#kirkland family lawyer
needcake · 1 year
Day 3: rebuild
Engport | G | 600 words
Obituary, 19th of March, 1979:
It is with profound sadness that the family of George Kirkland announces his passing after prolonged illness, at the age of 89. Mr. Kirkland is survived by his five children and loving wife.
The funeral service will be held at South London Crematorium, Rowan Road at 12pm on Sunday 25th March. All are welcome to attend. Please make any charitable donations to The British Heart Foundation.
Job posting, 22nd of June, 1979:
Caretaker for elderly widow
Requirements: experience in the position, fluent English. Desirable: good conversationalist, knows how to play bridge. 10£/hour. Details by phone: 020-35844783
Ad, 4th of May, 1982:
The Flying Cod
Join the Kirkland brothers in the grand opening of The Flying Cod
On Saturday, May 8th - 9577 Mill Lane London
Free chips until stocks run out!
News excerpt, 14th of January, 1983:
The police could not determine who started the fire, but from eye-witness accounts it is believed that the owners of the establishment had a disagreement and that it escalated throughout the night, resulting in an all-out brawl. Luckily, they were able to evacuate the premises before the fire reached the second story of the building, but medical teams reported two wounded from the fight.
Neither Mr. Kirkland could be reached for comment.
Ad, 28th of March, 1983:
The Flying Cod II
Join the Kirkland brothers once more to celebrate the re-inauguration of our favorite pub!
On Saturday, April 2nd - 9577 Mill Lane London
No free chips
Job posting, 12th of April, 1983:
Bar manager
Requirements: being fucking good at your job, not being an arsehole. Availability to start right away. Details by phone: 020-35844783
Job posting, 13th of April, 1983:
Requirements: not being an idiot, ability to serve drinks and keep glasses clean without breaking them, can’t be that fucking hard. Availability to start right away. Details by phone: 020-35844783
News excerpt, 27th of April, 1983:
The owners of the pub, Arthur and Alasdair Kirkland, were taken by the police to the station after the fight, where they will have to answer for charges of Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) and Assault On A Police Constable In The Execution Of His Or Her Duty. Both Mr. Kirkland and Mr. Kirkland’s lawyers advised their clients to give no comment to this newspaper.
Obituary, 29th of April, 1983:
It is with profound sadness that the family of Áine Kirkland announces her passing, at the age of 86. Mrs. Kirkland is survived by her five children.
The funeral service will be held at South London Crematorium, Rowan Road at 12pm on Thursday 5th May. All are welcome to attend. Please make any charitable donations to The British Heart Foundation.
Sales posting, 12th of May, 1983:
Pub glassware and kitchenware for sale. Details by phone: 020-35844783
Headline, 7th of August, 1983:
Former Pub Owner Hit By Double-Decker Bus
Job posting, 12nd of August, 1983:
Caretaker for snobbish brother
Requirements: experience in the position, the patience of a saint. Desirable: good looking bloke with a Portuguese accent, knows how to play bridge. 12£/hour. Details by phone: 020-35844783
News excerpt, 23rd of October, 1983:
A neighbor approached our reporter to say that she has filed a complaint against the noise with the building manager: “They are at it every night, my cats are traumatized!”
Ad, 21st of December, 1983:
The Flying Cod III
Join us to celebrate the final re-inauguration of our favorite pub!
On Christmas Day, December 25th - 9577 Mill Lane London
Free fish and chips until 8p.m.
Drag shows on Tuesdays!
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sorvete-de-pacoca · 1 year
I've been stuck with this angst prompt all day because of Davy Jones' theme 🥲
Afonso is the captain of a merchant ship, and lives happily with his husband Arthur, a naval officer, and his adopted 17 year old son Luciano. He wants Luciano to go to university and become a doctor or a lawyer, but Luciano dreams of adventure and freedom, something Afonso blames on Arthur's pirate stories.
One morning, Afonso wakes up groggy and realizes he's been drugged. As he's searching for his family, imagining the worst, he finds a letter from Arthur telling him that he's not the person he thought he was. Actually, Arthur is a famous pirate, and has used Afonso's knowledge of the merchant routes to plan his attacks. Luciano has also left with Arthur, wishing to become a pirate himself.
Afonso falls to the ground, his heart shattered in a million pieces by this betrayal. The family he thought he had was nothing but a façade.
5 years later, Luciano is a pirate himself with his own crew and ship. One day, a ship starts following their's and manages to board his ship. In the middle of the sword clashing and men screaming, he ears a familiar music box coming from the enemy's captain hands and meets cold, deadly cyan eyes.
That's such a good prompt! What if Afonso ends up letting grief and anger dominate him so he makes a deal with some obscure god of the deep sea and he becomes the captain of a ghost ship, his crew the souls of the ones that dies in the sea.
The Smoking Snake (yes I did it again :v), who belongs to Luciano, a pupil of Arthur Kirkland, had been sailing throw calm waters that evening. When the night fell it was when the mysterious ship appeared. They get attacked, but it was like the crew was almost impossible to harm.
Luciano decides to look for the captain, he gets in the ship and passes through the men that attack him. His ears spot a familiar melody. As he slowly approaches, the once happy melody makes his guts freeze. It sounded like the music box Afonso, who he once called father, liked to play. It was a gift from his mother. The same music box was in the hands of the captain. Those cyan eyes, who once were warm and kind, now were cold and pierce like glass.
"hello Luciano" Afonso sneers.
"Afonso. It's been a while" Luciano still holds his sword "I assume you're not very happy to see me"
"to think there was a time I would. But then you and the lying eel I once loved decided to leave me!"
"believe me, I gave him hell later for drugging you. But" Luciano sighs "you wanted me to have a life that wasn't for me. Being stuck in an office isn't how I wanted to live my life. I got tired of making you understand."
"I understand now. But I think you forgot that living this life also meant facing the dangers of it."
Luciano prepares for an attack "I'm very aware. I didn't thought that I would escape a punishment for what we did to you. But that doesn't mean I won't fight my way out"
And so their blades class.
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franciskirkland · 2 years
Fic Characterization Post
Howdy y'all! So this is a post describing the traits of the main characters in my different AUs. This includes body/appearance, age, identity, family, and past relationships. I just wanted to clarify these things so my characters can come alive on the page for my readers!
Note: contains brief mentions of abuse, eating disorders, substances, religion and death. François can be called Francis if you prefer anglicized spelling! His middle name is Pierre. My middle name for Arthur is Gordon bc Gordon's gin and it just seems to fit him? idk sorry I know it's a dork ass name
Dancing With A Stranger
Arthur Kirkland:
30 years old. Paralegal recently turned lawyer.
Heteroflexible/Bi cis man, mostly attracted to femininity. Has only been with Amelia before François.
Cat dad to Petunia, a white British longhair. Has twin sons, Al and Matt, 5 yrs old, with Amelia. Came to America from London England for school. Met Amelia in law school, he ideally wanted to get married, she did not, they have been broken up for 2 years. He is the second youngest of 5 brothers and his parents had him quite late in life. His family is fairly upper middle class though not wealthy. He and his folks are on good terms and communicate occasionally. Went to religious school as a lad, now indifferent to religion, sometimes gives François a hard time but is coming around to his faith.
Medium-short true blonde hair, a bit shaggy. A handsome face, though not particularly striking. Gentle eyes and a charming smile. Freckles along his nose. He is 5'9 and average weight, used to be lanky. Is still thin, but leaning towards burly as he ages. Stronger than he looks, but doesn't look weak! Broad shoulders and and chest, a very square frame. Hank Hill Ass Syndrome, like all of my Arthurs. A decent amount of dark blonde hair on most parts of his body. Not a twink not a werewolf but closer to a werewolf! He doesn't really care for maintaining his appearance. Has zero fashion sense, typically wears a sweater (vest) with shirt, tie and khakis, or sometimes a suit for work. Grandpacore icon.
Pretty averse to substances with the exception of a bit of scotch or beer, hates the smell of cigarettes, but smokes 1 (one) of François' when he's stressed.
François Bonnefoy:
29. Writes columns and op-eds for newspapers.
Pansexual but heavily androsexual, genderfluid/bigender, confident in his body and likes to switch things up with his expression.
Practicing Catholic despite a penchant for sinning. Roommates and besties with Anneliese since childhood. Has lived in America for 5 years. Extremely flirtatious and romantic. The only child of doting, supportive parents who live nearby, and had him fairly young. Pierre, a chef, and Paulette, an artist. Happy, although humble childhood in Paris France, very positive relationship with his folks. Various mostly short lived past relationships, including an arrangement with Lovino.
Although I always write François as fairly feminine, this is my most masculine characterization of him. This is also ironic bc Arthur mistook him for a woman at first. He will certainly wear dresses and makeup, though enjoys showing off his hairy chest in button downs with fancy ties and trousers as well. Mostly lazes about in yoga pants and pajamas tho. Shoulder length golden blonde hair, can and does grow a beautiful beard. Sparkling blue eyes that crinkle when he smiles. Sometimes wears glasses due to terrible night vision! A good dusting of dark blonde hair on most parts of his body, will very occasionally shave to pull off an outfit better, but prefers not to. He is also 5'9, lithe and well built (toned, not muscular) slender, though far from underweight. Has long legs and defined shoulders but is very narrow compared to Arthur. Gorgeous forearms when he rolls up his sleeves. Wears lots of cologne or perfume. Sometimes goes all out in an evening gown and thick makeup. Soft skin, tans well in summer. Nice round hips and big, firm ass.
Not quite an alcoholic but loves wine, liquor and cigarettes and the occasional pot brownie. Has a Xanax prescription.
Boys Don't Cry
Arthur Kirkland:
27, bartender/manager.
Bi cis man. Toxic masculinity for days.
Has 6 year old twins Al and Matt, with Amelia who has passed away. They were together for about 7 years or so, meeting when Arthur arrived in America from London and seriously dating/engaged until her untimely death. Best friends with Gilbert for 8 years, and has worked at his bar for just as long. Popular in his recovery community. His family has not been discussed, he comes from a rather rough part of London, probably grew up in poverty and got into trouble a lot as a youngin. Let's say he has 4 brothers (UK bros) and a late father, and a mother who is worried sick about him but has given up. He probably isn't a huge fan of religion, but is respectful nonetheless.
TALL. Taller than canon. 5'11 - 6'. Fit and muscular everywhere and covered in old school/sailor tattoos on chest, arms, hands, etc. Has some hair on his chest/elsewhere on body + hairy legs. Super hairy pits. Choppy blonde hair, pale enough to occasionally dye fun colors like pink and green. Multiple piercings in ears, lips, eyebrows, and nose. Has Crazy Eyes™ but kind of a smug baby face thing going on. His teeth are in terrible shape and he washes with drain cleaner, probably. Mostly wears some combo of jeans and band t-shirts with Doc Martens and different leather jackets, plus leather cuff bracelets sometimes. The kind of guy to hold onto threadbare socks and underwear with holes in them. Likes to paint nails black.
Recovering addict, smokes cigs like a chimney. Sober from hard drugs and alcohol since Amelia's death.
François Bonnefoy:
30, first grade teacher.
Androsexual, mostly femme bigender/genderfluid. Doesn't mind she/her or he/him pronouns, will often refer to him/herself as a woman.
Also very Catholic. Was in a serious relationship with Antonio for many years in his 20s, has now been single for a year after being abandoned. Work friends with Feliciano. His familial relationships are very strained but he still has some contact. Abusive alcoholic father, Jean-Claude, enabler mother, Mathilde. An older brother Philippe and older sister Marianne. They are middle class and live in Paris.
The most feminine of my characterizations. Like I said, mostly lives as a woman but uses either pronoun, and wears a beard on his chin. Big blue doe eyes, long eyelashes and perfect plump lips. Long wavy blonde hair, sometimes wears it up. Has moderate body hair, it doesn't bother him but he will shave on occasion depending how he feels. Needs his drugstore-fancy products to survive. Very petite (5'3 to 5'4) and fairly slim with a curvy hourglass/pear shape, so wide hips and ample bottom, short legs. Delicate but not ultraskinny. Soft and plump in the right places, with velvety skin. He is romantic, but more reserved now after the breakup, and acts/dresses pretty modestly. Likes to wear skirts and dresses, though this is controversial at work and he often gets harassed for it by his boss or coworkers who know he is AMAB.
Enjoys a moderate amount of wine. His dad is a severe alcoholic so he's careful with it. Smokes cigarettes despite worsening his asthma.
Sugar, We're Going Down
Arthur Kirkland:
54 years old, CEO of conglomerate corporation
Heteroflexible cis male I guess? Bicurious, more attracted to femininity.
Father to Al and Matt, 22, and married to Amelia for 24 years. In an unhappy marriage for at least a few years now. Not much is said of his extended family, assuming his parents or at least his father have passed away. Most personally successful of the UK bros and came from old money, generational wealth. Kiku is his assistant, and Ludwig is his driver. Practices Capitalism and worships money.
A striking, serious face, wicked eyes. Will often wear reading glasses. Messy, graying blonde hair, sometimes he'll slick it back. Very average frame, 5'9 or 5'10, strong and somewhat thin but closer to broad than lanky. Freckles on shoulders. He takes meticulous care of himself since being with François, and likes expensive designer products, clothes and watches. Not excessively hairy, has moderate amounts of body hair especially in his middle age, will usually shave his chest for a more professional appearance. Has beefy, hairy Daddy forearms. Wears suits pretty much every day.
Drinks Scotch religiously. Likes cigars, will have a cigarette once in a while, or a cheeky line of coke when partying with his Sugar Baby.
François Bonnefoy:
24, Barista turned Sugar Baby and dog/cat Mama
Androsexual flirt, genderfluid bigender femboy who certainly doesn't mind being referred to femininely
Best friends with Alfred and Matthew, his Sugar Daddy's sons. Met them in college. Friends with their boyfriends, Ivan and Carlos as well. Used to be friends with Gilbert and Antonio, but they didn't approve of him dating an older married man. Not much is said of his family, but his parents live in Paris. They're fairly supportive of his choices and he's gone to see them since being with Arthur. Maybe younger siblings? Probably raised Catholic, but certainly not acting Godly.
Also pretty small, maybe 5'5 or 5'6? Slim bordering on underweight bc he doesn't eat much. Curvy bone structure and tiny waist, somewhat defined chest and shoulders but no muscle. Nice juicy booty and hips. Shoulder length wavy, naturally golden blonde hair, sometimes gets it lightened to platinum or curls it. Currently growing it out longer. Usually keeps some body hair incl his armpits and little chin beard; like other characterizations, will sometimes shave if he needs or wants to. Has a baby face and flawless skin, flashes his puppy dog eyes or bats eyelashes to get what he wants. A very bold dresser, always wearing designer. A fancy lil boy in fitted designer tops, slacks, and loafers, or a dolled up lil girl in tight dressers, Louboutins, and lots of jewelry. Owns probably millions in makeup and skincare.
Pills and wine for dinner ass bitch. Drinks too much and also smokes cigs, loves to get stoned with his friends, snorts coke, over-dependent on prescription sedatives and would probably do anything someone handed to him.
American Boy
Alfred F. Jones:
23, Junior Investment Banking Associate
Pan/bisexual cis metrosexual Zoomer boy
Has a twin brother, Matthew, who is his best bro and text each other 'ily' every day. Friends with Matt's fiance, Carlos, though they sometimes compete for his attention. Probably popular with the ladies in school, but no past relationships (he's a virgin) maaaybe had a fling with Ivan but it didn't go anywhere? His mom, Amelia, died in childbirth. His father, Arthur, raised him and Matt alone and lives fairly close by. Their relationship isn't necessarily bad, they just don't talk much. Middle class upbringing, now has a well paying job. Identifies with Christianity although not super religious, probably some flavor of protestant. He's 1/8th Native American (Wampanoag) on his mom's side.
Golden retriever puppy dog himbo football player all American boy. 6 feet tall, 200 lbs of muscle, biceps and ABS and a firm juicy little man butt. Tans easily and clean shaven above the belt. Twinkling blue eyes, a perfect set of teeth and kissable lips. Sandy blonde hair with a very slight strawberry tint. Takes fairly good care of his hygiene for a guy in his early 20s. Likes mid-luxury brand names like Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger. Usually wearing a bit too much cologne and thinks he's the shit. At work, ties and crisp shirts, at home, sweats and graphic t-shirts.
Hates cigarettes but loves vaping his Juul. Will sometimes have a joint with Carlos and Matt, who are stoners. Likes energy drinks, but François is getting him hooked on lattés.
François Bonnefoy:
38, Former housewife, painter.
Androsexual but appreciates the feminine, non-binary/genderfluid/bigender but isn't a huge fan of labels! Any pronouns, he/him default but she/her is fine too.
Newly divorced from Jean-Jacques, who is 17 years his senior. They were married almost 16 years. Stepmother to Michelle, mid 20s, who is estranged. Not much is said about his family, but he grew up fairly humble in Paris and has roots in the countryside as well. Catholic, but removed from his faith since his ex-husband disagreed with it. Is now rediscovering it. I see him having a large family, but being kind of removed from them since he was married to an obscenely wealthy man for so long.
I haven't decided on a set height for François in this, he is fairly petite especially compared to Alfred. I want to say maybe 5'6? Since the divorce, he's been depressed and not eating, so he's rather skinny and lanky. He has a defined waist and nice curves, wide hips and a shapely bum even though he's lost so much weight. Gentle, tired eyes. Long blonde hair that he often wears up especially if he's painting. Grows a chin beard definitely, sometimes a light beard on his jaw too. Some body hair. Smooth soft skin, especially for his age. Has a brilliant fashion sense, loves designer clothing but isn't too flashy about it. Will often laze about in lingerie or robes. His ex-husband's initials, JJB, are tattooed on/above his left buttock, and he has a cross tattoo on his thigh.
Dislikes drugs and drug culture. Drinks plenty of wine and chainsmokes cigarettes, also needs his coffee and chocolate to function.
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kerlonfaces · 2 years
Digs deeper synonym
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Marc Lester, Anchorage Daily News, 8 Sep.
Noun One morning, Gee recalled a line 40 deep of people waiting for free coffee. 2022 Below, Coiro dives deep on what else fans can expect from She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. 2022 The freshman went 1 for 4 from deep on the evening. 2022 Preston Williams took in the Dolphins’ first punt return, and Bowden was back deep on the initial kick return, a touchback.ĭavid Furones, Sun Sentinel, 13 Aug. 2022 A year later, Matthews emerged from deep on the depth chart - eighth at his position going into spring camp and still listed fourth going into the fall camp - to become a starter. 2022 Then there’s Salvador, who will elucidate Toltec ruins in Tula or the Aztec glyphs of Tepotzotlán but can go deep on Chicago blues, too.ĭavid Hochman, Forbes, 15 Aug. Phil show and had engaged with light media performances but had never really gone deep on the record and told her whole side of the story. 2022 Auburn had six players rotating back deep on returns. Kirkland Crawford, Detroit Free Press, 5 Sep. 2022Īdverb On this episode: In the first episode of this limited series, Free Press assistant sports editor Andrew Hammond sets the stage for the 1997 Michigan football team, going deep on the state of the Wolverines program. 2022 The familiar desperation, this time heightened by the looming fear of failure, crept on me quickly, sending me into a month-long state of deep sadness and fear. Ron DeSantis turned to three Republicans with deep roots in the county Republican Party.Īnthony Man, Sun Sentinel, 26 Aug. 2022 In remaking the Broward School Board on Friday, Gov. 2022 John Currence, a James Beard Award-winning chef with deep roots in New Orleans, opened the first Big Bad Breakfast in Oxford, Miss., in 2008. 2022 Surrounding a family with deep roots in the country music industry, FOX's Monarch is already on music lovers' radar.Ĭhaise Sanders, Country Living, 1 Sep. After a few years, Turner moved back to Little Rock, where his family had deep roots.īill Bowden, Arkansas Online, 4 Sep. 2022 After college, Turner worked as a lawyer in Lynchburg and Washington, D.C. 2022 Suicide remains a taboo subject in our society, but for survivor families there are additional layers of guilt and anxiety, in addition to their deep sadness.Īmy Dickinson, cleveland, 4 Sep. 2022 Suicide remains a taboo subject in our society, but for survivor families there are additional layers of guilt and anxiety, in addition to their deep sadness.Īmy Dickinson, Chicago Tribune, 4 Sep. Adjective Orgill was described in his obituary as a philanthropist who rarely put himself in the public spotlight despite his deep roots in Memphis.Įmma Colton, Fox News, 5 Sep.
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mainsflexi · 2 years
Hustl egave you my heart lyrics
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She could argue like a lawyer and knew exactly what she wanted. She liked the way they spun when she twirled. Ava was opinionated and outspoken, like her father, Aaron Williams, and had his light hazel eyes.Īlyse, meanwhile, was her mother’s “little twin.” The 6-year-old often wore long dresses.
She wanted to be an artist and knew how to appreciate the finer things in life, like canned corn and the icing in Oreos - she never deigned to eat the chocolate cookies. The 9-year-old liked drawing animals with big sparkly eyes in her sketchbook. When she received a baby walker just before her first birthday, she dashed across their home so fast that she flattened the family dog’s tail.
Stein’s horror series “Goosebumps.” Afterward, when Alyse was scared to use the bathroom alone, Ava would flip on the light and check for monsters in the bathtub.Īva was fearless, a “ball of energy,” Kirkland said. The third-grader could read her books from R.L. While Ava’s first word had been “Dada,” Alyse’s was “Ava.” She adored her older sister. When their mother and father would ask which parent the girls liked best, they’d refuse to choose. They had always been each other’s best friend. She was too young to read a clock, but she wanted to be the first to wish her older sister a happy new year. In the hours before midnight, Alyse had repeatedly asked their mother, Vanecia Kirkland, about the time. It was the first day of 2021, and the previous evening, they’d celebrated New Year’s Eve with sparkling cider and party poppers. These are their stories, one for each month of a violent year.Īlyse and Ava Williams, 6 and 9 Always togetherĪlyse and Ava Williams, 6 and 9, knew their parents were arguing, so they made themselves pizza rolls in the microwave for dinner and closed the door to the bedroom of their Columbus, Ohio, home. And they were ambitious: the 15-year-old who wanted to be a nuclear physicist. They were generous: the 12-year-old who used his chore money to take his family out to McDonald’s. The 13 children profiled here were funny: the 6-year-old who wanted to be a doctor so she could give shots to all the doctors who had given her shots. But the way they lived matters as much as the way they died. Often, children killed by bullets are memorialized only by brief news reports or anguished obituaries. Black kids are more than four times as likely to die in shootings as White ones, according to CDC data, though White kids are much more likely to use guns to take their own lives. Even babies are shot to death, but the vast majority of young victims are teenagers. The children featured below are broadly representative of those killed every year in America. But in 2020, the number exceeded 2,200 - by far the highest total in the past two decades - and 2021′s tally is expected to be worse. Just how many were taken by gun violence last year will remain unknown until the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention releases its data months from now. Those figures don’t include the hundreds of other kids who died in accidental shootings and by suicide. In the nation’s capital, nine children were killed in gun homicides last year. The teenager in South Carolina shot himself, but he did mean to do it.Īll of them were killed in an epidemic unique to the United States, where, on average, at least one child is shot every hour of every day. The girl in Kansas was shot by a toddler, who didn’t mean to do it. The ninth-grader in Arkansas was shot at school by a friend. The boy in Texas was shot at home by someone in a passing car. The sisters in Ohio, both in elementary school, were shot by their father.
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okay, okay. so sonny wortzik's continual talking (see: the beginning of the film in particular) is such an essential point to his character. it's part of what makes the movie so comedic ("what's this, a squirrel?") but u could also argue that it's part of the increasing anxiety that we get throughout the film. it's claustrophobic, it's hot, and there's sonny talking incredible amounts, with such urgency in what he says and how he says it: phonetics at the front of his mouth; the volume at which he speaks; the speed at which he talks, though not always fast often trips over itself, because he refuses to hold himself back, because he "says what he feels". and this has a major impact on how we see sonny in this situation, it's effectively, how we get to know him initially and it makes up an integral part of his character as it continues, and becomes more prominent as we have things like the phone calls, like him talking to his mum, etc
conversely, michael corleone is far more softly spoken and speaks far less, because he simply doesn't need to. he doesn't hold that same anxiety and need for movement, because he is almost always the one in control. when he speaks, he knows that he's going to be listened to and so he has none of that urgency, it's all very smooth and very contained. he simply has no need to be anything but contained. even when he is speaking in what might be high emotion situations ("don't ever take sides with anyone against the family again", "because i want you to marry me", "i don't feel i have to wipe everybody out tom, just my enemies") he is contained because he has this surety about his position, all these people are going to end up doing what he wants them to do, there doesn't need to be any more to it. and this remains true except for the couple of outbursts that only occur because he's been unexpectedly disobeyed, and interestingly, the most striking examples of these are with kay (at the end of part i "you will not ask me about my business" and when kay tells him she's had an abortion)
arthur kirkland is different again in the way that he has such a specific way of speaking that alternates between such clarity/over-enunciation and almost slipping away from him as he speaks (the much loved "warren let me know da..."). the clarity in some sense reflects that he's a lawyer, he has to be careful with what he says, he knows how to be precise to get his meaning across, he knows how to use the right type of force to get his point across (possibly particularly obvious in scenes with gail, and also with judge fleming). and where it slips away from him, u could say that it represents his lack of control of this situation that he's finding himself more and more uncomfortable in, this is what he knows how to do but it's a position he doesn't want to be in and so you might even make the argument that that's why his vowels are so elongated because they go past the point of hyper-specific enunciation without the knowledge that he's doing so
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If the lawyers were going to get arrested for a crime what would it be? :) just for fun of course
Prosecutor Braginsky: Assault! His only regret would be getting caught lmao
Prosecutor Braginskya: Hiding evidence from the court or tampering with evidence herself
Prosecutor Edelstein: Drunk driving. He didn’t get caught swerving or anything, he sat at a green light for 10 minutes and an officer passing by saw him and was like ‘wtf’ and when he got Roderich out of the car to assess him, he barfed on his and the officer’s shoes. Eliza was not happy when she went to bail him out lmao
Prosecutor Bonnefoy: Premeditated murder 0-0 he becomes the very thing he seeks to destroy, blinded by rage....bruh...
Defense attorney Jones: Too many unpaid parking tickets. He sobs the entire time he’s in holding and calls Matthew at the hospital, begging him to come to the police station. So he leaves work to come pay the $370 Alfred owed. ‘You’re a lawyer! Why were you just sitting there crying? Just negotiate or something??’ ‘I’m sensitive Mattie!!! I forgot every law the second those cuffs went on ;-;’
Defense attorney Kirkland: He would actively try to avoid crime cause of his family history but if someone is gonna start a bar fight with him? He’s finishing it >:)
Defense attorney Herdarvey: Accidentally stealing a car
Private defense attorney Wang: Shoplifting from a Gucci store. Technically it was an accident but no one believed him lmao he tried on a $2,000 watch and just. Left the store. He forgot it was even on his hand. 15 minutes later a bunch of mall security guards grab him and call the cops. Does he cry? Yes. Does it help? No
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cutesilyo · 4 years
i know how in most human aus, arthur is the writer while francis is the painter, but how about reverse? 
arthur is an artist that deals primarily with watercolor, because he loves the soft yet fantastical feeling that it gives. he was raised with a lot of books as a child, being in a family of well-read lawyers, but he always struggled with writing his own works; always came off as too awkwardly worded and raw. he keeps to himself, and his sour expression and punk rock background make people assume he’s a broody recluse, but his own art evokes feelings of bright-eyed wonder. he takes art commissions and sells well enough to afford his small apartment and his cat, but he longs to make original art of his own, one day. he feels as though he isn’t inspired enough to do that yet. 
meanwhile, francis is a writer that has sunk deep into philosophical works. he’s a master’s student at university. he’s struggling with his thesis, which is on fantasy classics and how they can convey complex philosophical themes through narrative and metaphor. he comes off as pretentious because he keeps trying to find deeper meanings in everything, even in daily life. he can’t help it, really: he was raised by art and fashion critics, after all. his own philosophy is that the world is much brighter and delightful when it inspires questions instead of answers. he makes a living by working at the daycare, enthralled by the curiosity of the children, and he bakes them cookies every week. 
they meet, they argue, they fall in love. in a few years, they’ve established their own publishing house, and a line of children’s fantasy stories written by francis bonnefoy and illustrated by arthur kirkland.
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soulofsalt · 4 years
fanfiction recommendations
Arthur Kirkland:
Something Old
TimeTraveler! Reader. Reader-insert. Complete (14 chapters). Kinda slow burn?
Deadass one of the best fics I’ve EVER read. It can be read as a romance novel, you don’t really have to know who Arthur Kirkland is. It could be considered an original work.
Bakugou Katsuki
Crimson Snow
Reader-insert. Fantasy AU + Fairy Tale AU. Complete (4 chapters).
We all know the story of Little Red Riding Hood. But all stories, especially ones passed through spoken word, can change with time. This is the true story of a girl who wandered into the forest, wearing a cloak white as snow, and left on the back of a beast with a crimson cape trailing behind her.(Shifter!Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
Billy Hargrove:
Baby, You’re a Haunted House
Reader-insert. Set on Stranger Things season 2 and 3. Complete (11 chapters).
You grew up in the lab along with Kali and Jane. When Kali escapes the lab, you manage to escape with her. When Jane finds the two of you, you're not sure what to make of her. You think she's going to be like Kali, but Jane manages to surprise you. You decide to go back to Hawkins with her when she leaves to save her friends and manage to find your way to the kind of life you've wanted all along.
Favored by Fate
Dragon!Dabi x Gender-Neutral Water Sprite!Reader. Reader-insert. One shot. Modern Fantasy AU.
This one was SO GOOD. I love fantasy AUs and I love even more modern fantasy ones. I’d be willing to pay the author real money for more of this.
Your boss has a business meeting at the annual fall festival, and you’re lucky that he’s given you the night off to explore on your own. Running into a masked stranger was not part of your plans for the evening, but it turns out the two of you share a common goal, and you can work together to reach it. Maybe fate is on your side.
Distorted Lullabies
Reader-insert. Incomplete but ongoing (19 chapters). Slow burn. Really slow burn.
Literally the only fanfiction I’m really following. It’s simply amazing. 
Count Dracula finds himself in the 21st century, 2020, after over a century of slumber. While still adapting to this new era, he meets Reader, a beautiful and witty lawyer working for Renfield's firm. While she seems resistant to his charms, the Count is adamant in winning her over. She just might make an excellent candidate as his bride. But will she withstand the change?
Eren Jaeger
Broken Bird
Reader-insert. Set on season 1. Complete (25 chapters). Slow Burn. Enemies to Friends to Lovers.
This was SO GOOD. I cried happy tears istg you NEED to read this. Everything about this fan fiction is amazing: the plot, the characters, the writing... Kudos to @larkspyrr
"You're more than just a thief. Promise me you'll see the stars. "You escaped from a life of crime in the Undercity and saw the worst that humanity has to offer. To keep an old promise, you join the military in the hopes of redeeming yourself and earning the life you've always wanted in the Military Police.But then you meet Eren Jaeger.
Light Yagami:
Ruling Child
Original Female Character. Incomplete but ongoing (18 chapters). Slow burn + Friends to lovers.
I’m not the biggest Light Yagami fan (let’s just say he’s not exactly my favorite character), but I’m really liking this fic so far.
Sienna Mason dies in a motorcycle accident, after the driver dies of an inexplicable heart attack. Wryly, she thinks of her favourite manga, Death Note, as her eyes close for the last time. While Sienna Mason's story ends there, Kimiko Yamada's is beginning—but how does she retain Sienna's memories? Kimiko realises that she's reborn into an alternate universe—and it's Death Note's.
Marley Trio (Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt)
It Takes a Lot out of You
Reader-insert. Incomplete but ongoing (11 chapters). Platonic relationships.
THIS IS AMAZING. I literally read it on a single day because of how beautifully written this is. I started reading thinking it was going to be about polyamory, but what I found was actually so much better. I’m not really someone into non-romance fanfiction, but this is one of the most beautiful things I’ve read, so my kudos to @invertedphantasmagoria
—living, that is.
Original Works
xenophobia: fear of unknown
Reader-insert. Complete (6 chapters). Monster/Human romance + Kinda Slow Burn(?)
I really liked this one and read it all in one sitting!! A warning though, chapters 5 and 6 have NSFW content, in case you’re not comfortable with it :)
family friends ask you to babysit their son, zach, but the night becomes increasingly disturbing from unnatural occurrences playing out by an imaginary friend he insists is real.
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cosmic-cactus2 · 4 years
laws of attraction | spencer reid x reader | chapter 3
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Description: "The law of attraction is the attractive, magnetic power of the Universe that manifests through everyone and through everything. It is part of the creative power of the Universe. Even the law of gravity is part of the law of attraction. This law attracts thoughts, ideas, people, situations, circumstances, and the things you think about." She was cynical about love. She didn't believe in soulmates, or fate, or that the universe brought you together. She believed in science, facts, and statistics. Her experience had taught her that love didn't exist, so she wasn't hell bent on finding it. She was just the broken girl with a tragic backstory she wouldn't let anyone see. But when she gets bumped up to a job working for BAU as a personal forensics analyst at Quantico, she meets someone that might just make her believe in love again. He might have too. {SET AFTER SEASON 13 OF CRIMINAL MINDS}. Warnings: adult language, some adult themes, blood, gore. Couple: Spencer Reid x Female Reader. Read new chapters ahead of time here on Wattpad ————————————————————
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter 3
first case
The pictures flashing on the board were gruesome, truly. There was blood absolutely everywhere, so much that the walls almost looked like they were painted with it. It made your stomach churn because of the damage done to the bodies, but otherwise you seemed unfazed.
"Last week, the Anderson's were all brutally murdered in their home in Orlando, Florida. The children were both beaten with their father's golf clubs and then strangled with their mother's pearl necklaces. The parents were then stabbed repeatedly and left to bleed out in front of their dead children." As you looked at he pictures up close in the virtual case file, your eyebrows furrowed. Pictures of the children's faces flooded your vision, their faces caked in blood with streaks visible from tear tracks. Their eyes seemed to stare vacantly and blindly, glazed over while their mouths lay open and breathless. Their necks had a ring of sickly purple dots, pearls laying in their hair and on their bodies. Their clothes were bloody and torn in places, and bruises adorned the otherwise pristine white skin. Your eyes went vacant as you then looked at the parents, red pools of blood spread around them like a bedsheet. The mothers hair was caked in blood, the blonde strands now dip dyed a hideous red. The father's beard was stained with it, his white button up torn to shreds. You swiped again and a new family popped up on the screen, every picture more gruesome than the last.
"Y/n?" Prentiss' voice snapped you out of your daze, hands shaking a bit as you closed the tablet. You'd never seen anything like this where you worked before, and you didn't think there'd be a shortage here. You noticed the room was empty except for Penelope, who was still standing at the front of the room.
"We're heading out. Got your bags?" You felt around for your messenger bag you'd packed full of essentials the night before.
"Yeah, I got it." You offered a weak smile before standing up, following her as she walked to the door at the end of the room. Penelope stopped you as you walked.
"It gets easier after a while, trust me." She gave you a comforting smile in an effort to reassure you. You sent a meek one back.
"I hope so."
The jet ride seemed agonizingly long, especially since those crime scene photos were engrained in your mind. It was like time was slowing down as you stared at the clouds outside your window, legs pulled to your chest as your hands picked nervously at the fabric of your pants.
"You okay?" You were startled a little bit by a voice, looked up into the aisle to see a concerned looking Spencer with his hands in his pockets. You just shrugged. He sat down across from you, almost waiting for you to say something. "You aren't used to this, are you?" You shook your head.
"Hell no. I worked for a lame ass police department who could barely afford proper lab equipment before this. My whole day was spent trying to figure out what drug was on a person's t-shirt."
"That big of a jump?"
"Yeah. I mean, I expected to jump into things right away but...not this. Not this brutal. And not this young." There was a moment of silence between the two of you, your eyes and mind drifting off to a place hidden deep in your mind that you didn't want to go again. Finally, your mouth opened and you spoke what you were thinking aloud. "How many cases with kids do you guys have?"
"I'm pretty sure we've all lost count by now." Another silence.
"See, I took this job to get away from the boring. It was like every day was planned out for me, and when I got this job opportunity it was like life would finally be exciting. This is not what I meant by exciting." The two of you let out a small laugh before Prentiss asked everyone to come together to look over everything one more time before the jet landed.
"Okay, so, let's look over this again before we land. Garcia, did you find any connection between both families?" Garcia's face popped up on the screens of the jet.
"Nothing I can see. The Anderson's were easy going people, father was a lawyer, mother stayed at home, went to church every Sunday. The Kirkland's were similar except the kids were teenagers, the mother worked at a bank and the father was a mechanic at a local garage."
"The unsub has to be using some type of ruse to get into the house. Social worker, sales rep, cleaning service." Alvez spoke with certainty and confidence; you felt like you didn't fit in with everyone since they were so experienced at this and you got shaken up over some dead kids.
"It's also possible both families knew the unsub. Maybe a teacher or a church goer."
"Wouldn't be anything associated with church or school, neither of the families attended the same ones." The team talked in amongst themselves and threw out theories before Garcia spoke again. "Uh, guys? A third family was just found this morning. The Davidson's. Mom, Eleanor, was 38, father James was 40, daughter Carol who was 16, and son Adam who was 12." You decided not to look at any of the pictures, knowing full well you'd just have to go anyway. They continued talking for a moment before Emily started giving out assignments.
"-and Reid, you'll go with Y/N to the crime scene." He gave you a small smile and you smiled back, staring out the window again as the plane approached its landing.
"So you've never been out in the field before?" Spencer asked you the question out of curiosity as you two stepped out of the large black sedan.
"A few times, but nothing as brutal as this. Mainly just shootings and overdoses." You wrung your hands nervously as you approached the sealed off house. The looming police tape gave you a sense of dread that hung over you like a dark cloud.
"So how'd you end up getting into the bureau?"
"My boss sent in an application for me a few years ago since I was 'outstanding in my field' as he put it. Basically I could analyze almost 100 pieces of evidence a day as opposed to my coworker's 60, and successfully reconstructed over 50 crime scenes." You opened the door to the house, noticing the bloody footprints leading into the house from the door. You bent down to look at it, evidence markers next to each one. "First glance I'd have to say it's a size 8 work boot, most likely rubber soles." You walked further into the room, Spencer trailing behind. He looked over the scene.
"There was some sort of struggle. Picture frames are knocked over and the lamp is broken." You walked over to the center of the living room, looking at the four bodies laying on the ground. The sight repulsed you, and you momentarily looked away. You shook yourself out, remembering you had a job to do.
"The mother and father were positioned here, and the children across from them. He made them sit across from each other and bound their hands with barbed wire it looks like, based off the puncture wounds. It would make it impossible for them to struggle with hurting themselves further in the process."
"He grabbed the statuette from the table next to the couch." Reid walked over to the table, looking at the empty space. "He beat the children with it almost to death, before strangling them with the father's neckties." You crouched over the two children's bodies, lifting up their clothes in spots.
"He knew exactly where to hit them to inflict maximum pain but prolong the death until the exact moment he wanted to kill them. He avoided hitting the head so they wouldn't be knocked unconscious, but he broke almost all their joints. No doubt it was so the parents would hear their screams." Spencer walked to the parents, leaning over their bodies as you stood across from him.
"Then he cut the parents, avoiding every major artery so they wouldn't bleed out as fast. The unsub has to have extensive medical knowledge or experience to know this much about how to prolong his victim's torture." You took a moment to collect yourself from the gruesome scene, looking at the trail of bloody footprints. You followed it, stopping at a chair that sat in a corner in the foyer. You noticed a smooth bloody glove print on the side of the chair. Your eyes trailed to scuff marks on the floor, sliding the chair to the end of them.
The chair landed right in the middle of the hallway, looking directly at the family.
"He watched them as they died."
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saturdaysoundtrack · 4 years
Sunday Song (GOSPEL):
Song: I Need You Now by Smokie Norful
The Sunday Song is usually a gospel song, and today’s song is the May 2002 release, I Need You Now by Smokie Norful. In this song, it says come rescue me, I need You right away. I need You now. I must feel this way about a million times a day. Trials constantly come my way, and I have learned to quickly look to God for answers, solutions, but most of all—deliverance. This week’s theme is from a section of the novel, What You Do in the Dark entitled, No Bride in June. Sometimes, we as women feel that we have failed if we are not married, but what a husband we have in Christ, we are His bride, and He will rescue us from any situation, negative emotion, or unwanted destination.
Scripture Verse: Psalm 34:19
This scripture says, “The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.” In other words, if we are found right with Christ, which means we have accepted Him as Lord and Savior, then He will rescue us from all of our problems.
Novel: What You Do in the Dark…
No Bride in June in my novel, What You Do in the Dark…, is the title of our theme for this month. In this part of the novel, Caren’s plans to wed her high school sweetheart are canceled, and she watches news reports of her former lover, Councilman Robert Turner’s marriage to prominent Columbus lawyer, Veronica Kirkland.
Relationship Advice:
In Christian dating relationships, we may often face trouble, disappointments, break-ups, deception and many other negative activities, but we have to remember that in each situation if we belong to the family of Christ, we are assured of deliverance…rescue from every trouble or affliction.
The Saturday Soundtrack is a dating relationship blog designed to put music, soul, spirituality, and wisdom into the dating experience. Saturday is our date night, and each week, we take a musical journey that prepares us day by day to end the week with a positive dating experience.
Visit my website at www.debmcdaniel.com today!
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gospacegay · 5 years
A House In Hell
New chapter up! The story features NedCan, RusAme, and Poliet. It  is modern humanverse, slice of life, based on humour in Florida. Toris has bought a questionable new home after a rough divorce. Give it a try! Link below with samples!
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19303588/chapters/46891855#workskin
Her fingers were slender and pale. Every keystroke was like a dance, every press of a button like a final commanding press of force. Everything Madeleine did was magical, it was true. The wavy blonde beauty was awash with freckles like a fresh harvest. If only the country sweetheart could belong to Lars.
The partially infamous county lawyer fumed in his office, glaring at a blank page on his neat desk. It was supposed to be a love letter. Instead it was a blank page. There was no words good enough to describe his adoration for the quirky secretary. She worked at that psychic's office right downtown, that   dramatic Felix fellow. Lars wasn't a fan of such services, very logical in his proceedings. It was his very nature, his way to do so.
Thus Lars's crush was most vexing. He simply lost words around her. He was no better than a toddler in her presence. He had sued family companies in court and defended arsonists. He should be able to talk to a girl! Lars's considerably shorter brother, Henri entered the tiny office. Truth be told, everyone was short. He was a lanky giant in this two horse town.
“Done wasting time, yet? We have two cases coming up.”
“I'm not wasting time!” Lars snapped, glaring at the blank page. His adoration for Madeline Kirkland had to be known. She was so much more than another love child of the eccentric retired Mayor. She was undefinable grace, freckles, and soft curves. Her bizarre blend of Canadian and southern charm ensured encounters sweet enough to rot teeth. She was an honest to god angel, with breasts you could drown in.
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toilethot6-blog · 5 years
Top Ten Reasons Why Regulation Businesses Must evaluate Discerning Legal Freelancing
In the last fraction of 2008 America deals with economic problems never imagined even a few a few months ago. How will businesses manage and survive the constraints on credit, demand and even growth? How does the particular economical downturn impact attorneys together with law firms which service the business community? It is an evident truth that businesses can only look at modifying two earnings streams, income and expenses, in order to maximize profitability. In the event earnings can be down in addition to definitely not anticipated to increase substantially around the near term, clients of law firms can take typically the hatchet to expenses so as to survive. Legal fees will be underneath extreme scrutiny. Legal outsourced workers, while still a nascent industry, is gaining impetus, being considered in even more corporate boardrooms. As the pressures to be able to outsource build up, attorneys wonder whether these people should embrace outsourcing legal work offshore or even withstand that. In the deal with of international economic troubles coupled with the improving reduction of American job opportunities the reason why would a Circumstance. T. law firm desire to actually consider legitimate outsourcing? Is there valid motives why targeted legal outsourcing techniques should be considered by every U. S. regulation organization? Several weeks before I gotten an e-mail from a lawyer who else was considering outsourcing a few of the legal work of their law firm. Facing weight in addition to challenges from numerous in the law firm which wanted to keep up with the condition quo, he asked for my own advice as to what exactly this individual should tell his / her partners. Why should typically the firm delegate lawful do the job offshore, a good practice found by quite a few as adventuresome and dangerous, instead associated with staying the training, doing it "the way we have now always done it. inches I solved him with all the top ten reasons why any law firm should take into account selective legal outsourcing: one. PRUDENT, FOCUSED OUTSOURCING MAY RESULT IN REDUCED REGULATION FIRM OVERHEAD Outsourcing some legal work to skilled providers in India can lead to significantly lower overhead to the outsourcing law firm. Around assessing the comparative prices the law determined will certainly be wise to meticulously compute the real costs of employing a single law firm or paralegal. Those people costs consist of salary and even bonus, health and fitness insurance, family vacation together with holiday pay, hurt time expense, FICA, office space and even equipment for the lawyer, paralegal and secretarial employees assigned to that legal representative, pension plan and profit posting, automobile and parking price, CLE seminar costs, together with other occupation benefits these as disability plus life insurance. The real gross annual cost of one lawyer getting a base yearly salary involving $150, 000-$175, 000 is likely in often the range of $250, 1000 to $300, 000 annually. NONE of these routine expenditures accrue to the rules solid utilizing added offshore authorized providers. two. OUTSOURCING TECHNIQUES ARE GOING TO ENHANCE RULES FIRM EFFICIENCIES Frugal outsourcing will improve the productivity of your law business. Because Indian native lawyers job when United states lawyers sleep, this will probably be like the law firm has a full time, fully staffed night time shift. Some do the job may be assigned simply by a new partner in 6 s. m. after sunset and the completed task on his workdesk when he arrives with the office the so next morning. Lawsuit cases can move more speedily by way of the court system using less need for plug-ins of your energy. 3. OUTSOURCING WILL RESULT IN ENHANCED LEGAL PROFESSIONAL MORALE As some sort of little one not many of this sermons I heard via my pastor stuck along with me. But a single, whenever I was fourteen years old still rings a bells. They said: "Ninety per cent of any worthwhile attempt is pack work, promoting, day in and outing. Only ten percent associated with our job tasks are usually necessarily thrilling exciting. " I have generally kept in mind that statement. In more in comparison with two years to be a trial lawyer I loved strategizing and trying cases to juries. But I did certainly not necessarily enjoy all of of the test and even deposition preparation, exploration plus briefing, document review, plus different mundane requirements associated with the practice of legislation. A law firm which will features outsourcing into it is practice may inevitably instill more satisfied lawyers who also commit their own time and even energies to the tougher, fun and rewarding portions of typically the practice regarding law. The particular "chore" legal work is outsourced using the "core" operate staying onshore. This will allow a lot more time for customer relationship and development by simply typically the firm's lawyers. 4. OUTSOURCED WORKERS WILL RESULT IN ALL ROUND SAVINGS THROUGHOUT LEGITIMATE SERVICE FEES TO CONSUMERS Customers involving law firms, particularly company clients, are seeking a long way and wide for methods to cut their authorized expenses. Quite a few inquire exactly why they should give, regarding example, $200 to three hundred hourly for document review. Gone are the times when legal bills are simply just paid without scrutiny. Moreover, the annual increases throughout hourly rates will definitely not be nicely received by clients looking to cut prices. Wise law firms put the interests of their buyers earlier mentioned their own. Precisely what is good for the consumer will ultimately be fine for that laws firm themselves. four. THE RULES ASSOCIATED WITH PROFESSIONAL DO REQUIRE PAYING FOR FREELANCERS CONSIDERATION The principles of Expert Conduct connected with require that will: the. "A lawyer ought to seek to accomplish the particular legitimate objectives of any client through reasonable permissible means. " (Rule one 2) b. "A legal professional should explain a matter to the extent reasonably necessary to help permit the client to make informed options about the particular representation. " (Rule you. 4 b) d. "A lawyer shall help to make fair efforts to expedite a lawsuit consistent with the interests of the client. " (Rule several. 2) A legal representative is required to explore and discuss with the buyer all reasonable suggests of attaining the patient's objectives. A legal professional is certainly not permitted to charge an unreasonable or maybe excessive payment. It would seem which a lawyer is debatably necessary to discuss discerning outsourcing as an easy way of reducing the company's ultimate fee obligation in addition to furthering the interests with the client. 6. OUTSOURCED WORKERS "CHORE" LEGAL WORK HELPS BRING ABOUT CLIENT RETENTION AND GROWTH Clientele have long stunted ever-increasing legal fees for fundamental, "chore" legal work. Nevertheless, many people felt as in the event they had not any alternative. They needed typically the legitimate representation and needed great quality work. As there was not a new significant penetration of fee variance from practice to law firm, consumers assisted to "stay place. inches This trend is usually beginning to change as consumers know that they currently have options. Lawyers who use outsourcing for selectively are reporting a more contented, faithful client base. Clients who else perceive the fact that their legal professionals are hunting out for the entirety of the his or her interests, which include fee fees, tend to stay committed to his or her existing law firms together with even refer other customers (whose lawyers refuse to outsource). 7. COMPETITION IS DEFINITELY OUTSOURCING If your laws firm is not outsourcing, be certain that your competition is. On September 21, 07 Bloomberg. contendo reported that even long-established AMLAW 100 law firms such as Smith Day and Kirkland & Ellis are outsourcing below pressure from clients. 9. Georgia tax Attorney U. S. LAWYERS MAY WELL CHARGE A REALISTIC ORGANIZATION FEE It is usually affordable together with acceptable with regard to U. H. law firms outsourcing legal job what exactly is to charge an affordable organization fee in conjunction with outsourced legal work. That can be axiomatic that a good legal professional who outsources authorized job, whether to the partner, contract lawyer or even overseas provider, ultimately continues to be in charge to his consumer for your quality and timeliness regarding delivery of the legal merchandise. If some sort of lawyer assigns your research together with writing of a brief to a new junior associate, the assigning lawyer will not likely usually submit the closing operate product to often the court devoid of review and even supervision. Making it with what exactly is legal outsourced workers. Published life values opinions of the San Diego, New York plus United states Bar Groups signify that will a law firm who outsources offshore might charge a reasonable managing fee. 9. CLIENTELE ARE INSISTING ON PICKY FREELANCING TO ACHIEVE CHARGE SAVINGS Clientele talk for you to one another. Executives of major companies golf and have lunch with one a further. Corporate General Counsel attend meetings and CLE tutorials, sharing information and approaches to increase efficiencies together with reduce costs. They know concerning offshore paying for freelancers and the dramatic cost savings that could be obtained. It is unpleasant, thus, to ignore lawful outsourcing and, as 1 managing lawyer partner instructed me, include "no appetite" for it. ten. FREELANCING WILL HAPPEN. Doing absolutely nothing is not an option. A few are outsourcing techniques. Many even more are considering it, if prompted by eager business sense or economical realities. Outsourcing is like a sizable, ominous wave a couple of a long way offshore. It is preferable to search this wave than hang on to be able to be swallowed up, overwhelmed by means of its power and left wondering what happened. United kingdom economist Herbert Spencer is acknowledged with originating this term "survival of typically the fittest" in the core 19th century. Although in addition having software to biology, Spencer applied the idea of success of this fittest to cost-free marketplace economics. In a absolutely free market, companies and corporations will do what is necessary to make it through. In the event that that means outsourcing many U. S. legal jobs for the greater great involving success of typically the entity themselves, then and so be that. The unit of actually increasing wages and expenses to get law firms followed by in fact higher legal fees incurred clients cannot sustain themselves any longer. Legal outsourcing techniques is here to stay. The wise is going to take see, make it and flourish
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josephquinn · 6 years
Morning Docket: 12.10.18
* It's official: 2018 has been the best year for law firms since the Great Recession. Per Wells Fargo’s Legal Specialty Group, the legal industry will soon see its "strongest annual performance in a decade." Biglaw is back, baby! [American Lawyer] * Now that federal prosecutors have linked President Trump to crimes committed during his 2016 campaign, the focus has shifted to the family business -- but thus far, special counsel Robert Mueller hasn't tipped his hand as to whether or how Trump's family members will be involved in the case. [New York Times] * The Ninth Circuit recently upheld a district court judge's decision to put a stop to President Trump's limitations on asylum, citing the fact that his new port-of-entry rule was "likely arbitrary and capricious" since it was based "on a criterion that has nothing to do with asylum itself." Sounds about right. [Los Angeles Times] * Jeffrey Hammes, the longtime chairman of Kirkland & Ellis, will retire in early 2020, and his replacement has already been named. Congratulations to Jon Ballis, who will soon rule the roost at the world's highest-grossing firm. [Big Law Business] * It looks like the legal profession is starting early on its New Year's resolution to cut some weight. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the legal sector shed 2,400 jobs over the course of November. Yikes... [American Lawyer] Morning Docket: 12.10.18 published first on http://personalinjuryattorneyphiladelphia.blogspot.com/
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Back to...the lawyer au...
Prosecutor Braginski: Ivan’s mother was a famous prosecutor. His older sister was expected to follow in their mother’s footsteps but she would not and instead, went to live on a farm with her husband. Ivan stepped up to the plate and went through an insane amount of training with his mother as his teacher outside of school. She taught him to be cold ‘Do not let those criminals back out onto the street. Do you hear me? Your grandmother would roll over in her grave if she saw you letting them free!’. When Ivan lost his first case his mother lectured him endlessly for hours...Ivan does have common sense though. There are times where he sees an innocent up there...And he loosens up. He practically lets them go. That’s something his mother and sister wouldn’t do. They care too much about the family name.
Prosecutor Braginski: Natalya adores her big brother and will do anything to gain his and their mother’s approval. Coming from a line of prosecutors puts a lot of pressure on her. Her family name is well known and the thought of losing a case keeps her up at night. She has nightmares where her family disowns her for losing a case! Of course that would never happen but in stress dreams, anything is possible. She’s ruthless in court and her objections are plentiful. She’s purposefully vague but she doesn’t hide information, she thinks that’s wrong. Also...That makes her look bad. She wins cases through intelligence and persistence! Not through fiddling with evidence.
Prosecutor Bonnefoy: Francis Bonnefoy went throughout most of his schooling wanting to be an artist or musician but that all changed when his girlfriend of 5 years, Jeanne, was brutally murdered behind a supermarket. Francis had been in the car waiting for her and she never came out of the store, he and a few employees came across her body behind a dumpster while looking for her. A man was found fleeing the scene with the murder weapon but he was never convicted and he was set free. Ever since, Francis has been out for justice, becoming attatched to cases and doing anything he can to find a guilty verdict because the thought of letting a murderer go free makes him sick. Because of his stubborn nature he’s incredibly hard to work with (depending on the case). He has many friends outside of work and works very well with detectives and other prosecutors...he mocks defense attorneys often. Mostly Kirkland just to get a rise out of him.
Defense attorney Kirkland: Arthur worked hard to keep his record clean despite growing up with a criminal father and 5 brothers who often got up to no good. He has his fair share of schoolyard fights but none of them made it onto his resume...Whew...He paid for his college education all on his own and at first, his plan was to become a police officer. He knew his town needed more crime prevention so he wanted to give back! But after taking criminal psychology classes and other law related classes, he realized he would rather stand up for the accused in court. He worked hard to get to where he is now! He’s won 7 cases...and lost 2...But he’s extremely proud of himself either way. He keeps in touch with past clients and is known to go to lunch to catch up with them every once in awhile. He mocks prosecutors often, mostly Bonnefoy just to get a rise out of him. He and Bonnefoy face off in court occasionally but they don’t usually face the same cases. Francis is usually working murder cases and Arthur is mostly hired for smaller crimes like B&Es, robberies and such. When he IS hired for a murder case, he always holds his breath before reading the case file to see who’s the prosecutor...Damn...Bonnefoy again...
Defense attorney Jones: Alfred is a work in progress. He’s recently gradusted uni and he’s shadowing Arthur in court to see how everything goes. Al became a lawyer for almost the same reasons as Art! And Art’s an old family friend so of course he’d shadow him! He offers input and jokes that should definetly not be in a courtroom during testimonies which Arthur does not enjoy. Al can’t wait to be a lawyer and have cases of his own! What he won’t say is that he’s also a bit nervous to be on his own. It’s a bit stressful...Hes still overcoming his argumentative nature because obviously, the court won’t allow him to cuss out a witness!! He knows everything he needs to know! But he just needs a bit more experience in the field before taking it on on his own! Al likes having Art as his partner! Even though Art can be a stick in the mud sometimes!
Judge Beilschmidt: Ludwig went to a private school at a young age, he’s always been advanced and ahead of his peers. He took high level classes and was accepted into an esteemed university. He became a judge because it sounded like a promising career! His grandfather praised him for his academic success and reccomended taking on a career like that! So he thought ‘why not!’. The job has been relatively easy for him, he’s a man that trusts the facts and knows a guilty face when he sees one. However, the hardest thing he ever did was sentancing his beloved brother Gilbert to 10 years in prison for money laundering. He knew Gil was guilty then second he saw him standing at the podium. He visits him in prison but Gilbert frequently refuses to talk to him.
Detective Oxenstierna: Berwald comes from a family of firefighters and cops. Naturally he took after his dad. His plan is to work his way up to be a police chief some day...The first gay police chief in the area. Thinking about that is one of the only things that makes him smile other than imaging his family. Ber is very attentive when it comes to small details. Cigarette ashes left at a scene, a smudge of gun powder on the wall, a hair on the floor...He sees everything. He’s not the best at interacting with victims/witnesses. He’s often told that he isn’t a very sympathetic guy. He is! Just...on the inside though. He tends to stay away from people and just conduct his work on his own...but Carriedo often bothers him with jokes in the middle of the crime scene. When he feels social, he shows off baby pictures of his son cause hey! He’s a proud dad!...okay back to work no more fooling around- quiet, Carriedo!
Detective Carriedo: Toni is very excited about his job, he’s always been nosy and loud. He’s great at digging into people’s pasts but when it comes to crime scenes, he isn’t exactly the best when it comes to small details. Berwald is his assigned partner! So Ber usually handles the small things and Toni usually interviews witnesses and stuff like that. He’s definitely a people person! Sometimes he gets people to open up...even if they didn’t want to. He’s persuasive but not intentionally. He became a detective because he dreamed of doing so since he was a young boy. His father is very proud of his career choice and brags about him to his buddies constantly “Mi hijo is just the best! He’s out there finding criminals! Ah! That’s my boy!” Toni has a picture of his dad on his desk too cause on his worst days, it’s nice to look up and see the one person you know is proud of you.
More soon.... :)
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phroyd · 6 years
For years, Wall Street On Parade has been documenting and reporting on how the Federal courts and U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York function as a protection racket for Wall Street. For decades, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the SDNY has been populating itself through a gold-plated revolving door to Wall Street’s biggest and coziest law firms. This ensures that Wall Street’s darkest secrets never see too much sunshine in the court of public opinion and that Wall Street’s titans never see the inside of a jail cell. (See related articles below for an in-depth understanding of the problem.)
According to CNN reporting, the Michael Cohen law office that was raided was located at the global corporate law firm of Squire Patton Boggs. The 1500-lawyer firm had announced a “strategic alliance” with Cohen in April of last year, a few months after Trump’s inauguration.  When queried about the raid by news media yesterday, Squire Patton Boggs said that its relationship with Cohen is over, without commenting on why Cohen still has an office there.
According to Legal Week, Squire Patton Boggs is advising Cambridge Analytica on the U.K.’s investigation into its harvesting of data from Facebook and its potential role in manipulating voters in the Brexit vote that took the U.K. out of the European Union. Cambridge Analytica is also under investigation in the U.S. by the Federal Trade Commission for harvesting data from Facebook without users’ permission and potentially using that data to assist the Trump campaign. Trump’s major donor, Robert Mercer, funded Cambridge Analytica. Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, will testify today and tomorrow before the U.S. Senate and House, respectively, on how Cambridge Analytica and others harvested its users’ personal data without the users’ permission.
The man currently in charge of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York has not been vetted or confirmed by the U.S. Senate. He’s serving as an interim U.S. Attorney. His name is Geoffrey Berman and he is a Trump supporter. Federal Election Commission records show that he donated $5400 to Trump’s campaign on July 28, 2016. At the time of his appointment, Berman was also a fellow shareholder and law partner of Rudy Giuliani at the giant law firm, Greenberg Traurig. Berman had worked there for more than a decade. Giuliani is a longstanding Trump ally and loyalist and a former head himself of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the SDNY.
Two days after Berman was named interim U.S. Attorney for the SDNY, Berman named Robert Khuzami to be his Deputy U.S. Attorney for that jurisdiction. Khuzami was General Counsel to Deutsche Bank-Americas from January 2002 to February 2009. Deutsche Bank has been the major lender to Trump’s businesses for decades, even as other major Wall Street banks refused further lending to him. In January of last year,Deutsche Bank was charged with laundering billions of dollars out of Russia and paid approximately $630 million in fines. Mueller is probing the Trump campaign’s ties to the Russian government and Russian money.
In December the German language newspaper, Handelsblatt, reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed bank records from Deutsche Bank relating to President Trump and his family members. Handelsblatt writes that “The former real-estate baron has done billions of dollars’ worth of business with Deutsche Bank over the past two decades, and First Lady Melania, daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner are also clients.”
Khuzami had also previously been the head of enforcement at the Securities and Exchange Commission following the financial crash of 2008. During his tenure at the SEC, all of the major Wall Street bank CEOs got off without prosecution. During that period Khuzami became the target of a whistleblower complaint from a person working inside the SEC. Those claims were investigated by the SEC’s Inspector General. As we previously reported:
“According to the SEC’s Office of Inspector General which investigated the whistleblower’s claims against Khuzami, this is what transpired: On June 28, 2010, Khuzami spoke on the phone with Mark Pomerantz, a partner at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, the law firm representing Citigroup. Pomerantz and Khuzami knew each other from their work at the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York. SEC attorneys working under Khuzami had already decided to bring fraud claims against Citigroup’s CFO, Gary Crittenden, for misstating the amount of Citigroup’s exposure to subprime debt by almost $40 billion.
“On the call, Pomerantz told Khuzami that Citigroup would experience collateral damage if a key executive were charged with fraud. Shortly after this call, another Citigroup lawyer, Lawrence Pedowitz of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz (the law firm that helped former Citigroup CEO Sandy Weill maneuver the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act) told SEC Associate Enforcement Director, Scott Friestad, that Khuzami had agreed to drop the fraud charges against Crittenden. The Inspector General’s report says that Khuzami denies ever making this promise.
“But the fraud charges were dropped and the deeply redacted Inspector General’s report does not inform the public as to how they came to be dropped. The report essentially whitewashes the claims against Khuzami, ensuring that fewer and fewer whistleblowers within or outside the SEC will go to the trouble of reporting wrongdoing.
“The SEC’s Inspector General’s report is dated September 27, 2011 but it was not released to the public until November 17, 2011 – at which time it was obvious that someone had demanded confidential treatment for large swaths of the report, at times making the language unintelligible….”
Last month American Lawyer reported that Khuzami had indicated on his financial disclosure form that he had earned “$11.1 million in partnership income” at the corporate law firm, Kirkland & Ellis “in about a year’s span” prior to becoming second-in-command at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the SDNY. According to Kirkland’s client list it represents some of the largest Wall Street banks, hedge funds and private equity firms such as Bank of America, UBS, Citadel, The Carlyle Group and KKR.
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