#knight of nature ~ sir adne
starlitfunkster · 1 year
[LRG]'s giant Kirby OC post
And by giant.. I mean I redesigned most of my Kirby OC's. Two I did back in January, and also adding newcomers. In total, I now have six OC's. Most being puffballs.. one dubiously a puffball, one's apart of the Waddle Dee species, and one is part cat.
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This is Sir Adne, one of the newcomers. He is an Ex-GSA knight, and one who's now training both Juniper and Locke. This is because he has orders from his Kingdom that he protects. He also looks after his crush, Princess Flora.
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Speaking of Princess Flora, here she is! She loves flowers, her people.. and especially her knight, Sir Adne! Though she seems like the person who wouldn't fight, she'll join in if the situation calls for it!
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Locke is a cat-like spirit in a puffball form who lost to Sir Adne. Now they follow him around idolizing him. They also are now training under him. Beware the yarn-bomb! It won't hurt, but you'll be immobilized!
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Juniper is a shy, mute Waddle Dee that wears leaves on their head. They treat it like it's hair.. even if it is just a pile of leaves. They befriended Locke and wanted to be as strong as Sir Adne. So they began practicing archery in their spare time.
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Cocoa is a child-hood friend of Flora's, and the artist within the Kingdom. She usually has two paint buckets, one filled with ordinary paint... the other has been spiked with all sorts of spices. It's best not to anger her...
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Milo was once friends with Sir Adne, back when he used to work with the GSA. Now he's become a warlock and intends on striking his old friend down. But you have to wonder.. why is he doing this? Surely one's behavior wouldn't change over night.. right?
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This is what Milo looks like when his eyes are not obscured. They look foggier when he was under that spell cast by Luna...
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Luna is a Succubus in disguise as a puffball. As a result, she has no intentions of following through with her desires. Why would she? She prefers instead seducing men with magic and making them fight their friends. As such, she is considered the embodiment of Lust to some. Others think she's just a coward who hides behind strong men.
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hellomynudebrain · 4 years
Celestial Witch Part 7
The next day, the party that came from Silk were depresed. Dahlia hit really hard their pride. The princes felt defeted, but Marywhite was the most affected. -I can't believe in Dahli'as words. I have to ask father about it!- She ran through all the place trying to look for for her father, until she found the redhead woman, who kindly and calm voice took Marywhite to her old master. The ex minester was sleeping calmy in a room that had a look like an infermery to the ill or the injured ones. But his calm time come to a end when Marywhite came and irrupted on the room. -Father,father! You're alive! Oh, father! - Marywhite fell on the edge her knees wheeping on the edge of the bed.  Alec gently put his hand on the back of her daughter, but that scene was cut with the suddenly arrived from  Marywhite's companions. The boys irrupteped in the room running and with anxiety on their  eyes. James was the most curious one and he wanted to ask to his uncle about the "sins" which Dahlia mentioned before.  He walk fast to the bed where his uncles was. -Uncle, I apologize for being rude beforehand, but what did you do to make Dahlia got angry?- The lack of patience could be seen through James' eyes. His uncle was cornered, but Marywhite wasn't happy. -James, How could you ask my father something like that?!- She directed a defiant gaze to her cousin, but her father stoped her in the act. -Marywhite, it's alright, sooner or later I have to face  James and you about it, but I never thought that their highness will be here to heard it too.- Alec turned his fqace a little and directed a gaze to princes. The knight, Justin adn the mage, Rin were confused, but since they were in that mess, there wasn't really other option to heard the story from the ex prime minester. -Please all of you take a seat and listen. Princes, I hope that the opinion you have about your father won't change after hear this.- All of them took a place to get seat and looked Alec with attention. -A long time ago, before the father of the princes took the crown. A war in Silk took place. Some people want that Ceasar took the position as king because he was the one who  inheritanced the throne, but also there were powerful nobles who wanted to Benedict as king. Benedict wanted to start a war with the other eight empires and be name as emperor, in exchange, Benedict would have helped the nobles to have slave market as opendly they wanted,  but the gods didn't let him, because they send a celestial knight to help Ceasar to fight against Benedict. That celestial knight had a special characteristic; she was an arcana witch...- Alec was about to continue but he was interrupted by Duncan. -An arcana witch? What the hell is that?! - Duncas asked was legit, since his grades in the academy were near Dahlia's score, immediately Rin answered with annoyed face, since it wasn't the first time he had to hear the no sense from Duncan. -An arcana witch is a ancien legend .They were beautiful as the nature and wise as the time, and even the elders say that they were powerful as the gods. The legend says that they posses powers as great as the same nature. They lived peacefuly in their own village only habitated by women. Men were banned, and the only way to continue their linage was leaving the village at the age of 16 or 18, find an ideal partner which had to react with their witch mark on the back of their neck, copulate and leave with their daughter in the third anniversarie from birth. But that had to change. One day when one of the arcana witches found herself a job meanwhile she was about to get married with man which a countness was particularly fond, the countness full of jelousy killed  her with bare hands, and found out that woman was an arcana witch and her blood made her look younger. The word spread and that hunt of witches has been begun. All the witches ran away from the towns. The village was about to get attacked but the elders make a spell that made their village disappear. The remain witches were captured, sold and killed. Their blood was used as the philosopher's stone, with the time the arcana witches became a legend and forgoten -Duncas was perplexed with the story about the arcanas and wanted to know more which Alec was about to do. -That's right, Rin. I couldn't expect less from the genious mage from the cademy, but there's somehing you missed- Rin felt attacked, how an olda man like the one who was about to die and couldn't protect the king would know more than him. -The story miss about something very important, when the witches ran away, the elders witches  throw a curse to their own kind which said that every witched in this land dare to stay, they´ll perish at a young age. Some of them were captured and die while they were kidnaped, some others where killed while their kidnapers took their blood and some others disguise themselves and lived until their time comes, most of them lived until their 20's at most. - The princes were confused and look to each other. Julius asked from a bed next to Alec's bed. -How this old legend has to do with our misfortune?- Asked Julius with  bemused eyes. -Because his highness, that arcana was Dahlia´s mother and my wife, Viola. - Alec answered sharply and dry, most of them got what Alec tried to say. Dahlia was an arcana witch. - Sir Alec, but how is that possible?! If all the arcanas disappear from the world and you told us the others died?!-  Rin was freeze with the declaration Alec made and abruptly throw the question half mad. -Sir Rin, let me finish the story and you can ask at the end. And to reply your question, the only way to long your life spam is driking aracana's blood or be a celestial knight - Alec answered back to Rin really upset for his way to speak to his elders, he might not be a noble anymore, but he still had his pride. - So, when the gods sent us Viola, at that time the crown prince Caesar, fell in love with her at first sight as well, Viola. They spend time together, most of us think they were good friends, but we were wrong, because even Caesar asked her to marry him. Finally, when the small war ended and Benedict was throw away from the empire. The crown princes had to marry, and for political reasons he had to do it with the princes' mother, Eco. Viola was disillusioned,   because she wanted to have a daughter and be free from her resposabilities as a celestial and the only way was to marry with a noble, but Viola didn't knew she was in love with a cunning man. Eco's family wouldn't have allowed to Caesar to take Viola as a concubine, but he couldn't afford to lose Viola as an arcana, because she will be of used. So he made her to marry with someone from Silk and with the promise he would visit her with frecuence.  But before that, he could research how to have 2 arcana wiches instead of one. The chosen men that the arcanas picked had the particularity of being the progeny from magical creatures, that way the mark on their neck would react, so Caesar took to every noble from Silk to gather in the palace and stood up in front of Viola. None of them had magical blood. Until he ha made me do it.  At that time I was engaged with Marywhite's mother and I wasn't chose by Caesar to be part of the selection, but lose Viola wasn't an option. I stood up in front of her and the mark on the back of her neck illuminated. I had to broke my engaged with the woman I love and marry Viola. She lost all the benefits of being a celestial, but her arcana blood was intacted. However, Caesar never visited her and not even sent her a letter. She was deppresed and stoped eating at the seven month  of her pregnasy. The help did what they could to fed her until she had to give birth to Dahlia. Viola died on the delivery. I was afraid of my own daughter, I saw Viola's power with my own eyes and immediately when she was borned, I sent her to the state on the border, nevertheless, Caesar made the engaged with prince Julius since Dahlia's birth, even if he knew about how much I was afraid of her. I don't know how she become like that, I was too afraid- Alec ended his stoy, but only made them more bitter about their own situation and made the room be quiet for a few minutes. At some point, the princes crussed gazes and thought the same, the only way to go back to Silk and how was through Dahlia.
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starlitfunkster · 2 years
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A new piece of art of my old Kirby OC's! ...And the new boy.
Princess Flora (or just Flora, originally a character named Florina), Locke (originally Golden's Kirby counterpart), and Sir Adne.
Sir Adne tries to impress Flora once everyday. It's gotten to the point that Flora is aware that he has a crush on her. Locke made Flora a flower crown this day, and Adne's student Juniper (not shown) distracts her with a yarn ball.
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