#kittypet kingdom
The Guardians of Ga'Hoole movie became free to watch on YouTube so I decided to watch it again and again and I'm still in love with those battle claws!
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So now I'm taking the idea for my Warriors AU: Kittypet Kingdoms because forget Dog Teeth Claws, we making iron claw Blood and Claws Empire!
I'm allowing a hard magic system, why not allow high-key fantasy stuff? This is my self-indulgent AU AND I DECIDE WHAT IS CANON AND WHAT IS NOT!
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
The cruel reality of wanting kittypet lore to be as extensive as warrior lore.
Thank goodness you exist though! You make better lore for these housecats than the warriors ever did.
One of my kittypet lore and little idea for Kittypet Kingdom is that house cats worship the sun and the sky while in contrast to warriors worshipping the stars and the moon for their ancestors.
The kittypets are innovators. They followed behind man and their inventions and were treated as traitors for adapting and moving on.
That would give more of a reason to kittypet and clan cat xenophobia. Kittypets are underestimated for choosing the easy life, but they have resources. They have the smarts and ingenuity to make the impossibility into reality.
*flipping through pages my own lore*
I made Kittypets discover how to use fire and make torches. How to catch fireflies and create light sources and, more importantly, how to hide their scents and hide away, considering how clan cats are so reliant on their sense of smell, why not mess with them and use it against them?
What do you think? I think I can call myself Kittypet Enjoyer #2 lol
Ah man, thanks dude! I'm glad that my Kittypet stuff stands out a lot!
With a series that is specifically centered around this outside group of cats aka the clans, it's no wonder that the Kittypets (Or any non-clan group) never get much lore. But, that doesn't mean that you can't be a tad bit disappointed over how little everything else is built upon.
I really like the worship that you have in Kittypet Kingdom! I think it's also interesting that the sky is what gives home to the stars, the sun is what gives the moon it's shine, without them, the stars and moon would be nothing. Kittypets worship the sky and sun while the Clans worship the stars and moon. Lots of interesting symbolism within this idea alone!
It also makes a ton of sense for the Kittypets/General Twolegplace cats to be genius innovators, when you're around humans all the time for that long, you start to mimic what they do and you learn knowledge that was previously thought to be exclusive to humans. You also bring up an interesting idea/point that the clans do not like them for this, it really hammers in the fact that the clans are stuck in the past, stuck in their own stubborn and hurtful minds that they see anything new as being treacherous and "against the code/will of starclan". The clan cats see it as a reason to hate them, but we see it as an insight into how unwilling they are towards change.
And that totally makes a lot of sense with how Kittypets learnt how to use fire+craft torches! Again, they're around humans all the time, so how could they not gain some type of knowledge in something that the clans are so deathly afraid of? I love the idea of them catching fireflies for light sources, it's such a fun concept and admittedly, I like the idea of the clans seeing that and thinking "Hm. That's our idea now". The stuff with Twolegplace cats hiding and messing with scents is a really well thought out idea, this also gave me an idea that Twolegplace cats will sometimes mess with how they smell, sometimes they might roll around in a place where a dog may have sat/slept to confused a clan cat, possibly even scare them away so that they aren't bothered when venturing into the forest territories.
I really, really enjoy these ideas a ton! They provide something really fascinating and adds onto the table scraps of info/culture we get of Twolegplace, all of them. I'd say you earned that goddamn title of Kittypet Enjoyer #2!
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determined-blazeau · 1 year
The Kingdoms- a mix group of creatures that lived together in harmony under a ruling family blessed by their patron
The Kingdom of the Sea- Nature’s Fearsome Guardian
The Kingdom of the Flames-The One Born of Fire
The Kingdom of the Earth- The Mountain who Thunders Death
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fluffytheocelot · 6 months
Hello it’s extremely late oops. Did not realize how long this thing would take (28 and a half hours apparently according to procreate lmao) but finally, here it is!
Carmen Week Day 8: La Femme Rouge
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Holy crap that was a lot of characters! For day 8 I wanted to draw all the ways I've drawn/imagined Carmen over the last 5 years! There are many I didn't do for one reason or another, but it mainly boiled down to space lol. These 10 (11 including canon Carmen) are (most) of my favorites of my AUs :)
this turned out so cool im putting it in a frame when i get a chance lol
Info and solo drawings for each under the cut! it is. so long lol
as usual, i'll gladly answer asks about em :) i have plans to write a few for sure, but it's gonna be A While for them lol
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Both a Warriors AU and also just my "_____ as a cat" style!
This ones a lot less fleshed out so just bear with me lol. (ATM there might only be 2 clans, ACME and VILE, idk yet lol. idk what to name em either cos stickin "clan" on the end don't feel right XD)
In the Warriors AU, Sheeppaw grows up learning 2 contradictory versions of the Warrior Code: The true one from Shadowstalk, and the VILE version from older warriors. She gets made an apprentice a couple moons early, but is relegated only to camp duties until shes 6 moons old.
She trains alongside Cracklepaw, Tigerpaw, Molepaw, Goatpaw, and Silentpaw. At her first gathering she meets another apprentice, maybe a few moons older, from the other clan: Jewelpaw. The two hit it off and become good friends (and develop little mutual crushes). Sheeppaw also sneaks out and meets a kittypet: Player, who she also becomes very good friends with.
When her mentor, the deputy, Shadowstalk fails her on her final warrior assessment she pretty much has most of the same reaction as the show, just in the WC style.
After witnessing a murder, she hightails it out of there and encounters the newly named Crackletail. Panicked, she hastily and vaguely tells him she saw something and needs to Leave.
She makes it to Players yard and lays low for a while, and he introduces her to the neighbor cats, a sibling pair named Zack and Ivy. The four brainstorm and Sheeppaw is renamed Carmen. They know they cant let VILE keep doing what they're doing. So rogue Carmen and her kittypet friends start figuring things out from behind the scenes.
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Pirate Cat:
Exactly as it says, bipedal cat world. Black Sheep was dropped off at a random orphanage in England, with a small stuffed black sheep (where she got her name). Since everybody are cats, Black Sheep isn't that atypical of a name. Sorta a mix of normal people names and cat names.
She grows up there alongside her self-appointed older brother Graham. When she's about 10-11ish she meets the princess: Julia Argent. Childhood friends to lovers letsgoo (its a recurring theme in these lol. its cute i like it).
The two eventually get together (in secret, yay homophobia and also societal status) It doesn't help that Black Sheep had a habit of getting in trouble so she could see the princess her princess.
The two get caught one night, and Black Sheep is nearly executed for "corrupting royalty", but Julia manages to talk her father down from that. Instead, she is exiled. If she ever sets foot in the kingdom after dawn, she WILL be killed this time.
Julia visits one last time, and Black Sheep promises to return someday when she finds somewhere where they can be together freely. She gives Julia her stuffed sheep to look after while she's gone, and asks her to take care of Fuega while she's gone (on one of their sneak-outs, they found a baby dragon that Julia managed to convince her dad to let her keep). Julia gives her the triangle choker. yay tearful goodbyes ;-;
Black Sheep and Graham (because no way is he letting his little sister go into exile without him) go from place to place, stealing when they need to and end up accidentally stowing away on a VILE pirate ship.
VILE pirate training to avoid death, they escape. Graham appoints the newly named Carmen Sandiego captain of their little ship, and they also pick up Zack, Ivy, and Player along the way. Carmen becomes very well known around the globe: civilians/lower class people see her as a Robin Hood hero (correct), while most royals and nobles see her as nothing but a filthy pirate (incorrect).
A few years go by when suddenly the crew gets word that the King of England is trying to marry off his daughter, who has recently come of age. Cue panicked race home + childhood lover reunion.
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Daughter of Poseidon (Carmen Sandiego and the Olympians):
Percy Jackson AU! Replace Percy with Carmen, Grover with Player, Annabeth with Julia, and switch/move around some plot points and that's about it lol. I keep telling myself I'll do some scene rewrites of this one so we'll see. Includes PJO and HOO acting as prequels for Carmen Sandiego. Def wanna do dome rewrites for the canon show for this AU too lol
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Dino Squad:
I'm out here combining one obscure kids show with another lol. If you haven't seen it, Dino Squad is this early 2000s animated show about these 5 teenagers that get mutated and can turn into dinosaurs, and go around stopping the bad guy from turning everything into dinosaurs. (I think the entire series may be on youtube lol. its goofy but man i loved it as a kid. i wanted dino powers so bad)
This is basically a high school au but most of Team Red has dinosaur powers. :P
In this, Dr. Bellum is experimenting with bringing dinosaurs back, but instead of just cloning them, she figures out how to mutate already-existing organisms into others.
(in the OG dino squad, the bad guy IS a dinosaur that evolved into a human--long story--and believes everything should still be dinosaurs. hes technically right, tbf, if the meteor hadn't hit they prolly still WOULD be dinosaurs. why does bellum want dinosaurs? because she's Bellum and she Can lol)
Carmen Wolfe and her twin brother Graham (they're fraternal twins. why? bc i thought it would be funny. yes he still has his accent. its my world i do what i want) are raised by Carlotta and Dexter Wolfe in Kittery Point, Maine. Carlotta is a paleontologist/biologist and Dexter is a history and geography teacher at the high school. They do know of VILE and what Bellum was working on and have been monitoring it in secret from the kids.
Carmen and Julia are those friends that met bc they were both hiding under the slide in like. Preschool and just stayed friends lol. They're the kind of best friends that will just. Show Up. usually Julia at Carmen's house because "You have better snacks" also Julia's parents just Don't Like Carmen. (Why? idk bc i said so. idk they think she's a bad influence. she's really not lol) Literally Julia has like a spot on the couch and a table setting. She's basically the third twin these three have known each other essentially their entire lives.
Zack and Ivy joined the group in middle school, when Ivy had the same class as Carmen, Julia, and Gray. Zack joined via association. (Zack and Ivy, on the other hand are not twins. again. bc its funny. each sibling pair thought the other was like them. zack and ivy thought Carmen and Gray were just normal siblings, and Carmen and Gray thought Zack and Ivy were twins. Julia had to explain to all of them it was not the case lol)
Player is Carmen's online friend that the whole group includes. they all game together and he gets ALL the public school tea. hes about the same age as Zack, so about a year-ish younger than Carmen, Gray, Ivy, and Julia.
At the end of their freshman year, Carmen and Julia start dating. Their friends and Carmen's parents know, they keep it secret from everyone else. At the end of the summer everybody (aside from Player) go to the beach for one last day of freedom before school starts. They swim through the mutant goo, and over the next few days discover their powers.
Carlotta IDs each dino: Carmen is a (large/person sized) pyroraptor, Gray is a T. rex, Julia is a troodon, and I still cant decide on Zack and Ivy's dino forms lol. Carlotta and Dexter explain the whole VILE thing and the group just kinda simultaneously goes "welp guess we're superheroes now. cool"
so yea dealing w highschool and also mutant dinosaurs and superpowers. this ones fun bc they can just be stupid kids lol
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The Last Wolf:
My werewolf AU. The one that started all this mess and my love for making AUs of this show. It was my first fanfic i ever wrote, and it is very near to my heart. it's also gotten out of hand and become a franchise at this point it's ridiculous. (Seriously i've got a prequel of her parents planned and also a series of shorts set in the universe) It's gonna be a long ride, boys. Hope people still like CS by the time it's done lol
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A Thief's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse:
Zombie apocalypse AU! Talked about this one a bit for AU day, and also as of this post I have ~1k words written of the first chapter! I also have a bunch of the major plot points outlined too ;) I wouldn't expect anything soon tho lol.
She wears a wetsuit under the coat bc it's really hard to bite through, especially with rotten jaws. She's got some boots she probably scavenged or traded for, and of course: the Walkman she probably found looting some abandoned building. She collects cassettes to listen to. Gotta keep sane in the end of the world.
How is this one a literal apocalypse and its still more lighthearted than the one based on FNAF lol
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Redd Wolf (Five Nights at Redd's):
FNAF AU. I've truly lost it lol. I have this one completely outlined, nothing written but a lot of things are VERY clear in my mind. This ones uh. a lot more intense than even Thief's Guide. It's FNAF. its immense violence and child death. Seriously, Carmen, Player, Gray, Ivy, Zack, and Julia all end up possessing animatronics at some point. It ends happily, but it is based off a horror thing so if that's not your thing b careful <3
its supposed to be more of a mystery that gets unraveled, but if anyone wants specifics of it u can drop an ask :) i only have animatronic designs for Carmen, Julia, and Gray so far tho. I have ideas for the others too.
This is one I wanna share with y'all at some point. its probably the shortest of the AUs I have outlined so far, so yk. maybe in this lifetime lol.
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Carmen and the Age of Wonderbeasts:
Mega Jaguar Carmen. This ones more of a ~vibe~ than an actual plot but i like drawing mega jag carm :)
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Plushie Dragon:
This one's not an AU, but actually based on doodles of these 2 plush dragons! Matching red/gold and blue/silver dragons named after carmen and julia lol. I'll get around to posting more drawings of em cause they're cute
the plushies <3 (they have spikes u just cant see em:
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ik they look goofy i lov them anyways
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Wings of Fire:
Wings of Fire AU! Carmen is a rainwing/skywing hybrid (rainwing dad, skywing mom) She can camoflauge, fly decently fast, and has a prehensile tail. She can't breathe fire or use typical venom, BUT she figures out her venom, while not face-melting by itself, IS in fact flammable. again, more of a ~vibe~ than a story and plot, but I like drawing dragons.
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Canon Carmen:
She's front and center, the one that started all this.
Way back in 2019, the autism and ADHD departments in my brain came to an agreement: This show is the greatest show of all time.
It was the first fandom I actively contributed to/interacted with. (I still read fics from other fandoms before, but had never been active in a fandom) Like I mentioned with Last Wolf, I had never actually written fanfiction before, and definitely never posted it. I love writing and telling stories (and boy howdy do I have A Lot of stories rolling around my brain). between all of the AUs ive come up with, I've gotten to practice so much worldbuilding and characterization. English classes usually focused on expository stuff, with like. a brief fiction writing thing. So I've definitely gotten to stretch my creative writing muscles with this show, and hopefully I can put em to use on original projects someday <3
I fell in love with the first season, and got ridiculously excited for every new season and the interactive. (heck, i played every possible option for the interactive the day it came out, and binged every subsequent season the day they aired.)
This show has been a big part of my life the last five years, and the original show will always be special to me. It's the reason I started learning to draw people lol, I have a drawing of Carmen from 2020 that I'm still really proud of. It's hung on my bedroom wall to this day.
So thank you, Carmen Sandiego. For everything.
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Anthro!AU. There's no real timeline for this.
Names follow 3 formats. Let's grab... Dovewing!
Dovewing is also called Dove, Miss Wing, and Dove Wing.
Turtle Tail is also called Turtletail, Miss Tail (or Miss T) and Turtle.
Cats like Millie or Snake will sometimes take last names, but highly prefer their single name.
Bramblekit absolutely took a cookie when offered while he was at Frostfur's house, thinking they were chocolate chip, only to get oatmeal raisin. He hated it but was too polite to spit it out.
Snowbird cut Ratscar off from seeing his nespring when she found out about his connections to a cult called The Place of No Stars.
Blossompaw and Briarpaw regularly swam in a river nearby their house, with Bumblepaw on watch for anyone coming who might get them in trouble.
Briarlight also put flame stickers/decals on her wheelchair. She sometimes rotates them out for seasonal stuff, like holiday themed ones. She put a weed sticker on it once for 4/20 and Millie threw a fit over it.
During the nasty custody battle between Goldenflower and Tigerclaw, Swiftpaw told Tigerclaw he never wanted to see him again, he would rather be dead than have his father hold any custody of him.
Smudge regularly visits and babysits Squirrelkit and Leafkit, he wishes Firestar would move back to Kittypet Town, but understands that his best friend is happier in Clan City.
Leafpool was in a very bad situation when she was pregnant with her triplets, as Crowfeather left her with nothing when they broke up. She pretended that she was going to be a surrogate, as Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight were having trouble conceiving. That was the lie.
Squirrelflight works as a professional chef. Ferncloud works as a stay-at-home mom but makes plush for her friends and their kids, as sewing is her passion. Thornclaw is a PE teacher. Ashfur is a drama teacher. Brambleberry is a chemistry teacher. Leafpool is a doctor. Cinderheart is a receptionist at the hospital Leafpool works at.
Hollyleaf and Cinderheart were "borderline dating" for MONTHS before Jayfeather snapped and screamed at one of them "just spit it out already!"
Jayfeather is a programmer, and works at making more video games and controllers accessible to blind folks like him! He works with Snowtail (Snowkit) who also works helps out gamers who are HoH.
Scourge is a lawyer, who helps Firestar find the evidence that Tigerstar murdered Redtail during an election.
Turtle Tail is preschool teacher, and works with Sorreltail and Snowbird. They work together at Kit School in Sanctuary Lake Elementary School/Preschool.
Clan City has 5 main districts, for the 5 Clans. Everyone is generally very proud of their home and where their family came from, and xenophobia seems to be on the rise... Many come over, but just as many are driven out by the harsh attitudes of the locals.
In another time, there are more districts. Jingo District, Blood District, and Warrior District. There is also Mountain City, and Gorge City where people in the Sky District lived for many years following a massive disaster that forced everyone to evacuate, they lived with the locals there for years, giving a mjor economy boost to a dying city, and caused quite the controversy when they left.
Guardian Village is nearby as well, traditional people who live amongst ruins, as well as many dotted Sister Settlements, where a semi-nomadic traveling group sets up camps. There is The River Kingdom, a valley where a group of secretive cats live in peace, also called The Park by outsiders.
In another time, the 5 founders of Clan City, Skystar, Thunderstar, Windstar, Shadowstar and Riverstar, settled there together after disaster swept the area. Shadowstar came from Mountain Village, plauge causing some cats to leave for hope of a better life, Windstar came from a village on the Moor that was destroyed by wildfires with her fiance Gorse Fur, Skystar came from what would later become Rogue Town, bounced through orphanages with her brother Fox, Thunderstar was born to 2 Mountain Cats, Clear Sky and Bright Storm, soon after arriving in the area, and Riverstar came from the River Kingdom to escape a flood with his young niece Flutter.
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corpsezinthecloset · 1 month
im eating all your warriors humans designs uo right now and i would love an in depth explanation for all of them (or just the lore) because oh my gosh, oh my gosh theyre so amazing and wonderful im exploding rn /pos /nf
HI HI HI HI HI HELLO HEY Okay so my Warrior Cats human au is a fantasy medieval-style au, they all live in kingdoms, kittypets are referred to as villagers as they live in villages, and other non-kingdom people are called outsiders. The kingdoms are called Thunder, River, Wind, Shadow, and Sky, the leaders are kings or queens, their direct kin such as children or spouses are considered royalty until the leader dies, Medicine cats are called Healers, deputies stay the same yay. Twolegs are Giants!!!!! Everyone reclaims the title of Warrior but they all have their own jobs and such, Darkstripe and Mousefur are blacksmiths, Firehearts a fisherman(the silly guy), etc. Starclan is called The Stars, it was originally ruled by three gods, Sun(Lion), Moon(Tiger), and Eclipse(Leopard), they each watched over different parts of the world, Sun watched over the kingdoms, and the animalborns, Moon watched over the mountains and the tribes, and Eclipse watched over the outsiders and Giantborns. These three gods were eventually rallied against and overthrown by Silverpelt, and she became the Goddess of the Stars, and the kingdom founders, Thunder, Clear Sky, Tall Shadow, Wind Runner, and River Ripple all ascended to Godhood after their deaths. Animalborns: In DOTC(Dawn of the Clans) everyone evolved from animals, some people looked like humans but with animal features, and some looked like actual animals. People of the modern kingdoms have evolved more and look like normal humans however they still have some animal aspects such as aging, for the first year of their life they in months, and then the process slows down to normal human years. Giantborns: At the same time people also were born from a lesser species of Giants that were much smaller(but still larger than the average person), these Giants originally ruled the kingdoms founded in DOTC but were all killed!!!!! The Dark Forest is called the Starless Inferno and its ruled by seven lords who each represent a sin, Pride, Wrath, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Greed, and Gluttony(NOT INSPIRED BY EITHER HAZBIN HOTEL OR HELLUVA BOSS I WILL ACTUALLY CRY), most of these lords are made up characters because im silly like that Pride: Rabbits Tail(OC) - Creator of the Starless Inferno and main villain in my rewrite of Dawn of the Clans Wrath - One eye Lust - Honey Song(OC) Envy - Cobraheart(OC) Sloth - Crow(OC) Greed - Toadleap(OC) Gluttony - Maggottail - I wanted to give him some love he's my fave DF guy. The seven lords each have stones that give them the ability to use magic after Silverpelt banned it. Before the original three gods, Sun, Moon, and Eclipse were defeated they had Demi-gods, mortals they had a likeness for and gave magic to, Eclipse had one very special mortal who was his GAY LOVER, Sol(I've re-written him in this au), but after the three gods were taken down all Demi-gods lost their powers and most became normal mortals again, though some, like Sol, were able to continue living into the more modern times. HOPE THIS HELPS
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spireclangen · 11 months
Moon 8 - year 1 - leaf-fall (part 1/3)
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lore note: "City of Lights" is what the kingdom cats call twolegplace, Camouflagestream used to be a kittypet :P
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splashspeck · 8 months
Clan Kingdoms - Discussions on Kin
A sweet drabble I've been sitting on and debating posting for a bit, SilverFire and Bluestar and Fireheart bonding.
Fireheart fought not to shake at the sensation of the honeyflower and oak leaves woven into his pelt, knowing that if Bluestar found out he pulled the irritating leaves from his fur before he left his meeting she’d lecture him about presentation of Leaderkin… again. He’d had enough lectures in recent days. At least the lavender he held carefully in his jaws, plucked from the edge of Windclan territory to the amusement of the observing patrol on the moor, a smiling Deadfoot giving him a knowing smirk. Flanking him as he trotted towards the Sunningrocks were Runningwind and Mousefur, the twins bickering good naturedly in a way that soothed most of his anxiety about meeting the Riverclan patrol that was no doubt awaiting them.
It had been longer since he and Silverstream had met properly, only encountering one another at the Gathering before Fireheart left to return Windclan to their territory, and having only long enough to talk briefly. Between Windclan and the newly arrived Cloudkit, Fireheart had nearly forgotten to prepare for their next planned meeting. With the quarter moon hanging high in the sky, the light was somewhat dim as he reached the edge of the trees, leaping down to the riverbank and smiling around his bundle as he spotted Silverstream laughing happily with her own escort. Heavystep and Loudbelly were grinning, likely at some joke Heavystep had told, lightening the mood immediately with a cheerful call to Runningwind and Mousefur. The twin warriors joined the other chaperones eagerly, and Fireheart met Silverstream’s warm smile with a purr as he leapt up atop the smooth stone next to her, gently placing the sprig of lavender at her paws.
“A gift, to apologize for missing our last meeting.” He mewed, smiling nervously up at the bigger molly, and earning a happy purr as she bunted her cheek against his.
“No apologies needed. We are warriors of our clans before we are Betrothed, Fireheart, I understand when duty gets in the way. I will accept the gift, however, it smells lovely! What does it mean?” Fireheart felt that warmth in his belly spread across his pelt as he settled next to Silverstream, watching her gently inspect the lavender sprig.
“If I remember my lessons, Lavender is a symbol of devotion. It can also mean distrust in the wrong circumstances, but I hope you know that’s not the intent.”
“I’ve no reason to distrust you and endeavor to not give you reason to distrust me.” She purred, only to falter when his face fell. “Fireheart?”
“Sorry, it’s been an interesting quarter moon.” He meowed, unsure how to broach the subject of his accidental adoption.
“Does it have to do with why you smell like the nursery?” Her eyes were guarded, and tail slowly swaying in a way that made him a bit nervous.
“Yes, though not in the way you may suspect. I’ve… taken in a kit, kin of my kin.” Blue eyes blinked, surprise and confusion blossoming.
“... you never told me about any kin.” She settled to lay down, tucking his gift close to her and giving him a nervous smile. “Tell me?” And Fireheart remembered why he’d admired the silver tabby so much since they met. Silverstream was bold and brash, but her kindness and understanding towards him as he learned two different cultures had been more welcoming than he’d ever expected. He settled at her side, cautiously draping his tail across her hind legs and responding in kind when she started to purr softly at the gesture.
“I wasn’t a one-kit litter, and one of my littermates lives in a twoleg nest not far from our territories.” He meowed, fidgeting with one of the oak leaves stuck to his fur with sap. “Her name is Princess. We aren’t particularly close, but she’s the only one of my birth-kin that I even know at this point.”
“The only one?” Silverstream mewed, brows drawing in. “Not even your mother?”
“Ah, kittypet’s are… different about birth-kin.” He felt his tail lash a bit in embarrassment and quickly tried to move on. “Anyways, she recently had a litter, and we were talking about how the clans feel so much stronger about family. She’d never leave her housefolk-” Silverstream opened her mouth to question and he smiled. “What kittypets call Twolegs. But… I think she wishes she could have that. So… she gave me one of her kits. Wouldn’t take no for an answer and made me take him home to Bluestar.” Silverstream’s surprise had bloomed into warm affection.
“Will you let me meet him? When he’s older?”
“Of course, he’s to be your kin as well as mine.” Fireheart purred, bunting his head into her chin with a louder purr. “I just didn’t want you to think ill of me, bringing another kittypet into the clans-”
“He’s your kin Fireheart. If anything I think better of you, offering your sister’s kit a chance at a life in the clan.” Fireheart noted, and couldn’t quite put into words the appreciation, that she didn’t call it a “better” life. “... tell me about your birth-kin?”
“I shouldn’t-”
“Why not?” Silverstream raised her head to eye him, eyes narrowed. Fireheart lowered his own, trying to look up at her.
“Some cats may see it as… corrupting you with kittypet ways of life. Cats… didn’t react well to me telling my denmates about my family when I first joined the clan. Especially since kittypets are so different.”
“How so?” Fireheart glanced towards their chaperones, anxiously wondering if they were listening. “Fireheart.” Silverstream’s tone was gentler, and he met her eyes. “If you aren’t comfortable I understand, I just want to know more about the cat I’m to be with for the rest of our lives.”
“... Kittypets don’t value birth-kin the same way clan cats do. Most cats don’t actually get to stay with their birth-kin very long, so it doesn’t make sense to be close.” He meowed, watching Silverstream settle back and watch him. “I never met my sire, Jake was just the tom Nutmeg happened to have kits with, and he didn’t even live nearby to her nest. Nutmeg told us he was always more ‘wild’ than your average kittpet, wandered further.”
“Some kittypets are like that, some of our warriors and Mudfur will trade items and herbs with a few wanderers.” Silverstream commented, and Fireheart smiled at the image. “Was Nutmeg your kin?”
“My mother. She didn’t really call herself our mother often though. Kittypet queens don’t get to keep their kits usually, so getting close just… doesn’t make sense.”
“They don’t even visit?”
“Queens don’t know where their litter will end up. Princess and I being near one another is quite rare. I haven’t heard anything about Nutmeg or my other three littermates since my old housefolk took me in… so you can imagine the culture shock when I joined Thunderclan.” He huffed, smiling nervously up at her. Silverstream was silent for a bit, then sighed.
“I can kind of understand that. I can’t even remember my mother. She and my littermates died before I even opened my eyes.” She looked towards their chaperones. “Dad was… mourning heavily, most of my kithood. Uncle Oakheart and my cousins made it easier, but I felt like I was the clan’s kit more than Dad’s for a long time.” Fireheart frowned, Crookedstar had seemed so close to his daughter. “It got better pretty quickly once Dad started actually talking to people again outside of duty. Now he’s my best friend, but… sometimes I wonder what life would be like if Mom had made it.”
“... I’ve never called anyone Mom. I don’t know if I’m actually allowed to call Bluestar that. I know she’s technically my mother now but… it’s just for succession.”
“I wouldn’t say that.” Silverstream meowed, looking thoughtful. “She seems to be really fond of you. My cousins had my mother’s sister for a foster mother and she looks at them the same way, they’ve called her Mom as long as I’ve been alive, if not longer.” She was quiet a moment, but her tail twitched as she thought, and Fireheart waited quietly, watching the beautiful molly ponder something. “Clan cats may value birth-kin a lot, but chosen family isn’t something to dismiss. Graypool chose her kits, but they’re her kits just as her birth-kits were. Bluestar chose you, and I would wager she feels just as strongly towards you as she does her own birth-kin.”
“She’s rather unhappy with me at the moment.” He chuffed, amused and embarrassed. “She thought I was bringing home a bastard kit. Fresh out of the apprentice’s den and already souring Thunderstar’s line.” Silverstream laughed loudly at that, earning the attention of their chaperones, and Fireheart saw the warm way Loudbelly’s eyes softened at the sight. “Now, MIstyfoot’s kits, are they as cute as you expected them to be?”
The two of them lazed on their stone, purring happily and trading tales of kin and kits, until Loudbelly and Mousefur called the meeting to an end. Silverstream nosed Fireheart’s cheek, picking up the spring of lavender he’d gifted her and trotting after the two older toms, chirruping and purring fondly with them. Mousefur and Runningwind would tease him the entire way back, though the twins were kind enough to help free him from the adornments in his fur before he slipped into the nursery. Brindleface greeted him with exasperated bemusement, playfully nosing Cloudkit from her nest and sending the little white fluffball to his uncle. As the two settled in the nest he’d been allowed to make in the nursery, the white tomkit climbed atop his uncle and sprawled along his back. He was softly snoring in moments, and Fireheart was well on his way to following him.
The soft rustle of ferns at the entrance pulled him back from the edge of sleep, eyes opening slowly at the warm purring murmurs from Brindleface to the approaching cat. Turning carefully to the entrance Fireheart smiled when he met Bluestar’s eyes, the leader’s expression fond and bemused at the kit softly snoring on his back.
“Kits always find the oddest places to sleep.” She mewed, soft to not wake the three kits snoozing. Brindleface had settled back into her own nest, tail wrapped tight around her two remaining kits. “How did the meeting go?”
“Well, Silverstream wasn’t offended at my missing our last, blessedly.” He mewed, lifting his head, careful to not shift his shoulders too much and wake Cloudkit.
“Good, I hear from Runningwind you gave her a gift?”
“Willowpelt said Riverclanners appreciate gifts, so I gave her a sprig of lavender.” Bluestar smiled, purring softly and lapping at his head. “She seemed to like it, brought it home with her.”
“A good choice, a show of your devotion to her. Hold still, you still have sap in your fur.”
“Don’t wake Cloudkit, please, he just fell asleep.” He pleaded, earning a purr. They sat quietly for a bit as Bluestar settled and groomed his pelt. “I told Silverstream about him.” He blurted it out, fighting to keep his fur flat and the tension out of his muscles when he felt Bluestar stop.
“... and?”
“She’d like to meet him. Wanted to know more about his mother, my family. I told her a bit, that kittypet kin is different than clan kin-”
“She asked, Bluestar, said she wants to know her future mate… He turned and met her eyes. “She told me about her mother, that she lost her young, that she can understand.” Bluestar frowned, but sighed and returned to grooming him.
“Crookedstar and his kin have suffered much loss.”
“It’s good she had her uncle, aunt and cousins.” Fireheart agreed, feeling the tension ebb a little. “It’s something I’m a bit jealous of, admittedly, clanborn cats have extended families. Have… families.”
“... Fireheart, you have a family here.” Bluestar meowed, firm but not unkind. “My kin is your kin, and they will consider you as such. Whitestorm is your cousin, whether by blood or not, and he will look out for you and care for you because you are my son and our kin.” Fireheart sat silent for a moment, processing the warm feeling blooming in his chest, then leaned towards Bluestar and bunted his head under her chin with a purr, earning a shocked one in response.
“Thanks Mom.” Bluestar’s purr hiccuped a moment before renewing stronger and pulling him a little closer.
“You are my son, Fireheart. No matter what, we are kin.”
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What's smudge's thoughts on the growing tensions between the kingdoms and the clans and what can they do as a people to help dispell such animosity?
Smudge stumbled backward clumsily as another cat appeared seemingly from thin air right in front of them. Upon being asked a question, Smudge perked up in response.
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O-Oh wowee! I didn’t expect to be asked such a question! Especially from a traveler such as yourself. It’s all so scary to be honest!
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In one ear-flick me and Rusty will be racing in the dandelion fields and playing moss ball with our friends in valleys of Pawshire. The next tail-twitch we’re forced into our d-dens and barricading the entrances as our armies t-tearing into each other on the outside!  
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B-But besides that- I can’t take all the credit of making the others calm down though… Rusty is the one who helps convince even the most stubborn of cats into accepting the ex-wild cats who joined us like that big burly scarred molly who moved in not too long ago.
I think her name was Orangetooth-? No, that can’t be right- OH RIGHT! Yellowfang! That was it!
(@thetruemxpink I hope you enjoy this, nerd!)
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
I was cooking rice and I like added a little bit too much salt. It's fine nonetheless just a little salty and it made me think of Storm cooking one of his first batches of stuffed buns for the customers at the bakery he's apprenticing at and his family tastes tests for him.
They don't spit it out and struggle a little bit. Mostly Grey.
Grey is trying to tell his son in the nicest way that it's needs work but Feather and Silver just cut in bluntly with it being terrible.
Storm understands and glad they were straightforward. It stung a little but he's learning. He's going to try and measure this time.
Also, I'm sorry you had to deal with the fatphobic anon >:(
I was very out of it and hadn't been getting much sleep so I've been using benadryl and melatonin to get a good nap. Been sleeping more!
But I ended up forgetting to send you my daily Kittypet Kingdom AU stuffs.
God I've done that too before… it was such a big batch of rice too
What I imagine that Storm messed up on
The dough was a little too overworked, he kneaded it for too long
The meat in the stuffed buns were a little too watery with broth and juice. Basically he didn't let it drain for long enough
The stuffing within the buns, if it's the meat ones, needs to be drained and one needs to allow for it to sit in the strainer for a good minute or two. Too much juice causes it to make the bread go all soggy
TOO. MUCH. SALT. Like you said, he just forgot to measure
He kept opening that damn oven too often to check on the buns
The filling didn't have much flavor to it, but it sure did have a lot of salt
Basically it was a hard, soggy, flavorless but also super fucking salty first batch. Imagining GreyStripe going "Well… it's… uhm. It's different than usual… it… strays from the norm" and Feather immediately shouts over "Ew it tastes like shit"
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wc-confessions · 8 months
I think people actually talk a little too much about how xenophobic the clans are in universe... you don't find much more xenophobic things in Warriors than you could find in any piece of media featuring several kingdoms/countries that are at war. It's just a driving force to the plot ? It's extremely common in fiction ? If the clans were perfectly moral they'd be pretty boring to read about... fictions don't have to have perfect moral compasses to be entertaining, and their purpose is to be entertaining, not to teach values.
I mean, if warriors pushes kids to have that awakening of "wait a minute, xenophobia bad" then kudos to it! That's great! It's important to talk about how irl xenophobia is bad.
But people complaining that in universe the clans shit on kittypets or about clan rivalries as if it's a detriment to the books... if the basic plot and premise of the story bother you, this might just not be the books series for you. Doesn't mean the book is profoundly immoral or bad or that it needs to justify itself or "become better". Countless kid books show bad or dangerous values if you stop to think about them hard enough... doesn't make them bad reads !
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jameshagrid · 2 years
Watch "Funniest videos 2022 😂😂 funny animal videos 2022 😹🙀 Part 2 | Kittens Plaza" on YouTube
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adeanthepurpledragon · 5 months
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Firepaw and Greypaw sleeping together.
I did this fanart piece of Firepaw and Greypaw becoming friends and sleeping together in the apprentice’s den after Firepaw was free from his Kittypet collar and was accepted to train as a new warrior’s apprentice before being called Rusty but after he was accepted into Thunderclan he was given the name Firepaw by the clan leader Bluestar to train as a new apprentice in Thunderclan.
Firepaw and Greystrip become close friends and they sleep together in the apprentice’s den making Firepaw think “Thunderclan is my home now”.
I’ve been rereading my first Warriors Cats book in the series called “Into the Wild” because I know that’s still a well-loved series written by the Erin Hunters which they also written book series like “Seekers Bears”, “Survivors Dogs”, “Bravelands” and “Bamboo Kingdom” which I read most of the “Survivors Dogs” books and just read the first “Bamboo Kingdom” book in the book series but I plan on rereading the “Survivors Dogs” series and the first “Bamboo Kingdom” book that I own and someday getting more books that follow up in the “Bamboo Kingdom” series as well.
Although I also plan on going reading the “Bravelands” series which is a series of books about African animals and maybe also the “Seekers Bears” series as well.
I think the various of book series that the Erin Hunters have written starting with “Warrior Cats” are real good books to read that it’s a hard book to put down because of the story telling that goes into all the book series that the Erin Hunters written to this day.
I’m inspired by the storytelling of the different animals surviving in the wild and trying to find food and all that jazz, it makes me want to write my own stories inspired a bit after the Erin Hunter book series and I’m also inspired by the “Cartoon Saloon” movie “Wolfwalkers” and the movie “Avatar” not the one with the Airbender but the one with these blue people known as the Navis that fight to save their home from the Sky People which I saw the first Navi Avatar movie but haven’t gotten to the second one yet and I plan on watching some Natural Geographic, Disney Nature and Discovery+ documentaries about animals out in their natural habitat because I love learning about our world especially our natural world around Mother Nature itself.
Reading the Erin Hunter books and watching documentaries on tv really helps me to respect nature more even so going to my local zoo as well and it inspires me to want to make animatics, comics, artworks and literature stories around animals living, growing, eating and surviving out in the wild instead of just focusing on stories that take my main oc Adean the purple dragon’s point of view although I might build on to the comic series of “Adean the Dream Guardian” where she is actually a Chinese zodiac dragon guardian while her sister Kristy is the Chinese zodiac tiger guardian because really I was born in “the year of the dragon” while my sister was born in “the year of the tiger” would fit great for storytelling behind my two characters Adean and Kristy who are sisters with my webcomic series “Adean the Dream Guardian” be a story about the two sisters and one being a shapeshifting dragon girl and the other one being a shapeshifting tiger girl.
Speaking of sisters I’m actually going to the zoo this morning with my sis today and we’re going to see the animals this time especially the new red pandas that are at our zoo now.
I hope to take a lot of pictures of the animals at my local zoo and use them for reference for creating my own animal characters or animal artwork but it’s gonna be a fun day for my sister and I later this morning.
@drake-the-highlander @alexcanine @kingnice1219 @jaysmily2919 @reformedladyfandom
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
This has also been a problem for me with limiting humans.
You could have kittypets live in like abandoned petstores and houses and be kinda farm like making it seem like a hippie/soft lifestyle to the orders.
Could do a kingdom thing if you want as well.
Maybe they live with other animals as well since they’re seen as soft and not order material.
Generally: Simple cats who live in an environment that’s lush and doesn’t require the ‘hardcore’ lifestyle the orders have when it it could actually be just as difficult if they looked past their own noses.
this is gonna be a semi long post with all the screenshots im adding soooo
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ok Im defo gonna make RoC take place in a post apocalypse! Im going to write up a full summary/description of the apocalypse lore and post that later buuut!
for the silly name debacle, I really like the idea of cats naming themselves after labels and signs found in ruins! Also Im going to still have some cats live with humans in their small towns/groups and these cats can be named by the humans so they still get silly names too!
alsooo I really like the idea of the apocalypse being due to a disease! I think that the disease being something that animals, such as cats, can carry and pass to humans, but not be effected by is also really good, bec that explains how there are so many surviving animals compared to humans!
I have the idea that it is less safe for humans on the lake territory side of the mountains, hence why there are so few humans there... so maybe animals in that area still often carry the disease and will easily pass it onto any humans who cross into that area. The Lake territory is basically a kitty paradise bec no humans, but it is a danger zone for humans bec they are likely to die from contact with the wildlife!
Maybe on the forest territory side the disease has become less common, and cats and other animals can still live with humans. Like how there are "kittypets" in the human town by the Order's territories. But maybe humans are still fearful of feral cats because they are more likely to carry the disease so they stay way from them for the most part. This could also explain why the humans who came to take over the forest in TNP wanted to get rid of/ fight off the cat population, bec they could be disease carriers!
I also had the idea that the ancient founding cats of the Orders (and the Mountain Colony) were the cats that existed when the disease started, and they had to learn how to survive on their own!
Jayfeather/wing's time travel plotline could actually be so much more interesting if it took place during this time bec we could get a glimpse into what it was like during the apocalypse when the story takes place post apocalypse!
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verathena14 · 11 months
(Cat)dom Hearts AU - Masterpost
alright i'll bite the bullet and finally make this post! i've been wanting to for... a while lol
Ok so (Cat)dom Hearts is an AU of Kingdom Hearts. All of the characters are cats, and most of them have warrior cat names. It still takes place in the KH universe and follows the same plotline, just everyone is a cat and has a different name. 
Only Keyblade wielders and Organization members have warrior names (i say "only" like those aren't the majority of the cast… whatever). Other characters have "kittypet" names. A few exceptions to this rule are Naminé and Yozora (because nami named herself apparently, and yozora just because i Wanted To).
Union Leaders have the suffix "-star" except for the ones from specifically KHUx because they don't actually lead the Unions and are somewhat more of a co-opted leadership? (i may be pulling this out of nowhere, i cant remember rn).
Nobodies (specifically AtW's apprentices) had "kittypet" names at first but after losing their hearts, they were assigned a warrior name (this functions as a replacement for the Recusant's Sigil because i Said So). When they returned to being human (post-ddd/kh3), most of them chose to keep the warrior-styled name but changed it slightly (symbol for how they're not the same as they were before but they're not a Nobody either so they kinda get a middle ground) EX: Isa/Saix was called "Moon" until he lost his heart, then Duskthorn (Xemnas) gave him the name "Moongaze." After he died again and was recompleted at the end of KH3, he chose the name "Bluemoon."
Some cats have breeds, others don't. It's not that much of a big deal.
Most Keyblade wielders have a diamond on their chest (i say "most" because vani, rox, and xion don't have it, im just gonna say that's Because Sora). For most of these wielders, the diamond is their lightest fur color, to symbolize their connection to Light. However, if the wielder has turned to Darkness, (Xehanort, Baldr) this diamond is their darkest fur color. ~symbolism~ hehe
Oh and also Nobodies have a dark-colored oval-circle-thingy on their chest, to symbolize their lack of a (metaphysical) heart.
KHDR cast (wip) KHUX cast The Foretellers (minus MoM and Luxu) Wayfinder Trio, Lost Trio, Roxas, Xion, Yozora, & Org XIII Axel/Lea, Saix/Isa, and Riku Sora
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determined-blazeau · 2 years
Clearminds are beings who have been bless with not being control by instincts but are also have the ability to walk on their hind legs and have more dexterity in their paws something that their Ravage cousins. While any creature can be a clearmind there are certain animals in this world who always born clearmind, since the Dawn of the End and have even form their own groups and religion
The Clans-The Great Four (cats)
The Coalition of Titans- The Titans (cats but welcome any of clearmind/Twoleg places and kittypets)
The Wanders- Mother Gaia (the sisters in this world but like the Coalition will take any of clearmind)
Kingdom of Ga’hoole-Glaux (yes owls don’t at me!)
The Packs- Selene Luna (wolves/dogs)
The Mischief-River of All (rats)
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