kijosakka · 3 months
ok dijosakka do you have any Izzy headcanons
yes i do!!! (came up with these in the hours between getting this ask and answering it)
• definitely a maximalist. no one knows how she dusts
• can ride a unicycle and is stupid fast on both skates and rollerblades. however she can’t ice skate
• skipped 2 grades going into high school
• ^^ heavily isolated from her peers growing up, has a tendency to be a self-fulfilling prophecy with relationships going wrong
• laughing/rambling is her default to all uncomfortable emotions (this one is basically canon i think)
• loves overly sour and sweet things. nothing is too sour nor too sweet
• genuinely loves snacking on shit like carolina reapers
• keeps gets stung by jellyfish every single time she goes to the beach without fail
• eats all fruit with the skin/rind
• ^ thinks the skin of the apple is the best part (green r her fave)
• collects driftwood
• no sense of self preservation. where did it go
• ^ has never used a crossroad i don’t think. exclusively jaywalks
• additionally a habitual arsonist
• ^ collects empty/broken lighters
• really good at doing/braiding hair, its just trying to actually convince her to sit there with you
• chemistry and physics are her best subjects (she failed history class)
• body paint and markers are her best friends
• ^ also stickers
• hyperlexic
• loved block toys. still does
• has never kept the same scent of shampoo for more than single bottle
• has chased and successfully caught a squirrel before
• rock climbing & parkour courses. that is all
• loves throwing surprise parties
• constantly chasing adrenaline rushes (to the point of recklessly endangering herself, usually)
• tried to learn to cook when she was younger but after repeatedly getting yelled at for messing up, she quit trying altogether
• doesn’t have any pets because of her constantly traveling for her acting career, but if she did she would have a (venomous) snake
• favorite cake flavor is orange
• ^ makes box cake mix exclusively with sodas instead of oil/eggs
• did some kind of ballet/rhythmic gymnastic when she was younger
• see also: attachment issues. (this is canon also i think)
• habitually got in trouble for climbing equipment in school
• very, very good at impressions, human and animal
• freckled all over her body
• very loyal (aka slashed chris’ tires when noah got fired)
• double-jointed in every joint
• definitely has those time loop codes
• can play the theremin (think i saw this one somewhere else?)
• her and eva playfight/wrestle like they’re actually trying to kill each other (lovingly)
• very touchy/physically affectionate via surprising others but will jump back and hate it if someone surprises her with touch
• loves playing in the rain (esp lightning storms and hail)
• was always picked last for school team events (in spite of being very smart/athletic)
• chewed on her hair when she was younger
• takes baths exclusively over showers
• favorite hide and seek spot was the washing machine/dryer before she learned how to climb stuff and hide Better
• loves ‘kids’ games like tag and hide and seek because nobody ever played them with her when she was young
• scared of dogs (this makes sense to me and no idk why)
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gosungji · 2 years
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vieldam icons -- with shadow and without
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abandonbee · 4 years
Kj i like being your mutual i see you in my notes and I'm like oh hell yeah bee liked that post
Im actually gonna cryyyy this is so sweet!!
pls I like being your mutual as well <3 hell yeah
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cyancherub · 3 years
what da hell is going on in the bnha manga
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okkottsus · 3 years
Guess what? I love you! Send this to your favorite 10 blogs to make them happy and feel loved~ ❤️❤️❤️ (p.s. i'm so glad we got to become friends when u started talking in da more omg i remember when we became mutuals i was such a small blog and wanted to be friends with u akdjddjfdf anyway ily i cant wait to watch more free and hopefully furuba with you 💙💙)
zei i love you so much and im so happy we got to know each other better!!! im grateful that u joined the server and we both started talking more on there!!! here's to more streaming and talking and laughing <333
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yeba · 4 years
I keep thinking about that ask I have asking for a face reveal skjsksk
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softxingdae · 4 years
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aslancallenreese · 5 years
I don't know how they're remakes of each other but Sander and Lucas probably can't stand one another, in an almost i hate what i am kinda way, they're not really that similar, but just at the prickly points
Yeah I can see Lucas and Sander hating each other. I think Robbe is a special Isak that is just for Sander even though the Evens would be gone for Robbe. I think Sander and Joana would be bffs tho. 
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witchboyjimin · 2 years
kjask i just opened this gdoc labeled jm's bday fic n im looking at this outline i have 0 recollection of ever writing...there's like a page of shit here
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catcze · 3 years
seeing how detailed and interesting everyone else's genshin ocs r is making me motivated 2 actually start working on my oc's backstory ;;
- 🪐
I'm glad to hear you're getting motivated kjask <33
Maybe you should, if you have free time! I'd love to hear about it haha <33
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kijosakka · 5 months
TD Alenoah AU, where Noah came from a messed up family like Alejandro did... When Noah was a kid, Noah's parents became divorced and Noah's mother took the sisters, while leaving Noah with his ambitious father (because the mother grew to resent anything male)... Noah's father wanted to take advantage of the fact that Noah was a genius to make Noah a scientist or something and get rich off of him... Noah's father pressured Noah to study hard all the time, to go to a great college and earn the love of his father... The father would sometimes even make Noah stay up late at night studying until Noah knows everything perfectly (which is why present teen Noah gets tired so easily)...
When Noah was finished with elementary school, his Aunt (from his mother's side) and Uncle came to visit Noah and they were horrified at how his father was treating him... Noah's father got thrown in jail and Noah's mother refuses to take care of him, so Noah was taken in by his aunt and uncle; they became Noah's true family... The aunt and uncle were very loving and kind and patient with Noah, which Noah is very grateful for... Noah's little cousins look up to Noah and idolize him, while in return Noah cares about them deeply... His cousins are currently 10 and 12 years old girls; they're chaotic, love sports and love having adventures in nature; Izzy and Eva remind Noah of his dear cousins...
Noah had NEVER told anyone this before, not even Owen, because Noah is ashamed of his past... But Noah eventually decides to tell Alejandro (who he was friends with for a super long time at that point), when Alejandro first told Noah about how horrible his family was... When Alejandro heard what Noah went though, he gave Noah a hug! 💔❤️💖
i do think exploring how noah would not only interact with alejandro in this scenario but how it shapes him outside of his canon characterization could be really interesting here.
because, and please take this with a grain of salt i’ve been patiently waiting to take my ap psych class for months and still haven’t been able to, in-universe at least, noahs general Behaviors are kinda just. there?
granted this is narratively because he’s a comic relief character but my point here is that he’s just kinda an asshole. that’s just how he Is. but here it would make more sense for that to be more of a defense mechanism than a facet of personality — leading into how this hypothetical noah would socialize.
^ sticking in a parallel here to alejandro’s family dynamic (the made-up one. in my head.), there might be a general. lack. of it.
i can imagine what with such a heavy push to focus only on academics, noah ended up missing out on having friends and further than that, potentially believing it as normal for a good while; and while he’d come to learn (pre-td) that wasn’t the case, i’d imagine TD would be the first time that notion is ever confronted head-on.
head-on beyond family, of course, imagining that when everything is said and done and he’s under custody of other family he’s rightfully touchy about the subject and prefers to not confront the issue at all — and of course the potential here for noah to lean hard into academics as a kind of escapism since he really didn’t grow up with much else.
not to say he doesn’t have any growth at all, because i can definitely see burnout hitting noah like a semi around his highschool years (not to mention chronic sleep deprivation and years of ignoring bodily cues).
so say his grades slip, and despite being in a better environment he is still terrified of punishment; he’s, for lack of a better term, really fucking stressed out. and through that, some well meaning family member brings up the idea of total drama (seeing as in-universe it’s implied it was more in-line with a talent show and all the contestants believed it would take place on a 5-star resort), and,, to be honest i can see it as possible that noah would read into it as 'we don't want you here' and accept out of reprimand.
circling back around -- total drama is the first proper thing to confront his lack of socialization; while i am a tragic fan of the 'noah got himself eliminated on purpose' theory, i do think it would make more sense here for him to have genuinely not known. Zero Social Skills.
(^ and is furthermore an example of how his childhood shaped him -- he doesn't think he needs to be good at socializing because he's academically smart and that should be enough. that's always been what he's pushed towards, and the standards are logically lower here -- he'd been taught that's all that mattered and while he's learned since then that is objectively false, this is the first time he's being forced to face it.)
anyway i'd imagine he finds eva, izzy, and owen all easiest to socialize himself with because of all their specific personality traits and how there really are no faux pas he's in fear of making (and ofc the parallels he sees with certain cousins and his friends).
post-tdi but especially post-action i think would be when noah also moves on to confronting those issues with his family specifically (bringing up things like his major stresses with academics), leading to him being pulled out of school entirely and doing self-paced online coursework,,, and of course now giving him time to Get A Job.
world tour,, ngl going full au here i do think it would work better if alejandro and noah left off WT as genuinely just friends -- what with the familial traumas and potentially rather heavy themes, i think it'd work better overall for their dynamic to literally just be friends for a while and have it develop into something more later.
also just as a concept i think it would be funny for alejandro and noah, once learning about each others terrible families and being deeper into the healing process themselves to just make the worst fucking jokes ever. most inopportune. izzy laughs along while eva and owen are quite concerned (sticking alejandro into team escope + owen here btw. put that Guy in That Group)
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malasanvta · 5 years
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hola hice este gif que por supuesto no me va a servir para otra ocasión además de esta. anyways por acá emma trayéndoles un desastre homosexual (sorprendidos? sé que no). su nombre es aitana y está hecha en base a canciones de don omar y cazzu así que les pido perdón de antemano :^) anyways, abajo del read more les dejo datitos, si creen que pueda encajar en algo con sus personajes, pues denle like y los voy a molestar jiji o de plano tirenme la puerta en el im
conexiones / board / formulario
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aquí tienen otro gif useless
tiene 22 años, es escorpión (se me olvidó ponerlo en el formulario oopsie), y es la decepción de los castelo. 
es una niña fresa que se las tira de punk / bad girl. y le sale bien ngl
un día la puedes encontrar con ropita neón y maquillaje extravagante y otro la puedes ver con su oversized shirt de harley davidson y el delineador como mapache. also seguro te la encuentras volviendo a las 7 am de la peda porque... así es la gente sin oficio (avd)
tiene un conflicto con sus padres y su mayor meta en la vida es hacerlos enojar, entonces: se desaparece días de su casa, se junta con gente que a sus papis no les gusta (porque son riquillos y superficiales -- aitana también lo es un poco, a veces), abandonó la carrera como tres veces ?? incluso se metió a trabajar de uber ?? kjask es estúpida yo que sé. ahora se dedica a tatuar y es parte de una banda de puras chicas a lo the aces; ella es la guitarrista. tocan en bares y clubes y así.
le gusta derrochar dinero así que nos vendría bien que tuviera algunas amistades fake por ahí, nomás por interés :p es un imán de problemas tmb, con su cara de princesita y todo ha roto varias narices. le gusta ser el centro de atención aunque no lo admita y le tiene terror al rechazo. pero hey, es graciosa y estúpida, valídenla 
a gay mess ?? maybe bisexual ?? we don’t know, no nos gustan las etiquetas >:)
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blogdeunaweona · 4 years
 Pucha igual la semana pasada estuve con la regla y quería llorar todos los días, no me levante en toda la semana y no me cambié ni el pijama wn . La cuarentena me tiene más asquerosa y floja que la mierda, necesito algo pa motivarme a cocinar hacer ejercicio no sé wn o al menos alguna cosa que me motive a fingir que soy activa por instagram kjasks pero ni eso. Ya que se acabe esta wea porfavor necesito mostrar mis outfits en la calle comer sushi y salir de mi casaaaaa 
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cyancherub · 3 years
wait im so confused sry... did this used to be annies act???
NO IT WAS NOT KJASK annie is now at @ratsqueaks
i am assuming u are the same anon from this ask.. right?? JKKSA
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kijosakka · 5 months
Total Drama World Tour AU, where before everyone votes, Alejandro asks Noah: "Since you knew my true colors, why didn't you team up with Heather? Why didn't you warn the others earlier? Why did you only warn Owen and Tyler now?"... Noah then answers: "Because I don't care what you do with the others... If they're dumb enough to fall for your tricks and charms, then they deserve to lose... But Owen is my best friend, and I don't like how you treat him, so he's the only one I'm warning..." 😏 What if Noah's answer makes Alejandro decide to vote off Duncan instead?... How would Noah react to not being voted off?... What if Alejandro likes Noah's logical apathy?
there’s something in how (according to the wiki, at least), noah takes notice of alejandro’s sketchy behavior in germany and only ever brings up the trust thing challenges later in london — not to say noah hasn’t spoken with owen about alejandro before then (seen through when owen says noah told him heather and alejandro were into each other ‘big time’, he’s obviously talked about him before) but as owen’s asking ‘why don’t you like him’ and noah explains why he distrusts him that would indicate it’s something that specifically hasn’t been brought up before.
all this to say that he’s spoken to owen about them before and it shows if nothing else he wants owen to be wary of alejandro, which would be why he jumps at the opportunity to further warn and explain to him his distrust.
anyway i’d imagine post-challenge, while dissatisfied with it, noah would expect his elimination (thus giving him reason to lay all this cards on the table via telling alejandro why he did so, if not being just straight-up spiteful and wanting to gloat), adding to the surprise when he isn’t.
duncan would be saved by chris here (because of,, drama or whatever. the dreaded love triangle), and on noah’s part probably dread or annoyance with a smidge of being happy he’s not voted off — because, yeah, he’s still here, but now he has to deal with that he revealed himself to alejandro and through implicitly voting for him duncan may be wary of any alliance between them, leaving him as the option.
because i do think alejandro would leverage him warning owen to his own advantage — and even if there’s no goodwill or trust, duncan would play swing vote if it means the heat is off himself. thus, if alejandro says, owen is gone — to keep noah close; but further than that i do think alejandro would at least find his apathy interesting, if initially in a purely strategic way.
a kind of, ‘noah is proactive enough to recognize me but spiteful enough to think the people around him don’t “deserve” to be warned because they can’t see it themselves’.
there would be appreciation there for his being able to even see through his façade in the first place, and im sure grudging respect for being willing to say it knowing everyone else is fooled and it would cause dislike to be thrown noahs way (…..not that i think noah thought of this. i just think alejandro would assume noah did)
i do think noah would, while being pretty incensed at leveraged into such a forced alliance situation, go along with it, riding alejandros coattails to keep owen safe.
story-wise it would make sense for owen to still be eliminated in sweden (through a tiebreaker, probably) so noah can properly break away from alejandro come merger and team with someone else
……or conversely noah stays with alejandro and flat-out trashes it to get himself voted out. arguably the most in-character thing for him to do.
^ also because through the entirety of it, noah may recognize it for what it is; showing off. alejandro has been shown in-canon to be the kind of person who puts showing off above strict pragmatism, so he’s ‘punishing’ noahs speaking out by ‘showing off’ that he can leverage the situation to his own benefit anyway. and noah, spiteful and upset that his friend is gone, would seize the opportunity to piss alejandro off via ruining his whole plan.
this is all to say i want this particular set-up to turn into noah vaguely annoyed but mostly apathetic at his situation and for alejandro to be the stupid loser he really is genuinely growing to really like noah and his brand of scheming (romantic or otherwise honestly). more stupid loser alejandro please. completely dumbfounded when noah gets himself out.
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kijosakka · 5 months
Assistant Noah AU: How would Alejandro react to learning that Assistant Noah was originally a contestant in Season 1, but Noah tricked his team into voting him off super early... But Chris somehow found out, and Noah became Chris Mclean's Assistant as a punishment... How would Alejandro feel about learning this? 😅
assuming the timeline here, and that initially the circumstances of noah’s elimination is the usual ‘i was promised a 5-star resort, i didn’t get one, i’m going to get one’ and assistant noah’s usual Spite i think there is something interesting to be found there:
alejandro is the villain of world tour; the antagonist. with it comes a drive to win, so it’d be easy to say while he may respect it, he would look down on a play to just, get yourself out of the game. that being said, that reaction is more in-line with someone like heather, and alejandro is an opportunistic villain — i can see him respecting such a play, and admiring it in some way.
^ adding onto this, while i'm not sure this is too inline with what we're given in canon, alejandros motivations seem to be less about fame or money (seeing as his father is a diplomat) and more about proving a point specifically to his brother.
and, while not refined in the slightest, there is a degree of skill involved in nuking a single social situation so hard you get yourself voted out near-unanimously. and alejandro, different from someone like say heather, understands using the game to a different ends than what's being promised by it, ergo; respect and admiration.
(maybe even moreso since it is a very isolating move -- at least when he plays charmer villain he's hoping to get a good chunk of cash from it. all noah was hoping for was a luxury summer and he didn't even get that.)
not to mention it speaks to more character beyond the action itself -- a character i do think alejandro would, at the very least, be intrigued by. building off the previous assistant noah ask, i'd imagine alejandro would use it as a point of teasing, assuming it to be a kind of sore spot for noah.
which he isn't entirely wrong about -- since it wasn't so much a choice and more of a 'do this or else' i can see noah here being leagues more salty about his job and the circumstances thereof and looking back not-so-fondly on how he even landed it in the first place.
anyway in conclusion: it makes alejandro stumble harder into being a smitten loser and noah remains Bitter
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