#kj apa x oc
eddysocs · 3 months
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Brennan Marks x Jamie Tartt Ship Board
Send me 💕 + a ship and I’ll make a moodboard!
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile
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tylerandcrystal · 9 days
James Miller, a werewolf, must help his friend deal with the consequences of being bitten, while also navigating his own feelings for Allison Argent, the daughter of the hunters who are after him.
Allison Argent X oc
Season 1
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"sorry to keep you waiting, but now I'm all yours."
CRYSTAL REED as Allison Argent
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"Do I make you nervous?"
The rest of the cast of Teen Wolf.
James Miller, a 17-year-old alpha werewolf, lived under the protection of the Hale family in Beacon Hills after being abandoned by his biological family. His life changes when Scott McCall, a schoolmate, is bitten by a new and powerful alpha. Derek Hale orders James to keep an eye on Scott to maintain the secrecy of werewolves and prevent trouble with hunters.
James also faces romantic rivalry with Scott for the affection of Allison Argent, the daughter of a family of hunters. As the new alpha threatens to destabilize the city and the conflict between hunters and werewolves intensifies, James must choose between protecting his friends and following his own heart.
The familiar shadows of the Beacon Hills reserve surrounded me, but there was something different in the air that night. A sense of unease, as if the forest itself was holding its breath. I knew this place better than I knew myself. I understood what it was capable of and what it hid among its trees. When I saw Scott McCall emerge from the bushes, I let out a sigh. What the hell was he doing here?
Scott had always been a quiet guy, one of those who tried to stay out of trouble. Different from his friend Stiles, who seemed to attract problems like a magnet. We were "friends," or at least something similar. We chatted occasionally between classes, but nothing deeper.
From the shadows, I watched him move forward. Something dark and ominous hovered around him. Each step was slower, heavier, as if the ground itself was trying to hold him back. When he stopped at a fork in the path, I saw his body tense up, as if he sensed danger. A dull noise from between the trees made him jump. He reached for his inhaler in his pocket, but the sound changed, turning into a deep rumble, like a wave approaching.
My heartbeat quickened. I knew what was about to happen. Then, suddenly, a dozen deer burst out from the underbrush, racing past Scott in a wild stampede. He dropped the inhaler as he struggled to regain his balance, but what the flickering light of his phone illuminated was something horrifying: a face, torn in half. A girl, her body mangled and broken among the leaves. A choked scream escaped her mouth as she stumbled back.
"Scott!" I wanted to yell, but my voice remained trapped in my throat. He slipped, tumbling down the slope, and without thinking twice, I followed him. My heart pounded furiously in my chest. I knew what was coming.
Then I felt it: a low, menacing growl that made my nerves tremble. I froze, and so did Scott. The creature was about to strike. I could feel it moving in the darkness, its heavy breath mingling with the scent of blood. In that moment, everything seemed to slow down.
I lunged forward, but I was already too late. The shadow pounced on him, its white, razor-sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight. "Scott!" I screamed, reaching out to him as the creature struck. I watched him fall, blood flowing. Its scent hit me, nauseating me. I had to intervene.
I positioned myself between him and the beast, my heart racing, and let the wolf inside me emerge. A fierce growl erupted from my chest. "Leave him alone!" I roared, my voice turning into an animalistic growl. "Let him go!"
The alpha stopped, its red eyes like blood gazing at me. An instant of hesitation, as if it was assessing whether I was a threat. Then, slowly, with a fluid and ruthless motion, it turned and walked away. Scott remained still, paralyzed by fear.
"Run!" I shouted, pouring all my will into the words. "Scott, get out of here!"
For a moment, he stood frozen, confused and scared, but then something unlocked within him. He turned and started running, disappearing into the shadows of the forest.
A sense of relief washed over me, but only for an instant. I knew Scott was safe... at least for now.
But he didn't know who I was. He didn't recognize my face, hidden behind the wolf's form, nor my eyes burning bright red. And maybe, that was for the best.
I reached a safe spot and called the only person who could help me understand what had just happened.
"Derek, you need to come to Beacon Hills right away!"
His response was immediate, tense. "What happened?"
"An alpha. He bit a boy. You might want to-"
The line cut off with a sharp beep. Derek had hung up. Damn it.
I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated. I knew Derek would come. And I knew that things were about to get very, very complicated.
I'm blindly slipping into my pants, my mind still foggy with sleep. Derek is there, leaning against the door with his arms crossed and that impassive expression that makes me want to scream. One eyebrow is raised ever so slightly, and I can already feel the lecture coming.
"Follow him? Are you serious?" I burst out, my voice sharp as a knife.
"Yes." He's firm, convinced, as if he's talking about the weather. To him, everything is simple and clear: it's like a well-marked road. Black or white.
I huff, irritated. "I'm not going to babysit."
And he doesn't waver. "You're not babysitting. You just need to keep an eye on him, talk to him, help him."
I laugh, but there's nothing funny about my smile. "Hey, I don't even know him."
Derek stares at me with that calmness that seems almost unnatural. "You go to school together."
"What? I've exchanged a couple of words with him in the hallway, if that's good for ten times." I throw him a penetrating look. "That's not enough to say that I know him."
"Then it'll be the perfect opportunity to get to know him," he replies, without a moment's hesitation.
I sigh, the tension already palpable in the air. "Do you realize it will be weird? Really weird."
Derek doesn't flinch. "You can handle 'weird.'"
I make an irritated sound as I put on my t-shirt, avoiding his gaze that seems to read my thoughts. "No, I really don't think-"
"There's another alpha in town, James," he interrupts, his voice now harder. His arms are crossed tight, as if they bear the weight of what he's not saying. "You've noticed, right?"
I stop, a low growl rising in my throat. "So what? Am I supposed to babysit his betas?"
Derek steps forward, his voice intense as if he wants to shake something inside me. "You're an alpha too. Don't you get it? It's your responsibility."
I feel the blood pounding in my temples. "Derek, I want a normal life! Go to school, fall in love, party... like all the other guys."
He shakes his head, incredulous. "We're not like the others."
His tone irritates me even more, and my self-control begins to crumble. "Yeah, but I've tried not to be like you guys since that day, and you know it." His eyes drop for a moment, and I know he understands which day I'm referring to. The fire. The night I lost everything.
But he doesn't give in. With a softer yet firm tone, he says, "So why did you try to save that boy?"
I look at him incredulously. "What does that mean? Should I have let him die?"
"No," he replies, and there's a challenge in his voice, an invitation to reflect beyond the immediate. "But your alpha instinct told you to protect him."
I feel like I might explode. "Oh, no. Don't try to draw me into this kind of discussion, Derek."
Derek doesn't respond right away. He approaches my bed, grabs my backpack, and throws it at me. "You don't want to be late on your first day of school, do you?"
I catch the backpack midair, my heart pounding furiously. "The conversation always ends when you decide it does."
He smiles, just a hint, but enough to make me want to throw something at him. "When you realize you don't have a choice."
I sigh, feeling the bitterness building inside me. "One day, I swear, I'll stop listening to you."
Derek comes closer, places a hand on my shoulder, and looks into my eyes, his features softer than usual. "Yes, but today isn't that day."
My eyelids feel heavy, but I don't look away. "I hate you," I mutter, but my voice doesn't carry any real weight.
He chuckles softly, a deep sound that fills the room, and I can almost see a hint of affection in his eyes. Deep down, I know that despite my wish to rebel, I can't help but listen to him. And despite everything, I'm not ready to distance myself from him. Not yet.
The roar of my motorcycle engine echoed as I approached the school entrance. With a smooth motion, I parked and took off my helmet, allowing my mind to focus on the fragments of conversation drifting into my ears. Scott and Stiles were deep in an animated discussion.
Stiles: "Okay, tell me everything. Ooh!"
Scott: "Yeah... Wow! It was too dark to see clearly, but I'm sure it was a wolf."
Stiles: "Did a wolf bite you?"
Scott: "Uh-huh."
Stiles: "No way."
Scott: "I heard a wolf howling."
Stiles: "No, you did not."
Scott: "How do you know what I heard?"
I stepped closer, getting a clear view of them. Scott looked troubled, a mix of fear and confusion in his eyes. It was clear he was trying to piece together a situation that seemed to be slipping away from him.
Without thinking too much, I approached them with a confident and laid-back tone: "Hey, guys!"
The two whipped around to face me. Stiles jumped in surprise. Then, with a forced smile and tense shoulders, he greeted me, "Oh, hey, James!" It was a little too friendly for my taste. "Did you hear what we were talking about?"
While Scott appeared lost, as if he was trying to determine whether all of this was real or a dream.
I smiled calmly: "No... Why? Should I have?"
"No, no! We were just discussing boring stuff, you know... nothing special."
A silence stretched between us as I observed them. Then I turned to Scott, who hadn't spoken a word until then. "Scott, what about you? You okay?"
Scott looked at me, and for a moment, I could read a shadow of confusion in his eyes, a foggy memory struggling to surface. "Uh... yeah, yeah... I guess I'm okay."
He doesn't know I was the one who saved him, that I threw myself between him and that beast last night. It's better he doesn't find out. Not yet.
At that point, Stiles, nervously chuckling and trying to save his best friend, declared: "Yeah, perfect! Like always, right?"
I watched them, aware that they were trying to hide something, but I knew better. It was a reality they hadn't yet confronted. I smiled, echoing Stiles' words: "Perfect, sure... like always."
In that moment, I caught sight of Lydia Martin strolling along the outside corridor like a model on a runway. Her red hair sparkled in the sunlight, and her smile was confident and magnetic. Stiles and I exchanged a glance and, almost in sync, greeted her: "Hey, Lydia!"
She looked at me and smiled, giving me a nod, but only to me, leaving Stiles completely ignored.
I said, smiling: "Maybe she didn't hear you."
Scott burst out laughing, and Stiles shot me a mock-indignant look.
"But she waved to you!"
I shrugged. "Maybe she meant to wave to you too."
Stiles shot an accusatory glance at Scott. "You're the cause of all this, you know. You've dragged me into your nerd abyss. I've become a nerd by association. I've been scarlet-nerded by you."
I smiled, amused by the scene unfolding before me. I turned back to Scott, who was still hiding his discomfort behind a forced smile. I knew something inside him was changing, and he would soon have to face the reality of what had happened. He was searching for answers. But I wasn't ready to give them to him yet.
It was the first day of English class, and the room was filled with a hum of voices and the sounds of chairs scraping against the floor. I walked into the classroom and immediately spotted Scott sitting next to Stiles, both already deep in an animated discussion.
The atmosphere shifted instantly as MR. CURTIS, the teacher, entered with a deliberate and authoritative stride.
"As you all know, a body was found in the woods last night. I'm sure your curious little minds are already conjuring up all sorts of macabre scenarios about how it happened, but I've been informed that the police have a suspect in custody."
Scott shot a surprised glance at Stiles. I was equally taken aback by this revelation. I had no idea there was already a suspect.
"So now that the gossip has been set aside, you can devote your full attention to the syllabus on your desks. Read it now. And by reading, I don't mean just giving it a quick glance."
The students buried themselves in their reading, but an unexpected CELL PHONE RINGING broke the silence. Scott looked up, confused, and I did the same, scanning for the source of the disturbance. Despite the class being immersed in silence, the ringing persisted audibly. My eyes landed on the windows of the classroom.
Outside, beyond the courtyard, a girl I had never seen before caught my attention. She appeared to be around sixteen, with a radiant and innocent beauty. I watched her lift the phone to her ear, realizing that it was her call, despite the distance and closed windows.
I noticed that Scott, like me, could hear her conversation.
"Mom, three calls on the first day is a bit much."
"I just wanted to make sure you arrived safely and that you have everything you need."
The girl rummaged through her bag, clearly anxious.
"I have everything except a pen. Oh my God, I can't believe I forgot a pen."
"Don't worry. I'm sure you can borrow one from another student."
"Okay, okay, I have to go. Love you."
Scott seemed completely captivated by the scene, as me. I saw the principal approaching the girl on the steps of the building. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting."
The principal guided her through the courtyard, and their conversation grew clearer as they approached the building.
"So you were telling me that San Francisco isn't where you grew up?"
"No, but we stayed there for over a year, which is unusual for my family. We move around a lot because of my dad's job."
Even as they vanished from sight, I could still hear the noise of the door opening and the clicking of their footsteps in the hallway.
"Well, let's hope Beacon Hills is your last stop for a while."
The classroom door opened, and all eyes turned up.
"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome."
Allison. That was her name. I watched her walk to the only empty desk, situated right behind Scott. I noticed Scott holding his breath, unsure of what to do. I decided to take the initiative. I stood up, pulled a pen from my pocket, and walked over to her with a friendly smile. "Here, you can use mine."
Allison looked at me, surprised, and then smiled gratefully. "Thanks! How did you know?"
"That's usually how we welcome people to Beacon Hills." I flashed a grin.
Allison seemed amused, but the firm tone of MR. CURTIS interrupted our conversation.
"Mr. Miller... I appreciate your enthusiasm, but could you please return to your seat so we can start the lesson?"
With a wider smile, I nodded. "Sure, Mr. Curtis, I'll sit down right away."
I returned to my desk, not before throwing one last glance at Allison, who was trying to suppress a laugh. I felt Scott's eyes on me as I took my seat. Stiles, sitting next to him, was chuckling under his breath.
Scott looked a bit annoyed, but I shrugged it off. I settled back in my seat, maintaining a confident smile, wondering who this girl was that had caught both Scott's... and my... attention.
"Alright, let's begin with Kafka..."
I took one last look at Scott, still distracted by Allison. As I pretended to focus on Kafka, I knew that this girl had just made the day a lot more interesting.
I was grabbing a snack from the vending machine when I noticed Lydia grabbing Allison by the arm, guiding her towards a group of guys gathered at the end of the hallway. Among them was Jackson, the captain of the lacrosse team, who shared my reputation as one of the best players in school.
I decided to approach them.
Scott, in the meantime, was following my every step, and I could feel his gaze on me, like a silent shadow.
"Hey, hi! I didn't think I'd see you again so soon," I said when my eyes met Allison's.
"Hey, pen guy."
"I'm James, by the way." I offered my hand with an affable smile, and she shook it, amused. God, I wished I could hold it forever.
"I see, is this how you made an impression?" Jackson interrupted with his usual annoying tone. "Did you give her your pen?"
We're friends, but sometimes I just can't understand how he manages to be so irritating.
Amused, I gave him a friendly nudge, trying to diffuse the tension.
Finally, Lydia spoke up, tired of our banter. "You're coming to the party, right Allison?"
"A party?" Allison seemed surprised.
"Friday night. You should come," Jackson continued, his enthusiasm evident.
"I can't. It's family night this Friday. But thanks for the invite," Allison replied, and my mind started racing. Why are you lying, girl?
Jackson, insensitive to the nuances, insisted. "Are you sure? Everyone's going after the scrimmage."
"You mean like football?" Allison asked, clearly confused.
Jackson and I exchanged a knowing glance: we both knew how this conversation would end.
"What's football?" I said, playing my part to lighten the mood.
Jackson went on, "Football's a joke here at Beacon. The real sport here is lacrosse. We've won the state championship the last three-"
Lydia, proudly pointed at Jackson. "Thanks to a certain team captain."
"It's funny how I never get any recognition. I'm the one who makes the most assists in every game," I grumbled, but my frustration melted away when Allison laughed.
"Oh sorry, James," Lydia interrupted, the attention turning back to us.
Jackson continued to boast, "Every season starts with a scrimmage to decide the new starting lineup. Have you ever seen lacrosse?"
Allison replied, "Actually, I'm not sure how it's played, other than-well, it's violent."
"Maybe you should come see for yourself. We have practice in a few minutes. You're not going anywhere, are you?" Jackson said, his eyes locked on her.
Allison looked at me and then said, "Well, no, I was just heading-"
"Perfect. Come with us," Lydia interrupted, with her usual authority.
"It seems like the ice queen decides for all of us," I commented, pointing at Lydia with an ironic smile.
Allison laughed again, and the sound was the most beautiful in the world. But why are you thinking about these things, James? Wake up.
Suddenly, I felt a shift in the atmosphere. Thanks to my werewolf nature, I had developed a surprising ability to pick up on others' emotions. The tension in the room was palpable, and from afar, I could clearly sense Scott's annoyance.
Scott was at the end of the hallway, visibly frustrated. I felt his discontent like a wave of cold air. His attention was fixed on me and Allison, and I knew his dismay was growing.
The sound of the final bell signaled the end of classes, and the hallway instantly filled with students heading toward the exit, eager to kick off their afternoon. I, along with Allison, Lydia, and Jackson, made our way to the lacrosse field - our go-to spot for sports and some downtime.
"If you've never seen a lacrosse game," I said to Allison as we walked side by side, "today's the perfect day for it. Tryouts are always a lively event."
Allison looked at me, and I could see genuine interest in her eyes, a curiosity shimmering bright. "I've never seen one live," she admitted, "but I've heard it's pretty intense. It must be really exciting."
I shot her a knowing glance and smiled, trying to draw her in. "It is," I replied. "Especially when our team is out there. Jackson's good, but I give him a run for his money."
She smiled back, amused. "Oh really? What's your role?"
"I play center," I said, a hint of pride creeping into my voice. "Basically, I do the dirty work, but it's a lot of fun." I winked at her. "And if you want, I could show you some tricks."
Allison laughed, the sound bright and clear. Lydia, walking next to us, shot me a teasing look.
"James, when you're done flirting, let me know," she said, a playful smirk on her face.
Jackson chimed in, impatience evident in his tone, "Guys, enough with the small talk. We need to get ready for tryouts, and I intend to make a statement."
We reached the lacrosse field, spotting a group of students already waiting. Scott, dressed in his gear, was preparing. I gestured toward the field, speaking to Allison.
"This is the turf. Trust me, it's a whole different thing when you're in the heat of action," I said excitedly. "See you later."
As I walked away, I felt Allison's gaze lingering on me. Scott noticed us arriving and waved at Allison, who smiled back. I approached the tryout group, ready to prove myself. The whistle
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hxlsteads · 6 years
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Pairing: KJ Apa x Reader
Prompts #49 and #51: “Your lips are really warm.” and “You’ve kissed me about ten times.” “Well, how do you feel about another ten?”
“And cut!” The bellowing howl of the director echoed throughout the set space signaling much to your delight, the end the yet another long-winded; and in this case very very intense scene. Come to think of it, this shouldn’t have come to much surprise. Even in the short season you’ve spent filming this show, it was still just about enough time to become blinded by the chaos put into each and every scene.
You can’t exactly fault it though; it had its effects. I mean the show is a worldwide hit and you’re just lucky at this point to be along for the ride.
The show was everything you. The storylines, the mystery, your character, her friends... her possibly ‘more than friends’ friend.
In the most recent episodes, you found yourself thrown into filming situations you had yet to experience in your short-lived acting career. I guess the extra role in Barney didn’t give you much career preparation as you’d originally assumed. At five being on the big screen, you would’ve thought of yourself to be gold. An Oscar-winning performer with every trick in the book under your arsenal... but that just wasn’t the case.
You can remember clearly your first day on the job; a few initial welcomes followed by the revelation brought to your attention by Roberto; that throughout the season your build-up of character will lead you into the arms of another man- Archie Andrews.
You just expect that sort of thing to be awkward. Yes, on one hand, you were more than fully aware of KJ’s undeniably rugged good looks, but on the other, you barely knew this guy and you were expected to be theoretically in love with him. Besides, it was made pretty clear long before in the media that he was indeed a taken man.
The last thing you wanted was a girlfriend or ex to be treading on your toes. You felt like you had to walk on eggshells around him constantly; not knowing how awkwardly your scenes would pan out or even what his opinion on the whole ordeal was; especially after having worked so closely alongside Camila.
But that was before you knew KJ; the real him...
Once you did the rest was history. As cringy as it sounds that’s the truth. You hit it off like best friends; your individual touches of humor bouncing off one another until you were both raddled with laughter and unable to see an end. And best friends soon turned into more once he denied all dating rumors and made his highly anticipated move.
He was smooth. Eased into the relationship without going full force like a lot of men in my life tended to do. You appreciated that and you were happy. Over the moon more like. It was nice for you to finally have that someone that fills the small void left in your heart as it had shattered the last time around. You swore yourself off men until he came around and patched your thoughts up only as time progressed up until now. Filming intimate moments on screen that we had to play off as ‘acting’...
Clutching the door of my trailer you let my mind skim over the recent role you had to play and relive the moment his lips grazed yours over and over again. Your characters have kissed what... four times in total and it’s not like you haven’t outside of set but it’s just different. It’s like you can live vicariously through your on-screen relationship full well knowing your personal one is still disclosed information only known by the two of you. Feeling yourself drifting way off into the deep depths of your thoughts you sauntered in, finally twisting on your heels to shut the rest of the world away and have some much-needed downtime. ‘4am starts will forever be the death of me but it’s nothing that coffee, a nice long nap-’ you mentally scoffed before noticing the tall, clearly toned build leaning confidently against your door-frame. ‘And KJ apparently can’t fix...’ you added quickly, feeling your cheeks blush as his chocolate brown gaze burrowed deeply into your own stare.
“You going to invite me in aye?” He spoke; his accent running thick through his words leaving you slightly weak at the knees. Even through teasing, his accent will be an entirely long weakness in your eyes.
“Maybe... But you’ll have to know the password.” you retorted, witnessing as his cheeks grew fuller and a signature grin soon appeared on his face.
“That’s easy. KJ is daddy.”
You couldn’t help but let a chuckle escape your lips as you recalled the countless times you’ve been asked in the past whether you thought KJ was the ‘daddiest of the group’. You shifted your body to the side as you nodded your head to signal his ability to enter which he promptly accepted. “Make yourself at home, I guess,” you muttered, reaching instantly for your phone the second you heard the affirmative click of the door shutting.
You scrolled through the almost endless amount of notifications plastered across your lock screen forgetting instantly about the other figure lingering in the room. Unintentional at first but you became too caught up in the unread messages and emails which all had to clearly be paid close attention to. As your eyes darted through the different applications listed with notifications; I mean seriously how many alerts do I need telling me ‘colesprouse has posted a photo.’, your glance briefly scanned two text messages, one from Cami alongside another from your mom asking you to ‘call her as soon as you’re free’. You just about had enough time to process that... nothing more, on the other hand.
I guess it’s just that hard to remain focused when the most recent biggest distraction in your life is conveniently placed right ahead of your now lifted eyeline, shirtless with small beads of sweat dripping perfectly down each crevasse and indent marked across his herculean chest...
‘What are you trying to do Apa? Seduce me, huh?” you jerked, stepping closer to his body- furthermore regretting your decision as the heat from his skin transfers across to yours in a split second.
“Maybe.” He grinned as he placed his hand against your cheek to allow his fingers to cascade smoothly down to your chin. God, this man... his touch drove you mad at this point. This was only heightened as he let out a soft sigh, “This is one of the only times since we’ve been together that we’ve got some alone time. So forgive me, babe, if I want to play mission impossible and steal my girl from the cast for a few minutes.”
‘My girl’.
You kept playing those exact words in your head on repeat. Like a broken record that had no physical end. But you didn’t want it to end... ever! It was just something you never quite imagined rolling off his lips so effortlessly. “You got me good Kage, but thinking logically you love sleep just as much as I do and you’ve kissed me about ten times in what, the past hour?”
“Well, how do you feel about another ten aye?” His voice was gravelly, longing for the indication on my behalf for a pure recreation of the endless kisses delivered in our last scene. Except this is far from acting now. The darkness that had flushed over his glassed orbs a tell-tale sign he wouldn’t be leaving this trailer without stealing yet another kiss-off of you. Not that you oppose of that idea but he’s getting it too easy nowadays.
Although in reality, he is hard to resist... just look at him.
“Honestly you are going to be the death of me KJ Apa. But then again your lips are really warm and outside is very very cold,” you spoke with a slight giggle lacing your diction as you once again shifted your bodies closer to one another. When someone says the phrase ‘fingertips away’ I can assure you this is exactly what that looks like. Your bodies millimeters from colliding. No longer being able to resist the force held between you, you traced your fingertips up the centre of his abs, immediately sensing his warmth grow and a clear rush of crimson attack his cheeks as you whispered a faint, “and this body doesn’t exactly help keep our secret on set either by the way.”
Within a matter of mere seconds, your lips collide in an urgent yet at the same time, gentle compassion. You smiled into the kiss, feeling all the stress surrounding your job melt away as KJ ran his hands further up your spine until his fingers interlaced within your slightly knotted hair. “Best. Kisser. Ever.” he breathed out releasing the kiss that had grown increasingly sloppier by the second.
“Hmm I could say the-” You began yet your words were instantly drawn to a direct halt as you heard the slight click of the door before the disgruntled moans you could already distinguish as your close friends pierce the small bubble held around you two lovebirds.
“Oh wow. Totally wasn’t expecting to see this today. Woah, oh jeez.” Madelaine practically screamed as you placed a hand of KJ’s chest to push his body subtly away from your own.
“Oh please, I saw it coming from a mile away. Preferably didn’t want that mile to be right in your trailer when I specifically told you I’d be coming here after filming but to each their own.” Cami spoke as I shifted my gaze her direction soon noticing a large array of different cast members stood closely behind. “Damn it’s hot in here... How long has this arrangement been going on then lovebirds?”
As soon as she finished speaking both you and KJ turned to each other seeking the correct answer to an almost impossible question. ‘God why did I not read her message’ you scolded yourself whilst firmly biting your lip, knowing now you’d made things all to obvious.
“I am living for this! I think you two have some explaining to do.” Cami winked and you couldn’t help but feel a tad embarrassed. I mean after all, this was not even close to the way you’d planned on informing your friends of your new-found relationship...
“I guess we do.”
A/N - Right my first KJ request done! I really don’t know how I feel this turned out. I’m not really confident in my writing currently but hope to get it better; just let me know what you guys thought! I honestly love KJ so if you have any more requests please feel free to send them in. P.S sorry, I queued it to post but it never did yesterday ahahah. Thank you!! x x
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fandomtrashoe · 7 years
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You x KJ Apa AU
More Social Media AU’s from other fandoms!
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queeraswolf · 4 years
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as promised here is the art.  I should not, please if you want to see more, please send me a yes and such, and please don’t use for your personal use this was a gift for them.
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chlobenet · 6 years
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what you gon’ do when theres blood in the water?
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Twin Andrews - part one
( a rosie original )
riverdale x oc
a/n: im re-writing my first and favourite small series ‘Twin Andrews’! i feel like it needed a reboot so now that i have the inspiration im going to try and redo the entire series from scratch!! please read along it’d mean the world. also i’ll be doing a taglist so if you’re interested let me know. yours forever, ro 🦋
word count: 3.1k
“I’m nervous.”
YOU admit to your brother as you shift on the uncomfortable leather seats in Archie’s pick up. The truck reeked of testosterone it was a concoction of lynx and sweat. What you assumed was a day old bag of pops containing an almost eaten cheeseburger and stray fries wasn’t helping with the smell either, the small green tree hanging from his mirror doing nothing to dispel the horrible stench.
”You’ll be fine,” He promises. You glance over at your brother, taking him in for the first time since you landed; it’d been 3 years away from your twin. You were 13 when you left, just entering high school. You honestly felt lost without him, like a piece of you was somewhat gone, but it was here in Riverdale the entire time.
Archie was exactly eight minutes older than you, and he liked to remind you of that every chance he could. You both inherited the same fiery red hair as your mother and the chocolate brown eyes from your father, he was almost a head taller than you, but you both seemed to get your sportiness from your mother. Although you were quite the clutz, you still enjoyed sports, unlike your born-to-be-a-football-star brother who was praised for his golden footwork.
You turn away from the redhead as your breath seems to hitch in your throat, your heart taking an audible jump when it pounds through your chest as you take in the surroundings. It was only 7 pm on a Sunday night, but the air was nippy and the sky was already a shade of black - sprinkling with stars. The tall street lights and the neon red sign illuminating the small car park was enough to tell you that you were at Pop’s famous chock’lit shoppe.
“If this isn’t a blast from the past,” You sigh as cars litter the car park. The diner seemed to be bursting at the seams with customers, some spilt outside - cigarettes hanging from there mouths. There’re so many varsity jackets that you lose yourself in the crowd.
“It looks really busy, maybe Betty couldn’t get our booth and went home?” Your brother turns into an open spot, shutting off the ignition as he twirls his keys in his palm. He had that wicked smile playing on his lips, and you knew that there was no way he was letting you stay inside this truck.
“C’mon, Red, she’s excited to see you,” You let out a small breath and unclip your seat belt, sliding out of the car and into the cool night air. The sound of the jukebox and peoples’ overlapping conversations travelled through the small carpark as the door of the diner swings open and closed.
As the two of you make your way toward the door, you grow nervous. You can feel gazes already falling upon you, your flaming red hair drawing unwanted attention to yourself, not to mention that your brother is wearing a bright blue jacket and happens to be one of the most popular kids at RHS. You realised that sneaking into town unnoticed wasn’t going to go as well as you had hoped.
The small, gold bell rings as Archie pulls the door open; he ushers you in and you step into the warm diner, the smell of burgers and bacon hitting you square in the face. Your stomach made an almost inhuman sound as your mouth waters at the aroma coming from the kitchen. You had no idea you were hungry, but now there was no way you were leaving this place without a greasy cheeseburger and fries.
Pop, the man himself, moves toward the front counter; he looked exactly how he did three years ago, a little tired and overworked but he still had that glint of imagination in his eyes. You almost think he doesn’t recognise you (you were a little slimmer than usual, tanner and your hair had gotten quite long). But your thoughts were short-lived when he passes the counter and envelops you in a tight hug, giving you the warm Pop’s smile that you’d missed over the years.
“What will it be, Miss Andrews? The usual?”
You share a smile at your brother, before nodding at the older man, “Two of the usual sounds amazing.” Pop nods, scribbling down the orders and then rushing off into the kitchen.
You scan the room looking for a familiar face, until your eyes settle upon a familiar blonde ponytail. You stop in your tracks as you stare at the fair skinned girl, nervousness growing a pit in your stomach. You hadn’t seen her since you were 13, and you’d never even got the chance to say goodbye before you were ripped out of the small town life and thrown into the city.
What if she hates me?
Had it been you, you would have hated it: leaving for 3 years without a single call or text, never knowing what had happened or if you were even okay. You were surprised that she even wanted to see you after all this time.
She sits there in all her glory, Miss Elizabeth Cooper. She looks thinner and she’s wearing makeup, not a lot but enough to notice - wringing her wrists and glancing constantly out the window. It’s like she’s looking for someone: for us.
You start to walk towards her booth, excitement and worry bubbling up inside of you as the distance between the two grows smaller and smaller. Smaller and smaller, until you’re pulled to a halt, your chucks squeaking against the clean white tiles beneath you and drawing a crowd as the sound screeches through the crowded diner.
“I didn’t tell her you were coming,” The words fall out your brother’s mouth and you swivel toward him, a million emotions swarming through your brain as you look at the pale boy - seeing a hint of guilt on his face. Before you get the chance to escape before anyone else notices you, a small voice from behind you made your shoulder slump in defeat.
“Lydia?” You hear her whisper in disbelief, she wasn’t sure if her mind was playing a trick on her or if her best friend with the cherry red hair was here - standing a few meters away from her in your signature chucks. After years of radio silence, there you stood.
Your heart pounds in your chest, your breathing unsteady. You couldn’t believe that your brother had tricked you into coming here. You thought forgiveness was on the horizon, but she looked just as distraught as you felt.
“You haven’t called me Lydia in ages,” You try a tired smile, watching as the eyes of the blonde dart between you and your brother - almost like she was waiting for you to just disappear. Almost like she was afraid to say something or make any sudden movements, otherwise you might vanish.
The diner seems to go silent, watching as the two of you staring at each other, not knowing what to do. You feel self-conscious and suck in a depth breath, trying to focus on anything that wasn’t Betty or the millions of kids sitting in the neighbouring booths.
Your brother breaks you from your trance as he moves past you and toward the girl, wrapping her in a tight embrace. He pulls away, proceeding to give her an ‘I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I was bringing your best friend back’ look.
“She had no idea you didn’t know,” He defends you. Your brother was always good like that; he had your back no matter what. Call it big brother intuition. Betty moves her bright blue eyes toward you giving you the ‘get your ass over here so I can hug you’ look.
You feel a slight weight lift off your shoulder and you walk over to the blonde, throwing your arms around her neck in an embrace.
God, had you forgotten how good Betty’s hugs were.
Tears prickled in your eyes as you take in her scent. She smelt like strawberries and sweet perfume, and it reminded you of your childhood spent dancing around Betty’s bedroom.
“It’s so good to have you back,” She whispers. You can hear the shakiness in her voice as she pulls away, dabbing at her under eyes before straightening herself up looking to see if anyone had noticed her cozy embrace with the Andrews twin. You give her a small sad smile.
“It’s good to be back,“ You let yourself relax as the three of you slide into the booth, the touch of your skin hitting the red leather seats feeling familiar and comforting. You can still feel Betty’s gaze on you as she sits down next to you, blinking to make sure you were still here.
You find a large grin stuck on your lips as you soak in the happy atmosphere. It’s what you missed the most about Riverdale; the nights like this, in Pop’s with friends and copious amounts of fries. The diner looks the exact same as it did when you left. It held a lot of memories, both good and bad.
Your eyes wander over to the table diagonally from where you were sitting. It was that very table that your parents had taken you and Archie one cold November night to tell you that they were filling for a divorce. You were 13 and the diner smelt like eggs and coffee, it was quiet but everyone seemed to know what was happening beside the two of you. Mum let you have dessert because she felt bad - you didn’t eat that night, or for a while after.
Your eyes continue to roam to the front end of the diner where the jukebox was perched right near the register. You remember countless days after school in which you, Betty and Archie would stick quarters in the jukebox and play ‘September’ by Earth Wind and Fire, and dance across the tiled floor until Chuck Clayton told the entire school that you danced like a loser. You were 10 and it was the first time and last time you were ever picked on. Archie simply gave him something funnier to laugh at.
Everything in this place reminds you of countless memories, enough to make your eyes sting with nostalgia. Your brother and Betty were deep in conversation when the diner bell chimed. A load of teens push through the door, filling the main floor. You glance up through your lashes and your heart races at the sight.
Betty glances up and waves down her friends before turning to you, ”I’m sorry I invited a few friends. I hope you don’t mind.” You shake your head, glancing upwards and plastering a small smile on your face. Here we go.
It was about 0.2 seconds before the brunette boy came bounding straight over to you, pulling your small frame out from the booth and into his steady frame. Boys been working out. You return the embrace, rocking back and forth on your heels.
”Well if it isn’t Lydia Andrews,” He pulls back giving you a wink before holding you at arm’s length and examining you. A thousand thoughts are running through his head as he glances at you; you weren’t the same 13-year-old girl, he knew that for sure.
”Hi Kev,” You laugh for the first time since arriving, a shit-eating grin plastering on the boy’s pale exterior. ”I can tell somebodies been hitting them gym, hottie alert!” You gawk and he rolls his eyes at your remark, taking a look at your figure. You weren’t exactly skinny back in middle school, but now you’d dropped the extra weight and you couldn’t be happier about it.
”Please, you’re the one who’s turned into a complete smoke show,” He pushes your shoulder playfully, taking the open seat next to you and mumbling a bunch of compliments in your ear. You watch a raven-haired girl squish into the seat next to your brother.
She’s definitely not small town, has to be a new addition to Riverdale. She may as well have written ‘city girl’ on her forehead in black marker.
”Archiekins, aren’t you going to introduce me?” You cringe at the nickname as the girl glances up at your brother - nudging him slightly. Kevin nods his head softly as you look up at him. Don’t ask.
”Ronnie, meet Lyd. Lyds, Ronnie.” The girl shoots her hand across the table. You wearily stick your hand out and join with hers, sharing a long firm handshake.
”Archie twins?” She finishes, looking lovingly up at your brother. You nod, sensing the tension falling on the table - your best friend practically burning holes in Veronica’s head.
”Are you dating my brother?” You quiz, confusion raining over you. Archie never mentioned any Veronica to you. Would he really not tell you if he got a girlfriend? Were you really that out of touch with your twin?
”No!” Betty replies before Veronica has the chance to, her eyes wide and everyone silences at her sudden outburst. She composes herself before trying to mask her discomfort, “Ronnie is new here. She goes to RHS.”
You nodded, getting the feeling that something else was happening that you hadn’t figured out yet. Betty looked annoyed as she wondered why everyone thought Archie and Veronica were dating. They weren’t right for each other, she told herself.
”How long have you been in town?” She tilts her head, sipping her chocolate milkshake.
”Only a week, but I already feel like I’ve lived here all my life,” Her smile covers her face and you simply smile, not taking any of her words as genuine.
“You can take the girl out of the city, but you can’t take the city out of the girl,” She raises her eyebrows at your remark, pursing her lips slightly. Her eyes scan you as she notices that you aren’t like your brother. You’re more different than you look.
“New York, Upper East Side,” She answers, curing your curiosity. You nod slowly.
”California,” You reply back and she nods her head, looking up at your brother - obviously not quite understanding why you’d left half your family to move to a different state.
“I moved with my mum after the divorce. My parents didn’t want to do the whole custody battle debacle so they decided half of everything, including us,” A sigh falls from your lips as you avoid any eye contact with your brother. You remember the nights leading up to the move when your parents fought over who got Archie, your mum drew the short straw.
”Well, I’d say we’re pretty lucky to have you back. Right, Archiekins?” Veronica elbows my brother as he scratches the back of his head, the tension filling the small booth. You were too consumed in your thoughts to notice that Archie had dipped his head down to whisper something inaudible in her ear.
“I’ll cheers to that,” Everyone lifts there glasses in one swift motion, clinking them together as they reach the middle. You dip your finger into the cream sitting on your shake as the others converse in conversation, too tired to make any effort.
The sounds of laughter and hollering comes for the front of the room as you watch a large swarm of blue and yellow stumble into the diner, curiosity catches your tongue as your eyes trained on the centre of the group as the teens jump their way through the booths - making a ruckus.
”Finally, something good to look at,” Kevin sits upright and nudges you slightly. You break from your trance as you follow his gaze; your eyes lock on the tall raven haired jock, your heart jumping straight into your throat as he catches your gaze, his lips turning up into a smirk and sent to you.
You feel Kevin’s long fingers jab at your sides, ”Why is Reggie staring at you?” 
Your eyes widen, ”Reggie? As in Reggie Mantle?! That’s Reggie?!” You gawk, trying to hide your rosy cheeks. Reggie got hot.
”Oh my god, he’s coming over here,” His eyes pop out of his head as he shakes your arm rapidly, he does his best ‘let’s subtly tell your best friend a cute guy is approaching you’ look.
You jolt upright, knocking over your milkshake glass and spilling it all over your denim shorts. You cuss under your breath and stand from the booth as quickly as you can, trying to get as far away from the boy before he saw you drenched in the chocolate shake.
Your efforts fail as your chucks slip on the tiles and your body goes hurtling toward the floor, only to be saved by a pair of arms. You freeze on the spot as Reggie’s large hands rest on your waistline, his warm fingers touching the exposed skin on your hips - the skin lighting on fire at the embrace. His big brown eyes bore into yours.
”Yo, Reggie,” The boy is ripped from his thoughts and he lifts you up, setting you firmly on the ground. His hands slowly slip from your hips, stuffing them into the pocket of his black denim jeans. You looked both familiar and like a stranger. He couldn’t figure you out. 
“Hey,” He whispers, only loudly enough for you to hear.
”Andrews,” He nods, glancing once at the tall redhead before looking back to you, then back to your brother. You could see the cogs moving in his head as he slowly began to recognise who you were. A laugh escaped his pink lips. He couldn’t believe what he saw. He turns to his group of friends immediately, ”Holy shits, it’s Lyd Left Feet!”
Laughter fills the small diner as the realisation that the dorky thirteen-year-old with the bad dancing was actually the girl standing right in front of them. You reach over and snatch your bag out of the booth, sprinting past the neighbouring booths making a b-line for the front door. You pushed as hard as you could with shaky arms, before colliding with another body.
taglist & feeback?: @natalieroseg @isak-lovelies @lena-lightwood @xbobaaa @shadowycomputerrecluse @tinadotexe @sadbreakfastclb @sardonic-jug @mukesbite @asexualmarauder @xxcalignosityxx @bandstripper @cherxnica @neewtmas @ninja-stiles @honeymccall @mccallpackwriter
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reiignonme-moving · 2 years
                  A  COURT  OF  THORNS  &  ROSES.
AELIS   (  OC / Illyrian / Anya Chalotra fc / pansexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. QIANNA   (  Daughter of Tarquin OC / High Fae / Angel Coulby fc / pansexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. RHYSAND   (  Canon / High Fae / Regé-Jean Page fc / bisexual  ). TAMLIN  (  Canon / High Fae / Austin Butler fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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                A  SONG  OF  ICE  &  FIRE.
AEGON I TARGARYEN   (  Canon / Human / Travis Fimmel fc / straight  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. AEGON III TARGARYEN   ( Canon / Human / Toby Regbo fc / straight ). AEMMA VELARYON   (  Twin of Lucerys OC / Human / Caitlin Stasey fc / bisexual  ). CASSANA ESTERMONT   (  Canon / Human / Poppy Drayton & Lara Pulver fc / straight  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. CASSANDRA BARATHEON   (  Canon / Human / Laura Berlin fc / bisexual  ). CERSEI LANNISTER   (  Canon / Human / Lena Headey fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. DAEMON TARGARYEN   (  Canon / Human / Matt Smith fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. DAENAERA VELARYON   (  Canon / Human / Yasemin Allen fc / pansexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. DAENERYS TARGARYEN   (  Canon / Human / Emilia Clarke fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. DOREAH   (  Canon / Human / Kylie Bunbury fc / bisexual  ). DREAMFYRE   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Jing Tian fc / lesbian  ). ELLARIA SAND   (  Canon / Human / Melike İpek Yalova fc / bisexual  ). JON SNOW   (  Canon / Human / Kit Harington fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. SARA SNOW   (  Canon / Human / Katherine Langford fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. SANSA STARK   (  Canon / Human / Charlotte Hope fc / bisexual  ). SARELLA SAND   (  Canon /  Human / Jessica Parker Kennedy fc / bisexual  ). SEASMOKE   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Wang Haoxuan fc / pansexual  ). SHAENA TARGARYEN   (  Semi-canon / Human / Freya Mavor fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. SILVERWING   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Elle Fanning fc / straight  ). VERMITHOR   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Ruairí O’Connor fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. VISENYA TARGARYEN   (  Canon / Human / Katheryn Winnick fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. VISERION   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Jamie Campbell Bower fc / bisexual  ). VHAGAR   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Gaia Weiss fc / straight  ).
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ANTHONY BRIDGERTON   (  Canon / Human / Jonathan Bailey fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. DAPHNE BRIDGERTON   (  Canon / Human / Phoebe Dynevor fc / straight  ).
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BILLIE JENKINS   (  Canon / Witch / Ashley Benson fc / bisexual  ). WYATT HALLIWELL   (  Canon / Witch-Whitelighter / Chris Zylka fc / bisexual  ).
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             CRIMINAL MINDS.
EMILY PRENTISS   (  Canon / Human / Paget Brewster fc / pansexual   ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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                CHRONICLES  OF  NARNIA.
CASPIAN X   (  Canon / Human / François Arnaud fc / straight  ).
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CLARK KENT   (  Canon / Kryptonian / Henry Cavill fc / straight  ). CONNOR KENT  (  Canon / Kryptonian/Human hybrid / Robbie Amnell fc / bisexual  ). BARRY ALLEN   (  Headcanon based / Metahuman / Alberto Rosende fc / straight  ).       ABOUT PAGE. RAVEN ROTH   (  Canon / Human-Demon hybrid / Camila Mendes fc / demisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. RICK FLAG   (  Canon / Human / Joel Kinnaman fc / straight  ). WALLY WEST   (  Canon / Metahuman / KJ Apa fc / bisexual  ). ZATANNA ZATARA   (  Canon / Human/Homo Magi / Samantha Logan fc / bisexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP.
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MALEFICENT   (  Canon / Fey / Angelina Jolie fc / pansexual  ).
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                DISNEY  DESCENDANTS.
ADELINE   (  Daughter of Aurora & Philip / Human / Adelaide Kane fc / straight  ).       ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. ANEXANDER CASTILLON   (  Son of Anastasia Tremaine / Human / Alexander Vlahos fc / bisexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. BEATRIX   (  Daughter of Aurora & Philip / Human / Eloise Smyth fc / bisexual  ). KATJA OF ARENDELLE   (  Daughter of Anna & Kristoff / Human / Tamzin Merchant fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. TRUEFER BELL   (  Daughter of Tinkerbell / Fairy / Perrie Edwards fc / pansexual  ).       TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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                DOWNTON ABBEY.
ALICE CRAWLEY   (  Younger sister of Matthew / Human / Anya Taylor-Joy fc / straight  ). THOMAS BARROW   (  Canon / Human / Rob James-Collier fc / gay  ).
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                HARRY POTTER.
ASTORIA GREENGRASS   (  Canon / Witch / Alexandra Park fc / bisexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. BELLATRIX BLACK   (  Canon / Witch / Adelaide Kane & Eva Green fc / bisexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. BILL WEASLEY   (  Canon / Wizard / Joseph Morgan fc / bisexual  ). SALAZAR SLYTHERIN   (  Canon / Wizard / Luke Evans fc / straight  ).       TAG DROP. SUSAN BONES   (  Canon / Witch / Holland Roden fc / lesbian  ). VICTOIRE WEASLEY   (  Canon / Witch / Dove Cameron fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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                LARA CROFT.
LARA CROFT   (  Canon / Human / Chloe Bennet fc / bisexual  ).
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ADRAN   (  OC / Eternal / Ricky Whittle fc / bisexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. AHURA BOLTAGON   (  Canon / Inhuman / Sam Claflin fc / pansexual  ).   TAG DROP. AJAK   (  Canon  /  Eternal  /  Salma Hayek fc  /  bisexual  ). ANGELINA VON STRUCKER   (  OC  /  Mutant  /  Sarah Jeffrey fc  /  lesbian  ). BEN PARKER (  Canon  /  Human  /  Hugh Dancy fc  /  bisexual  ). BOBBI MORSE   (  Canon  /  Mutated human  /  Claire Holt fc  /  straight  ).       STARTER CALL. BOBBY DA COSTA   (  Canon  /  Mutant  /  Henry Zaga fc  /  straight  ). BUCKY BARNES   (  Canon / Human / Sebastian Stan fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. CAROL DANVERS   (  Canon / Human/Kree / Brie Larson fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. CLINT BARTON   (  Canon / Human / Luke Mitchell fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. KIRA LEON   (  OC Black Widow  /  Human  /  Sofia Carson fc  /  pansexual ). LOGAN HOWLETT   (  Canon  /  Mutant  /  Hugh Jackman fc  /  bisexual  ).       TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. PRISHA CHAKRABARTI   (  OC / Mutant / Deepika Padukone fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. STEPHEN STRANGE   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Benedict Cumberbatch fc  /  straight  ).       TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. STEVE ROGERS   (  Canon  /  Mutated human  /  Chris Evans fc  /  bisexual  ). SUSAN STORM   (  Canon  /  Mutated human  /  Yael Grobglas fc  /  bisexual  ). THENA   (  Canon  /  Eternal  /  Angelina Jolie fc  /  pansexual  ). TONY STARK   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Robert Downey Jr fc  /  bisexual  ). VANESSA CARLYSLE    (  Canon / Mutant / Morena Baccarin fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. WANDA MAXIMOFF   (  Canon  /  Mutant/mutated human/witch  /  Elizabeth Olsen fc  /  bisexual  ).       TAG DROP.
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                MARVEL  NEXT  GENERATION.
ANNIE SUMMERS   (  OC Jean x Scott daughter / Mutant / Kat McNamara fc / lesbian  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. BILLY MAXIMOFF   (  Canon / Mutant/witch / Josh Hutcherson & Jamie Dornan fc / gay  ). TOMMY MAXIMOFF   (  Canon  /  Mutant  /  Grant Gustin & Channing Tatum fc  /  bisexual   ).       STARTER CALL. VALERIA RICHARDS   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Skyler Samuels & Rachael Taylor fc  /  lesbian   ). VIKTOR BARNES   (  OC Natasha x Bucky son  /  Human  /  Brandon Flynn & Nathaniel Buzolic fc  /  straight  ).       ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP.
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APHRODITE   (  Greek Mythology / Goddess / Diane Kruger fc / pansexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. ARTEMIS   (  Greek Mythology / Goddess / Marie Avgeropoulos fc / pansexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. VALI LOKISON   (  Norse Mythology  /  God  /  Freddy Carter & Adam Driver fc  /  gay  ).
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               ORIGINAL  CHARACTER.
ADELAIDE WEATHERINGTON   (  Journalist / Human / Amanda Seyfried fc / lesbian  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. ALYA GLENN   (  Baker  /  Elemental witch  /  Alisha Wainwright fc  /  pansexual  ). ARTHUR FITZ-CLARENCE   (  Duke of Oxford  /  Human  /  Tom Hughes fc  /  pansexual  ). AVA DE ENVIE   (  Owner of adult entertainment business / Succubus / Hayley Atwell fc pansexual  ).   TAG DROP. CALLEIGH DAVENPORT   (  Dancer / Human / Taylor Swift fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. ELIZABETH DURANT   (  College professor  /  Human  /  Carla Gugino fc  /  straight  ). JACK PRICE   (  Bounty Hunter  /  Human  /  John Krasinski fc  /  straight  ). JUPITER GRAY   (  Lawyer / Vampire / Gina Torres fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. PIPER LOPEZ   (  Secretary / Human / Ana de Armas fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. SARA MEYER   (  Housewife  /  Human  /  Charisma Carpenter fc  /  bisexual  ). SAVANNAH DAVIS   (  Freelance Photographer  /  Shapeshifter  /  Laura Vandervoort fc  /  straight  ). SERENITY VALENTINE   (  Bounty Hunter  /  Human  /  Megan Fox fc  /  pansexual  ).       STARTER CALL. SHAW RAWSON   (  Security guard / Alpha Werewolf / Shemar Moore fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. VEPAR   (  Grand Duchess of Hell / Demon / Katrina Law fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. ZAHRA LENNOX   (  Bail Bondsman  /  Human  /  Vanessa Morgan fc  /  bisexual  ).
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               PEAKY BLINDERS.
TOMMY SHELBY   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Cillian Murphy fc  /  straight  ).
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              PERIOD  DRAMA.
ANNE BOLEYN   (  Tudor Era / Queen Consort of England / Natalie Dormer fc / bisexual   ).   ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. RICHARD III   (  Wars of the Roses era / King of England / Aneurin Barnard fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. ROBERT BRUCE   (  War of Scottish Independence era  /  King of Scots  /  Chris Pine fc  /  straight  ).
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CAROLINE PENVENEN   (  Canon  /  Lady of Killewarren  /  Gabriella Wilde fc  /  straight  ). ROSS POLDARK   (  Canon  /  Master of Nampara House  /  Aidan Turner fc  /  straight  ).      ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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              SHADOW  &  BONE.
GENERAL KIRIGAN   (  Canon  /  Grisha  /  Ben Barnes fc  /  straight  ).   STARTER CALL.
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               SHERLOCK  HOLMES.
SHERLOCK HOLMES   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Matthew Goode fc  /  straight  ).
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               SONS  OF  ANARCHY.
JAX TELLER   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Charlie Hunnam fc  /  straight  ).
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               STAR  WARS.
AHSOKA TANO   (  Canon  /  Togruta Jedi  /  Logan Browning & Rosario Dawson fc  /  bisexual   ). ANAKIN SKYWALKER   (  Canon  /  Human Jedi  /  Hayden Christensen fc  /  bisexual   ). BEN SOLO ( Alternate  /  Human Jedi  /  Matthew Daddario fc  /  straight   ). PADMÉ AMIDALA   (  Canon / Human / Natalie Portman fc / pansexual  ). QI’RA   (  Canon / Human / Emilia Clarke fc / bisexual   ).   STARTER CALL. REY OF JAKKU   (  Canon / Human Jedi / Daisy Ridley fc / bisexual  ).     ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. SOLA LARS   (  OC daughter of Beru & Owen  /  Human  /  Jenna Coleman fc  /  bisexual ).
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              STRANGER THINGS.
APRIL HARRINGTON   (  Older sister of Steve  /  Human /  Dakota Johnson & Jennifer Love Hewitt fc  /  lesbian   ). AMBER HAWKE   (  OC  /  Human  /  Taissa Farmiga & Mandy Moore fc  /  straight   ). BRIAN HAMMOND   (  OC son of Benny / Human / Jeremy Allen White & Taylor Kitsch fc  / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. EDDIE MUNSON   ( Canon  /  Human /  Joseph Quinn & Garrett Hedlund fc  /  bisexual   ). STEVE HARRINGTON   ( Canon  /  Human /  Joe Keery & Sebastian Stan fc  /  bisexual   ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. THEA BUCKLEY   (  Cousin of Robin  /  Human /  Billie Lourd & Jes Macallan fc  /  straight   ). TIMOTHY HAWKE   (  OC  /  Human /  Timothée Chalamet & John Francis Daley fc  /  gay   ).
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ALEXANDER MILTON   (  OC Anna x Dean son  /  Nephilim  /  Chris Wood fc  /  bisexual  ).
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ALEXA BRUCE   (  OC / Witch / Emma Dumont fc / lesbian  ).   TAG DROP. BONNIE BENNETT (  Canon  /  Witch  /  Kat Graham fc  /  pansexual  ). DAVINA CLAIRE   (  Canon  /  Witch  /  Danielle Campbell fc  /  bisexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. KLAUS MIKAELSON   (  Canon  /  Original hybrid  /  Joseph Morgan fc  /  straight  ).       TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. KOL MIKAELSON   (  Canon  /  Original vampire  /  Nathaniel Buzolic fc  /  pansexual  ). MATTHEW MIKAELSON   (  Canon ( son of Freya & Mathias )  /  Witch  /  Cody Christian fc  /  bisexual  ). OLIVIA KENNER   (  Sister of Jackson OC / Evolved Werewolf / Willa Holland fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP.
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BYRON WILLIAMS   (  OC  /  Human  /  Jensen Ackles fc  /  pansexual  ).
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            COMING SOON.
KALLIAS  (  ACoTaR  ),   BELLA SWAN  (  Twilight  ),   CHARLIE WEASLEY  (  Harry Potter  ),   DAERRA TARGARYEN  (  A Song of Ice and Fire  ),   OBI-WAN KENOBI  (  Star Wars  ).
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mantlelificent · 8 years
Protected | R.M.
Summary: Reggie Mantle grew up protecting what he loved.
I miss you.
You received the text on the first day of school, the instant your baby pink ballet flats maneuvered within the halls of Riverdale High, which were marginally filled with mayhem from everyone’s first day jitters.
Well, not everyone. You, despite your extra pretty face, extra shiny curls, and extra preppy outfit, wore a heavy façade that drooped lower than the Maybelline Fit Me-concealed eye-bags that were situated below your unexplained, cheery eyes that tried to greet everyone with much positivity as possible. As everyone knew your perfect reputation, the happy-go-lucky cheerleader that everyone admired and loved since the day you entered high school. It was never tarnished, so you refused to let a silly break-up move it at all.
You took out your phone and shakily gazed down at the message. It was sent in clear, with no emoji’s or silly grammatical errors. Your nervous fingers moved for you, but your brain was being silly that day and it had no planned response for the text message.
A wave of students accidentally crossed and one of them partially collided against your hardly five feet tall physique, which was a thankful jolt that rattled you off from replying to the text message. You squeezed the iPhone tightly, bearing no mind of the glittery fake diamonds from the phone case bearing harsh indentions against your palm.
The moment you were able to fix your locker and lock it behind you, you immediately set off to find a seat in the gym—hoping that an early departure from the first day madness would create a false sense of comfort from your inevitable fate, which was meeting your ex-boyfriend again subsequently after a summer of trying to forget all about him.
Everyone had always said that you were perfect for Reginald Mantle.
You were a girl blessed with your father’s dominant sloped nose and your mother’s graceful and tiny, ballerina body. Being the only child meant being under the revolving gaze of your mother and father’s watchful eyes twenty-four/seven, and you grew up to be accordingly limpid; yet, at the same time pretentious for you were the heir of one of the wealthiest families in Riverdale.
Reggie was a boy meant for you even before you knew what he was supposed to be. He was a constant person in your life, a fixture caused by your parents and his parents’ meddling. Though, despite your unending play times together and a hired tutor that taught you and him up until you were in middle school, Reggie and you grew up in different paths, in different aspects.
You and Reggie were in the opposite sides of the spectrum. Nevertheless, you were inexplicably drawn to him. He was exactly the same as you, but as the same time, so, so different.
He was difficult to figure out. He had pushed children off swing sets and had hogged all the toy cars to himself as he disliked sharing. You hated the smirk on his face when he teased his inferiors, and still you loved him when he kissed you goodnight. He’d hold you in the softest way possible, muscled arms entrapped around you with touch as light as a feather, and similarly he’d used the same arms dangerously with heated intent at someone else.
You never got why people often told you that he was perfect for you. He was, in your point of view, a mixture of positives and negatives. He was your opposite.
The thing about opposites was that when a unity occurred, it would be a co-existent dependency that held itself with tension.
You loved him more than he loved himself. That was probably the reason why the balance wasn’t right and he pushed himself off, leaving you in the dust.
“Are you alright?” Surprisingly, Cheryl Blossom would be the first person to question you that today. The said Blossom stood above you, her red curls down the right side of her chest, a hand on her hip and a raised eyebrow. You tried to hide the flinch that came with Cheryl’s edged tone, but she assumingly noticed it since she took it herself to sit next to you on that noisy lunch table.
“Talk to me,” she demanded. “I don’t want anyone on my squad to be sadder than my supposed star quality. You cannot rain on my parade on this week’s performance.”
“I’m fine,” you muttered as you picked on your salad.
“[y/n], a stupid boy doesn’t have the right to state your mood status.” She hissed. “There are 7 billion people in the world. God knows how much boys will there be after your life post-Reggie Man—“
“Damn, Cheryl,” You stood up. “I said I’m fine!”
Your words were a little too loud, and laced with anger. The whole open-lawn cafeteria went into a full pregnant pause from your little burst and your eyes betrayed you as it went to a familiar face that you couldn’t just let go off. His smirking, never ceasing, hardly-caring face wavered slightly as he looked your way, as everyone had. He looked down once before pushing his left foot off benched on the seat and faced in the opposite direction, going back into a conversation with Chuck Clayton.
You couldn’t care less what that meant and you sped off from your table, grabbing your cellphone with you. Opening the text message up on your interface, your quivering fingers typed out a reply before hitting send.
“I thought you said I couldn’t see you again,” the tall and handsome boy chuckled as he sat coolly on the stools that they had in Pop’s. His tousled, brown waves would shine into a blondish side under the neon lights of Pop’s infamous signs, and his pretty blue eyes would turn your messy head into a complete haze of white noise. “I missed you,” Jackson voiced out, echoing what he had recently texted you that morning.
It was seven in the evening, and mostly everyone had this night tacked to watch the last screening due for the closing Midnight Drive-In. You had thought to go but you knew that it would simply be another place that would haunt you again with memories that happened in the arms of a familiar stranger.
“I couldn’t resist,” you whispered zealously, biting your lip, then striding towards him until both of your faces had no space with each other. He kissed back passionately, and you followed along in accord, ignoring the way your heart bleated in a monotonous fashion, like it was a routine you followed every morning. Fingers tracing down his rugged, jean jacket, you stopped as it went to a tracing on his arm. A tattoo of a dangerous serpent.
“Watch it,” he pushed himself off you and went to slip down his sleeves. “Any good ‘ole folk wouldn’t wanna see that snake on a young thing’s skin.”
“A young thing, huh?” You titled your head, letting him caress your cheek. It made you feel like being touched by an intruder. You held your tongue from stating that out loud. “I heard that your buddies are over at the drive-in tonight.”
“—yeah,” the handsome, rugged boy agreed, holding your hand like a whisper. “But you’re much better than any movie, let’s agree. Pretty and innocent [y/n][y/l/n].”
“If my father saw you with me,” you told him with a trace of a smile hinting on your lips while leading the boy down to a booth. “He would freak,” you ended with a pendulous but crude smirk, as the feeling of going behind your parents’ back often created a brilliant feeling of teenage rebellion.
However, the light that would go unperturbed that night beneath the luminescence of you with the boy from the Serpents would go back unlit as a sudden burst of unexpected customers walked in the empty Pop’s.
It was a famous group of blue and yellow hues, the king, the boy in between the boisterous and rowdy laughs, and you couldn’t help but shake as his eyes immediately turned toward the serpent and your contumacious self.
“[y/n]?” Reggie Mantle took it upon himself to breeze through the rows of booths with a face of disbelief, his voice rising. And as you expected, anger rising as his comical face slowly slipped to stone cold when his eyes landed on the lingering fingers of the serpent teenager on your arm. “Who the hell is he?”  
“Fuck off, Reggie,” you glared, bringing yourself to whisper to your current partner beside you, “Ignore him.” You tried your best to act a casual as possible, though the sudden racing of your heart that went with the way your ex-boyfriend stared at you in a mix of hardening confusion and indignation.
The other football players were left in a fit of widening eyes as Reggie, in impulsion, went and grabbed your arm in fury, “I’m taking you home.”
And it was a laughable scene, provided that you have been in witness in a circumstance like this before; on the contrary, you were always behind him before, supporting him like a good girlfriend. Until now.
Reggie showed the chaos within him through the bones between his knuckles—several scars made proof of that. Now, you were his enemy, the one that caused the fire beneath his eyes. The booths made a guarded ring.
“What the hell, man—“ The serpent boy scoffed before Reggie snapped and gripped and landed a good punch with no regret on the other boy’s face. That started a full-blown fight, which lead pandemonium where Moose, Chuck, and several others hurriedly tried to pull the Asian off the other boy. Reggie’s blows were pernicious, and over the yells of the football team trying to stop the fight, the only thing you could do was watch everything in horror.
“—fighting on public property, what on earth caused you to do that?!” And Mrs. Mantle let out a startled shriek and tried to shield her son as Mr. Mantle gave a tumultuous slap on Reggie’s already bruising face. You gripped your jacket, feeling the cotton and thinking of it as abrasive as hooves, guilt going off you in waves as the only thing you could do was watch the aftermath unfold in the Mantle estate, where you had been protectively ushered off to with your parents and Sheriff Keller due to Pop’s emergency dial.
“This is getting out of hand,” Reggie’s father continued, a harsher than stern look on his purple face. Yanking back his hand, his gaze shot to you, which you couldn’t bear to hold longer than a second. “This boy has been nothing but trouble this year—I swear, this was the last straw, Reginald. I need to ship him to board—“
“It was my fault,” you found your voice, hurried and not gentle at all—willing to cross out the guilt killing your tightening chest. Your parents’ tension-heavy faces whipped their heads to you, their protected daughter that could hardly do no wrong in this world. “I came there with Jackson—“
“No, I fought him, she had nothing to do with th—“ Reggie hastily claimed, harsh and scarily void of emotion. He was seemingly too callous from responding to his father—and you had realized that this could have been happening more so than none and that this boy could have grown up this way, and while your heart was pouring from hearing him protect you, you knew that it was your call to turn things around.
“No,” you squeaked, hearing yourself panic. “I guess I was being rebellious, I met up with Jackson, and – and- “ You eyed your father. “He was with me and Reggie saw me and Jackson did something and he got provoked,” you finished, lying. You looked at Reggie, and he gazed at you, turmoil and hurt swirling in his eyes.
That led to a tension-filled silence. You closed your eyes, and could hear the sounds of Reggie’s father’s footsteps going off to a direction. Somewhere that’s not here, of course.
“Sorry, that shouldn’t have happened,” he would tell you days later, smirk latched to his lips like a boy to a candy bar. He’d say it would no feeling, no emotion, as if he wasn’t someone that was in what happened and he was merely a person who’d heard of what happened.
The memory of his father slapping him because of you would haunt you forever, and your eyes would wander to his cheek not due to any romantic purpose, but the ache of wondering how much it hurt to protect you, a person he shouldn’t even be caring for anymore.
“I’m sorry,” you ignored his first statement, and spat out what you needed to say. The hallways were empty. “I was being petty. I wanted to—“ The words were dignified to be stated out in the open. “I wanted to forget about you.”
His silence mocked you. The 6’3 handsome and usually word-y jock—the boy you really, just really, really loved, gazed at you as if your turbulence, though with a slip of concern on his façade. You continued, lips burning with words you only imagined you would say in a dream, “You hurt me, Reggie. I hated you for making me spend a summer without you. So, yeah. I did something. I slept with that douchebag, that serpent, just to forget about you. So, fuck you.”
The response was instant. An utter storm shadowed over his face. “Fuck me? Fuck me? Are you fucking kidding me?” His fingers wrapped tightly around his coifed hair, eyes blazing with chasms of void and anger. “The only thing I ever did was goddamn protect you! If you hadn’t been so stupid, you wouldn’t be in this mess. I shouldn’t have protected you from the start if it was going to lead this way.”
“Protected me from the start?” You questioned, beckoned with hatred.
“Yes! I’ve always been protecting you. I love you, [y/n]. So much. The reason I ended things is because you were going to end up broadcasted on this shitty book and—“ Reggie sighed and you looked at him confusingly. He stepped forward, “Look, last year I was in hell. My dad caught me doing some stupid shit and he was going to blame it on you. I needed to protect you, it was instinct. I had to break up with you because I couldn’t bear the guilt that—“
This time, it was your turn to slap him. Reggie snapped his head back at you, shocked.
“You stupid jerk,” your body shook from relief and at the same time, numbness. “You couldn’t have at least told me about that? I literally cried for a week because I thought I wasn’t good enough for you, the great Reggie freaking Mantle.”
Reggie stared at what only could have been eons, before shaking his head and returning a soft gaze that was only for you. “I’m sorry.”
You could shake your head as he placed out his warm hand next to yours, swirling and wrapping it around yours in the gentlest way possible.
It was an epiphany, when you looked at him and you had finally seen a glimpse of an extent that he would do for you. The balance was off and you had thought of it in the wrong way.
He loved you more than he loved himself.
omg i’m so sorry. whenever i write i’d always get so carried away with excessive details and annoying character musings!!! please tell me what you think! feel free to reblog or like or message me! always open to hear what you guys think huehue. :) 
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satanwithstardust · 8 years
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eddysocs · 2 months
Picture Headcanon: 📷 + Brennan Marks
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This is Brennan's favorite picture of Jamie because it never fails to make him laugh. He was making fun of Roy, who he didn’t realize was behind him. Capturing this pose on his phone felt like one of the single smartest things Brennan has ever done. He will look back on this and laugh for literal years. And yes, he does occasionally change his background to be this picture just to piss off Jamie a little. He regrets nothing.
Send me 📷 + an OC and I’ll show you their favorite photo they keep of their love interest(s)
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darklydescended · 4 years
&&& Now for the     f u n     part of roleplaying -----
       I have to re-edit my blog to have only my active muses and their bios. after all I do not want any     f a l s e     a d v e r t i s i n g    !!!
with that being said -----
my muses are 
ANGEL BLOOD ( OC, BI, LOST BOYS VERSE, FC : BEX TAYLOR-KLAUS ), [ one of the main muses ]
     X     X
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these muses     A L L     work amazing in vampire / supernatural / 1980′s settings.
s t r a n g e r     t h i n g s     /     1 9 8 0 ‘ s  /    r i v e r d a l e     /     c h i l l i n g     a d v e n t u r e s     o f     s a b r i n a   /   &     h a m m e r     h o r r o r      v i b e s     ! ! ! 
Feel free to send in  M E M E S     as icebreakers between our muses !!!!!     just please specify which muse & what meme it is from ( since i have    s o o o     many ! )  :)
&& honestly , feel free to just throw a starter my way !!!!! just specify which muse . i am open to not plotting out things because honestly - really fun threads come from random things most of the time !!!
now, with that being said ----- ALL of my characters are able to bend into ANY verse !!! i am very creative and love doing multi-verse and seeing how they would work outside of the box.     the only thing i     c a n n o t     see them working with is     A N I M E     of any kind . ( i have watched a few animes and read some manga but I can’t see myself placing any of these characters in those verses ) 
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prettybcys · 5 years
hi hello i am probably going to just work on this blog for the time being. that being said, i want to get some things going here. i am looking for all kinds of plots, canon and oc included. right now, i don’t have set ocs; i’ll just develop them based on a plot and faces until i create an oc page for set ocs. just message me and we’ll figure it out. as for canon characters, we can discuss fc changes for some of them like billy who i’ve got like 4 ideas for. i want some fucked up plots. bonus points for bp. but i want cheating, cucking, incest, age differences, teacher student, etc. want them for oc and canon. here’s a list of ships i’m really wanting to rp rn below. please let me know if you’re interested in anything. italics are my character.
teddy altman (mason dye) / tommy shepherd (timothee chalamet, michael johnston, joshua bassett)
tommy shepherd / billy kaplan (same optins as tommy as they’re twins)
dick grayson (brenton thwaites) / jason todd (curran walters)
dick grayson / roy harper (colton haynes)
dick grayson (brenton or jacob elordi js) / damian wayne (aramis knight or suggestions)
wally west (kj apa) / roy harper
wally west / dick grayson (jacob elordi - thinking more yj age or maybe younger for robin age)
scott summers (idk a stud) / bobby drake
scott summers / pietro maximoff (idk another slut, x-men evolution)
archie andrews / kevin keller (mason dye / casey cott if you genuinely prefer him)
jughead jones / kevin keller (mason dye or casey)
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mrfog5 · 4 years
Mr Fog Elite Cola Gummies Disposable Pen 2 ml 6% SALT NICOTINE BY WEIGHT link>>>>>>http://bit.ly/39CDKo8 Flavor: Cola Gummies Nicotine Concentrations: 6% salt nicotine by weight Mr Fog Elite Cola Gummies Disposable Features: Disposable Device 6% nicotine 1 Device per package 2mL of e-liquid MR FOG ELITE COLA GUMMIES DISPOSABLE PEN 2 ML 6% SALT NICOTINE BY WEIGHT. Mr Fog Elite Cola Gummies just like the real thing. This signature and bold cola flavor gives way to a sweet candy taste that lingers on your taste buds all day long Cola Gummy, need I say more. If the smell doesn’t entice you the flavor sure will. This vape juice has been specially crafted for those die-hard Cola Gummy fans and it doesn’t disappoint. Package Сontents: 1 Disposable Pen Flavor: Cola Gummies Nicotine Concentrations: 6% salt nicotine by weight Mr Fog Elite Cola Gummies Disposable Features:
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coronavirus lockdown،ngh? corona،nj coronavirus death،nj coronavirus dashboard،nj coronavirus by town،nj coronavirus update by county،nl corona،nfl coach coronavirus،nfcu corona،nfl players from corona ca،nfcu corona ca،nfl flag football corona،nfl corona commercial،news on corona virus china،nd coronavirus،nd coronavirus cases،nd coronavirus map،ncov 2019 corona virus،nb corona،nb coronado،nb coronado north island،nba coronavirus،nb coronado nab،natalie corona police officer،natalie corona death،natalie corona instagram،na corona،napa villa corona،napoli corona virus،coronavirus na china،nz coronavirus travel restrictions،my area corona،my corona،mx41 corona،corona mx 22،mx23 corona،mx13 corona،mx41 corona v12،mxr m234 vs corona،mxr chorus vs corona،mx corona،mx30 corona،mx12 corona،mwana fa corona،mv corona،mv corona reviews،mv corona royal،mv spar corona،mv corona power،mv ocean corona،mv corona photos،mvg catering corona،mv corona deck plan،mutating corona،musica corona،coronavirus mundo،much alcohol is in corona،mycorona portal،mta corona ca،mta shut down corona،mta corona yard،mtl corona v8،mt coronet pokemon،mt coronavirus،mt corona،mt corona mario،mt coronavirus curve،corona message،msk gent corona،mr you corona،mers coronavirus،mr g's liquor corona،mri corona radiata،mrp of corona،mr coronado،corona del mar،corona sdk mqtt،corona mqtt،mp coronation street،mp3 virus corona،mp3 its corona time،mp coronavirus،morti corona virus italia،mojito corona،motorsports corona،mondo corona virus،ma coronavirus peak،mn coronavirus،mma gym corona،mls corona،mls softball corona،ml in corona bottle،mk5k corona،mk2 corona،mk auto repair corona،mk corona،mk2 corona coupe،mkffi corona،mkü ara?t?rma hastanesi corona،nj corona،mjere corona،mjere za coronavirus،mjb corona،nj coronavirus،nj coronavirus update،mj?lkkanna corona،nj corona cases،nj coronavirus testing،nj coronavirus count،miguels corona،milan corona،missing corona boy،minutemen corona،missing noah corona،millworks 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coronavirus،jobs in corona ca،john oliver corona،joe coronado،jnj coronavirus vaccine،j&j coronavirus vaccine،johnson & johnson coronavirus vaccine،johnson and johnson coronavirus vaccine
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0820kst · 7 years
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following member(s) have been removed from our masterlist due to failing to meet the required activity level or not having reblogged the activity check. In case of lost hiatus messages we apologize for the trouble, please just message us the fc name + verse + muse-name (if oc) so we can add you back to the masterlist right away. If any other mistake has been made, just let us know!
aoa: kim chanmi, gen/semi. – @xpurin astro: moon bin. oc. -- @2hae1 bigbang: dong youngbae / taeyang. oc. -- @pvradiigm blackpink: park chaeyoung / rosé. oc. -- @lakyns btob: jung ilhoon. oc -- @miyabie got7: mark tuan, gen/semi. – @mrktvns got7: mark tuan. au. -- @driftuan ikon: kim jiwon / bobby. oc. -- @86god ikon: kim jinhwan. oc. -- @destitvtione i.o.i: kim chungha. oc. -- @jminsos monsta x: chae hyungwon. oc. -- @1hyunjae nct: dong sicheng / winwin. oc. -- @dancemajor ohmygirl: yoo shiah / yooa. oc. -- @zukiyo pristin: bae sungyeon / shannon, gen/semi. – @sngyeonz red velvet: kim yerim / yeri. gen/semi. -- @yerimms winner: song minho / mino, oc. – @daviscre actor: daniel henney. au. -- @dxnney actor: kj apa. oc. -- @fcromeo actor: noel fisher. oc. -- @kacelys actress: song jihyo. au. -- @aprt7012 blogger: elenora flame. gen/semi. -- @evlflame soloist: kim eunyoung / cheetah. oc. -- @tajza
following member(s) have been removed from our masterlist due to having deactivated or changed url without giving us a notice about it.
girlsday: kim ahyoung / yura, au. – @kyura92
★ ★ ★ ! – DEPARTURE *
following member(s) have left the roleplay for personal reasons. have a safe trip!
f(x): krystal jung, oc. – @ariyuns
0 notes
mantlelificent · 8 years
Open Ending | R.M.
 imagine requested by @ladyannikki
Summary: In which you get paired up for a project with Reggie friggin’ Mantle, and you just so happen to witness the duration & the aftermath of the scene in 1x02
Ever since freshman year, you noticed that there had always been a certain social hierarchy that circled within the borders of the Student Lounge whenever free period came into its course every Friday. It was a bothersome, recurring system that students never battled against, but rather accepted whenever the school football team clambered in the wooden four walls of what was a timeless and rustic, alumni-donated school facility. 
The moment the obvious heavy steps and play-fighting were heard entering the hallway, the two couches that situated themselves in the middle of the room would immediately be vacated by current users and it would be some sort of established throne to the boisterous and rowdy Riverdale Bulldogs. And it wasn’t some sort of a joke. The last time someone kept their seat at the same time the football team buzzed in, they ended up having a bloodied nose. Personally, you didn't really know what was the big deal with all that entitled seating crap, but then being a Riverdale Bulldog gave boys a badge - a free-pass that made everyone take a blind-eye to their actions. 
 A notorious figure that called out those who didn't abide the 'law', Reggie Mantle, the ultimate TTT aka tall, talkative, and terrible, was the letterman-wearing asshole that you weren't really keen on. Compared to the rest of the team that wasted no time to act whenever shit happened, the 15-year-old boy tended to talk more with his petty nicknames and self-absorbed monologues before going full-on bully mode; he preyed on obvious inferiors, and you did not like that one bit.  But then, you had no right to go against him. 
You weren't anyone special in Riverdale high. No one really bothered you that much, nor approached you for anything. Real talk, you regarded yourself as a shy-natured person who held books with high esteem and went through your normal school day as quiet as possible. You walked to school with extra paperbacks in your Jansport and treated yourself as much as any wallflower can: invisibly. 
 Which was why your little world shifted differently on its axis when you found yourself paired up with Mantle the Magnificent himself, Reggie fudging Mantle. It was also why you stood in front of the busy student lounge with quivering lips and pasty skin. 
When the bell had rung in Mr. Flutesnoot's chemistry class, Reggie had thrown you a dismissive gesture and muttered a careless, 'Just talk to me if ya need me," didn't even looked at you and left the room with Moose before you could even talk to him about the project. 
You had felt peeved and promised yourself to confront him about doing the special project on equal terms in free period. Now, facing the popular, arrogant boy made you feel like you were going to enter boss level. "Come on, [y/n]," you whispered to yourself twice before pushing your glasses up the bridge of your nose. "He's just a boy. Just a boy." 
Gulping a mighty bout of breath, you released it and pushed the creaky, wooden door that laid entrance to the cave of the dragon. 
Fortunately, no one ever bothered to spare a glance at her entrance. Possibly because the most prominent presence in the room was Mantle's booming voice ranting out his current dilemma. 
"-and Sheriff Keller's grilling me, Mantle the Magnificent," Reggie sneered, muscled arms shifting to emphasize his statement of annoyance. "'Cause I want Blossom dead. When he was, like, the only good quarterback we had."
You quickly made your way to one of the corners and propped your things down on an unused pool table, thinking that you could talk to Reggie about the project a few minutes before the next period. 
"And speaking of offensive tight-ends, I should've sent the cops to you, Moose. Because here's another unsolved mystery. What exactly were you and Kevin doing by the river, huh?" Reggie exclaimed significantly, before shooting a look at Kevin Keller at the other side. "Or does being with the Sheriff's son give you a free pass? Keller?" 
There was a sort of confusion rifling through you. Wasn't Moose Reggie's friend? Or, maybe Reggie simply didn't care who his friends were and that fact that he even had friends. The obnoxious Mantle cared for himself too much, you wouldn't think he'd protect anyone but himself. 
You watched like a curious passerby, appreciatively bored with his continuing, sordid sentences, until something startled you awake. 
Reggie had thrown himself over the couch impulsively, with Archie Andrews - the recently joining member of the Bulldogs, apparently - stopping him from reacting too badly. 
And god, oh no. 
You knew that stone cold look that Reggie had on. He had been throwing that around since middle school, especially whenever things had not gone his way. 
You were already crossing your fingers for nothing to happen.
Unfortunately, things did happen. 
Archie's friends frantically peeled him off the floor while he was unconscious and some male students helped to usher him to the school nurse. 
In the messy haze of the current free period pandemonium, you could not help but notice Reggie slinking off from the room. His usually befitting smirk had been replaced with a solemn, straight-lipped face, but it was probably paired with a running thought in his brain of how better he was than everyone else.
Huffing, you packed up your things and ran in the same direction he took off to, because you only realized why you were in the student lounge in the first place. 
It was harder to find Reggie than his other teammates. The latter were noticeably without Reggie. Of course though, who wouldn't notice the Asianjock prince of Riverdale without his product-styled hair and the ever-so annoying smirk he permanently had etched on his attractive face in his sea of his other jock friends, who paled in comparison? 
You also noticed, though, when he was gone the next period - since he was supposed to be seated two tables away from you in Bio - usually with his big physique taking up an area and his standardized flirting with girls near him. 
Thus, you decided to go look for the douchebag. 
You just didn't expect to find him in a snap. 
The first location you checked was jackpot. 
Reggie Mantle looked oddly different without his underlings as he stared off in space, wrapping around strips for his bleeding knuckles with his back against a wall at the back of the school. 
"Uh..." You mumbled first, biting your lip. "R-reggie?" You took shy steps towards him. That awoke him out of his trance. 
The 6'3 tower thrown you a look like a bullet, eyes analyzing you deeply that it actually looked like he wasn't giving you a once-over but rather, debating who you were. "You need something, Charlie Kelmeckis?" He snarkily commented, gazed at you stonily, eyes narrowed. 
"...yes, actually,” you squeaked, gulping. You forced your heart rate to slow down, and you stood your ground, peering at him. "Uh, we need to talk about the project?" 
But then you raised an eyebrow at the reference, "Wait, Perks of Being A Wallflower?" 
He eyed you with a 'don't push it' glare, before he continued on rolling a cloth over his knuckles. You totally got that he wasn't in the mood, especially for his usual pettiness, which was incredibly out of character for him. You were curious- was that how Reggie reacted when he was mad? Or when was, maybe, sad? 
"As you can see, I'm a little bit busy now." He told you, bitterness being an aftertaste. "I'm in no fucking head space to talk about a shitty project, so you better high-tail back." 
He was purposely hiding his closed, bleeding fist from you, only his obnoxious face taking the stage. 
You realized what he appeared to be - like a wounded puppy trying to lick its wounds.
You bit your lip, sighing, softly saying, "I saw what happened." 
He looked a you for a moment, before giving a loud guffaw and continued putting the cloth on his knuckles, more carelessly now. 
But you knew that the carelessness was affecting him, from the way he was wincing each time he moved his hands. 
Then you realized he was struggling with ripping the chunk of cloth off, so you placed down your bag and you found yourself letting your hands help him. What you didn't know was the tiny blip of surprise radiating off Reggie's pores. 
When it was settled, and he had it properly done, the soft moment of silence made way for Reggie's thank you. You looked up at him and gave an awkward nod, while you silently thought 'why the fuck you were still doing there?' 
"Nice punch, by the way." You blurted, letting yourself out of your shell. Fuuuuuck. 
"Yeah," he coughed, then his normal self permeated through the airy atmosphere again. 
"Uh, yeah whatever. It wasn't like it hurt that much," he scoffed, letting his eyes run through his handiwork. You found yourself rolling your eyes and letting out a little smile. 
Pushing up your glasses, you told him, "You're bleeding. That automatically tells me that it hurts." 
"No, it doesn't."
"Yes, it does." You eagerly told him, "You're literally losing essential fluids." 
"And you're literally just showing that you have a crush on me." 
"And you're- wait, what?" You gasped as he smirked. 
"One, you followed me that means you were looking for me. Two, you were looking for me, that means you cared for me when I punched Andrews in his fuckin' face," he summarized smugly, significantly proud at his genius theory.
"W-w-whato a-are-" You stuttered, feeling your cheeks light up like a tomato. "God, no! I was looking for you because we had a project together and you were in the student lounge and-" 
 "No, thanks. I don't need your excuses," Reggie chuckled obnoxiously, before starting to walk off to the other side. "It's fine, I got you. I'd find me irresistible, too." 
And oh my goodness, you were literally dying from embarrassment. 
"No! No, I do not like you, Reggie. I don't have some crush on you. Please put that in your twisted, torturous mind," you squealed like some fifth-year-old who just had their diary read. 
The difference was, you had no crush. But if there ever was, it wouldn't be Reggie freakin' Mantle! 
Reggie had this amused smirk going on his face, arms crossed over his chest while he looked down on you. "You're pretty sure?” 
You huffed, embarrassed and shocked and feeling terribly assaulted by a handsome boy a hundred times over. You nodded, grimly, to give him a statement and to settle yourself like a soldier. 
You must have looked stupid being all tough and stuff, because he laughed. "But, you wouldn't be mad, right, if I told you I liked you?"
-head over to #mantlelificent writes for more reggie m imagines.
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