#kn8 analysis
kujoestars · 3 months
The Mechanism of Kafka's Transformation and How It Affects Him
(Crossposting my analysis/theory from Reddit. Also, warning: this post contains both anime and manga spoilers so beware if you are anime-only)
So, something that drove me nuts about the manga's version of the X-ray scene was the fact that there was literally no difference from a normal human chest x-ray. The anime THANK GOODNESS fixed that:
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We finally know exactly how Kafka's core looks while he's in human form. It appears to be primarily occupying where the chambers would be with a good amount of myocardium (the heart muscles) suspending it while also continuing to function as a heart.
Notably for me, there's actually a translucent hemicircle up top there where it's supposed to connect to the aorta. In fact, you can see the core is translucent on its left (our right) side while more opaque to its right (our left).
Let me highlight it for reference I hope y'all appreciate the fact I had to do it with a mouse on MSPaint because Reddit won't save images to drafts and I can't drop images from tablet like on desktop:
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It appears that Kafka's heart was fully converted and the tissue there is just a facsimile since it appears to be forming a pouch for the core to nestle in.
The anime's expansion of the scene the Mysterious Larva/Young Yoju fused with Kafka ended up perfectly tying in to this. Something I noticed was that Kafka was not actually transforming for most of it. Initially he was clutching at his throat where it entered:
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Then just before the transformation started (when his eyes started glowing), he was clawing desperately at his chest:
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For reference to anyone who's never studied anatomy, the mid-esophagus is actually resting against the heart, which is why the best form of imaging for the heart is a transesophageal echocardiogram (i.e. stick an ultrasound down the esophagus), which works like in this diagram:
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In other words, the Larva's target was his heart and it was burrowing into it from that point. Which is consistent with where Kafka was clawing at in the shot I posted before and why after the change completed, his hand was resting just above that area:
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Basically, the theory I have been saving specifically for after this episode is: Everything about Kafka's body is tied to the core.
Yes, that was obvious since we saw him regenerate his entire body from just the core, but what I'm saying here is that that the heart was the only thing the Larva was trying to fuse with. The rest of the body followed instantaneously once the heart became a core. Kaiju cores appear to be storing a lot of energy, so it would fit in with why even the initial change could happen so rapidly. It was a large burst of energy that had Kafka's cells all convert and restructure, and we even see steam coming both off and out of him here in the anime.
All future changes seem to be purely a matter of him controlling every cell in his body like individual muscles or even like how cuttlefish and octopi are able to change their appearance in an instant from muscle contractions and chromatophores.
In other words, the evidence has stacked to full OVERKILL that Kafka is truly a kaiju that can shapeshift into a human rather than the reverse like he and everyone else prefers to think.
Which leads me to my big pet theory right now: the reason Kafka is losing his ability to revert to human form is because he's becoming malnourished. I won't stack the image evidence since I've already done enough and the focus is on the core and Kafka's real biological nature now (I'll save that for a future post, lol), but it only stands to reason that if Kafka is physiologically a kaiju regardless of form, that means he has the metabolic needs of a kaiju.
He was only fine before because he had a lot of extra body fat as reserves and didn't use his kaiju form much. But after entering the Defense Force, he's been in multiple situations where he had to push himself while transformed and consume much more energy. If you pay attention to his body type, you'll notice he's been having quite a bit of weight loss.
Sure, he's been training a lot too and eating better, but following the fight with Isao, he's becoming abnormally thin. Maybe not enough for people to immediately think he needs a sandwich, but as of the latest chapters, I've noticed he's actually pretty lanky now even in kaiju form when previously Kaiju No. 8 was built like a bear.
You could argue it's just art evolution EXCEPT literally no one else had such a drastic change in body type or AT ALL. I'm pretty convinced this is an intentional transition from Matsumoto.
Whatever Kafka is eating as a human, it's not enough to sustain him long term and so his body is going into power save mode. And since his default is kaiju (why else would he constantly slip up his first few months if it wasn't actually his default form?), his body is losing its ability to shapeshift because it doesn't have the energy to. Malnourishment tends to manifest in a similarly piecemeal fashion irl, so I'm not surprised its first sign is just one spot on his hand.
Such a deceptively simple reason for the kaijufication is precisely why I'm very certain that is the cause. Kafka has a lot of issues with loving and taking care of himself. And this series is all about subverting tropes in favor of common sense. It's not some "inner demon" trying to take over (the Larva actually only did that once because Kafka was both in danger and refusing to fight back what it perceived as another daikaiju); Kafka just isn't taking care of himself as usual!
And there you have it, folks. Finally, a clear breakdown of what exactly the Larva did, how the transformations work, and why the kaijufication may not be as scary as everyone thinks. Or rather....not in the way they think. Someone please feed that kaiju properly!
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izfaish · 4 months
i know that kafka is seen as this father figure to kikoru, but consider: he reminds her of hikari.
hikari, with her bright grins and nervous optimism. who was probably around kafka's age when she died, and so kikoru's memories of her are locked in that time. hikari, who inspired kikoru to protect everyone on the battlefield, the same way kafka protects her and everyone. who wielded the power of a daikaiju, who sacrificed herself to ensure that future generations - kikoru and kafka's generation - would live.
sure, kafka supports kikoru in a way that isao neglects. but he's probably also a snapshot of happier times for her.
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readkaijuno8 · 2 years
Chapter 81 thoughts:
I thought this would be another Kikoru focused chapter in her mind but I’m glad we got to see the focus push out to the rest of the defense force to see how they’re doing (bad)
I’m glad that the Narumi, Hoshina, and probably Minas fights are happening simultaneously in the story. I was worried that all of these characters fights would be similar to Kikrous where there’s multiple chapters dedicated to it, which would take months to get through and hurt the pacing. It’s definitely better to just get glances into the fights like in this chapter.
We’re finally seeing some stakes! The reveal that these numbered monsters are built to counter the strongest members of the DF isn’t the most surprising reveal but it shows number 9s intelligence and planning, and it shows that the defense force isn’t as strong as we think they are. We saw some corpses and an area completely overtaken by fast monster (forgot his number) so no matter the outcome of the battle the defense force is going to be shaken.
My prediction is that in the next few chapters we’ll see Reno join the fight as well as the rest of the ogs like Iharu, Izumu and the others that the story hasn’t focused on.
I think that number 9 will go after Kafka amidst the current chaos forcing him to fight, or he will see the current losses and choose to transform and fight. That’s what number 9 wants, but I think Kafka, a character who cares deeply for his comrades, won’t give it a second thought.
An interesting solution to the defense force currently losing to the number monsters would be to have them swap opponents. Have Reno with ice powers go against the water based Kaiju, have Hoshina go against the fast Kaiju because his fighting style is based around speed, and put narumi against brain Kaiju or whoever Mina is fighting.
Overall I’m glad this chapter shows us some real stakes, and it looks like we’re building up to Kafka returning to the story, and/or the old cast joining the fight. I do hope we see more of Kikrous mental fight next chapter as there was a pause put on it this chapter.
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nocandnc · 3 months
It was such a fantastic move for them to bring in the kaiju no. 8 leitmotif here - it's a tune that we're usually thrilled to hear as it gets us pumped, oh so excited to see what badassery the transformed Kafka's about to pull off...
But the tone is so much darker now, because Kafka desperately didn't want to transform this time. Even worse, it's not even Kafka we're seeing anymore. In this scene, it's made it painfully clear...
This is not Hibino Kafka's theme. It has never been his theme.
This is kaiju no. 8's theme.
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jelliefeesh · 3 months
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I am…..in shambles thinking about these panels and how Hasegawa refers to Narumi as the spitting image of Isao…….
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Not only are they making the same face here, but it’s in the same context of conversation. Both of them are feeling the heat of someone younger and stronger than them on their coattails and it’s a bit terrifying. They’ve never had someone push them, they’ve been used to being the “strongest” and now that world view is being challenged.
I think it’s a healthy challenge for them both what with their egos but also because they’re both “secret” softies who actually want to see others succeed around them.
Narumi promising to train with Kikoru once she’s defeated his platoon leaders is a great example of that. It may have come across as a “I don’t think you can do this” but I think it was more of a “I know you can do this, prove me right”.
Same with Isao sticking his neck out for Narumi to keep him in the defense force. He may be a stoic bastard, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to see this kid shine and thrive. He’s just going to make it a bit more challenging to do so. Not like Narumi doesn’t enjoy the challenge.
All in all, I love the parallels between them. They’re the worst IDGAFers ever and they’re losing the IDGAF war constantly. I see you, you fakers. You both care a lot more than you let on and I love it.
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staticofthetv · 4 months
Take two!
Favourite frames from the new B-Side chapter, featuring some analysis because I have coherent thoughts this time 'round :D
Beware, spoilers below for the B-Side as well as the manga
@veiled-bird that goes for you too, you're nowhere near meeting this guy yet
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First up, I love this chapters art. It reminds me of when I was little and asking my dad to help my brother and I beat the last level of episode 3 in lego star wars tcs
Also the chapter title? I have so many thoughts, they'll be discussed more in depth further down but they will be discussed /pos
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Numbers weapon 1 mention!! I'm very excited to (hopefully) get more lore about it. Although I am curious if it's like a contact lens or something, I thought it was closer to a surgical implant or maybe some weird side effect from using numbers weapon 1. Mostly because I don't think he's been drawn with normal eyes yet in the manga (at least from what I remember)
Either way very much hoping we get some more numbers weapon 1 lore in this :)
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This whole scene but specifically "what good does a test proving I'm abnormal do" hits so hard, especially as someone diagnosed with ADHD in my late teens. Having that feeling of there's something wrong with me for so long and being brushed off every time because I didn't act like the stereotypical 10 year old boy with severe ADHD (a psychiatrist literally told me and my mum i probably had adhd but she wouldnt diagnose me,) I did start to kind of give up on ever figuring it out.
Narumi was incredibly relatable to me in the main manga (not because I'm a badass, I'm very lame lmao) because of the behaviours he exhibits, hyperfocusing on games, constant dopamine seeking (through videogames and online shopping,) needing to be fiddling with something to better process the information being given out, etc.
Narumi is also incredibly smart, its stated explicitly that he got top scores in the entrance exam and I can't imagine those tests are anywhere near easy. It gives neurodivergent kid being told they just need to apply themselves to do better in school/make friends/just function in a neurotypical way in general.
This also comes from his being kicked out of several orphanages, and then even after joining the defence force (especially after being told by Isao that they take anyone that can show skills and results) getting kicked out by the second division and every platoon in the first until he ends up under hasegawa. Considering the title too this is 100% supposed to read as the classic "troubled kid" (many of which are neurodivergent) that not many are willing to put effort into helping. Isao is giving him a way out of the life of having no home to go back to, only to be struck with the threat of getting kicked out once again a year later. Narumi is a very skilled and capable fighter and no one in their right mind would argue with that and it once again all comes down to being labelled as too difficult, hard to work with, never paying attention
This chapter just hits so close to home with me
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Baby Mina!! I know there's a decent amount if it in the manga but it's still weird to see her with short hair. I love her so much
There are many more words of appreciation I have but all thought went into dissecting Narumi's character lol
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And so being kicked around by hasegawa begins
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I love his face here, top tier expression
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And here we see Isao solidifying the thought of skill and results being all that matters, there's no way Isao was going to let Narumi get kicked out, especially not after showing aptitude for handling numbers weapon 1. I like to think at this point he does also care for Narumi, I think he sees a lot of Kikoru (or what she could be) in him and especially he sees himself in Narumi. And even though he's only ranked captain Isao would clearly fight to keep Narumi on the force (he probably already had to for Narumi to get transferred to the first division instead of just being dropped when he didn't mesh with the second)
This is also the beginning of Isao and Narumi's mentor/mentee relationship, Isao knows exactly how to handle Narumi and his child prodigy-ness and help him reach his potential as a defence force officer. I think that's part of why Isao shows little care for how Narumi handles himself when off duty, it may be that he knows he can't change Narumi in that way, it may be that he himself just doesn't care for all the professional decorum, either way Isao plays the very important role of being Narumi's main support while he's in the defence force (until Isao dies anyway, whoops.) Narumi needed a space where he could not only be himself but be accepted for it and have the trust of his peers and superiors that he would get the job done when he needs to, and whether it was on purpose or not Isao provided exactly that for him.
This also ties back into the earlier ramble about Narumi being the typical undiagnosed neurodivergent "troubled kid"
(Also the origin of what Narumi says to Kikoru ~9 years in the future :D)
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Omg jaeger is canon? Kaiju no. 8 and pacific rim crossover when? /j
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Another interesting tidbit about Narumi is his self confidence, he knows he's capable and isn't afraid to tell people that. He says playing support is annoying but what I see is someone that knows he can do better placed somewhere else and has decided to take that into his own hands. He won't get kicked out of the defense force but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets into a shit ton of trouble for taking Isao's words to heart and disregarding his orders, even though I do think he'll be an asset to the battle and perform better being closer to the front lines.
Poor hasegawa has his work cut out for him keeping Narumi in check (a captain and vice-captain match made in hell)
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sonicasura · 4 months
You know, with all these crossovers your making in the Kaiju no 8 univers, I can't help but wonder how Kaiju no 9 would handle it all.
From a speeding blue hedgehog to people and monsters from other worlds, 9 is going to have its hands full and then some of more decide to show up.
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Kaiju No. 9 better be ready to learn 4-D Chess as he's got various flavors of obstacles depending on the route. Like the eldritch bastard he is, there's fun to be had despite the headaches. If the path ends in failure then No.9 isn't bitter about it unless it feels like cheating.
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authorbettyadams · 3 months
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Kaiju No. 8 Chapter 110 - Review & Analysis - Constant Action and One Beautiful Plot Twist
#Anime #Manga #ShonenJump #KN8 #KafkaHibino
Betty Adams Books
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stunie · 1 month
Darling I've noticed that you're open for matchups. You have been taking requests a lot as far as I can track and I hope you took your time on them. 🥲🥲
I come here to participate, if you're still open? Please if it's necessary, you may ignore this request of mine. Your thoughts on things matters to me. <33
You wrote one of my favorites... KN8, Haikyū!! and Windbreaker. And you did all the characters very well. Chef kiss. Plus Hoshina— dear Hoshina. I've been thinking of him all day and it is getting unhealthy. HELP if you don't mind getting me a Windbreaker boy? Men? Yes?
Things about me: I'm a she/her! Hitting 18 is a change for me and weww. The level of stress has increased and coffee is my water now. But I'm still young so i'm trying to find some ways to unstress myself, sighs? I'm an INTJ (and I got a mixed feeling of this MBTI bc sometimes, I do not know myself. 😓😓) and sleepy 24/7. I'm comfortable at sleeping anywhere as long as I can close my eyes still. I'm patient, tend to be seen as relaxed and aloof but can be unhinged whenever I am left alone with my thoughts or with my friends. Pretty mean but I tend to be considerate. Too considerate that even meeting people and no matter how open that person is, I get formal. I love and hate to stay late, and love and hate studying, and love and hate everything (moody at some times).
I went to a program last Wednesday and took an Intelligence Test Survey. I got 100% of Existential Intelligence and 20% of Interpersonal... And hope this helps through your analysis of my personality?
I love to draw too! Sing, read, watch anime and listen to music. Especially listening to classical music and dancing around the room alone is the type of tea. As much as I wanted to engage myself in physical activities, my stamina is same as Kenma (my spirit animal, i'm afraid). I have some struggles with sharing my thoughts out loud and would take me time to share it. I'm a stuttering mess if I failed to express my thoughts.
Learning history give me some kind of hype despite the fact I tend to forget things,, but I really love to know what's been happening from the past (and it made me believed that I have a past life where i'm living in Victorian era... Delusional me). Other topics I love to learn is Art, Science, Philosophy and Psychology. 💪��
I never dated someone's before so I appreciate things deeply of what that s/o shows. Even if its quiet or loud kind of love.
That's all and I wonder what are your thoughts? Hope this isn't too much. Thank you for reading all the way here!! 🥲🥲 Have a good day dear and take your time. ^^
HI HI nonnie !! bahahaha we’ve done a lot huh !!! it was so fun (: you’re so kind for checking on me! thank you for that (& for joining in!!) 🥺 i appreciate it very much 🫂🤍 for yours, im thinking ….!!!!
SUGISHITA! :O i think the dynamic here would be the cutest thing ever. look at sugishita on the right pic … and you said ur sometimes seen as relaxed and aloof ?!! thinking about you two sitting together nahahahah and nirei is like “i wonder what those two are thinking about.” ITS CUTE. also he’s joining you in every activity. or if not, he’s supporting you in every activity. listens to your classical music. perks up at your drawings and he looks really excited when you show him…STUTTERING MESS YOU SAY? it’s okay! he’s patient. he’ll understand. also thinks it’s cute ….
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aestheteanime · 2 years
QUICK NAV ✶ jujutsu kaisen
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to 'main'
to 'aot'
to 'kn8'
to 'mha'
to 'p5'
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making out with gojo satoru | suggestive → nsfw
waking up next to gojo satoru | sfw
falling asleep with nanami kento | sfw
— ✶ THE FICS !!
"who's your favorite?"-- gojo satoru, geto suguru | nsfw
"take me"-- kamo choso | nsfw
a kiss to confess-- itadori yuji | sfw
awkward sex stories-- gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, fushiguro toji, kamo choso | nsfw
jjk's red flags/icks-- gojo satoru, nanami kento, fushiguro toji, fushiguro megumi, itadori yuji, inumaki toge | sfw → suggestive
love languages-- gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, fushiguro toji, kamo choso, ryomen sukuna | sfw
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kujoestars · 3 months
How much of a presence does Kaiju No. 8 have on here? I typed up a whole analysis and theory post on Reddit that I want to crosspost but I'm not sure how active the KN8 fandom is on Tumblr since it's hardly around on Twitter. Like if you want me to post it here too.
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izfaish · 4 months
this new b side chapter is everything [ch.10 spoilers under cut]:
not isao saying the words that narumi will one day repeat to kikoru, his daughter
not narumi finding a new normal of being kicked out of every platoon the way he was kicked out of several orphanages. all the grace and manners and politeness they ask from him are practically invalidated by isao's assertion that the only thing that matters is results. that's narumi's new stability.
it makes sense why they 'get along'. isao is as hardheaded as narumi; he just has the power and authority to enact his singular goal of creating the strongest division. he's creating his own version of teamwork. isao doesn't care about grace. he says what needs to be done and makes it happen.
i prolly have,, more thoughts. about a younger mina being so earnest it hurts. jura appearance. itami being the first division's vice-captain, later on replacing isao as director general. the existence of plant kaiju confirmed. narumi wielding both a blade and gun - the precursor to combining them into a custom weapon.
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izfaish · 1 year
love how kafka and mina are the respective role models for reno and iharu. like damn, they're the reason those goobers work hard in the defense force.
but also - do they see themselves in those kids?
does kafka look at reno and see mina's intense drive? does mina look at iharu and see kafka's earnest resilience?
do they see those things, see the gap between reno and iharu, and think "it's happening again"?
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izfaish · 5 months
so i was rereading kn8 ch. 6 kikoru's flashbacks for fic research and realized that isao,,, had her apply to a neutralization middle school.
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like ok. it makes sense for his character and all that but the thing i'm wondering about is just,,, what? makes a neutralization middle school different from a normal one? there's a pipeline from middle school to the jakdf?? it's,,, probably not all combat-focused, but the implications that kaiju are so integrated into everyday life and across industries that there is a dedicated middle school for kaiju neutralization is,, a wild concept.
ALSO RANDOM FUN FACT - koiwai osamu easter egg as one of the names on the list! (at the very bottom left). i wonder if osamu threw that in for fun while (presumably) doing the background art for this chapter.
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izfaish · 7 months
welcome 🌻
i mainly post about kaiju no. 8
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