#kim dokja is so manly
orphiclovers · 22 days
Hypothetically, let's say yjh and sp got into a brawl (not fight!! But brawl!!) And they are not allowed to use their powers, not transcend or murim martial arts, just pure physical fight with muscles, Who would win according to you?
You. Are asking me. To powerscale Yoo Joonghyuk. The Kim Dokja fragment resonance is at fucking 1000%. But alright, sure.
In canon when SP and YJH had their rival arc it came down to their stories, and in the end, the only difference was that 3rd had companions and SP didn't. The 'power of friendship' won, I'm being 100% serious. They even say it here.
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Buuut you're asking me to ignore all the themes and magic powers like a true redditor and judge just by the circumference of their manly muscles. I can respect that.
I still think Yoo Joonghyuk is winning. Here's why:
1. YJH is actively going through the scenarios and honing his battle skills in real life and death situations every day. Even if SP keeps in practice with the sword (which I'm not sure he does often?) he is retired and no amount of training can replace real life. YJH's instincts will simply be sharper in this case.
2. SP relies on his powers a surprising amount. Yoo Joonghyuk has hard rules for himself that say 'no cheating with the system' - he trained in the time fault for a hundered years in the 2nd regression, he insisted on learning the actual murim swordmanship instead of buying a skill, he jogs in the epilogue to keep in shape where everyone else relies on stats.
SP doesn't seem to have this hangup. Anytime he's on screen he's using some kind of ability, even for dumb shit like summoning wine and pushing Kim Dokja out the door and slamming it with his mind. He has gotten used to these conveniences. I don't think he has a single conversation on screen where he doesn't use some kind of magic trick. The price for this must be that his actual skills get rusty (er than Yoo Joonghyuks. He could still beat every other incarnation's ass in a second, don't make a mistake. We're looking at the minute differences between two monsters here.)
If we're taking away even the passive stuff like outer god aura, which is the thing that makes him intimidating, the chances that he is just as good as YJH are suddenly not so great. So sorry, his ass is not winning.
I hope that answers your question. In any case, the problem in powerscaling is that who wins a fight in fiction is less about who is stronger but more 'which scenario serves the plot best in this moment'. It all depends on the kind of situation they're in or what kind of story the author wants to tell. <- Got a little too into this, have to briefly remind everyone that I still understand themes and plot. I promise I'm not a redditor!
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betawooper · 2 years
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[ID: A written passage featuring various characters from Omniscient Reader. Transcript:
Heewon quickly stepped in front of the blade, blocking it from Sangah’s accusing finger. “I’m saying it’s certainly not me! I promise! If anything, shouldn’t we be looking at Yoo Joonghyuk?”
Everyone’s eyes landed on the regressor, who wasn’t too pleased by the new attention. What a random choice.
“Why the hell do you think it’s me?”
Heewon rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips. “Obviously, because you’re the only other—”
“Comrade?” Hyunsung interrupted with a huge shout. The soldier was so loud, everyone flinched and many covered their ears. He certainly had a strong set of lungs. His face was completely covered with nervous sweat when he lowered his voice. “M—Ms. Heewon means comrade, right? A close comrade? Because of the platonic comradeship? The very manly platonic comradeship?”
Shit, I realized it just now. It seemed Heewon understood Hyunsung as well, because she slapped her hands over her mouth, avoiding the very terrifying stare from the regressor. “Y—yes! Exactly! I very much meant that—not anything else!”
Joonghyuk’s expression darkened like a storm cloud.
“Did Kim Dokja lie to you all about that, too?”
“What do you—um—mean by that?”
Dammit, she picked up on it anyway. I couldn’t bear to look. This was definitely my fault for telling Joonghyuk back then when I could have zipped my mouth shut for a little longer. Agh, what the hell was I thinking?
End ID.]
they all have One (1) braincell
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readerslashfangirl · 3 years
I heard they're gonna make ORV Live Action movie so might as well I make this ORV cast version of mine.
Kim Dokja: Im Siwan
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Honestly, I only think about the appearance when choosing Im Siwan. I dunno why, appearance wise, he kinda have that Dokja vibes eventhough he's a little bit softer than KDJ. But who knows, may be he can act the role well.
Yoo Joong Hyuk: Lee Min Ho
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Well honestly, I'm not sure if Minho is the right actor to play Joonghyuk. But I can't find Korean actor whose manly and buff like Joonghyuk and somehow can oozing the vibe of being lonely for thousand years. Lee Minho face somehow fits the description of Joonghyuk face where God took his time to craft his face. Hahahahaha...
Han Soo Young: Lee Ji Eun/IU
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I think IU is the perfect actress to play Sooyoung. I can imagine IU can deliver HSY sass and confident perfectly. I mean she's experienced enough to be bossgirl Jang Manwol in Hotel Del Luna. Tho HSY is totally different to JMW as a character but both are strong alpha woman and IU defo can handle this type of character.
So that's my pick for the YooHanKim trio. I haven't thought much about the rest of Kim Dokja company. Probably will make another post for it.
Anyway what do you guys think? Do you have your preferred actor/actress to play YooHanKim?
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betawooper · 2 years
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[ID: A written passage featuring Kim Dokja (as Sun Wukong) describing the appearance of Yoo Joonghyuk (as Zhu Bajie) from Omniscient Reader. Joonghyuk is transfem and uses she/her pronouns. Transcript:
It was like the world’s balance of beauty had tilted to one side. A nonsensical amount of cheering erupted around us. They cried out Zhu Bajie’s name with flushed faces. And honestly, I couldn’t blame them for calling her a Yogoe. It was inconceivable for a normal human to be naturally blessed with such looks.
Take the perfect hair of Yoo Joonghyuk, the natural jewel-like handsomeness of Kyrgios, and a touch of the idol-like femininity of Jang Hayoung, and you’ve got this story’s Zhu Bajie’s face. If someone saw those features and didn’t get drawn in immediately, there must be something wrong with them.
The so-called ‘Pigsy’ confidently climbed down from the litter. It appeared she kept most of Yoo Joonghyuk’s thicker body type. The long black trench coat which normally swamped her silhouette was replaced with a simple unbuttoned black vest. It showed off her ‘manly biceps’ and exposed her chest to a scandalous degree. The already historically-inaccurate top was matched with those damn ankle-high boots and tight leather pants she normally wore. I scoffed at how shameless she was.
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dont worry dokja, i also noticed that yoo joo was being a complete slut in canon too
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betawooper · 2 years
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[ID: A written passage featuring Kim Dokja (as Sun Wukong) from Omniscient Reader, speaking with two unnamed female villagers. Transcript:
“By any chance, are you the kidnapped villagers?”
My question caused the ladies to glance between each other.
“Kidnap? We’ve never been kidnapped, though.”
I tilted my head. “But, I heard that a pitch-black swine Yogoe kidnapped you all?”
“A swine...” One of the ladies paled. “No way! Are you talking about Mr. Zhu Bajie?”
What? Mister? Why were they being so formal?
The lady continued. “Sure, our Mr. Bajie’s skin is somewhat tan, but that man isn’t ‘pitch-black’ like how you described...”
Another lady cut in. “Why are you calling Ms. Bajie a man? She’s totally a woman!”
“But—but, he is a man! Have you seen his manly biceps, and tough, strong thighs?”
“Thighs? Thighs? What kind of a person looks at another person’s thighs like that?” 
“Y—you do it, too!”
“I’m not the one who’s blushing like crazy right now!”
“Because he’s not a woman! He’s not!”
“You clueless—” The other lady cut herself off and shook the first lady’s shoulders violently. “Stop lying to yourself and accept this reality, you dumbass! Admit it!”
While hearing the two bickering, I came to the conclusion that something was going in the wrong direction. First off, what gender was the swine-like Yogoe now exactly? If the true Zhu Bajie popped into this remake, I’m not sure how he would react to this change in his characterization.
Who could be playing as him?
End ID.]
in dokja’s defense, there are multiple gnc bitches in kim dokja’s company so its hard to narrow it down
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