#knack lucas
flockietube999 · 23 days
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Fuck ai art they are taking over talent :3
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chibifox2002 · 23 days
Hey Chib’s!
I realized it’s been a sec since I fell in here!
Speaking of which I have a idea since it’s
officially fall…
The Rock Squad playing in a pile of leaves!
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LEAF. 🍁🍂
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sonicasura · 3 months
Reno reminds me a lot of Lucas somehow.
But for Kafka and Knack, aside from having mysterious earth-shattering abilities, they seem like completely different brands of stupid.
I'm not sure how to put my finger on it...
I definitely see where you're getting at. Reno and Lucas are like the responsible siblings trying to keep their more reckless counterparts (Knack/Kafka) out of trouble. They do enjoy some good shenanigans but will lose it if someone close to them is ignoring the problem or red flags.
Knack and Kafka are the gentle powerhouses. They're smart in their own ways but will miss certain cues at times. Both need someone to hold them back or keep either from doing something really stupid.
Impulse control for the gremlins to put it in a lighter tone. Although they tend to switch roles from time to time. 😅
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thinkkirby2 · 5 months
oh? I must've dreamed of a non-existent tumblr post.
The Post is about some art of Knack (With metal or iron parts), and it was called Attack of the 50 foot relic golem. :D there was a Video with some inspiration from the games and there was an AU Lucas, but Idk what AU it was :/ one thing I know, is that we're still getting them dreams till Knack 3, baby! :) (let's be patient, okay?)
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knackfandomarchive · 8 months
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I wonder what he's thinking
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jamismejamiam · 1 year
Silly knack doodles
I'm just obsessed with the idea of him in clothes idk why😭 he's so scrunk omg, I gave him a little comfy casual fit suitable for walking to a store maybe
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bestbuybathroom · 11 months
i did not care for lucas's characterization in knack 2
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difty-dift · 1 year
Name one scene, trope, or concept you'd really like to see in a hypothetical third game of KNACK.
Why not 3 for 3~?
Scene: I want a scene with Knack alone, contemplating his existence and purpose. We've gotten scenes of Knack on his own, even with perfect opportunities to have him think aloud to himself, but >:P nothing. I want him to think about himself, why he's doing the things he's doing, what he wants, what he's fighting for (in the context of the current narrative and overall trilogy as well). I just want more knacktent (Knack content)
Trope: I want Knack to have to team up with the enemy. I dunno if that trope has a snappy name or not lol. Either they need to get out of a mutually undesirable situation together, or it's a long form temporary truce. Knack fighting with goblins or else would be pretty fun to see and play through. Also he could use cool tech maybe~
Concept: okay this a just a real personal desire of mine but I really want to see some form of canonization for, don't know what to call them, the other Knack boys. Like Robo Knack and Player 2 blue Knack (I call him Knick :3c). I think it'd be pretty awesome if they could be implemented into the world in a organic way as well as have them be playable or something. I love Knack but I love having multiple playable characters too (even if they play the same). Hell I'd enjoy playing as Lucas too, hookshooting everywhere, maybe a stealth mission for him, a mech... I guess more playable characters is the concept hehe
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anarcoqueer1994 · 2 years
Was working on one head canon idea and another one hit me that I need to force on you.
Steve Harrington wasn't one for a mess, keeping his space relativly clean, with very little excess stuff. So when he and Eddie were moving into a little efficiency apartment of their own, not too far from the trailer park, Eddie wasn't expecting a lot things. Not like him, who held onto everything, loving the chaos of clutter.
Most of Steve's boxes were clothing, with one large box being dedicated to hair products. Steve was putting together thier bedframe in the other room, leaving Eddie to unpack some stuff in the living room. He was surprised when mixed among his boxes full of D&D stuff, mugs, guitar strings, random knick-knacks he thought were cool, was a lone box with the words "Important" on the front written in Steve’s neat handwriting.
Eddie can't help himself, kneeling down next to the box, pulling it open. Inside were various trinkets that he was sure Steve got rid of by now.
Three swim medals, wrapped in a varsity jacket, two silver and one gold.
A guitar pic Eddie threw off stage from the first time he saw Correded Coffin. He had Eddie sign it.
A beat up copy of the Lord of the Rings that Dustin had insisted he read.
A friendship bracelet Robin made for him the first time she came back to visit Hawkins after leaving for college with Nancy. It had pink, orange, and white beads on one side, blue, purple, and pink on the other with R+S in the middle. Eddie remembers he and Nancy having to watch those two be attached at the hip the entire visit. If she weren't his platonic soul mate, Eddie might even admit he was jealous.
A drawing Will had made for him of The Party, signing his name at the bottom.
Some old notecards with Nancy’s pretty handwriting covering the front and back.
A letter from Mike with "Top Secret" on the front. Eddie respects it but inside the letter, Mike said he was panicking because he likes Will how he used to like El, and though he hated to admit it, but Steve was the only person he knew he could ask.
A program from Billy’s funeral. Eddie knew Billy would always be an important part of Steve’s past, and that's okay.
The shiny pebbles that Eddie would find and have to give them to Steve. All 20 of them. He had no idea Steve kept them.
A clumsily crocheted hat that was far too big to wear but El had been teaching herself and Steve happily accepted it.
A ticket to Lucas' championship basketball game.
The visitor's pass from the many days and nights he spent with Max in the hospital, and the sappy little note she gave to him after. He never told her he was there when she was in a coma, but she knew.
A few pictures from various years; A group picture of all them, a way to commenerate everything they have been through together. Him and Dustin in Claudia's kitchen decorating Christmas cookies. (He is still grateful for the Henderson's opening up their home for his boyfriend after his parents disowned him) A picture of Eddie up on the stage. Steve and Robin at the video store on her last day, and finally a picture taken by Jonathan of Eddie and Steve on the Munson's couch, Eddie pulling Steve in for a surprised kiss.
So no, Steve was not one for clutter, but apparently Steve was one for his friends. Eddie can't help but fall in love with Steve a little more.
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Character Introduction: Luca Lupine
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Age: 13
Height: 5’ 2” (157cm)
Pronouns: Gender selectable—She/her, He/him 
At age 3, after their parents’ passing, they were adopted by their parents’ distant cousin, Lord Sandstrider, who raised Luca as if they were his own child. Taciturn and aloof, Luca kept mostly to themself the first several years they were living with their adoptive father, finding solitude preferable to the noble children at court who teased them constantly. Concerned by Luca’s lack of a social life, Lord Sandstrider arranged for the two of you to meet, thinking both of you could use a friend. Luca proved a rather tough nut to crack, preferring to sullenly ignore your presence rather than attempt to play or make conversation, but slowly they managed to open up and the two of you quickly became inseparable. 
Luca finds the extravagant style of Theian attire to be uncomfortable and inconvenient. Instead, they prefer wearing overly simplistic, unrestrictive, loose foreign clothing since they get hot easily. Their manner of dressing was deemed odd by other children at court, and for that they found themself often teased. When forced to dress up for formal occasions, they are known to sulk.
They enjoy exploring and wanted to travel when they were older; they made you a promise the two of you would travel together when you grew up. They’ve also a knack for climbing trees and an even better knack for falling out of them.
They don’t appreciate people touching their hair. While Lord Sandstrider used to care for and style their hair when they were very young, Luca took up cutting and maintaining their own hair as soon as they were able.
When you were 11 and Luca 13, Luca accompanied Lord Sandstrider to his secluded manor near the border of Celestyl for a short vacation. They never returned, having perished with Lord Sandstrider and his staff in a vicious fire that reduced the entire manor, its occupants included, to ash. 
Ever since then, they’ve been appearing in your dreams, aiding you in parsing through visions and prophecies. 
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flockietube999 · 13 days
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Lucas’s ponysona ahajannannanananjaajnanjajajaj
I drew this for funsies
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chibifox2002 · 5 months
Okay so… if knack can sound like a giant cat…
Then what about him acting like one?
(This one was in my head for a while.)
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I'm not 100% sure if this counts as cat behavior, but here's Knack keeping Lucas captive for nap time.
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sonicasura · 4 months
Now I'm thinking too hard, but I don't have a strong grasp of the characters. I can imagine, with Kafka rubbing his bruised cheek and after Lucas had awoken: Reno putting a hand out to help Lucas to his feet and almost recoiling when the latter reaches to take it.
Lucas doesn't notice at first, pulling himself up, until he sees Reno's put-off expression. Kafka spots the problem and lets out a small sound.
By now, Lucas is bewildered on top of disoriented and asks, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
To which Reno points vaguely downward, trying to be a little discreet, and quietly explains, "your hands..."
Lucas lifts them up to examine them. "My... what...?"
Lucas is the second shortest of the four present, a little smaller than his 5' 3" or so in the second game, but his hands are larger than any human's here.
Experimentally, Kafka holds up a Kaiju-fied hand. Lucas barely blinks and matches it with his...
Knack can't help but tug the tail of Lucas's shirt and snicker.
I couldn't help but giggle cause this is quite accurate. Lucas definitely got some big hands and won't be surprised if he uses the genetics excuse to explain it away. DNA does some weird things to people such as the one man with 9 inch nose, Werewolf Disease, etc.
Kafka and Reno are stunned that Lucas can do such delicate work with those big ol' mitts.
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thinkkirby2 · 9 months
Here's a thing I thought of. [Silly thing made in: 11/29/22]
Doctor Vargas: Hey hey guys! what did I miss-
(Dr Vargas got captured and the garage at the Doctors mansion blew up (the mansion had some parts messed up by the explosion)
Ryder: oh my God.
(the Kidnapper was Gundahar, because he wants the Doctor's plans (Charlotte once had this issue)
Lucas: NO WAY! D:>
Knack (Vargas' size): you did not just do that…
Gundahar: yeah I did!
Knack(Vargas' Height): I'm so mad… (aggressive tone) (Knack began getting madder)
Lucas: Oh no, OH MAN! (ran off)
Ryder: I'm out. (swiftly left) (Knack Yells in anger, Gundahar laughs in a evil idiotic way, and Knack Yells again but this time it sounds like a roar.)
Knack (Vargas' Height): (heavily breathing) do you want to see me turn into a Giant?
Gundahar: NO!
(Knack began to absorb so many Relics)
Gundahar: No it can't be! NOT A GIANT BEAST!
(Knack tears up some clothes he had and runs toward Gundahar's Mech (the goblin kept it Somehow after Knack II)
Update: Youtube, what's happening to the videos?
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knackfandomarchive · 4 months
Now We're Thinking With Portals!
I initially thought of sending this as an ask to @sonicasura, but then wondered if maybe it's too sensitive and also long. And I only watched to like episode 4 so I bet things are wrong.
(KNACK X Kaiju no.8)
(also, textual depiction of Kaiju death, and blood. There is an image depicting blood)
Ok so, the plan requires equal parts extensive set-up, foresight, and prolonged secrecy and dumbassery; Somewhat characteristic of a certain duo comprised of a thirteen-year-old (headcanon) human boy and his relic monster brother (also headcanon).
Lucas wants to keep a tight lid on this plan. Though it was originally Knack's idea, Lucas quickly assumes the role of mastermind. He has to pick Kafka and Reno's brains for important information, seemingly innocuous questions like: How big can Kaiju get? Do they always explode when their bodies are pierced? Can I help clean up a Kaiju with you guys? These are natural questions, too, not so suspicious really.
There are so many ways this plan could go wrong.
Reno is only told the plan when Lucas needs to double-check his math. The latter forces the former to swear secrecy: Kafka wouldn't want a kid like Lucas anywhere near a live Kaiju, and he only hesitantly let him help scrape up a dead one.
Showtime is about to start after a Kaiju appears in just the right location. Just a few minutes after the evacuation order is delivered, Lucas virtually drags Reno away from the rest of the cleanup crew. Not sure if Kafka thinks much of it; everyone needs to evacuate and Lucas pretends to be doing just that, faking distress and begging Reno to get him out of there stat.
But the human boys appear on a rooftop directly adjacent/within the Kaiju's rampage path. I wouldn't be surprised if Reno got cold feet at this point: He looks at the angled mattress on the rooftop they stand on. He looks at the 9-feet tall relic golem - who's gripping the edge of a taller gothic building on the other side of the street with his weird bird feet and grinning down at them. Directly below Knack is an oval window, and far below, on the ground, Knack had removed the entire doorway and laid it down.
Reno looks at Lucas and says, "You're insane!"
Lucas finishes lowering his face shield, and laughs, clearly excited. Then says "Nuh uh! This is gonna be sick." He holds up a flag and Knack readies himself to jump.
Meanwhile, in another world, Doctor Vargas views the makeshift decoration set up in the garden: On the ground below a brick wall, relic ruin arches set together on their sides to form a ring, and a simpler ring of wire several feet above it, having a prong to hold it in place on the wall with something heavy. Minutes ago, the Doctor had been doing something else when the boys interrupted him, a slightly-too-tall-for-the-ceiling Knack telling him to go to the garden immediately and Lucas breathlessly giving clearer directions. Doc could barely register the words and take in the odd white garb Lucas was wearing, before the boys had high-fived with a "let's go!" and sprinted off.
Now, Lucas waits for the Kaiju to get closer, a convenient billboard keeping him and Reno out of sight. Reno is sweating, but Lucas is totally shaking, even as he grins under his mask. It's a little too late to go back now. Finally, the Kaiju's nose reaches the billboard when it spots Knack - who had himself anxiously shifted his weight - and decides he's a live thing to destroy.
Lucas swings down the flag, sending the signal, and Knack crosses his arms over his chest and jumps. The boys and Kaiju watch him fall and disappear through the archway. Lucas quietly pumps a fist, and Reno mutters that he hopes this works.
The Doctor was beginning to grow bored, until light flashes within the rings and Knack appears, falling through the portals faster and faster until he is just a blur. Knack tries to holler a greeting, "Hey... Doc..." but he is already exhausted. Finally the portals close and a great quantity of relics scatter all over the place, the Doctor yelping at the projectiles and diving behind a bush, mostly unharmed.
The Kaiju had turned itself to look down at where Knack disappeared, sniffing. Additionally, it had smacked its tail against the building the humans stood on, disturbing it. The humans flattened themselves down against the roof for this reason, as well as that the Kaiju was clear of Knack's flight path, and the living cannon ball would hurtle straight for the mattress.
This was a stupid plan, Lucas thinks to himself morosely, rolling onto his back. Helicopters approach overhead.
But then the Kaiju raises its head and body, and shudders. Knack had shot straight out of the window right then at top speed and slammed into the Kaiju's chest. If all had gone well, Knack would have been at his smallest size and maintained his form.
He doesn't come out the other side, meanwhile some relics have flown over the Kaiju's body, and the humans on the ground have to contend with the idea he might have bounced off or gotten stuck.
Defense Forces are loading out by this point.
But the Kaiju's flesh swells, caustic fluids combining, and explodes, sending blood, bone and organ matter flying. The Kaiju groans and collapses to the ground, defeated.
Reno quietly admits that that was cool.
Lucas leaps to his feet and gets dizzy. "Woah! It really went down?" And he cackles triumphantly. "But wait, where's Knack?"
He does a lunge at the edge of the roof, looking down and hoping to spy a 3-feet-tall humanoid made of relics. Sure enough, something small crawls out of the Kaiju corpse, sliding to the ground.
When Knack reaches the ground, he checks that his limbs are still intact and flicks off the gunk. It worked!
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Only, the Defence Force is now on the scene! Uh oh!
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jamismejamiam · 1 year
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