toadlett · 2 years
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art for a sticker that went in @quindriepress prize pack for the stamp rally they did at thought bubble this year! I might print some for cons next year, what do you think?
ID: image of a tearful red-haired man in profile, with a horse’s head justabove him so that he is cloaked in its dramatically blowing mane. flowers are also blowing through the hose’s mane. text over one side of the image reads: SAD HORSE BOYS CLUB
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drkroots-a · 2 years
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               “Everyone that comes in here’s got to have a shot.” Comment was spoken in a smooth tone as glass was wiped in hand, him not even needing to watch what he was doing so eyes could stay trained on the other. “House rules. Inhibition’s the first thing to go.”
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adragonrider · 2 years
@knightsdestiny GETS A STARTER
Being a simple maid in the castle wasn't Eilonwy's cup of tea.. Not when she knew she was destined for far greater... Was this how Merlin felt? She pondered to herself. She had a basket of supplies in her hand, though slightly heavy the young woman managed.
Auburn hair was in a long braid behind her, trying to be careful not to trip over her own footing, the usual pair of gloves on her hands to hide the mark of the rider on her palm. She had to get these ingredients back to the kitchen knowing the cook would have a go at her if she were to even be a second late. So Eilonwy hurried down the corridor, twice she had already been late on occasion and she knew better than to be late again.
Eilonwy was so determined to get to the kitchen that she didn't even see the Knight heading in her direction, quickly moving the basket so only herself knocked into him.. She was sure the cook wouldn't want battered apples. "I'm so sorry!" Eilonwy apologised, bright blue eyes looking up to see it was a Knight of Camelot.. Oh now she was embarrassed. "I.. I didn't see you.. I'm such a klutz" was she hurt? No.. Did the things in the basket get damaged? Not at all.. So far more harm could have been done.
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exitiosae-arch · 2 years
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@knightsdestiny​ sent : “ hey… there is nothing in this world that you can tell me, that’ll ever make me hate, fear, or leave you. please, rest easy in that knowledge. ”
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These words, Padme knew them to be true, but it didn't mean that they were easy to believe in. Quite the opposite, actually. Not that she believed that she did anything that would be deserving of his hate -- Not yet, anyway but there were definitely acts she made, problems she caused -- Things she had to do that she wasn't proud of. Even more so, it always felt as if she didn't do enough. A feeling which was quite heartbreaking, but one she had to live with.
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So she could only nod, hoping that what she'd say next wouldn't change that. " I used to believe that what I did was ... Right, that what I did would protect people, but now everything feels wrong, as if I failed somewhere. " Like the war ... The use of the clones, everything. She could have fought harder, using any means necessary. Instead, all she did was stand by, and watch everything unfold like some sick joke.
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flyhomebird · 2 years
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     “I said you're unable to leave. I never said you could not try.” Wendy had made the attempt herself many times. Especially in the cold times, like now, when Peter was away. Though she kept circling back to the same answer. Only Peter could take them home. “But by all means. Refuse help from the first person you encounter and go traipsing about the woods on your own.” She crossed her arms as if waiting for him to see the wiser choice.
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skysnipsw · 2 years
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@knightsdestiny​  asked:
"Okay, which one of you put the itching powder in my robes?"
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“That wasn’t me.” Anakin glanced at his padawan who seemed to be containing a giggle. “But I guess Ahsoka might know something.”
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“What are you talking about? I don’t know anything!”
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notachicken68 · 2 years
Years had passed. Maybe too long. Anakin had been whisked away to another universe because his stupid dumb ass played with magic Merlin warned him not to touch. Now he was showing up on Marty's doorstep. Deep down he knew it was a long shot. He wouldn't blame McFly for punching him square in the face. Hopefully, Nuallian contacted after he reappeared in his cabin in attire unlike his own. Knocking nervously at the door, he shoved his hands in his pockets.
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The night before, Marty had switched off his morning alarm, eager to sleep in later. For the past few weeks, the happy couple had made it a routine to switch between who held early breakfast duties, and given the fact that Marty cooked that morning, the following would be Anakin’s turn. After finding a comfortable position within each other’s arms, Marty said one last drowsy “I love you,” before embracing the sandman.
The night passed by peacefully and uneventfully, and he had only barely registered his boyfriend exiting the bed hours later, mumbling incoherent nonsense before flipping to his opposite side, returning to sleep.
Never in a million years would he have believed that that was to be the last time he saw Anakin Skywalker.
During those first few weeks, he barely slept, searching everywhere he could for his missing lover, retracing their steps. . . Trying to recall any sort of hint the taller man could’ve given upon his location. . . save for the half empty coffee mug upon their kitchen counter, it was as if the mercenary had disappeared off the face of the earth.
The pain was excruciating, but unlike falling down that same rabbit hole he did when the Doc vanished, Marty did what he believed Anakin would have wanted him to do, in the event of his passing: he accepted it, and moved on.
Well, “moved on” would be a poor choice of words, as Skywalker never truly left his heart. . He simply used his memory to guide him to his next chapter of life. He put his everything into the music he had been working on, and after two years of hustling cross-country, he had accepted the… oddest of gigs:
Marty now permanently lived in the outskirts of Las Vegas, after accepting the almost prestigious gig of being lead guitarist in the band for various residencies located along the strip. While not exactly the rockstardom he had once envisioned for himself. . . it felt damned-near close to it. He had the opportunity to meet countless celebrities, perform with the greatest. . .
. . . In the present moment he was trying his hand at the Michael Jackson tribute show, and he felt electrified when it was up to him to play tribute to Eddie Van Halen with “Beat It.” Literally, the prop department had the insane idea to put a flamethrower at the end of his guitar.
As it was nearing closer and closer to Halloween, for each show of October the members of the band would dress up in silly costumes, and while at his townhouse Marty, his makeup artist, and the band were giggling up a storm as the shortest man tested out the iconic werewolf mask from Thriller.
Before long a knock was heard at the door, and the room became hushed - barely contained giggles - as they urged the man in the not-so-scary mask to retrieve the pizza they ordered twenty minutes ago.
Marty put his palm upon the doorknob, inhaling a deep gulp of air, all but ready to growl and roar as the door was opened. . .
. . . But, instead, the werewolf froze; no sound being heard, except for that air rushing out of his lungs.
It wasn’t. . . could it be . . .?
The shorter man ripped the mask from his head, dropping it behind him so he could get a clearer view of the ghost before him.
“An-Anakin?” A tiny voice quivered, as if spoken any louder he would disappear into the night air.
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lavendernabcrrie · 2 years
@knightsdestiny liked for a starter
𝐘𝐌𝐄𝐈𝐒𝐍𝐀 𝐍𝐀𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄 looked up at the stars. Her eyes twinkling up at them as she wondered how many stars lit up the sky. An actual fantastical phenomenon, she thought. Stars seemed to her like they should be folklore, but no, they were real. To her, they felt like they were hers, no one could take the stars from her, maybe that’s why they mattered so much to her.
A lady’s maid to the Pendragon’s meant she had a higher status then an ordinary servant, but it didn’t mean that she had high status in terms of court. While highborn, she was still a bastard, meaning this was about as high as she could climb. Not that she really was interested in social climbing, but spending her life serving someone else hand and foot, wasn’t exactly the life Ymeisna wanted for herself. So, she stared up at the stars, and dreamed.
Ymeisna found herself dreaming often, dreaming of somewhere else, of adventure. A part of her felt guilty for this, she had never been treated particularly cruelly, no one had ever given her any reason to run away, she just wanted to. The court ladies spoke of it often, ‘the lady’s maid with her head in the clouds’, they laughed at her ditzy nature and her clumsiness. They poked fun at her often, it was easy to. She had no power, what was she to do? Despite all this, cruel would not be a word Ymeisna would ever use to describe those around her. She had accepted the ladies comments as a part of who they were, and viewed everyone with a certain kindness and gentleness.
Ymeisna sighed as she heard the footsteps of someone behind her. “Is it past curfew already?” She asked, assuming it was one of the knights.
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dhampirslays · 2 years
♢      —        send  [ THEY’RE A 10 BUT ... ]  and finish it in my muse’s inbox.
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She sticks her tongue out. Also, she makes an L gesture with her index finger.
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dsokawaii · 2 years
"The hardest KO at M-1 Medieval!"
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destruqtivist · 2 years
Okay. I don't say this lightly, but I already love your Kylo and plan on harassing him with my multi and other Skywalkers. (Thank you for accepting asks for my au and my oc bbs.) ❤❤❤
No problem. Glad you enjoy him! He's one of my favorite muses so I always got a lot of muse. :')
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desireandduty · 2 years
Send 🌸 for three things my muse likes about yours | @knightsdestiny | Accepting!
His selflessness. She just can't get over the fact that he was raised in the home of such a horrible man as Duke Palpatine, and yet he has remained so pure of heart. He has every reason to be cruel and bitter after what has been done to him, yet he remains open-hearted, loving and selfless.
His faithfulness. He has been a true and loyal friend to her since they were children, and that is not common in a royal court full of intrigue and distrust. He also remains a loyal servant and subject of Camelot (and its future king) despite how the current ruler has treated him. Padmé is herself a very loyal woman, so it's a quality she admires when she sees it in someone else.
The way her heart flutters whenever she is around him. She would be mortified if anyone found out, but if she had to describe her ideal man, he would look and act identical to Jacob.
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corruptedforce · 2 years
at what age did you start RPing?
Munday Asks // @knightsdestiny // Accepting!
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25, I think!
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exitiosae-arch · 2 years
followed because i kept seeing you on my dash. stayed because i love how you scream over my starters and muses. you're also super nice and a cool mun to talk too.
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i do scream a lot about them don't i JHDJKFAS but in my defense, everything is just so good and i can't help myself. i appreciate you lots !
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bcbliophile · 2 years
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Alona had been a lady of the court since Uther’s time, she had seen the tragedy he brought on and the honor his son restored. She thanked whatever Gods were listening that Arthur was nothing like his father, as she would imagine most did. For a time the blonde had left, returning home to see her parents and find some peace and safety, only returning once the new king was crowned. That day had been some weeks ago now and this day found her walking alone in the gardens. She hummed an old lullaby as she walked, one of a Druid nature, one of her father’s people. Pausing she ran her fingers lightly along the flowers, nodding a greeting to a familiar face. “You’re looking well, I was happy to hear you were reinstated as a knight-- the court did not take your banishment well.” The blonde smiled as she straightened up, properly taking in the knight before her. 
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skysnipsw · 2 years
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@knightsdestiny​ asked:
Can Anakin go one day without trying to get laid? (From Grandmaster Ani)
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