#kn8 theories
amadillo96 · 3 months
Personal Kn8 USAKDF ideas.
Weapons+ kaiju-fication
this ties into my theoretical US AKDF post, btw. (This is super unfocused lol.) Here
First up, I'm gonna say I based this on my idea of a US AKDF that uses Kaiju-Hybridization cause it's cool. Though this will be partially focused around a singular character of mine bc I'm going to be packing a lot of lore into each section.
Character Idea
Who've I've affectionately codenamed Los Angeles. They're the one with the "mech-suit".
Personally, I've decided to base their abilities and Kaiju features around ✨️Salamanders✨️. I'd also imagine that each kaiju-hybrid soldier would have a kind of animal theme since the kaiju in kn8 also tend to have animal or plant themes.
Primarily around the toxins that they secrete as a defense mechanism. The kaiju-ification process creating a uni-organ capable of secreting slime or some form of lubricant that could them be used like venom. Injected into the target through a weapon.
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Ignore the fact that this is of a newt.
Los Angeles, as a character, would function as a platoon leader and tactician for their group. While remaining rather headstrong and aggressive. So I gave them a mech suit!
Though. Not quite Pacific Rim style, I was more-so inspired by the suits from HALO. A heavy armor that would include mechanical aspects, though would be light enough to maintain a high-speed, aggressive fighting style. Using both aspects of grappling martial arts and rope weapons!
I'd also imagine their kaiju features to include a big old tail. So, a mech-suit would help hide their more inhuman features underneath the layers of armor.
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Meteor hammer from Ancient China.
Though the rope weaponry is where an interesting thing could occur. By utilizing something like poisonous secretions alongside a bladed weapon, it would act like a venom!
My current idea for a longer ranged weapon would be a meteor hammer mixed with something like a portable hand saw. A rugged edge that could be swung around like a meteor hammer, with the armor preventing damage against its own user. When coming in contact, it acts as a saw, tearing through enemy flesh, and also administering the poison in tandem.
Though realistically, it doesn't make much sense for a suit of heavy armor to be on a lightweight fighter. The reason I chose this was bc of the kaiju-ification process I had in mind for how the platoons of the US AKDF's "kaiju force" would be created. (Chapter 58)
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The current in lore explanation of what creates kaiju.
This process would be utilizing kaiju's natural ability of regeneration to create a parasitic/symbiotic relation between a host human body and the tissue of a kaiju. I'd imagine that to avoid any legal issues dealing with the humaneness of using live human subjects, it'd be found better to use people who would be "unsalvagable" people in vegetative comas and such. Where there is no expectation of a quality of life.
This blank body would then be tested for "cell compatability," much like the number weapon users of the JAKDF. Though, since I'd imagine these trials would be much more diverse in kaiju used, there would be a fair bit of people who'd end up compatable with the kaiju cells. (Chapter 58)
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The cells would be implanted, and the body would be left to allow the kaiju's near-cancerous like abilities to regenerate. The best 'batches' of experiments then going on to be trained and rehabilitated into soldiers.
It'd allow all kinds of fun shenanigans as characters who've undergone this process would essentially be stuck in a Kafka-esk scenario. Fighting biological kaiju influences while maintaining a human appearance. Possibly exacerbated depending on how human the process leaves them. ✨️✨️
Something similar to how Narumi's number suit works. Though I'm pretty sure the implanted eyes are a fan theory, they've heavily inspired my ideas of how Kaiju tissue interacts with people.
(Theory stemming from the difference between Narumi's eyes as a teenager vs. his current eyes.)
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I also like to think of the process actively creating Kaiju more like a cancer than an evolutionary process.
Since it is influenced by outside phenomena and happens in the short term.
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izfaish · 1 year
random kn8 prediction theories
(spoilers if you're not caught up to the manga)
current arc (cataclysm arc):
kafka will eventually face off against no. 9, but will be tired from his fight with no. 13 or psychologically attacked by the kaiju bug inside his mind
reno with the no. 6 suit will protect him and fight no. 9
reno's goal will be to defeat no. 9 before kafka can step in (maybe a flashback where he learns that a part of kafka's hand is kaijufied)
(before, reno wanted to be strong enough so that kafka didn't have to transform and risk being discovered as no. 8. so maybe his new goal is the same, except for the reason that kafka transforming now threatens his humanity)
this would be a GREAT time to finally get reno's backstory
seriously, we're nearly 90 chapters and we barely know anything about reno, the deuteragonist of the series. (my headcanon is that he's an orphan due to kaiju-related reasons, and possibly has survivor's guilt. might be why he's so protective of others)
iharu will step in to assist with his new 'spiky' combat power ability
kafka is overtaken by his inner kaiju and attacks reno and iharu
i think no. 9 will choose to retreat, which the jakdf don't want since no. 9 has gathered more intel about their troopers and will use it to create better kaiju enemies
this kinda goes without saying since it will definitely happen, but we'll learn more about mina as well. i think her fight with her kaiju will happen before kafka's with no. 13, and hopefully shed some light on how they drifted apart
next arc
the gang reunites in an after-battle conference thingo
jakdf hq/neutralization bureau come up with a mission plan to better monitor no. 9's movements and gather intel of their own
(iirc they tracked its lair to like the marina trench, unreachable due to underwater pressure. unless i'm mixing this up with pacific rim LMAO)
hoshina stumbles into his brother at the conference and we get more on their family drama
kafka is hospitalised and kept under watch; he wakes and everyone's there to greet him
kikoru gets promoted to platoon leader
some of the story focus starts shifting to haruichi and aoi in the 2nd division
we get more on haruichi's backstory with izumo tech and his father
he said in vol. 2 that he joined the jakdf for family reasons. i wonder if it was to get away from being the heir to izumo tech? the 'don't mold me into your career path dad' rich kid storyline lol
maybe contrast that with aoi's fun fact of turning down a future at the uh jgsdf (another military branch?) to pursue being a jakdf trooper
there are 3 numbered weapons still in cold storage that the jakdf want to train candidates for. i wonder if those candidates will be iharu, aoi, and/or haruichi
maybe kafka will end up being separated from the jakdf in the current arc, either abducted by no. 9 or willingly went along with it under the control of the inner kaiju
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nocandnc · 3 months
I have a small curiosity regarding the Hoshina family, and Soshiro's place in it.
The Hoshina family, as we know, is a prominent family with a bloodline dating back to the Muromachi period (roughly 1300 - 1500). They seem to be highly traditional, continuing to practice their Hoshina-style swordplay and martial arts even in this modern age where guns and other weaponry have become far more practical.
The two Hoshina family members we've been introduced to properly - Hoshina Soichiro and Hoshina Soshiro - are also very aptly named for such a traditional family.
First, let's look at Soichiro - Captain of the Sixth Division and firstborn son of the current Hoshina family. In kanji, that would be [ 宗一郎 / sou ichi rou ] - the 'so' kanji that he shares with his younger brother has a lot of different readings (religion, sect, origin, essence etc.) but that's not the part I'm interested in today. Instead, let's look at the second and third kanji.
[ 一郎 / ichi rou ] - Ichiro is a very common, borderline stereotypical name for the first son in a Japanese family because it means exactly that - First Son.
And what about the Third Division Vice Captain we all know and love, Soshiro? [ 宗四郎 / sou shi rou ] - and of course, we're just looking at those last two kanji - [ 四郎 / shi rou ]. Shiro is also pretty basic sounding, as it means Fourth Son.
Wait - Fourth Son??
This is what caught my interest, as the traditional naming convention of these two brothers seems to imply that not only is Soshiro the younger brother, but that he's also the fourth of at least four siblings?? The strong implication would be there are two middle brothers in the family we haven't met yet. They could be sisters of course... but then we're getting into technicalities with the naming conventions, and - well, let's just say that Soshiro should have a minimum of two older siblings we haven't met yet.
I assume not all of them went into kaiju slaying of course - maybe numbers 2 and 3 were similarly inept with guns, and lacked the supreme sword skills to make up for it like Soshiro does. Maybe they just had other passions. I'd be interested in seeing if Soshiro is on better speaking terms with them than with his older brother!
I'm interested in Soichiro too of course - we know very little about divisions outside the Eastern sector in Kaiju No. 8, and I feel like that's something we could explore once the current manga events wrap up.
I also have a teensy tiny theory that Soichiro just might end up dying, prompting Soshiro to take up his role as Sixth Division Captain(?) Barring Soshiro himself dying, I feel like this would be a pretty good way to progress his character arc if things must change. Kafka has reached Mina's side (even if it's not the way he intended), and Soshiro is in a much better mind to give up that spot now that he's reconnected with his true drive and motivations beyond his role as Vice Captain. So time for a promotion...?
And, well... no better way to introduce those other siblings than at a Hoshina family funeral!
We even had Soshiro and Kafka visiting the shrine where warriors who've died slaying kaiju are enshrined - including those from the Hoshina line. It sure felt like some kind of flag... I just hope it's not for Soshiro himself though I do have an OkoNo10 AU idea if that does happen!!!
Anyways, WOW!! That was a lot of rambling. I'm a pretty new fan so I feel like someone's probably brought this stuff up already, but I wanted to talk about it so here you go ^^;;;
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yokai-girlie · 3 months
okay so i JUST finished the first season of Kaiju No. 8 and i have YET to start the manga BUT
I’m calling it now:
I predict something tragic is going to happen to Hoshina. Like I bet he’s gonna lose an arm or something.
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mechazushi · 6 days
A bit of a Theory. {Kaiju Number 8}
So I've been spending some time sketching out this OC idea that I have and her whole thing is that she's like Kafka and is a half Kaiju. Her transformation is supposed to look like a mixture of Bakko (Mina's tiger) and Kaiju Number 8. I'm sitting here looking at the first take on the design and I'm hating it because it's just looking like a muscular Furry in a mask so I decide to add on some extra details to her Shoulders and Thighs/Waist to tie in the fact she's an offshoot of Kn8. As I'm turning design ideas in my head, I decide to have it take on a more samurai look as a sort of nod to the original host of the Kn8... bug? Dragonfly? Mini Kaiju? Progenitor? Progenitor. (From now on though, I'm just gonna use sonicsura's term for the thing and call it Tiny)
And I'm tossing the ideas around in my head and suddenly I'm thinking "Wait. Kafka doesn't have pauldrons in his design? And the Samurai does?" And now I'm wondering why that is? And the longer I'm thinking about it, now I'm wondering why he's wearing a suit in the first place?
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(This is the only shot of the samurai that I can get off of Google images, apologies)
Now I can hear what you would be saying, "No shit he's wearing armor Zushi! He can't be caught by the public in that form, less they murder him on the spot!" I understand that is still very much the case and it's of course better to fight alongside a group of people when they aren't actively viewing you as a threat at the same time, so the armor in this case can help him blend into the crowd as he fights.
But hear me out for a second. Traditional samurai armor has a LOT of layers, and if they were wealthy enough (Which most were) they typically had a helper (Though, most were expected to have knowledge on how to put it on/take it off themselves) And I know we joke about Kafka's Kaiju form having a thick ass, but when paired with the idea of someone in that specific form, wouldn't it be difficult to don armor over an unusually shaped frame? Even if the armor was custom made and he had someone he trusted to help him put it on, I still think that the armor crafted would have a distinctly different look about it. So much so that I think that it would show up in history book, wouldn't it? You can't tell me that there wouldn't be a chapter dedicated to an oddly shaped samurai in and around the Meireki era that had notable displays of super strength and agility. He fought to help humans in their endeavor to protect humanity from the kaiju, he had to, at some point, do something crazy and superhuman considering we are just now seeing what that samurai went up against thanks to the latest chapter.
This is where most of my theory is. Kafka's Kaiju form didn't always look like that. My theory is that not only does Tiny function as a biological version of a Numbers suit, something happens at the point of the user's death and it absorbs whatever the user is wearing at that moment and recycles the fit onto the next user. I'm starting to think that in the first iteration of the human Kaiju form, it looked a lot different than what we have now. I'm leaning towards it looking something similar to the Colossal Titan from AoT.
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No natural armor, just exposed, heightened muscle. That way, having the samurai armor makes more sense because now he has protection. Now he won't get injured as much as he taps into his super powers and can still move around easily AND blend in with the rest of the soldiers.
While we can't confirm for sure if the samurai is the only iteration of Kaiju Number 8, I'm going to again lean on the Numbers suit comparison and say that Kafka can only see the samurai due to 1) Tiny can sense what they're about to go up against and the Samurai is the most knowledgeable on the subject. Or it's most likely 2) The samurai is the most recent user and it has the easiest time coming to the forefront of Kafka's psyche. It should also be said that it's not said one way or the other whether or not Kaiju number 8, or more specifically Tiny, existed before Number 9's time, only that 8 really hates 9. I do want to point out something that I've noticed from the Kikoru verses 15 fight where she starts seeing her mother, that her mother is also wearing the Numbers suit. Which, I mean, sounds like another No Shit Sherlock situation, but I think it adds something interesting to the lore behind the suits
The suits can still "see" their wearer, even as a suit. While 10 is the only suit that can talk back, the others can, in a sense, invade the wearer's mind (Since the suits don't come with visors) and project an image of the previous wearer's actions, even down to what they were wearing at the time. Which, of course, makes sense because how could they if the suit isn't active any other time. Which brings me to my next question, "What if whatever Tiny is can do more than that?" If it already fundamentally changes the user into a Kaiju, core and all, who's to say it can't also absorb what they're wearing at the time?
And if that IS the case, why doesn't Kafka's Kaiju form look more like a samurai suit of armor instead of the glowing six pack that we get? Here's my ongoing thought. Let's assume for a second that the placement of the core doesn't change from User to User, since the placement of Kafka's core is centered around his heart (Thank you for the breakdown kujoestars). It can be confirmed via logic that the previous samurai is dead, but lets play with the how.
To kill a Kaiju, you hit its core, so to kill a Human shifting Kaiju, you hit its chest. What if the samurai got hit in the chest so hard, he not only died from it, it destroyed his chest plate. So when he died, the only thing that ended up getting absorbed at time of death was his helmet, his face mask, and his pants, leaving his chest open in the next iteration and thus revealing the glowing six pack we've come to love! (And some of us hate, but we ignore them because we don't care, it's glow-in-the-dark abs.)
I don't know about you, but I feel better having said this. Even if I'm going to be called crazy and be debunked seven ways from Sunday. And I'm also aware that this might not be the easiest to follow along, but all this is coming from some half formed thoughts that I had at the tail end of my work day, so excuse the shitty frame work.
(Bonus thought. If this is the case and Kafka dies (IN THE DISTANT FUTURE) he's probably more than likely going to be wearing the defense force suit. If the next reincarnation on n8 puts on a defense force suit (and we're assuming they're going to be even more technologically advanced at this point) what would happen? Would it still read a 0%, or would it give an Error 404 code and say something like "It is not advisable to wear one suit over the other" "Uuuhhh... they're not wearing another suit..." "Huh, that's weird, don't know why THAT could be happening. *Sweating bullets*"
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nightfal1n · 3 months
Ch110 took me back to captured arc a lot but the one that hit the hardest is probably where Narumi said when Isao didn't send a signal to call for help he thought the old man was intent to die...
Then we learn Narumi did almost the same thing and beyond
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sonicasura · 3 months
Okay the idea of there being 11 more eggs is just to funny to let go of so, in another post I'll put up the Monsties after I'm done asking the Magic Conch.
For now another curve ball for the Science Department, is how all of No.8 offspring show such diversity in there appearence and abilities. All scienctists are trying to figure out how big No.8's gene pool is.
I love how the misunderstanding and misinformation for the Science Department just grows by the day. Someone probably draw a little baby version of No. 8 with a question mark as they try to understand the link between the Monsties with him. Kafka is completely unaware that his mimicry skills has caused a major kerfuffle while he merely tends to the Monster eggs. Rider literally gave both sides of him an outlet to express a job spouses do: raise children.
I suggest one egg hatching into a Palamute just for the sheer circus act alone. What better way to make the Science Division lose their sanity than a dog coming out one of Kaiju No 8's 'eggs'. I think Hoshina will break out in laughter once the eventual truth comes out when Rider officially joins.
The Science Departments cursed theories being thankfully disproven. Also if any eggs had hatched yet, I just imagine the Third Division request to watch over them(and continue allowing Kafka to follow his instincts. He literally been giving the department a look into maternal kaiju behavior without any major risks.)
Palamute: *hatches*
Everyone watching: A PUPPY?!! 😍☠️🤔😶🤯
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lumin-arii · 3 months
gang do you think i'm okay after the cliff that kn8 chapter 110 left me on??? do you think i possess the ability to be patient, the ability to wait, the ability to restrain myself from ripping my hair out- (spoilers under cut)
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who am i kidding no i don't have the abilities to be patient, wait, or keep my sanity intact. of course i don't. "but patience is a virtue, lumie!!" shush and let me go insane.
if i can hardly wait a week, then how will i wait two weeks. that's double the frustration and longer i have to go without seeing no. 9 getting his ass absolutely whooped like me after i make a dad joke when my mom's in a bad mood.
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kujoestars · 3 months
How much of a presence does Kaiju No. 8 have on here? I typed up a whole analysis and theory post on Reddit that I want to crosspost but I'm not sure how active the KN8 fandom is on Tumblr since it's hardly around on Twitter. Like if you want me to post it here too.
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authorbettyadams · 11 months
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Kaiju No. 9 and the Humongous fungus of Southern Oregon - What Exactly Is He
#KN8 #KN9 #Theory #ShonenJump #KaijuNo9
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vampiricgf · 3 months
what about kn8 theories
hm I don't really have any! I've mostly just been reading to see my two boyfriends n giggle and kick my feet when they look hot in the panels :3 (I do also enjoy the story im mostly joking but also not I will stare at panels of rumi or soshiro for wayyyyy too long because I luv them)
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nocandnc · 2 months
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It's pretty baseless of me, but I feel like Akari and Iharu would have good chemistry if they got to interact more.
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A girl with lots of secret admirers and a guy who's apparently oozing sex appeal...
They've got those Bad Boy x Gentle Girl vibes, you know??
It's pretty cliche, but I love that sort of thing ^///^;;;
This isn't the kind of series where everyone's romantically paired up ofc - the IhaReno bromance is paramount, and poor Akari hasn't a lick of character development or established motivations to speak of. (Not to mention Hakua, poor thing...)
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The anime added her to this scene at least, and I quite like how she was the first one to follow up on Iharu's attempt at talking things out.
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Then there was this moment in the recent manga chapters as well, which is probably what got the gears turning for me to start with. There's nothing romantic about it, I know... but the fact that the author chose to have Iharu save Akari in particular is not lost on me >>>.>>>
All in all, I'm just staying... if Matsumoto did want to pair more characters up... I can work with this lol
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nocandnc · 14 days
did you read today's chapter of kaiju no. 8?!
I sure did, though it was during my work day! It was quite... anxiety-inducing ^^;;;
I'm starting to wonder if there's a slight supernatural element to this Meireki kaiju that's more in line with my Edo AU than I first thought >.>
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It’s attacks are so mystical, it's hard to view it as anything but demonic... or godly.
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The same for Kaiju No. 8 - though I'm hesitant to make any predictions, I was rewatching the anime and noticed the ghostly figures that appear during Kafka’s initial possession. Knowing what we know now, it makes me wonder if the parasite kaiju was actually born from the will of vengeful spirits - angry warriors wanting revenge against the kaiju who killed so many of them.
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For a long time the series has looked at kaiju from a purely scientific standpoint, and the origin of kaiju was theorized to be creatures exposed to fault line energy in the earth's crust... but maybe there's more to it than that? We'll have to wait and see!
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nightfal1n · 3 months
What if...in Kaiju no.8 universe whenever faults shift, instead of an eathquake they got Kaiju being born and kaiju's core is manifested from the fault energy which works very similarly to a nuclear reactor.
Then kaiju walking on earth they spread the fault energy around them and that affects ppl...and like a real world radiation, it changes human on their genetic levels
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sonicasura · 5 months
You know what would be hilarious? A scenario where Kafka ends up raising a Godzilla/Gojira. Yes, I'm still on a kaiju kick and just saw the latest Kaiju No 8 episode so why not?
It all happens at least 12 years before canon during a job. The latest Kaiju corpse was a digger class whose constant tunneling had severely damaged the ground so the Monster Sweepers were already walking on eggshells. Kafka was gathering a DNA sample until the ground collapses underneath him.
He falls into a hidden chamber where a single giant 9 ft tall egg stands before him. The item hatches covering Kafka in yolk as a baby Godzilla/Gojira emerges much to his dismay. He's at first worried about being a snack until the baby licks him and implants a larger fear. The infant had imprinted on him.
Little Gojira/Godzilla flees before rescue services shows up to rescue Kafka. The man doesn't mention the baby and lies saying he fell into an already hatched egg. Kafka thinks it won't be important as he prays the tiny kaiju forgets him.
NOPE! Not even a day later, the man wakes up to scratching on his apartment door. The baby came back and truly imprinted on him. Kafka doesn't know what to do at all. He's trying to join the Defense Force, which kills Kaiju, and having a baby one believing he is its parent contradicts the entire idea.
Kafka doesn't think he can snuff out Gojira/Godzilla's life and reluctantly accepts his fate. Thus the man commits one of the biggest taboos by raising the baby lizard. Gojira/Godzilla is a bit different from the kaiju in KN8 series.
He has no core and can't be tracked by the Defense Force's systems. An anomaly that earned Gojira/Godzilla the title 'Phantom Kaiju'. There have been calls but the Big G always flees before he could be properly identified.
While raising Gojira/Godzilla, Kafka often snuck him to the clean up site so he could eat off the corpses. He wanted to make sure the little guy was big and strong enough to fend for himself out in the wild. Kafka taught Gojira/Godzilla to avoid the Defense Force at all times while not being a hassle to any nearby civilians.
Even when his kaiju son grew to the size of a house, surprise visits were bound to happen. Kafka's bond with Gojira/Godzilla has grown to the point that they can understand and sense each other's presence. Something which drags the kaiju into the Defense Force's crosshairs once the man gains his powers.
(Our Kaiju is an adolescent during canon, 80 meters in size, as his fully grown size will be 120m. My personal take is a mix between 1993 Zilla and the current Monsterverse iteration because I'm very familiar with both. Grump with a side of little shit behavior wise.)
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Gojira/Godzilla immediately tracks down Kafka upon his first transformation that fateful night. You can bet Reno wasn't exactly ready to find out his senpai raised a kaiju in secret for 12 years, much less the infamous Phantom. He was absolutely throwing out theories about Gojira/Godzilla being linked to Kafka's Kaiju form, which the man vehemently denies.
The man ain't escaping the Phantom Kaiju is Kaiju No 8's biological child theories though. Gojira/Godzilla gonna show up whenever Kafka uses his powers like in canon because their bond translates it as a signal flare. Think an emotion based Bat Signal to a giant Batman.
Gojira/Godzilla will retain their Phantom Kaiju title since he was never properly registered in the system years ago. The big guy is still associated with Kafka's kaiju form as he almost always shows up. Our dear himbo definitely working on that since he doesn't want his son to keep misinterpreting his transformation like that.
Kafka and Gojira/Godzilla are two disastrous peas in a pod who drags everyone into their insanity.
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mechazushi · 3 months
Some personal commentary on the Final Episode of Kn8 (Out of order of events)
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With that out of the way....
Yoooo, that "Re-gen from the core" scene was straight fire! I liked how they made it almost look like Kn8 was a ghost coming back from the other side for a second there. Not sure how I feel with them making him glow red at the last second, though.
They took ma mans spare tire away (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) (I really hope that theory about him losing weight leads to his kaiju-ification it true. Give me back my soft body brawler daddy) Cool chest scar tho, wonder if anyone's gonna do a "scar worship" fic with KafHoshi or KafMina. (that might be something I might have to end up doing)
Awww! Look at everyone being happy that Kafka doesn't get to die! ("'dsldvnjvFUCKINBOARDOFDIRECTS!*foams at mouth*) Everybody going "Yay! Dad's gonna be ok!"
"Failed the entrance test twelve times" HOLD UP! When did Kafka start to enlist? When was the original cut off age point? DETAILS WOMAN, I NEED DETAILS!!!!!
AHHHAHAHHH!! GOD WHAT DID THEY DO TO NARUMI?!?!?? He was my least favorite, but they did him dirty, God damn. I really hope that's just helmet hair and they fix him in the next season. I'm not one to encourage a complete revamp of a show's art style, but I think it would be forgiveable here.
I'm starting to wonder if the production studio has had access to more information than we know. With the way the last few chapters of the manga have been going, everyone has gotten worried that it's ending soon, but the last sentences that Kn9 said has got me wondering if there are other things that may be occurring later down the line in the manga. I really hope that's the case because we have SOOO many unanswered questions.
Last, but not least, Everyone say thank you to the development studios that went out of their way to bring us extra scenes that weren't even thought about in the manga.
See ya in three years, Kaiju Number Eight the Anime.
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