#kiyoko hq
jadeoru · 11 days
coffee beans.
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synopsis: valentine's day was spent the same way every year: coffee, and studying, all while trying her best to avoid the happy couples in love. unfortunately, her tradition was interrupted by a clumsy pretty barista. or: kiyoko felt like she wasn't capable of feeling love, turns out she's just gay
warnings/tags: reader is a barista! fluff, meet-ugly, afab!reader, reader is referred to as a girl, kiyoko's pov, kiyoko is an anxious shy mess (me too), flirting (pathetic), kiyoko's gay awakening lmfao, kiyoko's a la dispute fan because i said so, poop jokes, i actually hate how this turned out but oh well, wrote this for the 3 kiyoko lovers of the world
wc: 3.5k words
now playing: very cliché but definitely girls - girl in red lmao 🎶
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Kiyoko saw love as a waste of time. She lived her whole life in a society held together by the prospect of love. It chased her in many forms: her parents, her friends, music, art, - she knew it well. In her childhood, love was just another friend of hers; a familiar taste on her tongue, similar to her mother’s cooking. It was a feeling of home. But as she grew up, the flavour grew progressively more acrid; bitter. She watched as her friends changed, each of them infatuated by the weird feeling. Everyone around her had a crush on someone. Conversations with her friends quickly became dull. No one was the same as they got older. Everyone around her was falling in love; a victim of cupid's spell. She felt left out; ostracised. In her eyes, love seemed like a trap; a chain, connecting you to someone for the rest of your life. She never understood the appeal, and how everyone saw the cruel, suffocating feeling as a warm embrace - whirling inside of you. She was frustrated. It was stressful not knowing what was wrong with her - why she was so different from her peers. She tried relationships, they always felt wrong. She was asked out by 2 different guys, each time she said yes. She agreed not because the feeling was mutual, but because she hoped she could force herself to feel the same. In the end, she discovered that butterflies are just colourful moths that find home inside of your gut, and mess everything up as they inevitably rot away. Cupid shot Kiyoko with their arrow on multiple occasions; each time left her on the cusp of bleeding out. All everyone cared about was love. As everyone around her found their person, she found herself slowly left behind. Love was in the air, and she was allergic.
In a way, her friends felt bad for her. They didn’t understand, and honestly, neither did she. They frequently tried setting her up on dates. She met all kinds of guys, each one somewhat worse than the last. Every date felt so strange; something wasn’t right. Was that how all dates went? - That’s it? She honestly felt guilty. Her friends put so much effort into those dates, trying to find her soulmate. They genuinely cared about her. They wanted her to experience true love. She felt bad for being so difficult. It got to the point where she’d resort to pretending. She’d choose a random guy in her class, one that was objectively attractive, and led her friend’s to believe her poorly acted out infatuation was true love. A part of her hoped that by lying to her friends, she could lie to herself, and believe it. With fingers crossed, she prayed for her to finally succeed, She hoped that maybe, she’d finally experience the warmth of her heart pounding in her chest. 
Graduation passed her by; it never worked.
To her, it was pointless. She tried it so many times, and in the end, she was always left unsatisfied. She lost faith in her search for love ages ago, and honestly stopped believing in it. Instead of flowers and holding hands with someone, love found her in other strange ways. To her, love was the cat that always met with her on her way to college, or when she found a song that she related to deeply. Love was the face of her mother when she was accepted into college. Love was spending time by herself; writing mediocre poetry, back pressed almost comfortably against a tree. With the exception of her father, love was never the face of a man. That was something she never came to terms with until her early adult years. That was something she thought she'd never understand;
She was wrong.
February was the worst. As if the people around her couldn’t get even more annoying, someone had the bright idea to make a whole day about love. She hated it. The commute to town was even more unbearable than it usually was. Instead of being surrounded by groaning strangers that had too much to drink last night; definitely did not get any sleep, mother’s carrying their screaming babies, the annoying screeching noise that erupted from the train every time it came to a halt, she was surrounded by cheesy lovers that flirted way too loudly. Noise-cancelling headphones were the greatest purchase she ever made.
The train to town was almost worse than the bustling, busy streets. Almost. As if her day couldn’t get any worse, all of her favourite places to spend her lunch were overrun, infected by insufferable couples. She turned her nose up with negativity. She wasn’t mad at them, if anything, she was envious. Why did she have to spend this magical holiday alone? It was unfair. She wanted not just to be loved, but to love. Her head spiralled every time she questioned herself;  she never thought about it too much to prevent her from the gnawing pit that grew within her. It took a few miserable Valentine’s Day’s for her to cultivate a steady ‘celebration’ routine; A survival plan: she would take the train at 8:20, which would be significantly less busy than the one she usually got, put on her headphones, blasted La Dispute for the entire duration of the train ride while staring out the window, and then scurried her way through the hectic crowds to her favorite, quaint, quiet, family-owned coffee shop. There, she would grab the biggest, strongest coffee they had (with a generous amount of caramel syrup, to satiate her sweet tooth), and ploughed through her assignments with peaceful relief etched into every line her pen wrote. 
That was how she spent every Valentine’s Day without fail - Without interruption. She finally had a stable routine that wouldn’t make her feel like a dysfunctional human. A routine that wouldn’t make her feel like there was something wrong with her. A distraction from the onslaught of love that crept up behind her; always facing her back, never once meeting her face to face. Up until now, it almost always went smoothly. It almost worked. She got off the train with high hopes, a subtle smile on her features as she silently appreciated the lyricism of the song she had on shuffle. She had only one notification on her phone: a warning to turn her volume down. All of her friends were busy spending time with their person. Of course they were too busy to text her. With a sigh, she increased the volume to the loudest it could go, and drowned out every thought and jealousy that plagued her mind. She didn’t care about damaging her hearing. At least she wouldn’t have to listen to grown adults talking and cooing to each other like babies. She hated that.
The walk to the coffee shop was fine. She kept to her side of the footpath, and held stern eye contact with the pavement. The cracks in the concrete were way more interesting than the romance that clouded the public anyways. Turning the door-handle, she silently rehearsed her order in her mind, before making her way to the counter. It was relatively quiet; empty. That’s how it normally was. This place was her escape from reality. It was small, quiet, the music they played was nice, and the baristas were always so polite to her. However, as she walked up to the counter, she was unable to recognise the barista behind the register. Was she new? She must’ve been, Kiyoko went there at least three times a week, and never once had she seen her. She wasn’t upset though, not in the slightest. She just hoped she would be as nice as the others. She watched attentively as the girl took the order of the person in front of her. She was smiling widely after each sentence that fled her lips. Not a fake customer-service smile, but a real genuine one. Kiyoko admired that. She continued to watch as she took the money from the customer and quickly placed it into the cash register. In one quick moment, Kiyoko found herself standing speechless directly in front of her. “Hey, what can I get for you?” She asked, giving Kiyoko absolutely zero time to mentally prepare herself to talk to her. She stuttered out her order with a strange feeling in her chest. She cringed at how stupid she sounded. “Of course! Would you like that in a takeaway cup?” She asked, flashing her a smile. It was so strange. Her smile seemed so familiar, so warm. The smile on her face almost made her feel at home; safe. She typed her order into the machine. Kiyoko was relieved - the eye contact was becoming too much for her. “Yes please.” She almost whispered, her voice unusually soft. She only nodded in response, letting out an “mhm!” in acknowledgement. She looked up at Kiyoko again, and she finally understood what it meant to have your heart skip a beat. “That’ll be 5,60! Are you paying with cash or card?”
The moment lasted only 30 seconds at most, and yet Kiyoko felt like she was suffering with a life-long crisis. As she handed her cash to her, she found herself questioning every choice she had ever made that led up to that moment. She couldn’t find the right words to describe how she felt. Conflicted? Confused? She couldn’t think of the right one. She couldn’t think of anything, besides the feeling of her hand touching hers for a split second, as she handed the money to her. She placed the money inside the register just like she did with the last customer. But, unlike she did with them, she leaned over the counter - propping her head up with her hands.
“It’ll be ready in about 5 minutes, pretty.”
With bright red cheeks and wobbly knees, she nodded her head, and almost sprinted to the pick-up counter.
There are a lot of things you could do in 5 minutes. You could listen to a song, count the tiles on the floor, or even count each second down to the last minute. Kiyoko chose neither of those. Instead, she stared at the floor, replaying the interaction in her head over a hundred times. She wasn’t entirely sure what was wrong with her, but one thing she knew for certain was she never felt that way about someone before. Ever. Those five minutes were spent questioning her entire existence. She struggled to come to an obvious conclusion. As it reached the tip of her tongue, her name was called out.
She spoke her name in a way that drove her crazy. The way each syllable rolled off her tongue had her worried she was going to suffer a heart attack. She quickly whipped her head around to face the barista again. She was suddenly very aware of how uncomfortably warm her face was. “You know… your name is almost as pretty as your face.” She almost whispered, a grin widely displayed on her cheeks as her eyes consumed Kiyoko whole. She leaned over the counter again, holding the cup out to Kiyoko. She really liked when she did that - for some strange reason. Her compliment caught Kiyoko completely off guard, hitting her almost like an arrow to the heart. A stupid smile spread out on her face. She wasn’t sure how else to react; It wasn’t socially acceptable to kick your feet and squeal in the middle of a coffee shop. Muttering a shy, “thank you so much!”, she held her hand out to grab the coffee from her. But, before she could get a stable grip on the cup, the barista let go of it too soon, almost out of embarrassment. In doing so, it caused the large, hot coffee to fall directly onto Kiyoko’s hand-made, wool sweater; crashing onto it like a boiling wave, spilling all over her and soaking her in the warm liquid.
There was a moment of mutual shock between them, a brief few seconds spent silently staring at each other. She did a terrible job at hiding the disgusted, uncomfortable look on her face as the coffee seeped through her sweater, ruining the shirt she was wearing under it, and sticking to her bare skin. She looked down to assess the damage done to her clothes. They were ruined. A big, attention-grabbing stain was spread unevenly on her sweater. This was the worst. She looked up at the barista, who looked even more terrified than she was. Her hands flew to cover her mouth, but Kiyoko could see the guilty, fearful look in her eyes. They stayed like that for a few seconds. Uncomfortable silence engulfed the room; like time stopped. Kiyoko didn’t look away from the barista, but she could tell that other people were definitely staring at the two of them. She wanted the ground to swallow her up. The barista was the first one to speak up.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” She could tell by the tone of her voice just how serious she was. Kiyoko opened her mouth to speak, to quickly forgive her. She just wanted to go home. Embarrassment enveloped her entirely, and the strong scent of coffee attacked her nostrils in an almost painful way, but the barista spoke up again. “Wait here, I’ll go get you some tissues!” She pleaded, raising her hands cautiously. She nodded in response, watching in silence as the barista urgently dashed through the door behind her. She silently cursed herself for not staying silent. She wiped her hand on her sweater, before holding it to her face to look at it. Her fingers were stained brown. At least her sweater didn’t absorb it all. She waited at the counter for the barista to return like a deer in headlights. She didn’t close the door to her break-room, so Kiyoko could just barely see her.
She was really pretty. Like, really really pretty. Even in her coffee-stained apron (She’s probably done this before to someone else - Kiyoko almost laughed at the thought), and her hair all messy from a probably stressful day, she was beautiful. Even as she frantically tore apart her break-room, Kiyoko couldn’t help but feel her heart whirling around at her irresistible pulchritude. A dumb smile plastered across Kiyoko's face. Technically, she should feel annoyed. She loved that sweater to death. But, in a weird way, she was glad. She knew that from then on, every time she looked at that stain, she would see a trace of her. Although she wasn’t entirely sure what any of her feelings meant, she didn’t have the time to care. For now, she would just let herself feel whatever feelings she felt, without the need to understand. She would have a crisis later. For now, she needed to befriend the clumsy, pretty barista. 
She speed-walked back to the counter, holding tissues out to her. Realistically, tissues would not reverse any of the damage, but it was the thought that counted. “Here. I’m so sorry about that.” She said, lips curving into an apologetic smile so nice Kiyoko couldn’t help but mirror it. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” She answered, staring at her lips for an embarrassingly long moment, before finally returning to her eyes. She reached out to take the tissues from her hand. Have her fingers always been this shaky? The lack of sleep she got the night before must’ve been affecting her mind, because she could’ve sworn you grazed your hand over hers purposefully. She must’ve imagined it. She awkwardly wiped her sweater with it, staining the tissue in the process. The stain didn’t budge.
The barista cleared her throat. “Would it help if I told you I still think you’re really pretty?” She fidgeted with her hands, an empathetic look in her eyes as she silently hoped to uplift Kiyoko’s spirits. Totally not because she was also insanely into her. Totally. Kiyoko almost dropped the tissue. Hell, she almost dropped her jaw at the sudden flirtatious remark. Her face went hot as the line between a friendly compliment and flirting was incredibly unclear to her. Was she just being nice? “Maybe it would.” She began, raising her hands, leaving the stain on full display. and tilting her head with a smile. “Would it help if I told you I think you’re really cute?” Kiyoko made a mental note to learn how to flirt later. The barista smiled, letting out an airy chuckle. “Well, it wouldn’t help the sweater I ruined, but it would help my ruined confidence.” She joked, looking at the ground. “You shouldn’t be embarrassed, it was my fault.” Kiyoko stated matter-of-factly, the girl looked at her like she had two heads. “Nope. It was my fault, cutie. I won't accept any other opinions.” She said with a wink - a wink that almost made Kiyoko fall over. Her knees were immensely weak, and she couldn’t tell if it was from the nickname, the wink, or both.
She sighed with defeat knowing not to debate with her any further. “Does it look like I just shit myself?” She asked with a laugh. The barista laughed with her, which only sorta, kind of, slightly, made her heart flutter. “Nah, more like someone shit on you.” She responded, scratching her chin in playful thought. “I’m seriously so sorry about that by the way. Let me make you another coffee, free of charge. Is there anything else I can do to help?” She asked, her words laced with genuine interest. She grabbed an empty cup, writing something on it before turning around and beginning to make her drink. Kiyoko waved her hands dismissively. “Don’t be sorry, accidents happen! - At least now I have an excuse to talk to you longer.” If she didn’t stutter her way through that sentence, it probably would’ve sounded way less pathetic. Unfortunately, Kiyoko felt she wasn’t anything but pathetic. She wasn’t aware of how it took everything in the barista not to get on one knee and propose to her at that very second. “You have a point. Maybe it’s a good thing I spilled it on you.” She chuckled, turning back around to face her again, handing her the new drink - carefully this time. 
“Um, this might be incredibly out of line, but could I maybe get your number?” She smiled nervously at Kiyoko. Normally, whenever a guy asked her for her number, it made her scoff and roll her eyes. But she was different, Kiyoko never nodded her head so enthusiastically in her life. “Yeah, of course!” She did little to hide the excitement laced in her words. The barista smiled the widest she’d seen that morning. Whispering a quiet “thank you,” she handed Kiyoko her phone, and she shakily typed in her number.
“Oh uh, I never got your name?” Through a smile, she responded, “it’s Y/n.”
“Y/n..” she repeated, handing her her phone back, “that’s a really pretty name. It suits you.” With every sentence it was as if their smiles grew tenfold; heightened by mutual happiness. “Thanks Kiyoko, your name is lovely too.” “Shimizu.” She corrected abruptly, y/n furrowed her brow in response. “Please, call me Shimizu.” she almost begged, craving to taste her name on her tongue. “Well then, Shimizu. It was lovely meeting you. I’ll stop bothering you and let you enjoy your coffee, for now.” She winked again, doing very little absolutely nothing to help convince Kiyoko she’s still straight. “For now?” She asked, confused. “Well I’ll definitely be texting you after my shift, so, for now, I will grant you peace and quiet.” She laughed her words out, to which Kiyoko reciprocated.
“I definitely won’t enjoy it when I could be talking to you instead.” Kiyoko took a sip from her drink. If she wasn’t sure then, the deliciousness of her coffee definitely confirmed just how in love Kiyoko was with her barista. She laughed, “Call me whenever you want someone to spill coffee on you. I’ve proven myself to be very good at that”
“Oh believe me, I will.”
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artsemry · 1 year
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Enjoy some Kiyoko content ❤️
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meofthoois · 3 months
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Karasuno girls <3
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semifilms · 8 months
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SEMI, SUGAWARA, osamu, IWAIZUMI, sakusa, ARAN, USHIJIMA, tsukishima, konoha, KAGEYAMA, kiyoko, KITA, KYOTANI, aone, saeko
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offbrandkyoya · 5 months
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HOW TO GET A LOVER - kageyama tobio x reader
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summary: kageyama has a crush on you and tries to win your heart with the help of his friends
pairing: kageyama tobio x reader
genre/tags: smau, high school, love at first sight? miscommunication, hard pinning, comedy, volleyball talk
warning: swearing, kys jokes, nsfw jokes
taglist: open!
note: this doesn’t follow the hq timeline
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[1] freaky kageyama
[2] no name no game
[3] step 1: name
[4] cookie and milk
[5] milk chan irl
[6] date?
[7] abort mission
[8] like
[9] still step 1
[10] wait a minute
[11] secret
[12] falling for you
[13] as friends
[14] yogurt feed
[15] waste
[16] hit tweet
[17] amazing
[18] chat
[19] manifestation
[20] shoyo rescue
[21] milk chan
[22] step 2: interests
[23] oomf stage
[24] tutor
[25] yogurt chan
[26] oomf gang
[27] jellyama
[28] ice rizz
[29] steps further
more to be added…
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yulchi · 1 month
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haikyuu day 2024!
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emotional-moss · 2 months
despite the fact that it’s like 2014 in japan during haikyuu i choose to believe that the volleyball teams just. don’t process homophobia. kageyama is too busy thinking about volleyball (and by extension hinata) to worry about sexuality at all and one time he walked in on two girls from his class kissing by the vending machine and they started freaking out and he was like “???? I just want some milk.” hinata is also mostly too focused on volleyball for sexuality like he processes that he likes girls because girls are pretty and make his heart beat faster but also he’s definitely had weird crushes on the tiny giant and bokuto and some other players (kageyama) he just hasn’t registered it yet. tsukishima knows he’s gay (yamaguchi) and considers it beneath him to be mean to someone for their sexuality, that’s just cheap, there are better things you can make fun of someone for. yamaguchi agrees with him by association and also because he doesn’t know WHAT he feels for tsukishima but it’s not platonic and he freaks out about it a little bit but not because tsukishima’s a guy, but because he’s so cool and could date someone better. tanaka and nishinoya are aggressively heterosexual (for the most part. nishinoya and asahi) but are very homoerotic with one another in their aggressive heterosexuality and everybody’s just gotten used to it. asahi is an enormous scary looking grown ass man who has the personality of a baby deer which is already strange so they just shrug and accept it when nishinoya is basically his protector at all times. daichi and sugawara are basically a married couple already by the fact that being captain and vice captain of karasuno is like taking care of a bunch of tall hyperactive preschoolers. it is known to everyone that yachi basically has a flaming enormous crush on shimizu and they all just shrug and accept it because it’s shimizu, who wouldn’t have a crush on her? do you see my vision
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balee-art · 5 months
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Iwa gives himself up for the "good of the mission".
Bonus Kiyoko x tanaka:
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akaakeis · 26 days
going on a drive with them -- multi .ᐟ.ᐟ
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pairing(s) : bokuto kōtarō, kuroo tetsurō, suna rintarō, sakusa kiyoomi, and kiyoko shimizu x gn!reader (separate!!)
wc : ~200 each .ᐟ
notes//cw : happy 300 posts !! this is me brain dumping bc i haven't posted any writing lately,, food is mentioned in suna's and kuroo's,, they are the ones driving in this hc- let me know if u want a ver. w the reader driving!,, i think that's it tho!! lmk if i missed anything <3
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𖥔  oh gosh... a car ride with kōtarō bokuto is never dull.
𖥔  he loves randomly taking you out for drives!!
𖥔  he's gonna keep a hand on you AT ALL TIMES!! like he'll either have it on your leg or you'll both be resting your arms on the compartment between the seats, holding hands.
𖥔  he will BEG you to take the aux cause he loves your music taste <3
𖥔  if he knows the song well enough he will sing along as you two drive!!
𖥔  not simply singing along though...
𖥔  he will lock in and shout out those lyrics, eventually getting you to sing along with him
𖥔  he probably took you out for the drive a bit before the sunset... yes he planned that!! but akaashi suggested the time LMAO
𖥔  when the sun starts to set, you guys drive into an empty area by the side of the road, and you guys get out of the car
𖥔  and he'll get you both up on the roof of the car!! he brought blankets and stuff too
𖥔  the two of you just sit on the roof of the car and watch the sunset together, all huddled up in the blankets he brought <33
𖥔  on the drive back home, you play softer music and yap about your days together :)
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𖥔  it's not a drive with tetsurō kuroo unless it's a late night!!
𖥔  he would be trying to fall asleep but fail miserably, resorting to just waking you up 😭
𖥔  "wanna go drive thru somewhere?"
𖥔  you, in a half-awake state mutter an agreement, getting out of bed and into the car
𖥔  he'll hold your hand as you guys drive and you take the aux out of habit
𖥔  it's safe to say you guys end up having a full on karaoke session in the car once you wake up a bit more!!
𖥔  you guys drive through some random 24hr drive thru and pull into the (extremely empty, desolate even) parking lot to eat your food
𖥔  the two of you end up chilling in the car for the rest of the night!! you use your phone and pull up a show the two of you have been watching and you prop it up on the dash of the car LMAOO
𖥔  so the night turns into a binge watching of some tv series accompanied by a drive thru and some karaoke!!
𖥔  "oh my god we have morning classes tomorrow."
𖥔  yeah maybe it wasn't the best idea BUT AT LEAST IT WAS A LOT OF FUN!!
𖥔  you both end up speeding home and knocking out asap in an attempt to get some rest before pounding your head with information right when you wake up
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𖥔  yeah... rintarō suna only takes you on late night drives too.
𖥔  he would randomly start spam texting you in the middle of the night saying "let's go to (some 24 hour drive thru)"
𖥔  and you were still awake so why not?
𖥔  he has a DEATHGRIP on having the aux... in the car, don't expect to get the aux unless he's converted you into a severe underground music glazer.
𖥔  he'll be playing the most unknown songs to mankind... but they're honestly pretty good!!
𖥔 it's a pretty chill car ride, honestly
𖥔  you'll be leaning over on his shoulder and just vibing out w the music
𖥔  he'd be telling you about the song and the artist too :))
𖥔  when you're done with that car ride you will have like... 5 new music artists that you like
𖥔  anyway you guys go through the drive thru pretty quick and you head straight home!!
𖥔  once ygs get home you go to his room and continue listening to his playlist and chat while you eat your food <3
𖥔  it ends up becoming a gossip session LMAO
𖥔  ALSO!! you guys pull an all nighter together
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𖥔  kiyoomi sakusa took you out for a drive because you weren't able to sleep <3
𖥔  he thought that going for a drive would help to calm your nerves and make you sleepy
𖥔  honestly he was right because he's a really good driver... the ride wasn't bumpy at all!!
𖥔  he holds onto your hand as you guys drive and he lets you use the aux- you opt for calmer music so that he enjoys it too :)
𖥔  he also tells you about his day since he knows you like the sound of his voice
𖥔  just random yapping so that you get to listen to him talk... his voice is so soothing!!!
𖥔  did i mention when he's holding onto your hand he's running his thumb back and forth on the back of your hand
𖥔  he doesn't notice at first when you fall asleep but when he does? he shuts up and and finds himself smiling at how cute you look when you're asleep
𖥔  he drives back home and carries you into the house, putting you into bed before crawling in after you
𖥔  it was a super duper peaceful night <33
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𖥔  kiyoko shimizu had a plan before taking you out for a drive!!
𖥔  she didn't tell you anything and was purposely vague about where you would both be going <3
𖥔  she took you out for the drive when the sun was setting, and you guys were aimlessly driving around for about an hour while listening to music on the radio <3
𖥔  you guys got to chat a lot during the drive, and for the entirety of that time, she had one of your hands pulled onto her lap as she drove!! <3
𖥔  when the lights were finally showing up in the sky you guys were in a very rural area, just so that you could see it better
𖥔  the two of you sat on the hood of the car and watch the lights until they went away <3
𖥔  and!!! you guys were cuddled up and sharing a blanket that she always keeps in the back seat of her car for you :)
𖥔  you took a bunch of pictures of the lights- mostly her, but also a couple of the lights-
𖥔  while you guys were watching the lights, you ended up talking about your plans for the future and how she was a part of them <3
𖥔  it was a very soft night for you guys!!
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notes :: 
okay i kept giggling while i wrote this 
i love hcs because you dont have to expand on them its just what it is
happy 300 posts!! (im not even at 100 followers yet BYE IM A SPAM POSTER!! I CANT HELP IT!!)
if you enjoyed this, please consider checking out my masterlist!
and following maybe 😋 
btw requests are always welcome!! id love to write stuff for you guys <3
have a lovely morning/afternoon/night!!
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🏷️ :: @bokukos + @iiwaijime <3 (i just realized i messed up your user... sorry alina!! 😭)
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stellaloony · 5 months
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akiisks · 10 months
I miss haikyuu sm (and I wanted to practice drawing more girls)
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m-artsoul · 4 days
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PDA (for my unfinished fic)
hiii I'm back with another (it's the third one already lol) illustration for my tskym story. still unfinished/unpublished, but you know... anyway, here's an excerpt:
Their first kiss in public happened at a farewell dinner, after their upperclassmen retrieved their graduation papers and shed the last tears in the gym they had played in for three years. The restaurant was buzzing with the laughter and chatter of twelve teenage volleyball players, their managers and their coaches. The wide smiles on their tear-streaked faces made Kei's inside feel warm. Still, his focus was on rilling up his fellow first (technically pretty much second) years.
He took a bite of his food, sneaking a glance at Tadashi. Tadashi, who was already looking at him. His gaze was soft, a smile turning his eyes into half-moons. He was propping his head on his knuckles, as if he was watching his favorite show.
“What?” inquired Kei, pulling down his eyebrows.
Something gleamed in those brown eyes. Tadashi looked around before grabbing a menu from the table and unfolding it. Kei opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Tadashi's face was right in front of his. Soft lips pressed against his ones, sending an electric shock across his spine. The menu was hiding them from the prying eyes and yet, he thought his heart was about to explode.
Almost as soon as the kiss started, it ended. Tadashi went back to his meal like nothing ever happened. Kei's brain was working overtime trying to reboot.
“You look a bit fried there, Tsukishima,” commented Kageyama, entirely too pleased with the situation.
“Uwah! His face is so red!” added Hinata.
Frankly, Kei didn't have the mental power to think of anything clever. His lips were still prickly. His head felt both too full and too empty to form coherent sentences.
“Uh-huh,” he said, ever so eloquently.
The table roared with laughter. Teasing comments flew around the room, their senpais delighted to see him reduced to speechlessness. Kei didn't mind them. Honestly, he didn't care about much at that moment. He could see Tadashi's slightly trembling hands and his cheeky smile was accompanied with a nice dark color flooding his freckled cheeks and he found himself focusing on that completely.
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haikyuu-moments · 17 days
when kiyoko, yachi and takeda sensei made onigiri for the karasuno boys, they turned into cute hungry puppies. the woof woofs were a sound of pure joy. i thought now the crows were gonna be called wild dogs 😆
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osamiuya · 1 month
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some of my favourite post-chapter sketches from the manga!
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Karasuno's woman lovers
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bubunji · 2 months
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P.1 of my hq doodles as of late
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