#kingdom of the curesed
WRATH, A DEMON ,A PRICE OF HELL SPENDS TIME WITH EMILIA, DOES STUFF FOR HER ,WHEN SHE'S DOWN WHILE DEALING WITH DEMONIC CREATURES BUT HUMAN BOYS CANT GIVE THEIR GFS ATTENTION AND GET OFF OF THEIR STUPID GAMES ??????!!!!!!!and ppl ask y im soo indulged in books ......and this is y having a fictional bf is better than havin a real bf
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Concept: Whatever entity is responsible for the LU gang chasing Dink is frustrated by the heroes keeping secrets because it's making it hard for them to cooperate effectively. So they lock them in a space and makes them play their games. Involves some Links trying to circumvent certain plot beats (without success) and some being Bad at playing video games.
... just playing the games? because i feel Rulie gets the best deal of all of them, since Sky and Time and Twi and Legend and Wild and all have to blast all their past secrets and lost family or love and trauma on the screen while he just gets this one paragraph:
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otaku4life16 · 3 years
Jet Fucks Up (Jet/Zuko Prompt Request)
HEAVILY Inspired by:
Blessed Ones on ff.net
Maybe A Mistake, Maybe the Best Result by FallenLightVillain
my mind just wanted a spin-off with these two great story's as one
Zuko and Jet get together in Ba sing Se and Zuko slowly but surely starts to mellows out. His anger is almost gone and he is just an awkward turtleduck that we all know and love (think about how he is in Fire Book and that's him now). And while he still doesn't like serving tea or his shitty apartment he is finally happy (more like content). little did he know that Jet started the relationship with Zuko so he could get close to him to prove he's fire nation. Jet then takes away Zuko's happiness when he tries to get him arrested.
Now there are a couple of spin offs for this story version. Of either Jet getting arrested or him succeeding in getting Zuko arrested.
With Jet arrested:
- After Jet gets arrested Zuko collapses in the street (he is either clutching himself in pain or he is bleeding a little). All of the tea shop patrons are horrified because they have watched Zuko grow from a bitter bean to a happy person and feel really bad for him. It is later found out that he is pregnant. Zuko didn't know that he could get pregnant since he had never bleed. This is due to many reasons: he was still a little young when he left the palace, and when he was on the ship he had so much anger and anxiety that he never got it, then he was starving on his journey to Ba Sing Se and that's why. Because of Jet's little stunt Zuko almost lost the baby and has to be put on bed rest. Now Zuko doesn't know what to do: he can't work and they are still to poor for them to not work, they have no room or money for a baby, the one good thing he thought he had going for him (Jet) is gone and he still loves him, not to mention he is still wanted by the fire nation and a war is no place for a baby.(And Zuko would be in big trouble if his father ever found out that he was a Blessed One(Fire Nation call it Curesed One) Ozai would more than likely end up killing him)
The Dai Lee hear about what has happened and show up to take Zuko away because he is a Blessed One.(All the information on the importance of Blessed ones and everything about them can be found on the Blessed Ones Fanfiction.net story, there is just too much for me to write).
Zuko is then introduce to Long Feng where he informs him of his new situation. Zuko is then taken to be properly dressed (in green silk), feed, and housed(think of the place they housed Aang and the gang) as someone of his status deserves(they basically treat him like a prized omega in an omega/alpha story). Long Feng then makes it his duty to properly educate Zuko so that he can be married to a high member of society (like a noble or an extremely wealthy merchant) (But Zuko does get the final say in who he decides to marry). And while reluctant Zuko does agree to go through all of this in order to protect his unborn child and protect both of them from the wrath of his father should he ever find out about this.
With Zuko arrested:
-the Dai Lee take Zuko away and while he is in his cell he almost suffers from a miscarriage. He gets the help he needs while the Dai Lee inform Long Feng that one of the firebenders they have acquired is a Blessed One. Long Feng then shows up (he either recognizes Zuko or doesn't) and informs him about how fortunate his situation now is. Since the Earth Kingdom loves Blessed ones they will treat Zuko like royalty(witch he is) even if he is a firebender. And then it continues like the story up above.
Now Jet was actually struggling with turning Zuko in because some where along the way he actually fell in love with him. But Jet does have his own problems with the Fire Nation that he still hasn't completely worked out yet. And that is why he ultimately decides to turn him in. He later starts to question if he did the right thing or not. Because he really does like Zuko. And he either figures things out and trys to get back to Zuko or when he helps out Aang he see's Zuko and tries to make things right. But to do that he has a lot to make up for (after all Zuko is a pregnant teenager that only got in this mess because his boyfriend betrayed him). And Jet only finds out that Zuko is pregnant when he finally sees him in person again.
Remember almost all of the credit goes to these two stories. and let me know if you want to adopt this.
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(wrath and emilia had an argument earlier and the argument is getting them nowhere but neither of them will let it go and would say the other person is right but with a✨twist ✨ at the end
He smirks ..the audacity this demon has !!
"Hush witch you're making a scene out of nothing"
"ok listen demon none of this would be a problem and i wouldn't be yelling if u just say that u are wrong and apologise ".
One of his brows arched perfectly ,tilting his head slightly he said"Hmm ,i don't remember starting this conversa-argument which u are clearly trying to have one with me out of spite"
I scoffed "Out of spite .Curse my already cursed life .You ,demon, very well know that we would not be having this argument if it weren't for you".
"Me??? Im the reason for you wasting my time ???"
"Oh miei dei ...wasting your time !!!Do you think that it is ideal for me that I wanted to waste my time with YOU instead of finding my sister's murderer who might be out there while trying to stay alive in a demon realm- THE HELL ..."my voice trailed off .
I didn't take note of when he started to move towards me with something in his eyes something that i could not decipher his gaze held something so pure ..but with the wicked you can never be sure so i knew i want going to let him off the hook this easily .Hesitantly i spoke ".......for all i know me wasting your time will only save another girl's soul if you've made a similar deal with any one of your brothers like u did with PRIDE "but my words came out in a broken tone .
For all the times i thought that Wrath was the only person i could be with amidst all the folly in life ,the one who ran me a bath with my favourite flowers after LUST broke me even though it was for his own gain but still he was there wasn't he and i still don't know why he did what he did when he knew how much I -
I was pulled away from my thoughts when a pair of big,warm palms covered both of my wrists placing them on his chest ;I can feel his heart pounding against his chest like rain on the windows on those stormy days in SEA AND VINE ;the thought of home bringing more tears .But it incited more anger in me and i knew that it wasn't his doing .I don't know how mama,nonna,papa are doing where they are,and if they're safe . And WRATH reminding me a lot of home .....I've always known that home was not a place but a feeling and he was giving me that ..the wicked !!!the malgavi!!! i should be scared of him shouldn't i?? i shouldn't feel this way ;hes a demon he will make a fool out of me the second he wants to get something from me like a heartless creature like those girls like Vittoria and I still haven't found the murderer but here i am feeling home ,feeling safe in the presence of the demon that broke my trust but i cant help it neither can i stop feeling guilty ...I-
"Do you think it's was easy for my ..is easy for me Emilia ?.." he said ,his words putting a stop to the chaos in my head but at the same time i couldn't help but wonder what he meant so i asked him .
"Breaking your trust ,putting you in a situation where u had to push me away ,being so close to you yet so far from you ???Do u think i want this ??ANY OF THIS ??"
"What do you want then ??"I questioned him.
"YOU .You being near me ,your warmth ,you beautiful smell surrounding me ,your lips saying my name .ANYTHING .I would give anything to have that .Before i made this absurd deal i didn't know how much of a big part you would become of me .But trust me EMILIA i cannot back down from this deal even if i wanted to ...But i will get you out of this ..just trust me ...I will come and get you when the time is right and help you attain you goal until then I pity PRIDE and his servants "he said ."You don't need me protection to tackle the wicked if you just think about their strategy and your reaction as strategy to theirs.Just think rationally ."
"But u promising me that u will get me out of here without being hurt by your brothers is thinking irrationally ,Wrath and that isn't like you- THE DEMON PRINCE OF WAR"
"The thing is ,my dear witchy EMILIA,I cant seem to think rationally when it comes to you which is I know very unlikely me .Do you really want to go back to ITALY ,the human realm .....would you go if you had a chance ???"he asked .
The promises he made the words that came out of his mouth the truth his heavenly beautiful golden eyes reflected ...I couldn't think properly and I started to feel dizzy as his words started echoing through my ears making my heart pound .He was the same WRATH the one who saved me that night in front of me .My fingers caressed his chest right where his heart was pounding underneath my touch .
But before i could say anything i saw a reflection on his golden eyes a figure standing still behind a column without knowing that actual meaning of spying and i couldn't risk it so i said,
"Yes i would but there is no other way not a chance for me to do that so don't waste your precious time on me while you could be cursing the world with your presence". I spat and yanked my hands off from his wrists that held mine over his chest .And after hearing those words he looked ....proud??T he figure seemed to have moved away and Wrath looked restless and i turned to look who that was but Wrath moved forward only to see that there was no one there .
"Congratulations, witch. You are using that small brain of yours I see and you can thank me any time for being that great of a teacher "he said proudly.
"Wrath ,was any of it true ...any one of the words you said to me ...was it true ..or .....??"i trailed off
He opened and closed his mouth .And he closed his eyes and took a deep breath as if choosing his words carefully ,he said,in a vulnerable tone "You will know when the time is right witch ."
"Think rationally wrath .If making promises that you cannot fulfill is your strategy then it is predictable like the sun rising every morning "
Just before he could say anything his brother ,my betrothed,PRIDE's trusted messenger made a dramatic entrance .
WRATH bent down to my ear and whispered "Silly witch ,I don't make promises I cant keep ."I scoffed at that.
"You will see that in the future .....u adorning a throne that doesn't belong to anyone of my brothers and another teacher's tip all your moves are being watched just like we were being ALMOST the entire time " he whispered only for me to hear . ALMOST the entire time what was that supposed to mean ???Before i could ask him about it a large palm rested on my back and i looked to see PRIDE glaring at his brother and WRATH glaring back at him but stopped once he noticed i was watching him and changed his gaze into his signature cold one .
"Prince WRATH spending your time with OUR QUEEN . "PRIDE'S messenger said.
"She maybe BETROTHED to your KING but she is still a member of my house and i always make sure what's mine stays protected"WRATH shrugged.
"Oh Your highness don't you worry she will be protected ...BY YOUR BROTHER "
"Oh for the sake of the goddesses stop it .I don't need any protection from anyone of you .If you two doltish demons think that I need protection remember that I summoned a demon prince on my own and have powers of my own .And if someone needs anyone here keep in mind that you BOTH need me ".
At the sound of my voice ringing through the place PRIDE'S messenger turned completely facing me and WRATH gave me a subtle nod when i made my point .
"It is my order and my honour to keep you safe my queen ."with that pride's messenger moved towards me and held his hand out as a gesture saying after you started walking me down the corridor ,taking me wherever his destination was .I took smaller steps so i could be in the presence of the devil i knew than the one i didnt.
But i couldn't help but wonder if anything ANYTHING wrath said were true .If we were being watched almost throughout our moment and wrath does not make promises he cant keep then when did the spy start spying on us .
I turned to look back at wrath only to see him glaring at messenger knowingly .And the messenger smirked at me .
"Oh don't fuss , my .It was me .All me .You see the KING had a feeling WRATH might be turn you into a weapon of his ,destroying US from the inside turns out and he was right "he gloated ." Prince Wrath calling you by your first name as if he had done than before and will ever consider calling you that let alone calling you with endearments."
I wanted to laugh soo badly at that .He did call me EMILIA by my name in front of fratello Antonio .MY EMILIA he said .Heat rushed to cheeks at that memory.But i did not say anything and continued to played along.
"How long were you there ?" I asked .
"Oh right when he called DEAR WITCHY EMILIA and I knew you had your limpidity intact when you turned him down .Our brilliant Queen ". He said .His words were like a splash of cold water to my face ,i did not have my sanity intact when wrath said that .
"when did u leave and make your appearance again ??" i asked
"Oh i left the second you turned him down ,to go to our KING and tell that his brother thought that he could trick you and came back when i did ".He answered .The thing about the messenger was that he once said he wouldn't lie to if not necessary(i.e if pride approved and that is the necessity-his king's approval) and i was sure that he wasn't lying about this because he thought he won he thought he knew all that happened,his pride at its peak.
But the important thing is that if i had to choose between wrath or pride it will be wrath because devil you know than the devil you dont .And I knew that if I had a way to survive in hell it is to play with pride while still feeling wrath's presence .
When i looked back again at wrath who leaned against a column just few steps away , i only saw the wickedly ,sickening,cunningly beautiful smirk adorning his face like the messenger has just thought what he wanted him to think .
And when he saw me he only gave me an angelic smile making my heart race .
He mouthed 'sono fiero di te' (I'm proud of you ).It was as if him and i had an understanding without words to convey them and i knew that if i am to survive in hell i should be cunning like the rest like weighing in on wrath's impromptu plan to save myself tonight and my freedom which i must have in order to bring justice to the murders of those innocent girls .
i m not soo sure about my writing might take it down later ig but imma post it anyways soo plz dont be mean.
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