#kisses at teldryn......
bl0rb0 · 7 months
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choilacanth · 2 years
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little wip share, the tip of the iceberg
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scorchedcandy · 1 year
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Art Fight attack for @choilacanth
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sassyfahliil · 2 years
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A kiss, for Teldryn
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argisthebulwark · 4 months
Do I Have Your Attention?
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summary: calling your partner by their real name instead of a pet name. gn reader, no pronouns or y/n used feat: Vilkas, Farkas, Brynjolf, Miraak, Erandur, Cicero, Teldryn warnings: joke abt murder in Miraak's lol. masterlist
Vilkas knows you're trying to get under his skin and hates how effective it is. Despite all his grumbling he's grown to enjoy the sweet little names only you're allowed to call him. There's nothing wrong with his name, of course - but it doesn't summon that fuzzy feeling all your terms of endearment do. "Vilkas?" You call again, clearly trying to get his attention. He grits his teeth and pointedly ignores you. Tidying his desk has suddenly become very interesting. "Sweetheart?" "Hm?" He finally grunts, feigning nonchalance despite the color in his cheeks. "Oh, now you can hear me." He ignores how smug you sound, continuing to shuffle through paperwork. "How interesting."
Farkas doesn't like that. "What? No baby? No honey? Did I do something wrong?" He drops the rag, half polished armor entirely forgotten as he turns toward you. "No, I'm not upset with you." You clarify, quelling his nerves. "Why so formal?" Farkas adores the sweet things you say to him - calling him your honey, your dearest, any reminder that he is yours. "Sorry, my love." You crack a smile when he reaches for you, grabbing your hand. "Didn't mean to worry you." "I'm sure you'll find a way to make it up to me." He sighs, doing a terrible job at hiding how much he enjoys all of your attention.
Brynjolf knows you're trying to bother him. He's seen that mischievous look in your eye before and weighs his options - what will be more fun? He could play into your little game and pretend to be upset by the lack of affection, or he could turn it around. The way he says your name is aloof, almost cold. He watches your eye twitch and your grin falter. It's terribly hard to stifle a laugh when you clear your throat and struggle to continue the conversation. Oh, he knows he's gotten under your skin. Brynjolf listens to your request for proper recruit assignments and agrees, biding his time before taking it one step further. When your annoyance begins to wane he begins calling you by your last name, thrilled at the color your face turns. "Bryn, what are you doing?" "Not so funny now, is it? Guild Master?"
Miraak swears that he will kill you both if you don't knock it off. He threatens to burn your entire village to the ground if you don't cease whatever prank you've decided to play on him. In front of others, he will stomach your cold detachment - calling him by his name or title in front of those damned Greybeards. He knows a thing or two about manners, after all. But in the privacy of your bedroom, he is your love. He is the one who relishes in all those silly terms of endearment only you are permitted to use. He stews over your laughter, refusing to give in even when your lips press to his skin. "You are not funny." He grumbles, though he does lean closer for more of your touch. "Perhaps this is what was prophesized - you will be the death of me after all."
Erandur worries that he's done something wrong. He thinks over your day, struggling to pinpoint what social blunder he could have made. He knows that he isn't completely up to date on modern social courtesies but you do not physically appear upset. "I'm sorry, my beloved." He offers, praying that you will educate him. "For what?" "For whatever I've done to upset you. Please tell me so that it can be made right." When you explain that it's a prank, a joke intended to gauge his reaction, Erandur smiles sheepishly and tucks away that information for later. He kisses your forehead, grateful that you are not upset with him.
Cicero is not a fan of that. His brows furrow, trying to figure you out. You only use his name when you call him your silly Cicero, your pretty Cicero... never just his name. His head tilts when he notes the pink in your cheeks and the attentive way you're watching him. "Listener." He ventures, eyes narrowing. "Are you pranking your Keeper?" "I am." "Oh!" Cicero's hands clap when he revels in your laugh. "Silly Listener, you are quite funny." "Not as funny as you, my love." He grins at the kiss you press to his cheek, absolutely giddy at your approval.
Teldryn is a bit taken aback - you've called him Tel for years. And now you're dropping his full name out of the blue? You've never been one for overly sweet terms of endearment but he likes the shortened version of his name you use. He removes his helmet and peers over, trying to figure you out. "What did I do to deserve this treatment?" "What treatment?" "The full government name." He's relieved when a laugh bursts out of you, pausing your trek to slap a hand on his shoulder. "Oh, Tel. You're too funny." He wants to chastise you, but the little pet name and the way you draw near to him is fairly distracting. "It was just a little prank." "A prank?" He snorts, indulging in a short kiss to your forehead. "You have too much time on your hands."
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whitegoldtower · 15 days
NPC Reactions to being kissed:
Ondolemar: doesn’t react, keeps a completely straight face, and then asks curiously “what was that for?”. Your answer will determine whether or not he responds by merely going quiet again, or surprises you later by returning the favour.
Ancano: is picky. Will either push you away or will act like it doesn’t affect him at all (but you can see his neck flushing under his collar and he’s avoiding eye contact). He has to clear his throat before speaking or his voice will crack. “Are you quite done?”
Elenwen: kisses back, baby. It’s to flip the situation around on you, more than anything else, but if you’re an altmer, it’s to save you both the embarrassment. Either that or she just loves to kiss. I don’t know. I get the vibe.
Cicero: giggles. If you’ve given him butterflies, it’s obvious because he p much scrunches his body up, curling his toes and fingers. He will return the favour. If it’s platonic, he’ll peck your cheek. If it’s romantic, he’ll wait until later and get you when nobody else is around. Ambush kisses.
Vingalmo: saw it coming and stops you from kissing him by putting his hand over your face. He likes to be the one to initiate the kisses, you gotta be patient. But. Now that he knows you want to kiss him? Either he’ll use it to blackmail you (if you mean nothing to him), or he will indulge you later, when you can have a little privacy.
Garan Marethi: doesn’t react at all. He’s got things to be doing, and he’s still doing them. However if you’re super bold and go for the lips, that might catch him off guard. He might also bite you. Don’t randomly kiss Mr Marethi on the mouth.
Serana: will punch you, and you will have deserved it for ignoring literally everything she says to you.
Lydia: laughs, then goes quiet. There’s an awkward moment before she just suddenly turns around and pins you against the nearest surface to kiss you sloppy style. She’s wanted to do that for quite a while.
Vilkas: ducks out of the way.
Farkas: if he had a tail it would wag. He returns the kiss and also squeezes you into a cuddle.
Teldryn Sero: purposely tries to make you uncomfortable by acting like you have severely offended him, then just starts laughing because you’re so easy to wind up. If he likes you back, he’ll want to talk more in depth about it later.
Neloth: “Agh! Yuck, you little lunatic, get your sphincter away from me! Stop it!” *smacking you with whatever he’s got in his hands* (so, a book, a mug, or a piece of canis root. Or you’re getting bonked by a staff.)
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TES Summerfest 2024
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Day Six: Mirror or Abandoned @tes-summer-fest The Nerevarine's mind tends to play tricks.
It always started the same. He’d felt his flesh dissolve from his bones as another pyroclastic flow engulfed him. Same shit as usual. Only this time, instead of a beach or cave, he awakened in a quiet candle-lit chamber that reminded him of the offering halls found in ancestral tombs. He felt someone take his hand, kissing it lightly before something was whispered into his ear in Dunmeris. Lips pressed against the shell, the breath hot and putrid as those lips trailed down his neck. He was staring at himself, his hands on some sort of candlelit altar that was stained with long dried blood. His reflection stared back at him through the polished bronze mirror. The smile it wore was menacing and he found himself lost in the void where his eyes should have been. His reflection reached out through the wall as Teldryn felt lips trail down his neck, teeth scraping almost painfully at his skin. Long nails dragging down his bare chest, dipping to his hips and- His reflection grabbed him by the jaw and forced him to stare into the dark, endless void that had replaced the bright crimson of his eyes. He tried to look down at whatever it was that was now between his legs, biting at his hipbone, hands stroking the bare skin of his inner thigh. Cold lips met his and all he could taste was rot and bitter ash. He felt something sharp clamping down on his tongue, the taste of ash replaced by the sickening metallic sensation of blood pouring down his throat. He tried to open his mouth, to scream, to pull away but he couldn’t move. His reflection held him steady as blood poured from his lips. His reflection turned away and spat something from his mouth. Teldryn watched as it hit the ashen ground, small, red and bloody. It took him a few moments to recognise it as his own tongue.
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throwra3882 · 1 year
Skyrim DLCs (un)popular opinion
Dragonborn = amazing
Miraak is such a cool and sympathetic villain. Solthseim is such an interesting, beautiful country. Teldryn!!! Hermaeus Mora is terrifying and awesome. New shouts! Fated enemies. The storyline is just *chef's kiss*. Lucien Flavius' questline (if you like mods). Nice perks from the black books.
Dawnguard = bad
Serana annoys me for some reason. Both sides suck. No one, not even the people who work with him, likes Isran. Lord Harkon and his court is all cutthroat and the lighting is suspect. The vampire lord form is ugly af and nerfs your magicka. The quests are so far apart that doing a survival playthrough takes forever. The soul cairn is weird and I forget about the quests there as soon as I'm gone.
RB with your opinion.
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Aegis and Teldryn caught kissing (NOT clickbait)
Beautiful art done by @/lunehowls 💛💜
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gloomwitchwrites · 4 months
Hi!! For the 1k follower event, could I request Skyrim Teldryn Sero PDA?
(I may or may not send more requests)
AH! Teldryn! My beloved! I love that cocky and charismatic mercenary. It’s seriously a crime that he isn’t a romance option in base game. I’d select him over my usual option (Farkas) every time if he was. Sigh. Proceeds to go look at mods.
(And you may absolutely send in more requests)
1k Follower Event Rules
Word Count: 653
ao3 // taglist // 1k follower event masterlist // main masterlist
PDA is usually defined as any sort of intimacy that revolves around hand holding, kissing, touching, etc, but I’d argue that affection is a broad term that can be applied to many areas.
For inns, taverns, or anything involving drink and a good time, Teldryn needs to be right next to you. He will keep one hand on your thigh—nowhere else. Not the knee, or an arm around your shoulder. It has to be the thigh. A hand on the thigh is a sign of ownership. It is a clear message to everyone else in the room to stay away. He might be smiling and enjoying himself, but he’s always aware of where his hand needs to be.
If there is music, and he’s had a few drinks, Teldryn is up for a bit of dancing. He likes it because he can be close to you, and for him, it’s like the two of you are in your own little bubble. Doesn’t matter if the place is packed or completely empty. It’s a different kind of intimacy you just can’t get when you’re on the road. With this, he might be more forward, more willing to place his hands in places that might be publicly deemed lewd.
Teldryn will not grab or kiss you roughly in front of others. He might do it to annoy you or tease, but not because he enjoys it. He prefers the softer touches and displays of affection. He’ll slide his arm around your waist and tuck you close. In a dark corner, he’ll lean in and whisper your name to draw your attention to him, only to greet your response with a kiss.
In times of relaxation, whether at an inn or inside a shop, if he’s not occupied with something, Teldryn will be close to you. Not on top of you or stepping on your feet, but within range in case you need anything. As he’s perusing a shelf or admiring weapons on the wall, Teldryn may reach out, seeking you, only to briefly connect before drawing away again. It could be as small as the tips of his fingers brushing against your arm or his palm on your back.
While Teldryn is cocky, he doesn’t need to flaunt anything to prove that he cares about you. He is confident, and he knows where the two of you stand. Teldryn won’t strut around like a colorful bird. He will stand tall and yet completely relaxed. There might be a swagger in his step when he walks around with you in public, but it’s subdued, more of a delighted kick in his step.
Public displays of affection that include kisses, hugs, and touching are completely on the table. Teldryn won’t say no to those if you ask, and he will ask for them in return. At an inn or tavern, and only after several drinks, he might be very handsy, even going so far as to pull you in his lap. A few drinks can break that demeanor and make him ravenous.
Teldryn prefers placing his hand on your lower back over holding hands.
Teldryn likes to hold hands only when the two of you are stationary or standing next to each other.
He prefers subtle, sweet kisses over messy ones. Teldryn saves those for when the two of you are alone.
Loves toying with your hair, and rubbing your back when he thinks no one is looking.
Is always willing to do a bit more if he believes the two of you won’t be caught.
Hand-feeding you or serving you food is mandatory and he considers it an honor. And no, you will not go to the bar to order your own drink. Teldryn will do it for you.
PDA can also mean “Public Displays of Annoyance” because Teldryn would absolutely show you public affection by teasing you until you’re completely annoyed with his presence.
@glassgulls @km-ffluv @singleteapot @tiredmetalenthusiast @childofyuggoth
@miaraei @coffeecaketornado @miss-mistinguett @cherryofdeath @ninman82
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coffee-at-daybreak · 8 months
what we want | teldryn sero x reader
Ever since you helped clear Raven Rock mine recently, the town was seeing a boom in business. Miners were flocking to get their share of work in. As a result, the Retching Netch would become quite hectic every night, seeing as all the exhausted workers just wanted a nice meal and drink and a comfy place to stay. You were lucky to have come into the inn when you did, before the rush, so you managed to snag a table tucked away in the corner. You stare at the half-finished loaf of bread you’d been picking at, lost deep in thought despite the ruckus around you.
You’re jolted out of it when you feel a boot tap against your own under the table. “Still awake, serjo?” Teldryn asks.
You look up at him, met with his slightly concerned but amused red eyes. “Huh?”
“You haven’t even had a drink yet and you look out of it.” He tilts his head. “Everything alright?”
How dare he ask you that, with that damned helmet off, staring at you with those damned alluring eyes, on that damned captivating face of his. You’ve seen it before, but the effect it has on you is just as intense as the first time - your skin gets warm, your mouth goes dry, and your belly feels like it’s housing a frenzied moth with all its fluttering.
But you maintain your composure, thank the gods. You nod at him. “Y-yes, I’m just … thinking.”
“About what?”
You gulp, nervousness wringing your already unstable belly into a knot. “Well…"
Teldryn chuckles. “Uh oh.”
There’s a long pause as he patiently waits for you to gather your words. The sound of voices and laughter echo off the walls of the inn. You toss around options in your head for a moment, but you finally go with the blunt, flat approach.
“What are we?” You ask.
He simply stares at you for a second. “..What?” He finally shoots back, in a tone that makes you feel like you just asked something silly.
But it’s not something silly to you. There’s a lot about him and your relationship that you do know. You know that you started out as a simple patron and hireling pair. You were acquaintances, people who talked only to discuss plans and money and whatnot. Then you were friends - you talked about your backgrounds, about your adventures, about your interests and dreams. You went from simply using his company, to actually cherishing it.
And you don’t know when, or how, but you strayed onto the messy path of more than friends. His lingering touches when he helped adjust your armor. The soft tone you started to adopt when you said his name. The way you two embraced after a brutal, exhausting battle at a bandit fort. Sharing a bed at an inn or holding hands to stay together in a crowded city. In the heat of the moment, these things all came naturally to you, and you honestly had never given it much thought before.
But it hit you this morning, when you two had been locked in a practice sparring session, and one particular moment had you mere inches apart, and all you wanted to do was pin him down and kiss the life out of him. But he’d leaned back, declaring you’d had enough practice and it was time to get moving. And you’d finally felt the strangling weight of that dreaded thought.
You didn’t know what you were - just a patron and their hireling, or something more.
“W-well, it’s just…” You rub at your neck nervously. Your pulse sounds like thunder in your ears. “I don’t want to assume anything, but sometimes it feels like… maybe we…”
You can’t even get the words out. There’s a strange, suffocating fear gripping at your chest. You can’t help but worry that this will turn out to be a grand misunderstanding, and you’ll be made to look like a fool. Knowing that could end in Teldryn leaving your side is all the more terrifying.
He is silent for a second, which only increases your fear. Then he’s cracking a smile, one side of his mouth lifting. “You are adorable, Dovahkiin.”
Heat grows under your cheeks. You watch him as he crosses his arms and leans back in his chair. His boot taps yours again, playfully.
“What do you want us to be?” He asks.
You blink at him. “Wha- you can’t ask me that!”
“Why not?” He laughs.
“You could be setting me up here,” you mumble. The warmth on your skin is spreading everywhere, and you worry you’ll start sweating any minute now.
“Now, now, I may have my dark side, but I’m not evil.” Teldryn’s smile turns into a grin. “I just want to hear you say it.”
“You are the worst. I regret saying anything.”
“Come on, tell me.” His eyes narrow, staring at you with paralyzing intensity. “What do you want us to be, serjo?”
You fight the urge to pick up your abandoned piece of bread and throw it at him. Instead, you take a deep breath in. You shift your foot under the table, extending it so that your leg leans into his a little. He holds your gaze, but you notice the way his eyes relax from their narrowed glare.
“I want us to be more,” you say, trying to keep your voice as firm and as steady as you can keep it. “I want you to be more than just a mercenary, and I want to be more than just your boss. I want us to be together because we want to be, not because we have to be.”
There’s another tense silence, in which he continues to simply stare at you. Panic overtakes you and you wave your hands in front of you a little. “Unless of course, you don’t want the same. Then I shall pay you a handsome amount of septims and we can pretend I never-”
“Sh.” He interrupts sharply, which works because you stop and look back at him. Your entire body is in overdrive. Your heart feels like it might leap out of your throat.
Teldryn’s smile softens. He unfolds one of his arms and pats at his lap. “Come here.”
You give him a split second “are you insane” look but he urges you again. You swallow the last of your nerves and stand, knees feeling a little weak as you step over to him. You take a very unsure, very careful seat on his leg. One of his arms immediately wraps around your waist to pull you closer. His other arm dives to pick up your legs and drape them across his lap, so you are situated comfortably against him.
It’s not fear that’s fueling your crazed heart rate anymore, but a thrill of elation. Especially your eyes lock with his, and you realize you’ve never seen them this close up before, their intense red color more hypnotizing than ever. In the cozy lantern lights of the inn, you could sit and study his details forever, from the angles of his face to the tiniest scar notched into his skin.
“Firstly, I don’t do this with any of my patrons,” he says , his voice so much closer and warmer, now that you hear it better amongst the noise of the inn.
“I’d hope not. Because if so, you might be in the wrong field of employment,” you quip, and his body quivers beneath your own with his laughter. You snake an arm around his neck, resting it over his shoulders. You can’t help but smile, a cheesy but genuine smile. Relief starts to sweep through you, eradicating the last of your worries.
“Second, consider this my resignation as your hireling,” Teldryn continues.
You arch an eyebrow in question. “What is your new title, then?” You dare to ask.
His hand moves off your leg and reaches out to take your own hand into it. You’d never felt his hand without his gloves on before. His skin is calloused but warm, and like him, it feels so strong, so protective.
He lifts your joined hands to his lips, planting a delicate kiss on your knuckles. “Yours. All yours,” he murmurs against your skin.
Were he not holding you so firmly right now, you might have actually swooned. That flutter in your abdomen floats up to your chest, where your heart feels like it’s blooming in joy. You don’t even care if there happens to be anyone looking at you two. It’s hard to care about anything else right now when he’s holding you like this, and looking at you with a tenderness reserved for only you.
“I do like the sound of that,” you admit. “I’ll approve it, so long as we make it fair and you consider me yours as well.”
He grins up at you, his arm giving you a playful squeeze around your abdomen. “Deal.” Then he lowers his arm at your back, which drops you just enough for him to lean in and join your lips together, as if to seal your new agreement.
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dovahkinniez · 2 years
NSFW alphabet for Teldryn please?
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Hell yeahhhh.
Not proofread, so ignore of tell me if any mistakes pls. <3
18+ only! Sexual content ahead, minors dni!!
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
At first this man is a bit oblivious to it, he's never had sex in a 'loving relationship' as he'd call it so he's used to the bang and dash, but it's different with you and he's learning to be more of an attentive man.
Use your words, tell him what you want and with time it sort of becomes a routine he knows by heart and loves. He loves to cuddle with you, to breathe you in. Feel you close to him. He loves to bathe together too, skin to skin, tiny kisses along your bare shoulders as you clean up.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His: I don't see Tel as someone who really takes notice of himself. So he doesn't have a favourite part of his own body. But he likes how his body feels against yours.
Yours: ass. He loves to grab and squeeze and jiggle your ass. Loves when he eats you out when you're on your hands and knees so he can give attention to that bunda, man loves it. He also loves your hands too. No matter if they're big or small. He likes to watch them wrap around his cock.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He's a dirty bastard and anywhere is game. On your back, stomach, face, ass, anywhere. He gets satisfaction from seeing it on you tbh. Makes him wanna go another round.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes to hear about your past experiences and your fantasies so he can recreate them but 10x better, to get the satisfaction that he'll be the best and only person to make you feel that way.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's experience, he's not young and knows what he's doing. He's never had a relationship, been too busy. Never had time. Or the feelings deep enough to call it a relationship but he's had sexual partners before, so he definitely knows, and he's good too. Really good.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying)
Missionary, likes to see your face as he fucks you. Tbh any position he can see your face. He feeds off seeing you in pleasure, watching your body as it wiggles in anticipation with your mouth open and eyes screwed shut.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He's not that goofy but he's not very serious either. He's the type to make the odd comment here and there, mainly sarcasm you could link with a hint of degradation/humiliation. But he's not the type to joke around or be straight faced 'Mr. Grey' either...
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He. Doesn't. Care. He's lazy. He's busy. He doesn't have time to venture his own wilds to tame it. He'd do it if you asked though. Only for you. As for you, again. He doesn't care. If you shave, cool. If you don't, cool. He's always preferred his cats longhaired anyway (I'm so sorry that was a terrible joke)
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's intimate in a fun way. I don't see him as a sappy person in general, so don't expect much in that department. But he's fun with it. Lots of kisses, especially the ones that tickle your skin as he peppers them across your body. The type to like eye contact and to watch you come undone which can be a very intimate moment.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He may be a sexual person but he has self control. He doesn't masturbate that much. Only if he's stressed out or had a long day and you aren't around to get it down n dirty. But when he does he thinks of all the things he wants to do with you and things he already has.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Overstimulation: loves to see you overstimulated, begging and crying and shaking. It gives him a boost of the ego that he's the reason you're in that state. He also loves how needy and clingy you become too.
Somnophillia: he likes it either way. Of course consent and permission always. If you don't want him to do it to you, that's fine. No worries but you're allowed to him any time. He loves waking up to a surprise, every good day starts with your mouth around him.
Bondage: loves to tie you up, he thinks you look so pretty when restrained, he uses red rope because it compliments your skin and loves to tease you and see you struggle against the rope.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Mainly bedroom. In the comfort of your home or something alike it. He isn't the type to share, even the sound of your moans. That's for him, and him only. He can be pretty traditional in that sense, possessive and protective. What's his is his so he sticks to places you're fully his.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Pretty much anything. Rub your ass against him and you'll feel something digging in the lower part of your back in a matter of seconds.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Again, possessive. No sharing. Whatsoever.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Hes defo the type use his mouth on the front and back, if ya get me. He loves ass. I just know he's good at it too. Like roll your eyes at the back of your head until you see the stars good. He could go for hours too, his tongue fast and skilled.
He also loves when you suck him off too. Especially in the mornings or after a long week. It's like a reward. He lays back, relaxed and just focuses on the feeling, his hand gripping your hair, pushing your head down further.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He's dominant, soft and hard depends on the mood.
He's more of a pounder than a fast fucker. Ya get me? He likes to drag it out and pound it back in with no mercy and it feels so good. So he takes his time with his thrusts but they're never light, he likes to feel him slam into you, drives him crazy especially when your gasp and arch your back more and more each time he does it.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Nah, I don't see him being into quickies. He doesn't see the point in them. He needs time, and he wants you to cum at least three times. He's too greedy for something quick.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Letting you tie him up. He's usually the dom, but sometimes he let's you take the reigns and if you suggest tying him up, he's down to try it. He also grows to realise he loves praise too. Tell him he's good, and he's making you feel good.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Depends. He loves to lazily fuck you. But when he lazily fucks you he can do it for more than 2 rounds because he just let's lost in the feeling. But when he has the energy he can mostly go one round, but it lasts longer. Either way you both end up satisfied.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
If you own any, he'll definitely use them with you. For both your pleasure. This one is harder to answer since I doubt there's many sex toys in tamriel (unless you're like haelga and use horker tusks..ouch?)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Very unfair. He loves to see you get frustrated as he teases and edges you, making small comments as he laughs out and it's evil. But its sexy soooooo.... he's sadistically unfair. He loves it.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Not too loud. He grunts and groans, especially in your ear or when his face is stuffed in your neck. But he is the type to groan as he goes down on you, it turns him on when tasting you, feeling his mouth on you.
W = Wild Card
He likes to watch you gag and choke on his cock, will purposely fuck your face to see your eyes fill up with tears.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
He's big, but not scarily big, like not 8+ big I'd say 6+, 7 inches. He's quite thick too and veiny.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high. But as I said. He has self control. He doesn't let it override him too bad. But he's already ready when you are.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Pretty fast. Once your heads are on that pillow and he knows you're comfortable he's off.
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reagan-the-saunders · 4 months
10,11 ,23 ,33,43 and 85 for Vyeshna Telvanni x Teldryn Sero :3
Ooo damn that's a lot, thank you so much! I love talking about those two. Here we go!
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Ehehe, this one's interesting. Teldryn is obsessed with Vyeshna's hair, but leaves it alone for the most part. When the two are just relaxing together, Vyeshna loves playing with Teldryn's hair. It's smaller and sweeter forms of intimate physical affection she loves the most, both of them do. Just knowing the other is there makes them more happy than words could express.
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Vyeshna is more clingy whereas Teldryn is more protective. Any moment she's not glued to his side, he's always watching her and everyone around her very carefully. The two are usually very professional acting in public, but Teldryn is still very protective and almost possessive in a way Vyeshna enjoys and almost finds amusing in a light-hearted way. Knowing he cares about her that much to just be a silent guardian brings her comfort, and she loves his fire.
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Vyeshna did. While I haven't completely wrote out or figured out their entire relationship starting point yet, Vyeshna said "I love you" first and initiated their first kiss.
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They give it to each other, lol, but Teldryn has MASTERED it. One look at Vyeshna when she's being a bit of a doofus and she goes "*Ahem* Right, back to serious mode." He's mastered a few different looks he can give her, most of them on the more, uhm, romantic side. 👀
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Both of them are very used to getting up early, it turned into a bit of a contest as to who will kiss the other awake first. Usually Teldryn will be up first, but Vyeshna makes a big deal of it if she is first. Teldryn has also taken to letting her get up first, but doesn't always have to. 👀
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Ohhh this is a funny one, because Teldryn drinks heavier than Vyeshna does. Part of Vyeshna's personality is that she HATES getting drunk. It makes her feel reckless, embarrassed, and stupid. She's a Telvanni, she despises feeling stupid (I HC that Teldryn used to be in house Redoran). Teldryn sticks to the heavy sujammas, whereas Vyeshna likes flin and the heaviest she'll go is some mazte or a taster of sujamma. Teldryn tends to get tipsier faster, and usually gets irritable and angry when drunk. Vyeshna finds it mildly funny but takes him home and forces him to relax. Vyeshna never gets drunk, though. If she feels herself slipping a tiny bit, she knows that's when to stop.
Ehehehehe thank you so much for the ask! <3333 I love talking about these two so so so much.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Being in a relationship with a dunmer would be dangerous. Not for any reason like they’d intentionally try to hurt you no nothing like that.
But imagine you’re in the middle of making love and they get too excited and spontaneously combust. Literally, into flames.
I’m just imagining bass giving Teldryn a kiss on the cheek and the dunmer exploding into flame burning half of bass’ facial hair clean off or Shamat accidentally setting the bed on fire when Kaidan initiates sexy times ~bambi
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argisthebulwark · 11 months
Most Ardently
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summary: Terms of endearment Skyrim men would use for you as your partner. gn reader, no pronouns or y/n used. feat: Vilkas, Cicero, Brynjolf, Farkas, Miraak, Erandur, Teldryn, Arnbjorn warnings: minor allusion to suggestive content, mention of blood. and some swears.
Darling Vilkas, who wields terms of endearment with both kindness and sarcasm. Who knows how to get under your skin or comfort you with just one word. "Oh darling, have you forgotten who trained you? More than anyone else, I know your limits." He would sneer, face flushed when he rounds on you after a disagreement. "My darling," Vilkas would whisper in the dead of night, when your hands are tangled in his hair and you can taste the wine on his breath. "My darling." He breathes just before kissing you, all worries melting away. Cicero is giddy at the idea of his Listener having special titles only he is permitted to use. Who spins you around the Sanctuary when your mood is low, showering you in kisses and praise until he sees the smile he loves so dearly. He would say it often, soft and full of love during a stolen moment alone or brashly in front of any new recruit whose eyes lingered a touch too long. "Oh, darling Listener." He would sigh, gazing at you with unabashed adoration. "Cicero loves you more than words can say."
Sweetheart Brynjolf, who says it with that crooked smile that never fails to melt your heart. Who murmurs the pet name when he finds you slumped behind the Guild Master's desk glaring at the rolls of parchment piled haphazardly before you. Brynjolf who scoops you into his arms, planting a kiss on your forehead and allowing you to grumble about your day. "Hold still, sweetheart." Brynjolf would breathe against your skin, clutching you to his chest as the manor's steward paces its hallways. Farkas, who cups your face so gently and speaks as if you are the only one in his world. Who calls you his sweetheart as he wipes the blood of fallen bandits from your cheeks and checks you for injuries. Who helps you out of your armor after a hard day, sinking into a warm bath and combing the hair away from your face. "You alright, sweetheart?" Farkas would call over the clashing of swords, needing an assurance that you haven't fallen.
My love/My beloved Miraak, whose voice drips with devotion when he calls out to you. That touch of reverence never fades from his tone, eyes softening when he stares at you. Miraak who attempts to cover the depth of his love with sarcasm but would fall to his knees for you if asked, who believes his unnaturally long life's only purpose is to adore you. "My beloved," that deep voice rumbles through his chest as he gazes up at you, ungloved hands twisted in your robes. "One whose soul speaks to mine." Erandur, who speaks tender words of love as a form of worship. Who sings your praises with every breath. Whether it's a retelling of his salvation to an enraptured crowd in some small tavern or against the skin of your thighs he devotes himself to you, the one he loves. "My love," he would murmur over and over, lavishing attention upon you. "My most beloved, you must take better care of yourself. I cannot imagine this world without you, my heart."
Fucker Teldryn, who slaps a hand on your thigh with his head thrown back in laughter. Your gut muscles ache and your voice is hoarse from hours of laughing at each other's stories but you never want such a night to end. Other patrons have stumbled off to bed and you're sure that Geldis is glaring daggers at the pair of you but Teldryn's easy laugh is far more intoxicating than the drinks forgotten on a nearby table. "Oh, you fucker." Teldryn would say, the affection clear in his voice. He drags your chair closer to his, allowing you a closer look at his flushed cheeks and sharp teeth. Arnbjorn, with his gruff exterior that you somehow cracked through. His tough heart that you wormed your way into, the softness he saves for the rare moment alone. He is not one for tenderness but conveys his feelings in a way you understand, a subtle love language you learned over time. "Why do I like you again?" He would grumble, forced annoyance coating the affection in his tone when you squirm closer to him. "Fucker." The word is harsh, a contrast to the soft way his calloused hands brush over your skin. "I didn't want to fall for you, y'know."
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whitegoldtower · 21 days
How my favourite Skyrim NPCs sleep:
Ancano: In the college? Miserably. Spends most of the night irritable and on the verge of tears because everything’s damp and cold. Avoids his room as much as physically possible until he’s practically asleep on his feet. If you’ve taken him home with you, however, he will sleep like a baby. He doesn’t move around, doesn’t make a sound, merely curls up all soft and warm. He tolerates about half an hour of cuddling before shooing you away.
Ondolemar: Values his beauty sleep, strangely enough. He works late, but also sleeps late. He’s never been seen walking around the keep any earlier than 10AM. He snores and drools. Doesn’t enjoy being cuddled because he gets too warm. There is a barrier of pillows between you both.
Cicero: If you can even get him to sleep in the first place, he’s a little angel for the first two hours. Not a peep. Perfectly still… and then his leg jerks. He giggles, then wails, then rolls over about three times before becoming peaceful again for another thirty minutes before the process repeats. There’s a dagger under his pillow. An accident waiting to happen. If you’re brave enough to sleep next to him, you’re probably going to wake up with bruises from being kicked.
Vingalmo: has his hair wrapped up in the finest silks to sleep. The only vampire who sleeps with his legs dangling out of either side of the coffin - he likes the feeling of the cold draught on his feet and, for some reason, sleeping with his knees touching is a sensory issue. If you’re in the coffin with him, your only option is to lay on top of him because he is an utter starfish.
Teldryn Sero: Menopausal Mer, my beloved. Kicks the covers off because hot flashes are hell, and sleeps against the wall with his legs pressed against the cold surface like a fucked up little spider. The sheets are almost always damp. If you’re sleeping next to him, he won’t bother you, and might even lean over to give you a little kiss if he wakes up in the night, but at some point you will roll over and feel some foreign object underneath you before realising that he keeps Ye Olde Dwemer Lost Mary in the bed with him.
Neloth: peepaw is back and forth the fucking toilet like clockwork. You HAVE to sleep against the wall because if he wakes up and has to climb over you to get out of bed he will make it your problem. You can hear him shuffling around in the kitchen and grunting before he comes back to bed with a magelight bright enough to light up blackpool fucking tower, and then he promptly rips the covers off you to keep himself warm.
Erandur: is a cuddler. He will cuddle you and keep you safe and warm, will make sure that you’re all tucked in and comfy, and he will fall asleep after you do. You wake up before him, though, and he’s probably snuggling a pillow with the bedcovers up around his ears.
Elenwen: has to wear an eye mask because she sleeps with her eyes open. Doesn’t move. Doesn’t even look like she’s breathing. Is she even alive? You question as you lean over, and then she draws in a large breath, sighs, and makes a vaguely disgusted sound before rolling over. Occasionally chuckles in her sleep. She does cricket legs under the blankets to get comfy and will 100% put her feet on you, either to cool them down or to subject them to a new texture.
Lydia: likes to spread out and doesn’t like to share. If you do end up sharing, make sure those bedsheets are fucking safety pinned down because she rips ass like a champ. Other than that, she’s pretty cuddly once adjusted to having you next to her, and doesn’t kick around or make too many noises. It would take a literal bomb going off to wake her up once she’s asleep, and she *will* get pissed off if you wake her up and it’s not important.
Farkas: is actually really fucking funny. You can hold a conversation with him. He has a really specific ‘sleep chuckle’ which is literally the Skyrim NPC laugh in his voice (the “heh heh heh”). However, he also sometimes makes some rather lewd sounds. Dude whimpers. He’s a professional little spoon (which is funny considering his stature), and adores being cuddled from behind. Also loves having his back rubbed - it will send him to sleep.
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