#kleptomaniac cinderella
Barduil Month sneak peeks part 8!
I've posted all the ones that got more than one vote in the poll, so now I'm going to post a couple of my favourites - one now and one later. First up we have the fairytale AU, in which I attempt to shoehorn everyone into the Cinderella story... :D Featuring Tilda the wannabe kleptomaniac...
Sigrid broke the red wax seal on the back of the envelope and drew out a card, just as heavy and beautifully-lettered, and she read it out loud.
“Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm, being desirous of making suitable matches for his son and daughter, invites all those of marriageable age and noble birth to a Masked Ball on Midsummer Eve.” She paused, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. “And then it’s got my name on it, and ‘with chaperone’. I suppose that’s you, Da, but…but me? I’m hardly ‘of noble birth’, really, not at this point. We’re all just skivvies for the Master.”
“Our great-great-however-many-times-Granda was still Lord of Dale,” Bain pointed out, and Sigrid sighed.
“I can’t possibly go,” she said, “I haven’t a single nice dress. Or nice shoes. We’ll just have to send my apologies, although how on earth we’re going to do that when we haven’t any nice notepaper, I don’t know.”
“I can get some from the Master’s study,” suggested Tilda, “he’ll never notice me running in and out.”
“No need, kitten,” said Bard. “Sig, you can wear one of your Mam’s dresses, they’re still packed away in the cupboard.”
“If they fit me,” said Sigrid, “and if they’re even remotely in style, and if the moths haven’t got to them.” She sighed despondently, but then a tiny smile began to creep across her face. “Although can you imagine? A ball, in the palace in the Woodland Realm…”
“If you want to go,” said Bard, “we’ll make sure you can.”
“We can always make you a dress,” said Tilda, “the Master has lots of silks and velvets that he never wears, he’d never notice if one or two of them fell out of his wardrobe.”
“No, Til,” said Sigrid firmly. “We’ll work something out. Hilda might have something to spare that we can do something with.”
The rest of this one will be coming along on Sunday! In the meantime, come and join us at @bi-widower-dads for a whole month of the Bi Widower Dads (other interpretations are available)!
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zootplayz · 10 months
Cowabunga! We are back! And we have a baby to deliver.
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Is the panic still necessary at child no. 6? Let's get this over with, we know the drill by now.
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Baby number 6 is another little girl, Mabel.
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That makes 5 girls 1 boy so far Peanut is always in the way. By sitting here 'protecting' the baby he causes routing issues. By sitting by his best friend the toilet he causes 'shameful sim issues'. And while we are on the subject. Why do these two look so upset?
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The foods waiting for them and yet they look like they haven't eaten in days. But enough canines we need to get back to the kids, because you know 7! (Who's idea was it I do this challenge again?) So at the moment we only have to deal with one toddler (thank the sim gods for small blessings) in the little Julie. Julie is especially close to Dad but soon she'll have to share the baby love.
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Because baby Mabel...
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is now toddler Mabel!
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That's totally how she aged up, how cute is she?! Surprisingly there has been zero sibling rivalry and Julie was excited the very day Mabel was brought home.
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She's an adorably pudgy...
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Wild Child!
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This toddler trait and silly (spoiler alert the next one is silly) almost never roll for me with the legacy trait generator. Luckily for Zoots sanity, they weren't toddlers at the same time for long. Julie grew into a very pretty young lady.
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I mean did you expect anything else? I bet you didn't know Cinderella was a kleptomaniac though, did you? Now there are three little girls running around the house.
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Lisa mastered her scamp aspiration just like her older brother Vincent by boogieing down in the living room.
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Now she can help walk the dogs like everyone else who's mastered their childhood aspirations. Soon the family was back to just the two kids running around because Bridget had a birthday as well.
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Now she's not only a slob but she's also clumsy. Isn't that giving her two 'bad' traits? We have one more birthday! Are you excited? I can't hear you! Alright alright, settle down.
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Eldest child Theresa grew into an unflirty adult and we kicked her out. Because... Before we tell Dad though Vincent has far more surprising news...
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Ok now we can tell Bob.
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He can't believe his ears! Don't worry Bob it's the last time! I hope... I mean I promise, yeah that's it, I promise. Part 09 Part 11 Read the full article
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thesimcat · 8 years
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@madegeeky I'm starting to wonder if Cinderella didn't steal a gnome and I just forgot about it because I automatically put everything she stole in the house. I do remember gnomes could move. I thought it was under certain circumstances but maybe not. And now they've apparently decided to dress them in a horrifying outfits.
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itsqwertyluvs · 3 years
I’ve recently been playing the Disney Princess Challenge through for the first time but since it was made so long ago, I felt like it needed a few updates to the rules!
THIS IS NOT MY CHALLENGE IDEA !!! The original rules are posted here: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/784536/the-disney-princess-10-gen-challenge
Generation 1: Snow White
"I'm wishing for the one I love to find me today"
- Must be female
- Must complete the ‘Freelance Botanist’ aspiration
- Must max the Gardener career (if you have Seasons)
- Must have 7 children (the 7 dwarfs)
- Each child must have one negative trait each (for example, gloomy or glutton)
- Each child must have the same father
- Each child must complete something before they become a young adult eg. max a toddler/child skill, reach level 3 of all toddler skills, become an A student, etc
- Snow White can never answer the door to strangers or talk to elderly women
- She must grow her own garden that includes apple trees in it
Generation 2: Cinderella
“A dream is a wish your heart makes”
- Must have ‘Neat’ & ‘Foodie’ traits
- Must complete the ‘Soulmate’ aspiration
- Must max the Style Influencer career
- Must clean the house every day and cook each meal
- Cannot marry until her mother dies
- Have a maximum of 3 children
- Must go to a ‘Ball’ (a party), meet their partner & leave quickly
- Must dress in scruffy clothes until she gets married to her partner
- Must own a pet rat (if you have My First Pet Stuff)
Generation 3: Tiana
"The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work"
- Must have ‘Ambitious’ trait
- Must complete ‘Master Chef’ aspiration
- Must own a restaurant (if you have Dine Out), if you don’t, you must max the Culinary career
- Father must die before end of young adulthood
- Must marry a sim with green features eg. hair, skin, makeup, etc
- Must not get married til adulthood
Generation 4: Ariel
"Someday I'll be part of your world"
- Must have ‘Child of the Ocean’/‘Active’ & ‘Kleptomaniac’ trait
- Must complete the ‘Curator’ aspiration
- Must be a mermaid from birth (if you have Island Living)
- Must do odd jobs to earn money
- Must collect at least ONE entire collection eg. crystals, elements, etc
- Must own a fish tank
- Their father must be overprotective, therefore they don’t leave the house til teenage years
- Must have at least level 8 in singing OR guitar
- Must have twin girls (if you’re playing with Anna next)
Generation 5: Anna
"We only have each other, it's just you and me"
- Must have ‘Family Orientated’ trait
- Must complete ‘Super Parent’ OR ‘Successful Lineage’ aspiration
- Must max the Secret Agent career
- Must fall in love with a criminal
- Must lose contact with their twin sister until young adulthood
- Must have both parents die before becoming adults
- Must experience near death at the hands of your lover
- In adulthood, must find a new partner & become best friends with your sister
- Must have a pet named Sven in adulthood (if you have Cats and Dogs)
- Must marry their partner & have one child together
Generation 6: Rapunzel
"You were wrong about the world, and you were wrong about me"
- Must have ‘Loner’ & ‘Art Lover’ traits
- Must max painting & cooking skills before young adulthood (or adulthood)
- Must complete the ‘Painter Extraordinaire’ aspiration
- Must max the Painter career
- If you have Parenthood, Rapunzel can sneak out past curfew to explore but otherwise must only leave the house for school
- Must never have friends til they get married
- Must run away & elope in young adulthood
- Must have a ‘Enemies to Lovers’ story line trope with partner
- Have a small pet (if you have My First Pet Stuff) called Pascel
Generation 7: Belle
"People think I'm odd, so I know how it feels to be different"
- Must have ‘Bookworm’ & ‘Loner’ traits
- Must complete the ‘Nerd Brain’ aspiration
- Must max the Education OR Scientist OR Writer career
- Must max logic skill
- Must date at least 5 sims before adulthood
- Must ‘get lost’ away from home & find the ‘Beast’ - make the Beast ‘ugly’ to begin with
- Must marry & have children with the Beast
- After marriage, the Beast becomes ‘beautiful’
Generation 8: Mulan
"Could it be, that if I were truly to be myself, I would break my family's heart"
- Must have ‘Active’ trait
- Must complete the ‘Bodybuilder’ OR ‘Extreme Sports Enthuasiast’ aspiration
- Must max the Astronaut OR Athlete OR Military career
- Must max the fitness skill
- If you have Snowy Escape, they must max the skiing OR snowboarding skill
- Must fall in love with a co-worker once reaching Level 10 of the chosen career & marry them
- If you have Get Famous, they must become at least a rising star in fame due to their achievements
- Must have a pet (if you have Cats and Dogs)
Generation 9: Jasmine
"A whole new world, a hundred thousand things to see"
- Must have ‘Ambitious’ & ‘Self-Assured’ traits
- Must complete the Friend of the World OR Friend of the Animals aspiration
- Must max the Business career
- Must max the pet training skill (if you have Cats and Dogs)
- Must not leave the house unless it’s for school
- Must marry a poor person who’s in the Criminal career
- Must have a maximum of 4 children
- Must have at least 2 pets (if you have Cats and Dogs)
Generation 10: Merida
"If you had the chance to change your fate, would you?"
- Must have the ‘Loner’ & ‘Unflirty’ trait(s) (if you have City Living)
- Must complete the ‘Chief of Mischief’ aspiration
- Must max the Detective OR Tech Guru career
- Must reach at least Level 8 of the fitness, mischief & fishing skill
- Must have a bad relationship with their mother & a good relationship with their father
- Must be forced to marry someone by their parents, and divorce soon after
- Must have their mother & sibling(s) die before adulthood
- Must never marry again & never have children
- Must live happily by themselves until death
Generation: Moana
"One day I'll know, how far I'll go"
- Must have ‘Loves the Outdoors’ & ‘Child of the Island’ traits (if you have Island Living)
- Must complete the ‘Angling Ace’ OR ‘Jungle Explorer’ aspiration
- Must max the Writer career
- Must max fishing & charisma skills
- Must be very close with her grandmother who dies before young adulthood
- Must run away from home to explore the world (the jungle if you have Jungle Adventure)
- Must meet Maui whilst exploring & become best friends with them
- Must marry someone (not necessarily Maui) & have children together
- Before their parents die, they must return home & become a close family once again
Generation: Aurora
"I walked with you once upon a dream"
- Must have the ‘Lazy’ trait
- Must complete the ‘Fabulously Wealthy’ aspiration
- Must max the Entertainer OR Actor OR Social Media career
- Must max the violin & singing skill (if you have City Living)
- Must only have a maximum of 3 friends
- Must spend all of their teenage years in their house
- Must meet partner at night whilst their parents are sleeping
- Must runaway from home & elope in young adulthood
- Must have a maximum of 2 children
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glowyjellyfish · 3 years
Okay! I have finished building houses in Lake Buena Vista, the Disney BaCC!
I then got about halfway through assigning traits to everybody and realized I was missing some (Honest John needs to be a Kleptomaniac guys), so quit out to inspect that. I think it was just a matter of having a stew of medieval-themed trait duplicates that were supposed to replace some, so I’ll see if that has done the trick tomorrow. I also started on some organizing and cleaning of this downloads folder; it was basically a copy of my standard modern game CC smorgasboard with some recent skintones/makeup/hair/mods from the medieval hood added to the mix, so it is a tad messy.
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Honest John Foulfellow
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...and his partner/roommate Gideon Gatti. I mean that literally, they’re not into each other. Well, they have one bolt, and not a lot of prospects, so I might let it happen. Gideon’s more into Snow White than anyone else, hilariously. I want them to be at the forefront of founding the Thieves’ Guild (or whatever I decide to call the guild hall for the Criminal career), but Honest John wants to be a City Planner and Gideon wants to be the head of SCIA. Crooked, I assume.
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Their house. Like the other commoner houses, it is fully furnished and decorated because I didn’t start by going overboard and overbudget. I tried to make it a little scrubby, but that is not my preferred aesthetic, sooooo...
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See, they have a damaged couch and Honest John’s bed is just fancy sheets on a pile of box springs, and all the nice art is probably forgeries! ...I am very fond of the Calvin and Hobbes triptych on Gideon’s wall though, I feel like that suits him.
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Then Mangiafuoco Stromboli, who lives with
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Romeo Lampwick, a Teen! I think those are canon first names for the both of them; I would not have named Lampwick Romeo. My brain wants his first name to be Chester, thanks Simpsons. As previously mentioned, Stromboli is probably going to get Lady Tremaine to run off with him. There are literally only two teens in the hood right now and they’re both boys (technically I should have made Snow and Cinderella be teens but dammit if they’re old enough to get married they are adults), and I have yet to see if they hit it off; more likely they will just have to wait for new sims to be born/age up or move to town. Lampwick wants to be a Professional Party Guest, which is appropriate, while Stromboli wants to be Hand of Poseidon, which... sure, Stromboli, you do you I guess.
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The Stromboli house. I think this time I succeeded at giving it a strong lower class aesthetic from the outside!
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...not nearly so much on the inside, but it’ll do.
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Next up is Pecos Bill, whose hair does not fit under his required cowboy hat. He can’t go without the hat; I might try to find him hair that works with it better.
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And Slue Foot Sue, shown here in the process of flirting. She’s got the same issue, but I like her hair too much, so eh. Pecos Bill wants to be an Icon, which can’t happen as he is uneducated, and Slue Foot Sue wants to be Media Magnate, which could. If I was using Sun & Moon’s Star Factory products in this town, I would have them literally raising cows and horses, but I do not want the hassle of figuring that out. They might have a non-CC farm, and/or raise dogs maybe?
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Their house. Many houses in this hood ended up teetering on the edge of a cliff. I should have set it up in a flatter hood instead of the Aesthetic Mountain Lake, but try and tell that to Last Year Me.
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Fortunately, it was not hard to have a light cowboyish vibe to their decor.
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Johnny Appleseed, with his two apple trees in the background!
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I made his house a little too big, so it ended up a little more sparsely decorated. But he has everything he needs (the sun and the rain and the apple trees~), and he’s super ready for a partner to move in and start a family with him. He wants to be a Mad Scientist despite my apple plans for him, and this ambition matches that of Doc Goodmountain who is the person he is most attracted to, so... we’ll see!
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Before I get to the commoners from the last few movies, check out Katrina’s new outfit! The pink isn’t a perfect match, but the whole look of it suits her I think.
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Meet Brom Bones, in theory a potential suitor for Katrina but in practice Brom is much more into 1. men or 2. the fairies. Good for him!
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His house is slightly bland, I did my best but was definitely getting tired of making small starter houses.
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Ichabod Crane! Looking WAY more handsome than his cartoon counterpart, I might add, despite an effort to match his features. He wants to be a Professional Party Guest, but I might force him to work on Education instead and get the guild set up and university unlocked for the first born generation. He’s got a chance with Katrina, actually, but he’s also equally into Grumpy for some reason.
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I have some interior pictures, but there really isn’t a lot going on there. He has a chess table.
The last household is Souris, aka the Mice From Cinderella as human sims. I think I’ll save that for a post tomorrow as this is already quite long and there are a full 8 mice with a fairly large house to match. At first I was only going to use Jaq and Gus, then I was desperate for more female characters and looked up whether the lady mice were named, and then I discovered the two identical mice and the little one also have names, and there was nothing for it but including them all. I’ll get into it more when I post their pictures. And then, assuming the trait cleanup worked, I will finish assigning traits, copy the hood for duplication and backup, and then play!
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simschallenges · 4 years
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(note: because the original post by suxela can’t be found, i’m posting an archived version of the rules.)
Into The Woods Legacy Challenge Rules
By: Suxela
Welcome to the Into The Woods Legacy Challenge, where your legacy will have plenty of interesting characters, as well as ups and downs.
Growing up loving Disney fairy tales, it was no surprise that when I heard about the Into The Woods musical, I absolutely had to see it. That movie remained my favorite until I watched the Beauty and the Beast live action movie. Now, inspired by the Disney Princess Legacy Challenge, I decided to make a brand new challenge based off of Into The Woods. If you don’t know what it’s about, let me sum it up. Into The Woods is about several different fairy tales being intertwined and each story is dependent upon the others. The baker and his wife need to gather supplies for a potion to break a curse so they can have a child. These ingredients include items from the other fairy tales, like Cinderella's slipper. Everyone gets their happily ever after but then the big twist happens, affecting every single character.
General Rules:
No money cheats
Must complete all goals before death of character or you lose the challenge
Must have or adopt an heir for each generation
If you have any extra packs installed, feel free to use them. I would definitely love to see the cats and dogs expansion used with some of the characters. And if you do this challenge as a youtuber, please post the videos so I can watch.
Starting Out: Begin with a starter home and 1000 simoleons. I encourage you to be creative with the characters but it is always good to have some sort of representation of who they are in their looks.
Generation 1: Cinderella
Despite the life she’s lived with her stepmother and stepsisters, she’s finally free from them but still bound to her old life through a wicked curse of cleaning and a dreadful wardrobe. But it’s not all that bad, because she kinda likes cleaning. Will she ever break the curse and find her happily ever after…? 
Start out as a YA and must clean everything in her household until marriage.
Traits: Music Lover, Loves Outdoors, Neat
Aspiration: Your choice
Career: Your Choice
Plant a tree in her backyard as a YA
Throw a fancy party and invite chosen prince before marrying him as a YA (feel free to rush relationship. That’s what she did in the movie)
Have at least 1 child (heir) named Red
 Divorce husband as an adult after catching him cheating
Achieve level 10 of the singing skill
Generation 2: Red (Red Riding Hood)
Red’s nothing like Cinderella so raising this child must have been exhausting. It’s hard to say who they got their traits from but not from Cindy, and the trouble Red gets into doesn’t help either. 
Traits:Glutton, Kleptomaniac, Loves Outdoors (Or dog lover if you have the Cats & Dogs EP)
Aspiration: The Curator
Career: Criminal
Reach level 10 of the fitness skill 
Decorate your house with 5 stolen items
Reach top of Criminal career
Complete aspiration
Have at least one child but doesn’t have to marry (can adopt)
(Again only if you have the EP) Have a dog that is like the wolf from the movie with the traits glutton, hunter, and trouble maker.
Generation 3: Jack/Jackie
This kid takes after their parent for sure. Stealing is a thrill for them but gets the kid into trouble quite a bit. Well, I hope they can make other friends besides Milky White.
Traits: Active, Childish, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Your Choice
Career: Criminal
Become best friends with Milky White (Add this sim into town as a female)
Sell all items stolen for profit
Mother dies before marrying
Marry as adult and have 1 girl first and 1 other child (must be by blood)
Dual Generation: Generation 4: Rapunzel and the Baker
*In a dual generation, you have to have both sims living in the same house and control both of them, doing their challenges at the same time. It’s more of a challenge and much more fun.*
Rapunzel’s mother loved her but forced her to clean everything for them once she was old enough and wouldn’t let her leave the house, save for school (unless you have the mod for homeschool/online school). She couldn’t even talk to her sibling! (not like she knew about them) It was fine for her though. She had all the things she wanted except a romantic relationship, but she didn’t think about that until she was a YA.
Traits: Creative, Neat, and Romantic (give her this trait as YA)
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: N/A until adulthood
Reach level 10 of the painting skill 
Doesn’t talk to her sibling until an adult
Gets married as an adult and meets sibling
Grows to hate her mother before her mom dies (you can cheat this)
It doesn’t matter what gender or name the baker has but for rule purposes, it is a boy. The baker doesn’t have a good relationship with his parents. In fact, he barely speaks to them, or his sister until he’s an adult. All he does for them is cook once he’s a teen. He loves it so he doesn’t mind but hopes his future S/O shares their love of cooking so they can both cook. After meeting his S/O, the couple finds out they can’t have a child. Will they ever lift the curse they find out has been put on them?
Traits: Family Oriented, Foodie, Self-Assured
Aspiration: Master Chef
Career: Culinary
Meets future husband/wife as teen and marries them as YA
Both have to be a part of the Culinary career
Meet Rapunzel as adult
Have mother drink the Sim’s Special to become “magically” fertile
Have 1 child but the mom must die after it’s born (cheat this if needed)
Reach level 10 cooking and gourmet cooking skill as well as completing the Master Chef aspiration
Generation 5: The Baker’s Child; Final Gen!
*Can have any name/gender, but for rule purposes, I will use a female. Also I’m aware we don’t get to see the child grow up in the movie but here you can play the life of the child.* 
She grew up without a mother, but is still able to live a good childhood, despite her slightly gloomy nature. She had great grades in high school, too. Other than her seemingly perfect life, she has a cool ancestry which is perfect to write about, so what does she do? She becomes a writer of course, telling their stories as her father once told her.
Traits: Gloomy, Creative, Your Choice
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Career: Writer
Max out all skills that are available to toddlers/children.
Has to be at the top of her class in high school
Write 3 books inspired by some her ancestors as those tell the stories of their lives. Be sure to name it after them as well.
Reach level 10 of the writing skill and top of career
Complete aspiration as well
You can decide the rest of the aspects of her life such as her friends, romances and even if she has kids. You can even have her get a pet (squeals from pet loving nature). Definitely have fun with this character. 
Congratulations! You have won the Into The Woods Legacy challenge.
“Remember to tell the stories worth telling.” 
~ Suxela
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marciabrady · 3 years
Hi, I loved your analysis of Cinderella (1950) vs Cinderella (2015). A lot of what you talked about was how the original Cinderella was no pushover, and that got me thinking of The Glass Slipper (1955). I was wondering how you felt about Leslie Caron's interpretation, because that is by far one the the strongest willed Cinderellas to date.
Hi there! Thank you so much for the compliment. It's greatly appreciated!
The Glass Slipper is one of my favorite Cinderella retellings. I think the writing is very rich (it was done by a woman!) and the characterizations are very intriguing. However, I don't believe there's any of the true Cinderella in Leslie's performance. I think it was an interesting twist, how they made Leslie's Cinderella so unlikable. It's a testament to the writing that they make both sides so easily understood- the stepfamily's and Cinderella's and the Godmother's. I think it was a fascinating choice to make Cinderella's Fairy Godmother a kleptomaniac, and none of it is played for cheap laughs, the way they write Disney movies nowadays.
Overall, I think Leslie's Cinderella is the performance of an unwell woman. I feel like her portrayal heightens the feeling of the character being an outsider- Leslie's even the only one in the film with a noticeable accent that isn't American or English. And I also think the way she reacts to things just reveals someone who, either suffered some type of psychological break and trauma from the abuse, or whose psychological problems were then made worse by the abuse. The way she screams and can flip on an instance and almost react like an unreasonable child in ways is compelling within the narrative of the film and something I find myself thinking of long after the last frame is shown. My heart also goes out to her because you can see in moments she's trying to be nice and trying to be agreeable, yet her temper gets the best of her, and it's like she can't escape herself. I don't know, it's almost as if she can't effectively communicate who she is to the outside world or consciously influence the reaction other people have to her and both of those things makes her feel out of control and, thus, irate. I mean, even the opening narration states something like, "no one got along with Cinderella but they aren't to be blamed because she wasn't an agreeable or amiable girl" or something like that.
In short, Leslie's performance in The Glass Slipper is an intriguing one and I very much enjoy it. I think the film is such a captivating one to study and reveals hidden truths about the Cinderella universe. However, I don't feel any of Cinderella is in that film, nor in Leslie's performance. I almost view it as an entirely different character and story structure that simply has distant ties to the original. However, it's always been one of my favorites and I keep meaning to make gifs of it!
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tophthedaydreamer · 3 years
i’m looking through my old notes rn and i found something cute:
Disney Princesses (and others) if They Were in High School/College
Snow White -- Shy, cottagecore girl. Much loved because of her kindness, and many are jealous of her simplistic beauty. She never wears makeup but still looks like a supermodel. Her favorite subjects are culinary arts, art (primarily sketching), and medical studies. Wants to be a veterinarian or a nurse when she graduates. Has a part time job as a maid for Ms. Grimhilde’s mansion down the road. Lives with her seven uncles.
Cinderella Tremaine -- Hardworking dreamer girl. Loves the nighttime and enjoys gazing at the stars. Known across the school/uni for being a neat-freak and well stocked with pencils. Her favorite subjects are economics, musical theater (mostly because she loves singing), and writing. Wants to be a business manager or an author when she graduates. Is Snow’s coworker at Ms. Grimhilde’s. Lives in her own apartment after leaving her abusive stepmother.
Aurora  -- Rich, but generous forest girl. Incredibly spacey and frequently falls asleep during classes. Can sleep anywhere because of this. Many assume she’s lazy, but she really isn’t. Adores nature walks and birdwatching. Her favorite subjects are silvology (study of forests), sewing, and garden growing. Wants to be a silvologist or park caretaker. Lives with her wealthy family on a sprawling estate.
Tinkerbell -- Feisty and resourceful. Very short and petite, the smallest in school/uni. Doesn’t say much, has long monologues in her head. It is said her voice sounds like bells. Won’t hesitate to get in a brawl to defend her friends. Her favorite subjects are mechanical engineering, physics, and chemistry. Wants to be an engineer or a pilot when she graduates. Lives by herself in her own apartment.
Alice -- Imaginative and bookish. Had a traumatic head injury as a child. Writes about all the weird places she’s been, has favorite odd haunts she likes to go to. Firmly believes in ghosts. Has an extended family filled with strange characters (her favorites being her Uncle Cheshire and Cousin Wight “Rabbit”). Her favorite subjects are writing, investigation, and poetry. Wants to be a detective, journalist, or author when she graduates.
Ariel -- Spunky fire-heart. Enjoys breaking the dress code and generally being a rebel. Her family business is fishing, her father owns a large fish production company. Most are intrigued or intimidated by her boisterousness. A chronic kleptomaniac, she compulsively takes small, shiny things to add to her enormous collection in her closet. Her favorite subjects are musical theater (always gets the starring roles), marine biology, and archeology. Wants to be an explorer or scientist when she graduates. 
and that’s all i wrote about that hehe! i wonder what i’d do with the other princesses?
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elite4steffi · 4 years
Watching Every Movie Adaptation of Cinderella (Part 2)
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The Glass Slipper (1955)
It’s weird that this is only the second attempt at a Cinderella movie, because it’s so unconventional. Cinderella is mean, childish, and often yells at people. The fairy godmother is a kleptomaniac. The costumes were really nice, very elaborate, which fit the time period the movie placed itself in (late 1700s?). I liked the ballet sequences, and I’d say the movie is worth watching for them alone. Cinderella and the prince are very sweet together. It was honestly a little bit boring. I could see this being my least favorite Cinderella. Overall, a weird movie.
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 years
The Return of Jafar (1994)
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As far as the direct-to-video sequels produced by the Walt Disney Company, you could do a lot worse than The Return of Jafar. I’m not saying it’s great but it’s enjoyable and I have to give it props for actually being a genuine sequel.
After parrot Iago (Gilbert Gottfried) escapes from Jafar’s genie lamp, he returns to the Sultan's palace in the hopes of finding a home there. His arrival brings turmoil to the blissful life of Aladdin (Scott Weinger), Princess Jasmine (Linda Larkin), Abu (Frank Welker) and the Genie, newly returned from his trip through time and space (voiced this time by Dan Castellaneta), who are unsure if Iago can be trusted despite his hatred of his former master. The talking bird is the least of their worries, however, as Jafar (Jonathan Freeman), now an all-powerful genie allies himself with a brigand named Abis Mal (Jason Alexander) who seeks revenge on Aladdin.
I have to give credit to The Return of Jafar for being an actual sequel featuring an original story. Little Mermaid 2 and Lady and the Tramp 2 are essentially tweaked versions of the original stories. Cinderella 2 and Tarzan 2 are generic, cookie-cutter TV episodes tied together to make an anthology sequel. By comparison, this is a major success. We get to see the characters from the first movie confront each other again, but in a different way now. No longer is the audience wondering if Aladdin and Jasmine will fall in love, they’re a couple now and the film is about seeing their relationship play out. This is how you do it.
Everything that you liked about Aladdin is preserved - more or less. The Genie and his wacky antics are back, Abu is still a kleptomaniac, the songs are bouncy and energetic. There are some good moments of humor with the animal sidekicks and Jafar proves himself a worthy foe once again. With his genie powers and menacing look, he might even be more formidable than before. Seeing him twisting the words of those around him to give them terrible (and nearly lethal) wishes instills a nice sense of menace.
Before I get into my criticisms, I want to clarify something. If you're nostalgic for it, for the TV series it spanned or you want a little more Aladdin but don't want to hear  A Whole New World for the 500th time, see this film. It’s not on the same level as the first movie, but this wasn’t released theatrically and at just over an hour long, it doesn’t waste any of your time. 
The biggest flaw with The Return of the Jafar comes from the comparisons it receives following Aladdin. The songs are fine but nothing you’ll remember once the film is over either. The story is interesting but doesn't utilize Princess Jasmine well. She never confronts Jafar or contributes to the story in any meaningful way. It doesn’t feel like an intentional choice as much as a necessary one looking at the budget of a straight to home video release. More breathing room for the Genie would've also been beneficial. The animation is fine overall but inconsistent. Iago changes size drastically not only from scene-to-scene but from shot to shot and there's either a scene missing or a big continuity error concerning Aladdin and his royal palace regalia disappearing to be replaced by his "classic" street rat attire between shots. 
Had The Return of Jafar made it to theaters as is, it would've been a disappointment. Looking at it as a straight-to-VHS sequel, however, it's fine. I wouldn't rush out to add it to your collection, however. Buy it used or rent it. (On Dvd, July 14, 2015)
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kwebtv · 6 years
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Kaye Ballard (born Catherine Gloria Balotta, November 20, 1925 – January 21, 2019) Musical theatre and television actress, comedian and singer.
In 1957, she and Alice Ghostley played the two wicked stepsisters in the live telecast of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella, starring Julie Andrews in the title role. During the 1961–1963 television seasons, Ballard was a regular on NBC's The Perry Como Show, as part of the Kraft Music Hall Players, along with Don Adams, Paul Lynde and Sandy Stewart. In 1962, she released an LP record, Peanuts, on which she played Lucy van Pelt from the comic strip namesake of the album (with Arthur Siegel playing Charlie Brown), and dramatizing a series of vignettes drawn from the strip's archive. In 1964 she had a guest role on The Patty Duke Show, playing a teacher for would-be models. From 1967 to 1969, she co-starred as Kaye Buell, a woman whose son marries her next door neighbor's daughter, in the NBC sitcom The Mothers-in-Law, with Eve Arden playing her neighbor. From 1970 to 1972, she also appeared as a regular on The Doris Day Show, playing restaurant owner Angie Pallucci . She made appearances on the American television game show Match Game. In 1977, she was a guest star on The Muppet Show. She also appeared on the television series Alice, in which she played a kleptomaniac phony medium, as well as Daddy Dearest, where she guest-starred opposite Richard Lewis and Don Rickles as a DMV clerk.  (Wikipedia)
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Thank you all so much for voting on which challenge I should add to my blog! The Disney Princess Challenge ended up winning, though ti was a three way tie for quite some time!
Stay tuned for some posts later today! (More information regarding the exact rules I’ll be following below)
Gen 1 Snow White
-      Must be able to get pregnant
-      Must work from home (writing, painting, collecting, etc.)
-      Must befriend 7 different sims and have 7 pregnancies with them
-      When each child (dwarf) is born, randomly select a negative trait for them. This trait should be unique to that sim and should be given to them at the earliest opportunity.
Negative traits: Gloomy, Hot-Headed, Glutton, Erratic, Lazy, Slob, Squeamish, Evil, Kleptomaniac, Mean, Clumsy, Jealous 
-      Each child must complete their child aspiration and get an A in school before aging up
-      Optional (because I’ll forget): Snow White cannot talk to elderly women or eat apples.
Gen 2 Cinderella
-      Must have Neat and Foodie traits
-      Must be the only one to clean the house and cook all the meals
-      May not hire any help (no maid, butler, caterer)
-      2 of Cinderella’s siblings must stay in the household and live with them
-      They can have relationships and children as long as there is room for Tiana          to be born
-   They may move out after Snow White has died 
-      Your future spouse can move in, but you cannot get married until after Snow White has died 
Gen 3 Giselle
-        Must have the cheerful and/or romantic trait(s)
-        Have a whirlwind romance with a sim she’s just met – get engaged within first date
-        Before the wedding, somehow the two must get separated (i.e. a missed flight, kidnapped by aliens, your choice!)
-        While trying to get back in time for the wedding, Giselle must stay with a single parent who has the perfectionist and/or gloomy trait
Have a rocky start, but eventually the two of them fall for eachother
-        Have the first sim finally find Giselle – the two should break up shortly after this (you decide how) and stay good friends
Optional: follow the movie and have the first sim fall for your spouse’s ex
-        May have up to five children (Any child can be heir, including your spouse’s child from a previous relationship!)
 Gen 4 Tiana
-      Must have the Ambitious Trait 
-      Must get a Part Time Job as a Teenager 
-      Must get a Full Time Job the same day as your YA birthday and reach top as that career before death 
Optional (requires Dine Out): Instead of a traditional career, Tiana can purchase a restaurant where they work at least 5 days a week. 
-      Must marry a sim who is green (hair,eyes orskin) AND one of the following traits: 
Lazy, Slob, Snob, Materialistic, Noncommital, Insane 
-      Tiana’s Children must also get part time jobs as teens and full time jobs on their YA birthdays (with the exception of Mulan) 
-      Non-heir children must stay in the household until they reach lvl 5 of their careers and then they may move out 
-      Must have at least 2 children 
Gen 5 Mulan
-      Must have a different Aspiration from their parents and siblings, and possibly anyone else in the family tree
-      Must join a career that has not been done in the family before
-      Must complete their aspiration OR reach lvl 10 of their career before dating and getting married. No romantic interactions until then.
-      Must be BFFs with their future spouse before any romance happens, even after completing the above criteria
-      Even after getting married and having kids, Mulan needs to keep their job and is encouraged to complete more aspirations
Gen 6 Ariel
-      Must have the Curator aspiration
-      Cannot get an actual job. Instead they should spend their time completing as many collections as possible
One of those collections must be fish
-      After meeting their future spouse, they must marry them within 3 days (ideally in a big splashy wedding)
Optional: The love-interest must be another life state (alien, vampire) 
-      After getting married, they do one of the following: 
Leave home to live with their spouse OR 
You have to pay the toll: Move your family to an empty lot and use the money cheat to set your household funds to $3000 
Gen 7 Aurora
-      Must have the lazy trait
-      Must have 3 friends who are red, green and blue
-      Must move friends into your household as soon as possible but you cannot control them
-      May only live with BFFs and immediate family until Adult Birthday. During this time:
Except when meeting up with their love-interest, Aurora should leave the house and interact with others as little as possible
Cannot get an actual job – do freelance work or just work on skills
BFFs are allowed to get jobs but you should arrange their schedules so one of them is always home with Aurora
-      Aurora should meet their love-interest while sneaking out alone at night
-      On their adult birthday (or day after), Aurora should marry their love-interest in a wedding ceremony with their friends and family in attendance 
You can move the friends out after the wedding or keep them around to bother the newlyweds  
Aurora can now get a real job
-      Must have only 1 child  
Gen 8 Rapunzel
-      As a child, Rapunzel can only leave the house to go to school
-      As a teen, Rapunzel can only leave the house to go to school AND sneak out at night and when their parents are not home
-      As a child/teen Rapunzel must work on an “indoor” skill (Painting, writing, music) and reach lvl 8 before becoming a YA 
-      Your YA trait must be Loves Outdoors
-      While sneaking out, meet someone, fall in love, and elope. 
Rapunzel can now leave the house whenever they want
-      After marrigae, Rapunzel needs to pick up an “outdoor” skill (gardening, fishing)
-      Must use indoor and outdoor skills to earn money instead of getting a job
Both skills should be maxed by the time of death.
-      Must have 2 children
Gen 9 Anna and Elsa
-      Anna must have the Outgoing trait and Elsa must have the Loner Trait
-      Anna and Elsa must become BFFs as children
-      Right after her YA birthday, Anna should have a whirlwind romance with a sim she just meets.
They should get married and pregnant very quickly
Anna’s new spouse should cheat on her with Elsa, resulting in them having a baby as well
-      After both babies are born, Anna should learn of the betrayal 
Anna should get divorced from their spouse
Anna and Elsa should have a huge fight, resulting in one of them moving out and leaving their child behind for their sister to raise 
If Anna stays:
Anna should fall in love again and should ask them to move in
Anna can have more children with their new love interest, but these children cannot be heir 
Anna’s new love interest should have a job while Anna stays at home and throws parties all the time
Must throw a party at least once every 3 days
Must throw each type of party at least once
If Elsa stays:
Must join the political career and always work from home
May only leave home for work. Beside’s that Elsa should stay in the house
Elsa is not allowed to invited other sims over. Outside of work, they can only interact with the children
The children can each invite one friend over at a time
-      After Anna and Elsa’s children become teenagers, the missing sister should return and make up with their sister
Anna and Elsa should live together again
Gen 10 Jasmine
-      Must have the Good trait
-      Must fall in love and get married to a sim with the Evil trait
Spouse should be in the criminal career
-      Spouse must make enemies with 10 sims
-      Jasmine must befriend the same 10 sims
Should max out their relationship bar
Gen 11 Megara
-        Must have the gloomy trait
-        Must have a failed relationship where their partner cheats on them and leaves
Optional for story purposes: they sacrifice something large for this person before being left for another
-        Must join the criminal career or villain route of secret agent career after this (follow in Aladdin’s footsteps?)
-        While undercover/on the job, Megara must meet a rookie ‘hero’ who develops a crush on them early on
Spouse must be either a detective or secret agent (diamond agent route)
-        Megara eventually falls for the above mentioned sim and leaves the criminal career
May choose whatever career you’d like if you want your heir to continue to work
-        May have a maximum of two children
Gen 12 Belle
-      Must have the Bookworm trait
-      Date at least 5 men (?)
-      Move in your future spouse as a YA
-      Become enemies with your future spouse
Stay enemies with them for 1 week while living in the same house
-      After 1 week, start improving your relationship until you fall in love
-      Get married in a big splashy wedding ceremony
-      The Challenge ends where Belle’s oldest child becomes a YA
Generation 13 Merida
"If you had the chance to change your fate, would you?"  You always wondered why your mother gave up her riches for a poor boy. Your adventures lead you into trouble, and you were nearly always grounded. When Merida becomes a teenager this story begins.  -    Have the 'Self Assured' trait  -    Lose your siblings and mother in an unfortunate accident  -    Seek out a way to change the past but fail  -    You do not believe in love - never marry -    You believe you are cursed - never have children -    Grow up alone and regretful (These last three conditions are only in place because it is the last generation. If you wish to continue afterwards then Merida may marry and have kids)
My additions: Main story goal is to break the curse – may or may not succeed.
Gen 14 Kida
-        Should have the genius trait and join the scientist career
-        When the heir is a child, one of their parents should die in some fashion
-        Should befriend another sim who is somehow different (an alien, a human, someone from another country, etc)
-        Optional: If you have jungle adventures, the your heir and their ‘Milo’ should explore the temples together
-        Marriage isn’t required this gen, but your heir should eventually have a child with the different sim from above
Generation 15 Pocahontas 
"You think I'm an ignorant savage, you've been so many places, I guess it must be so."  You come from different worlds, yet the love of your life is forbidden by your family. When Pocahontas becomes a teenager this story begins. - Fall in love with a "different" kind of Sim, (e.g a green or blue Sim) - Marry that "different" kind of Sim.  - Run away and elope - Have a maximum of 4 kids
Generation 16: Moana 
"One day I'll know, how far I'll go" You grew up as the heir to a legacy, born to rule over others; however you want to explore and see the world. You know your choices make you who you are and you hope that one day they will show you the world. Starts when Moana becomes a teenager. -  Have the curator aspiration and the Loves Outdoors trait. -  Have a close relationship with her Grandmother (who dies before Moana becomes a YA) -  Run away from home and meet Maui, a man with no living family or relations, who you become BFFs with. You then have to find/craft plumbite (the heart of Te Fiti) and when you give it to your enemy (Te Ku) you become friends with them. -  Return home in glory. Marry Maui and have kids.
So I could already tell ahead of time that the combination of Disney, traditional fairytales, and mythology were going to be a downfall of mine (16 generations why do I do this to myself) So we’ll see how this goes!
Most of the generations are from @mdebunny ‘s DPR and from Playingwith mah’s Disney Princess Challenge though three (Megara, Giselle, and Kida because I’ve gotta include some of my other favorite Disney princesses) are my own.
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bumblingbunny · 7 years
Kind-Of-A Disney Princess Challenge
Hey guys! These are the rules I’m going to be following for my Charming Disney Prince Legacy. Most generations are at least similar to the original rules, but some are completely new (they’re the really long generations...).
Many of these are untested, so I’ll be editing and updating them as I go.
Gen 1 Snow White
Must be able to get pregnant
Must work from home (writing, painting, collecting, etc.)
Must befriend 7 different sims and have 7 pregnancies with them
When each child (dwarf) is born, randomly select a negative trait for them. This trait should be unique to that sim and should be given to them at the earliest opportunity.
Negative traits: Gloomy, Hot-Headed, Glutton, Erratic, Lazy, Slob, Squeamish, Evil, Kleptomaniac, Mean, Clumsy, Jealous
Each child must complete their child aspiration and get an A in school before aging up
Optional (because I'll forget): Snow White cannot talk to elderly women or eat apples.
Gen 2 Cinderella
Must have Neat and Foodie traits
Must be the only one to clean the house and cook all the meals
May not hire any help (no maid, butler, caterer)
2 of Cinderella's siblings must stay in the household and live with them
They can have relationships and children as long as there is room for Tiana to be born
They may move out after Snow White has died 
Your future spouse can move in, but you cannot get married until after Snow White has died
Gen 3 Tiana
Must have the Ambitious Trait
Must get a Part Time Job as a Teenager
Must get a Full Time Job the same day as your YA birthday and reach top as that career before death
Optional (requires Dine Out): Instead of a traditional career, Tiana can purchase a restaurant where they work at least 5 days a week.
Must marry a sim who is green (hair,eyes orskin) AND one of the following traits:
Lazy, Slob, Snob, Materialistic, Noncommital, Insane
Tiana's Children must also get part time jobs as teens and full time jobs on their YA birthdays (with the exception of Mulan)
Non-heir children must stay in the household until they reach lvl 5 of their careers and then they may move out 
Must have at least 2 children
Gen 4 Mulan
Must have a different Aspiration from their parents and siblings, and possibly anyone else in the family tree
Must join a career that has not been done in the family before
Must complete their aspiration OR reach lvl 10 of their career before dating and getting married. No romantic interactions until then.
Must be BFFs with their future spouse before any romance happens, even after completing the above criteria
Even after getting married and having kids, Mulan needs to keep their job and is encouraged to complete more aspirations
Gen 5 Ariel
Must have the Curator aspiration
Cannot get an actual job. Instead they should spend their time completing as many collections as possible
One of those collections must be fish
After meeting their future spouse, they must marry them within 3 days (ideally in a big splashy wedding)
Optional: The love-interest must be another life state (alien, vampire) 
After getting married, they do one of the following:
Leave home to live with their spouse OR
You have to pay the toll: Move your family to an empty lot and use the money cheat to set your household funds to $3000
Gen 6 Aurora
Must have the lazy trait
Must have 3 friends who are red, green and blue
Must move friends into your household as soon as possible but you cannot control them
May only live with BFFs and immediate family until Adult Birthday. During this time:
Except when meeting up with their love-interest, Aurora should leave the house and interact with others as little as possible
Cannot get an actual job – do freelance work or just work on skills
BFFs are allowed to get jobs but you should arrange their schedules so one of them is always home with Aurora
Aurora should meet their love-interest while sneaking out alone at night
On their adult birthday (or day after), Aurora should marry their love-interest in a wedding ceremony with their friends and family in attendance
You can move the friends out after the wedding or keep them around to bother the newlyweds 
Aurora can now get a real job
Must have only 1 child 
Gen 7 Rapunzel
As a child, Rapunzel can only leave the house to go to school
As a teen, Rapunzel can only leave the house to go to school AND sneak out at night and when their parents are not home
As a child/teen Rapunzel must work on an “indoor” skill (Painting, writing, music) and reach lvl 8 before becoming a YA
Your YA trait must be Loves Outdoors
While sneaking out, meet someone, fall in love, and elope.
Rapunzel can now leave the house whenever they want
After marrigae, Rapunzel needs to pick up an “outdoor” skill (gardening, fishing)
Must use indoor and outdoor skills to earn money instead of getting a job
Both skills should be maxed by the time of death.
Must have 2 children
Gen 8 Anna and Elsa
Anna must have the Outgoing trait and Elsa must have the Loner Trait
Anna and Elsa must become BFFs as children
Right after her YA birthday, Anna should have a whirlwind romance with a sim she just meets.
They should get married and pregnant very quickly
Anna's new spouse should cheat on her with Elsa, resulting in them having a baby as well
After both babies are born, Anna should learn of the betrayal
Anna should get divorced from their spouse
Anna and Elsa should have a huge fight, resulting in one of them moving out and leaving their child behind for their sister to raise
If Anna stays:
Anna should fall in love again and should ask them to move in
Anna can have more children with their new love interest, but these children cannot be heir
Anna's new love interest should have a job while Anna stays at home and throws parties all the time
Must throw a party at least once every 3 days
Must throw each type of party at least once
If Elsa stays:
Must join the political career and always work from home
May only leave home for work. Beside’s that Elsa should stay in the house
Elsa is not allowed to invited other sims over. Outside of work, they can only interact with the children
The children can each invite one friend over at a time
After Anna and Elsa’s children become teenagers, the missing sister should return and make up with their sister
Anna and Elsa should live together again
Gen 9 Jasmine
Must have the Good trait
Must fall in love and get married to a sim with the Evil trait
Spouse should be in the criminal career
Spouse must make enemies with 10 sims
Jasmine must befriend the same 10 sims
Should max out their relationship bar
Gen 10 Belle
Must had the Bookworm trait
Move in your future spouse as a YA
Become enemies with your future spouse
Stay enemies with them for 1 week while living in the same house
After 1 week, start improving your relationship until you fall in love
Get married in a big splashy wedding ceremony
The Challenge ends where Belle’s oldest child becomes a YA
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disneyadaptations · 7 years
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The cast for the upcoming Live-Action adaptation of Artemis Fowl has been announced.
Amazing news today from Walt Disney Studios! We have learned the initial casting for the upcoming live-action adaptation of Artemis Fowl, which will be directed by Kenneth Branagh and produced by Branagh and Judy Hofflund. Take a look:
Ferdia Shaw as Artemis: Ferdia Shaw was chosen out of 1200 candidates for this part, and will make his onscreen debut in the role. For those who aren’t familiar with the books, the character of Artemis Fowl is 12-year-old genius who finds himself in a battle of strength and cunning against a powerful, hidden race of fairies who may be behind his father’s disappearance.
Josh Gad as Mulch Diggums: Mulch Diggums is a kleptomaniacal dwarf who works for the fairies. We are always a fan of Josh Gad and can’t wait to see him in yet another Walt Disney Studios film!
Judy Dench as Commander Root: Commander Root is the leader of the fairy police force. Judi Dench is an Academy Award winner and also one of our favorite humans, so we are so excited to see her take on this role!
Lara McDonnell as Captain Holly Short: Captain Holly Short is the elf hero, and we’re pretty sure we’re going to want to be just like her.
Nonso Anozie as Butler: Butler is Artemis Fowl’s bodyguard. Anozie also starred in Cinderella, so we’re already a fan.
The live-action adaptation of Artemis Fowl is based on the bestselling book series by Eoin Colfer, with a screenplay by award-winning playwright Conor McPherson.
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glowyjellyfish · 3 years
Year 1, Summer/Fall, Lamaire
Still not sure I have created any uniformity at all with these posts, but am Trying. Also, I am now routinely making posts a week after a played them, which is fine I’m sure, it’s just that I have a harder time remember what I was doing. I just have to make the post before I play the next household, dammit.
Anyway, this is the first round for Raymond Lamaire, aka the Grand Duke from Cinderella. I struggled a lot with him, but I think I’m finally getting the hang of playing an actual BaCC. Because he’s the first sim in the hood to start a home business.
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Mostly, his stupid roof was so expensive and he had so little money left that I finally conceded he had to sell stuff in order to get anywhere. He wants to be an Oceanographer, so in order to progress towards that guild he’s doing a lot of fishing, so… he’s selling fish. The grand Duke from Cinderella is reduced to a fishmonger. If he’d known it would come to this, he never would have come to town.
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Also pictured: a visiting Prince Florian falling on his ass. Raymond at least kept his dignity while fishing.
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He wasn’t even able to spend much time pursuing a potential wife, although he has definitely hit it off with Mary Souris (a lady Mouse from Cinderella). They’re in no position to move in together yet, which is just as well because he’s gonna need to befriend Snow White in order to get permission to marry a commoner. Next round, I guess.
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His business got preyed upon by the local charlatans, and Raymond actually had his actual pocket picked by Honest John. Multiple times. Once, he lost $150, which at the time was like half his business’ profits. 
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...he’s a bit of a sucker. Did I mention that I am totally in love with the kleptomaniac/pickpocket mod applying to Honest John? That interaction is the most in-character goddamn thing for him and I love it so much.
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He did, at least, scrape together enough to buy a dining table and put some walls and flooring up, although I didn’t get pictures of the new goodies. And a couple windows. The LeTourneau Prize helped a ton. And I’m hoping that sims who purchased his fish will be able to have a little extra food to last them through the winter. (...please tell me OFB has that much functionality?)
More than anything else, this has made me realize I am being very soft on my BaCC by letting sims sell their art and stuff into the ether. I think I am going to implement a rule that sims can only sell stuff to the catalogue if they cannot afford to set up a home business at the start of a round, and might remove the exception after a round or two. Also considering either a. Always allowing trash boots/bones/rocks to be catalogue sold, or b. Requiring some sort of community lot recycling center before that is allowed. I’m doing A for now.
I’ve also decided I really need to be using a slightly different CAS point earning method than usual, because the next two movies are going to require 7 and 14 points to unlock, respectively, and it’s going to take over 150 points total to get through this whole thing, which I would like to be physically possible at least. The plan right now is: Standard community lots are worth 2 points, and must be purchased with the town treasury or with funds from a wealthy sim; Sim-owned businesses are worth 1 point, plus 1 for every five ranks the business has achieved; and Guild halls are worth 1 point plus 1 for every five career levels the members collectively earn, not including the first level. I’ll see how well that works or doesn’t work as I go along. Right now, that means I have 1 CAS point for the Grand Duke’s home business, only 6 to go!
And oh yes, Raymond is a Knowledge sim who wants to be Hand of Poseidon; his traits are Proper, Neat, Snob, Coward, and Workaholic. I don’t know his hobby yet, but it’s not Nature.
...on a different note, I happened to watch The Great Mouse Detective this week, among other movies, and now I’m all in a tizzy about “but but I already did the Cinderella mice so I should probably just go ahead and include all the other mice and mouse movies even though I wasn’t planning to” and “if I include all the mice, should I do Rescue Rangers???” and “but wait, maybe I should be delaying The Jungle Book and Talespin to go with the vaguely planned second pass Animal Round if I ever complete this whole thing?” and “...I’ve already skipped Dumbo, Bambi, The Three Caballeros, and The Wind in the Willows, I can’t just add all the animal movies now!” I think I’ll probably add The Rescuers (including Down Under) and The Great Mouse Detective and Rescue Rangers as I get to them, but am still waffling over The Jungle Book. Diversity! But animals! But Talespin! etc etc.
ANYWAY. I will definitely play another household this weekend, and coming up next is the Tremaine household.
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thearabkhaleesi · 7 years
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We finally have some details on Disney’s Artemis Fowl movie!✨
Artemis Fowl is based on a series of famous sci-fi books by Eoin Colfer; it tells the story of 12 year old genius, Artemis Fowl, who is a descendant of a long line of criminal masterminds, and finds himself in a battle against a powerful, hidden race of fairies who may be behind his father’s disappearance…🔮
Disney has just announced the cast, which includes:
- Irish newcomer Ferdia Shaw has been cast as Artemis Fowl, making his onscreen debut.✨
- Josh Gad (Frozen, Beauty and the Beast) has been cast in the role of Mulch Diggums, a kleptomaniacal dwarf who works for the fairies—and himself.😈
- Judi Dench (Skyfall, Murder on the Orient Express) has signed on for the role of Commander Root, the steely leader of the fairy police force (LEPrecon).💓
- Lara McDonnell (The Delinquent Season, The Walk Invisible) has been cast in the role of Captain Holly Short, the elf hero.💪🏼
- Nonso Anozie (Cinderella, The Grey, Ender’s Game) will play Butler, Artemis Fowl’s formidable bodyguard.👊🏼
Disney has also announced that the film will be directed by Kenneth Branagh (Murder on the Orient Express, Cinderella) and Robert De Niro is an executive producer!✨
It’s set to hit theaters on August 9, 2019!🔮
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