purple-plum-petals · 11 months
For your match-maker event, requesting for Twisted Wonderland.
ISTJ personality type, huge nerd, boring on the outside, weirdo on the inside. :) Into qigong, acupuncture, Chinese medicine in general. Had really bad social anxiety as a kid, still a major introvert. Love me some dad jokes and puns but not good at making them myself. Have had anxiety disorder and depression in the past, but I'm basically symptom free now (thank you Chinese medicine!). Have some marginal musical talent. Have studied Japanese for fun for a long time, I like language study in general. I probably daydream more than a "healthy" amount, lol.
Hopefully that's enough info? Thx!
Thank you for sending in a match-up; I think that either Jamil Viper or Lilia Vanrouge would be good matches for you!
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Jamil would be drawn to you primarily because of how similar you two seemed to be; to him, he felt an almost twin-flame connection to you. I feel like Jamil would also be interested in learning more about Chinese medicine in case he would ever need something for Kalim or even for himself (my man deals with quite a bit of stress in his life, so maybe you could show him something that can help him manage those feelings). He's also an introvert and is glad that you're the same; since he spends a lot of time around more outgoing and energetic people, it's nice to have someone he can come to that he knows won't drain him of everything he has. If you ever wanted to share your musical talent with him, he'd be happy to listen or watch you (he loves dance himself, so he'd be very happy to support you in your own artistic endeavors).
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Lilia has been around for quite some time and has a very open mind, so he would love hearing and learning more about Chinese medicine since he's curious if they have anything similar to it in Twisted Wonderland. He's also got quite a few dad jokes up his immensely long sleeves; they're the best-of-the-best jokes, too, considering he's an actual father and legally has to make embarrassing jokes every now and again (he's certified DILF, y’all). I also feel like his more outgoing personality would balance with yours perfectly; after all, there is a saying about how opposites attract. Lilia would also be interested in seeing your musical talent since he himself is part of the Pop Music Club; maybe you two could even perform a show together!
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eralyen · 9 years
kinokofairy answered: It might happen if you’re actually on a 25 hr cycle. And if your schedule allows it, have whatever sleep schedule you like!
Yes, that’s what I was thinking! And it’s natural that it tends to be stretched over 24 hours, right? Since we generally tend to sleep more and stay up later than our schedules let us. But yeah, I think I could try to do that next summer if I have the time ^^
Original post
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lifewiththickhair · 10 years
I love braids, hair accessories and buns, but my hair seems to be too thick to do any of that stuff without it taking forever. I have too modes: down and ponytail. Not to mention having so much hair causes a bunch of other problems. I like the way long hair looks, but I don't like the hassle. I keep thinking about shorter hair, but not sure what style would look good for me... HALP!
talk to your stylist. Maybe you can find a happy medium. The other thing I found (Because I was a pony tail or down FOREVER) is that practice makes perfect. On days where you're not pressed for time, practice doing the styles you want to wear. Then you'll be able to whip 'em out when you want them daily.
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kef-meister · 11 years
Tell 5 random facts about yourself, then forward this to 10 of your favorite followers!
 ヽ(;▽;)ノ I-I’m one of your favourite followers?! Eeeee!
My girlfriend made me have a tumblr. for the sole purpose of me following her. :I Now look at me.
I’m a sucker for chiptunes.
I’m also a sucker for paranormal and extraterrestrial stuff.
For basically any game I’ve played enough (finished), I remember so much detail that I’m basically a walkthrough.
When I was a kid, I once kept myself awake for an entire 24 hours because I was terrified of dying in my sleep.
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carbomcoco · 9 years
kinokofairy replied to your post “why am i so salty?? all the time?? i can never get over stuff??? i...”
regular prayer will help a lot. whenever you feel salty, even at yourself, pray and dont give up if it doesnt work after just a few prayers. it'll take time
Good point. Thank you :)
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carbomcoco · 9 years
kinokofairy replied to your post:i’ve been listening to a playlist of celtic music...
give me link! i love celtic music but have a hard time finding good playlists
it’s just a youtube-generated one but i really liked it (link)
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carbomcoco · 9 years
Send me a ”hey” and i’ll do this:
1. First impression:Ooo look another godtier Jade!2. Truth is:you’re a super nice lady3. How old do you look: 24, maybe? I haven’t seen a photo of you in a while.4. Have you ever made me laugh:yup5. Have you ever made me mad: nope, you’re always pleasant to talk to6. Best feature:you’re usually really positive7. Have I ever had a crush on you:nope but you’re really pretty tho :08. You’re my:first convention-friend, I think9. Name in my phone:I don’t have a phone right now :/10. Should you post this too?sure!
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carbomcoco · 9 years
kinokofairy replied to your post “I’m so confused???? I saw my former church mentor at Walmart today and...”
maybe she got a tan???
she went from caramel to dark chocolate tho :/
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carbomcoco · 9 years
kinokofairy replied to your post “what I am doing with my life:”
Essentially, preparing for a much longer one.
that is a really good point
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carbomcoco · 10 years
kinokofairy replied to your post:nature seems bigger today?? all the plants look...
Did you forget to put on any glasses/contacts today? Or did you take anything that would make you drowsy? That could do it.
maybe everyone just decided to not mow their lawn
and the wasps got excited
ok but i did see a hUGE FRIKIN SPIDER
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carbomcoco · 10 years
kinokofairy replied to your post “kinokofairy replied to your post “ok seriously tho who on earth sent...”
I have no idea who that idiot is. But they don't seem to be physically or emotionally threatening, just being stupid. I would ignore it...
yeah, that's the plan ^_^;; just a little uncalled for
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carbomcoco · 10 years
kinokofairy replied to your post “ok seriously tho who on earth sent that on spillit”
I sent the one about not wanting to be an adult...
i figured that one was either you or megan :)
the one after that was a bit concerning however, so...
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carbomcoco · 10 years
kinokofairy replied to your post:Why don't you're friends want you to like your crush?
Forget who your friends say you’re compatible with. Go for someone whose company you enjoy!
ok compatible was probably the wrong word choice there but thank! ^_^;;
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carbomcoco · 10 years
kinokofairy replied to your post:ok but i wonder how old people at conventions...
I thought you were around 17 when i met you last year
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carbomcoco · 10 years
kinokofairy replied to your post: i should really take a break from tumb...
Following less people might help. It helped me.
oooo i will try to do that
i managed to unfollow about 50 people (leaving me with 457, which is still far too many. I mostly just unfollowed everyone who hadn't been on for over a month)
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carbomcoco · 10 years
kinokofairy replied to your post “someone please kick me off tumblr i have to study”
This is an adult speaking. Go do your homework.
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