"Kladvopka of the Swan Lake"
By: Kimberly Palenzuela
Profiles (Fiction)
My feet are trembling from the frost. Vladivostok, my home town, is still at -20°C, but I choose to practice in the old lake we used to play on when we were young. Times passed quickly, and my dreams were surely coming true, twirling, sliding. I could hear the ice screeching underneath my skating shoes.
When was the last time I was accompanied here? As I tried to recall my thoughts, I heard a faint shout I could hear from afar; the north wind was still giving me the chills."Kladdy come! Let's drink some coffee!"
It was my American friend Maddy, and she was here for the holidays, at least for her; it's been a while since we last met." Maddy, you know I can't drink coffee; caffeine is not good for me." she smiled as if there was no tomorrow "I know very well, you'll be amazing this coming Winter Olympics." she said
"Well, how did you know? It's still not enough; I couldn't even finish the triple mid-air routine perfectly", I responded.
"Still with that perfectionism stuff", as she pinched my cold nose, "I've been watching you for hours now. I can't bear the cold outside, yet you endure it so that you can practice well, look at how amazing the patterns in the lake is!" she pointed the frozen lake.
I was amazed at how beautiful the swan pattern was; I'd been practising the dance routine for many months now, and Coach Victoria instructed me to do some complicated stuff to beat my last year's record. I have loved skating since I was born; with my family, every winter was spent in the frozen lake of my hometown.
I started my first competition when I was six years old, and now I am 18, and this is my first Winter Olympics.
Xerxes Selene Kladvopka, Russia "That's my name!"I exclaimed as I rose from my seat and tried my best to compose myself; I smiled slowly and gracefully and made my way to the skating rink.
Wearing this royal blue fitted and lace dress with a matching tiara and a swan emblem. It felt like I was in my favourite storybook, "Swan Lake".
As the orchestra started to play, I closed my eyes and started my dance; I felt I had become one with my skating shoes; I felt every melody with passion and grace.
It was a slow-motion moment; I twirled, twirled, jumped, and slid. I smiled and did my mid-air jump; it had to be perfect as I practised a thousand times. My chest tightened, but I puffed it out and finished the dance.
After my part, I scanned the audience and spotted my favourite person, Maddy; she had been here all along. I thought she would never be here; a tear escaped my eye when I heard, "That was amazing, Princess!"
I was grateful and happy with this experience; I never imagined I would finish this well."I am so proud of you!"As I returned to her side, Coach Victoria told me, "Thank you for guiding me; thank you for being there from day one." she was my only coach since I was 6. With 12 years of experience, we had our fair share of losses and wins. She was also a champion skater, and I'm honoured to have her as my coach.
As I relaxed myself waiting for the announcement, I smiled and said, "Everything's gonna be all right".
Second runner-up Narumi Hayazaki, Japan!,1st runner-up Willia Diskervuok, Russia! My co-player had won already; I congratulated her as she walked and claimed her medal.
I will wait more, as I heard the drum roll and my heart pounding so fast."The champion of the women's skating single of Winter Olympics 2027 is the swan lake princess Xerxes Selene Kladvopka of Russia! Congratulations"
I heard the crowd roar with applause; my coach guided me, for I could not walk well. My knees were wobbly. I claimed my trophy and bit my medal. I was the winter champion and couldn't do this without perseverance, patience, and hard work. But most of all, those people who guide and love me all along.
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discoscoob · 2 years
People started shipping Klaus and Eddie (I love this) two characters from completely different shows, which shows us that characters don’t even have to interact, meet or even be in the same show for people to ship them.
That’s while I’ll never understand people responding with “they only interacted once” “they shared 5 minutes on screen together” when they see people shipping two characters.
Even if I don’t understand the appeal of a ship why should I expect others to not ship it because I don’t see the appeal?
Anyway, Eddie becomes Kas the vampire and he and Klaus are already boyfriends and Klaus was obviously devastated when yet another one of his boyfriends died and he’s even more upset when he can’t even manifest his ghost. Then he realises that he can’t manifest his ghost because Eddie is not actually dead. So he goes looking for him and when he finds him he discovers he is a vampire and Klaus lets Eddie drink his blood because it doesn’t matter how much he takes Klaus is immortal so he just keeps coming back. And since vampires can’t die, unless they get a stake through the heart, Eddie is technically immoral too, so Klaus will never have to worry about outliving him and they’ll just be immortal together and live happily ever after.
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vinodiriso · 5 years
@createdaeth ♡‘ed for a starter !!
EMA. 柔
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“Saving people from death... it is my purpose. The voices of a yokai do not cause me any turmoil. I--- I must be strong enough. For my Lord. For Lord Kuro. I will be strong enough. I will suffer any harm for the safety of Lord Isshin.”
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chronalized · 5 years
talonsaconite replied to your post: friendly reminder that activision blizzard is...
They fired people because Activision blizzard wanted to appease shareholders and for their stocks to rise. That’s it. That’s how growth is determined nowadays and it’s not only with activision, it’s with almost any big game developer/publisher nowadays. Plus, they didnt fire anyone from the game development teams but from other sections such as customer support and marketing. But then again, currently EA is under fire because of their lootbox exploits (½)
And if the lootbox controversy continues, the government might even focus lootboxes overall which would mean that Activision blizzard gets under fire for it, too. Its corporate greed. They need constant growth all the time or else the stocks go stale or down and that will lose them their investors. As for my opinion, I actually hope that within 5 years, blizzard falls apart. It’s not the blizzard that they used to be anymore. A lot of former great employees have left (2)
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can blizzard hire kladdi already so she can dismantle it from the inside and stage an uprising and also put joe in the game because im thirsty
also the whole “do you guys not have phones” thing came from them firing marketing employees so ur totally right
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fryordie · 6 years
but pssst; when will tho.r get a vacation in hawa.ii? he is tired and needs 2 rest 😥
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carnifx-blog · 6 years
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Gabriel “You are all my children, but sometimes I want to put you up for adoption” Reyes
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glcryhound · 5 years
"I am Groot! I am Groot! I am Grooooot!" [ ❛ come on ! fight back ! fight back ! fight back you coward ! ❜ ] (groot here to deliver some ass kicking)
[dangerous sentence prompts] | @curiopeculiar
Tiring quickly of the floral creature’s repetitive ramblings, Jack made a show of throwing up his hands, shouting a storm despite the fact they were the only two present in the room -- and that he was addressing an alien creature there was smaller than even a skag pup in terms of height. 
“Jeez don’t you ever shut UP, little guy?” Groot’s endless chattering, which he all but presumed fell into threat posturing territory, was slowly eroding what patience he had left. Were it allowed to deplete entirely, it would see him take action against the living creature -- preferably by taking an axe to his wooden hide. “Can’t understand a goddamn thing that you’re sayin’, but I’m... currently workin’ on a fix for that.”
Or rather, he was trying to think of a solution, anyway. It was part of the reason that he had been skimping out on threatening the flora colossus this past while-- for great as Jack believed himself to be, he was incapable of multitasking. 
“I’m sure there’s a way of makin’ a translator. Which’d be a cinch if I hadn’t just execut-- I mean, fired! My R&D guys.”
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Is Maucer winking at Frid? Oh yes you bet. He winks, smiles, tips his hat. [hello ann, have my disaster warlock uwu]
What a strange man; A strange looking man indeed, not including the top hat. But, a guest is a guest no matter how strange.
“And a good morning to you, sir. Is there something I can help you with?”
A charming smile of her own to the guest as she finishes putting the vials of potions beneath the glass case. The store cluttered with strange odds and ends, collectables, and special items of magical sorts. 
Think of an antique store. 
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anathesniper · 5 years
talonsaconite replied to your post: // I made a few of my dnd NPCs a blog
you make shitpost art idk, stick figures, slap some color on it, slap some photoshop on it, make icons, fly by the seat of your pants. just do it. xD
// *whispers* I already followed your multi with it for marius :3
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auramade · 6 years
@talonsaconite || SC
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      ❝ i would say smoking kills -- but you have likely heard that one too many times, have you not? besides, there are an endless amount of entities that pose a much more dire threat than a silly little cigarette. isn’t that right, my dear? ❞
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nxmhe · 6 years
@talonsaconite | continued from: x
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“We were curious to know what ‘Jelloe’ t͜͏a̛ş͜tè͡͡s̶̨̡ like.”
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hello someone please stop me while i am ahead
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good bye
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lionhardtd · 6 years
She observed him for a while, watched him not moving, watched his shaky hands. Minutes passed. Eventually, Joe walked over, and snapped his fingers right in front of his face, demanding attention. "Oi. You're spacing out. What's the matter?" (Have a joe ... attempting to care? ; w ; )
Reinhardt can taste the bile in the back of his throat, threatening to spill pass his mouth and onto the floor. He’s reliving every moment of Eichenwalde-- from start to finish. Old wounds resurfacing in his heart and mind, threatening to take him away even further.
The snap of Joe’s fingers causes him to physically flinch. Quickly, he brings his shoulders up, stiffening and taking a step back, gaze wide. His eye aches, remembering how it hurt days after the battle.
He’s quick to force a smile once he recognizes her.
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“AHAHA! Forgive me, Joe, I.. Did not notice you. Nothing is the matter, I ah.. Did not sleep very well last night.”
Smile forced, laugh, forced. He’s practically artificial, but his stance relaxes the slightest. Still on edge, still uneasy.
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chronal-anomaly · 6 years
you are both. and im not scared. fite me (ง •̀_•́)ง
I’m 5′2 of whoopass lets gooo
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mnimimou-blog · 6 years
rules:  think carefully about your character and their development through their journey  (canon or oc ) within their story .  fill out the chart and tag whoever you want !    repost , do not reblog .
tagged by: @talonsaconite tagging: the dash!
deity of:  Labyrinths, Seeking Truth, Wealth (knowledge, handling money), pathfinding
associated with: labyrinths, the mind, honesty, opulence, gold, finding answers/ the truth, wanting to solve puzzles, finding paths, navigating when lost
sacred plants: white chrysanthemum, cornflower, Iris
sacred stones / gems: Aventurine, Malachite, Serpentine
sacred animals: cats, rabbits, birds
colors: white, gold, shades of blue
food:  pomegranates, dolmadakia, baklava
scents: mint, petrichor
accepted offerings: gold, mint leaves, threads, lanterns
ways to honor:  solving puzzles/riddles, leaving lanterns out and on shrines, exploration into the unknown, leaving out things for animals, sewing with golden thread,creating puzzles/riddles, seeking truth in all things, seeking patterns and designs in normal life or creating them yourself
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deadlockled · 6 years
talonsaconite replied to your post: thxlionsdxn replied to your post: ...
insulting your salad, right in front of your salad :’D
h-heck....it came full circle i’m dying
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