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Amethyst Clothing For Each Game 1. Number One is for Haunted Dark Bridal. 2. Number Two is for More Blood. 3. Number Three is for Vandead Carnival. 4. Number Four is for Dark Fate. 5. Number Five is for Lunatic Parade. 6. Number Six is for Lost Eden. 7. Number Seven is her school uniform for Haunted Dark Bridal and More Blood. Game Used (NSFW Warning and For Computer Users Only) : http://pochi.lix.jp/k_kisekae2.html
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Kazuki Sakamaki New Reference "This is Amethysts' other Dialovers OC, His name is Kazuki." Game used - http://pochi.lix.jp/k_kisekae2.html
I had a profile for him but I can’t find it
He’s half vampire half druid
its a long story
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Amethyst Reference In A Sense Here's the best I can do so far. You have her in her More Blood Attire , Panda Outfit , School Uniform , Underwear and Bare Naked/But Censored. Information on her Most of her information is in this collection https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/gf50WE so if you want to know more about her go there. Amethyst is my persona/self insert character for Diabolik Lovers. She is shipped with Yuuma Mukami but also an OC named Chris (Formerly Keah) (+мαѕтєя кσυ ブラチスアイドル). She was adopted by the Tsukinami's upon them saving her but she later was claimed as the adoptive sister of Ruki, Kou and Azusa Mukami.. Mainly because of her relationship with Yuuma. Amethyst is a Dimensional Guardian, A form of Guardian Angel in a sort but a whole different species whose role is to protect certain dimensions from chaos (AKA Dialovers). Ame is in a contract with Karlheinz, The vampire king, The contract is for him to use her as a test subject and abide by his rule in return she is allowed to use his name when needed and was given a chance to go to the school that the other vampires went too. In doing that she met the vampires and somewhat bonded with few of them, Gaining relationships and other things with them all. Amethyst is not designed to be "cringey", She does have weaknesses even if it is impossible for her to die. Amethyst, Of course, Cannot be killed. She can die from a natural human like death but that is mainly old age. *She can die from something else but I am yet to develop what exactly can. But she has weaknesses.* * Such as in human form she is weaker and more prone to being damaged. In Guardian form she is almost invulnerable but due to her species she is pretty much harmless to most life forms. * Amethyst after coming back to human form needs twenty four hours to regenerate, In those hours she is weak, immobilised to the point of near paralysis, Light Headed and impossible to communicate too. * Another weakness of hers is her loved ones. Family, Friends, Lovers. She wouldn't bring herself to harming them and she would never forgive herself if she did by accident. It makes it an advantage to those that consider her an ally to turn cold and attack her. * Amethyst also during healing processes is paralysed and vulnerable to secondary attacks if need be. Amethyst on the other hand has many strengths * She has a very fast healing factor. * She is incredibly strong and fast. * She can hover if needed. * She can heal others and mend things with magic. * She can bring objects to life. * She has the power of telekinesis. * Obviously she can change her form to her Angel self, But only when necessary or forced.     Those are only few of her abilities, There are more but I am too freaking lazy to jot them down xD So there we are, Those are just some tiny bits of information for those that wanted to understand my character. As stated there is more information on my collection about her and I will be posting more trivia posts in the near future. This is a character I am going to keep and make one of my mains for this account. I would love to hear feed back for everyone on what I should maybe fix around and or what else I should write about next. Thank you to those that do read this! Ame out~! Also do not hesitate to ask me if you want to roleplay with this character as I am very happy to do so, I just don't do romance and I also have to be on my laptop to roleplay, Thanks again guys~! I use a game which is http://pochi.lix.jp/k_kisekae2.html
Quick Short Profile Information [ Name ] Amethyst. I don't really have a last name. [ Age ] Let's just say human wise I am seventeen years of age and leave it at that. [ Race ] Well, I guess I have to announce I am a Dimensional Guardian. So I'm basically something that looms around the dimension vortex and then gets thrown into different dimensions to guard it and live out a normal human life there. I have been assigned to the dimension of Diabolik Lovers and I think I am being condemned to protect it for eternity... How swell! [ Nationality ] I've picked the nationality of Australian! [ Sexuality ] Bisexual. If that helps. [ Gender ] This body wise I am a female. My real form also tends to look feminine but in reality none of us have actual sexes or genders. [ Height ] This form wise I am approximately one hundred and forty seven centimetres which is equivalent to four feet and eight inches in height. [ Weight ] That for a fact I am uncertain about... But by Yuuma's words I must be very light... Or he must be really strong. [ Body Type ] I have been cursed with this body. I'm short with very thick thighs... My legs seem longer than my damn torso which in fact has a bent spine. My spine sticks out in so I look like a freaking duck. I am rather thick as well... Chubbish? Yeah.. [ Breast Cup ] In this form it is possibly a very large C going towards D. [ Blood Type ] O positive or O negative. I forgot which one I am.. [ Zodiac Sign ] I am the water sign Pisces! [ Birth Date ] This body was created on the twenty sixth of February. [ Place of Birth ] I couldn't really say... I forgot as to which location it was but it was possibly in Australia somewhere. ============================================================== Background information If I remember correctly I decided to travel to Japan at around the human age of fifteen? Yeah. I abandoned my human family due to knowing my search was rather in a different location. I arrived and went to the location as to where these vampires lived. Upon going there I was stopped in my tracks by a man named Karlheinz... This so called man happened to be the King of Vampires and he offered me a deal which I accepted. I became the next possible wife of Karlheinz which wasn't the wisest idea for me. Hence why I have this collar on the majority of the time. Anyway, He taught me some things and enrolled me to the same school his sons went to. Obviously hoping to meet them I ended up encountering and being taken hostage by the two First Bloods. The youngest grew a fascination with me and bit me, Claiming me as his... Which was false because I was first bitten by Karlheinz... Ahem , The two first bloods eventually calmed down and took a liking for me taking me as their sister. After awhile they let me go back to school and then that is when I encountered the Mukami's and grew a connection with the second youngest brother, Yuuma. We became close friends and then closer... I guess Ruki saw this and dragged me away from my other, "Brothers" and took me in saying they where my new "brothers," I guess I didn't mind but I still went back to see Shin and Carla, They did save me after all. Yuuma and I grew a special connection in secret just before I had a rather off first encounter with the Sakamaki family, The same family that hosts my lover, Keah. I had befriended Keah after the fighting and I also became close with the red head male Ayato and Albino Subaru. I later managed to earn the favour of all of the brothers be it good or bad... When I found out about Keah and Reiji's secret relationship , Which was by getting to Reiji's inner nice side and having him blurt it out by accident, I didn't know exactly how to feel... A few years passed and now here I am in a relationship with the Vampire King's adoptive daughter, I have a relationship with Yuuma and I have been accepted by the Sakamaki's almost completely, Seeming I may be marrying their beloved sister sooner or later they are going to have to deal with it~ 
Nicknames Amethyst has gotten from the dialovers boys ~Sakamaki's~ Shuu : Duck, Cuddly-chan, Squishy, Walking chest/thigh pillows. Reiji : Panda or Little girl. Ayato : Duck Butt or Grapefruit titties Kanato : Ame-chan, eventually : little sis. Laito : Half Blood's Bitch, Scary Bitch. Subaru : Ame, Weirdo, Rabbit (Usually comes with cute). Kino : Ame, Woman. ~Mukami's~ Ruki : Goat, Llama or little sister. Kou : Little Sister, Angry Kitten, Panda-chan, Sometimes refer's to her as "Yuuma's Chew Toy". Yuuma : Ame, Baby Girl, Panda, Fishy (Referring to her star sign), Wolves Bitch (If he is pissed off with her.) Azusa : Little Sister, Ame-san, Angel-san. ~Tsukinami's~ Carla : Refers to her as "Our Sister" or "Our Possession", Little Sister, You (Rudely). Shin : Refers to her as "His" usually, Rabbit, Prey, Panda. 
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Subaru Belongs to Rejet Amethyst is my DL Persona. Fuck its hella fast but eh... Game Used - http://pochi.lix.jp/k_kisekae2.html
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My girlfriend (Girl with red hair) and myself (The short ass with Auburn hair)
Game used was http://pochi.x.fc2.com/kisekae/k_kisekae2.html
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Amethyst's Diabolik Lovers Reference Sheet Game Used Is - http://pochi.lix.jp/k_kisekae2.html Alright before you ask what the fuck she is, My brother and I made a species up called creators. My brother and his girlfriend are creators, My main role-play persona is a Dimensional Guardian, Basically someone who is sent to a specific realm for a lifetime to live there until their duty at that certain dimension is finished and their life time there dies. A life line can last up to two hundred years and they will never age unless wished upon. As soon as she dies she'd be revived in another dimension to guard it and live there. Amethyst in the DL dimension was revived there and was immediately forced into a contract with Karlheinz, Manipulating and then claiming her only to later use her as his toy and next experiment. She is sent to school in which she is taken by Shin and Carla and lives with them. Shin believing she is his when in reality that's false. She makes strong bonds with the Mukami brothers and acquaints herself with the Sakamaki's which later turns into her falling madly in-love with their adoptive sister Keah. She goes by Ame, Amethyst or Panda but her original name is unknown. She also has a very VERY strong bond with Yuuma and Subaru and tends to hang out with either of the males driving the firstbloods insane. She also became classified as family to Kino and his lover Miriam Cupcake Order Of Appearance Casual Clothes School Clothes Dimensional Guardian Form, Keep in mind her wings are meant to be galaxy patterned but the game can't do that shit ;;  
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Alice, Amethyst and Keah.
Alice belongs to https://plus.google.com/+Anoushkahopman Amethyst belongs to me Keah belongs to https://plus.google.com/+KeahSpoiledPrincessSakamaki
Game used is http://pochi.x.fc2.com/kisekae/k_kisekae2.html
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