ashleybenlove · 1 year
If the Dragon Riders (plus anyone else you want if you want) had the ability to see animals from around the world like we can, what animals (other than dragons lol) do you think would be their favorites?
The twins' favorite would be the platypus. It's a weird little animal that doesn't make sense to science. It's chaos incarnate.
Given that in non-dragon AUs, Stormfly is pretty much always Assigned Bird, I think Astrid would like birds. Probably blue ones.
Fishlegs also likes a very niche animal. He probably likes the axolotl or the coelacanth.
Snotlout like bears, wolves, big cats. Like, large mammals.
Every single reptile is Hiccup's favorite. He's still a reptile guy.
Stoick likes ducks.
Dagur is also a wolf guy.
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
Fun birds from each continent? If you want to look/share lol
North America: California Quail. I mean, look at this little dude. Look at that lovely head feather. Too cute!
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South America: Magnificent Frigate Bird. Is it a bird or a frog?
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Africa: Lilac-Breasted Roller. Absolutely beautiful bird that was introduced to me by @lashlamb13.
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Europe: Alpine Citril Finch. Didn't do much research for this one, but finches are cute. Like, look at that little face!
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Asia: Mandarin Duck. Such a weird and cool duck. Love all the colors.
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Australia: Emu. These dinosaurs won that war for a reason.
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Antarctica: Adelie Penguin. Look at these little guys! I think these are the penguins that give each other rocks to say they want to be mates.
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lifblogs · 10 months
If you knew you'd be completely safe, no matter the potential danger of any of the animals, if you could go play with any animal in a zoo for their enrichment, what animal would you like to play with?
This is my new favorite ask.
This gets hard to answer though because I love all big cats! Hmm, tigers were my favorite first though. I'd definitely want to play with the tigers! And omg, imagine getting to pet their soft earsies!
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You know this is about to be my new best friend.
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10 Songs, 10 People
Tagged by @mariahwritesstuff! Thank you!
Rules: Put your music on shuffle and put down the 10 songs that come up. Then tag 10 people.
Instead of putting my entire music library on shuffle I'm just going to do the playlist I've been using for my writing recently. That way the selections won't be so random.
How Villains Are Made - Madalen Duke
Afterlight - Eternal Eclipse
Tears of War - Colossal Trailer Music
Charges from the Sky - Joseph William Morgan
This is How the World Ends - Kat Leon
Witness the Masterpiece - Ganyos
A Storm is Coming - Tommee Profitt & Liv Ash
Arise Like Fire - Jonathan Buchanan & Michael Lister
Undone - Tommee Profitt & Fleurie
Hold Your Breath - Astyria
If anyone's interested, the playlist is here! It's a mix of alternative, cinematic alternative, and epic orchestra, and I love it so much.
Tagging @howtodrawyourdragon @lifbitch @knowerofuselessfacts @jayalaw @fictionalnormalcy @lilliths-httyd-blog @smallfrogpleasedtomeetyou @whumpfan @painful-pooch @steelandblood
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i-wishforwhump · 3 years
3. Hiccup, Dagur, Heather. 7. Viggo, Heather, Hiccup
Hiccup, Dagur, Heather. [fmk alternative asks]:
3. fight aliens with, fight zombies with, fight capitalism with:
fight aliens with: Hiccup. He's pretty smart so his inventions and stuff would come in handy. I think we'd work well together in this particular situation.
fight zombies with: Dagur. We'd go batshit crazy and take them all down lol.
fight capitalism with: Heather. Definitely Heather. She knows what's up.
Viggo, Heather, Hiccup. [fmk alternative asks]:
7. go to a wedding with, go to a party with, go to a museum with:
go to a wedding with: Heather. She's really understanding so going to social events would be fun. If I ever got uncomfortable she would understand.
go to a party with: Hiccup. Thinking about partying with him is kinda adorable. I'd like to dance with him. I think it would be a fun experience.
go to a museum with: Viggo. I'd get to know what his opinions on certain people and events in history are. When he's not playing games, he seems like he's really interesting to talk to. And I feel like a museum may be the perfect place to have a conversation with him.
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offical-potato · 5 years
An idea: Sir Spud
Sir spud would be a good one for me! As would Super Spud. Thank you love
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wizardysseus · 6 years
Technically biased since I know you irl:😀
how intimidating am i?
😀 - I’m not afraid of reaching out to you.
skfjsgh a relief, exchanging memes via phone is a good way to make friends
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I am only mildly sorry I am rebloging almost every third or fourth post. But I'm probably going to continue. Also, thank you for coming up with great blog!
Please feel free to reblog ALL THE POSTS I do not mind :P and you’re welcome!
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dzamie-oc · 3 years
Toothless Helps Hiccup Get Some Sleep For Once
Inspired by @knowerofuselessfacts and @evilwriter37, with this interaction:
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Rating: Teen (contains brief reference to a sexual act) Relationships: Toothless/Hiccup Characters: Toothless, Hiccup, Stoick the Vast Summary: Hiccup hasn't left the forge in days. It is up to Toothless to fix this. Length: ~1k words
Toothless huffed at the sight before him. Middle of the night, bags under his eyes, and his viking was still hammering away at some misshapen piece of metal. The night fury cast his eyes to the corner of the smithy, where a pile of similar misshapen pieces of metal sat. Hiccup's current one was... worse.
"C'mon, I think I've almost got it..." the cute human muttered to himself. "Just- just gotta try-" He was interrupted by a yawn. Toothless made his move.
"O-oh, hey bud," Hiccup said when the dragon came up alongside him, "sorry we haven't flown in a bit, I've been working on something to make your harness fit better. Dig in less, lighter, that sort of thing." His eyes didn't focus on Toothless, rather looking past his mate. This wouldn't do; Hiccup was hurt. Whether he admitted it or not.
Toothless pressed his head against his viking, careful not to shove him too quickly; as Hiccup was, he might fall, and wouldn't be able to catch himself. To his dismay, Hiccup resisted him, trying to stay at the workbench with the glowing metal. "I'll just- Toothless, just a bit longer, I've almost-" Another yawn. "- I've almost got it." Toothless spared another glance at the pile of failures. In his expert opinion as Hiccup's Boyfriend, the young inventor did not, in fact, "got it."
It was time for drastic measures.
Toothless sized up the viking; Hiccup, of course, was a small collection of fishbones wrapped in furs, and Toothless was a night fury. The dragon opened his jaws, let his teeth recede into his gums, steeled himself, and then carefully grabbed Hiccup's entire midsection in his mouth. He heard a distinct clatter as his mate, surprised, dropped whatever tools and metal he had been working with. And then Toothless pulled.
Hiccup came away off the ground easily, soon held like a very delicate tuna. With his head held high, Toothless strode out of the wide entryway of the forge. Next came the hard part - not from the human, but from himself. After working long hours in the forge, Hiccup had always smelled and tasted like smoke and flame and sweat and fur, a delicious combination and one that spurred plenty of joyful licking sessions in the past. But carrying him in his mouth? Generations of dragon instincts told him that what he had was not his mate, but some prey animal, scorched and frantic, and that he should bite down or thrash his head to ensure his meal wouldn't escape.
Toothless reminded himself, over and over, not to kill his boyfriend just because he tastes good. ...and tries to escape his mouth while saying nonsense like "just one more try" and "Gobber'll kill me if I don't clean up." Nope, Toothless was determined not to let Hiccup back in the forge until he had recovered from his sleepless nights.
When the dragon made his way back to Hiccup's home, Stoick had startled on seeing his son carried in the jaws of a dragon, even reaching reflexively for his axe. Fortunately, he managed to calm himself, offering a "thank you, Toothless" and a couple of well-meaning but rather rough headpats as Toothless carried Hiccup into their room.
Once confident that the pile of furs he slept on was soft enough to put Hiccup, the night fury dropped him down. Hiccup started to try to get back to his feet, presumably to make for the forge again, but a scaly, black paw put an end to that nonsense. With his paw and mouth, Toothless grabbed the boy's shirt and pulled it up and off, easily overpowering him. Too easily, in Toothless's opinion; Hiccup had grown weak in the forge. The night fury would make sure his mate got adequate rest, even if that meant carrying him to bed each night.
The pants were next; Toothless noticed Hiccup did not struggle nearly as much against this... and that his favorite viking's face had gone red. A thought of propositioning his mate came to Toothless's mind, but he dismissed it easily: in Hiccup's weakened state, it would be unsatisfying for the dragon, and, more importantly, very easy to accidentally hurt the smaller, vulnerable viking. Toothless pushed Hiccup's chest back down and crooned softly, a calming noise.
With Hiccup laying still for once - though still trying to convince Toothless to let him up - Toothless began to lick him. Although he did very much enjoy the smoky, salty taste, this was primarily a thorough tongue-bath, and one desperately needed, despite Hiccup's protests when the viking realized what his mate was up to. Every inch of admittedly tasty skin was licked, with some extra time spent between his legs, coaxing some fun noises from his boyfriend. Then, with a gentle push, Toothless flipped his boyfriend over and repeated the process. Hiccup gave a few weak protests and tried to stand, but was forced back down just by the broad, pink tongue - again, how easy it was to overpower his boyfriend only proved to Toothless how necessary this was.
Once the scrawny viking was nice and clean - or at least covered in night fury drool, all that was left was sleep. And sleep meant Hiccup not slipping out to go hit more metal. "Are you done yet, bud?" Hiccup asked. "Now that I'm all washed, will you let me back to the forge?"
In response, Toothless sat down, then fell forward, laying his black, scaly head on his mate's chest. Hiccup wouldn't be crushed, but, as the futile struggle of weak hands against his chin showed, he wouldn't be leaving, either. The night fury crooned again, imploring his mate to sleep, and then closed his own eyes and purred.
"Ugh. C'mon, Toothless, I'm fine. I napped on the way here."
"Let... me... up! Come on, you big lug, I'm trying to help you with the - yawn - saddle!"
"I can... I can wait for... you to... wake up..."
And then, a slow, soft snoring. Hiccup's arms wrapped around Toothless's head in his sleep, hugging his warm, scaly boyfriend. Toothless smiled and lit a tiny bit of flame in his mouth to keep the viking nice and toasty through his scales.
Dragon and human dreamed together.
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ashleybenlove · 2 years
If you could give One thing from the modern world to each of the Dragon Riders (assume it would somehow still work), what would you give each of them?
Smartphone for each of them. Let them text each other. They need a group chat. Hiccup needs 80 million photos of Toothless! He needs them!
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
If Hiccup and Toothless never separated, do you think Hiccup would have had a babysling for the Nightlight eggs/babs? (Provided the Lightfury didnt try to murder him for getting too close to her babies lol)
YES. That just conjured up the fucking cutest image ever. Imagine Hiccup with a baby sling on his chest with Zephyr or Nuffink in it, and another baby sling on his back with one of the Night Lights. Or, switch it around. Or give Astrid Zephyr or Nuffink and Hiccup is trying to fit all the Night Lights into the baby sling while the Light Fury looks on in dismay.
I'm dead from cuteness!!!!
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lifblogs · 6 months
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THANK YOU! And what a cute kitty!
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madamzelds · 4 years
20 Questions Tag Game !! Tagged by the wonderful @42wallaby-way-sydney
Name: Hannah
Nickname: Han, Hammah
Height: 5’2” (i have no idea what that is in cm)
Language: English and American Sign. I can also read basic German but I don’t count that as much.
Nationality: American
Favorite Season: SPRING!!! BRING ON THE BEES
Favorite Flower(s): Bearded Irises, Carnations, and Hibiscus
Favorite Scent: Cedarwood
Favorite Animal: Elephants!!
Favorite Fictional Character: This is hard because I have quite a few, but the most consistant are Agent Gibbs (NCIS) and Miranda Priestly (TDWP).
Coffee, Tea, or hot chocolate: All of them! I don’t limit myself! They all have their times and uses. Coffee sometimes, hot chocolate in the winter or when I’m sad, tea when i’m with other people or can’t sleep.
Average Hours of Sleep: Between 8-12. Time isn’t real anymore and sleep never gets any less exciting.
Dogs or Cats: I’ve only ever had dogs, so i’m overwhelmingly fond of them, but I love both.
How many blankets: 2. One for my entire body and one for my upper torso to cuddle into.
Dream Trip: This is really difficult for me because I would love to go everywhere. But my top three are Greece, Thailand, and Lithuania. I’m supposed to travel to Greece when I graduate college but miss rona is going to say no.
Blog Established: Hell if I know
Followers: 477
Random Fact: I watch a new movie every single day. They’ve been overwhelmingly happy lately due to this pandemic. A few of my more recent favorites are; The Half of It, Knock Down The House, Spirited Away, and The Wolfman. Any movie is fair game so if there are any recs feel free to send them!!
I tag: @knowerofuselessfacts @aesthetia
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Hello! Can you please send my friend @knowerofuselessfacts a hug for Valentine's day?? Thank you so much!
Hello @knowerofuselessfacts!
Your friend wanted me to give you a hug today, so here it is! *hugs*
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kalessinsdaughter · 6 years
Nine People You'd Like to Know Better
Rules: Tag nine people you’d like to get to know better.
Tagged by: @evilwriter37 and @athingofvikings
Favorite Colors: petrol, burgundy
Top Favorite Ships: most Dagur ships (really: I'm not picky), Raylum, Valret
Lipstick or Chapstick: chapstick
Last Song: Giulio Cesare in Egitto (opera by Händel)
Last Movie: HTTYD3
Currently Reading: between books: just finished re-reading The Birthday of the World (Ursula K. Le Guin) about to start on Ancillary Justice (Ann Leckie)
I tag… @astridthevalkyrie, @alejandrathemexican, @ultimatefandomtrash61, @jackling-frost-blog, @primedoverlord, @knowerofuselessfacts, @heathenvampires, @shipmistress9, @jettara
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“My mom has tried to curl my hair for years and within 15 minutes it’s as straight as you are.”
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