#kisses u gn
andieventurous · 8 months
goodnight my sweet
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st4rch1ld404 · 1 year
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if u asked him to put it on he would. only because he loves u so much and knows how happy u would be <3
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yayll · 17 days
~ a little something about Beast Dazai and his inability to let you go ~
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Your hand trembles as you're about to knock on the massive office doors and you wonder if you're about to make the biggest mistake of your life.
You got too close working for this terribly lonely man, and now you're knocking at his door with the only solution you can think of to put an end to your silly infatuations that have gone on for longer than you'd want to admit and can possibly handle. You open the door slowly, and walk into the elegant and massive office space, your eyes falling right onto the dark haired man in all black hunched over the desk, scribbling away as if he didn't hear you come in. You walk quietly, and when you reach the wooden desk, your voice comes out soft and firm.
"Dazai, sir? I wanted to speak to you about something sensitive, if I may."
You chew on the corner of your bottom lip, but quickly compose yourself when you see the face of the man you've spent so much time with, the unfortunate love of your life. if it weren't for his Maroon scarf, he'd look like nothing but a black void. A burnt Black cat. He looks up, narrowed eyes scan you as he takes a sip of his tea, replying in a monotonous tone.
"What is it?"
"After much consideration, I think.. I need to leave the Port Mafia. We've worked together for quite a while now, and I can assure you it's not about the quality or enjoyment of my work. You don't even have to acknowledge this beyond me simply saying it, I just have to confess something that makes my heart ache. You make my heart ache. I know how unprofessional that sounds and that you have no use for such affections, but I can't keep pretending. It's why I think it's time for me to move onto something else otherwise my work will become disrupt-"
A lifted finger is shoved into your face, signaling you to stop, and so you do. Of course you do. You always had a habit of word vomiting when you were anxious. Dazai is staring down at his tea, and he stays quiet for a long time, trying to pick what emotion he can mask his real outraged ones with. Finally, he flashes you an unbothered look, his eyes half lidded as they taunt you. A cruel smirk curls onto his lips.
"Oh? What an awful time for your honesty! I'm currently drowning in work and responsibilities, ones that you're supposed to aid me with, actually. Thus, I have no use for your confession." He simply says.
You can feel a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. You expected this. Looking down at your shoes, you chew on your lip again.
"I had to tell you.. Like I said, you can just forget about it."
"Well you see, that's the problem. I can't forget it. The moment you uttered those nasty little words to me, I realized I have to carry the weight of finding a new secretary. And I resent that."
He looks away for a brief second, his words are bitter and laced with what sounds like remorse and irritation.
You cross your arms and sigh, your voice comes out lower than your confidence.
"I just thought that we were... I suppose I should have never dared to assume you'd ever see me as more than a-"
He instantly leans over his desk, now placing a finger on your lip, his voice just above a whisper.
"... And though these feelings you have for me may be inconvenient, it doesn't mean that they're unwelcome."
He lets his finger rest on your lips for just a second too long, meanwhile you're frozen in place feeling like your chest is going to collapse in on itself. His voice becomes softer.
"Sit, please."
You sit down, now facing each other. It's quiet for a few moments as you both study each other's expressions. This form of intimacy was unusual to everyone else but the two of you, having spent countless hours in the past working across one another without uttering a single word, yet communicating in perfect sync. You were a part of each other's routines, a never ending spiral. Dazai feels himself teetering on the edge of something dangerous, something peeling away at his very soul. He's usually so arrogant and domineering, but in this instant, he suddenly feels an exhaustion wash over him trying to keep that going. He's kept it going for so long, he forgot that he doesn't like doing it with you. You don't deserve to be a part of all of this, and he doesn't deserve to want you.
Oh how he loathes his true identity: A simple man. A human man. Your man.
When he can't take it anymore, he slowly creeps his bandaged hand on top of yours, applying light pressure, but his eyes don't dare look into yours. Not yet. Finally, you break the silence, staring down with furrowed brows at the way your hands fit around one another. You mutter under your breath, tired of being vague.
"What are we to each other, Dazai? I mean really?"
"Do I really need to spell it out for you?" He snorts, trying to cling to the last of his cruelty but failing as he lets his emotions sway his judgement.
You sigh, flipping your hand over so that your fingers can fully intertwine.
"I just don't know how I could ever take up any space in your mind. I didn't think you noticed whether I stayed or left."
He looks up, flashing you a mildly offended look, his sharp eyes narrowing. He scoffs quietly, dropping your hand and standing up from his desk. He walks over to you, his full height now looming. He bends down and scolds you.
"What an obscene thing to say. You're invaluable. You have always been occupying my mind, every minute, every second, every microsecond. I always notice. I'd notice even if I was on my deathbed."
Your breath catches in your throat, and you finally manage to swallow the lump that's building up as you stare up at your reckoning.
"I just- I'd never try to leash you, sir."
His eyes soften, and he tilts his head slightly. You drive him mad with the way you don't realize what a dog he is for you. His voice comes out strained.
"You wouldn't need to. And don't call me that. You know my name, and as your superior l'm ordering you to address me properly."
Your cheeks flush, and you part your lips, letting out the breath you can't stop holding. A faint smile appears on your face, and you stand up slowly to meet him.
"You're like the moon, you know? You control everything like the tides. You control me, Osamu."
He shakes his head, and sighs deeply. If only you could see how wrong you were. He steps closer, moving his hand up your arm gently as he trails his way to your collarbone with ghost-like strokes.
"Did you know that sometimes when I'm laying in bed, all alone after a long day of controlling things, my only thoughts are about you?"
He confesses, sincerely. Dazai brings his face inches from yours, his voice now becoming a pleading whisper. His hand travels down to your waist, gripping it gently.
"Do you find it hard to believe that you bring me to my knees, the big scary Port Mafia boss? Because if so, you're a great fool! I love spending my time with you. I quite literally need you by my side in my times of need and at any random and mundane moment that passes. It brings me unimaginable joy when you nag me to get more sleep, especially when I don't listen because I can't wait to hear you say it over and over again. I don't like it when you have plans, or when you report to anyone else but me. I want you to stay with me tonight and every single night after and I don't care how awful this sounds. I don't care about you having a life outside of me."
Your throat feels tight, eyes wide at the fervor of his words alone. You reply with a shaky breath.
"Every single night after?"
"Every. Single. Night. After..."
"As if we were together?"
"We are together." He declares as if it were obvious this entire time.
Hearing Dazai be so blunt makes your mind fog over quickly, a whiplash of feelings that you never thought would ever see the light of day suddenly surface. He feels the same, realizing how much he's given away to you in such a short amount of time, but for him it's been rotting inside for years. He's been held together by the glue of your support too long not to kneel for you now. It's over for him, he's run out of masks to wear. He slowly guides your body backwards towards the opulent leather couch at the center of the room. You stop when you feel yourself backing up into the cool pebbled hide, and he slowly lowers you down onto your back with his arms supporting you. He delicately hovers over you, looking deeply into your eyes as he takes in the way your bodies feel against each other. For a moment he worries he might actually be trembling.
His breath hitches when you place a hand on the bandaged side of his face that covers his left eye. You stroke the fabric lightly, eyes twinkling with unfiltered adoration. He thinks about the only other person who's ever looked at him with such reverence, and how painful it is not to be able to tell his best friend he's in love. He leans into your touch, humming softly and closing his eyes as he molds his lips deeply into yours. It's not a kiss of sexual desire. This is a kiss born of romance and intimacy, a mutual oath of surrender. cold bandaged hands instinctively wander your body, starting at the waist down to your hips, and slowly exploring the plush of your thighs, kneading them. He runs them higher, lightly tracing your ribs with his index finger while the other hand cups your face. Dazai's mouth moves gently, and slowly pulls away from yours with a soft whine. His fingers trace your jawline as he stares at you. You taste like milk and honey. Like the moon and rain. He smiles at you, eyes sparkling like the night sky. You feel his heartbeat against your body. Every single pore of your skin is connected.
"Please— don't leave the Port Mafia, and don't leave me alone... Not tonight. Not ever. I'd become a tyrant without you."
"Is that also an order?" You murmur in between shallow breaths, dreamy eyes trained on him.
His eyes flicker over to your lips for a moment, then return to your eyes. His voice drops to something that resembles a soft whimper.
"Noo. No, it's not. I could never demand anything from you. But if you'll allow me to act selfishly, I just want to make you happy, to see you smile. I want you to keep greeting me with that tea you make every morning before our meetings. I also never want to hear you call me 'Sir' again. I am not your boss or your friend... I'm so much more than that. We've always been together. We will always be together— Is this too much?"
You shake your head, smiling uncontrollably at the way Dazai rambles in this moment, it's a side of him you've never seen in all the years you've known him. A stark contrast from the detached and cruel presence that frightens others on an almost daily basis. This seems like a person pretending to be the boss of the Port Mafia, an almost perfect imitation. You're not sure what barriers within him had to break for him to become the mushy and needy mess you see before you and what it all means in the long run, but you dismiss it for now. You get the feeling this might be the real Osamu Dazai. And that excites you.
"Never too much. I'm here and I'm staying. I would always stay."
He chuckles, it's a broken shaky laugh bordering on a sob. He buries himself in your neck, smiling against your soft skin, nibbling on it. He lightly runs his tongue against the mark he leaves, and slowly lifts his gaze to meet yours
"... I know you would. You always do."
You tilt your head, and hum in mild confusion at his odd little comment.
"Do you know something I don't?"
He flashes you a knowing smile and speaks prophetically as he lightly traces a finger over a large vein on your neck, following it down to your soft chest. He murmurs lazily while bringing his lips down to where he won't be able to get them off for the rest of the night.
"I know everything, silly.~"
The Port Mafia can wait, he's going home first.
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fanofthelamb · 24 days
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i never finished this. can someone bully me into finishing it this week <3 ty (there's only 2 pages of it so far but i like this one more than the other)
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thefoxtherapist · 2 months
Stolen Coat
Shinjiro has no idea what he did with his precious clothing article.
tags: gn!reader, soft fluffy.
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Shinjiro had looked everywhere he could think in the dorm. Steely eyes scanned over his room for a fourth time. He barely left the space, and he knew it wasn’t downstairs, he had checked the roof. The man felt a shudder run down his spine, his hands shook as his inability to manage his temperature chilled him significantly. 
He tried to think, pacing in his room to try and generate more heat. There was one possible place. Did you have his coat? Your room completely slipped his mind during the ordeal of searching for his prized coat. But Shinjiro didn’t remember leaving it in your room. Still, he groaned, pulling open his room door to go check.
He quickly found himself in front of your door, loudly knocking with a shaky hand. He waited a beat for a response before he knocked louder, harder. Despite how the chill made his knuckles feel painfully stiff. He heard quiet shuffling on the other side, taking a half step back as you opened your room door, only poking your head out.
“Hey Shinji!”
“Where is it?” His voice was colder than he intended it to be, but he was freezing, and he really needed his coat. You raised a confused eyebrow before it dawned on you, a sheepish smile crossing your face as you stepped back to let him into your room. Shinjiro entered quickly, closing your door behind him before he looked at you fully.
He stopped mid opening his mouth, quickly closing it again.
You were wearing his coat. 
It suited you well. The colour was nice, the fit was nice, if a bit loose given he wore one larger than his own size. But it was his, and he was cold.
“Don’t I look cute?” You teased, rubbing the back of your neck with that same bashful smile.
“Yes, now hand it over.”
Shinjiro didn’t care about appearances, the effects of the suppressants were getting to him, as much as he hated them. You could see him shaking, even with his arms crossed over his chest, nearly hugging himself, with his chin almost hidden by his turtleneck. 
You brought your hands up, unbuttoning his coat and sliding it off of your warm body. You held it out to him and your boyfriend took it quickly, pulling it over his sweater and pulling it closed to continue hugging himself. He knew you felt bad, he could read it on your face, he averted his eyes from your face.
He wasn’t the easiest man to date, that was for sure. It’d taken some time before he came up to you days after rejecting you to give you a chance. And that was a lot for him, you knew that. But you also knew how to peek beneath the surface of his exterior. The one he so cleverly crafted. 
He watched as you pulled the blankets back on your bed before you sat on the edge. Then you held your arms open wordlessly. Shinjiro looked around, as if somebody could possibly be hiding in your dorm room. He then kicked his boots off, also wordless as he nearly threw himself into your arms.
Shinjiro melted into you, opening his coat to engulf you in it and wrap his arms around you as best as he could in the position. You wanted to laugh as you struggled to tug him onto the bed and on top of you properly. But you managed with his shaking aid. You flailed slightly, grabbing the blankets after a few attempts and pulling them over your bodies.
“But you can’t stay, we already got in trouble for last time.”
“Fuck that.” His voice was muffled by your skin, his face buried against your neck. “I don’t care. They won’t kick us out, they need us.” That much was true, and you relaxed underneath his weight. He wasn’t very heavy anyway, it wasn’t difficult. You could feel how cold he was, but beneath the blankets, it was a cold that wouldn’t last very long.
“Fine.. But you’re buying me dinner tomorrow, Shinji.”
“Deal, now hold me.” Shinjiro always managed to sound rough, even as he was blatantly demanding your affection. Definitely not the easiest man to date, but the one you fell for. Happily so.
You snorted, squeezing his waist.
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pup-pee · 6 months
no1s mad i drew more konbart right?
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last drawing is nirvana au // also i gave up on the 1st drawing mayb? i might return 2 it
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barghest-land · 1 year
the concept of dating scares me, what do u mean u met somewhere other than in the server of the dinosaur survival game
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alwyswnadie · 1 year
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goodnight from me and my droopy eyed baba :((
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if you are just waking up then wishing u a beautiful morning + if you are going to sleep then wishing u a beautiful night + if it is some other point in the day for u then i hope u have a gorgeous gentle and lovely day + either way i love u MWAH xx
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kulliare · 2 months
i’m aware it’s past 10 but allow me
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andieventurous · 8 months
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ehhhh fuck it. chinchilla oc
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chiistarri · 2 months
chat how do u make someone txt u back...
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2truehearts · 1 year
Anyways. Goodbye dash I'm gonna go sleep now bye. Love you all <3
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godnectar · 1 year
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thethingost · 4 months
my apolocheese for my spam earlier folks. or mini-spam i guess. idk i loooove 20+ year old media YAAAAYYYYY
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scorchedhearth · 1 year
goodnight!! 🌕 she is round! she is full! i wish i could kiss her!! heart full of love, wishing u all a very fine night and a peaceful day
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