#kings and queens rpg
missd476 · 2 months
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Someone pointed this out on Twitter and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
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vesnaproduction · 1 year
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AVATARS // Corey Mylchreest
ethnicity 🌍 : unknown
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liamthemailman · 4 months
Battle Cards
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dungeonofthedragon · 3 months
For the Grail
The full version of my Descended from the Queen game of grand adventure and quiet introspection is now available! Grab it from Drivethru RPG for just $3.49.
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(Artwork by Alderdoodle.)
Take on the roles of a band of knights seeking the Grail in the company of King Arthur. What horror and heartbreak awaits them? What unexpected joys? Across several sessions ('chapters') you can discover the answers for yourself.
This game was released for Kiwi RPG Week 2024.
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hebedesu · 2 years
Happy new year! Here you have some babygirls
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tristarnova · 2 months
Slimes Yokei Godneu
These will be used in yokei godneu: to be a hero, so please keep that in mind
Slimes are a homogeneous, gender-fluid formless alien species in yokei godneu, made of at least 1 slime core, a sphere of magic that acts as their primary organ, and is acidic to the touch, and of course, the slime itself, a semi liquid like substance similar to jello, or jelly, that absorbs any liquids and sugar, and can dry out, but can be controlled by the slime.
Slimes can appear in a variety of appearances, blobs, square cubes, balls, a humanoid appearence, and other werid shapes and appearences, due to their rather versatile body, this makes them very hard to hit with Melee attacks, but magic proves to be a weakness of theirs, especially magic that effects the slime’s temperature.
Alongside that their shape shifting does have limits depending on how much slime they have, the more slime cores a slime has, the more slime that will make up their body, and the more slime that they have, the more freedom they have, and the more stability their form will have, so a slime with only 1 slime core is pretty limited, while a royal slime has a ton of freedom.
Slimes are homogenous, meaning they can breed with any other species regardless of gender, though, the result of a slime breeding with another species will usually be a slime with traits of both parents, or a slime hybrid.
When slimes reproduce, they will touch each other, with their slime cores moving to the spot they touch, which they will create the start of a slime core, at least one slime core with the mixed color of the parent slimes, will manifest in one of the slimes, and then spilt off them after a few day, forming a new slime, this isn’t perfered as slimes are rather weak to magical attacks, something common in pheron, so usually, reproduction is done by a royal slime.
Slimes start off in their standard blob form with a single slime core, At this piont a slime is basically barely sentience and can’t really see, and will need to eat more to gain more slime cores.
Once, they have a total of three slime cores, thus giving them the ability to see, a slime will start growing up on its own producing slime to make the slime bigger and bigger, and they start getting curious and want to learn.
At a certain point, slimes will choose to take on a humanoid form, it is not sure why they do those, since they do it even on their home planet, but it seems they prefer female or androgynous forms, compared to male forms.
The more slime cores a slime has the smart they are, and when a slime has enough slime colors, their original slime core will transform into a golden slime crown and move to their head, this signifies a slime has matured internally a royal slime.
Royal slimes can be form through slimes fusing together, or a slime getting old enough, but as soon as this happens, they will start producing slimes without the need of a partner, as a result, due to the connotations of this to most sentient species, royal slimes often go by the name, queen or princess slime.
Slimes born to a royal slime always have the same color core as their royal slime, but can have different colors, and are loyal to their parent, soon forming their own slime kingdom for their royal slime parent, and taking roles in that kingdom.
queen slimes that are the result of slime fusion however don’t usually produce slimes, as slime fusion is usually temporary for any slimes that wish to become one, but it can be permanent if they wish it to be such.
slime fusion is basically the result of at least a couple of slimes basically fully touching and basically merging with each other, using this slimes can skip stages in their life cycle, and allows for increased durability, at the exchange that it is usually temporary, and slimes can be spilt form each other.
Slimes are a primarily peaceful species, known for being the dumbest intelligent species that isn’t an undead, slimes can be easily frightened, leading to them fleeing or attacking people they encounter, but they barely mean any harm, though, people tend to get worried if a slime kingdom made by a slime queen gets too big, just in case.
Slimes can absorb any liquid into their slime, but water is their perfered as they must stay hydrated or they will dry out, and when absorbing potions, they granting their slime those effects, and its thanks to their regenerating slime produced by the slimes cores that the advanced level potions are able to be crafted in the 1st place.
As people have figured out, slimes act a bit like yokai, despite being an alien species, as any sort of liquid that goes under the monsterization process becomes a slime of that liquid, but yet their amorphous body plan means they aren’t a yokai, as yokai have a stable form.
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bismutharts · 5 months
tell us about the journalling rpgs king/queen/ungendered royal figure of your choice
OKAY so .
i'm doing just 1 so far but the document is named pretty generally to accommodate doing others in the same file. the first is called Fox Curio's Floating Bookshop. and y'all. i CAN'T recommend this game enough.
you play as a bookseller with a floating bookshop (a boat) travelling on a river with a couple different towns, selling books to different animalfolk (think Beatrice Potter but it's not just rabbits)
i am very slow at starting this, i started last week on thursday, it is now monday, and i think i might write the first book being sold today. i've written about 300 words of prologue.
this is the most recent thing i wrote
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you're directed to write what happens to your character as a diary, but when creating my character i felt they weren't the consistent diary writing sort
my protagonist is Rye, she/they, a young capybara who finished school between 1 season and 1 year ago (did i mention that this game comes with its own calender with 5 seasons of 4 weeks of 5 days? and different weather and events per season?)
they're very excited to start selling books and travelling . and i'm excited to do that with them
i've already rolled all the dice and pulled all the cards for day 1 so i know who's coming. now to actually write the day
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myriadegraphique · 1 year
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Avatars / 400x640 / Sujaya Dasgupta
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themostfinalofpams · 1 year
Desperately want to play a TTRPG campaign where the party are a traveling troupe or circus of magical drag queens and kings
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prokopetz · 9 months
Standard fantasy RPG pantheon, except:
each god is also the patron of one of the setting's local city-states, and each city-state espouses their own version of the pantheon's org chart that positions their patron as King or Queen of the Gods. The gods themselves decline to weigh in on who's correct.
the god of war died in a bizarre trebuchet accident several decades previously; a coalition of other gods have been playing Weekend at Bernie's with their priesthood ever since, doing their best to answer their prayers with variable plausibility and success.
there are two separate gods of knowledge with two separate, non-overlapping cults. Each god's cult is apparently unaware of the other's existence. There's nothing obviously supernatural about this separation; they just never seem to bump into each other.
the supreme god of the Nice Pantheon of Goodness and Light and the supreme god of the Icky Pantheon of Evil and Darkness are clearly the same guy wearing two different hats. Most NPCs react to having this pointed out as though it's obviously absurd.
the obligatory Squiddy Alien Gods From Beyond The Stars are treated as just another branch of the pantheon alongside the usual faux-Greek deities. Nobody thinks it's at all odd that the god of thunder's sworn blood-sibling is a shapeless cloud of blazing eyes.
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probablybadrpgideas · 6 months
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I'm Graham and Bonding - Paper
(plaintext under cut)
Slender Jesus is here to assign you an RPG
First Name
Last Name
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missd476 · 9 months
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I was suppose to finish this before Christmas, but work was rough. I like to think Mallow's parents like baking treats for their subjects.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
which batfam kid do you think unironically roleplays?
All of them
Bruce and Selina perform romantic scenes as Burger King and Dairy Queen
Barbara randomly hums showtunes
Damian pretends he doesn't love his siblings
Tim acts like he's not two seconds away from committing another war crime
Dick has a side hustle as an Elvis impersonator
Steph doesn't know what she's doing, she just fakes confidence and hopes no one catches on
Duke tries to add a cape to his costume but everyone unanimously votes against it
Cass wears vampire fangs and hisses at people
Kate quotes movies that no one's ever seen
Harper and Cullen secretly mod a vigilante RPG Discord server
Jason and Roy recreate this specific post about the Reddit blackout
Alfred showed up to the Manor, said he was the new butler, and no one questioned him for over 40 years
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bamthefox · 1 month
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So I have this idea for a tile rpg rougelike deltarune game idea
It’s would work like this with that tile battle style where you have to plan where you characters are.
Everyone would be on a grid where you can move them,
Tp would still work the same where you have to be very close to an attack.
(It’s would kinda be a mix of Mario and luigi and Mario and rabbids for the best way to put it)
There would be like three classes fighter, support(also works as just the magic class), defense. With a rock paper scissor type thing (fighter -> support -> defense-> fighter)
Every chapter would just have three characters representing their chapters
Ch 1: king defender rouxls support and jevil attacker
Ch2 queen defender tasque manger attack and spamton support
The bosses would be fucked up and evil versions of kris,Susie,Noelle and berdly maybe more when more lighters go into the darkworld
Ralsei and lancer run a shop where you buy stuff to help you
Spamton support
The number one rated salesmen 1997 and
Jevil attacker
A crazed man who can do anything
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"But Rhaenyra's heir was a bastard! That means the Greens were right to support Aegon II instead of her!"
So you're telling me, if Rhaenyra had by chance married Harwin Strong, and he was her only husband, and she had 5 very legitimate dark-haired sons with him... Alicent would've just sat back and let Rhaenyra take the throne instead of Aegon? Criston would have? Otto would have? All the other lords of Westeros would have preferred a woman as ruling Queen, instead of the king's son?
Well. That's news to GRRM, because in an early version of the Dance, Rhaenyra was married to a Strong, and had three legitimate kids with him... and the Dance of the Dragons still happened.
From A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide, published by Green Ronin in 2010, which GRRM provided with a lot of then-unpublished information, including his existing version of the Targaryen family tree:
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(Yes, Lyonel, not Harwin. And interestingly, this was version 2 of the Targaryen tree / Dance of the Dragons era - in version 1, Rhaenyra's first husband was a Lannister, though she had no children by him.)
Also, it should be noted that this is how this RPG book explains the reason for the Dance of the Dragons:
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Mind you, this is simply paraphrasing what we learned from Jaime
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and Arys
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in AFFC (2005)... and yet. Interesting, isn't it. At the time AFFC was written, at the time we first learned who's blamed by history for the cause of the Dance, when we learned why it's believed he did it... Rhaenyra only had legitimate children. Maybe that's not the real issue after all...
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 months
Got any games about being a little creature out to cause chaos?
THEME: Chaos Gremlins.
Hello friend! I sure do!
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Space Gerbils, by Penguin King Games
You are the galaxy's most famous bounty hunter, but nobody knows your real name, or what your real voice sounds like. In fact, you've never taken your helmet off in public, at least as far as anybody knows!
The interstellar tabloids have accused any number of public figures of secretly being you. They are, of course, all wrong. The real reason you never remove your helmet is that you're actually a bunch of space gerbils operating a human-size mech suit.
You're very keen on not letting this get out.
Space Gerbils is definitely the longest game on this list, with over 100 pages in the current iteration of the playtest. This is a game about teamwork, and the mech creation is the first indicator of that, as you’ll have to collaboratively create the robot the gerbils pilot in order to keep their identities a secret.
Play involves a series of phases (setup, operations, fallout, end) and a grid where your gerbils will strategically move in order to operate their bounty hunter effectively. While the premise of Space Gerbils is cute and funny, it has the potential for both humorous and dramatic scenes, you’ll likely find that your play table will approach the strategy of the game with dedication and the desire to succeed. As a result, I think Space Gerbils is going to produce a high amount of group investment.
Mutant Possum Cowboys, by It’s Eric! Games.
Mutant Possum Cowboys is a quick-play RPG where ya take the roll of talkin' possums who have taken it upon themselves ta help tha' townsfolk of tha' Wild West. 
Yer a Mutant Possum Cowboy. Yer posse is part of tha' Order of tha' Gun, dedicated ta wanderin’ from Town ta Town in “Roadkill County,” tha' Mutated Deserts of tha' Wild West, offerin’ help where needed against mutated critters and all sorts of Ne'er-Do-Wells. 
This game involves distributing points among three stats to indicate what your lil’ cowboy is good at. Your character also gets a special treasure in addition to their regular gear that gives them a little bit of kick - such as “Tha Rallyin’ Jaw Harp” which sounds like an instrument that can call for aid from miles away, or “Gold Lightnin’”, a famous double-barrelled revolver. The game feels like it draws a lot of inspiration from games such as Lasers and Feelings - particularly the roll tables provided to the GM to help them quickly generate a problem situation that the possums will have to wrangle with.
Sockgoblins, by poorstudents
You are a Sockgoblin! One of many loyal to the Great And All Powerful And Really Important Queen, living in the secret underground goblin city. Your Queen demands all sorts of items from the surface world; coffee, really big hats, the occasional hubcap. But what she craves most are Socks.
Every year, the Queen demands a sock tithe, which is where you, little sockgoblin, come in! Every other Sockgoblin has already got their Socks, but you have been slacking! You will need to venture up into the giant world of the humans and steal the last Socks! But the humans are ready. They have prepared their traps, trained their guard animals, and hired the dreaded Sockgoblin exterminator.
You and your crew of Sockgoblins venture into the world finding adventure, danger, and most importantly, Socks! No one knows where the Socks are now but you’re confident you know where they will end up; at the feet of your Great And All Powerful And Really Important Queen!
Sockgoblins is a Forged-in-the-Dark game inspired by media such as The Boxtrolls, Over the Garden Wall, and Home Alone, and provides adventures as little goblins stealing socks for the Goblin Queen. The danger of the each thing you try to do escalates in correlation to how many socks you’ll get out of it - and you can actually play using socks because they’re part of your inventory!
Sockgoblins can work as ether a one-shot or as an episodic campaign, so it’s great if you want to try out a game of it to see if your group wants to keep coming back to it.
Hotdog Princess, by jesthehuman
You are on a rookie team of Hotdog Hopefuls, wanting to join the ranks of HOTDOG: Hyper Optic Team DOG. There are a limited number of spots on the team, but one way to impress the Top Dog is by being crowned the Hotdog Princess at the local puppy pageant. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate the Puppy Pageant and WIN. Alliances should be formed. Knowing when to break them is key. 
Hotdog Princess is full of puns and nods to various kinds of ‘dogs, with “Chili Dog”, “Veggie Dog” and “Danger Dog’ just a few of the dog options underneath the roll table that determines your character type. Players have two tracks: “hot” and “dog’, which you’ll fill out hangman-style whenever you fail a roll. Filling either one of the tracks prompts an end for your dog in some way. Your stats are, of course, “hot” and “dog”, with “hot” representing your charm, while your “dog” represents your jokes and pranks.
If you want a goofy game with an even goofier premise, you want Hotdog Princess.
Partners in Grime, by Michael Low
Partnerz in Grime is a story game in which the players take on the role of a crew of goblins: awesomely awful, magical critters hiding out on the edges of hooman society getting into all sorts of trouble.
The bones of this game is the Stories RPG, which is a one-page game that details some simple rules about how to use d6 dice pools to overcome obstacles or move the story forward. Partnerz in Grime is not just a story to run through with the base engine - it also comes with worldubuilding prompts, drama clocks, ways to power up your character, and a mechanic that improves’ players’ math as they play. The authorial voice is incredibly specific, sinking you into the goofiness of the game from the start, and character creation involves fill-in-the-blank prompts that fill out the character’s story.
If you want a game that is great for kids or that is really open about the kind of chaos you can unleash, you might want to check out Partnerz in Grime.
Heckhounds, by TheOtherTracy
Yours is a legacy of brimstone, fire, and damnation. You're a hunter of hell, sent to Earth to bring escaped damned souls back to the Eternal Fire.
You're also a good boy! Who's a good boy? You are!
Heckhounds is game of hellfire and tail wags. You and your littermates were sent to Earth to hunt an escaped damned soul. Business as usual, right? Except this time you got the bodies of mortal, Earth puppies rather than the hellhound bodies you'd normally get. The nature of the puppy in you is strong, and you've got to keep from blowing your cover while you hunt down your target!
This game feels directly inspired by the dog given to Adam in Good Omens, and I love the idea of it already. The three stats in Heckhounds are Hell, Hound, and Ineffability, with Hell relating to your infernal demon-dog strength, Hound relating to your puppy charms and virtues, and Ineffability relating to what the game calls “the odd surety of the unknowable.” The game is inspired by Honey Heist, which means that your stats will fluctuate in value and you are always at the risk of pushing a stat too high and triggering some kind of end-game state. If you want a game that sparks fun times by merging great cosmic power into an itty bitty life-form, then you want Heckhounds.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past…
Cryptid TV,by yanahn.
Something Is Wrong With The Chickens, by Elliot Davis.
Geese At The Beach, by Justin Joyce.
I’ll Be Taking That, by porchlightdusk.
Mouse Cult, by Mint-Rabbit (that’s me!)
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