#klaine + taylor swift is ALWAYS a great idea
miasswier · 6 years
miasswier’s ultimate glee ranking no: 29
29: Guilty Pleasures
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Written by:  Russel Friend, Garrett Lerner Directed by: Eric Stoltz
Overall Thoughts: This episode closes off the best set of episodes in season four, and it does so with a bang. I really, really like this one. Of course it has some iffy things, but honestly, not as many as a lot of other episodes, even ones I’ve listed higher. It’s fun, and cute, and sweet, but doesn’t feel like a filler (even though it is). Just straight up good.
What I Like:
Kurt’s guilty pleasures are so hilarious. Especially the boyfriend pillow. I love when he’s like, “oh, nobody can find out, especially Adam, OR GOD FORBID BLAINE” like oh my gosh Kurt you are so not over that boy.
“Wow. That sounds really not romantic, and also very, very gay.”
Santana being so excited over her girlfriend pillow, and then actually fucking using it while she and Kurt watch Facts of Life.
Sam basically masterminds this whole guilty pleasures week (and makes Blaine think it was his idea) just so he can get Blaine to admit he has a crush on him. Like, full offence, but that’s gay.
“Dude, put some pants on, I need to talk to you.”
This is an awesome episode for the ladies in the Glee club. Not only do they get to have multiple scenes together, but they also stand up against the performance of a misogynistic abusers songs.
When Jake shit talks Britney Spears and Brittany goes “You shut your mouth!”
Blaine reading Goosebumps in the library like a DORK.
Y’all remember when Kurt threw that hula-hoop to Blaine and we all lost our shit? Geeze, how starved were we for Klaine content dear lord.
Blaine talking about how walking through the cafeteria cuts FIFTEEN SECONDS off his morning routine. Fifteen seconds. This boy, I swear to god.
Will isn’t in this episode, god bless.
I like that Marley doesn’t just roll over and tell Jake that she’s fine with what he plans to do. Even after he doesn’t perform the Chris Brown song she still sticks to her beliefs. Even if they make up, it’s made clear that she still doesn’t believe Chris Brown should be performed, and I think it’s good that they didn’t make her concede to his point. Marley Rose is growing a spine!
Ryder getting so fucking into the Spice Girls performance.
What I Don’t Like:
Rachel thanks Santana for taking away her agency in this whole Brody situation, and then is touched that Finn travelled to New York to punch her boyfriend in the face. Are like… are there actually women out there like this, who think that’s romantic, or is this just how men assume women are? Cause I don’t know a single woman who would be touched that her ex came to another state, punched her boyfriend in the face, and didn’t even text her that he was in town.
Rachel says she and Brody have a “mature” conversation. I’m sorry, which part of it was mature? The part where you threw money at him, or the part when he called you a daddies’ girl who didn’t have to work for anything?
Jake comparing people like Britney Spears, Whitney Houston, and Rhianna to Chris Brown is incredibly inappropriate. Especially Rhianna. You’re seriously implying that getting back together with your abuser is just as bad as beating the shit out of your girlfriend? Fuck off with that. Also, I can’t help but notice that the only people Jake seems to want to say are bad role models are women. Interesting.
I’ve always thought the Barry Manilow thing didn’t make any sense. I legit didn’t know who Barry Manilow was when this episode aired, and I was the age these kids are supposed to be when it aired the first time. He’s a singer from the 1970’s. I don’t know why they changed it from Taylor Swift – who would have actually made sense to have as a guilty pleasure for a seventeen-year-old in 2013 – to Barry Manilow, who most teenagers at the time wouldn’t have even known.
Blaine singing a song that perfectly summarizes his feelings about his relationship to Kurt, and then the heavy implication that it’s for Sam. Nope. Nuh-uh. Not buying it. (This is actually what made me stop shipping Blam, I just couldn’t stand that).
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go: Gosh I love this song. It’s so fun, and it shows that they can do some pretty cool things, even if they’re just performing in the choir room or in the auditorium. Why didn’t they do more performances like this?
Copacabana: It’s a fun song, but like I said, Barry Manilow isn’t relevant enough to this age group to make any of this storyline believable.
Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now): Unpopular opinion time: I really don’t like Phil Collins aside from his Disney work, and I find this song boring, way too long, and I don’t like that they chose this song for Blaine to sing to Sam. Normally I love anything Blaine sings, but this is just not for me.
Wannabe: I’m surprised it took this long for Glee to cover this song! It’s an awesome song and an awesome number. Really fun, and awesome girl power!
My Prerogative: Look, I enjoy this song, but the reasoning behind the performance annoys me. Also, he kind of sounds like Kermit the Frog in some parts and ever since I noticed I can’t unhear it.
Creep: This is probably my favourite song from the episode, even if I’m not entirely sure it works that well in context, and I think it’s pretty lame that they just ended up singing in the fucking auditorium like please mix it up a little guys. The vocals are simply fantastic, though.
Mamma Mia: Could have used less Rachel and more Kurt, but overall a good song. A nice closing number for this episode.
Final Thoughts: This is a fun episode that manages to tackle some serious issues while still remaining campy and silly. It’s kind of nice that this whole Brody vs Santana thing is finally over, even if they had to totally screw over Brody’s character to make it happen. It’s too bad that the rest of season four couldn’t have stayed as great as “Sadie Hawkins” til this episode, but what can you do. It was nice while it lasted, I guess.
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