#killua zoldyk
paintbrushfrog · 3 months
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Someone I know thought it would be cool to see the main 4 all together so here they are!
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my emotional support ships as matching icons for u and bae
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jamsofdeath0 · 1 year
Clawing scratching at my wall thinking about fish inside a bird cage Alluka Zoldyke and Nanika Zoldyke.
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wooltoesocks · 1 year
oh boy a new good song im gonna listen to it so normally
*puts it on loop for 3 days*
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thanakite · 2 years
I'm always amazed at the Zoldyk family's reaction to Alluka/Nanika, because like she is so precious, I'd just let her do whatever
People be dying in the Hunter x Hunter world all the time, and as Killua points out, the family has killed way more people than Alluka/Nanika
Like just give her trustworthy people to be around and if they fuck around with it make sure to have someone they care about on hand to deal with the consequences
Why would you lock her up? Hire more trustworthy people and discipline your shithead kid to stop taking personal advantage of it
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megu-meow · 5 months
family ties - gojo satoru
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gojo x fem. reader
Summary: Satoru takes you to meet the in-laws.
The Gojo family members mentioned are named after the Zoldyk family, cuz Satoru is the grown-up version Killua. Argue with a wall on that one. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this one!
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"Please, sweetheart! I've been begging you for four years, it's time..." Gojo implores, running after you in the hallways of Jujutsu Tech like a lost puppy.
"I told you already, Satoru, I don't want to do it. You said it was ok if I didn't because you don't care what they think anyway."
"I know, but now that I proposed to you, my family wants to see you. Especially Ojiisan, he wants to meet the woman who charmed his favorite grandson." he whines as the two of you stop in front of your classroom.
"Toru, you said it yourself, all of your clan members are obsessed with you marrying someone from the big clans. We both know they will not accept a nobody like me." you explain as you rub your forehead. It wasn't that you didn't want to meet Satoru's family, but he was the one to refuse to introduce you to them in the first place. He didn't like the way they treated outsiders and he didn't want you to experience how old-fashioned and downright disgusting their beliefs and traditions were. You were better off without ever crossing paths with them, you were sure of that. However, as soon as he proposed to you, his clan members started pushing the matter, because being Satoru's wife would mean that you would get your own responsibilities in the clan, like attending meetings representing Satoru, when he was away, you would get your own vote in different matters, and lastly, the one you refused to take into consideration, you would become clan head if Satoru would ever be unable to fulfill his duties as such. It was normal for them to wish to meet you, but that didn't make it any easier.
"You will only have to meet my mom, my dad, and my grandparents. They don't care about how you are or what powers you hold as long as you love me. They will not make you feel miserable, I promise." he looks at you with those cerulean orbs that shine like rhinestones, ones you cannot say no to.
"You pinky-promise?"
"Of course, sweetheart." he says and he shows you his pinky, waiting for you to link it with yours. And you do.
The day finally arrives, a sunny Friday in April, as the Sakura blossoms. Ijichi picked up the two of you from your shared apartment early in the morning to begin your hour-long drive to the Gojo estate in suburban Tokyo.
"So your father's name is Silva?" you ask your fiance as you observe the landscape around you.
"Yes. He's kinda scary at first glance, but he would do anything to make me happy."
"Your mom's name is Kykio, right?"
"Yes, good job sweetheart! She's a kind-hearted woman, she's gonna love you for sure."
"Okay, I think I know enough about your family tree." you sigh, you really want these people to like you. You don't exactly know why, Satoru said he doesn't care what they say, he's gonna marry you anyway, but you know he loves his parents and his grandparents. Contrary to popular belief, he grew up in a loving family, he was spoiled rotten by everyone, hence his insufferable personality. However, despite how Satoru claims his family not liking you wouldn't affect him, you know it would. These people are important to him, whether he admits it or not. So you're not going to screw this up by not knowing their given names. Or by anything else.
You get dropped off in front of a massive gate that Satoru opens with ease and you're met with a pebbled road lined with Sakura trees. They are in perfect blossom, there is a sea of pink in front of you. Satoru grabs your hand in his and starts walking down the road, leading you toward where you assume the Minka is.
"Three, two, ..." you hear Satoru count back under his nose and you look at him with confusion, but as you look back to the road ahead of you a person appears, bowing in front of your fiance.
"Gojo-san, welcome back!"
"Amane, long time no see! How are you holding up?" he asks joyfully and you remember him mentioning his name before. Amane was Satoru's best friend at the estate, his cousin on his mother's side of the family.
"I'm doing good. You didn't announce your arrival, the clan is in a meeting right now."
"I know." he smirks. He timed this perfectly and you take a note to yourself to scold him for slacking off. "By the way, this is my fiance, y/n."
"Hajimemashite, y/n-san! Welcome to the Gojo Estate."
"Nice to meet you too, Amane. Please leave the honorifics, makes me feel old."
"As you wish. Please do not hesitate to call for me if you need anything. I will make sure to prepare Gojo-san's bedroom for the two of you." Amane disappears right after finishing his sentence, you couldn't even thank him for his help.
"GOJO SATORU!" you hear a deep voice shouting from afar and you feel goosebumps covering your entire body. Whoever that voice belongs to is frightening as hell. "Not only do you not show your face to a clan meeting, but you have the audacity to not announce me about my daughter-in-law coming to meet me?" you observe the tall, muscular man in front of you as he approaches with inhumane speed. He has long, wavy hair with bangs, the color identical to Satoru's, and icy blue eyes. It is Gojo Silva, Satoru's father. The cursed energy around him has a crazy strong presence, similar to Satoru's when he lets his unleash, but this one feels rougher, slightly colder.
First, he steps to his son, yanking his left ear, which results in Satoru whining like a little kid. The whole ordeal is comical, you know that his father is just messing around. After that, he looks at his son with disapproving eyes, calls him a menace and turns towards you.
"Y/n, yoroshiku! I am Gojo Silva, Satoru's father. You can call me otousan." he bows and you return the gesture with a blush on your cheeks. Satoru giggles, enjoying his father's antics. Despite being a seemingly intimidating person, Silva seems to be just as much of a goofball as Satoru. He asks you silly questions like what is your favorite dessert, how much you can eat and whether you discipline his son when he acts like an idiot. The last one causes Satoru to chirp back at his father, claiming that he called him the other night to 'change the Google logo back to the original'. As you observe the dynamic between the two you have to remind yourself that you're in the presence of the heads of the Strongest Clan in Jujutsu history.
You finally arrive in front of the house and you are greeted by a beautiful woman with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. She looks welcoming in her flowery dress and with her wide smile. Her smile resembles Satoru's, it reaches her ears and it's vibrant, like there is nothing wrong in this world. Her cursed energy is low, even lower than yours, and you're not sure if it's because she is limiting it or if she simply doesn't have much to begin with. Her aura is stronger, it is familiar and welcoming.
"Kaachan!" Satoru exclaims as he walks up to her, embracing the petite woman in a warm hug. She pats her son on the back, her eyes sparkling with the motherly love she reserves for him.
"I'm glad you're finally home, sunshine! Please don't give your father any more headaches while you're here."
"I will not, mother!" he says curtly and he suddenly snakes his arms around your hips, bringing you close to his side "By the way, this is my fiance, y/n!" he introduces you and you bow in front of his mother politely.
"I am glad to finally meet you, Kykio-san!"
"Oh, please, sweetheart, leave the honorifics. You are family, you can call me Okaasan or whatever you prefer." she says with her warm smile.
They all walk you to the family dining room, claiming that you arrived in time for supper. You're being presented with a variety of traditional Japanese dishes and you're more than excited to try everything that you like. Satoru's parents are extremely nice and calm. They ask you questions about your family, your upbringing, about Jujutsu and your time in high school. They claim they already know about every single detail of your relationship with Satoru, apparently, you're one of his favorite topics to mention when he is back home. They tell you stories about their son, how he was while growing up, what he liked and disliked, and how much of a troublemaker he was. You listen carefully to these stories, you want to remember them, to cherish them for a long time. After you finish the dishes, they are serving desserts, a whole lot of them in different assortments.
"Satoru has got a sweet tooth his whole life. His grandmother likes to prepare all kinds of deserts, even western ones so he grew up eating a copious amount of sugar." Kykio explains.
"Y/n bakes too! She makes cookies for me all the time!"
"That's not true, Toru! I've been trying to reduce his sugar intake, so now I only bake once a week." you explain and his parents look at each other knowingly, as they start laughing. You look at Satoru in confusion, but he just shakes his head, signaling that he doesn't get it either.
"Sweetheart, Satoru has been teleporting back home every week to eat desserts from his Sobo." his mother explains and you look at your fiance in disbelief. He acts like he's innocent, smiling at you widely, mouthing 'i love you'. You roll your eyes, but mouth the words back, because otherwise he would throw a fit in front of everyone.
"Where is that grandson on mine? Always causing trouble." you hear a male voice from the hallway and a pair of footsteps. The cursed energy coming from their direction is unpaired, it exceeds Silva's, maybe not Satoru's, but it still makes you uncomfortable.
"Have some decorum, Zeno. That boy has done nothing wrong in his life." a woman's voice is heard and the male grunts in disbelief.
"Typical Sobo Gojo, she always thinks Satoru is perfect." Silva explains and he lets out an obnoxious laugh, very similar to Satoru's. Now you understand where he got it from.
The doors open and you observe the cute elderly woman and the man with hair pointing toward the ceiling on her side. What is it with Gojo men and their gravity-resistant hair?!
"Satoru, do you have any idea how long it took me to convince the clan geezers to let your lady off the hook this time?" Zeno questions and looks at his grandson with an authoritative gaze.
"I'm sorry you had to do that, Ojiisan. I promise that next time, y/n will meet them as well."
"Good! Now come here, my child. I wanna see if my grandson was telling the truth about you being the most gorgeous woman to walk on this earth." he says as he gestures for you to walk up to him. You oblige as he takes your hands into his, analyzing them carefully. "Huh, truly beautiful. Your cursed energy flows nicely and you have a lot of it. You are strong, I like that." he says, drops your hands, and walks towards the table. After that, you are greeted by his grandmother, who scolds you for trying to limit her beloved grandson's insane sugar intake. However, she compliments you on your looks and politeness.
You sit back down at the table afterward, enjoying the moment of being surrounded by the Gojo family. Despite their reputation, they are all nice people. The three generations of men keep teasing each other, grandpa Zeno is a savage, making fun of both his son and grandson, he has absolutely no mercy. They keep telling you stories about Satoru like the time his grandfather shot him in the eye with a Nerf gun despite aiming at his butt. Or the time he was playing hockey inside while his parents were out and he broke the glass on his mother's favorite painting. Luckily for him, Sobo was home and she had the glass fixed before his parents even got home.
You tell them about the time he encountered a cleaning curse and how he smelled like detergent for two weeks. Or the time he wanted to pick you flowers from the forest near Jujutsu Tech, but fell into poison ivy.
The night goes by like that, filled with laughter and family stories. Despite having your doubts about meeting Satoru's family, he observes how you fit right in. How everyone loves you and they accept you for who you are because the love you have for him is evident. As it should be. And he swears that his love for you skyrockets even more that night, despite him knowing that it's nearly impossible.
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Tortured him growing up to train him into becoming an assassin like them. Everyone who knows about him is like “how is he still able to smile” because of how awful his past must have been.
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oinkoink321 · 1 year
Cupping their cheeks 🩷
Instant smile. Their face gets red as they laugh at the warmth or coolness of you hands. They hold your and on their face to keep them there. They loved their face being cupped and think it’s the cutest thing ever. Afterwards, you get a kiss on your cheek and for head. “I love it when you do this!”��
Pavitr Prabhakar, Miles Morales, Hiori Yo, Bachira Meguru, Gon Freecs,  Armin Arlet, Nijiro Nanase, Kou Minamoto Hanako-Kun, Yuji Itadori, Toge Inumaki, Tanjiro Kamado, Jinx (arcane), Reo Maruyama
Once you cup their cheeks a smirk is placed in their face. They tease you on how much you love their face and make you blush. They’re  very flirty and pout when you take your hands off. In turn, They cups your face and places a kiss on your lips, which leaves you flustered. “Awww am I making you blush?”. 
Satoru Gojo, Mai Zenin, Chigiri Hyoma, Bachira Meguru, Yukimiya Kenyu, Douxie Casperean, Teru Minamoto, Killua Zoldycke, Hobie Brown, Vi (Arcane), Neteyam Sully, Hajun Yeon, Senku Ishigami
They immediately get flustered and shy. Their face reddens a bit and they might stutter or stumble over their words when they talk to you. However they’re too embarrassed to admit they love the feeling of your hands cupping their face. They softly place their hands over yours so they can keep it there. “C-can we stay like this please?” 
Gwen Stacy (ATSV), Caitlyn Kiramman, Zenitsu, Killua Zoldycke, Kalluto Zoldyke, Zuko,  Mitsuba Sousuke, Yuta Okkotsu Yashiro Nene, Miya Chinen, Hiori Yo, Rin Itoshi, Todoroki Shoto, Kanata Yatonokami, Gen Asagiri
The moment your hands touch their face, they give you a soft smile. They’ll pull you in closer so you guys are hugging now. They’ll kiss the top of your head and rest their chin on your head. They would hold you so close and when you look into their eyes, all you see is love. “I love you so much, let’s stay like this.” 
Krel Tarron, Yukimiya Kenyu, Chigiri Hyoma, Nagi Seishirou, Hobie Brown, Miguel O’Hara, Teru Minamoto, Kurapika Kurta, Langa Hagesawa, Megumi Fushiguro, Ekko (Arcane), Vi (Arcane), Muichiro Tokito, Giyu Tomioka, Shogo Yamato, Ryusui Nanami, Ukyo Saionji
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hinamie · 21 days
hiii hina <333 ok so now i must know, what are some of your favourite character designs? like, the elements are so compelling and go so well together to form a design that is cohesive and visually appealing. and is there a particular piece of media that just has consistently banging character designs?
OOH OKKOKOK listen. i am no expert i have not been classically trained in fact i have not taken a single char design course but to me, good character design boils down to 2 main elements: a. recognizability and b. visual storytelling and the concept of show, don’t tell. recognizability is where more technical elements like shape language and silhouette come into play. u want an audience to be able to instantly know a character with minimal confusion, and that is made much easier if u have good working knowledge of shapes, colours, and proportions. That’s what /makes/ a good design, but what /SELLS/ that design is the underlying meaning. WHy do characters look the way they do. what can you learn from the way they look. there is undoubtedly a time and a place for designs that are just cute to be cute but if u want to make a lasting impression beyond “oh this character is hot/cute/attractive” u gotta dig deeper.
i am going to yap now smile
i wld b remiss and a liar and a fraud if i did not talk about arcane in regards to character design. fr me arcane is THE media that does not miss with a single one of their designs. this show is fucking stunning points at every character . every single one of them . hand in marriage. u learn SO much about everyone and their roles/personalities/fighting styles just by looking at them not to mention they’re all fucking 10s this show is a bisexual’s nightmARE anyway personal favourites vi and jinx but ths just me being predictable 
vi /looks/ like a fighter the minute u see her. her build her gait everything about her screams this woman will snap me like a twig (pLpslslplpslpslpspl). u see tht she’s rough and brash but one thing i rly find interesting is her hair colour. like fr one its brightness distinguishes her as a main character, but also pink being typically associated with femininity/love/nurture/compassion is SO interesting paired with vi. not only is it kind of subversive bc vi is not traditionally “feminine”, but she does embody all of those traits in that her reason for fighting comes from a place of wanting to nurture and protect. i could talk for hours about vi anyway. hand in marriage,,./.?? hand in marriage pls/?????????
jinx i LOVE I LOVE I LOVE . she’s wiry she’s chaotic she’s asymmetrical and that MEANS something it /shows/ her mental state n the way she fluctuates between her identities of jinx and powder. I love the hints of pink/purple not only as visual nods to vi but also as alluding to shimmer and the dangerous undercurrent it gives her. not 2 mention her design works so well alongside her sister like. besides the obvious pink/blue juxtaposition everything about them from their body types their colour schemes the way they carry themselves the way they dress… it’s peak . nothing tops arcane in character design for me
a few other noteworthy mentions: 
illumi hxh - listen idk what the fuck he’s wearing but it’s a 90s shounen i’ll forgive him. illumi’s design is brilliant imo. he’s not in your face like hisoka who u see and know immediately that this guy is insane, he’s beautiful but sleek in a way that makes him almost reptilian. it’s a subtle kind of off-putting and u want to recoil when u see him but it’s just understated enough that u don’t know Why until it’s too late. the wide, catlike dead eyes the jet black hair… his design lends SO well to what he represents for killua, he’s this ever-present shadow he’s an oppressive force we see phantoms of illumi’s eyes Boring into killua we see his hair forming a sort of cage god the visuals the visuals im so . im unwell about the zoldyks actually. 
kaneki tg - this one is a bit tricky bc at first glance kaneki /is/ just ur standard dark hair protag but!! the way his design and specifically his hair r used as a visual representation of his mental state and character arc is so good i lovelovelove the progression and storytelling u see through his design alone.
- early kaneki w his shorter plain black hair makes him look innocent and unassuming bc he /is/. he was no one special, what happened to him was just pure bad luck. - ghoul kaneki w white hair showing the mental break after he’s tortured, stripped of his innocence/sanity/humanity - HAISE MY LOVE the two-toned hair showcasing how he has literally become a blank slate after his amnesia and the events of tg and the resulting limbo between identities ((also idk if it’s just tht ishida’s style had changed by :re but haise’s hair in particular is so FLUFFY it makes him look very non-threatening which might be a coincedence but might also be intentional in showing how he’s taken on more of a gentle mentor role by this point)) - reaper kaneki and we r once again back to black but whereas before it made him look plain and unassuming with the new context it makes him look /lethal/. ((also directly contrasts arima's design, having a near identical silhouette with the only difference being his black to arima's white)) - endgame kaneki finally settling back on white as a way to show tht after everything he’s been through he’s come back permanently changed: he is a ghoul, he’ll never b able to go back to the way things were or reclaim his humanity, but he’s gotten to a place where he's at peace with it now tl;dr cataloguing a character’s journey and mental state through their appearance >>>>>>>
LAST THING IK IVE YAPPED SO MUCH GOMEN ,, i did want to tack on my feelings about, wouldn’t u know it, genshin fucking impact, bc i did say i think there is a place for character designs that r just pretty to be pretty and i think a lot of genshin designs r good examples of this. i’ve seen some people getting upset about genshin being lazy with character design and making their characters unnecessarily Busy, but as someone who doesn’t play and doesn’t know anything about the game let me just say tht if the goal is to get players to spend money fuckin congratulations . i too would whale for some of these designs. bc i don’t play i don’t know for sure whether or not characters' appearances have any relevance to their lore or if it’s mostly just bells and whistles purely for aesthetic, all i know is am not immune to alhaitham. 
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bwabys-scenarios · 8 months
Hello! I just started reading fixer upper and I love it so far finding stuff for Kurapika is so hard these days😭. I was wondering why didn’t killua take alluka to live with him and reader? Since there was this whole thing in the anime about him taking responsibility for her bc she was mistreated by the zoldyks is there a chapter about that?
So shortly after the Chimera Ant Arc, alluka did live with Reader and Killua for a bit, but once she was 12 she went to take the Hunter Exam and now goes on adventures with her friends, like Gon and Killua! She comes back home for holidays and when she’s tired from traveling, but otherwise she has her own life.
It was a bit hard for Killua to accept at first, but he came to understand that she was just like her big brother and needed to spread her wings and grow! He couldn’t coddle her forever.
Also, I feel like Alluka partially felt like a bit of a burden to Killua because he stayed with her out of obligation as her big brother. She wanted to release him, to let him live his own life where she wasn’t “in the way”. She’s a bit insecure with her place in Killua’s life tbh, but it gets better over time. She just knows that Gon is the number one person in Killua’s life, and she doesn’t want to get in the way of their relationship by “dragging him down”.
I want them to have a heart to heart, possibly in an extra chapter. He reassures her that she was never a burden, and she’s able to accept that Gon is the one that gave Killua purpose.
The reason she attaches herself so hard to Reader is because she feels safe with her, like she can be a child without consequence or fear. Nanika sees Reader as a mother, while Alluka views her as a big sister.
TLDR; Alluka has her own life outside of Killua
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emmaspolaroid · 3 months
Tagged by @fullscoreshenanigans 💜
Rules: Make a poll with five of your all-time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite!
tagging: @hylialeia @sepiamestus @sleepyhouzuki @boopboops22 @ctrl58 (+ anyone else to wants to join! 🥰)
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
Rules 🫨
I only write for the following fandoms (currently):
- Record of Ragnarok, blood of zues, Lookism.
More rules ↓
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• I do not take oc × canon, very sorry. My stuff is for everyone (not the other type of 'stuff' ok)
---- ⚠️⚠️ Make sure to give specific detail on what you're asking for. like if you want it to be an '× reader story' where reader is shipped with character/s, then tell me. Or if you want headcanons or story without reader being shipped with any character, then specify and tell me.
> It's sometimes confusing and leads me having to write more than expected, so kindly make things clear. Also, please specify if you want headcanons or story or maybe both⚠️⚠️ -----
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If you ask for Au's ↓
• You can ask for things like soulmate au, yandere au, hanahaki au and so on. I can also accept if the character/s are a out of character/ooc.
> BUT, if I have to change everything about the character and the surroundings/settings, I will not accept. these rules however, do not apply to the reader. The reader can be what you request. 😋
• when writing for blood of zues and record of Ragnarok, I don't write modern au, or anything that involves changing their character or setting.
> For example, turning a historical god character into a modern au character and/or a person with a different status. if a character is in a historical era, I will not change the settings/time into any other.
→ i prefer to stick to their plot/stories and what they play by. You can request for changing of their canon plots or their story's canon. Like changing a characters fate even though they were to die in the canon story.
here's a few examples :
@ : can I ask for the record of Ragnarok characters in a modern au/royal au? = ❌ - I only do that stuff when it's headcanons, I don't make × reader's for it.
@ : can I ask for a yandere au where Nikola Tesla is a softie but also very possessive? = ✅ - turning characters ooc is accepted.
@ : can I ask for hanahaki disease au with reader who caught the disease for (character)? = ✅ - au's like that are also accepted.
@ : can I request reader who has killua zoldyk abilities and apollo crushes on them? = ✅ - as long as I know the character, then it's ok.
@ : can I ask for soulmate au for ror? = ✅
@ : can I ask for boz zues × reader where zues doesn't die, and blah blah blah = ✅ - but be sure to give me more details on what other stuff you'd like in it if you ever changed the plot.
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• I don't write gore, pedophilia, weird kinks. I don't write degredation kinks either.
• ⚠️ Im not writing smut currently, I will close the smut requests bc I am not creative enough rn 🥲. I have made a few exceptions for the people who requested smut before I wrote these rules. But as of now, smut requests are closed.
• it will take a day or two for me to finish your requests, but I sometimes(mostly) finish it in under 3/5 hours 😋😋
---- ⚠️⚠️ I also do not write for character × character/ canon×canon⚠️⚠️ ----
• yes, I can make multiple character × reader.
• ⚠️ angst reqs closed, don't hurt me guys 😭
• PLEASE SPECIFY PLEASE. I feel so bad whenever there's a request that I cannot do because I am only given very little information. Which makes me postpone the request until it is specified.
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xgravedogx · 1 year
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did you know “KILLUA ZOLDYK” is a valid troll name? i thought that was interesting.
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jamsofdeath0 · 5 months
Pisses me the fuck off how folks treat Milluki Zoldyke vs Illumi Zoldyke. Like itd be one thing if it was just that the one with more screentime was more popular. But NO its gotta be fatphobia. Milluki gets treated like a one-note villain. An irredeemable piece of shit. While Illumi is treated like he DIDNT brainwash his youngest brother for years. Like hes just a maladjusted dude and not an active abuser. Bro THEY ARE THE SAME!! Actually Illumi is ARGUABLY WORSE. Sure Milluki beat up on Killua when he was home. But Illumi ACTIVELY HUNTS HIS ASS DOWN to brainwash him!! Its bullshit.
Like just SAY you think Illumi is hot. You dont need some deep philosophical reason to think Illumi his hot. You dont need to excuse his crimes to think hes hot. He isnt real. There is no moral failing to thinking hes hot.
DON'T act like hes infinitely more nuanced than MillukI.
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xoadoratio · 2 years
i think it’s funny how i can tell which phase i was in when a photo was taken based on minuscule factors.
“ah the way i did that peace sign was sooo yoshiatsu.” “i bought that white sweater because i thought i was in the wozwald music video.” “the way i posed here was a product of too much madmans esprit” “i thought i was sooo gerard way here—i wasn’t.” “i used to associate layering clothes with killua zoldyk. i still do, it’s just embarrassing now.”
and unless people are aware of my interests, there’s a solid chance they will never know! that in and of itself is REALLY funny and my saving grace of embarrassment.
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aceinabook · 2 months
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Character 3.5| Setting 4| Plot 3| Art 3.5| Enjoyability 4
Overall Rating 3.6
Zoldyk arc! Zoldyck Arc! Well…they weren't there that long, but I enjoy seeing the Zoldyk family. They are so eccentric. I love them with their weirdness except for the weird way they treat Killua.
I love seeing Gon and friends reactions, Kurapika always makes the best mom expressions!
I am not super excited for Heaven's Arena but excited to continue with the manga!
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