#kindof jk tho
livecharliereaction · 7 months
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Beatrice trolling Actually its not really clicking that the "ceremony to revive beatrice" would be carried out by her. Kinzo would (and i guess did) give her the right to do so but i dont know im starting to kinda think there might be even someone besides that. Anwyay i wanna go to the golden land lets keep killing. Jk its horrible and terrible. but i wanna see it anyway I was kinda imagining we wouldnt in this ep tho. Also freaky that kanons kindof sui sacrifice ended up being part of the script too. I somehow thought the twilight thing to mean everyday (=theyd be there for like 10 days omfg) but nuh uh its just a fun phrasing for the different steps (....that or i misunderstand what the word twilight means)
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wiltingflames · 3 years
the decision to rewatch survivor: micronesia has led me to the conclusion that swimming and spearing fish is hot. key words: and spearing fish, i don’t mean micheal phelps swimming here i mean ozzy.
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Aphrodite: You think you’ve seen a feminist blog? Think again. There are ~tasteful~ pictures of nipples left and right, quotes about body image and lots of empowered women. The title is: freethenip_keepthewhip Rupi Kaur would probably deem the blog too much, but somehow she manages to keep it to a sane level. Everyone follows her, even tho they all deny it. 10/10 inspirational as fuck
Hermes: He runs: yaboy-hermesss This blog is a mess. There is no such thing as a theme, or any kind of cohesion, the boy just reblogs what he likes. That’s it, that’s the only rule. It’s a shame he mostly only blogs when he’s high, so it’s a game of “will today be a motivational quotes over colorful sunsets OR Low-resolution pictures of literal houseplants in the dark” kinda day? 7.5/10 – if you’re high too, it’s the best thing you’ve seen all year
Dionysus: AKA: yourdaddywouldnever. The blog is pretty tame, it’s mostly just memes and an occasional photo of the latest shenanigans he’s gotten into. But he likes everything. EVERYTHING. From cat pics on Hephaestus’ blog to random selfies of Indian dudes, it seems like Dio uses the like button every time he takes a breath. 5.5/10 the blog itself is really mediocre
Hephaestus: Pictures. Of. Cats. Just so many cat pics. He recently began adding gifs to the mix. He names every kitten, and his tags are full of things like #fluff #meow #furryfriends. There is an occasional photo of him posing (but pretending to be natural) and some of those memes your aunt would post on facebook, tagged with three crying-laughing faces. The name is: hephaestus1 – “hephaestus was already taken” 9/10 gotta admit the kitties are cute as fuck
Hestia: Poetry blog. She uploads her own stuff and reblogs quotes from others, but the main purpose of tumblr for her is to get into debates about meaningless stuff in the comments. Her blog’s name is: lines­­­_of_revolution 6.5/10 the poems are not bad actually, but for the love of everything, don’t tag her
Ares: His blog is mainly black and white images. He tries to maintain an aesthetic but sometimes it is too much for ADHD boiTM, and he spirals into a pit of sad and miserable quotes only. But when he’s doing good, the pictures are a very decent way of telling what mood he is in, and actually tell a pretty good story of his week. The blog name is: ares-godofwar 8/10 when he’s fine
Artemis: This is The Aesthetic Blog TM. Everything matches with everything. She keeps up themes that change every month, and there is not a post that’s out of order. The blog is so aesthetically pleasing, legends say you can not look at it for more than 15 minutes at a time or your life will fall apart and nothing will ever seem worthy of looking at again. Her blog is: goddessofperfection
Apollo: There is no good way of putting it, Apollo’s blog is a good ol’ pornblog. He strongly argues and puts it as some kind of “artistic choice” or “naturalistic expression” but that’s no way of fooling anyone when there are more naked butts on his page than on Burning Man. His username is: harp­_me_up (he spent 3 weeks coming up with this name) 5/10 for the denial (just admit it bro)
Demeter: She runs: demeter-dontmakeatumblrplease. Now listen. I don’t have any explanation for this. But her blog is the funniest shit ever. In the history of time, it is the most hilarious thing to grace this blob of stone we call Earth. It is just straight up hysterical. It resonates with everyone. The things she reblogs and the things she posts herself. Quality content. This is what I’m here for. And by myself I mean everyone ever. 100000/10 would recommend
Athena: Song lyrics everywhere. She probably thinks the site is a knockoff karaoke bar. Her blog is the equivalent of every single time a song has gotten stuck into your head for two days. Besides that, it’s usually “intellectual” stuff such as quotes from famous thinkers, but just when you think there is more to that than annoying lyrics, a line from I Wanna Know What Love Is pops up and the illusion is ruined. Her blog is: itsa-kindof-magic 5/10 pretty boring (sorry)
Persephone: Pretty convinced that her site (queen­_of_the_dead) is just a cover for some serious satanic shit. It’s straight up scary. Can’t really give a rating, cuz I’ve only looked it up once and it still haunts be, but let’s go with a 10/10 not to piss her off.
Hera: It’s a pretty standard hipster blog with the trademark pics of cozy coffee shops and those backpacks (you know, the ones you see on the back of a dude with a beard longer than your last relationship) in every color imaginable. The blog is: mom­_friend101 It’s cute and sweet and reflects her personality very well. Lot’s of rolled up pants to reveal crazy patterned socks. All around great vibes. 9/10
Hades: Ah yes, the dog rating site. “how many TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT IT’S NOT A DOG RATING…!!” Ssssh, Hades, it’s okay. We all have a soft spot. A for effort for posting some other stuff once every month or so just to keep up the illusion. But it is what it is. His blog is: not-a-dog-rating-site JK, it’s actually: hatethis­_hades 10/10 because it’s the best thing to come out of the grumpy old man (the dude gives every dog a max score)
Poseidon: Doesn’t get the concept of it, regularly confuses tumblr with twitter and posts his opinions nobody asked for. His username is: better-than-zeus, and he begins every single one of his posts with “Now guess what…” a strong 8/10 because he is actually pretty funny but no one will admit it, so don’t bring it up
AKA: zeusofficial Only posts about twice a year and it is always a link to some other site or article you know you’ll never read. -100/10, this is not your granddad’s facebook page, get it together man
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thelifeofhjsc-blog · 7 years
woke up and got ready to go to brunch with my sister and ashley. (our cousin). i really like my dorm room this year. its a lot bigger than the rooms me and jeong had (both years). 
for brunch, we went to the hart and the hunter, this really hipspter restaraunt/cafe kinda place. they serve like fancy wines and definitely a insta worthy place. we caught up on how we’ve all been doing and we had some really nice conversations. one interesting convo we had was about relationships because she and liz both have boyfriends. she was asking why i dont want a boyfriend right now and i was kinda saying how commitment is kindof hard for me at the moment. not like “wanting to be with other boys” kinda thing but as in like feeling like i have to hang out with them most of my free time or like i have to tell them where i am or like what im up to, compared to if i didnt have a thing with anyone, i could just easily be like “i dont have to tell u or anyoneee anything” lalalala HAHA jk but ya know.. 
she was saying how one thing that is so so so so important in a relationship is respect. she said that when you get out of the honeymoon stage and “the super liking eachother” period, its not even communication that will make the relationship last forever. at the end of the day, its respect. and i asked her, “what do you mean by respect? like what are some examples?” and she was saying how its important to find someone who respects your privacy, or respects your time, respects that you need some time with your girl friends,  etc.”  and i was like wow that is so true....... and it made me think.
we then took some pics together outside, and then me and liz went to a cafe to wait for our dad so we can watch a movie together. (my dad had to stay an extra day btw) but anyways, i had the best macaron there. BOMB. i love those so much. and it tasted so so good w my iced americano heheh
we found out that our movie that we wanted to watch was full so we went and ran random errands while waiting for the next one. i went to target to get like some more dorm stuff and daiso to get some random cute stationary stuff. 
we then watched the movie and omg....... that was the best movie ever. i really like that theater ~(CGV CINEMAS) (its a korean theater).  the screen is really big and everyone is like korean and its so cute cause everyone just feels like a family there LOL the movie was really funny and so sad too... but i loved how everyone would laugh together and then they would like cry together in the rly sad parts hehe but anyways, that movie got like 99 on rotten tomatoes and everyone was saying it was a very well made movie. :’)
we then went to go eat sushi at like 9 pm and it was like a pretty lit sushi place LOL. i was like ;abba lets drink”!! and he was like “no” LOL but then he was like ok ill order a beer and then the employee was like “how many glasses?” and my dad was like “one” and i was like “Two!!” LOL.. and then the guy was like ohh can i see ur id? and i was like sure! *takes out id* and my dad was like “does that rly work?? :O” (right in front of the worker) and then while the employee was looking at it, my dad was like to him “dont let her drink if it doesnt work!:)” i was like omg but then the employee just like gave it back and was like “thank you!” so i was like yay and liz just rolled her eyes hahahha 😂 
we ate alot of sushi and then i was thinking about if i wanted to barhop with the ucla crew but i decided to just go back home and rest. but then........ my friend nathan asked if our biola crew wanted to get lit and so spontaneously, we went to the park and we just all smoked our vapes and the dab pen LOL but.. honestly.. we were in the car during one period of time, and he left the door closed, and seriously i never felt like i was going to die so much from all that freaking smoke in the car.. so when we came outside and looked at the car, it looked like it was smoky from a fire or something LOL and then i was like can we go back home.. im so freaking tired and they were like WOW SARAH PARTY POOPER Aand i was like... u right PEACE!! and went to sleep :D (it was fun with them but i was just so tired from being out from morning to night all dayyyy.... hahaha i love them tho
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mallory-honey · 7 years
[text]: So my Lucky Strike's uniform isn't doing it for you anymore? I knew you were acting weird when I got off work the other day. [text]: Well if I did start working at the ice cream shop you'd only come around to see me to get free ice cream at weird hours. Lol
[text]: are u kidding me? i love ur lucky strike’s uniform!! to the point where i might have to fight a 60 yr old grandma if she looks at u for too long. like, lady, u got ur shoes now pls move along loooooool jk kindof
[text]: tell ur managers u guys need hats tho. cute ones, just sayingggg
[text]: #icecreamdates@3AM how romantic!
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