#kimball cho x reader
bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Ok I've got 1. Kimball Cho x reader. A ring, Gelato, and the leaning tower of pizza (or any other landmark you feel comfortable writing about) if not landmarks then maybe a cat.
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @caitlinrosa @mcfriggingonagall @kniselle @aiko24k
Break - Cho and you discuss your past relationship.
The Necklace - Cho realises you still wear the necklace he gave you.
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It’s Rigsby’s gelato that reminds Cho of the trip to Italy, the one the two of you had planned to take in the fall. The plan was to drive up along the coast from Naples to Pisa. You didn’t believe that a building could actually lean that far and not fall over. He’d found your disbelief endearing at the time, he remembers hiding his smile behind his coffee cup as you tried to work out the physicality of it using paper cups from the water cooler.
He'd bought the ring not long after that. It was something simple, silver with a small trio of diamonds that cost most of his paycheck.
The plan had been to propose somewhere along that trip up the coast. There was a spot he’d come across when he was stationed out there with Special Forces that he knew was absolutely perfect.
It’s a few of months before the vacation that everything goes to hell. He gets hit by a car, injures his back. You put the trip on hold because it’s a bigger problem than the two of you thought. He starts popping pills to get through the day and before he realises it’s an addiction.
The wake up call comes when he almost kills you. His team is supporting yours in the field when he falls sleep behind the wheel of the car. He doesn’t hear the radio call go up or the logistics of the operation. He doesn’t know you’re walking into danger not until the gunshots erupt through the air, jerking him awake.
He’s the first one that gets to you. You’re lying in the dirt, blood seeping out in the soil as you splutter and choke. You’ve been shot twice, your vest caught the first one but the second scattered the Kevlar plate woven underneath the material.
It’s a flesh wound he’s told in the aftermath, the plate took most of the impact. He’s starting to come down at that point, craving the pills. He thinks about leaving the hospital, just for a couple of hours to score because the pain is radiating up his back and it’s getting hard to think. It’s at that moment he acknowledges he has a problem.
You’re barely out of intensive care and all he can think about is the drugs.
He doesn’t deserve to be your husband, he doesn’t deserve to be anything to you, not until he’s kicked this.
He breaks things off that night.
“I’m not the man you think I am.” He says because he’s too damn ashamed to tell you the truth, that he’s the reason that you’re in this hospital bed.
He flushes the rest of the pills after that, goes to physio for his injury instead of using the quick fix. He attends narcotics anonymous meetings, gets clean.
When you return to work you won’t even look at him because he’s nothing to you now, nothing but the man that broke your heart.
Love Cho? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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Cho x reader - back with you
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could i request kimball cho x reader (where they're married) with prompt number 18. i feel like it would be so cute! - Anon 💜
18: “Why are you in my bed?” “I was sad.” “Well now I’m sad you’re in my bed, move.”
Resting your head on the pillow, you pulled the quilt up to your chin and smiled to yourself as the familiar smell of your husband washed over you.
You had been away for work for a few months, and because you were so busy you hardly had time to talk to him.
You both argued a few days before and you had been sad about it since.
You didn’t like fighting with Cho, you hated it in fact, but the overtime and time difference had taken its toll, and you knew everything would be okay, but it still upset you.
You knew he wouldn’t be home for a few hours, so you decided to nap before he got there.
Except a nap turned into full on sleep, and you were woken up to someone shaking you.
You grumbled a little and felt someone flick your forehead making you scowl as you opened your eyes.
“Why are you in my bed?” Cho asked.
You pulled the quilt up again.
“I was sad.”
He took his blazer off, and tossed it across the room, doing the same thing with his tie and shoes, and he lifted the quilt up again.
“Well now I’m sad you’re in my bed, move.”
You shuffled over and he laid down, covering you both up again.
“And for your information Kimball Cho, this is my bed too.”
“I’ve slept in it more. Therefore my bed.”
“Okay I’ve worn your sweaters more, therefore they’re mine.”
You grinned at him and he rolled his eyes.
You felt him place a hand on your waist and you reached up, flicking his forehead gently and he furrowed his brows at you.
Then you placed your hand on his face as leant forward, softly kissing him.
Cho closed his eyes, letting out a small breath through his nose as he smiled into the kiss before he pulled away.
“Go back to bed.”
You wrapped your arm around him, and he curled his body around yours protectively.
He missed this.
He missed holding you like this, knowing you were in his arms and safe
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cambria-writes · 2 years
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hello! welcome back!
would you look at that i've remembered to update! y'all lucky it took me almost two years to update with chapter 16 on AO3 and by the time i've posted that one here i'll probably have chapter 17 done!
not gonna lie though every time i see the word counts for these chapters i want to cry. i love reading long chapters so want to put that out too, but several years ago i guess 2-3k felt like a marathon to me!
and that's okay. that's growth. 🌱
pairing: patrick jane x reader word count: 2,262 rating: M, each chapter rated individually warning: alcohol consumption, reader drinks maybe a little too much, reckless flirting, Frat Boys, swearing, reader isn't often referred to with pronouns but they are afab
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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊: ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔞𝔤𝔫𝔢
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Patrick Jane helps you through your sobbing the only way you believe he knows how to. For a few minutes, he lets you cry. Vent. When the tea begins to cool beyond Peak Consumption Temperature, he begins to talk.
And, really, doesn't stop.
He talks about how the older woman you saw was the original killer. Explains to you what you already know about her motives. You aren't sure how Mr Jane could possibly know this, too, but you stay quiet and listen. He says that she was targeting young women because she believed them closer to the truest human nature. She killed those who looked down on her and belittled her. And eventually she found someone worth keeping around.
It was a murderous cult, is what it was. In the end, it was someone who had gone off the deep end and took their passion too far. You don't have it in you to argue. He isn't completely wrong, but you can't find the words (or the air in your lungs) to explain what exactly it was. Not that Jane would believe you even if you did.
By this point in the conversation, despite yourself, you drink. Camomille probably. You can feel it calm you. You stare down into the cup while he speaks. You don’t dissociate. Not really. But you blank out for a few seconds, long enough for it to be noticeable, you think. Slack jaw. Slumped shoulders. Vacant expression. You tense when you see a hand approach you before realizing Mr Jane is just taking the cup and saucer away from you.
“I can help you with that,” he says, calmly and quietly. You find yourself nodding without thinking. Frown into your empty hands.
“Help me with what?” You don’t look up. You know what he’ll say and how he looks at you.
“That depends on why you want,” is Mr Jane’s typical non-answer. “I can make you forget. It’s temporary, but it works. For a while. Or,” he leans forward, leaning his elbows on his knees and threading his hands in front of him. “I can teach you.”
The tone of his voice is serious. No kidding, no joke. He wants to teach you something. Now you look up. The intensity in his eyes almost makes you sweat.
“Teach me what?”
A grin fit for the devil spreads across Jane’s face, white teeth showing.
“How to sharpen that fear into a knife.”
Your tears are still drying on your face. But slowly, quietly, you can feel something hungry expand in your chest.
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The first exercise is in a bar. A dive bar. Sleazy, questionably sanitary and filled with even more questionable characters. The beer’s not even that good. You drink it anyways. It makes it easier to talk. Removes your bias. Removes the majority of the self-doubt.
That’s what Jane says, anyways. Part of you can believe it. The other part believes in ulterior motives in spite of yourself.
It takes the time of a beer and a half before he wanders off. Orders you to watch closely what happens, to try and memorize every movement he makes. No matter how small it may seem, you are asked to track everything. The small rub of his thumb when he shakes a woman’s hand. The lack of any nervous tics altogether. Slow, deliberate blinking. Leaning in for conversation, but only after confirming boundaries. Everything about Jane’s posture screams “I’m paying attention to you and only you”. 
The woman excuses herself and grabs her jacket. Jane makes his way back towards you with a martini he didn’t have before. As the woman threads an arm through a sleeve, she pauses, shoulders the rest of the jacket, and reaches into the left pocket. You already know what’s in there, but the surprise on her face shows that she had no idea. She looks around to find a familiar dirty blonde head, but gives up after a few seconds.
She exits the bar with a smile on her face and her phone in her hands.
“That was smooth,” you comment, eyes glued to the door shutting behind the woman. “She seemed pissed that you even came up to her until you shook her hand.” You turn to Mr Jane. His face is plastered with a look of pride and satisfaction. “Is this witchcraft?”
He lets out a quiet bark of laughter. “No, darling, that is just the simplicity of the human mind.” Places a hand on your shoulder and squeezes. “It’s easy to make anyone like you as long as you push the right buttons.” 
You’re too distracted by the warmth of his hand to mention that his phone hasn’t gone off yet.
You can’t put words to it yet, but there’s an idea slowly sprouting somewhere in the back of your mind.
“So, tell me.” The hand disappears from your shoulder. Jane sits back on his stool and sips at his martini. “What did you see?”
You look down for a few seconds, gather your thoughts. You saw a lot of things. Though honestly, you can dismiss about half of them. Grab your beer and take a swig straight from the bottle before you can speak. 
“You were always turned towards her, that’s the first thing I noticed,” you begin, eyes still unfocused, aimed somewhere at the floor. “Your feet were always pointed towards her, which I think is one of those subconsciously-read body language things about attentiveness. You kept your arms open and wide apart. That would look inviting I guess. And you didn’t hunch or try to make yourself smaller. Not… not in a presumptuous way, though. Confident, I guess?”
A quiet snort and a hint of a grin. Alright, not bad, you’re on the right track. Straighten yourself on your stool and grab your beer with both hands. Look up directly at Jane. 
“The handshake; you did that thing where you rub with your thumb. She looked weirded out by that, but seemed to relax when she realized you didn’t look nervous. You put yourself between her and the rest of the crowd, but in a way that I think gave the illusion of privacy? You didn’t impose yourself so much that it looked like you were boxing her in. She had the option to walk away any time she wanted.”
You’re about to continue when two things happen: Jane looks above and beyond your right shoulder and you can feel more than see the shadow that someone is casting down on you. Already hate the vibe. And the smell. Can’t fathom why anyone would want to bathe in anything related to Axe. You cast a withering look at Jane; though he looks some measure of upset, when his gaze lands back on you, you know that look. It’s a challenge. 
Alright. Sure. You’ve done significantly worse over the past several days. Turning down an arrogant idiot should be a piece of cake.
Turn around on your stool to greet the intruder. He has already made the mistake of being far too close to you. Your face is level with one of his pectorals. Jock #1 is “casually” leaning against the bar. Does his best impression of someone who is failing to look uninterested. He looks at you like he’s just noticed you. Or, at least, you figure that’s the look he’s going for. It isn’t working.
You keep your expression flat. He’s clearly expecting you to ask something. Who he is, what he wants. You keep quiet. The man looks significantly more uncomfortable when your eyes move from his forehead back down to his eyes. Only then does he finally break the silence. 
“I, uh. Hi.” He at least has the decency to cringe.
“I was shot in the leg a few days ago, I was targeted by a serial killer and her equally psychotic sidekick, had brain matter splatter on my face no sooner than a few hours ago, and I really just want to get shitfaced and forget about it in pleasant, intelligible company. You feel like you can have a five minute conversation with me that won’t bore me to death? Give it a shot. Otherwise I’m going to stay here, have another shitty beer in this shitty bar and lament my shitty life with the only not shitty thing to have been in it in the past five days.”
Take a slow, deliberate swig of your beer and stare the man down. He is completely slacked-jawed. Mutters a quick apology, grabs his half-empty beer back from the counter and walks away much faster than he arrived. You breathe out a sigh of relief. Turn back to Jane to find him looking deep in contemplation. Quickly look away and down the rest of your bottle of beer. Stings your throat and eyes. Ask for another one. Three beers is probably too much—when in the world did you become such a lightweight?—but whatever. Jane offered to pay. You aren’t one to squander an opportunity to get drunk on someone else’s dollar.
Jane waits until you’ve dragged a third of your beer. “Your turn.”
You almost sputter, but don’t. You knew what this was about. Grab your beer and stand and do your best impression of someone who isn’t you.
“Alright, sure. Who?,” you ask, looking around the bar. Not much to pick from. You catch the obnoxious Axe man from before shooting you furtive looks. You hope he doesn’t think he’s being subtle.
“That one,” Jane says, eyes on you but pulling your attention in the direction he nods his head.
It’s an older man, sitting alone under a window. Not entirely sure how many years he’s got on you. Something in you bristles at it; you wouldn’t have dared approach him sober. But inebriated, you can acknowledge that man is absolutely your type.
You don’t ask anything. Jane’s probably done the preliminary background check in his head already. You aren’t too worried. Take a deep breath. Another. Turn around and stride on forward.
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You exit the Citroen more gracefully than you’d have thought possible. And also far more dramatically. Jane brought you back to the CBI office. Not sure why. You don’t question it; you don’t feel like going home anyways. You were hunted down before, you could be again. Feels like everyone is painting a bull’s eye on you. The thought doesn’t unnerve you as much as you think it probably should.
Swat away Jane’s hand when he offers to help you walk to the door. Mutter something about not being a goddamn child. You bump shoulders as you walk. More accurately, your shoulder bumps his bicep.
“You almost had him, you know,” Jane says airily. Trails off like he wants to say something else, but you know he won’t. All it does is burn your pride even more.
Shove him with your elbow. He barely moves. “Shut up. Okay? Shut—just, shut up.” Wait patiently to be let into the building. Someone from security nods at Jane. You try to remember to ask him if he actually lives here later.
You fall asleep on a leather couch covered by a knit blanket. 
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You wake up with the suggestion of a headache. The lights are too bright. Despite their deliberately hushed tones, you can hear Jane argue with someone. Sounds like Agent Lisbon. You pretend to still be sleeping. It isn’t hard. There’s a pause when Jane speaks that makes you think he noticed, thought.
“You can’t keep taking her back here, Jane!,” you hear Lisbon whisper. She doesn’t sound pleased. “This is the CBI, not your personal motel!”
Shame crawls under your skin and feels like molten metal in your veins. You weren’t sober enough last night to realize that crashing at the CBI, in plain sight, probably wasn’t a good idea. Especially not following their kind-of consultant.
Jane’s muttering is too quiet for you to understand anything he says. Sounds like he’s getting further away; taking Lisbon away from you? You appreciate the distance regardless of the reason. You aim to get up slowly, but you’re greeted with a glass of water and what you expect are aspirin. Practically jump out of your skin at the sight of someone holding them out to you.
You take the offered water and pills with a quiet thank you. Down them and chug the rest of the water. Hand the glass back, but don’t let go of it right away. You look at the man expectantly.
“...fine. I’m Agent Cho,” he concedes. You let go of the glass.
“Benraft,” you answer shortly. The look he gives you is confusing. You ultimately settle for feeling proud. Agent Cho gives you a nod before standing and going off somewhere out of sight.
A quick look around reveals that no one is at their desk. Good. You take the chance to escape. Make your way as best you can to the stairway that leads to Mr Jane’s hideout. You don’t expect the sliding steel door to be unlocked. And it isn’t; you tug a few times. No give.
You let yourself slide down against the door, sit on the ground in a huff. There isn’t much for you to do. You wait five minutes. Ten. Thirty. And no Jane to be found. You’re reluctant to use your phone battery more than necessary. It takes some debating, but ultimately a trip to any kind of store is probably preferable to waiting like a lost puppy.
You almost don’t get lost getting to and out the front door.
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@fucklife-or-me @yearningforsappho @mamacakeishereforfun
please let me know if you'd like to be tagged for future updates!
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little-diable · 1 year
Mind Games - Aaron Hotchner 2/5
Here we go, part two to this series. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader had once worked with the CBI, trying to help Patrick Jane catch Red John. Now, as she is part of the BAU and dating Aaron Hotchner, her past is coming back to haunt her. Will her team be able to support her through it? Will her relationship survive her clash with old times, memories she had been running from and a run in with her ex-lover? 
Warnings: 18+, blowjob, flashbacks to smut, possessive Aaron, jealousy, typical CM violence, reader's emotions are all over the place, mentions trauma
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader, past Patrick Jane x fem!reader (2.4K words)
header by @deathofpeaceofmind
Part 1 Part 3
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“Time to wake up, agent (y/n)!” She struggled to open her eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the darkness she was trapped in. Her heart began to pick up its beat, reminded once again of the situation she found herself stuck in, with her wrists and ankles bound. A piece of fabric had been forced into her mouth, gagging the agent to keep her quiet, pressured to listen to the man’s rambling.
“You’ve been out for some time, we should make this a bit more interesting to pass the time till Patrick Jane finds his way to us, don’t you think?” Her eyes could make out the frame of a man, standing a few feet away from her, gloved hand holding onto a knife. She heavily swallowed, blinking away the tears that began to well up, praying that her team would find her before she could be ripped from this life.
(Y/n) couldn’t remember how she had ended up here, how she had found her way into this very room, wherever it was located. All she could think of was the last interaction she had shared with her lover, pressed against his chest, listening to his calm heartbeat as he let her in on a few of his tricks, picking up on the way criminals were behaving.
“Oh, sweet (y/n), there’s no need to cry, we’ll have our fun.”
“Welcome, please take a seat.” Penelope was watching her team arrive, shooting them a sweet smile in a desperate need to distract them from the tiredness filling their systems. (Y/n) was the last one to step into the conference room, accompanied by a group of people the BAU team hasn’t met yet. Her eyes were empty, swimming with something no member of her team could piece together, not even her boyfriend. Her mind kept pushing her back into the memories she had been running from, memories that were now triggered by crossing paths with her old team.
It hadn’t even been an hour since Patrick had turned up at her apartment, wearing his signature smirk on the lips (y/n) had kissed numerous times before.
“Who is this, (y/n)?” Aaron’s voice carried something she couldn’t pinpoint, an almost possessive tone she had never picked up on before.
“Patrick Jane, I’m sure she’s told you about me.” (Y/n) couldn’t help but give into the chuckle wanting to bubble out of her, pulling Patrick in for a hug before she allowed him to step into her apartment.
“Patrick, that’s Aaron Hotchner, my boyfriend.” She watched them shake hands, but while both men seemed to profile one another, (y/n) got stuck on the all too familiar mix of emotions Patrick had always pushed through her, torn between love, curiosity, and fear. “I called Patrick this afternoon, we’ll solve the case quicker with my old team around.”
“Thanks to (y/n) we have some help with this case, this is Teresa Lisbon, Kimball Cho, and Patrick Jane from the CBI. They have worked with (y/n) on this case back in California, and will help us with finding whoever is doing this.” Aaron’s voice filled the conference room, eyes flickering to (y/n)’s, even though she had her gaze directed onto the screen, showing the daunting red smiley she had seen one too many times before.
“Another victim was found just an hour ago, a woman in her twenties. The same smiley had been painted on the wall of her bedroom.” Penelope clicked through the pictures, showing the two teams the blood covered crime scene. For a few moments the room was filled with silence, a silence that was unexpectedly broken by Patrick Jane’s bright laugh.
“This wasn’t Red John. It’s a copycat, a good one, but a copycat nevertheless.” Patrick rose from the office chair, stepping closer to the big screen.
“How can you know that?” Spencer was the first to speak up, eyes fixated on the blonde haired man. Patrick didn’t seem to spare the youngest member any attention, eyes finding (y/n)’s, who had been following his frame around.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t picked up on it yet, honey.” (Y/n) felt Aaron growing tense next to her, focusing on the same nickname he used for her, a detail the rest of their team also seemed to pick up on. Not once had she shared her history with Patrick, hadn’t let the BAU in on what she had experienced back in California, secrets that were now back to haunt her.
“It’s the eyes, they are too straight.” A proud grin tugged on Patrick’s lips, making his way back to Teresa and Cho who were all too used to the dynamic (y/n) and Patrick have shared ever since crossing paths.
“I don’t know how you endure being around him all day long.” Cho’s voice filled their office, drawing a gleeful chuckle from Patrick. (Y/n) was sitting next to him on his sofa, sipping on her tea as she listened to Patrick share a few facts he had picked up on today. She didn’t spare her colleague's teasing a thought, too focused on the man next to her, fully entranced by every word he spoke.
“It’s only a matter of time till they’ll run away together to get married in Mexico.” Rigsby’s teasing was interrupted by Teresa’s call for them, ripped away from their bubble of calmness as another case forced them to snap into motion.
“Morgan, Prentiss, I want you to drive to the crime scene, see if you can find any neighbours that heard or saw something. As long as we don’t know who we are dealing with we will keep our focus on the Red John story line. Reid and Rossi, I need you guys to look at the other case again, see if we can find similarities, besides the smiley. (Y/n) and I will contact the victim’s friends and family.” Once again did Aaron’s voice manage to rip her out of her memories, rising to her feet as the others began to pack their things.
“We will follow you to the crime scene.” Teresa and Cho began to make their way out of the room, waiting for Patrick to rise to his feet, but he didn’t, eyes not straying from (y/n)’s once. Aaron couldn’t help but notice the tension between the two, wondering what kept them tied together, unable to bite down the jealousy simmering deep inside of him, threatening to take over his system like a wildfire.
“I will stay here. (Y/n) and I have some catching up to do.” Before (y/n) got the chance to reply, Aaron had cleared his throat, forcing all eyes to focus on him.
“You’ll have enough time to catch up once we close the case, (y/n) with me.” Perhaps he had expected her to blindly follow him out of the room, but she didn’t, she stayed put. Her emotions were torn, unable to focus on either one of the men that stared at her, and yet she heavily swallowed, shaking her head at Aaron.
“Give us a few minutes, I’ll meet you in your office.”
“Here? Are you insane?” (Y/n) was heavily panting, body pressed against Patrick’s sofa. The smirking man was towering over her, hands undoing her blouse, freeing her from the fabric he had wanted to rip off her body ever since this every morning. Their office was empty, no living soul was around, and yet (y/n) couldn’t bite down the thrill of adrenaline that shot through her, wondering if somebody would walk in on them.
“Not like it’s the first time I’m fucking you here, now is it?” Patrick murmured his words against her lips, hands wandering down to her black trousers, desperate to feel her naked skin pressed against his hands. She couldn’t help but admire him, heart fluttering with love thumping through her body, praying to whoever was listening that they’d never be forced to part ways.
“I didn’t think you’d ever end up with a man like him.” Patrick broke the silence filling the conference room, forcing her eyebrows to furrow, not understanding what he meant by his words.
“Who did you think I’d end up with?” It was a whisper, nothing more, as if she was scared to wake the demons lurking in the silence she had been running from for months. Her heart was pounding in her chest, not expecting her body and soul to react to Patrick’s closeness like this, making her feel as if they had never parted ways, as if she was still sharing her bed and heart with the mentalist.
“Me.” She heavily swallowed, gaze averted as she no longer could endure looking at her ex-lover. The pain she had buried all those months ago was now crawling back to the surface, one with the soil it had been buried in, a cold, daunting feeling that forced goosebumps to rise on her arms. “You ran, from me, from us. I don’t know why, and if I’m honest, I don’t think I’ll ever understand why. It took me a long time to accept that you wouldn’t come back.”
“I am glad you’re here, I really am.” She rose to her feet, blinking away her tears as she once again fled from the conversation she and Patrick should have shared months ago. Her eyes met Aaron’s from afar, called closer towards her boyfriend, finding shelter in his almost dark office. No words were shared as he closed the blinds, all too conscious about the way she was trembling, how she begged him to pull her in for a hug.
Aaron needed a few moments to spring into action, hands pulling her against his chest, cradling her as if he was trying to protect her from whatever she was running from.
“I don’t like the way he is speaking to you, the way he is looking at you. You’re mine.” (Y/n) wasn’t used to the possessive undertone of Aaron’s voice, and yet she didn't get any time to focus on it, pulled into a kiss that left her insides flaring up with heat. Aaron’s hands had a tight grip on her waist, fingertips digging into her covered flesh, hoping that he could remind her that she was his, his to love, his to claim. He gave her a small push, darkening eyes settling on her features before he spoke a calm, though awfully cold, “Onto your knees. Seems like we need to remind you who you belong to.”
(Y/n) dropped to her knees without any protest, hands undoing his belt like she had done numerous times before. Aaron’s cock was twitching in her grasp, needing to feel her lips wrapped around him, forced deeper into her mouth to make her choke.
“C’mon, be a good girl for me, open.” She parted her lips for his cock, taking him as deep as she could, already struggling to keep on breathing. Aaron wasn’t gentle, he grasped her hair tightly, not giving her a chance to move away from him, hips snapping against her face. Tears dripped from her eyes, salty tears that left their trail down her cheeks, and yet neither (y/n) nor Aaron wiped them away, too focused on the bobbing motion of her head.
“You belong to me, you’re mine, and he won’t ever get to touch you.” Her mind forced her to focus on Aaron, trying to distract herself from the memories she shared with Patrick, the lover she had once thought of marrying, a man that had been perfect for her, in every form and shape, torn apart by the trauma she hadn’t been able to work through. “Say it, say you’re mine.”
Aaron pulled her away from his cock, groaning as her hand replaced her mouth, pumping him with skilled fingers. She repeated his words, not daring to break eye contact, tongue exposed to him as she felt him growing closer, about to release himself. His groan ripped through him, echoing through the room, followed by a hiss. His cum painted her tongue white, forcing her to swallow as a few praises left the tall agent.
“I love you, Aaron, there’s nothing you need to worry about.” She was pulled to her feet, sharing a sweet kiss with Aaron before they gave one another some room to breathe, settling on his sofa to work through the files. But their silence didn’t last long, interrupted by impatient knocking on his door.
“We got a letter, it’s addressed to (y/n) and Patrick Jane.” JJ’s voice forced the two out of Aaron’s office, making their way back to the conference room. Penelope, Reid, Rossi, and Patrick were watching them approach, while JJ pushed the letter into their hands, allowing them to read through the words that had been written with red ink.
“Are you ready to finish our game, (y/n)? This time around Patrick Jane won’t get to take you from me again.” Aaron read the words out loud, jaw muscles clenching as he gave the letter back to JJ. All their eyes were trained on (y/n), who couldn’t break eye contact with Patrick, frozen to the ground.
“It’s time for you to tell us what is going on here, between the two of you, (y/n).”
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masterlistmaker · 1 year
Special Agent Lokitty - Kimball Cho x reader Works
It's okay
nervous confessions
back with you
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Her Game
(n) the color of the sky when the sun is setting; a certain afterglow.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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a/n: I’m so sorry this is late! I got really busy with school work and other stuff and Part 4 wasn’t ready to post on Sunday. Here it is though, I hope you enjoy. This is the second to last part of the series(I think). I hope you understand the connection to the series title now a little bit but it gets better😏 I don’t know if this counts as slow-burn but…yeah. Anyways, feel free to like, republish, and message me. Requests and taglists are open! This is a safe and loving place for everyone and any hate will be shut down. Enjoy reading<3
Part 4 summary: Ravenclaw and Slytherin verse in the second and last quidditch game of the season. New strategies, doubt, nervousness from what happened earlier is bundled up for (Y/N), and all she needs to focus on is winning this game. Will Slytherin take the win and bragging rights, or will Ravenclaw emerge victorious?
pairing: cedric x fem!reader(in ravenclaw)
genre: fluff
warnings: uh nothing
word count: 1.6k(how did this happen-)
“What’s got your mood down the drain?”
Kimball peers at (Y/N)’s woeful face, “Don’t tell me you’re nervous; this new plan has already got me shaky.”
She would’ve told Kimball what had happened last night if Roger wasn’t right next to her.
(Y/N) leans her head on the palm of her hand. “It’s nothing. Can we just continue planning, please?” Roger looks at her, a bit worried as well.
“Maybe..this plan should stay a draft. I’ll go tell the team.” Roger almost gets up but (Y/N) stops him. “No, wait. I’m ok; I promise. Let’s do this.”
Fred and George walk in and (Y/N) speaks, “Just gimme a sec.” and goes towards them.
“Hey hey! How’s my favorite Ravenclaw?” Fred ruffles her hair and she swats the hand away.
“She’s..ok I guess. Kimball and Roger came up with a plan yesterday and somehow the whole team liked it. We’re gonna test it out during the pre-game practice but I’m a little terrified.”
“You smarties always come up with something, huh? Don’t worry about it; you’ll be great. I even got my special edition Ravenclaw hat!” George playfully lifts a blue and bronze homemade hat made by Mrs. Weasley. (Y/N) has the same kind for Gryffindor, but she’s smart enough not to wear it in public.
“You don’t have to cheer me up; I’m fine. By the way, have you seen Ced? He hasn’t come down for breakfast yet.”
“Nope, we haven’t; he must be off on his ~prefect duties~.”
George scrunches up his face in disgust.
They say their goodbyes and head to the Gryffindor table. Just as (Y/N) is about to go looking for Cedric, he walks in with a painful expression.
“God, I should’ve listened to you, these hangovers are not worth it.”
Huh? How is that his first sentence? Doesn’t he rememb-
“You ok? You know you have nothing to be nervous about today, right? Ravenclaw will definitely win.”
“Oh yeah, yeah I’m fine. I just..do you remember last night at all?”
Cedric cocks his head to the side. “Uh.. a bit. I remember coming into the Ravenclaw common room, we played a drinking game..then it gets fuzzy. But I remember you walking me to my common room; thanks for that.”
Oh? He..doesn’t remember.
“Ah ok..that was most of the night so you didn’t miss too much. Go eat and drink water; you’ll feel better.”
The warmth in her ears and cheeks felt a bit too overwhelming once in the Ravenclaw locker room. Normally, a quidditch game wouldn’t have struck up such nervousness in (Y/N), or just the Ravenclaw team in general. They knew how to calm down in time for the game and bring all their assets to the table. Except now, there was only one match that determined everything.
Roger was almost roaring. “Alright guys! I know we’re all a little on edge right now, but let’s get to the point. We know Slytherin plays a dirty game but we’re staying fair. Don’t let rage take you over, think and focus, we got this. Let’s go out there and win this!”
He continued to give separate instructions to the beaters, the keeper, and the seeker. He turned to (Y/N) and Kimball, firing up to go.
“Before you say anything, Davies. We know what to do, we’ll try the plan out right now during the practice, ok? Now calm down.”
Kimball was surprisingly stable today and it was no doubt she was going to have a good match. Roger visibly deflated but kept a smug look in his face.
Hooch told them Ravenclaw was going first for practice so the team kicked off into the air.
(Y/N)’s hair was tied back and the breeze tickled her face. She missed this feeling; so freeing and beautiful.
Before long, Kimball nodded towards (Y/N) and took off. She stayed higher up and Roger acted as an opponent chaser. They released the Snitch, the Bludgers, and the Quaffle, and started a mock game. Roger zoomed past (Y/N) and she went behind him. Kimball followed (Y/N) but from above. (Y/N) stole the Quaffle and headed to the three goals, where their Keeper stayed, and scored.
(Y/N) kept the Quaffle and tried to score again, but Roger stole the ball and that’s when Kimball came into the playing area. She quickly picked the ball from Roger and scored while (Y/N) flew up. This was their plan; have one chaser on the pitch and the other two above, following the movements. As soon as the ball was stolen or the chaser runs out of stamina, another substitutes in. If all three chasers from the other team started tagging the one chaser, the other two will come down to help. Roger had checked with Hooch to see if the tactic broke any rules and she allowed the Ravenclaw team to use it.
The Slytherin team practiced regularly and it was a relief to not see any crazy strategies.
We can win this.
The houses filed in, chattering their heads off as the teams got ready to enter the field. The Ravenclaw team was introduced and they flew up, similar to the Slytherin team except for Lee’s backhanded comments.
“The game is the last one of the season! But don’t worry, I’m sure the Triwizard Tournament will be entertaining! Let’s get on now; today’s match is Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin. I hope you all cheer for the right team!”
He got a slight warning from Mcgonagall and that was it. Marcus Flint and the other players were all mounted on their fancy brooms; (Y/N) was a tad jealous, but her Comet 290 did the job. Hooch gave warnings and blew the whistle, and before (Y/N) knew it, the game began.
The strategy had worked so far except for a short period where Draco Malfoy was chasing the Snitch and almost crashed into (Y/N) and Kimball, who were waiting above and had to move away really quickly.
Roger was running out of breath and (Y/N) noticed, so she flew down after telling Kimball and took his spot. A red-haired Slytherin chaser had the Quaffle, so (Y/N) speeded towards them. One of the beaters hit a Bludger towards the chaser and (Y/N) swooped in to take the Quaffle when they were distracted.
“Nice hit, Jason!” She yelled as she went past him, dodging Marcus Flint.
“and…(Y/L/N) scores! The score is now 50-35 with Ravenclaw in the lead.”
Cheers grew even louder and (Y/N) swore she locked eyes with Cedric as she flew past the Hufflepuff tower.
Ravenclaw’s seeker, Cho Chang was a little quiet and the year below (Y/N), but she was amazing on the field. There was a point in time last year where Cedric took an interest to her, but it faded..(Y/N) hopes.
The game was similar to the last, taking a long time and the players started to lose energy. As the year had just started, it was fall and the sun set earlier. The breeze up above was chilly and the chasers of Ravenclaw went back to the regular strategy, even though the one they were using didn’t require a lot of stamina, they were getting tired of having to fly up and down. The score was 140-145 with Slytherin in the lead.
It was a little early for the sun to have set completely but the horizon line was blending. (Y/N) remembered a time where Cedric told her a word for this scenery...abendrot. The violent tango of the blue and orange hues made for a majestic view.
She was temporarily distracted since Roger had the Quaffle when she heard Lee’s voice booming, “Just as Davies scores..Chang is closing in on the snitch..SHE’S CAUGHT IT! RAVENCLAW WINS!”
The team quickly flew down and cheered for Cho, but it felt like a mutual celebration since everyone did so well. Kimball hugged (Y/N) tight and whispered about how her legs are going to be so sore.
They giggled amongst themselves until George’s voice ripped through the crowd and screamed (Y/N)’s name. The other houses were rushing up too, congratulating their friends and other players. (Y/N) was lifted and hugged by the twins and she spotted Cedric running up.
“Hell, if you think our game was good, this was amazing!” Fred laughed and set her down.
“I feel like most people weren’t watching towards the end since it was so long.”
Cedric finally caught up and spoke, “Nonsense, (Y/N). You did so well today, especially when you swooped in near the goal when Warrington had the Quaffle; you just stole it and dropped it in. He didn’t even realize.” A smile graced his face.
He noticed details..
“(Y/N)? You okay?”
“..Thanks! Yeah..um, sorry that was a really long game so I’m just tired.”
The twins and Cedric went back to their common room as Ravenclaw celebrated in a more calm way than Hufflepuff did.
A few students sat around the fireplace, but most of the players went to bed early.
“Did you see Malfoy’s face? He looked like he was about to kill someone with that grimace.” Inglebee chattered.
Kimball and (Y/N) went back to the dorms after signaling to their friends that they’re going because they couldn’t keep their eyes open.
(Y/N) thought back to how the sky looked when the sun kissed the mountains in the distance and fell asleep thinking about the fond memory of today and of when she learned from a certain someone about what that sunset is called. Abendrot.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
The Necklace: Kimball Cho x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989@caitlinrosa@mcfriggingonagall@kniselle@aiko24k
Companion piece to Break
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You still wear the necklace that Cho gave you. You keep it tucked under your blouse so no one else can see it. It’s a small gold medallion with a Korean character etched into the beaten surface. You developed a habit when the two of you were together, of toying with it, of rubbing your thumb over the engraving.
“It means protection.” He’d told you as he’d helped to fasten it around your neck. “I don’t believe in it but every little helps right?”
You’d caught a bullet the day before. The vest had held but it had scared the living hell out of him when he’d heard about from your partner. He’d come over to you place that night to see for himself, undressed you, loved you.
The bruising had been coming out by then, a purple blossom over the place where your heart resided. You’d fallen sleep wrapped up in his arms that night and he had stayed awake listening to the sound of your breathing, replaying how much he could have lost.
He gives you the necklace the next day because he’ll do anything to tip the odds in your favour, even something as ridiculous as a protection talisman.
It’s a year later and the two of you aren’t together anymore, you haven’t been since he ended things because it got a little too real, made him feel a little too vulnerable. He regrets that, that he chose to run when he should have stayed.
The two of you still work in the same building, different departments but he still has to live with that decision, he has to face the consequences of his actions every damn day.
Tonight it’s worse. It’s past midnight and he’s sitting at his desk finishing up reports because he doesn’t want to go back to an empty apartment when he glances up across the corridor and sees your desk light still on, your brow furrowed in concentration. A glimpse of gold captures the light and he realises your fingers are toying with the chain that’s looped around your throat. His breath catches in his throat because he realises it’s the pendant that he gave you, that you still wear it after all this time.
It gives him hope, hope that maybe one day you’ll forgive him, that he can make you understand it was never about you, it was his own demons he was contending with.
It's three in the morning when you bump into each other at the elevator, he’s finally decided to call it quits and you’re lagging, he can tell from the way you keep rubbing at your eyes. When the elevator arrives he gestures for you to step in first. The entire ride you stand beside each in silence, watching the floor numbers on the electronic panel as the elevator descends.  
It’s when you get to the parking lot that you realise the lights on the left side where you’ve parked your car are out. They’ve been having issues with flickering for a few days now.
“Let me walk you to your car.” Cho requests because he hates the thought of you alone in the dark. He’s worked too many cases that start with circumstances just like this and he won’t be one of those people you see crying on TV who say things like ‘If only…”
He expects you to fight him, to remind him you’re a trained CBI agent, one that carries a gun and teaches seminars on hand to hand combat but you don’t.
“Thank you.” You say to his immense surprise. “I’d appreciate it.”
Love Cho? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
May I please have something written for Kimball Cho using the "life was easier when I only cared about me" line from Squidward's Butt Dance Prompt List? (one of the funniest names for anything ever btw) I figured I'd mix things up for once and not choose Matty or Danny. I don't want to end up being a 2-trick pony lol
- Kelnon
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @caitlinrosa @mcfriggingonagall @kniselle @aiko24k
I honestly don't mind who you prompt for, you can do it for all three! Also thank you for selecting Cho, I am having a great time getting to know him through writing.
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Cho tries not to care about you, he tries to treat you like just another one of his colleagues but it gets harder every day because truthfully you’re not. He can’t pretend he doesn’t notice the tired circles under eyes when he runs into you in the breakroom, or the way you flinch when you hear a loud noise.
“You need to get some sleep.” He says softly as he leans against the counter, his arms crossed over chest.
You’re waiting for your tea to steep, both palms pressed upon the work surface as you watch the colours plume in the milk.
“You gave up the right to tell me what to do when you ended things Cho.” You say, your gaze remaining fixed on your tea.
“Just because we’re not together doesn’t mean I don’t care.” He tells you, tilting his head so he capture your gaze.
You laugh then and that sound, it feels like a knife is being driven into his chest because it’s so fucking bitter.
“You don’t get to step in and out of my life when you feel like it.” You tell him as you pluck the teabag out of your mug with the cardboard tab. “You don’t get to ride in like a white knight because you think it’s the right thing to do.”
Cho sighs, his palm rubbing over the back of his neck.
“It’s not like that.” He tells you and you tilt your head towards him with so much pain in your eyes it harrows him. “You know it isn’t.”
“I know I fell in love and you didn’t.”
“Is that what you think?” He asks you, his voice rough. “You think I didn’t love you?”
“All I know is that one minute we were happy and the next…”
You trail off, the line of your jaw clenching.
“You know what it doesn’t matter.” You say, picking up your mug and stepping away from him. “It clearly meant more to me than it did to you.”
You’re wrong, he thinks as he watches you walk away. The relationship the two of you had, it meant everything.
Love Cho? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Could I have something with Kimball Cho using the "I’ve tried being subtle but it doesn’t work" line from the prompt list? 🩷
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You don’t expect Cho to kiss you, you don’t expect his lips to feel as soft as they do, as heated as they do. His hands run through your hair and you can feel yourself falling, hurtling towards oblivion as his firm body presses against yours.
God he feels good, better than you imagined.  
You’re breathless when he pulls away, your cheeks flushing with colour as he looks into your eyes. His thumb traces lightly over the blush of your cheek as he murmurs.
"I’ve tried being subtle but subtle doesn’t work"
“No.” You whisper, your fingers curling in the fabric of his shirt, drawing him back to you. “It doesn’t.”
Love Cho? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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Cho x reader - nervous confessions
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Can i request a Cho x reader oneshot from the mentalist?? Where Jane and the others notice that Cho looks a little distracted lately and it turns out that he has a crush on Reader (who on a coffe shop near the CBI), and Cho is trying to find a way to ask them out but he gets kinda shy around them.At the end he does ask Reader out on a date with the help of the main squad. Reader can be confident, kind and smart, i'm tired of shy Readers, srry - @msyolocat-blog 💜
You smiled as you watched the federal agent walk in.
“Right on time.” You beamed.
He smiled a little and walked over to the counter, looking around the empty shop.
“Pretty quiet.”
“Yeah, no idea why, but hey I’m not complaining it’ll be a good chilled out morning. The usual?”
Cho watched as you went to make his coffee and he smiled to himself but also cursed himself for not being able to ask you on a date.
All he wanted was to go to dinner with you, but he couldn’t. He didn’t want to ruin the blossoming friendship with you.
But he also didn’t know how to go about asking someone like you on a date, would you even like dinner? Would you not want to go for coffee since you make it all day?
He was at a loss.
He was pulled out of his mind by his phone ringing and he pulled it from his pocket.
He looked up at you still making his drink, and walked to the other side of your cafe.
He answered his phone and within a few seconds he was grabbing his bag.
“Sorry (Y/N) I’ve got to go!”
He handed him a takeaway cup and he smiled, nodding his smile in thanks.
“I’ll pay tomorrow?”
“Yes, go on pretty big get to work!” You laughed.
He smiled sheepishly at being called that and rushed out the door and down the street to the reason why you shop was so empty.
You had absolutely no idea why the shop was so quiet but it was a good chance to do what you need to do and you started taking inventory.
You heard the bell chime again.
“One moment!”
You came out from the back and smiled at a woman and Cho who had come back.
“Hi there we’re agents Grace and Cho, we’re just wondering if we can ask you some questions.” Grace asked.
You nodded your head.
“Sure, do you want a coffee? Cho do you need another?”
“No thanks you, but here.”
He handed you the money for the coffee he had run out with not long ago.
“Just a regular coffee please, you two know each other?” Grace asked.
“Oh yes, he comes in everyday for a coffee. I know I make great coffees but I’m starting to think there’s another reason.” You smirked.
He quickly looked away and Grace laughed softly when she saw this.
You turned around to start making her coffee and she stood in front of him practically gushing and he had to place his hand over her mouth to get her to keep quiet.
“So what do you need to ask?”
“Have you see anything suspicious today?” Cho asked.
He quickly let Grace go and she turned around.
You answered all of their questions and after a while they left.
Grace immediately told everyone about you and that Cho had a thing for you and they were immediately on top of that.
They worked through the case but every single one of them made sure to stop by our cafe to ask you ‘work’ questions and get to know you.
You enjoyed having them all come around, the all had such different personalities and while you enjoyed getting to know the people your friend worked with, you didn’t love them coming over more than you loved him coming in.
Every morning Cho came in and it always made you smile, yes he was a bit shy and awkward but he was an interesting guy.
“Does Cho come here a lot?” Jane asked sipping his tea.
You nodded your head and turned around, leaning on the counter.
“Oh yeah, comes by every morning. Gets the same drink, stays for a little chat then leaves. Been doing it for months.” You smiled.
Jane nodded his head and started to formulate a plan in his head.
Even after the case was done everyone came by still for coffee and to talk to you and much to your surprise they came as a group after a few weeks.
“(Y/N) Cho has something to ask you!” Rigsby beamed.
“Oh yeah, he’s been going on about it all the way here.” Lisbon smirked.
You smirked and leant over the counter, raising a brow in question.
“Uh huh, I bet, what’s up anyways pretty boy?”
Cho averted his eyes away from you and he cleared his throat a little.
Everyone waited anxiously.
“Can.. can I have a coffee?”
You laughed and they all groaned.
“Course you can, you lurkers get out here you’re making this weird.”
They laughed and wished him luck, clasping him in the shoulder and you started to make his drink.
Cho looked at you, eyes soft a smile on his lips.
He knew he had to do this now, while you weren’t looking, while you were distracted, it was his only chance and he didn’t want to waste anymore time anymore
Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes for a second before opening them.
“Would you.. maybe want to go to dinner or something…?” He mumbled out.
You set his cup on the counter and looked at him as he did anything to avoid looking at you.
Walking around, you walked over and crossed your arms, a small smirk on your lips.
“If.. if you want to..”
“Are you asking me on a date Kimball Cho?”
He looked at you, seeing how close you were he quickly looked away.
“You don’t have to, forget it.”
He went to walk around but you stopped him, reaching up you brushed fingers along his cheek, and stood up, gently kissing it.
“I want to pretty boy, hang about for a while we can go when I close?”
“Sure, yeah.”
He grabbed his drink and sat down and you went to cleaning with a huge smirk on your face while he sat there watching you lovingly.
He wasn’t used to doing stuff like that, and he wasn’t sure how it was going to go but he was really looking forward to going on a date with you.
After spending so much time with you over the mornings he would come, he was excited to be able to take it further
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Kimball Cho Masterlist
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Subtle - Cho realises being subtle isn't working.
The Leaning Tower - Cho thinks back to that trip the two of you planned.
Break - Cho and you discuss your past relationship.
The Necklace - Cho realises you still wear the necklace he gave you.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
The Mentalist Masterlist
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Kimball Cho Masterlist
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Marcus Pike Masterlist
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Wayne Rigsby Masterlist
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Adding to Ask List:
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Wayne Rigsby
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Kimball Cho
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
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A quick round up of updates on the blog including new characters added to the ASK LIST and a list of fics that went out last week:
New characters were added to the ask list this week.
Dan Miller (Walker)
New Fics:
Chicago Med:
Cufflinks - Mitch is forced to deal with his mom a few days before the wedding.
The Best Moment of My Life - Meeting you was the best moment of Mitch's life.
Bad Influence - You tell Crockett he's a bad influence.
The First Time (NSFW) - Sean and you sleep together for the first time.
Dirty Weekend - You and Sean spent the entire weekend in bed together.
The Study Series: Part Four: Navy Shirt - You and Dean don't keep secrets.
Cobra Kai:
Home - Terry realises his house is becoming a home.
Worth It - OA tells Maggie about the break up.
Fire Country:
Distance - Manny comes home to find you packing.
Love Bite - Duke loves wearing the marks of your love.
Law & Order:
Waiting - Jalen waits up for you.
The Mentalist:
The Necklace - Cho realises you still wear the necklace he gave you.
The Musketeers:
Scars - You make Porthos feel beautiful.
Kiss Me - You don't realise you're being courted by Alden.
A Lucky Man - Alden knows he's a lucky man when he sees you walk down the aisle.
Crime Scene Clean Up - Alden takes care of you after a collegue kills himself in your office.
Finish Line - The story of how you and AJ first meet.
NCIS Sydney:
One Night - You and JD spend the night together.
The Rookie Feds:
It Should Be You (NSFW) - Brendon makes a realisation before the wedding.
ATF!Series: Part Five: That Kind Of Love - Jax takes matters into his own hands with Stahl.
Top Gun Maverick:
Moving On - Companion piece to Broken Buttons , Messy & Choices - You and Beau begin to move on with your lives.
The Storm Outside - Larry comforts you during a stormy night.
Life On The Ranch - Dan finds adjustment to ranch life harder than he thought.
Lifetime - You promise to spend a lifetime with Travis, no matter how short it may be.
Just Like The First Time (NSFW) - Walker and you send the night together for the first time in 7 years.
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masterlistmaker · 1 year
Special Agent Lokitty Masterlist- The Mentalist Works
all readers
Patrick Jane x all readers
Teresa Lisbon x reader
Grace van Pelt x reader
Wayne Rigsby x reader
Kimball Cho x reader
The Team x reader
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hie! i adore your writing so much, god it makes me so happy.
could i request kimball cho x reader (where they're married) with prompt number 18. i feel like it would be so cute!
Ahhh yessss!!! And I’m glad you enjoy my writing💜
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