be a trap everywhere. on the other, thinking collie wouldnt trap hiz own door handlez iz pretty acceptable az to why hed touch zomethin w/out looking at it. and if arkin waz juzt zomehow able to perfectly avoid every trap collie zet it would feel like they removed even the zlightezt of ztakez from hiz character. zo im okay with it
arkinz hide rezponze iz triggered by the heavy footztepz cuz collie wearz the big bootz :3 nice
akdjjd i love the wierd taxidermy! that mizt have been fun for the sfx team
ok arkin i meed you to ztop putting ur fingerz in keyholez it cannot end well
you couldnt have at leazt kept it all in a saw ezque grimy gorey warehouze? cmon yall
ok it waz a tranzmizziom not prerecorded but ztill i waz Moztly Right
‘id love to fuckin have a piece of you’
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zo did they forget arkinz arm got zo broken we could very clearly zee the bone outline. what iz happening here
yez elena breaking the tankz iz all thematic and cool looking. but the chance of that zhit being flammable waz zo high.
arkin livez!! yay. i rlly hope rich old dude payz for hiz therapy too cuz hez gonna need zo much of it
now how the fuck would collie have gotten out of there. i liked the vaguely teleporty zhit in the firzt but that iz to much. thatz bullzhit. he doeznt even have any burn markz
final notez: the firzt one waz definitely better. i did not want the collector to get any zort of backztory (or gunz. what the hell even waz that) zo every bit of that waz annoying but alzo not the worzt it could have been.
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nyxokal · 2 years
So I finished Stardust Crusaders
Geez I wish I'd typed one of these for PB and BT but wellp that's the privilege SC gets for giving me a lot to talk about anyways here we go long post ahead
So okay I dunno who knows this from Twitter but I've been livetweeting all of JJBA in this thread, or specifically from this tweet onwards if you wanna see the SC stuff. That outta the way I do have some Onions on this part
First of all I loved BT and I cradle it in my arms every time I think about it if that provides context but ANYWAY ON WITH THE SHOW HERE
What I liked
I loved!! The characters themselves!!! I loved the dynamics that the Crewsaders (I saw Sage use that term and I stole it lol) had together. In particular I've found myself to be really weak for the friendship between Polnareff and Kakyoin lmfao like. LIKE:
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These two have a very very stupid relationship together that hooked me in the second I saw them do that stupid fucking handshake in the submarine. And tbh while the handling of Joseph could've done some work I looooooved getting to see him be stupid again even in his fuckin' what fifties? I love him
Kakyoin isn't really there all that much and is mostly The Smart Guy but he's earned my blorbofication also. Kakyoin is just fantastic. I like him a lot, and I think he had a lot of potential if he were explored more, but even as he stands in canon he's like [bathes him in slime] :) he's in his natural habitat
(Because you will subscribe to my headcanon that Kakyoin likes slime. He has slime bottles. What the fuck is Emerald Splash but some fucked up slime)
That said I don't quite understand jotakak tbh but I like it and I'm all for it
Jotaro's MO being gaslighting also made me die laughing when I realized that was exactly what he was doing. He really is Joseph's grandson
I also liked a lot of the villains. Hol Horse, obviously. Vanilla Ice was also kind of a "holy shit girl help" kind of deal and fun to watch, though I wish he'd been around for longer. I liked Pet Shop and N'Doul too. I also liked the concept of the killer baby lmao. And oh oh even though I didn't really like her I think Enyaba's arc was extremely fun and had potential to be really fucked up
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I also liked the showdown against Dio a LOT. I thought it was real menacing and while it kind of fell apart at the end I think that was satisfying to watch, and I was DELIGHTED to see my babygirl return and eat an entire ham on stage. Also Kakyoin and Avdol are both totally alive and well :) I accept my downfall and join the copium gangs
(Iggy is on trial)
Also I had a running gag about the Crewsaders not getting to eat a meal for the entire show without it getting ruined or interrupted (this post kind of summarizes it) and I really do miss that little bit of stupid humour already
What I didn't like
Why the FUCK did Araki think it'd be a great idea to pad out the story with the ENTIRE arcana as villains showing up within the first half of the story. So many enemies got reduced to jokes, and then he brings in EVEN MORE enemies as Egyptian gods and it's like... see THOSE had interesting abilities, but I was so burnt out on wanting to get the plot moving already, damn it, that I didn't have that much fun. N'Doul and Pet Shop were fine. I liked what Anubis did, and then he got turned into a joke. The rest? Mostly also turned into jokes too. Whatever
I already detailed a lot of my issues here but to summarize that post Part 3 genuinely disappointed me with how much of a slog it was to get through. That combined with its tone being stuck between serious and funny until Araki comes in and goes like "Oh fuck the ending is here and I wasted all this time fucking around?? Uhhhh ok wait" then he kills Avdol and goes "haha TIME TO CRYYYY" as if that were gonna work. At least Kakyoin's death felt more gut-wrenching (haha ow) because the tone was already serious, but that's still a cop-out to me
Like Araki's writing at the end of SC literally feels like this image
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And I bring up the tone issue because Hol Horse had this too. I mention it in the post but Hol Horse going from a serious scene with Dio like this
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To shooting himself in the fucking head for a cheap joke
What, and pardon my Spanish, the absolute fuck was that. This extends to Dio too because--oh we beat him with a kick? Ok. He already did such a big deal out of sucking grandpa silly so now he's so powerful he literally turned Joker moment digging his own nails into his skull and he's a MADMAN and THREATENING and whoop we kick him and he goes poof like a piñata. Your huge villain, killed like a fly within seconds. Bro.
God. Anyway.
Unfortunately I also find that Polnareff is both a character I love and a character I hate. I loved the way he developed, his struggles, his friendships. Polnareff was for better or for worse the heart of the crew. I feel like he's the type of guy to genuinely ask everyone how they're doing and check in on their feelings whenever he's stopped being a piece of shit diva going woe is me and getting mad for being bullied by everyone. I like him for that
But Polnareff also takes up so much screentime... screentime that should've been devoted to other members of the cast. Kakyoin pulled a Caesar and got his shit explained the episode he DIED. Joseph got reduced to an old man joke and Hamon to a sidenote. Avdol got put on a bus for most of the show and died twice to save fucking Polnareff. And Iggy would've been interesting if he hadn't been a literal fart joke from the start of his stay
And Jotaro... bro Jotaro. I found him extremely compelling in the fight with Dio and the last few episodes where he revealed that gaslight gatekeep girlboss is his MO. I love that about him. I think he's fascinating for that. Nerves of steel but realizing he needs others to break before he does so he can do anything substantial. Cool as fuck. Ok now why did he get all this screentime and development in the second half while Polnareff was having an existential crisis about sacrifice and death and several episodes to himself
It's complicated. I love Polnareff. I hate Polnareff. Just.
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Final thoughts
Part 3 is flawed. I can see where Araki improved as a writer and where he still needs polish, and I hope these issues get addressed in Part 4. But Part 3 is absolutely overhyped and I'm not that happy w it overall, and since I hear Part 5 absolutely fucks, I hope it lives up to that and I don't get swindled by the popularity hiding some glaring problems nobody seems to talk about when I mention it beforehand
Although to be fair, most of my issues with the show boil down to "why did we waste so much time" tbh. We spent so damn long frolicking in the sand making fart dick and bullying jokes I eventually stopped watching for a week just to calm down and prepare myself to waste more time. That hadn't happened to me, even with PB. It was a shock
I will eventually revisit Part 3 as I get a friend through this w me though, and we'll see if my thoughts change at all with the rewatch. For now though... thank fuck it's over (affectionate)
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Y’all ever read a book that’s super relevant to your interests and it’s actually really good, but it just has such a disappointing ending and you just kinda sit there afterwards like
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18002dheauxs · 2 years
Fire Force Ruining Sex
-about: like the title says.. lil headcanons about weird things the fire force men do in bed, super late add in this is inspired by a trend I've seen on here the first person I saw doing it was yeagerslut so creds to them although they BEEN deactivated
-with: multiple fire force men, gn!reader (Assault's reader has boobs but thas it!)
-wc: 1.4K
-warnings ⚠️: sexual content (minors dni go on somewhere), rough sex implied, smut, crack (pls don't take anything I say serious I am lich rally stoopid as hell), all underaged characters are aged up to 18+
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Captain Burns: He knows, as a priest, sex is supposed to wait til marriage so that's probably why he prays to sol for forgiveness after every single time and makes you do it with him. It's definitely a mood killer & he definitely wasn't worried about sol when he was manhandling you but uhh.. lâtom ig?
Lieutenant Karim: Karim is actually pretty damn good at dirty talk even degradation, if you're into it. He's got a certain way of being juuust mean enough and it hits just right. Well.. the first time. He does that repeat speech thing in bed too and tbh hearing the absolute filth that spills from his mouth is fun once. The second time it just feels like he's got somethin to say for real 🤨
Lieutenant Pan Ko Paat: I think we all know where this is goin... yea the whistle stays ON during sex. But the whistle isn't an issue when it's just on, it dangling in your face like a chain can be kinda seggsy but I digress. No, the issue comes when he's using it during sex like if you want them to go faster or slower or whatever you could use your words no one needs this elaborate code of whistles..🤦🏾‍♀️
Captain Shinmon: His aftercare.. uhh.. leaves something to be desired.. like he does do it (he better after what yall just did I'm not sure you'll be able to walk to get your own stuff but that's neither here nor there) but I feel like he could try a bit harder. Aftercare is a bit of an exaggeration for throwing a towel on your belly and setting water & some grapes on your side of the bed & just muttering "eat it".
Lieutenants Konro: Him?? Ruining sex?? What is it? He's too perfect? He fucks too well? Now you're like a crackhead for the dick showing up at the 7 scratching your neck and shit like "I-is Konro in? Is he? I-I-I just need a lil.. come on man, I'm good for it.. I know you got some please.. man I'm begging" Yea a lil typhrosis ash on you is totally worth it.
Captain Obi: When Tyrese said "you know we be tearin it up breakin stuff that ghetto love", Obi felt that. Yall are pretty much robbing furniture stores & home depot from all the warranties yall have cashed in on. Bed frames, lamps, spackle for walls he pushed through fuckin you against, you name it. This is why yall fuck at his place.
Lieutenant Hinawa: I mean he's got a lot going for him so should you really complain? I mean he's a good guy, nice job, respectable rep, fine as hell, good in the sack, should you really be complaining that he's completely silent and deadpan when he's not giving instructions? Does the silence past the squelching & skin slapping sounds sound a bit eerie? Yea. Does it kinda feel like you're fucking a serial killer? Absolutely. But he does do the tiniest lil grunt when he nuts and the amount of times you've nut already.. I'd say it's a fair trade with Bundy over here.
Takeru: Nothing. He's never done anything wrong in his life. You should be honored & here you are lookin for reasons to complain.. he shoulda stayed with Tamaki.. smh
Ogun: See Takeru. Nothing. He's never done anything wrong, he's perfect. Stop complaining before I slide over there. My car keys in my hand rn, don't play wimme.
Arthur: Role playing is fun when it's not every single time. Daddy, sir, Master are all cool but "Sir Knight King, your Excellency Grace Sire" is kinda a mouthful especially when your brain is umm.. otherwise occupied.. Also that's definitely not how you would actually address a king back in the days but we move ig. ALSO ask him why you always gotta play the concubine like you the only one there! Why can't you just be the queen?.. Idk man, I love himbos as much as the next but there's gotta be a limit here..
Shinra: This adorable lil mf is way too excitable. Like we get it he wanna be a hero that's all well and good but why you gotta be a part of his hero training? I'm sure everyone's very grateful to all that stamina for saving the world but we needa check on you! You ok? You need some electrolytes? Epsom salt? A wheelchair? Them 3 day sessions be beating yo ass huh? It's ok I'll talk to him for you.
The "we work with Company 8 a lot but this broad don't really know how to separate us that well so we going here" category:
Vulcan: He is just so sweet he cannot stand to leave a stray to fend for himself in the street & you love that about him, you do! It's always a surprise to see what cute lil kitten or puppy or whatever he's fostering when you go over but its way less cute when you look up from receiving some (bomb) backshots and into the eyes of the aforementioned strays. You talk to him about it but he can't lock the doors bc "this is their house too we can't just kick them out like their previous owners did". 🙄 Still, does Whiskers really need to see you getting your back blown out??
Viktor: You know what, the boy may not have the strongest constitution but one thing about ole Vik here, he got some rounds in him & it's a good thing because when yall first started sleeping together Viktor'll be the first to tell ya,a practiced man, he was not. That's probably why he used to nut so quick. Like really quick like "the first time yall had sex he got a pump in and on the out he was spilling all over your belly"quick.. yea it was a problem but that's where the stamina (and that insane head game like seriously he picked that up disturbingly fast & well) does him some good. So yea he was a 3 pump Peter the first 3 or 9 times yall had sex but he always gets you off & he looks so damn cute apologizing who could complain?
Joker: Oh Joker Joker.. it's an experience fuckin with Joker. On one hand, he'll definitely dick you down the way you like but he's also an.. eccentric character. Whether it's him smoking like a chimney in the middle of sex, being a lil too truthful in his degradation (yea yea we can talk about my daddy issues when you're not rearranging my guts) or him humming a whole chorus when he cums; its always a story when you rendezvous with this man. And yes, your therapist knows all of them.
Kurono: Chile now you know… look I get it he's kinda hot in a very creepy way but I don't even know where to start on the toxicity.. I know therapy isn't cheap but this is costing yo sanity. Plus we all know his eyes do that thing when he gets excited, it gets worse when he nuts but you know that already.. Stand up!
White Clad:
Assault: You'd think being a part of a murderous, hell cult would be the weirdest thing about your boyfriend till the first time yall tried to sleep together; this man unclamped your bra and froze up. He literally just sat there lookin between you and your tiddies for a smooth 2 minutes then touched your boob and made an excuse to go to bed. He got a lil further each time, till he finally was able to have sex with you (in the complete dark yea but still I'll count it) baby steps I guess..
Charon: For a guy who knows his own strength and can even cross over to cocky about it, my mans does not know his own length if you know what I mean? My guy is BIG.. all over.. and everyone seems to get it but him. He's always in such a rush to fuck you, you gotta remind him pretty much everytime "Charon, baby, I wanna do it too but Imma need some prep before you go tryna fit that febreeze can in me please n thanks!" He rolls his eyes but he really doesn't wanna hurt you so he obliges. Somebody hammer it into this man's head he got a whole 3rd leg & that patience is a virtue.
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atlabeth · 2 years
barely any of my friends watch st so i need somewhere to dump all my thoughts bc my brother won’t care
okay so that was a ride
i think it’s funny how literally all the theories i saw on here were wrong
but that being said i also think the direction they took it was kinda anticlimactic?
there were so many parts they had to work with that it kinda felt like no one got the time they deserved
like there were some very well done things obviously. eddie’s guitar solo was killer and max’s sacrifice was the only part where i nearly cried
and the sequence at the end w running up that hill playing and everyone doing their individual parts that was really good too
speaking of max and eddie
how about that huh?
OKAY DONT KILL ME but i wasn’t that affected by eddie’s death, i thought he was a cool character but i didn’t get attached to him at all. i got more sad when dustin was talking to his uncle but i definitely saw it coming. it was really cool that he finally stood his ground but his death was honestly pretty unnecessary, i think the vecna crew would’ve been okay either way. but i know a lot of my moots are eddie stans and for you i mourn 😔😔i’m sorry guys i’m here for u
but max dying ??? like that fuckin got me. yeah she came back but i did not expect for her to actually DIE???? idk how eleven brought her back but i’m thankful for it lol. sadie’s acting was phenomenal
i also thought will and jonathan’s brother chat was well done, i wish they more explicitly said that will was gay and he was into mike but i mean. it was pretty obvious in every scene they were in together lmao
i’m kinda upset at how much they ignored the stuff between robin and nancy in favor of nancy and steve
and the fact that she didn’t even talk to jonathan about what happened w steve?? mans literally said he imagined you in his plans for six kids and you don’t think you should tell your boyf
but okay
i wish there was ronance but i’m happy robin and vickie got a scene together. if robin can’t get nancy i’m cool w vickie
i am kinda disappointed at the ending? like i’m happy that everyone got their reunion together it made my heart all warm but i thought it was gonna be WAY darker
like i thought vecna was gonna totally take over hawkins like completely bring the upside down to the real world. and i think that will happen next season so ig im cool with slow impending doom
i am glad that all my favorite characters are still alive though. nancy robin steve ily❤️
anyways. what a fuckin four hour rollercoaster huh. im running on 3 hours of sleep so im slightly delirious but hopefully this makes sense lmao
and feel free to comment ur thoughts or whatever or leave them in my ask box or just don’t thats cool too
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
The Blood King and his Queen [8]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Romance, Angst, Drama
Word count: 2.3K
Summary:  From being a mere servant girl to marrying the scariest prince in existence, your world changed right before your eyes. Exchanging places with the princess, you knew, wasn’t going to be easy. But could you have found love on the way? Or was it never meant to be?
A/N: I've introduced two new characters this chapter! Kazuhiko and Katashi, the first born and second born respectively, brothers of Bakugou. If reader thought Bakugou was intimidating at first glace, best believe that these two are even scarier than him.
Also, I've tried tagging some of you but it seems that I am unable to do that. Please make sure that your Tumblr is visible when typing it in the search bar. I think that's the only way I'm able to tag you :) Please enjoy and see you next Monday!
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You were woken up by the golden sun rays hitting your resting eyes. Squinting your eyes to open them up a bit, you saw that you forgot to close the tent completely, allowing the sun to fully brighten up the place. You sighed. You didn’t want to get up just yet. Maybe a few more minutes. You tried to move to get a bit of a stretch before going back to sleep, but quickly realized a powerful arm around your waist prevented you from moving. When your eyes looked up, Bakugou’s face was only inches from yours. Even though it was so early in the morning, that didn’t stop a rush of heat from appearing across your cheeks. And despite his face being so close to yours, you didn’t look away.
This was probably the first time you actually took a good look at his features. He looks so peaceful when he’s asleep, despite the fact that his eyebrows were still angry. His mouth was slightly ajar and you could hear him softly breathing. His skin may look rough upon first look, but when you touched his cheek, was much softer than you thought. You wanted to keep admiring his handsome face. It wasn’t everyday that you could stare and not get caught. Taking advantage of this chance, you snuggled right up to him, sighing in satisfaction.
You heard a deep chuckle and suddenly, your body was even more flushed against Bakugou’s body. He had rested his chin on top of yours and wrapped his arms around you tightly.
“Good morning,” his deep, husky, morning voice startled you.
“You were awake?” you asked, embarrassed.
“The whole time,” he chuckled.
“Why didn’t you say something?” you whined, lightly hitting his chest, making Bakugou laugh even more.
��I thought it was cute,” he admitted.
“Was not. It was creepy!” you disagreed.
“Everything you do is cute, my princess,” he declared. You looked up at him, shocked.
“What did you say?” you asked. He looks down at you with the softest expression and repeats,
“My princess,” he softly says. Your heart wants to leap out of your chest. The way he’s looking at you, the way he’s claiming you as his, and the fact that his lips was only a breath away was making you fall harder. As if that was even possible at this point.
Bakugou stops smiling and suddenly becomes serious. You see his eyes move from yours, down to your lips. As if on cue, yours do the same. Bakugou’s lips were getting closer to yours as your heart does summersaults across your chest. Right as you were about to share your first kiss, the tent entrance opens wide, the sun rays now emitting more light than what you wanted. Standing there, a dorky, smiling Denki Kaminari.
“Gooood MORNING!” he sings with the widest smile on his face. “Oh…” his smile slowly dissipates when he sees Bakugou’s killer glare and your hiding face. From behind, Sero and Kirishima both grab Denki by the face and drag him away.
“You idiot!” Sero scolded.
“We told you to see if they were awake! NOT barge in on them!” Kirishima continued.
“I’m sorry!” he cried. They continued to argue until their voices faded in the distance. Bakugou grumbled, smacking his forehead in annoyance.
“Fuckin dumbass,” he muttered under his breath. He looks to you apologetically, but you couldn’t help but giggle at his friend’s antics.
“What an interesting group of friends you have,” you stated.
“They’re one of a kind, that’s for sure,” he complained even though he was bidding them a compliment. He happened to look back at you the same time you met his eyes. Without hesitation, he leans again but you were quick to turn your head and clear your throat.
“We should uh- probably get ready,” you suggested.
“Right,” he whispers and you quickly get up, exiting the tent to leave the prince behind.
After a quick breakfast that Sero had whipped up for everyone, it was time to head back on the road. But this time, you were enroute back to the palace. The ride back to the palace was more relaxing than before. You were fully calm and comfortable in Bakugou’s arms, despite last night and this morning’s events.
Thinking back to when this trip first started, you were so uptight and tense sharing a horse with the mighty Blood Prince. You couldn’t even breath properly with him being so close to you. Now, you were fully able to relax into Bakugou’s arms. You allowed your back to touch his chest, since you were no longer afraid of the Blood Prince. Bakugou had leaned forward to rest his chin on your shoulder. You two were too digested into your own conversation to see the fond looks his crew was giving them.
He was pointing to different landmarks and areas, able to give you stories about anything and everything. Some were sad, some were adventurous, some were silly, some were dangerous. You were able to laugh with him and his men, not believing that this was the man that everyone feared.
Halfway on the trip, you started getting sleepy, yawning your butt off every few minutes. Bakugou took notice, leaning closer to you.
“Sleepy?” he asks. You only nodded your head, trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes. “You can take a nap.” He offered.
“Is that really alright?” you made sure. He nodded in approval. So you didn’t hesitate to turn your body to the side, snuggling into his body. The moment your head rested against his chest, you were out like a light. Bakugou softly smiled at the sight. Mina and Sero silently fangirled to the side, but thanks to Bakugou’s sharp hearing, he heard them. He glared in their direction causing both of the soldiers to turn their heads and whistle like it was no one’s business. Bakugou then pointed to everyone else, making sure they weren’t loud enough to wake you up. His finger stopped at the electric blonde, extra cautious of his loud ass. Denki locked his lips and threw the key away. Far away. He wasn’t ready to get beat up again.
You fell asleep most of the way back, but his highness didn’t mind. When you awoke, you found yourself back in the palace estate. You stretched your arms out with a big yawn.
“You looked like you got a good rest,” Bakugou joked.
“I did,” you said as a matter of fact, smiling up at him.
The horses pulled up to the front of the palace and other soldiers and maids alike were helping to unpack your belongings. Bakugou had helped you down from your horse and took your hand to head inside. You offered to help bring something in, but Bakugou insisted that you go see someone.
When the doors opened, you were greeted by two masculine figures whose auras emitted such a strong presence, dare you even say malevolent. Kazuhiko and Katashi, the older brothers of the Blood Prince, were there in the flesh. They were much older looking than Bakugou, with even more scars on their bodies. Their build was impressive but the enraged and annoyed expression was prevalent on their faces. Honestly, Bakugou couldn’t compete when it came to how scary and afraid you were on these men.
“Little brother,” Katashi, the second born, greeted mockingly. But that didn’t faze Bakugou one it.
“Where’s father?” Bakugou ignored them. Your eyes widened. Father? As in, the King? Bakugou wanted to take you to meet the King?
“Where he always is. Any reason why you’re asking?” Katashi interrogated.
“I have matters to discuss with him,” Bakugou simply told them. Kazuhiko, the first born, leaned to the side and raised his eyebrows when he saw your cowering body behind Bakugou.
“Ah, what do we have here?” Kazuhiko got closer to you and circled around you to get a good look. “I see you brought something for us to snack on.” He licked his lips repulsively. You shrunk behind Bakugou, holding his arm for dear life. Luckily for you, Bakugou moved to make sure that he was in between you and his brother.
“Be careful with what you say. We wouldn’t want to puncture another eye, would we?” Bakugou threatened. Kazuhiko backed up, covering up his right eye that contained a long scar running in the middle, most likely caused by Bakugou.
“I wouldn’t want to be talking to your future queen like that,” Bakugou pointed out. Both brothers looked at you with slanted eyes as if they couldn’t believe someone like you could be queen.
“Forgive us, princess. We misspoke,” Kazuhiko was quick to bow, but his attitude was more forced.
“Tell us, from which kingdom do you come from?” he asks.
“The Northern Kingdom,” you respond, rather nervously. Katashi raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
“The Northern Kingdom? I thought the King only bore one daughter,” The second oldest questioned. Your heart started to pound and cold sweat was running down your back. You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t know what to do. Were you going to be caught just like this?
“Enough. Tell Father that we are to hold a ball to celebrate our engagement. In a week’s time. No later,” Bakugou spoke up before you could respond. You could let out a big sigh of relief but you’d do that later.
“Go get some rest. I’ll see you later?” Bakugou spoke softly to you. The way he spoke to you compared to his brothers was night and day. You nodded in agreement and Bakugou smiled. His brothers were watching your interaction closely, frowning in dissatisfaction.
“Princess?” Kirishima came from behind you, ushering you to your room. You let Kirishima lead the way, but not before looking back at Bakugou who was talking to his brothers.
“Worried about his highness?” Kirishima asked.
“N-No! I was just…” you tried to make an excuse but failed to come up with one.
“He’ll be fine. There’s a reason Bakugou is in line for the throne and not his brothers,” Kirishima explained. “Despite being the youngest, he is stronger, more powerful, and more ruthless than his brothers. He earned his title as next in line.” Even still, you couldn’t help but worry when you’re not by his side. And Kirishima could see that.
“Now, now. Let’s freshen up for his highness later,” Kirishima took you shoulders and forced you to keep walking, to distract you from the problem.
Bakugou was about to walk away but Kazuhiko stopped him by grabbing his shoulder.
“Oi, you aren’t serious, are you?” Kazuhiko questioned.
“What are you going on about this time?” Bakugou huffed in annoyance.
“You. Have feelings? For that princess?” Katashi doubted like he couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Is that so hard to believe?” Bakugou raised a brow.
“Yes! It is! Come on, do you really think it’s going to work out with her? Do you think we love our wives? No! We are using them, just like you’re about to do. Don’t steer away from the prize,” Katashi tried to manipulate Bakugou, but he wasn’t having it. He swatted him away like an annoying fly buzzing around his head.
“Go back to your own kingdoms and take your shitty ideals with you.” Bakugou dismissed them and walked away, now in a bad mood. Katashi was about to run after him, as he has a shorter fuse than the Blood Prince, but Kazuhiko stopped him.
“Don’t. He’ll come around. There’s no escaping it,” Kazuhiko was convinced and watched as the angry Pomeranian retreated back to his quarters.
Back at the Northern Kingdom, the real princess grumbles as she maneuvers around in her maid outfit, trying not to get caught by anyone. After putting you on that mission, she has been stuck serving as a maid all this time. Day after day after day, she was waiting for the moment you come back and announce that this silly arranged marriage was off, but you had yet to show up. And what’s worse, the brother of the Blood Prince is now requesting to see her. So here she was, waiting outside for this prince to show up.
“Nice of you to show up,” the princess complained when Katashi appeared from the shadows. He chuckles upon seeing what the princess was wearing.
“What are you wearing?” he laughs but the princess wasn’t having it.
“Oh, shut it. What is it you want to say?” the princess snapped, wanting to get straight to the point. Katashi clears his throat, suddenly getting serious.
“You don’t happen to have a sister, do you?” he asks. The princess just rolls her eyes and crosses her arms across her chest.
“Of course, I don’t. You’ve known me how long? You would’ve known if I had a sister. You probably would have slept with her by now,” the princess mumbles. She wasn’t wrong there. But now everything clicks in Katashi’s head.
“Ah, so the princess back with the Blood Prince is an imposter?” Katashi asks in a high pitched tone.
“Not really. I asked her to make the prince hate her so that he could call off the wedding and I wouldn’t have to marry him. When that happens, I’ll be back to my gorgeous dress,” the princess told of her masterplan.
“I don’t think you’ll be having that any time soon. You see, this maid you sent on a mission, is living happily with the prince as we speak. And will be celebrating their engagement within this week,” Katashi said. It took a minute to process what he was saying. The more she understood, the more her blood started to boil.
“Oh yes. They traveled the kingdom together and supposedly are very in love with each other,” Katashi spit his poison, whispering these tales like a snake wrapped around her neck.
“That explains why she hasn’t come back yet,” the princess hissed.
“Lucky for you, I am willing to take you as my date to their little party,” Katashi gave a devilish smile. He offered his hand to the princess. “Let us crash this party?”
“Let’s.” the princess agreed, taking his hand, their evil plan now in motion.
A/N: DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA! We live for it!
We are almost done with the first half of the story so... enjoy and be happy while it lasts :)
I'd love to know your thoughts and maybe predictions or wants for the story???? ooh that'll be fun! I love reading every one of your comments and DM's and asks. Don't be afraid to send me something! I'M NICE I PROMISE! Love you all!!! <3 If you'd like to be tagged, please let me know!
Tagged: @superblyspeedydragon @melasnchz-things @animexholic @bkgwrites @sam-i-am-1025 @apexqueenie @katsukibabe @germfart3 @tspice283 @angie-1306 @bakugous-trauma @bakugousmrs @random-fandom-girl-24 @monetfatalia @triviajeongin @readingslumpfanfic @softredrobin @daddy-daichis @stardream14 @spicysherlock @cathwritestragediesnotsins @luvtaromilktea @aaannabbanana @i-ameri-cant @shyonigirichan @aomi04
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shingogf · 2 years
And in celebration of my newfound drive to suddenly post and expand upon my (superb) opinions on my fav pieces of media, i must also say this: i dont rlly agree with the "hehe but its fun to imagine william had 0 motive to murder cuz hes just built diff lol!" affirmation like...yea ok but do u realize how dull and utterly boring that is from a writing pov. Scott cant fuckin write a linear story nor can he model humans to save his own life and has to pull 1000 books out of his ass to fill in the gaps and even THEN it still aint enough. So i can take the liberty to think about the what ifs.
Not negating the existence of serial killers that had a seemingly normal and uneventful upbringing doing what they did later in life at all, that IS a possibility. Theoretically the likes of dahmer and bundy could be put into that category (tho we'll never know for sure but i digress) so yes people who weren't abused or didnt go through major trauma can STILL commit heinous acts.
BUT i still think, for the sake of storytelling and character flavour, that it is infinitely better to say (this is fuckin fnaf lore we STILL dont have a clear answer of who was first nd i've seen many ppl who have diff interpretations when it comes to details cuz duh😑) that evan died FIRST and that was the beginning of william's downward spiral. Just imagine, an already unhealthy mind having to process such immense amounts of agony and grief. It's only logical he'll eventually snap and do something awful. And that only makes his folllowing actions all the more impactful and infinitely more fucked up.
I wont dive rn into the backstory of william that i made and how everything clicks into place when adding up the already known fnaf lore, but just the mere fact that he already by no means was a "good" person and suffered from untreated mental illness and then one of his OWN kids kills ANOTHER ONE OF HIS OWN like. USING HIS OWN CREATION. Can you imagine. That ultimately would make his already egotistical ass think "wow! life fucking sucks and if i cant have shit then no one will!" and thats precisely why he kills charlie afterwards, making her his first victim ever. And that was the only non premeditated murder bc it was done completely on impulse, he saw a chance and took it after henry berated him for his erratic behavior that resulted from evan's death bc it was causing up trouble at work and in their business relationship, so mans simply drove away angrily, saw charlie conveniently locked out of the restaurant and did it in a sick act of revenge that held nothing but pure pent up rage. And after he saw that he could even get away with killing his best friend's kid, he wanted to see just how much he could push it. This also makes sense when u think of when henry says "a wound first inflicted on me" at the end of fnaf 6 bc it implies charlie really being william's first murder and a personal one at that.
AND i have to say i also completely disagree with the whole william offed his wife and yeeted her into ballora theory. Not only would it throw more suspicion on william cuz at this point he had 6 victims and ppl deadass KNEW it was him, but i firmly believe mrs afton skeddadled sometime before elizabeth died. His fuckin marriage fell apart alongside everything else following evan's death in 1983. I believe ballora (just like how circus baby was modeled after elizabeth) was made as an homage to his wife and because it was clear the only family member he felt badly about was michael for obvious reasons. In my mind william always goes for victims he isn't emotionally involved with and actively avoids killing close ones (the only exception to the rule being charlie bc 1. it was done entirely on impulse and i believe its the only crime he regretted at least in the moment and 2. i dont think he was necessarily emotionally involved w charlie despite obvs knowing her, if anything i'd argue HENRY is more emotionally involved w william's kids bc he's a much more mentally healthy person than he is) a.k.a the double life serial killer if u will (think keith jesperson) like he literally cared abt his family in his own weird ass ways, he never wanted evan or ELIZABETH to die.
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boognish-worshipper · 3 years
Remember the Rain
praying this is the final part of “Sunrise, Sunset” by the time i’m done omg ,, lamar finally talks it out with frank. i was tryna keep the titles consistent with a sky theme? wasn’t sure what to name this one at first, but i settled on naming it after a i song that i felt was sorta fitting lol ,, also lamar’s dramatic when drunk, that’s jus how it’s gonna be
oh and i included one last convo w/ that psychic lady bc each character got three opportunities to speak to her lol
The night Franklin and him fought was the third night in a row Lamar couldn’t sleep right. Then it became four. Then five. Six. He had hoped after the first couple days of Franklin being mad, that it’d all blow over and things would go back to normal. That he wouldn’t ever have to say anything about what he felt deep down. Even though he told himself he had to, he wouldn’t. He waited it out, and still hoped it would all just fucking blow over. That wasn’t what happened of course.
An overcast sky was spread over LS, light rain tapping against Lamar’s window. As cheesy as it was, it reflected how he felt. Another day had passed. Franklin wasn’t picking up, not even reading his texts, nothing. He called a couple times at first when the fourth day of the silent treatment occurred, then tried a few more times to contact him in the following days. It had grown into a long and sad string of texts.
pick up
answer me
c’mon frank i told you i have nothin goin on with yo auntie
i wanna talk things out with you.
u ain’t let me finish explaining
text me when u read this. plz bro
He sighed. This was hopeless. He set his phone aside, still laying awake. A buzz came right after. Fucking finally, something.
fuck you
we got nothin to discuss
He didn’t know how to feel. This was fucking him up and he couldn’t think straight. He tried calling him once more, the ringing as he waited for a pick up mocking him. Voicemail yet again. How many messages had he tried leaving at this point?
for fucks sake frank pick up
u ain’t doin this to me rn
jus let me explain myself
He stared at the ceiling yet again, like it would have all the answers sprawled out for him. As he did, he focused on how the rain had picked up, coming down harder. Then he felt his phone buzz.
now stop blowing my phone up
i’m tryna sleep
Lamar was never one to be sensitive, but he felt so crushed right now that all he could do was cry silently to himself. He didn’t even have Chop around anymore to comfort him like he normally would whenever Lamar was going through something. Would he even see him again? He lived over at Frank’s now. Fuck. Did this mean they’d have to share custody now? If he wasn’t so upset, he most likely would’ve laughed at the idea of it. He was letting bad thoughts consume him, turning to a last minute resort of drinking to try stopping it. This kind of thing rarely happened to him, these kind of feelings weren’t common. He knew no other method of trying to stuff bad feelings down, working through a 6 pack of beer on his own, followed by a bottle of some type of random liquor. Anything to stifle the pain in his chest, although it didn’t accomplish much other than making him feel even more queasy. He left one last voicemail, choking back a sob. Or what he had thought would be the last one. He lost count.
“Franklin. Please jus’ talk to me already man. You- you believin’ what you wanna believe right now, you ain’t even givin’ me a chance. You my best fuckin’ friend, don’t that mean shit to you anymore? We.. homies n shit.” He sniffled, cringing to himself when he said the words “best friend”. Franklin was so much more than that to him.
“Ion… Ion think I can live without you in my life. You can’t hate me man that shit.. that’s fucked. This is fucked. I’m fucked.”
A strong feeling of humiliation hung around him for many reasons, one being that he was fully crying now, over the phone. He couldn’t get any lower.
“You jus’ mad right now. But you.. you won’t be, eventually. Right? Please get back to me soon. Please. I’d rather fuckin’.. die or sum’ than have you hatin’ me n shit. At this point I might as well.”
After hanging up, he decided to visit that site one last time. His tears blurred his vision, making it harder to type. The shit in his system didn’t help either.
i fuckef up
thsi is yo faukt
What now? Why are you back?
frankljn hates me
He does? That’s not right.
damn straighy it fuckign isnt
No, I mean that’s not correct.
There’s no way that he could, even if it seems like it right now.
jus fuckin tell me whst to do
That’s out of my hands.
is not u fuckin wirch
Look, I really don’t know how else to help you. I don’t have any other visions to offer. You’re on your own.
They do say though, that dreams are visions themselves.
dont fukcin speak in riddles rn
Precognition, Lamar. Just have faith
n yeah. faith. bc that helps so fuckn much
All I can say to you is good luck - it’s all coming together. Just wait.
th fuck does that mean?
It means that you’re stressing too much - you better sleep it off. Farewell Lamar. You’re gonna have a killer hangover you know…
The notification did nothing but make him more upset. He calmed down eventually, the crying and alcohol tiring him out. He blacked out soon after, not remembering when he fell asleep.
For the first time in a while, he dreamt about the two of them. The start of the dream showed a radiant sight before them, the sky lit up in a million shades. Chop was laying beside Franklin, head on his thigh. All three of them sat on a grassy knoll, a soft breeze blowing through each blade. Franklin turned, Lamar not taking his eyes off him since the dream started. He only noticed the sky’s wide color palette because the intensity struck Franklin’s face just right. He looked right into Lamar’s eyes, speaking softly.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“You had so many opportunities. So many times, I thought that you would. I got my hopes up, you know. I waited. When Tanisha left.. I only had you.”
“I still love her. I.. I think apart of me always will, but I love you just the same. Even if you drive me up a Goddamn wall sometimes. You both mean the world to me.”
Franklin looked back at the view ahead. A heavenly indigo replaced the vivid hues from before.
“But she’s gone now. Shit ain’t the same. All I know is you stayed when she didn’t. Even when she got pulled outta the hood and made some kinda new life for herself, you never left my side. Never changed yo loyalties.”
He turned back to face Lamar again. His eyes were glassy, the glow of the midnight sky reflecting in them.
“So why didn’t you say somethin’ sooner?”
“Franklin.. I ain’t deduce that shit ‘til now.“
“You really didn’t know?”
Even in the dream he could feel that previous frustration occur in his mind. Was he hiding in a glass closet or something? He could only let out a wry laugh.
“Yeah man. I was a fuckin’ fool, jus’ like you always said.”
“Damn straight.” He chuckled, and Lamar came to the conclusion that he could listen to that laugh forever. Franklin’s face then fell solemn.
“Y’know I really thought that.. I really thought that you jus’ got with someone else. Not even jus’ my Aunt. I saw how you wanted to get away from me, and I thought…” He stopped himself, petting Chop’s head.
“I.. wanted to be happy if you was, but the thought of that at all bothered me.”
“Cuz you were all I had, dog. Mike n Trevor, they have their own lives, their own history n shit. I can’t always rely on them. Denise don’t give a fuck what happen to me. You my lifeline dog, I’ve known you for years. I didn’t want you to forget me over a chick or sum’. That day you acted all different n shit, it worried me.”
“Hey man, y’know I ain’t ever gon pull that shit on you. I’m with you for life.”
“Then don’t pull other kinda stupid shit on me.”
“Whatchu mean?”
“You can’t ever die on me bro. That ain’t how this shit works.”
“Ay man, I don’t plan on dying jus’ yet. Not unless yo ass by my side. Not ‘til I tell you I…” He couldn’t finish the sentence.
Franklin got closer to his face, cupping his cheek. His eyes shone as the stars around them fell from the sky, akin to raindrops, hitting them. Everything about him was flooding Lamar’s senses, and it felt surreal, between his aroma and all the other things he loved about Franklin. Golden flecks covered them both, and the stars continued to crash down. The sky was growing darker than before.
“Just say the words Lamar. Say them and this shit’ll be over.”
“Well first you need to wake yo ass up.”
“I said wake up, fool!”
Lamar’s blissful dream had been interrupted by an unknown figure shaking him, literal raindrops hitting his face. He was still bleary eyed, only seeing a vague silhouette in front of him. A wet slap to the face rattled his brain around, the hangover settling in. Shit, was he still drunk? What time was it?
“Lamar! Get up!”
“Oh.. Th’fuck? Who- who that is?” He grunted out.
“It’s me you fuckin’ clown!”
“Who the fuck else?”
“Why are you-”
He was abruptly yanked out of bed, thudding to the floor with a small “oof”.
“Get up you punk bitch!”
“Franklin what the fuck-”
He was grabbed again, tossed back onto his bed. Franklin straddled him, shaking Lamar by the collar.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He said, Lamar getting another slap to the face.
“What in the fresh fuck is you talkin’-” Another slap.
“15 fuckin’ missed phone calls! 15! Are you fuckin’ nuts?!”
Lamar’s eyes practically popped out of his head. 15? What the fuck did he say to him?
“I did what-”
Franklin shook him even harder by his shirt, stretching the material out. He was straining his voice now.
“You had me worried like fuckin’ crazy! I thought you was in some sorta fuckin’ trouble again! You blew my phone up when I told yo ass not to, and then didn’t fuckin’ pick up after I heard the first couple special messages you left me!”
Oh God. This was it. He told Franklin everything, didn’t he? The color drained from his face.
“Oh fuck me..” He mumbled, putting a hand over his eyes.
“What?!” Franklin yelled, shaking him again. Lamar’s head was pounding.
“Franklin.. what.. what I say on there? I barely remember a thing, let alone callin’ yo ass.”
“You seriously don’t fuckin’ remember?!”
“Yeah. Seriously, man.”
Franklin slid off of him, putting a palm to his face. He breathed through his nose hard, trying to calm down. Lamar realized he was drenched from the small downpour outside. Pellets of rain thumped against the window as a reminder that the storm never went away.
“You.. fuck, man. You started sayin’ all this shit about how bad a fuckin’ friend you was. That you, you was hidin’ all this shit and couldn’t live another day without tellin’ me.”
Okay. Good. He didn’t tell him the truth.
“You told me you wanted to die dog. Didn’t realize yo dumbass was safe n sound asleep in yo fuckin’ bed.”
“…’Oh’? Is that really all you have to say?!”
“F, I was jus’ drunk. It was dumb of me, I know, but I.. It’s nothing, okay?”
“Don’t do this shit to me man! I’ve already dealt with enough of yo fuckin’ schemes n shit-”
“It’s 3 am! You had Chop barkin’ his Goddamn head off the whole night!”
“Then I race my ass over here to find yo drunkass self passed out in bed-”
“What! What?! You finally gonna put yo two cents in for once?”
“Stop yelling. My head hurts like a bitch right now.”
“Good! I’m fuckin’ glad because I know mine does as well you fuckin’ asshole!”
Lamar looked pathetically up at him. This was getting out of hand. He let it go on for too long.
“Why did you come here then?” He croaked.
“Because you were fuckin’ sobbin’ into the phone! All I heard was you cryin’ like mad fuckin’ crazy and it scared me. You don’t ever do that shit, not even when you fucked up.”
“How much I say?”
“I got the first message pretty fuckin’ clear, the rest was jus’ incoherent bullshit. I barely got through the second one before speedin’ on over. You sounded hurt n shit, I thought something happened. I thought you was a goner.”
“No weird shit though right? I ain’t say nothin’ bad?”
“What? Lamar, what the fuck are you on about? I just told you what yo ass cried out to me! I couldn’t even understand any of the other messages!”
“Okay, okay. That’s.. good I guess.”
“That’s good? Fuckin’ hell, why did I come here? You- ugh!”
“Franklin. Can you jus’ sit down before you pop a fuckin’ blood vessel? You stressin’ for nothin’.”
If anything, Lamar should be the one stressing right now. He had been so close to confessing without knowing. Franklin sat next to him, arms crossed.
“I’m sorry that I scared you. I didn’t mean to.”
“Well good fuckin’ job, you accomplished that real well didn’t you.” He said, sarcastically applauding him.
“I thought you were cutting me off for good homie. You think I was gon’ let that happen?”
“Lamar, that still ain’t a good reason to freak me out like that in the middle of the night.”
“It’s only cuz you hadn’t been listenin’ to me bro. I’ve been wanting to tell you somethin’ so badly lately and I never.. got the chance.”
“Then do pray fuckin’ tell LD, what the fuck is so important that you had to do this shit to me at 3 AM!”
“Franklin man, c’mon-”
“No! Don’t start!”
Franklin stood, heading for the door as he spoke. He stopped in the threshold.
“Tell me what the fuck is goin’ on with you, or I’m leavin’ yo sad ass here to wallow. I mean it L.”
“Don’t be like that. Please man. I want to, but I-”
“Jus’ fuckin’ tell me! Why won’t you tell me?!”
“I dragged my ass all the way over here for nothin’ didn’t I? You ain’t dead, you ain’t sayin’ shit, you jus’ bein’ so- ugh! Fuck!” He threw his hands up, exiting Lamar’s bedroom.
“I’m done man, fuck this.”
“Franklin wait- don’t go-” He pleaded.
Franklin did nothing but leave him stranded again, thunder rolling far in the distance. Lamar ran after him as he walked out the door, hearing the rain heavily hit the pavement. His mind was racing far ahead of him. Franklin was leaving, he was leaving for good, and he couldn’t. He can’t. That’s not how it’s supposed to work. Franklin can’t do that, he can’t-
His mind had gone so far away, that he didn’t even realize that he had tackled Franklin to the ground. The two of them fell to the ground with a loud splat, followed by sounds of pain.
“Lamar what the fuck?!”
“Don’t go! Fuckin’ hell, I gotta chase yo ass and for what?!”
“Get off me dog!”
“No!” Franklin was pinned beneath him. The raindrops that rolled off of Lamar hit him in the face.
It reminded Lamar of when they were younger, playing football or whatever sport they could outside even as the deluge soaked them both to the bone. The roles had been reversed, with Franklin constantly knocking him down onto the grassy sludge. They got quite an earful from Lamar’s mom as they tracked mud in the house upon returning. It was a memory amongst many that stuck with him like glue. Those memories couldn’t go away. Franklin couldn’t go away.
Tears mixed in with the rain as he yelled out to him.
“You fuckin’ idiot! Why you makin’ this shit so hard for me?! You keep leavin’ before I can even finish!”
Franklin struggled to break free from Lamar’s grip on his wrists, huffing as he looked away.
“Look at me!” Lamar shouted, grabbing his face with a free hand.
“I didn’t wanna fuckin’ tell you like this, but Jesus Christ! For fucks sake you stubborn asshole-”
He was doing it. He bit the fucking bullet.
“You know how we got into that fuckin’ argument last week? When I told you that I was dealin’ with that whole love thing, I wasn’t talkin’ about yo Aunt, a hoe, nobody else! I was talkin’ about you!”
Lamar threw himself off of him, stumbling backwards. Franklin propped himself onto his elbows. He finally said it. He said it, and he was far from finished.
“But you didn’t wanna fuckin’ listen! And now I’ve fucked our friendship over for a second time! All because of you! This whole thing has been drivin’ me fuckin’ insane lately, and I couldn’t do shit about it! I tried so, so hard to avoid this, but nothin’ ever goes my way, huh?! Every time I think a plan of mine’ll work, it doesn’t! You know why?!”
Opening his arms wide, he spoke loud and clear, finishing his rant.
“Lemme remind you: I’m Lamar fuckin’ Davis! The biggest fuckin’ fool, fuckin’ clown, fuckin’ whatever you wanna call me! Lamar Davis, the most naïve bitch on the planet! Fuck me for thinking that this would ever go well!”
Now it was his turn to leave. But he didn’t go back into his house. His legs moved for him, walking in no particular direction. He just needed to get away from Franklin, not caring about how damp his clothes were now. He was shaking, and he didn’t know if it was from the rain or the range of emotions he was flying through.
He could hear a pair of sneakers squishing behind him. Franklin was running, and he was catching up fast.
“Ay Lamar! Get back here!”
Oh fuck. He was chasing after him now. That’s not good. Lamar started running himself, not caring about possibly slipping and falling on his ass. Only a few hours ago, he had told himself he couldn’t be without Franklin. Now all he wanted to do was run away.
Fuck fuck fuck.
He wasn’t fast enough. The second time they hit the ground, Lamar had the wind knocked right out of him, the duo splashing right into a puddle. Hands gripped his shoulders, flipping him around.
There were only a few instances in his life where Lamar felt small. He’d always been big in character, big in height, and according to him, big in other ways. But this was one of those moments where he couldn’t help but flinch, wanting to collapse in on himself. He was so tired.
“If you gon’ beat my ass or somethin’ jus’ get it over with.” He sighed, shutting his eyes tight.
When he felt nothing but raindrops touch his face, he opened his eyes slowly. His heart sank when he did. Franklin was visibly upset, guilt in his eyes.
“Lamar. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
A wave of déjà vu washed over him. Oh. So that’s what precognition meant. Motherfucking psychic lady.
“You should’ve jus’ told me man.”
“I tried dog. You wouldn’t hear me out.”
“Cuz I.. I thought you got with someone. I didn’t wanna hear it straight from yo mouth if you was.”
He shifted up, Frank sitting in his lap.
“Y’know I always thought that.. Part of me jus’ kinda thought that it’d always be the two of us. I’m never gonna get Tanisha back.. but you..”
Franklin looked away.
“You a crazy ass loyal motherfucker man. You stuck by my side no matter what, and some dumbass part of me was convinced that you… I mean fuck, so many times I thought you would jus’ flat out say something. Somethin’ so I could stop waiting for the one other person I had known forever to just say that they fuckin’ loved me like that.”
Lamar blinked, rainwater getting into his eyes. It wasn’t quite as serene as his dream had been, nor was it verbatim, but Lamar didn’t care. There was something about the way the water droplets sat along Franklin’s face, highlighted by a streetlight behind him that made him look angelic.
“When you started actin’ all weird it jus’.. made me so fuckin’ mad man. I thought you was gon’ pick someone else over me. Jus’ like Tanisha did.”
“So why didn’t you jus’ say somethin’ sooner? I waited. Hell, I don’t even know why I did at first.”
“But now I’m realizin’ you must not have even noticed yoself what you was feelin’, when I fuckin’ did. I noticed and you didn’t and-”
Lamar grabbed him by the face, grip surprisingly strong after being in the rain.
“How many times do I gotta say yo name for you to hear me?”
The rain kept falling, never slowing for either one of them. Yet, it felt like time stopped. Lamar chuckled lightly.
“Franklin Clinton and Lamar Davis. Two of the dumbest motherfuckers in LS. Homies for life.”
“Yeah. Homies for life.”
His hands never left Franklin’s face. He pressed their foreheads together, lowering his voice.
“I love you, bum ass bitch.”
“Yeah yeah. I love you too.”
He kissed the top of his head, moving his hands down to embrace him in a tight hug. When was the last time they did this? As he thought it over, he could hear Franklin’s voice muffled against his chest.
“Don’t scare me like that again. Next time save us both the trouble n jus’ spill yo heart out. Dramatic motherfucker.”
The words had no malice in them, Lamar feeling him smile as he said it. He kissed him once more, and they just sat in the rain, feeling it bathe them in fond memories.
//plz listen to remember the rain by 21st century it’s so good 💔😭 anyway ya i decided to end it on a sorta happy note !!!!! franklin is a stubborn guy smh,, sorry for any typos lol also i rlly had no idea where i wanted to go with this so sorry if it’s weird or whatever
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10 reasons why a poorly adjusted adult Dib is a Valid headcanon
1. Dib is/was a neglected child
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Dib doesn’t have a parent that he can lean on and go talk to for advice, his father is frequently out of the picture and doesn’t give a shit about the thing that Dib cares about. Dib is actively encouraged by his neglectful father to give up on it, actually. I believe this would make Dibs stubborn streak really bitter and spiteful. Most people reading this are LGBTQ+, I assume I don’t need to explain how a fucked up an isolated upbringing, or being unable to be yourself around a parent, hurts you in the long run. 
2. Dib is bullied for the things he is passionate about, and being bullied heavily colours your perception of other people 
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The world of Invader Zim is not kind, Dib is frequently harassed by his classmates/superiors/family for his outbursts/lectures/overall investigator shtick. 
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Now you might say “but, Screaming, wouldn’t Dib learn to tone it down as he got older?” and YEAH. Probably! But does that mean that he would just forgive all the people that made his life horrible before that point? Or who socially ostracized him for the things he’d done in the past? No. No one is under any  obligation to forgive anyone who hurt them, and I think Dib wouldn’t even try to forgive someone he saw as intellectually inferior 
3. Dib is a selfish rich kid
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Dib is selfish. He wants to be the protector of earth- but he doesn’t do it for earths sake. He’s clearly doing it as a cry for attention/ a reason to eventually be vindicated for being spit on by his own kind.  I don’t think he would have genuine empathy for other people. If he did have it, it’d have to be something he had to work really hard at. However, I don’t see Dib putting much effort into understanding other humans. 
Dib is rich (probably). This one being more of a headcanon- in the series Dib wants for no material object, he wastes technology on his explorations like it’s something he can just pick up from the dollar store, his father is a world renowned scientist with access to crazy technology and the ears of world leaders. I think he’d feel entitled to one or two things 
4. Gaz is not her brothers keeper. 
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She’s not responsible for his mental health, she’s not responsible for keeping him in line and “normal”. Most of the time she doesn’t want a damn thing to do with him. If we’re going by the standards of the IZ tv show, the only times that Gaz interfered with Dibs paranormal investigations were when Professor M. Was also involved. Either she wanted to see her dad and Dibs antics were getting in the way (forcing her to intervene), or she was directly ordered by their dad to keep Dib out of trouble.  Sure, you could argue that she would beat the shit out of Dib for doing something she didn’t like- but that wouldn’t “fix” the mind of a very stubborn person. It might even make them dig their heels in even deeper out of spite and bitterness as a “fuck you I’m right you’re wrong” 
Furthermore, as Gaz gets older she’s going to have her own life to worry about and might stop tolerating the way Prof. M uses her as a middle man to deal with his “poor insane son”. She’s under no obligation to fix any of the phases Dibs life might go through. If Dib was unpleasant enough, and Gaz had the resources to leave, I think she might just bail on him. 
5. Dib is arrogant 
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He's gonna do what he thinks is the best course of action unless you physically stop him from doing so. He comes from a place of thinking that he is right, the opinion of anyone else is secondary. Dib will do “what needs to be done” for “the greater good”. Whatever he thinks that “good” is. He wants to play the white knight at any cost. He cannot be in the wrong, or that bravado towards being righteous in the end crumbles. I think Dib would subscribe to a “the ends justify the means” mentality
6. Dib would harm another person to get what he wanted
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In a room with a moose, Dib debates letting himself die just to take his entire class down with him. In the unaired episode “return of Keef”, he co-operates with Zim in an attempt to make Keef explode, because he thinks Keef is irritating. Dib used Gaz to test out an ancient spell book, cursed Gaz to only taste pork, and then only helped fix the problem when threatened with physical violence. This could be the kind of thinking that gets worse over time as more people mock his attempts to save and protect them. Why care about people that don’t even give a shit if they live or die?  Dib is a smart fringe personality in his world, and the otherness that he feels for that could lead to a sociopathic way of thinking if things went bad enough 
7. Dib does not care about other peoples personal space
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Dib hides cameras in Zims house. Dib ran right past the front gate at NASA Place, Dib chased a baby big foot up a radio tower. Dib bullied Zim physically on the playground using his known weaknesses against him. Dib would do anything to get the evidence he needed to prove what he wanted to prove, and that would get him in trouble. Repeatedly
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8. Antisocial tendencies (like spending countless hours fused to a chair, or most of your young adult life spent hunched over a desk at a computer screen) make it difficult to smoothly socially integrate, and the world of Invader Zim is fuckin' mean
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You know the world he comes from is mean. However, assuming Dib did find community somewhere, who’s to say they would agree with him? Or like him? Maybe one of them would cause problems for him that were bad enough he’d have to leave. I’ve always found that the IZ portrayal of earth to be like this funny cynical parody of a dystopian police state america. If we’re going by “what can go wrong will go wrong”, Dibs social integration wouldn’t get easier without a bunch of effort on Dibs part. Maybe Dib would have to pretend to be somebody unlike himself just to get by in his day to day adult life. If we see Dibs country of residence as a police state, the world Dib grows up in would encroach heavily on his personal privacy, and that might make him even stranger via paranoia 
9. Sadistic tendencies towards anything paranormal (obsessed with the act of dominating and exposing the unknown)
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Dib is a fucking jerk to Zim (rightfully so), but Dib is a dick to pretty much every supernatural thing he comes across. Either out of an excess of enthusiasm, or using a supernatural being to further his own plans, or from an invasion of privacy, or being an irritant to the entity he’s dealing with. He LIKES to be mean to them.  He  wishes to have mastery over knowing how they work. (maybe it’s more fair to say Dib is a voyeur?)  
This is more headcanon than anything, but I don’t think it’s a stretch to say he might also want to control the paranormal for his own purposes. If Dib could say- catch a ghost in a jar so he could show it to everyone, he’d do it. If he could trick a werewolf into transforming on stage in front of a large audience? He’d do that.
10. Dib is created to be Zims equal
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Dib is as “evil” as Zim is and vice versa. Neither of them is good, or pure, or morally justified. It’s a nice little grey dynamic. Both characters think they’re entirely in the right when they act. That they often aren’t in the right is fun because then you get to write/draw/ think about how they’d react to the consequences. Dib could still totally be a hero in his own mind, despite setting an apartment block on fire to flush out a coven of litches.
The reverse of this is also true, Zim can do nice things, and occasionally be good as Dib can be good. I figure the Zim/Dib dynamic changes for everyones interpretations at least somewhat. Having Zims terrible actions rub off on Dib as their battles escalate is a really fun way to go about exploring their relationship 
11. I like the it
There is no right or wrong way to enjoy a cartoon character! Live to make yourself happy in fandom! If you ever thought you needed permission to create rancid content, I’m sorry you felt pressured not to do it. 
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You want to make a serial killer Dib?? You want to make a basement dwelling depressed zit covered Dib?? You want to make a Dib who struggles with his trauma through substance abuse?? Go HAM!! 
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hi! i’ve recently decided to rewatch all the star wars movies and take notes on them and then,,, share them with you. so if you’re even mildly interested in my star wars opinions, here you go :)
i’ll divide it into a couple categories so,,,
well start with rogue one!!
shit that made me giggle
"oh look, here’s lyra back from the dead. it’s a miracle."
everything K2 says and does. i love him and he’s perfect.
i love the continuous attempts by K2 to appear imperial and how he fails every time. not a single storm trooper or officer ever believes him when he starts running his mouth.
so sorry but bohdi getting his cable caught and trying to shake it loose is such an adorably human moment. makes me giggle every time.
i honestly thought this section would be longer, this movie made me laugh a bunch. 
stuff i don’t like or doesn’t make sense
why does jyn start believing in the rebellion? there’s no indication that she cared before they found her. there’s no real turning point that we can see. she just,,, suddenly is really into this shit. which is strange because the only reason she ever joined was because she was given a non-choice (either help or get put back in prison). i guess i can kinda see how her father dying could have changed her, but we see none of that on the ship after his death. we just get to the rebel council and all of a sudden she’s the poster girl for rebellion.
saw seems really stable at the beginning of the film, so why did he go seemingly crazy and paranoid? it’s probably explained in the novelization but that’s no excuse to just have a character go crazy with really no explanation or backstory.
that being said, a lot of the character development is pretty lacking. i don’t think i’d care about these characters nearly as much if i wasn’t already a star wars fan.
video game cut scene style general tarkin
bor gullet is supposed to make you lose your mind but bohdi was pretty much fine after like,,, a day
how does the death star,,,, move?? like i know it can but has that ever been explained? is it like little thrusters? like the ones you can see in real life to stabilize things in space? there’s nothing i can visually see. i’m not mad about it i just wanna know.
why does saw insist on staying behind? why doesn’t he come and help?? it would have been so easy to just leave but he insists on staying behind and just watching as death inches closer. i think it doesn’t make sense because we know *so little* about his character. give me more on him, make me understand.
since james earl jones is getting older, vader sounds older. was there??? nothing the audio or editing department could have done about that??? not super mad about this one just because darth vader is really cool and i’ll never really complain too much about darth vader screen time.
when the fuck did jyn become a motivational speaker??
my one gripe about pretty much every star wars movie is the sheer number of times people climb through huge shafts and jump around and shit and they’re always *fine*. no way they wouldn’t fall to their deaths in any normal situations.
can someone?? check the science of the hammerhead corvette?? because there’s no gravity or weight in space right?? theoretically all you gotta do is give that star destroyer a bump and it’s spinning out, right?? i know absolutely nothing about space physics but i gotta be right. maybe i’m wrong. i dunno. i’m dumb as rocks. hear that baby girl?? it’s the spare change rattling around in my skull. i got pennies where my brain is.
absolutely no fucking shot cassian survived a blaster hit AND that fall AND climbed out. my belief simply cannot be suspended that much.
why doesn’t vader just,,, force grab the plans. i know he sees them. why not just force stop the guy running away with them??
final note now that the movie is over. yes, it’s got a lot of issues. the plot is ehhh at times. the trailers don’t match up with the movie shots AT ALL (i wanna know what happened behind the scenes with that). the character development is lacking in many major ways (that has not stopped me from loving these characters though, but that’s the autism talking). but like i’ll say in the "stuff i liked" section, this is such a damn cool movie. i was once talking about it with an older friend of mine and he said seeing rogue one in theaters felt like watching the original trilogy in theaters back in the 70s and 80s and honestly that’s such a compliment. i love this movie, i really do.
just cool shit,,, you know the vibe
krennic is probably one of my favorite imperial officers. for some reason he just really sells it for me, the evil and manipulation that borderlines in try hard. and (i mention it more later because you see it more in the "choke on your aspirations" scene) beyond that just the fact that he’s?? a guy. just a dude. at any given moment he could be described as just hanging out. but he’s trying so hard (for whatever reason, we don’t know his evil motivations) to be this big bad evil dude. and it’s just interesting to see someone *trying* to be imperial and *trying* to be evil, as opposed to a tarkin-type character who’s just naturally an asshole.
i love the rogue one main theme. don’t even talk to me. it’s so cool.
it’s cool to see more about the birth of the death star, seeing other people learn about it. sort of realizing the fear and terror that everyone must have been experiencing. especially after being a star wars fan for so long and being like, yeah it’s the death star it’s just a staple of this universe. it reminds me that "oh god this was a planet killer and this was the first time something like that had ever even been heard of".
there’s gorgeous visuals in this movie.
i like the "i’m wanted in 12 systems" guy cameo (did you know his name is cornelius? i googled it)
when the storm trooper asks for papers?? like fuck yeah show me what life is like under imperial rule. give me that shit.
chirrut is so badass i’ll never get over it
"i’m one with the force and the force is with me" i’m eating that shit UP! salivating over the meal in front of me. i really want more exploration of the guardians and jedi worship in general. like gimme that weird funky space religion.
seeing an at-st just walk around a town. i dunno i like that shit.
K2 saying sorry for hitting cassian. i’m so soft on this robot.
"clear of hostiles,,,, ONE HOSTILE"
jyn stepping in front of K2 to protect him after she (not ten minutes ago) made the comment “i’m just afraid they’ll miss you and hit me”. jyn,,, your soft side is showing,,,,
i like the cool machine blaster that baze has. it’s awesome seeing different blaster styles when originally the only variation we really saw was chewie’s cross bow style blaster.
i really wanna see more of baze and cirruit. i wanna know what happened that made baze stop believing. i wanna know how they met. i wanna see them evolve and grow together.
i like that jyn argues that 16 is too young to be a solider (she’s 21 in the movie). i like that she’s mad that she’s young and has been put in a position to protect herself and then later save the galaxy. (for context: luke and leia were 19 in a new hope. anakin is 19 in attack of the clones, ~22 when he became darth vader, and rey is 19 in force awakens. stop putting the fate of the galaxy in the hands of people who are *barely* adults)
the testing of the death star is awesome. love seeing wicked cool space weapons. when it blocks out the sun? ominous as hell fuck yeah.
it’s interesting that baze says cassian doesn’t look like a killer, that "he has the face of a friend", when one of the first things we saw him do was kill a man. i think about that a lot. does that say more about baze’s ability to read people or does it say more about who cassian is deep down, beyond what he’s done to serve the rebellion?
cassian’s relationship with death and killing is very interesting. you could argue that cassian is just as brainwashed and deep in the rebellion as anyone imperial. i really hope it’s something that gets explored in his stand alone show. he mentions he’s lost everything and has been a rebel since he was 6. gimme cassian andor backstory.
"careful not to choke on your aspirations director" is probably some of the most dramatic-anakin-skywalker shit i’ve ever seen vader do
i like seeing rebel infighting. so often it seems there’s always general consensus about what the rebellion wants, but it’s good to see that they don’t always agree on how to rebel.
i love the consistent "found family" rebel alliance shit in these movies. it makes my dick so hard.
okay i totally get that the empire is evil, i really do, but rogue one (and lots of moments in the sequels) really reminds me how fucking cool some of their shit is. like death troopers? imperial droids like K2? the base on scarif? vader’s castle on mustafar and his bacta tank?? fuck me UP.
i loved hearing the troopers doing their dumb small talk about the T-15s on the beach.
i think ben mendelssohn is perfect for the role of krennic, no notes there. he’s just like?? a guy and he’s doing everything he can to fit into this evil role and he just wants to be like this big bad imperial boy on campus. i don’t know. i don’t have the words right now to express how fuckin awesome he is. i’ll write an essay about it later.
fucking love me some female fighter pilots. the women of star wars are so badass. doing justice to my return of the jedi ladies.
i think a whole lot about jyn giving K2 a blaster. the way he takes it and looks at it and holds it so gently. i think that’s the first time a human has trusted him with a blaster since his reprogramming. he seems so appreciative of that trust.
i love seeing the faces of baze and the other rebels when a few of the x-wings show up and take down an at-at. i’m so very soft for the relationship between these rebels. not to be cliche, but the *hope* that they have. it’s so moving. this movie is just so full of that quintessential rebel feeling.
hey so i’m super emotional about the death of K2 okay? because in the novelizations you learn that in the last second k2 had before a full shut down, he ran a simulation where cassian lived and even though he knew it was impossible, it made him happy. FURTHERMORE K2 is very well known and his name is often listed along side jyn’s in terms of talking about the history of the rebellion.
chirrut and baze’s deaths are so important to me. we know they’re best friends, and even though we don’t know how long they’ve been together, they love each other so deeply. chirrut being the path for baze to return to the force? touching. i so wish these dumb force husbands could have had more screen time. baze calling chirrut back?? chirrut telling him to find him in the force?? baze looking to see the man he loves one more time before he dies??reminds me of the silken quote about dying in your best friends arms because it’s all you know. anywho,,, if star wars canon has any mercy then these two lovers are force ghosts together rn. don’t care how you feel or whether you "ship" them or not. love comes in so many forms and they encompass all that love.
terribly sorry but i think about those two star destroyers colliding with the rogue one main theme playing over it every day. it’s,,,,, so,,,, ( ´∀`)
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again BEN MENDELSSOHN??? UH YEAH
krennic watching his weapon (his beautiful, successful weapon) power up and kill him,,, the poetic justice of it all,,,,
any time anyone says "may the force be with you" i dunno maybe it’s my religious trauma but i’m head over heels for that good shit
the star destroyer coming out of hyper space as the rebels are escaping and some of the ships hit the destroyer?? one of my favorite things in the new star wars movies is directors and writers saying "oh this can totally happen" and they DO IT
jyn mentioning earlier in the film that she isn’t used to people sticking around when shit hits the fan and then dying in the arms of cassian?? because he stayed?? and for the first time she has someone??
in that same vein: cassian also says earlier in the film that he lost everything too. his connection with jyn is also important to him, just as important as it is to jyn. they need each other. i can’t remember who on this hellsite said it, but someone mentioned that they hope the stand alone cassian stuff coming out doesn’t make him this swindling playboy who fucks around a bunch. i think having him as more of like?? a mandolorian type character would be really cool. like he’s a rebel assassin: make him one. make him independent and badass and cool and DONT give him a bunch of romantic or sexual interests because then that downplays the clear love he had developing for jyn. again LOVE COMES IN FORMS BEYOND BASIC SHIPS. and there’s a lot of love in star wars.
i’ve said it a million times but vader is so cool and over and over again this movie reminded me that he’s actually so scary. i saw star wars for the first time when i was 6 and i can’t remember my initial reaction to him, but i’ve definitely (like with the death star) been desensitized to the fact that if i was in star wars, darth vader would scare the shit out of me. he’s *scary* and that’s cool. i liked seeing vader effortlessly go fucking mad on these rebels. then you understand why they were so scared in that first scene of a new hope.
no i absolutely will not get over the vader scene. i won’t. his saber turning on. his force abilities. his effortless lightsaber work. the choral music over the scene with the hectic orchestra. don’t touch me i’m emotional.
i loved seeing leia. it touches me so deeply every time.
fuck i love this movie despite all its faults.
if you’ve made it this far, thank you!! i hope you enjoyed. please remember that this is totally a safe space for all star wars opinions and you can feel free to disagree with me! i’d love to hear what some of you thought :))
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Among Us MSA
AO3 Link (There’s a bunch of headcanons in the notes of the ao3 version!)
Vivi rounds the table with her cyan avatar, her space dog hot on her heels. She stops just short of the wiggling orange avatar and speaks in her most intense voice, into the mic on her cat-eared headset. "Look at me-- look at me in my helmet eyes!! Look at-- stop laughing this is super serious and important Artie! — Look at me in my hat eyes and tell me I’m wrong to be sus of you. No-! Don't just say it! You have to look at me! Move directly in font of me! Touch my space head with yours! Okay good— now tell me; did you do a murder?"
Arthur, fighting to not crack up as his character touches hats with Vivi's, responds after a moment. "I didn't— haha—  i didn't do a murder Vivi i swear—."
"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU." Vivi nearly topples out of her chair as she vibrates along with her character.
"Vivi– ghkk—" Arthur struggles to keep from breaking out into laughter. "— Vivi please—."
"Vivi I swear I didn't do it man I'm innocent I was just doing the scan and wires and shit—."
"A likely story!!" She's grinning ear to ear and flapping her hands. " That's what the killer would say!!"
"I got scanned in front of you-- you saw the thingy do that thing!" Arthur is still laughing and it laces every word.
"You're just trying to fool me!" Vivi huffs into her mic. "Animations are off, remember? So you could be lying! And the lights went out riiiight as you were in the middle of doing the thing! Pretty dang sus! And you're laughing now? That sounds like something an imposter would do."
"Vivi I'm gonna eat you I swear—" Arthur's chortles peal out harder— and he chokes on one as Vivi's character slams the emergency button. "What the hell are you doing I swear you're gonna fuckin' yeet me into space and I'm not even the bad guy come on—."
"I don't trust Artie!" Vivi announces to the other two instead of answering. "He was with me in med bay and I'm pretty sure the vent in there leads right to cams— where Chloe died!"
"Vi no I swear—."
"Nope! I have the mic! It's my talky time!" Vivi shakes her head with fervor, before remembering they can't see her. "I'm sure it's gotta be him! The lights went out, the vent connects, and I had seen him get on the scanner and then I did my samples. And when I closed the screen he was standing off it! Too soon to count!"
"That does seem fairly suspicious, Arthur. And Vivi does sound rather confident as well." Mystery hums. "Lewis?"
There was a long pause before Lewis answered. " –Sorry. I was muted to drink. But... uh. But yeah. It kinda does. And Vivi is pretty good at this game. I don't know where any of the vents go. So… she probably knows best? I'll defer to her."
"You guys suck!" Arthur grumbles, but in a lighthearted way. "If you vote me, you're gonna lose! I swear I'm not the imposter and Chloe is probably yelling that at her screen right fucking now."
"That's what an imposter would say!" Vivi crows as she repeats what she’d said earlier, a little too loud in her excitement. She drops her voice again. "Your ass is grass, Imposter Kingsmen. Space grass." Her grin widens when the votes are tallied, and all three are for Arthur.
"All I can say is fuck y'all, and have fun dying. Also I'm gonna get a slice of pizza so brb." Arthur mutes as his character was ejected.
'Arthur was not An Imposter' flashes across the screen as his tiny orange body floats out into space. The other two began to curse and panic as Vivi gasps loudly into her mic. "Oh shit--!"
Then she glances at her name, written in red, and smirks.
Lewis was right. She was very good at this game~.
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absentmotive · 3 years
deep breath i’ll do my best to keep from posting about spoilers but if i feel like i can’t avoid, i’ll put it under a read more and THAT will be your ONLY WARNING not to read to avoid spoilers.
alright so i’ve been pumped and excited for scream 5 since they announced it was happening. over all impression of the movie was...it was good. it def’ kept you on the edge of your seat, constantly revising your “who done it” suspect list, but it just, it lacked something. maybe it’s because i got my hopes up for SOMEONE to come back because it would have made much more sense than what actually happened. and since i know myself, the rest is going under a read more ‘cause i need to talk about it lol
normally i don’t vibe with canon characters getting random kids, but given how billy was very much sex / touched starved, it did not surprise me that sam was his kid. so i wasn’t too concerned with it and i do love that they showed how psychosis can be hereditary but can be treated.
my biggest gripe is richie and amber ( amber annoyed the fuck outta me to begin with like...i was waiting for her to get sliced and diced. ) i had somewhat high hopes in that they wouldn’t recycle the whole “it’s the boyfriend” or “best friend” trope, but they did. and the biggest thing that rips my nips is the motive these two dumbshits had to revive ghostface after a decade even though it does show that fans / fandoms can be fuckin’ weird and people can take things too far.
but the whole “we’re making our own movie ‘cause the last one sucked” thing is just...c’mon. scream 4 was barely hanging on by a thread ( if you know me, you know i don’t like emma roberts and her being in the film killed it for me to begin with, but the jealous cousin / family member wanting fame was boring. ) but the whole stab 8 being shit...okay who the fuck cares about a fake movie within the actual film?! like i don’t care if they kept making stab films as time went on. we already know hollywood likes to recycle *stares at camera* plots, characters, themes, etc. we didn’t need a half hour to listen to two wannabes explain their weak ass motive.
you know what would have been better and made way more sense? FUCKIN’ STU MACHER COMING BACK because the biggest horror movie thing didn’t happen; we didn’t get a confirmed kill nor saw the body. there is SO MUCH they could have done with stu coming back and being the killer.
it’s no secret that billy was popular while alive and he certainly gained more interest when he died. but what about stu? stu is hardly ever mentioned other than “billy and his friend” whenever someone speaks about the murders so it would have made perfect fuckin’ sense if precious stu came back, went after everyone ( don’t ask me why he’d go after his own nephew other than the fact of not knowing who vince was / could have been ) that was related to an original victim / survivor to get sidney’s attention and remind her that she didn’t shoot him in the head like she did with billy as she should have done ‘cause come on...that tv had a 50/50 chance of doing the job.
also, going back to amber freeman, yOU’RE GONNA LOOK ME IN THE EYE AND TELL ME A LITERAL CHILD KILLED A GROWN ASS FUCKIN’ MAN?! it was some fuckin’ horseshit in how dewey died and i just don’t fuckin’ accept it. not one goddamn bit. she literally double fisted stabbed this man and somehow managed to fillet him. like our man died in vain and fOR WHAT?! JACKSHIT THAT’S WHAT.
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so in closing, the only upside to this whole thing was that i got to see my boy billy / skeet once more on the big screen. even if he was a hallucination for his daughter sam. and sidney has aged like fine wine and we stan a queen. also randy would have been very proud of his niece and nephew, Mindy and Chad, especially Mindy as she’s basically randy’s mini me.
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doomednarrative · 3 years
I’m doing this for fun simply because I'm rewatching them all so,
Here's my personal ranking for Every Gorillaz Music video, based both on song and the video itself:
(This is going to be a long post)
Tomorrow Comes Today: 7/10. I love this song and the video fits its vibe, but its still pretty simplistic and not a whole lot of actual animation and no story, so it gets points off for that.
Clint Eastwood: 10/10. I love this one honestly. Its still so charming after all this time and showcases the band well for their early days. Love the more moody tone of it, and I always love seeing the band actually play instruments in their videos too. Bonus points for Murdoc's laugh opening this one because I love that.
Rock The House: 9/10. Pure fun. I don't have a lot of commentary for it, I just think its fun and I love the song itself too. One point off for Murdoc thrusting his hips too many times for my eyes tho.
19-2000: 10/10. This one was the first Gorillaz video that I saw and it really is just a nice non plot connected video. The 3D animation still manages to hold up because of its mix with 2D animation in my opinion and I enjoy it.
Rockit: 5/10. I like the song but the video is kinda meh.
PHASE ONE MV'S OVERALL: Overall I like phase one and I miss Del. Bring him back.
Dirty Harry: 8/10. 2D is just vibing so hard in this video and I'm living for it. That’s all that matters. (Side note but I love the version of this video they did for the BRIT's as well.)
DARE: 10/10. Noodles time to shine, a perfect song, what more could you ask for?? (Also love the bit with Murdoc at the end of course.)
Feel Good Inc: 10/10. This one is obvious if you know me at all. Murdoc playing his bass is what sells this one for me cause I enjoy the animation. The songs amazing and one I find comforting to listen to, and the mood of the video fits it perfectly. Theres some really fun shots with lighting while 2D is standing at the window too in the tower in here that I've always liked.
El Mañana: 6/10. I love this song but it makes me sad and so does the video.
PHASE TWO MV'S OVERALL: Phase One is iconic for its art style and for being The Beginning, but Phase Two is my favorite of the two for its art. I love how these videos are animated, and even if Demon Dayz is my least favorite album, the songs in these videos are all very good. Pretty solid as a whole all things considered.
Stylo: 10/10 LISTEN, I KNOW SOME PEOPLE HATE THE CGI, BUT I LOVE IT. It’s so expressive, this song is one of my absolute faves, I’m sorry to be such a Murdoc liker but hes so much fun in this video and so expressive and it starts the story off for Plastic Beach. I love it so much.
On Melancholy Hill: 7/10. It’s not a bad video, and I love the song a lot, but...not a lot actually happens in the video aside from the bits with Noodle. Bonus points however go to just how seamlessly it puts 2D and 3D animation together, and for how cute 2D looks this whole video.
Rhinestone Eyes: 9/10. WOULD BE A 10/10 IF WE’D GOTTEN OFFICIAL ANIMATION FOR IT ;-; (The fan animated video for it tho is Very very good and i applaud that whole team.) Amazing song, this video has the most story packed into it so far from all the other videos and it’s memorable from its storyboards for that alone.
Doncamatic: 10/10 Listen...Listen I know its a one off and it doesn't really have anything in it but I’m obsessed because its one of my favorite Gorillaz songs tbh and I love Daley’s outfit in it so it gets a full pass from it.
PHASE THREE MV’S OVERALL: I love every video this phase tbh, none of them are bad. All of them are fun,and even if Melancholy Hill is a little slow, it’s still enjoyable. I love this phase because they all connect and I know I’m not the only one who feels that way either.
Hallelujah Money: 7/10. It’s not at all bad, but I’m as not fond of this song, and the video itself is much too trippy for me. Still has its own merits tho that I won’t knock it for even if it’s not my personal taste.
Saturn Barz: 10/10. Everything about this video is amazing. Character designs and as a comeback for the bands animated counterparts, it was perfect. I loved hearing them actually speak again too it made the whole thing so fun. The song is fuckin awesome and it fits the vibe of the whole video. Bonus points for the more lineless animation style they gave everyone in this video, it was a really neat change from past phases. My one complaint is again stop making me see so much naked Murdoc, I may like him but not like that.
Sleeping Powder: 6/10. I am so split when it comes to the mo cap models. This songs good but the video is again too trippy for me.
Strobalite: 9/10. Would have been 10/10 if Russel got to dance with 2D and Noodle, but other than that its pretty damn good. The mo cap looks way less awkward in here, particularly Murdoc and Russel. Also hilarious that Murdoc made a deal with the devil, and the guy who played him is actually his voice actor irl. This songs too much fun to vibe to as well.
PHASE FOUR MV’S OVERALL: Not much for story, but makes up for it in updated art and great music again. Solid overall yet again. I like it.
Humility: 20/10. Literally every single person I know who’s seen this video loved it. The animation is Beautiful, the song is so fuckin catchy, Jack Black is in it! What more do you want!! (The only thing I could have asked for was to see more of Ace but that’s its only flaw.)
Tranz: 9/10. I love this song so much but this video is Again just a little too trippy for me. However, we get to see Ace just jamming out in this video and I’ll take the trippiness just for that.
PHASE FIVE MV’S OVERALL: I was surprised there wasn't at least one more video for this phase honestly? I feel like Kansas or Souk Eye would have made for great videos for this phase. That aside tho, both the videos it does have are a lot of fun. My literal only complaint is that I wanted to see more of Ace. Bring him back in the future.
Momentary Bliss: 8/10. This songs fine, but what sells it for me is the video is more slice of life/a day in the life of the studio. I’m always a fan of those moments. Bonus points goes to Murdoc trying to fuckin poison Jamie and it backfiring on him.
Désolé: 10/10: ooooh this song is so beautiful...I love it so much. 2D Noodle and Russel got to have such a fun time in this video and they deserve it. And poor Murdoc, having his little sad times by his asshole self. I love him but I think he deserved it. The others needed a good break from the bullshit and I’m glad they got it.
Aries: 6/10. Video itself is kinda boring, but the song is nice. Murdoc deserved to be left behind in Désolé after what he tried to pull here.
Friday the 13th: 3/10. I don’t care for this video and I really don’t care for the song. Not much else to say.
PAC-MAN: 6/10. Video’s fine, I like some of the little details in it, but it’s nothing special. The song itself is nice tho, super calming, I like it.
The Pink Phantom: 5/10 I just don’t really care for this song?? I like Elton John but I couldn’t get myself to like this one no matter how many times I’ve listened. 2D got to be happy in this video tho so I’ll give it a pass.
The Valley of the Pagans: 6/10. This song fuckin slaps but the video feels like a boring redo of 19-2000 except for it’s ending. It gets points for giving everyone Plastic Beach feelings at the end and hyping up the video after it.
The Lost Chord: 20/20. Y’all knew this was coming. This was something I’d BEEN hoping for story wise and I finally got it. Was it maybe a little rushed? Yes. But GOD it was such a nice thing to see them say “hey we’ve wrapped up this part of the story for good and want everyone to move on from it, so we’ve given it a properly acknowledged final send off.” And tangibly seeing everyone's emotions laid out about the island and their times there was very nice. And  I know Jamie and Damon have stated Murdoc is irredeemable, blah blah yes I know hes an asshole still, but I WILL think about Murdoc in this video and how he seemed actually regretful and what that means to me and the fact that it was no one else but 2D himself being the one to reach out to Murdoc in the end to save him until my dying breath, thank you very much. And this song?? Fuckin beautiful, it had those Plastic Beach vibes again and felt good for it’s send off song, I love it.
PHASE SIX MV’S OVERALL: I may be a little split on some of them and on Song Machine as a whole, but tbh I love the phase six art style so much and most times the videos were pretty good. Bringing back PB in the end was something I always wanted too so it really does get bonus points from me for that. I’m 50/50 on them overall. The great ones are great, and the meh ones are just kinda boring, so it evens out in the end.
Do Ya Thing: 10/10. I’ve said before I love the 3D animation and the slice of life stuff, so this one’s obviously a favorite, and you really cant go wrong with an Andre 3000 feature either. 
Superfast Jellyfish: 3/10. This song is kinda fun but I don’t give a single shit about the music video.
Garage Palace: 8/10. Very fun pixel visuals for a change along with a killer song, super enjoyable.
So what’s my final verdict on Gorillaz and their long music video history?
Honestly for a group thats been going as long as they have, I dont think they have too many misses in their catalog. The ones that aren’t as fun are just kinda there, but the videos that really stand out stand out far above the ones that don’t hit the mark as well and in the end it all feels like a good balance. No band has a perfect video every time, but the ones that Gorillaz did well they did amazing on and I enjoy it immensely when that happens.
Sidenotes after watching all of those:
For the love of god please put Russel in the videos more, please, he deserves it and I would love to see him more.
And speaking of characters to bring back, I want Ace to come back and join Murdoc sometimes, even if its only once or twice more, I need to see them interact PLEASE.
Last note but Jamie, please, I’m begging, show less of mostly naked or fully naked of Murdoc in future videos, we’ve had our fill by now.
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