#kimitsu mitsuri
dummy-dot-exe · 4 months
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甘露寺みつり by USA@USA37107692
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reticent-writer · 3 months
CouldI was looking at your other account and I liked the headcanons of the father figure(kny)and I wanted to ask for one. the father who is someone more sentimental but his face is stoic. It's like you see him from afar and you feel that he's rude until you talk to him and he talks to you very happy and with a big smile. Thank u for this
An: for the fathers I go with their occupation from other fics.
Mitsuri's ff is a Baker. Giyuu and Rengoku's is a retired hashira. Shinobu's is a doctor. Obanai, muichirou, sanemi and tengen are people from their past.
Some of them takes place during the training arc
Demon slayer masterlist
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Tengen thinks that your intimidating aura is flashy
Makio is similar to Tengen but she wised you had the attitude to match your face
Suma makes you laugh a lot and doesn't understand how anyone can even think you could be rude
Hina thinks you're the sweetest man she's met
Hashira training is harsh and Tengen was working the young slayers to the bone. You were helping Hina, Makio and Suma cook/distribute the food.
As you made your way around passing out food, the chatter died down. You didn't notice but what you did notice was Tanjiro talking in a group.
His eyes beamed when they met yours. You walked over making the boys shiver away from you.
"L/n is nice to see you again."
"You to Tanjiro." You gave him a soft smile, "Would you like some more."
"Yes, please." He offered his bowl.
"Y/n yours supposed to be working not talking." Tengen called out to you. You ignored him and turned to the trainies aroudn you.
"Did you boys eat your fill?"
They all nodded and you said your goodbyes. as you were walking away you heard the boys quietly bumbard Tanjiro with questions.
"How are you not scared of him?
"You talk so causally with him, I'm jelous."
"How'd you get him to smile?"
You laughed to yourself.
I can see Kyojuro practicing smiling with you so that, in his words, it becomes natural
Ubuyashiki jokes about you getting your unfriendly vibes from being around Shinjuro
Senjuro doesn't think you're intimidating but he's bias
You Senjuro and Kyojuro were at the market buying things for dinner. It's always nice to get out of the house every once in a while and the villagers are very kind, especially since the Rengoku family is known slayers.
On this particular outing a group of kids (5 or 6 of them) were playing around the food booths. As Senjuro was picking out ripe fruit you watched as one of the smaller kids stopped playing and went to the closest stand, coincidentally the one you were at, and attempt to grab as much as they could.
You stopped them by grabbing anything and leaned down to their height.
"You and your friends have a nice distraction but stealing isn't okay so how about we pay for this huh." You tried to smile like Kyojuro taught you but it made you the kid cry instead.
You were flushed as you tried to get the kid to calm down, their friends came to see what was the problem but when you turned to them with a helpless expression they cautiously apporached you.
You look at the crying child, "There no need to cry." You turn to the group of kids, "and there's no need to steal. Grab whatever you need and I'll pay for it."
At that you and the group of kids went stall to stall buying enough food for them and their families.
One the walk back to the house.
"I think you handled that well. I mean only one kid cried." Kyojuro patted your back.
"Its better than all of them crying right?"Senjuro chimed in.
You sighed, "I guess."
Obanai thinks you have a screw loose
You can act tuff and scary but you're literally a golden retriever
Obanai had just gotten back from eating out with Mitsuri to find you passed out, bleeding from the head while Kakushi fussed over you.
He rushed over to find out what happened but when he saw the look on your face he wanted to walk away.
You had a stupidly wide smile on your face as you held onto a broken tree branch.
"I don't know what happened I went to go make tea when I heard a thud. I'm so sorry Mr. Obanani." They cried but Obanai ignored them.
"What did you do." He questioned.
"I saw that a bird had fallen out of its nest so I put it back but on my way down the branch broke." You confessed still smilling like an idiot.
"Take him to Shinobu." He sighed as he looked up at the tree you fell from to see the mama bird staring back at him.
I honestly find Sanemi to be nice but in a brutally honest mean way ya know?
Genya likes having you around, especially when Sanemi is around
Mui doesn't say much about but he would compare you to a sting-ray
You are pretty to look at and harmless as long as no one hits are one nerve that only he can
"Oh Mui, be nice to them they look exhausted." You said, "Just cause Tanjiro isn't here doesn't mean you can bully them." It was the end of the day and the trainers were washing up.
"Its training, They'll be fine if they're strong enough."
You sighed and patted Mui on the back before checking on the trainees.
"Are you boys okay?"
"We're fine, sir."
"Are you sure?"
It looked like a few of them wanted to say something but they decided to keep their mouth shut.
"Then I guess none of you would like these sweets courtesy of the love hashira." You gestured to a cart full of treats. In an instant, they surrounded the cart and ate their fill.
that's all I have to say
Giyuu was being followed by Tanjiro all day. You were asleep when he burst in your room asking for help.
"Y/n please help me." He shook you awake. You yawn and rolled over, clinging to sleep.
"Good morning, L/n." An enthusiastic voice called from your door causing you to shoot up. Looking over to Giyuu you mouthed 'he's still here' before getting up and opening your door.
"Good morning, forgive me for my appearance I didn't expect you here again." You blocked his view of your room with his body.
"You seem tired, sorry for bothering you."
"Oh, you're never a bother. Here for Giyuu?" You smiled.
"Yeah but I haven't seen him yet."
"Why don't you wait in the front I'm sure He'll show up sooner or later."
"Okay, thank you."
You watched a Tanjiro wobbled to the entrance of the estate. You gently closed your door and turned to giyuu.
"Seriously. You can't just talk to him." Your face dropped.
"He's persistent."
Shinobu likes that fact that your scary because no one has the balls to aruge with you about treatment
Aoi likes when you come to help for the same reason.
"Oto-san, can you help Aoi in the infirmary?" Shinobu said knocking on your door.
Sighing you stopped what you were doing and got presentable.
"Of course, how many slayers are there?"
"Full house."
"What happened to them?" You gasped as the two of you walked to the infirmary.
"Most of them are from Sanemi and Obanai's training."
"I'm gonna strangle those two." You hissed as you opened the door to the infirmary.
Shinobu is scary all by herself but the two of you together is suffocating.
"Good you're here. Please help." Aoi begged. You laughed as you watched the triplets go around with trays of medicine and got to work.
You handled everything with care and precision, Unfortunately, when you were focused you had an RBF. The trainees knew they were in good hands but they couldn't help but feel nervous around you.
As you said goodnight to everyone you smiled and wished them well.
Mitsuri had only seen you mad once and that was when she got her uniform
"Y/N I FOUND A STRAY KITTY." Kanroji burst into your bakery with the kitten wrapped in her haori.
"Aw poor thing." You cooed as you wiped your hands on your apron, then took it off. You carefully took the small thing into your arms and brought it to an empty table in the dining area.
The cat was huffing like a dog. It was overheated.
You quickly got it some water in a dish.
As the day went on, you and Kanroji watched over the cat as it slowly gained the strength to walk again.
"So what are you gonna do with it?" She asked as it purred in your lap.
"I'll keep em." You smiled as your patrons watched the adorable scene, silently waiting for you to take their orders. They wouldn't dare say it tho.
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arthass24 · 2 months
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Demon Slayer (Obanai x Mitsuri )
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insertsacoolname · 7 months
My current mental state
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demonteabags · 1 year
Mitsuri: Nezuko is so cute! I love her so much!
Iguro: I’m cute too. Love me.
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Mitsuri and Shinobu (separately) who have a crush on reader that doesn’t really smile. What would their reactions be to seeing their crush just laughing at the dumbest joke and then running over to tell them about it with a smile on their face?
Thanks in advance if you do it! If not Dw about it!
AHHH THIS IS SO CUTE :D Thank you anon for the wonderful idea :)
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Shinobu Kochou:
• You were a new hashira to the demon slayer corps who Shinobu approached right away. In her multiple attempts to joke with you or even to tease you to try to get you to even show a tiny smirk, she failed.
• Until one day, you were on a mission with Shinobu, you both were in a town with no sights on the demon and nothing signaling that the demon was even there. The both of you were asking the townspeople if anything strange was happening when one of them said a joke in the distance towards you that made you burst out laughing.
• Shinobu's neck turned so fast the citizen she was talking to swear they heard a snap- Her heartbeat quickened, her cheeks flushed a bright pink as she admired you. Your adorable laugh, the way you covered your mouth with your hand, how fast you turned your head away from laughing so hard. A smile spread across her face as she turned back to continue her conversation.
• You ran back to Shinobu a bit after you were both done speaking, you went on a long tangent about the joke and how funny it was. Little did you know Shinobu was not listening at all because she was distracted by how beautiful you are. <3
"Your smile is absolutely gorgeous y/n."
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Mitsuri Kanroji:
• You've been a hashira in the corps for a while now, and Mitsuri Kanroji has been dying to make you laugh or even smile for a while now. She almost cried the first time she told you a joke and you didnt react, it broke her heart. Though, when she say no one else could make you laugh either, it made her feel a bit better.
•Mitsuri was ecstatic when you were both assigned to go on a mission together, she made a master plan to make jokes nonstop during your mission in hopes to make you laugh. She asked all the other hashira their favorite jokes and wrote them down to think about the best ones and what she would say. Mitsuri Kanrojis real mission, was to make you laugh.
• Mitsuri told you she was gonna go to the restroom so wash up before the mission. She was absolutely dying of nervousness, kept throwing water on her face and saying in the mirror "You can do this!" Mitsuri went over her list over twenty times memorizing every word.
• She was broken to bits when you showed up laughing your ass off from a joke a shopkeeper told. Smiling and nodding while holding back tears, but she couldn't help but notice how happy you looked. The way you snorted when you laughed, your words broken with laughs, you could barely stand straight.
• "Are you okay Kanroji?" You asked, confused and worried about why she was crying hysterically.
"Your smile is absolutely beautiful Y/n san!!"
• To say the least, you definitely got an earful from Obanai when you got back. Making Kanroji cry is unacceptable!
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n-b-0-d-y · 6 months
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Tanjiro ended up looking a little grumpy, but it was fun making these.
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iryskute · 3 months
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Obamitsu. (Old rushed coloring ( 。゚Д゚。))
I need moots.
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krav0r · 1 year
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I would do anything for you bby 🤧💕
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rottonfishie · 2 months
Hey! Come check out : Tetra Rosea's KNY reverse au.
Please consider interacting with her au. This au has been in the making for four years! She has put loads of work and detail into this au, and her artwork is incredible.
You can find her on :
Tiktok : tetrarosea
Pinterest :
Discord :
And or their Twitter! (I don't have a link for their Twitter page, but their username is 'Tetra_Rosea'.
Here's some examples of her works :
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Please reblog this post!
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baderpfulu · 1 year
More Demon Slayer characters in acnh...!
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No thoughts, head empty...
Bc he forgor 🤦‍♂️
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I love how he's standing over there just trying for the life of him to remember the, like, 50 other things he forgot about... like, you know, a whole other version of himself...... And then there's Mitsuri... just throwing confetti~ 🎉
Just the two of them 🎶
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Chillin' with my buddy at the Butterfly Mansion~ 🦋
Credit to PrinceSon for being Muichiro in the pictures with us together :^)
You been hit by....
You been struck by.....
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insertsacoolname · 10 months
Are guys excited!!!!????
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demonteabags · 1 year
Ohagi | The Hashira Groupchat.
Warnings: Swearing.
Description: Someone keeps leaving Ohagi outside Sanemi’s house…
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the-axe-and-flail · 1 year
Hashira- What they kiss like pt 3
Mitsuri Konroji
(WARNING- sexual themes. MDNI/18+ only. Femme coded reader)
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Surely I'm not the only person who's spent far too much time thinking what it's like kissing every single Hashira, right? (minus Mui, he gets forehead kisses bc baby) Well then, let's go on an adventure, shall we?
Gyomei•Shinobu•Sanemi•Obanai•Tengen• Kuojuro•Giyuu
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Mitsuri kisses like there is no freedom from the hunger she feels for you. Soft lips followed by equally soft sounds pull you into her and engulf you, your head swirling from her urgency. The taste of mochi on her tongue as she lets her thumb gently pull at your chin to grant her access to your mouth. Her kisses are impatient and needy, she's been gone from you for too long (regardless of how long its actually been) and now there are not enough minutes in the day to show you just how deeply fond of you she is. If Mitsuri is the sun, you are surely the sky in which she rests, full of bright fluffy clouds and the songs of birds, painted in the beautiful colours she casts wherever she goes. She kisses you like a woman who's starved- skin and bones, gaunt and listless without your love. But now before her is a banquet of your bare skin and lips wet with her own saliva, and she will feast until her bottomless appetite is satiated. Her lips press against yours, a soft whine the only verbal indication she gives that she craves your touch in this very moment, so sure she'd waste away without it. She is famished, merely an empty husk without you underneath her.
Mitsuri's hands tremble slightly with the desperation to touch you anywhere she can. Her strong grip holds your hips against hers as her lips slide from your mouth to your ear- her favorite place to nibble and feed her whines and whimpers to. She coos at the full body shutter you give when her lips and tongue ghost across the most sensitive and tender parts of your flesh, a soft giggle trailing from her as she leaves kisses and love bites in every place she can reach. Mitsuri loves nothing more than threading her fingers with yours as she sucks and bites at the sensitive spot just below your ear, her body tingling with your cries of ecstasy.
During sex, Mitsuri's kisses get a bit sloppy, her desire for you too great to worry about how composed or proper she's being. Ravenous lips cover yours, devouring every single sound you utter at her behest as busy hands work to draw more from you to quell her appetite. Her plush hips rocking into you as her tongue finds yours, a thin trail of saliva lingering in connection between you. Her fingers curling against you in the way only she has memorized, drinking up your pleas as you fall apart in her arms. Only when your body clenches around her fingers does she truly overindulge- sucking at the sensitive skin of your neck, her own sighs of joy simmer with your cries of pleasure. Far from her to ever admit it, but she loves leaving small marks on your skin in those moments that make her blush when she sees them peeking out of your collar.
Mitsuri will kiss you anywhere, and any time it's appropriate or safe to do so. She's not worried about onlookers, and definitely not worried about what others may say. She's waited this many years to meet you, and now that you're in her arms, it doesn't matter who sees. That said, her public kisses are sweet, almost innocent in their own way. Her lips brushing against yours, a bairly audible wimper leaving her as you part. Mitsuri likes to pout and make puppy eyes at you if you try and stir her in public. She wouldn't dream of punishing you for it, but she definitely would whine and ask you to not be so mean, at least not until you're alone at home.
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local-giyuu-simp · 7 months
Sorry I haven't been posting for a while I was very busy but here is some stuff I did in school.
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Obanai is such a tired boi
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Giyuu and sanemi are fighting😭
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Giyuu after the fight.
Poor Giyuu😭😭😭
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hidinginchaos · 1 year
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Source pinterest
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