#kingdom hearts missing link beta
ryanthel0ser · 5 months
Nept in the beta: this is found family whether you consent or not
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cecil2311413 · 10 months
Speaking of kh missing link new character called Remus, I just want to tell you something you should keep in mind:
When Aeneas ran away from Troy with his father and his son, he arrived nearby the river Tiber in Italy, where later on his son founded the city of Alba Longa. Generations passed, and Numitore was the king of Alba Longa until his brother, Amulio, took the throne from the brother and forced Rea Silvia, daughter of Numitore, to stay virgin so that no one would have took the throne from him. However, the god Mars got her pregnant, and she gave birth to two twins, Romolus and Remus, and the king ordered to kill them. But his soldiers didn’t kill the two boys, they throw them in the river Tiber and managed to survive thanks to a she wolf. They grew up and took revenge on Amulio. They decided to found a new city, so they worked together, but they didn’t get along well, they started fighting and Romolus killed Remus, becoming the first of the 7 kings of the city that Romolus called Rome.
Ahhh sometimes I’m just glad to be Italian.
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linvaniin · 10 months
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ar-mage-ddon · 5 months
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shes everything
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thatrandombystander · 5 months
Every version of Dearly Beloved continues to be a banger 💜
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sir-cookieton · 5 months
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I know we make this joke every time there’s a new character but IS THIS KAIRI’S GREAT GRANDMOTHER
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cookienort · 3 months
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This is how job interviews go….right?
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yellowwollyhop · 5 months
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So has anyone else realised that the teleport stones we use on the map are 100% the same thing as whatever Eraqus and Xehanort were next to in the chess room?
I love all the little bits and pieces I'm going feral
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luxenvulpies · 5 months
[Missing-Link] CBT2 Info
The second closed beta test has begun! This post will be updated as I spot info worth sharing (and when I'm available). Apologies for any weird formatting.
[CBT1 info] for reference. I don't expect any huge changes, however.
Character customization
Voice options
Voice samples (From what I know, it's JP voices in both JP and EN versions. No idea if we'll get EN or other languages.)
New default outfit
Hair colour, heterochromia
Most elements can be moved to your liking (Was in CBT1 but I forgot to include it in that post...)
A bunch of Pieces and their ability icons
Environmental walking sfx
Moogle Shop (Purchase with jewels, free daily item)
Emotes (For your profile at least)
> Animated
Activity log with rewards
Fortune's Gear evolution stages (+1, +2)
Standard banners have no pity, 10-draws guarantee a rate-up Piece
This Dark Riku Piece is only available from clearing Behemoth raids with a low drop rate; it cannot be pulled via gacha
Story (Spoilers)
Chapter names (Shipwrecked, Tracker, Society, Astral Plane, The World of Distortions)
All cutscenes (JP voice, EN sub) - lots to unpack
Some translations of the Scala text seen in one of the cutscenes
Other Stuff
Stickers (that will be very familiar to the KHUx players)
Stop playing and go touch some gra-- wait.
Bugs and other Issues
Black screen after character creation
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rosie-kairi · 5 months
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player angst. playngst if you will
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hexxter · 5 months
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Say that again i dare you
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avale-reves · 5 months
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The waves of Scala ad Caelum crashed at Ephemer’s feet. A nightly breeze rustled through his white curls and kissed his skin cold at the shore. He closed his eyes at the sensation washing over him, and prayed the wind would lift him free from the land and carry him far off and away. But when his eyes opened, the same still churning dark sea greeted him and little more. Behind him the town center loomed as it climbed in step-like tiers reaching toward the stars. He awoke alone into a blank and empty world, but in time more and more hearts gathered there. Life was passed down time and time again until the land was filled with a thriving people. Societies grew and branched through the city, each a congregation fighting for its own sake and future. Now Scala bustled with life, with culture, with progress… And yet he never stopped feeling alone. His heart ached even now, just as it had the moment the lifeboat pod hissed opened and he found himself in an endless dead sea—everything washed away. All that loss and ruin, all those broken worlds… Try as he might to move on, to build something new, an irreparable change tore through him— He could never unlearn just how fragile it all was.
Wrote a little something in celebration of the Missing-Link beta! Bit of a theoryfic of sorts, exploring the setting and some themes i think/hope will be touched on in the game. Please consider sharing/commenting/kudos etc as I try to keep momentum in writing kh fics.
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starlightwayfinder · 5 months
I don’t have time to watch this yet, but it looks like all the newest cutscenes!
Edit: I skimmed through quickly and AHHH!!!
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kyzveryown · 5 months
I’ve returned with another Observations for the third Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link closed beta. Like the second closed beta, there wasn’t much in terms of story which is to be expected. Below is a list of notes, thoughts, and observations I wrote down as I was watching the story cutscenes.
[Note: For context, I’m differentiating the versions of Scala ad Caelum from KHML and KH3/DR from the other. So, "α-Scala" refers to the KHML version, "β-Scala" refers to the KH3/DR version. Lastly, I call Brain "Blaine". It's just a preference.]
— It seems like the Founders (presumably) were able to track the temporal paths (the paths in which they're traveling through time) of the Union Leaders after they departed from the Ark before Daybreak's collapse. A "connection point" was mentioned so based on that, there can be two possibilities to explain what might've happened; the Ark's pods had a set destination and were supposed to arrive at the same point but didn't due to some unforeseen circumstance. Or the Ark's pods each had separate destinations and the Founders weren't expecting their temporal paths to be that spread out (basically, they were expecting them all to arrive roughly around the same time but not decades apart). This could mean that each pod traveled through time at different speeds. That would explain why they all arrived at different points in time. However, given what we know about the mental and physical effects of time travel via the pods, I'd say it's the first possibility. — Blaine and the Player seemingly arrived in α-Scala at the same time? The Founders (presumably) were anticipating Blaine's arrival, but not the Player's. So, that makes the Player an anomaly which is suspicious considering when, where, and how they initially died. How did their soul/heart even get back? — I wonder what the black feather represents. Maybe there's a secret society in α-Scala that worships and/or follows the path of darkness. It'd be interesting if that ends up being true. — I remember someone over on Twitter saying the Organization XIII-esque twins standing on the rooftop reminded them Kadaj and Loz from FFVII: Advent Children and now I can't unsee it. — The twins are tracking the Player (and possibly Remus) for some reason. I wonder why? Also, that short scene with them on the rooftop reminds me of KHIV reveal trailer. It mirrors the part where you see the Master (presumably) and the other hooded figure watching Sora fight the Kaiju Darkside. Of course, there's the possibility that neither of the black coats are The Master. Could be someone else entirely. — Nept definitely knows more than he's letting on. It seems like he has the power to either alter or erase memories and based on that one specific shot, that power may have something to do with his eye(s). This is a huge reach but maybe he has a Gazing eye? It wouldn’t be all that surprising if someone other than The Master had one. The Gazing eye could be something like a gift or a curse bestowed upon someone from a higher power (*cough FFXIII). It’d be interesting if that’s the case. — Looks like my "astral plane could be a chaotic realm" claim isn't too far off. I'll reserve my thoughts on that and wait for more information. If that turns out to even be somewhat true, then I’m going to have A LOT to talk about. Trust me, I am itching to write about that, but I’ll be patient.
And that covers all of my thoughts for now. Still patiently waiting for the game to release (again, whenever that’ll be).
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alastryona · 5 months
finally watching the missing link cutscenes and uh
oink oink
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thatrandombystander · 5 months
New screenshots from the KH Missing Link early access download page!!
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