#knowing the personalities of the drivers is newer to me and i still tend to shy away from getting 'too close' to them
starlightiing · 4 months
CAN I ASK a really dumb stupid 'new fan' question without getting judged or causing a mental breakdown the likes of which sparks earthquakes around the world?
why are people so vehemently against danny ric?
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missnancychavez · 27 days
So I am on my third rewatch of Twisters. So here are some of my own personal headcanons and theories for the movie and some parallels that may add weight to those theories.
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1. The original 5 friend group dynamic: Jeb and Praveen have known each other for years and are each others best friend. Javi and Kate are the dynamic duo (basing it on the fact that they were the only ones to do the handshake together). And Addy is everyone's little sister. Her and Kate were extremely close, but in a different way than her friendship with Javi.
2. Tyler Owens is the nephew of Bill and Jo on Bill's side (As we knew Jo didn't have any sibling). He spent his summers with them as a kid, and then as a teenager, he moved in with them full time. He started chasing with them around then, too. He even pays homage to that as he is driving a newer model of Bill's red dodge ram.
3. Boone and Lily have something going on. The way Boone screams her name as she gets picked up by the wind. And their personalities are perfect together. You can't convince me otherwise.
4. Kate and Tyler kiss in the truck after the chase they go on straight from the airport at the end of the movie. (Refer to point 8)
5. Kate puts in her resignation almost immediately, and Javi cuts ties with Riggs and Scott. The wranglers and Kate join StormPAR. Kate and Tyler spend the off-season working with Javi while the others do their own gigs, but during the storm season, they are all chasing and gathering data.
6. Cathy is so encouraging of her daughter because she's been through loss before. They called her Mrs. Carter, meaning she was married. Kate's dad died when Kate was a little girl. Cathy had to learn how to navigate being a young mom and tending a farm on her own. But she also knows that it could stop her from living her life. So she didn't. She grieved, and she learned to live with the grief and still do what she loves. It's why she is so encouraging of Kate getting back out there.
7. Kate stayed in OK for another couple of weeks after the tornado (neither her nor Tyler appeared injured in the final scene, and the truck looks great, all things considered, so clearly they had time tp heal and fix the truck.) They all were forcibly invited back to the farm by Cathy after Tyler and the wranglers went to drop Kate off post El Reno. Cathy took one look at Tyler and forced him in the house. Kate gave herself a headache from laughing so hard. She was then sent inside alongside him. Cathy made everyone stay for as long as they needed. But she did, however, get some free labour from it. It was an unspoken agreement that Kate's was now home base.
8. By the credit scenes, Kate and Tyler are together. Their first kiss was immediately after the two of them went chasing from the airport. Something about their adrenaline rushing, and it being just the two of them. It was electric. It was immediate. It just happened, and when they pulled back, they both started laughing. It reminded him of the first time they chased together, just the two of them. Kate delayed her flight for another two days. She was back home within the month. Tyler quickly realised he would have to start bribing Boone afterwards on the days he and Kate went out.
9. Kate and Boone will play card games at night to see who gets shotgun the next day, when Boone isn't riding with Lily, of course. Turns out, Kate's damn good at playing poker. On the rare occasion that Kate drives, Boone automatically hops in the back of the truck. He won't tell anyone, but he loves it when she drives. She gets this manic energy about her in the drivers seat and his adrenaline always ends up pumping. Tyler loves it, too, but he has no qualms verbalizing his affections toward her.
10. Tyler has nightmares now. Of watching Kate drive into the tornado. Of finding her body, discarded and broken by his truck. Of her slipping through his fingers during a storm. He wakes up sweating and panicking. And it's only when he sees her that he can calm himself down. The two of them, those first two weeks after El Reno, would spend hours each night, sitting in the barn, going over formulas. Or sitting outside on the tree swing, talking until they were both too exhausted to have any nightmares. When she left to go back to New York, she wasn't particularly surprised when one night she awoke to her phone ringing, Tyler close to having a full blown panic attack as he tried and failed to reassure himself that she was okay without her help. They would always call each other before bed after that, usually falling asleep over facetime.
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russilton · 3 months
I understand (and respect and participate in) the boycotts against puma but do you have any tips/places for us newer fans looking to rep our drivers a bit? Either where to look for older second hand official merch or if you know any non puma produced merch?
(Genuine btw. I’m a new fan but i really want a way to have some of my favorite drivers merch with the boycott)
Hello and welcome! Thankfully there are some amazing sources of merch online, some of which come from our own little community, so there’s plenty of places to look
First of all: for official second hand merch there’s no place better to look than ebay or vinted in my experience! I managed to pick up my golden Lewis hat two seasons after it was released for the same price it sold at on eBay, still in packaging (this was early last year). If you’re getting no longer officially sold merch, there’s a good chance it was already paid for and no money is going back to puma. I’m super new to vinted but the prices are far lower! Just make sure you study the images you’re getting nice and careful (especially for hats, it’s easy to think a snap back is a baseball cap on the wrong light)
For non official- there’s fan artists all across places like Etsy and redbubble! I personally have bought both keychains and magnets from @souriadraws solo store I love dearly. I know @argentinagp @princemick and @helio-castroneves all sell print work you may be interested in!
And you can also just make your own! I still plan to (WITH HIS GIVEN BLESSING) Get two of prints of Kyle’s turned into shirts. It’s vastly more affordable than official merch, fits my style better, and has more inclusive sizes.
I think there’s plenty of edit makers who would jump to be commissioned for one off shirt designs for you to print for yourself. While I think my official hats were worth their cost bc of how sturdy they’ve been (my 2021 Lewis hat travels with me religiously and all it could use is a gentle wash), official shirts are a pain in the ass for bigger blokes and folks bc they tend to trend small and not go very large.
Hope that helps, and good on ya for sticking to the boycott!
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abronzeagegod · 1 year
ETS WIP Chapter 7: Wormy Aftermath
Aeth was in the hospital for three days.
Their injuries were minor and could have been cleaned, bandaged, and released the same day, however the help they received had lots of unintended side effects.
The blessing of a war demon left Aeth feeling extremely aggressive and refusing help, especially when confined to their hospital bed.
The chaos blessing also had it's own side effects, which were like being in a very strange altered state, which was a mellow but deeply weird high.
Those two things combined possibly saved Aeth and Mala's lives, but at the same time, now that they were out of danger, made for an extremely difficult patient.
It was the combination of all these things, as well as Lyta's extreme concern over her friend, that the doctors allowed Lyta to stay with Aeth the entire time. This decision was also made easier by Lyta lying and saying that Aeth was her fiance.
The doctors didn't question it, and honestly with Lyta in the room, Aeth was much more manageable.
Aeth was going to be fine, they just needed to keep her for observation because these combinations of blessings and realm hopping almost never happen so the medical professionals couldn't be sure that something really terrible was waiting right around the corner and out of sight.
The second day in the hospital was easier, but also worse.
The blessings on Aeth receded late in the night, leaving them with the worst kind of hangover. All of the good feelings and painkillers were gone, and everything that had been held off by the blessings came crashing down on Aeth as hard as reality.
Lyta was still there, helping Aeth, keeping them calm and together. Without her Aeth would have had a much harder time with their blessing hangover.
Finally, on the third day Aeth was given the all clear to leave. Their wounds had been tended to, the blessings and their hangovers had gone, and everything was back to normal, or as normal as could be expected after such an adventure.
Before Aeth could leave, however, a member of the Exterminators and a representative of the police force came to interview them about the incident.
The Exterminator was a rail thin person with a dark, wild tangle of hair that they didn't seem to care about taming or doing anything with. The police officer as a short, older man that chain smoked with wild abandon.
"Walk us through what happened, exactly," the police officer asked Aeth.
Aeth explained what happened.
"Now, this computer, could you describe it?"
"Newer model, it looked like it was a higher end gaming computer, I might be able to get a specific model number for you if you give me some time," Aeth explained.
"What color?" the Exterminator asked.
"Green and black, I think."
"What?" Aeth asked.
"We have been unable to recover the computer," the Exterminator said. "Everything has been contained and we're sorting through the rubble so to speak. Can't find the computer."
"Couldn't it have been pulled into a hell or the abyss?"
"Could have," the Exterminator said with a shrug, "but so far it seems that once we closed all the rifts everything was shunted back to it's original plane of existence. We found everything, including remains of the drug makers, but not the computer."
Aeth shifted uncomfortably. "I don't know what happened to the computer, it was there, but once the demons came I stopped paying attention to it."
The officer nodded. "No, don't concern yourself with that. Can you just tell us what you did with the computer before everything went bad?"
Aeth recounted their memories of the events before everything went bad.
"There was a blue screen of death," they started but were cut off by the police officer.
"What's that?"
"When a computer encounters something that stops some critical function from running. A virus rewrites or changes some core code, or there's a catastrophic failure in the drivers that run the computer. Basically there's something fundamental in the running of the computer that has broken, possibly irreparably."
"So this wouldn't be caused by, say, a video game being broken?" the cop asked.
"No, no, this is something that is extremely relevant to the running of the computer. Something that the computer can't work without."
"I see, please, continue."
"The guy that showed me in, Mala, he went to the computer and touched it to show me how it wasn't working."
"Do you know what he touched?" the Exterminator asked.
"No, he just slapped some keys. That seemed to trigger, something, whatever happened with the rifts. I pushed him out of the way to try and do some quick coding. Accessing the BIOS or trying to hard stop any remaining processes. But I think I only got in a single line of code, maybe not even that far before things went really bad."
The Exterminator nodded.
The cop saw that and then also nodded. "Thank you very much for your time. We won't bother you any further today. Take our cards, and if you have any more information please give us a call. Recover as best as you can. I do feel compelled to let you know that I'm positive you will be called to testify in this case. As there will likely be a trial, with something this disastrous there's always a trial."
Aeth frowned, they were eager to put all of this behind them, but that was something that was seemingly unavoidable.
"Oh, and if you see any computers like the one you were called to fix, give us a call, maybe it'll turn up somewhere strange."
The computer had a very interesting life and travels.
It shouldn't have had gone to as many interesting places as it did, as it was just a YouthMatrix gaming computer, built in the city Karm Enphom overseas. It was built out of various parts manufactured all over the globe, but was assembled in Karm Enphom.
It was assembled largely by Forse des Rockel, a minimum wage employee that had worked with YouthMatrix for a little over a year.
From the assembly of the computer in Karm Enphom, where it existed as a whole entity for only thirty six hours before it was packed up and shipped out.
The computer was packed into a large container, put on to a boat, and shipped across the sea.
For thirteen days the computer remained locked in a container with 49 other computers built in the same manufacturing warehouse as the ship made it's way across the water. It was finally unloaded after it made the long trip across the sea and the dangerous bay outside the city.
The computer was unloaded where it was transferred to the distribution center for the online retailer that sold a lot of YouthMatrix products. The computer sat in the distribution center for several months while the other computers that came with it across the sea were sold and sent out to customers across the country.
Eventually, the time had come for the computer, where it was bought on super sale, and delivered within the same city it was sitting in.
The computer was delivered to the house in the Clutches where it was bought as a present, and then it was used pretty consistently for several months before the family that owned it went on a lengthy summer vacation in the tropical beaches of Pollepemu, where all of the very rich like to vacation.
While they were on the red sand beaches of the exclusive resort, they rented out their mansion to a website that offered houses and apartments to travelers. And enterprising drug dealers.
A quartet of drug dealers rented the house for the entirety of the family's vacation. They planned on using the 9,000 square feet mansion to manufacture enough illegal drugs that they could sell for the next several months, and, in their minds, avoid detection by changing their manufacturing locations.
The drug dealers used the computer to plan out their dangerous and less than ideal excursions into the abyss. The drug dealers were very smart and planned on mining some resources to put into their illegal drugs by going into the abyss. But they weren't completely stupid, they weren't going to go into the pure chaos and impenetrable of the abyss. They were going to summon, bind, and use a devil to do it for them.
The computer was tasked with mapping parts of the abyss where they might find the items they needed. The abyss was a complicated and plane made of pure chaos and horror, so the best way to try and map it was by the brute force of a computer.
Such a thing was possible with a computer system. But only the most advanced, super-cooled, advanced machine learning systems in the world. And even then they would need to have some advanced warlocks and magic users to keep the computers from being corrupted, consumed, or even just exploding.
This computer was made at a time when the most graphically intensive game was Blue Code 2. By the time the these drug dealers were using this computer the most graphically intensive game was Blue Code 3: The Thing Blue Line. Which despite being only a single number increment, was a vastly different level of graphics. The quest for photo-realism had consumed a lot of graphical fidelity and processing power. So what the drug dealers were asking of the poor slightly outdated computer was too much to handle.
The stress of the ask had started to run the computer ragged, and in an attempt to escape the torment of doing overly stressful and intensive work, the computer simply gave up.
Which resulted in a call to tech support.
During the tribulations and attacks that happened within the house, the computer fell through a small hole into the Abyss.
From the assembly in one country, to the ship, to the warehouse, to the mansion, this computer had gone many places over the course of its life.
It's final resting place was one of the infinite layers of the chaos made manifest in the abyss.
The Exterminators were extremely thorough and precise in their combating both the abyss and hell. They left no rift open, no door ajar.
The computer had no hope of returning to it's home plane.
It's final resting place was the abyss, surrounded by void-worms, parasites of stars, and Xilgliv the Unending Hunger.
The abyss was very thoroughly sealed behind gates and seals as old as the world itself, forged in the blood of gods and galaxies. Escaping the abyss, even for a few brief moments was nothing short of a miracle, a once in a lifetime chance that could not be squandered.
Yet, there was a computer, a computer that against all odds, was still connected to the world beyond the abyss. And for all the magic and all the walls that kept Xilgliv and it's ilk locked in their chaos realm, it was not supposed to stop something from returning and connecting to it's home plane.
The computer was a window, a gateway, albeit a small one, for the abyss to connect to the world beyond.
i have a kofi where you can support me and read these chapters early
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Tagged by @kyber-infinitygems and @galaxycunt
Tagging: @clicheantagonist @direwombat @adelaidedrubman @shallow-gravy @derelictheretic @confidentandgood @aceghosts @fourlittleseedlings @kittiofdoom @inafieldofdaisies @purplehairsecretlair @vampireninjabunnies-blog @detectivelokis @nightbloodraelle @nightwingshero @passinoutpieces @madparadoxum @josephslittledeputy @strangefable and anyone else who might have something to share (forgive me if I forgot anyone I usually tag or who I'm a newer mutual with, consider this an open tag for you too)
Because I am terribly indecisive, I have two snippets from chapter 19, up first a bit of Kit and Jacob because I am deep in the ship thoughts:
She  lifted her hands up in surrender as he raised his rifle. She didn’t try to run, there would be no point, he’d hit her before she was out of his sights. In the blink of an eye, the blast wave of the bullet tearing through the flesh and muscle of her shoulder made her stumble back, her heel slipping over the edge of damp earth, sending her falling backwards down the ravine.  
He raced to the edge to see her collide with the rocky ground, a groaning breath escaped her. Her boots slipped on the stones around her as howling coughs shook from her as she fought for air, having had it knocked from her lungs in the fall. 
Sliding down the ravine edge, a controlled fall unlike hers, his boots cut through the damp black soil. He prowled towards her and grabbed her by the nape, his fingers gripping the base of her braid, locking into her strands. A hoarse yelp escaped her as he tugged her up to her feet, dragging her back up the ravine. He could see the burning in her eyes, she was seething, her teeth gritted together. Dirt clung to her face, mixed with the blood and sweat that coated her skin. He brought his hand to her face and brushed the dirt away with his calloused palm. 
“You know Joseph’s pissed after that little stunt you pulled, kidnapping Faith like that.” He grabbed a pair of handcuffs from the back pocket of his jeans. One hand still holding her hair, the other slipping the cuffs over her wrists, securing them tightly. 
She looked up at him through her brow, her stare piercing. Her bottom lip had been split, and her tongue dragged against the blood that bubbled to the surface. “You think I care?”
“Probably not, but you should.”
Grabbing the chain that connected her wrists he pulled her through the forest, back towards the red truck outside the Grand View. She stumbled behind him, her feet falling underneath her. He tended to use a weaker strain of the Bliss, it took a little longer for it to take effect, but it also had the added benefit of making the subject a little easier to control, to make them open up – his own personal truth serum of sorts. 
In the parking lot, he ripped the passenger side door open and tossed her up into the passenger seat, slamming the door behind her. Circling the truck, climbing into the driver’s seat, he looked over at her, she’d already started to slump into her seat, her muscles were going soft, her head woozy. 
“You know, John and I have been talking about you?”
Her lids grew heavy, blinking slower, barely able to keep them open. “Really? How’s he doing?”
“On the mend, I’ll tell him you asked after him.”
She looked like she was about to turn green. “Please don’t.”
Jacob gave her a smirk. “He’s got you all wrong.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“He says you’re full of wrath, that you kill indiscriminately. But you don’t. There’s an honor to what you do. You have rules, logic, motivations for why you kill. Sure, you enjoy the blood. But you don't go out seeking it, at least not at first. I know you kept some of our people alive, you could have killed them, wouldn't have even broken a sweat if you did. But you let them live anyway. You’re not some violent, mindless beast who simply lives to kill. No, you – you’re a force of nature. Doing what you were made to do. The balance between giving life and taking it.”
He could tell the glimmer effect the Bliss gave to someone’s vision was kicking in as she looked at him, her eyes unable to stay steady, not sure which version of him to focus on. She could barely keep her eyes open now, her head resting against the window to look at him.
“You sound like you’re in love.” Her voice became lower, her words slurring together, as the bliss tipped bullet was taking effect in her bloodstream. 
His eyes dragged sideways to glance at her. “I don't have time for that.”
Kit scoffed, “Who does? Asshole.”
The abrasions were starting to swell on her face to go along with the dark circles that swallowed her eyes as her eyelids finally became too heavy to open again, passing out in his truck.
And then, how about some Kit and Adelaide for funsies (cw: sexual references because this is Adelaide after all):
"So, did he have you in one of those cages?”
Kit could already guess where Adelaide's train of thought was going to be taking her. She'd already heard her musings on John and Faith, she assumed now was the time for Jacob. 
Adelaide met her with a coy smile. “What was that like?"
Kit turned her head to look at the pilot, her scowl deepened, she was sore and tired and in no mood. "If you're trying to imply -"
"Sweetie, I ain't implying, I'm straight up asking. I already know you and John had something going on between you two. Not that I could blame ya. So, how was big bro?"
"God." Kit rubbed at her forehead, focusing on the lines that formed between the furrow of her brow.
"You're telling me you didn't have any sort of feeling about being locked up and held to be used at his disposal?" Adelaide kept her eyes on the sky while lifting her brows, pretending this was a normal conversation, as if it were between two women at brunch.
Sighing heavily, Kit could feel the twinge of aggression the trials had left behind in her system and did her best to swallow it down. "Unlike you, I don't think with my pussy all day."
"Is that why that little vein in your forehead is always throbbin'? You might be a little happier if you cut loose every once and a while." The older woman shrugged her shoulder, and then played with the golden hoop in her ear. "I’m certainly not gonna judge if you go lookin’ for a little mountain man action. Hell, might as well give Eli a go too. Give that man a good scrub and a tug and he'd probably be yours forever."
"I might be happier if I didn't have to rely on you for the ride."
Adelaide chuckled to herself. "No, but really honey, what's Jacob Seed like?"
She was quiet, a little too quiet, she could feel her ears burn as Adelaide’s eyes focused on her. 
"He's cold, he’s cruel. He’s insane."
"So right up your alley then?" Adelaide shot her a smirk.
“Is he really as tall as they say he is?”
She thought back to her time in his office, having him looming over her, the length of his legs, the broadness of his shoulders, and the ratio of them to his waist. “He’s taller.”
“Oh yeah, you definitely don’t have your eye on him at all,” Adelaide said while rolling her eyes.
“Go fuck yourself.”
“I don’t have to. But I can recommend a good vibrator in case you’re in need, what with the new found kinks I'm sure you’ve discovered about yourself. You’re lucky that man’s part of a religious cult, just might save ya from getting mixed up with him.”
“I hardly think Jacob Seed is looking for a romantic partner. Let alone one in the Deputy who's been destroying everything his brother's built."
“Who said anything about romance, sweetheart? I’m talking about gettin’ down and dirty in the trenches, keeping things fast and loose.”
“Well I'm sure you’d know more about keeping things loose than I would.”
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spamsmcgee · 1 year
What’s your thoughts on qualifying. I’m so happy for Zhou he did so good. And the McLaren boys did good too
In summary:
I’m satisfied with the quali results. McLaren is remembering who they are. Guanyu is a talented driver and deserves that p5. Albon is gonna crush it. I, despite my saltiness, am glad that Daniel is here and will be able to push both AT and Yuki to their limits. I always feel a bit better whenever Yuki qualifies low; gives him a little more time to take positions, rather than getting passed up and then having to recover. And then an analysis about Yuki and Daniel at the end. As a treat.
Honestly minus Yuki’s p17, which I’m not worried about, it looks pretty good.
I don’t have the means to actually watch the qualifying, so I’m just looking at everyone’s quotes and the places, but it looks like it could be a good starting grid.
It’s looking like McLaren is remembering who they are, which I am delighted by. They’ve been my brother’s favorite team forever, and they’re quickly growing on me as well and I’m excited for what they do in the future.
Been telling my brother that next season could be the type of season we get a movie about in some 20 years. I can see it now: McLaren V. Red Bull, the story of a legendary racing team finally remembering who they are in the midst of the domination of a fired up newer team with the absolute machine that is Max Verstappen.
But that’s just my delusional side coming out.
And Guanyu really is a talented driver, he absolutely deserves that p5. I know he’ll drive the tires off of the AlfaRomeo tomorrow.
I am kind of surprised to see Albon so low as well, but yknow how the Williams is. He’ll crush it tomorrow I’m sure.
Daniel qualified high, and I’m not so low that I won’t appreciate it. The AlphaTauri doesn’t deserve to be that high up on the grid, but now that we have two drivers capable of pushing the car to its limits, maybe AT will get their act together and improve their car with some upgrades that actually matter.
And my Yuki, he qualified low, but I have noticed that he tends to do better in longer sessions. He’s been better at making that slow climb up the grid and being able to defend. I mean, he’s in a tractor, it’s what he has to do.
I always feel a little bit better when he does qualify low.
So assuming he can have a good strategy with the tires and they don’t start him on softs and pit him three times again, we could see a good race. And he and Daniel can bring the AT back from the dead so to speak, which I’ll admit is much more important than my deep desire to see Yuki tear Daniel apart. Nothing personal, I just want something to blow up in Helmut Marko’s face. If it was the other way around and Nyck replaced Daniel I would be saying the same thing.
Before all of this with Nyck happened, I was telling my brother that I thought Yuki still needed a lot to learn, and that if he had a solid experienced driver to work with he would be able to do amazing. I even brought Daniel up as my personal idea of the perfect driver to work with. And seeing him almost constantly talk about how he’s learned from those around him, even Nyck who is watching from the outside wouldn’t think there could have been anything to learn from. He strikes me as the type of person who is using his time right now to learn and build up his strength as a driver rather than just racing the tires off and burning himself out before the race even ends, which is what he was doing for the most part in his past seasons. I don’t see him trying to be such a hot shot that he would try and fight Daniel to a destructive degree, he’s shown an insane amount of maturity through this season so far, and especially through this teammate switch up, where every time he gets a chance he’s talking about how much he has and could learn from everyone around him. I hate to sound redundant, but yeah. As much as I hate to admit it, and want to see Helmut Marko get his egg in your face moment, I think Yuki is right when he said he can learn a lot from Daniel and in the long run this will be good for him and will help to build him into an amazing driver.
However, Yuki taking every opportunity to learn from Daniel does not mean he won’t be trying to beat Daniel for everything he’s worth, and that should be noted. Because there’s a Redbull seat at stake, and while I don’t think Yuki is ready right now for that seat, he’s gonna be doing what he can to take it sooner rather than later.
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dirtykpopsnaps · 4 years
Parent-Teacher Conference — Johnny Suh
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Warnings: None...other than cuteness and Johnny’s kid
Contains: Y/N the preschool teacher and single dad!Johnny
Requested: no
Words: 1, 763
I hum lightly, unlocking the door to my apartment and walking inside. I set my bag down by the door and immediately head into the kitchen to begin heating up some leftovers from the other night. As much as I would like to cook something tonight, I know I can’t. I’m only able to be home for an hour or two before I need to be back at the daycare that I work for. Tonight we’re holding parent-teacher conferences, so I’ll be busy for a several hours.
Quickly, I pull some leftover pizza out of the fridge and put it on a plate before heating it up. For the hour and a half that I’m home, I slowly eat my food and just scroll through different apps on my phone. About half an hour before I need to be at the daycare, I grab my laptop and put it into my bag. You see, I tend to keep small notes on each child that is in my class. Little things that the parents might want to know. Calmly, I sling my bag over my shoulder and head out the door again, locking it behind me.
Heading out to my car, I climb inside and set my bag in the passenger seat. I turn the radio to the classic rock channel and start making my way back to Little Ducklings Daycare. The ride is pretty uneventful and I’m able to get to the daycare fairly easily. When I walk inside, a few of the teachers wave at me before going back to their activities. I walk up to my room, the 3’s room, and unlock the door before heading inside. Once the door is open, I take out my laptop and set it on the table. I place my bag in the little cubby for my things and sit down at the table to wait patiently.
Before long, the door opens and, one by one, parents and their children come streaming into the room. The parent-teacher conferences are set for about 30-45 minutes, so I’m able to have a one-on-one with the parents. Some parents bring their child along, but other’s don’t bring their child so that they can fully focus on the conference. For the most part, everything seems to be going fairly well. Most of the students are very well-behaved, so I don’t have many problems to relate to the parents. Although, there are smaller incidences that are typical for 3-year-olds.
Around 6:30, the second-to-last set of parents leave the room. I sigh softly, resting my head against my hand. Thankfully, I only have one more conference to get through. As much as I love teaching, it can be very tiresome to have conferences like this. They’re definitely not my favorite part of the job. Across the room, I hear the door open for the last time tonight. “Alright, little man, let’s go,” someone chuckles kindly. I sit up calmly, training my eyes on the door and the family coming inside. Seconds later, a little boy named Henry hurries inside, followed by a tall man.
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Excitedly, Henry hurries inside the room and smiles adorably at me. “Hi, Ms. Y/N!” He says, waving animatedly at me.
“Well, hello, Henry!” I giggle, stepping out from behind the table to greet him. When I look up, I meet the eyes of the man that entered with him. I feel a little surprised that the person I see is not usually the person picking up Henry. However, I brush it off and stand up, shaking the person’s hand. “Good evening, sir. Are you Henry’s father?” I ask as kindly as possible. The man nods his head once, shooting me the exact same smile at his son.
“Please, call me Johnny,” he says.
When I let go of Johnny’s hand, we all sit down in our seats. Henry situates himself on the little chair that I have for children and smiles up at me. I giggle lightly before training my eyes back on his father. Looking into his eyes, I begin talking about how Henry has been acting at daycare. Henry is one of our newer students that joined only a few months ago, so I say as much as I can about him. He seems to be a very sweet and energetic child who is keen on learning. He’s almost always the first to ask questions and he plays with a lot of the children in the room. “Henry is also one of the students who loves having music on. He will ask us to play music and then sing and dance, which usually gets the other children to join in,” I relate, smiling happily.
About halfway through the conference, I ask Henry if he’d like to play with some toys in the room. Excitedly, he jumps out of his seat and runs over to the blocks. For a few seconds, both Johnny and I watch him before turning back to the conference. “There is one thing I would like to ask, though. You said you’re Henry’s father, correct?” I ask. Johnny nods his head lightly. “Then, who is the man who usually picks him up?” To be honest, I had assumed that man was his father. However, looking between Johnny and Henry, there’s no denying that they are father and son. Henry is almost a carbon copy of his father. Johnny chuckles lightly, a half smile playing at his lips.
“The person who usually picks him up is a driver for the company that I work for. To put it simply, my schedule doesn’t really allow for me to drop him off or pick him up. I’m usually already working by the time he shows up, and I’m still working when he leaves. Although, I try to spend as much time with him as I can after work,” Johnny explains softly. I nod my head lightly, adding this to my mental notes.
“Can I ask your job? If you’d rather not tell me, that’s alright. Just...curious,” I smile softly. Johnny chuckles again.
“No, no, it’s fine. I’m an idol,” he states calmly.
As soon as this statement leaves his lips, everything seems to make sense. Especially Henry’s love for music and dance. “An idol. That...does explain a lot,” I chuckle. Johnny shrugs his shoulders, smiling softly.
“Yeah, it’s...interesting. Henry loves sitting in on our practices, and the members of my group just adore him. That’s usually where he is before and after daycare, at practice with me.” Johnny flashes another sweet smile and I’m again reminded of how much his son looks like him.
“Just one more question,” I say calmly, “Does, Henry have a mother?” At this, Johnny’s smile drops and he sighs, shaking his head.
“Afraid not. His mother and I only had a short fling going on because, again, my schedule doesn’t always allow for full relationships. When we found out she was pregnant, she immediately said that she didn’t want the child. However, she was so against abortions that she couldn’t bring herself to do it. We came to an agreement that she would give birth to him, but I would take full custody. If she ever wanted to meet him or get to know him, all she had to do was ask me. She, um...she hasn’t talked to me since,” Johnny explains, rubbing at the back of his neck.
When Johnny finishes explaining, I look back at Henry again. He’s still playing happily with the blocks, building something very tall and stacking the blocks on top of each other. I turn back to Johnny, frowning slightly. “I’m very sorry to hear that, Johnny,” I say sympathetically. He sighs, shrugging his shoulders lightly.
“I do what I can. It’s not ideal, but she decided that she didn’t want to be in his life, so I can’t do anything about that. He asks about her sometimes and I don’t lie to him, but...I haven’t exactly told him *why* she isn’t around,” he explains. I nod my head lightly, smiling softly at him.
“Your secret is safe with me,” I say. Johnny flashes another bright smile, laughing lightly.
“Thank you very much.”
After this, I open the discussion to any questions that Johnny may have. Johnny shakes his head lightly, starting to stand up. “None that I can think of,” he hums. When Henry sees us standing up, he hurries back over, but Johnny stops him. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” He asks, raising an eyebrow at Henry. Henry stands there for a few seconds, before looking back at the collection blocks and flashing a sweet smile.
“Sowwy, daddy,” Henry giggles, running back over and starting to put the blocks away.
While Henry works, Johnny shoots me a glance. “Although...there is one question that I have,” he says, smiling to himself. I turn to him, smiling softly.
“Mhm?” I hum happily. Johnny looks me up and down, then looks into my eyes again.
“I know it’s just the first time I’ve met you, but Henry talks about you a lot. And, I know it’s very personal, but...are you single?” He asks. Immediately, I feel my face warm up and I giggle, tucking some hair behind my ear.
“Umm...yes. I am single,” I giggle, looking up at him again. Johnny smiles softly, nodding his head.
“Would you...like to meet up some time? Just to talk more about Henry, of course,” he jokes. I giggle again and nod my head lightly.
“I would like that, Johnny. Though...we could definitely talk about more than just Henry,” I remind him. He laughs lightly, another bright smile lighting up his face.
“Would...Friday be alright? I think I can get off work a little earlier and I could ask one of my members to watch Henry for a few hours,” Johnny suggests.
“It’s a date,” I giggle, nodding my head once.
When Henry’s done with putting away the blocks, he runs back over to us. Johnny kneels down and Henry jumps into his arms, giggling loudly. Johnny laughs with him and stands up to his full height again. “Well, it was nice to meet you, Ms. Y/N. Say ‘bye’, Hen,” Johnny chuckles. Henry smiles brightly and waves at me.
“Bye!” He says loudly. I giggle and wave goodbye at him. Just before Johnny leaves the room, he flashes me another bright smile.
“See you Friday,” he mouths before dropping a wink and leaving the room. Once they’re out of sight, I start giggling loudly and hide my face in my hands. Wow...that was not how I thought parent-teacher conferences would go.
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dindjarindiaries · 4 years
Collide - Chapter 4
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summary: Needing to forget the pain Javier brings her, bella drowns herself with more drinks than she should—and ends up spilling much more than she bargained for.
warnings: angst, mentions of death/drug use, angst, mentions of driving under the influence (don’t do it!), angst, overconsumption of alcohol, did i say angst?
rating: R
word count: 4.555k
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chapter 4
The first week in Colombia surprisingly flies by. You’re able to work just fine alongside Steve and Javier—thanks to your ability to at least pretend that nothing’s unsolved between the two of you—and though you’ve made no further progress on Escobar, you feel as if you’re finally starting to get something accomplished.
Your truce with Javier has stayed limited, though. You’ve refused to let yourself be alone with him ever since that day at the market. You know that if you continue to spend time with Javier like that, you’ll both completely give in to the urge to move forward like nothing’s ever happened—and you can’t have that. Too much happened that one night, and you know too much has happened ever since. You refuse to drop everything, though you can tell it’s what Javier wants to do. But you still haven’t figured out how to approach it. You’d tried that once, and it’d gone horribly.
It’s the Saturday night officially closing out the week, and you’re wrapping up your day at the office when Steve looks at you with a twinkle in his eye. You’d know that look anywhere, even after only spending a week with him: he’s either excited about something or he’s about to light a flame under someone’s ass. Or maybe both.
“Alright, fuckers, time’s up,” Steve starts, causing you to snort and Javier to sigh loudly. “I’m not spendin’ another minute here when we oughtta be celebrating.”
“Celebrating what?” Javier scoffs, raising an eyebrow at Steve as he puts out his cigarette. “The fact that I endured this kind of shit for a week and barely complained?”
“No, the fact that she endured us,” Steve corrects him, gesturing to you. Javier continues to raise his eyebrow at Steve. “And the fact that you made it a week without getting laid. Congrats, Peña.”
You feel sick at Steve’s comment, but try not to show it. Javier chuckles and shakes his head, leaning back in his chair. “So, what do you propose?” Javier asks, choosing not to dwell on the last part of Steve’s words as he puts his hands behind his head. You attempt to ignore the way it tightens his shirt around his arms, pulling your gaze back to Steve instead.
“Javi, we’ve spent a week with her in Colombia and haven’t even shown her our favorite spot.” Steve clicks his tongue disapprovingly and gives a shake of his head. “I propose that we go out for some drinks tonight.”
You let out a deep breath, beginning to collect your things in your hands as you wait for Javier’s answer. Instead, he’s looking at you, and he furrows his brow when he sees your attention on him. “What’re looking at me for?” Javier questions.
“I’m waiting for your answer,” you inform him simply.
“It’s your decision,” Javier clarifies.
“Oh, I thought we were waiting on you,” you say. “I was going with or without you two dipshits.”
Steve and Javier both chuckle, and Steve slaps a friendly hand against your shoulder. “Now that’s how you survived a week with us,” Steve reminds you, shaking his head. Once Javier’s also gathered his things, the three of you walk out to your cars, finally escaping the office as you make a plan to meet back in the lobby of the apartment building in an hour’s time.
Once you’ve gotten back to your apartment, you get ready for a night out the way you always have—but perhaps with a bit more effort than usual this time around. You exchange your work shirt for something more fun, and definitely more tight-fitting to your body. You play it safe and stick to wearing pants but choose a pair that sticks more to your legs, satisfied with the way all your best assets are showing off. As far as the rest goes, you let your hair fly free as you style it minimally and touch up your makeup lightly. You don’t want to make your effort extremely obvious, but just enough for a certain person to notice.
No, you try to convince yourself. That’s not the goal. You’re just having some fun with your coworkers.
But you know that’s not the truth. You just hope that if you and Javier get a little tipsier than expected, you’ll finally spill your truths to each other and fix this mess—maybe even enough to admit your truest and deepest feelings. It’s unlikely, but you’re bold enough to continue hoping for it.
The hour’s soon arrived, and you try to ignore the way you feel nervous—why the hell am I nervous?—as you grab your wallet and head back down to the lobby. Steve, Connie, and Javier are already there, and they turn to face you upon your arrival. Your cheeks heat up slightly when you see the way Javier looks at you, and you try not to feel affected by the way his usual button-up’s opened just a sliver more than usual, and his hair’s tussled more messier than he typically has it at work.
“There you are,” Steve greets playfully. “I was startin’ to think this week really made you hate us enough to stand us up.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “No, not even you two shitheads could stand between me and a much-needed night of drinking,” you insist, watching as Steve and Connie chuckle at you. Javier, though, seems to shift anxiously, and you raise an eyebrow at his suddenly guarded behavior.
“Well, we were thinking it’s probably best to limit our number of drivers,” Steve informs you. “So, I’ll take Connie, and Javier will take you. Sound good?”
You give him a nod. “Great.”
“Then let’s go,” Steve says, gesturing with his head to the exit. You follow, standing at an awkwardly far distance away from Javier. Your gaze falls on him in slight concern, seeing the way his jaw’s practically clenched shut as his eyes stare straight ahead. A pit forms in your stomach at his change in demeanor. You’ve gotten to know Javier’s newer personality quirks very well this week, and you know it’s odd to see him looking so utterly drained of any kind of attitude or life. Deciding to swallow your own worries in exchange to heal his, you dare to ask him about it once you’re sitting alone in his car.
“Javi, are you okay?” you don’t hesitate to ask. You look over at where his hands are gripping the steering wheel just a bit tighter than usual, his dark eyes narrowing as he watches Steve’s car navigate the roads ahead of you. “You seem… I don’t know, out of it.”
“I’m fine,” Javier insists gruffly.
You hold back a scoff at his standoffish manner. “Are you tired?” He shakes his head, and you try again. “Mad?” He repeats the movement, this time gripping the wheel even tighter. “Annoyed?” You see him clench his jaw more. “Frustr—.”
“Will you just leave it?” Javier snaps, looking over at you with his dark eyes finally widened. You lift your hands in mock surrender, and immediately you see his expression fall as he clears his throat. “I’m sorry, bella, that was uncalled for. I was being an ass.” He lets out a soft sigh, his hands loosening around the wheel as he focuses on the road again. “I’ve just been stuck inside my own head too much lately, that’s all.”
A small flicker of hope makes itself known inside your chest, and you look over at him with a curious tilt to your head. “About what, cariño?”
Javier shakes his head again, the corner of his mouth twitching in a way you easily recognize. He always tended to do that whenever he was struggling with something—or trying to think of a lie. “Escobar,” he finally says, tapping his thumbs on the wheel as he speaks. “I’m driving myself crazy trying to think of where that bastard could possibly be.”
You try not to let disappointment fill you as you nod understandingly. “I know, Javi. I’ve only been here for a week and I can feel that same frustration. But the more patient we are, the more calculated we can be once we get something. He’s playing a game, and that means we have to play it, too—but we’ve got to outsmart him in it.”
Javier nods to agree, looking over to give you a small yet grateful smile as he pulls in behind Steve along the curb outside the bar. “You always know what to say, bella.” He gives your shoulder a pat before he gets out of the car, and you follow suit. Soon, the four of you are inside the rowdy bar, a drink in hand as you attempt conversation over the loud music and dozens of other people already speaking around you.
You take a quick glance around and notice the bar is practically split into two halves: one meant for socializing and talking over drinks and the other for dancing and making out with whoever’s in the closest vicinity. You wonder if the latter is usually Javier’s go-to spot while Steve sticks to the former, but you don’t have to fantasize as Javier soon dismisses himself to start heading over to the livelier part of the establishment.
It proves to be a challenge for you to pretend you’re still engaged in Steve and Connie’s conversation as your eyes beg to follow Javier and see what he’s up to. Every once in a while, you allow your gaze to drift over, and you watch as Javier starts to get close to a beautiful brunette who’s unafraid to show off her assets in a tight-fitting dress.
Good for her, you think to yourself. If you had that kind of confidence, you would’ve done the same to get Javier’s attention. You shake your head at yourself. You don’t want that. But you know deep down what you want, even if it’s a mixed cloud of confusion in your mind and heart at the moment.
Looking down at the now-empty glass in your hand, you address Steve and Connie over the music. “I’m gonna go get another drink!” you tell them, waiting until they nod to walk away from where you’ve been standing to head back to the bar. “Or five,” you add under your breath. You walk up to the bar and ask for a shot of tequila, taking it in your hand as your gaze makes its way back over to Javier again.
He makes the woman laugh. You take the shot and slam it back down onto the counter, asking for another one.
You continue to watch as Javier’s lips approach the woman’s ear, whispering something in it as his hand sneaks its way onto her waist. You take another shot and get it refilled.
The woman bites her lip up at Javier and pulls him by the collar towards the dance floor. A third shot.
Javier’s hands reach for her hips, pulling her against him as they melt together underneath the dim lights. A fourth shot.
In a grand finale, you watch Javier spin the woman around in his arms as his mouth meets hers, his hands going to places you never wanted to see. A fifth and final shot.
You can tell the bartender is concerned at your ambitious intake of so many back-to-back shots, yet you still insist upon getting a rum and coke in hand as you walk back in Steve and Connie’s direction. You can’t feel the impact of your bad decisions just yet, but you wish you could, because all you can see is the burning image of the man you’re still hopelessly in love with melting against a woman he’s just met.
“You alright over there?” Steve asks, chuckling a bit as he gestures towards you. “You were gone for a while.”
“Just deciding what I wanted,” you lie, forcing out a laugh and swallowing hard as you turn your back to the scene you can’t forget.
The longer the conversation goes on, the more you start to feel yourself fade away. Your mind is solely able to see Javier’s hands exploring the stranger’s body, and you match it to the way he’d done the same thing to you once—but in such a gentle, tender, and loving way. You question if it was truly as sacred as you used to think it was. You wonder if that woman’s feeling the same way you did: valued, beautiful, practically holy in the knowing hands of a caring creature. You marvel at the fact she likely won’t care if she never sees him again after this night when all you’ve been able to do is think of him since the moment his hands first touched you in such a manner. And finally, you ask yourself what the hell it’ll take for him to finally treat you like that again—but not just for the pleasure; because it’s the sheer passion that’s fighting its way out of his unrelenting heart.
The last thing you remember is trying to drag a tipsy Connie to the dance floor with you, insisting that you’ve got some moves you need to practice for a future date.
Meanwhile, Javier’s still wrapped up in the moment with the brunette in question. He hates the way he feels fulfilled, finally able to let his mind and heart still as he finds an outward pleasure in a woman who was, luckily, willing to help him. With every sway of her hips against him and feeling of her tongue dancing along his, Javier forgets everything he’s been bottling up inside for not just this entire week, but every single damn day since he left you in Kingsville. For the moment, the world only exists between him and this woman—whose name he either hasn’t caught yet or hasn’t bothered to remember.
Javier feels like shit using her but finds himself justified by knowing she’s also using him. It’s the kind of arrangement he’s used to. He likely won’t ever have to see her again after this, unless she happens to be at the bar at the same time as him. They’ll take out on each other what they need to in order to reap something worthwhile, and they’ll forget it ever happened once they feel better the next day. Javier isn’t proud of it, and fuck, does he wish it could be meaningful to him like it used to be a long time ago, but it’s the only thing he’s been able to find solace in since leaving you. He can forget the pain in your eyes and concern on your face when he knew you were starting to catch onto him by drowning himself in a stranger’s offering of lust—a sacrifice for his darkest demons and deepest worries.
But even that relief doesn’t last long. Thankfully, Javier’s happened to be a step away from the woman when he feels a firm grasp on his arm. He instantly turns to see Steve standing there, raising his voice above the music as he addresses him.
“We’ve got a problem, Peña,” Steve says with a furrowed brow. Instantly, Javier’s mind goes to you, and he looks past his partner to see you practically falling onto Connie’s shoulder as she struggles to support you. “She’s gonna need a ride home, now.”
Javier feels his concern for you strike him deeply, creating a pit in his stomach as he looks back to Steve. He doesn’t even question why he’s been elected to take you. “Alright,” he agrees, looking back to the confused woman with a small pang of guilt in his chest. “Lo siento, señorita, pero necesito irme ahora. Gracias por una noche muy divertida.” He doesn’t wait for her reaction as he follows Steve closely, wondering how you’ve gotten yourself in such a state.
You’ve never been one to enjoy losing control. It’s how he knows the hell you went through when he stepped out of your life—because you weren’t able to control whether or not he would reenter it. In his cruelty at the time, he’d played with it, seeing how far he could push you back until you reached the edge and fell further away from the disaster he considered himself to be. He didn’t want you anywhere near him—not for his sake, but for yours. But now, as he watches you practically stumbling into his arms, he regrets every single thing he’s done leading up to this moment, as if he already hasn’t enough for the past twenty years of his life.
“¿Qué te hiciste?” Javier asks you softly, wrapping your arm around his neck as he begins to lead you back out to his car.
“I’ll do you one better,” you slur back at him, giggling to yourself and taking a deep breath as you meet the cool air of the Colombian night. “¿En dónde está tu novia?”
Javier feels a lump in his throat suddenly appear, and he tries to swallow it back as he responds. “I don’t have a girlfriend,” he reminds you, helping you into the passenger seat of the car. He gets you buckled in, making sure it fits right before he heads over to his side of the car.
“No?” You scoff, and Javier’s still disturbed by the way your voice is completely warped by your unstable state of mind. “It sure looked like it, cariño.”
Javier exhales deeply as he brings the car to life. Shit. He’d completely forgotten the fact that you’d probably seen everything he’d done with the woman inside the bar. “It meant nothing, bella, don’t worry.”
“Don’t worry?” You echo his words yet again and laugh—a crude laugh that makes Javier clench his jaw. “You’re right, Javi, I don’t need to worry.” You pause for a second, and he looks over to see your dazed eyes looking out of the window as if you can’t even face him. “I shouldn’t worry that I was once that same woman to you.”
Javier furrows his brow. “What do you mean?”
You let out another laugh, and Javier tries not to let his frustration grow as he tightens his grip on the wheel. “Don’t play stupid with me, Javier.” He feels your gaze land back on him, but he doesn’t have the faith to return it. “You know you’ve touched me like that before.”
Javier freezes, trying to keep his focus on the road as the feeling of icy horror spreads through him. This is exactly what he’s been avoiding—but now he has to face it: at least, to satisfy your drunk self. “It wasn’t like that, bella.”
You’re quiet for a long moment, longer than Javier pleases. He takes a quick look over to see that your gaze is now full of tears, and he curses mentally as an ache starts to fill his chest. “It sure feels like it was.” He bites his lip when he hears you choke back a sob, trying to tell himself this is all because of your drunkenness—and perhaps you’re just emotional when you’re like this. “You wanted to pretend it didn’t happen, like you would’ve with this one tonight.” He hears you sniffle, and he knows you well enough to know that you’re starting to cry. “I felt like a whore for letting it happen, Javi.”
Javier’s heart breaks at your words, and he gives you a quick yet reassuring look. “You aren’t, bella. I just—it was just—.”
But it’s almost as if you never hear his words as you continue, saying the words that knock the breath straight out of his lungs. “I waited so long to preserve myself and finally gave it to you, Javier, and when I realized you didn’t want it—you regretted it—I felt so fuckin’ stupid.”
Javier discovers that he’s having a hard time breathing, now, and so he pulls the car over and puts it to a hard stop. He’s finally free to look over at you completely, his eyes widened to twice their usual size as he sees you practically shrink into your seat. Javier knows you’re not sober, that this could all be bullshit—but it’d be some pretty complicated bullshit to come up with on the spot. His hands are practically shaking at the mere thought of what you’ve just said being true. “You were a virgin?” Javier’s words come out in a haunted whisper, and he’s suddenly aware of how hard his heart’s drumming against his chest.
“I was waiting for you, cariño,” you say through a cry, causing Javier to feel lightheaded.
“You didn’t tell me!” Javier exclaims, horror pulsing through his veins. This would’ve changed so much—it could’ve changed everything. He would’ve never let that happen in the first place, and he definitely wouldn’t have tried to make you forget about it. He slams his fist against the wheel. “Fuck!” When he brings himself to calm down for a moment, he looks back over at you, seeing more tears falling down your flushed cheeks as you shrink back further away from him. “Do your parents know?”
Javier sees you freeze up upon him mentioning them, and he feels cold at the way your eyes fill with even more tears. “I don’t know,” you finally answer.
“What do you mean, ‘you don’t know’?” Javier snaps, feeling frustrated—mainly towards himself. “It’s a yes or no question!”
“I don’t know, asshole!” you yell back at him. “I never told them, but I don’t know what they thought happened that night! And I can’t know!”
Javier frowns at that. “Why not?”
He watches your lips quiver as your gaze falls. “Because… they’re gone.”
Your words hit him all at once, much too fast, and he can’t even process them before he’s spitting out the word of doubt. “What?”
Javier watches as your face contorts into something of sheer pain and hot anger towards him. “They’re fuckin’ dead, Javier! Because a couple of drugged-up motherfuckers thought it’d be funny to drive under the influence and hit them head on! Why the fuck do you think I ended up in the fucking DEA?”
Fuck. It makes sense. Javier knows it must be true—and now he suddenly can’t catch his breath.
It worsens when he hears you hiccup and sees that your sobs are starting to escape your throat. “And… A-And you weren’t even there for me, Javi. Why weren’t you there? I needed you, cariño. I was so alone, I just—I wanted you.” Your next few sobs are so heart-wrenching that Javier can’t stand them, and before he can think it through, he’s unbuckling himself and stepping out of the car, slamming the door shut behind him. He rests his elbows against the car as he buries his face in his hands, trying to process everything he’s just learned.
On that night, he took your virginity—only further contributing to the breaking of your heart when he decided to leave you months later. He made you feel like the dirt of the earth instead of the star in the sky he’d tried setting far away from himself. Somewhere along the way between then and now, your parents died, and he wasn’t there for you when you needed him the most. Your parents were like a second set of parents to him, and he didn’t even get to say a final goodbye or support you during the entire process.
Javier always knew he was a piece of shit, but now he feels like the fucking devil himself.
Yes, he’d done everything for a reason—but now he’s not sure if it was worth it. He thought it’d help you, but it’s only seemed to hurt you. Javier hasn’t hated himself this deeply in a long time—or, at least, he hasn’t allowed himself to realize how deep his hatred for himself truly goes until now. Until he has to see you suffer because of him, because of what he makes himself suffer through on a daily basis.
Remembering the state of pain he’s left you in, Javier gets back into the car, seeing you practically balled up into the corner of your seat as you stare out of the window. Silent tears are running down your cheeks, and the cloudiness of your drunken state still fills your gaze as they reflect the Medellín sky. In any other situation, Javier would be musing about how beautiful your eyes look, but he can’t even bring himself to think about something like that right now. He doesn’t even deserve to be looking at you with his own eyes.
Javier brings the car back to life and finally finishes making his way to the apartment building. Not another word is exchanged as he stops, getting out to assist you inside. Upon realizing you’ve fully passed out already, Javier curses to himself and holds you in his arms, hooking one arm under your knees and the other on your back as he carries you to your apartment. He retrieves the keys from your pants pocket and unlocks your door, not stopping until he’s gotten you to lay in your own bed. He considers changing you into something more comfortable, but decides against it, remembering the way you’d said he’d made you feel so horrible about yourself and not wanting you to feel more insecure at the idea of him seeing your body like that again. Instead, he gets your shoes off and sets you under the covers.
Javier runs out into the kitchen and manages to find a glass, filling it with water and setting it on your bedside table for whenever you wake up. He stops, regretful to leave you in such a state but knowing that it’s for the best. Javier still can’t help himself from brushing the loose pieces of hair out of your face, feeling his heart beat in both a pained and a soft manner as he looks down at you.
“I’m so sorry, bella,” Javier whispers, well aware that you can’t hear him. “I shouldn’t have let you get that close to me. I should’ve been there for you. I’m sorry that I was—that I am—nothing but a goddamn fool.” His fingertips gently brush over your forehead as he starts to pull away from you. “I don’t deserve you, anyway.”
With that, Javier finally breaks himself away from you, heading back to his own apartment. As soon as he’s inside, he throws his keys towards God-knows-where, crumbling onto his couch as he holds his face in his hands. The emotion’s welled up so badly inside of him that he can feel the warm tear he’s allowed to escape land on his cheek, and he bites his lip to prevent any more from following. He doesn’t deserve any kind of sympathy. He doesn’t deserve to feel sad.
All Javier wanted was a second chance—but he knows he doesn’t deserve that, either; so, he’ll keep pushing himself away from you to keep you safe.
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chapter 5
Lo siento, señorita, pero necesito irme ahora. Gracias por una noche muy divertida. = I’m sorry, miss, but I need to leave now. Thank you for a very fun night.
¿Qué te hiciste? = What have you done to yourself?
¿En dónde está tu novia? = Where’s your girlfriend?
tags: @tarrevizslas @none-of-your-bullshit @lavenderl3mons @gooddaykate @flower-petal-blooming @stilllivindue2spite @mrsparknuts @fionnthebandersnacc @pisss-offf-ghostt @gaydreamland @longitud-de-onda @literallytrashh @kkgraham @arrowswithwifi @rage-isaquietthing @awesomefandomsunited @theforceofdarkandlight @murdermewithbooks @blushingwueen @rachelloveseveryone @madadlorian @ah-callie @mrsdaamneron @lokiaddicted @arcadianempress @benakenalove @wickedfrsgrl @pascalisperfect @absurdthirst @weirdowithnobeardo @lcandothisallday @sailorflowermoon @engineeredfiction @souls-rain @kaylaylaylayla @cailoleaf @unintentionalwriter @earthtokace
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akimmito · 4 years
Heroes are made by the path they choose
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Chapter 16
Tuesday, 11:00 AM, Istanbul.
Marinette and Felix walk the streets of Istanbul reviewing a museum guide to learn a bit before officially visiting the museum and getting to know it personally, plus they already have a plan for a casual visit, after all, in an hour they must meet with the Turkish actor, Kerem Demir, to chat with him (Felix has this little habit of meeting with newer actors to avoid encountering unpleasant surprises, in addition to creating an image of closeness with his partners and employees).
"We must pick up Mr. Demir in twenty minutes, I think you should call Asif." Marinette speaks as she puts the guide in her bag.
Walking without any vigilance through the cities has always been something that people they know don't understand, but, unless the trip is totally innocent (without any vigilant work included), they prefer to get used to the new environment, to know its secrets first hand. This makes it easier for them to move around when they perform their least legal activities (because, sadly, robbing museums is totally illegal even if the object should never have been there initially).
"Of course, I'll send you a message to meet us at the Church of Santa Irene."
They keep walking around observing the surroundings, after all, they are quite close to their goal: the Istanbul Archaeological Museum, which is where the Miraculous of the Giraffe is exhibited, a golden arm bracelet with a spotted brown stone (as described by the museum (although it's actually the symbol) that was found in southern Izmir fifty years ago. She still wonders why the sudden interest, though she still doesn't know the jewel's Kwami and Plagg isn't exactly helpful, Wyazz, for once, either. Different boxes, added to the fact that it was rare to find holders of other boxes because they were well distributed according to what the world needed at the time.
When they get to the meeting point, Marinette can't help but pull out her notebook to draw quick sketches inspired by the Church of Saint Irene. All Turkish architecture is, of course, beautiful and it is a pity that you cannot spend more time in the city. She still has work to do, she can't keep Richard and Timothy longer than she should in Paris, as they went to the trouble of going in person for the consultation.
Ten more minutes and Asif, the driver that Felix hired, approaches them.
"Günaydın Bay Graham by Vanily.
"Günaydın Asif. Biz Bukoleon Sarayi nde Kerem Demir buluşacak ve sonra biz Matbah gidecek. "
Marinette is still impressed to hear him speak different languages so easily, being fluent in ten of the twelve he knows. She still struggles with the six she knows (basically she forced herself to expand her language skills to better manage her company, putting special interest in the main countries where she extended her brand). And Felix makes it look too simple.
The meeting with Kerem was pleasant, they discussed the most important details of the role and what they expect of him when joining Graham Films, in addition to explaining that, as she will make the costumes, it will make her presence in the city easier to help respect the country's history and the character's origins through clothing (Marinette was confused at the time, but Felix tends to do those things and is not going to turn down the opportunity to design the entire wardrobe for that movie).
They passed lunch with ease after the details were clear, plus Kerem offered to accompany them to the Istanbul Archaeological Museum, which was a bonus, that he explained everything they saw was a bonus. A tour of the entire site and a very close view of the Miraculous, they were able to see the entire compound while talking about the exhibits.
Marinette took advantage of her sketchbook to include notes in Russian and German, mixing both languages ​​using the Japanese Katana alphabet. Very intricate? Yes, but she considers it necessary and strategically places it around the garments as if they were additional notes from the changing rooms.
Three hours later, they say goodbye to the actor and they return to the hotel to plan the great robbery. If all goes well, they will be taking a plane back to Paris at the same time tomorrow.
Meanwhile, at the country house, Damian bathes all of his dogs (a bad decision) turning the fun moment into a muddy mess as he chases the puppies to keep still and keep them from getting more dirty. His original plan was to bathe Edgar and Agatha, but as soon as the others saw the water, they all joined.
Damian had no plans for that to happen, but his pets thought it was more fun to get dirtier than they were.
"Young Damian, do you need help?" Hugo calls to him from the door, respecting the space of the boy, but still worried about the disorder that arose in the patio as soon as he turned his back on them.
"No." His answer ends up being stifled by the remorseless crush of Aphrodite, the Shepherd Garfiano. Hugo sees that as the signal to rescue the boy from his own overexcited pets, which keep jumping and barking in the mud. At least Damian is not wearing white clothing or too light colors, it would be a nightmare to watch.
"Attention." All dogs raise their heads at the older man, even Picatso from a safe distance does. Damian pouts at his pets' obedience to the man, being that bath time is the only time they ignore him almost entirely. "You will go into your bathtubs and stay still, is clear?"
Barking of recognition they affirm causing it a smile of the butler and that Damian sulks looking towards the sky.
"Now, Young Damian, it's not time for you to be angry. We have a herd to clean. ”The boy sighs and stands up to take care of the cubs, which are already bouncing off the bathtubs with water. He should start training them properly soon, thus avoiding the small disturbances they cause.
"Titus, Titus, no!" The Great Dane puppy lunges at him, digging its little claws into his clothing. Maybe he should get rid of the outfit, considering that the little dog just made a hole. It's obvious that Titus didn't receive any training, not even the minimum that is given in the animal shelter, Ringo is not so unruly even though he seems to have twice the energy.
The afternoon is spent cleaning up their own mess and scolding their dogs for their behavior, with Ícaro the only one to seem remorseful.
God Shit: I found something you might like, kid
Olive: What is it?
God Shit: [Photo]
Olive: I'll convince mother to let me keep it
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pllandcompany · 6 years
You GUYS. Sanders Sides Ice Skating AU? Sanders Sides Ice Skating AU.
Do I know anything about ice skating? Nope. Am I gonna write about it anyway? Absolutely. Google is a thing, right?
(please don’t ask me what possessed me to come up with this, the answer i don’t know, just let me be great)
Warnings: talk of injuries, performance anxiety, mention of illegal/dangerous performance enhancing practices, disordered eating/body image issues, past minor character death. illness mention, deceit is included in this
Also, just to be clear, the boys all train together on the same team. Under a cut because this 100% ran away from me.
at 24, he’s considered to be what the team lovingly calls a lifer, meaning that skating is all he knows and all he’s ever done since he was born
truth be told, his former NBA cheerleader mother and NFL coach father forced him into several sports when he was small and this was the only one he showed any potential in
spoiler alert: they’re not thrilled that this was the only one he was good at
but they wanted their son to be an athlete so skating it is
fairly well known but doesn’t even acknowledge his own fame
known around the arena for being sort of intense and standoffish leading to him not always being well-liked
also weirdly brilliant? he frequently goes on rants about the physics behind skating that never fail to shock his teammates
despite being a frequent silver/gold medalist, Logan always felt like his parents were constantly disappointed in him so he vowed to train so hard that he would make his first Olympics by age 18
he missed his goal by one tenth of a point and had to wait until 22 to qualify again
also his parents didn’t even attend the competition where he qualified
it doesn’t bother him one bit (just kidding, he is Bothered)
very rigid with his diet and training regimen, sometimes to an unhealthy level depending on how well he believes he’s performing (roman and patton are Very Worried sometimes)
struggles with his height and wingspan, at 6′0 he’s tall for a skater and somewhat lanky which makes certain technical elements difficult for him 
only at first though, when he meets a challenge, it becomes his ultimate goal to master it
ever the perfectionist, he will practice until he nearly collapses and often has to be dragged off the ice and forced to stop obsessing
(the occasional lack of adequate nutrition and/or hydration doesn’t have anything to do with him collapsing. nope. he’s fine.)
his technique is mostly impeccable but he’s a cerebral skater; often criticized for visibly “thinking” while skating and not emoting much
23, total prodigy skater, also a lifer
both parents were Olympic skaters; they were actually part of two separate pairs when they met and quickly became both life and work partners
now Roman’s father coaches their team and his mother acts as his manager
very charismatic and magnetic, quickly became a public figure after his second Olympic gold medal
his mother takes every advantage of her son’s charm, constantly signing him up for guest roles and talk shows and commercials without consulting him first
he loves the attention though
sometimes he just wants to skate
Roman’s father isn’t as impressed with his antics; he’s constantly on him to stay focused 
the other teammates either genuinely love him or they love him in person and gossip about him in secret
he knows some of their adoration is fake but it’s fine, he doesn’t care what they think (he cares a great deal)
5′8 but very muscular, especially in his legs and shoulders 
has been criticized for his broader body type but he doesn’t care; he loves that he’s Thicc
judges still love him though, he’s a very powerful skater, his jumps are explosive and very accurate and he’s always very connected to the music
he’s always looking for the next challenge, the next risky move or flashy element
at times he can be hard on himself to always outdo his last performance which has cost him his physical health at times; he spent the year leading up to his second Olympics battling a knee injury that almost sidelined him
he and Logan have a friendly/unfriendly competition going on as they tend to consistently trade places with each other for 1st and 2nd place on the podium
21, a newer addition to the team
wicked talented, possibly even more so than Roman
ask him though and he’d tell you he’s the worst one in the rink (which infuriates Logan considering Virgil achieved the very goal he couldn’t)
has severe performance anxiety and will often panic so much before competition that he’s physically sick
5′6 with a slight build; can jump wicked high and very clean lines
his teammates call him the Shrimp because of how short he is
(roman used to call him that too until he found out how much Virgil hated the nickname)
raised by a single parent, his mother worked three jobs so she could afford skating lessons and new boots as he grew
qualified for his first Olympics at just 18, won bronze and a sponsorship that finally took the pressure off his mother
now he wants gold but not for himself
his mother was diagnosed with cancer and the treatments are very expensive on top of the financial demands of his career
he knows if he makes more money, he can provide for her the way she provided for him
when he skates, it’s either damn near flawless or a shaky, inconsistent mess, there is no in-between
fortunately there are people around him to help his anxiety and keep him focused
25; came to the arena shortly after Logan but unlike Lo was very quickly accepted
he loves everybody
everybody loves him
the other teammates call him Old Man, Dad, or Papa Patton because he’s always looking out for everyone
whether it’s making sure they stay hydrated or nourished or telling them to rest when they need to, he’s always looking out for his skate family
5′9 and somewhat muscular but still lean
not the most technically consistent skater but always receives high praise for his performance and artistry
one of the few skaters who actually loves the dance classes they attend and really gets into them (this confuses Logan greatly)
came to competitive skating a bit later in life, took more time to train and test than average
despite his age and experience, he actually has the least amount of medals among the four and has yet to win Olympic gold
is seemingly unbothered by that fact (this confuses Roman greatly)
also never appears to be nervous or stressed about competitions (this confuses Virgil greatly)
when asked about his calm and cheerful demeanor even in the face of disappointment (by Roman) 
or his ability to display every emotion in the music so readily on his face (by Logan) 
or how he manages not to puke for hours before a big skate (by Virgil), he answers with this
when he was nine, both of his parents were killed by a drunk driver on their way to see him skate
he almost quit skating after that happened
(if he’s honest, he almost quit everything after that happened)
but after the grief settled slightly, he made a promise to himself that no matter what, every time he stepped on the ice, he would skate for them
every turn, every spin, even every practice session is for them and whatever happens doesn’t matter because he knows that his family is watching over him and they are so proud
having discovered a new level of respect for their teammate, the others find themselves complaining much less around him now
Deceit (known as Dimitri):
22, not a member of Roman’s dad club, of Russian descent but skates for Team Canada 
started showing up in competitions shortly after Virgil joined the team
immediately started crushing everybody, knocking Roman and Logan down to silver or bronze and Virgil and Patton off the podium completely
5′8 and the ideal build for a figure skater, judges go nuts over his lines and speed
deadly accurate jumper
the dude honestly seems almost perfect
Roman is Frustrated. Logan is Jealous. Virgil and Patton are Suspicious.
it’s Patton who finds out the chink in Dimitri’s sequined armor
he’s been blood doping for months in secret
but not for selfish reasons
he too was orphaned at a young age but unlike Patton, he was not the only child left behind
he has a sister and two brothers who he is the primary caretaker of
and almost every penny he earns is spent on their schooling, their healthcare, their overall well-being
he has to be the best in order for their family to survive
which is why Patton is sworn to secrecy
if this got out, he’d be done and so would his three siblings
Patton is Very Worried because doping is hella dangerous
but Dimitri will be fine
I’m sure this has been done before but I don’t care, I’m in love with this concept and I can’t wait to write more.
Tagged: @ziallwarrior @apologieslogan @logansmolbean @crofters-jam @asylia5911 @ab-artist @band-be-boss-blog @unbefuckinglieveable @flyingfreeyt @thecatchat @thefallendog @backatthebein
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ahnsael · 5 years
My car is finally fixed!
Went to a local Auto Zone that advertises free tests of batteries, alternators, etc to diagnose problems like mine. It was a REAL quick test. “Yup, that battery is DEAD.”
He explained that new cars usually come with cheap batteries, and you’re lucky to get three years out of them (I got about 3½ out of mine).
I told him we did the same thing at Disneyland -- when you buy a light-up toy, odds are it comes with “Rocket” brand batteries, which we got (at the time) for about 1¢ each. And they would last maybe an hour or two (if you were lucky) before you’d notice your toy getting dimmer (granted, we brought LOTS of spare batteries out with us to sell these toys, so any guest that came up to say their toy didn’t last long, I’d explain that the batteries are indeed cheap and don’t last long but when they put better batteries in, the toy will last. And then I’d give them enough batteries to change them out four more times so the toy would last them through the next couple nights of use.
I spent an extra $30 (in theory -- read on) to get a better AGM battery (at least it’s better for my situation -- they tend to recharge faster and withstand extreme hot and cold temperatures, unlike normal car batteries -- and since most of my trips are four miles to or from work, that wasn’t long enough to recharge what battery power I spent on starting the car by the time I reached my destination. And since I work graveyard, my car is outside in sub-freezing temperatures all night this time of year).
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The guy said he wasn’t trying to upsell me (he was TOTALLY trying to upsell me), but when I went with the more expensive option (and after we talked Disney for a few minutes -- I’m telling you, once in a while being a former cast member still pays dividends) he asked if I was a veteran and I said “No, but he is” and pointed at my stepdad who was in the Army, and the guy took $20 off the price on the spot, and then he said that he’d take another $10 off if we left the old battery with them (which, THANK YOU, because I don’t want an old car battery to try and figure out how to get rid of).
So in agreeing to spend $30 extra without hemming and hawing over it (I had actually looked at batteries over the past couple days and knew that everything he was telling me matched up with what I had read about AGM batteries vs the standard wet cell battery), I got this battery for the same price as the other one that he had which would fit my car.
No more having to jump-start my car every time I go to work, recharge my jump starter while working, and jump start the car again to get home! No more worrying that I can’t stop at the store on the way home because the store isn’t going to charge my jump starter for me and I may not be able to start my car again to get home. No more leaving the car running when I run into a convenience store and hope I see it if someone tries to get in and drive away.
And now I ramble (yeah, yeah, I hear you shouting “too late, you’re already rambling!” at your computer screen), so here’s a “read more.” Some of you who have followed me for less than two years may learn something about me at the end of this post that may change your perception of me, but since tumblr is the only place I’ve talked (albeit sparsely) about this particular thing. Those of you who know me well already know this unless you missed those posts.
I’ll still keep the jumper in the car “just in case” -- I just have to charge it every 30 days to keep it up to snuff. Plus, it may come in handy if a guest at the casino needs a jump. Though I should check with my boss on that; it may bring up liability issues that we would rather not deal with. I have a feeling that would be a no-go. We’re not even allowed to administer first aid, or even have a first aid kit, because of the liability if we “treat” someone and it goes south somehow. We just call for the ambulance (which I’ve only had to do twice -- once for a lady who fell out of her chair [never did find out why but she was alert and coherent and walked to the ambulance but DID want their help] and once for a guest who had a stroke while at a machine -- and didn’t want the paramedics, he wanted to keep playing video keno with his left hand since he couldn’t lift his right one (we did get him on a gurney, but he literally did not stop playing until paramedics put him on the gurney, and then I cashed him out and gave his money to one of the medics to give to him -- if a friend of his hadn’t told me that he wasn’t okay I wouldn’t have known because other than playing with his left hand when the “play” button is on the right side, he looked okay, but after she told me he needed help and I wasn’t sure if he did I sat down and talked to him and it became very clear that she was right but without asking him about it I would have never realized what was going on, but because she told me that she thought he was having a stroke, and the 9-1-1 operator walking me through some tests which confirmed it, it was caught in time that there was no lasting damage).
But I digress with work stories.
Now to the thing newer people may not know about. As some of you know, I did something REALLY not-smart a couple years ago (I got behind the wheel of a car when I had no business being behind the wheel of a car), and I’ve been dealing with the consequences since then. Nothing too terrible, all things considered (thankfully I didn’t hurt anyone or cause any damage), and finishing the worst part by serving the rest of my 48-hour jail sentence was over in August of 2018. In February of 2019, I was freed of my obligation to attend counseling after the counselor signed off on me not being a continued danger and not likely to re-offend (which I WILL NOT do -- the consequences get worse with successive infractions, and just ONCE was enough to teach me that, even if I hadn’t felt awful for putting my community at risk, the punishment is NOT worth deciding to go to Burger King when I should NOT be driving to Burger King -- fun fact: the Auto Zone I was at today is next door to that very Burger King which I was leaving when I was pulled over).
In August of last year, I was done with “alternative sentencing.” What that was, was I had to call the probation arm of the Sheriff’s Department EVERY SINGLE MORNING to see whether or not they wanted to test me for alcohol in my system (the judge had ordered me to drink ZERO alcohol for a year -- not even NyQuil if I was sick). If they were to find alcohol in my pee test, I had a warrant issued for my arrest. Granted, in May of last year, the head probation officer told me that I didn’t have to call anymore -- but I was subject to search or testing at any time (and they did show up at my house a few times to make sure I was still complying -- they still had to monitor me, but I didn’t have to call anymore because I had earned a degree of trust with them; also they were genuinely nice people and I got along well with them, so our positive relationship may have entered into it as well; when I was officially released from their rolls of “people to watch over,” I went in the day after the judge’s order had expired to verify that I was done with them, and the head guy shook my hand, said “you’re off our rolls,” and admonished me: “Don’t come back”).
But then there was the year of having an interlock device in my car. I didn’t reinstate my suspended license until January of 1999, and that’s when the year (ordered in my August 1998 sentencing) kicked in. It’s not “wait a year and then reinstate your license without having to do this;” it’s “once you reinstate your license, you must have this device in your vehicle for a year from THEN”).
It’s actually been 13 months now. But I wasn’t sure about the process of getting it removed. I asked about it the month before my year was up at the place where I have to get it calibrated once a month, and they said to call the interlock company (this is a car audio place that also handles interlocks, but not the interlock company themselves), and they would tell me how to “petition the court” to get it removed.
I did more research and the interlock company says they need the “monitoring authority’s permission” to allow the interlock to be removed. But they don’t say who the “monitoring authority is” (which is understandable as they are a nationwide company and state laws differ but even when I found a page that broke down the removal process state-by-state, it didn’t say who my monitoring authority was or what kind of “permission” I needed to obtain or how to get it).
But yesterday morning, I emailed the interlock company and the DMV to ask them about the removal. Surprisingly, the DMV got back to me first (still haven’t heard back from SmartStart -- edit, yes I have, see below).
But it was a reply to my email address from a person in the “Drivers License Assessment Team” saying that they had looked at my record and that I was good to come in and get the interlock restriction removed, and that that should be enough for the interlock people.
And, as I was writing this, I got an email from SmartStart saying “Please be informed that removal authorization is not needed if you have had device installed (1) one year from date of when your restricted license was reinstatement.” Grammar aside (”when your license was reinstatement?”), this actually contradicts what the web site says. But I think I’m going to the DMV tomorrow morning to get my restriction removed, and then I’ll call the car accessories store that I’ve been using and make an appointment for its removal (I may have to call SmartStart and have THEM schedule the appointment -- I replied to SmartStart’s email asking with whom I make the appointment, so we’ll see if they replay today).
But the one other major stress in my life is going away. Not that I’m afraid “I may be too drunk to drive” because THAT IS NOT HAPPENING AGAIN but that it has occasional errors, gives me an “ABORT TAMPER” message (which means it thinks I tampered with it somehow) when temps get below 20º, sometimes reboots itself mid-drive (it will test me after about 10 minutes of driving after I start, then about every 45 minutes thereafter to make sure I’m not drinking WHILE I’m driving). When I leave work on a cold morning, I could be sitting in my car for 4-5 minutes before the thing is ready for me to breathe into it -- as I sit there shivering, because without the engine on, the fan isn’t blowing in heated air, it’s just blowing in outside sub-freezing air (and frosting my interior windows as much as it had been outside before I scraped the ice off while waiting for the interlock to warm up).
So that other major stress will be gone soon, too. And then that whole nasty experience is behind me after two years, as long as I’m never stupid enough to do it again. And I do NOT plan on that. My thing is that...I have a co-worker who I used to offer rides to once in a while (I’m off 30 minutes before him, but sometimes I stay and gamble for a bit). He walks a couple miles to/from work. But he doesn’t know about my DUI, and I don’t want him to know about it. I did give him a ride ONCE since then when weather was particularly nasty, but I wend out and started my car while he played a daily tournament, and by the time he got to my car I had gotten it started after passing the breathalyzer. Then I just hoped that it wouldn’t test me before we got to where he lives (I hid the interlock under my seat while he was in there). Fortunately, it didn’t request a re-test until a few minutes after I had dropped him off.
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blanket-fish · 5 years
Hold onto this Place, Chapter One
Summary:  James Kirk, an agent of F.S.F, has just come back from injury leave. The confrontation with his brother left deeper scars than just a bullet wound, but there's no time to focus on that, not with an impending attack from the Logic Extremists. Before he knows it, Jim is in deep with a dangerous organisation, and trying to keep up his cover is only the tip of the iceberg on his pile of problems, which happens to start and end with a man called Spock.
There was an annoying clicking that just wouldn't stop. Jim had already turned off the water cooler, the radio and the heater but none of them seemed to be the cause. Pike would wonder why everything was off when he finally got here, but Jim had stopped caring about his boss's opinion after five minutes of this torment. Pike was now an hour late for this meeting, and he was the one that called it! One of these days Jim would get him to admit he planned his actions with the sole goal of irritating him.
Just as Jim was about to disassemble the plant pot, the door opened, and in walked Christopher freaking Pike, having taken the scenic route.
"And you talk to me about the importance of punctuality," Jim quipped, but refrained from going any further at the look on the other man's face. He watched as he dropped a file on his desk and went to pull out his chair.
"Take a look at that," Pike said "And tell me what seems off to you."
Jim raised an eyebrow, but walked over to pick it up. As he flipped open the cover, he could see Pike looking around the office. "If you're wondering what the noise is, I've spent the last hour trying to figure it out."
"Aren't you a trained operative? Stumped by... I'm guessing plumbing?" Most people though Pike was professional through and through. Those people had never worked with him.
Jim stuck his tongue out at Pike's shit-eating expression, and returned his attention to the file. S'chn T'gai Spock. As file's went, his was short. A scanned copy of his birth certificate, a few police reports about him dropping off the face of the earth at seven years old, and a passing mention of someone believed to be him being involved in a gang dispute a few months ago. Even the photo used was hand-drawn.
"I mean, he's a ghost and there's no confirmed sighting since he was a kid, but that's kinda run of the mill. I'm not sure what's making you be all serious," He placed the file back on the desk, cocking his head slightly ina questioning manner. Pike sobered up quickly.
"The issue isn't what's in the file, per se. It's more of a combination of things. Hold on a second," He turned to rifle through a filing cabinet, leaving Jim a little perplexed. "Spock is the son of a man called Sarek, or, as you might know him, The Ambassador."
It wasn't that Jim didn't recognise the name, it was just that the way Pike had said it implied that he should know... more than just that.
He realised Pike was looking at him, maybe expecting some kind of response. He shuffled awkwardly. "Ah, right, yes. The... Ambassador. I do definitely know who that is."
"Kirk, I know you were just on injury leave-"
"I still think you were overreacting."
"You... You got shot! I wouldn't say I - Doesn't matter, the point is, you didn't hit your head did you? The Ambassador? Leader of the Logic Extremists? Who hacked the TV networks last year?" Pike's face was incredulous, and he looked like he was torn between throwing something at Jim or just giving up.
"Oh! Right, them. That, that's my bad, that's on me." Now Pike had said it, a dozen more things they'd done sprung into Jim's mind. It was the clicking, it was a distracting. A pretty good excuse, if he did say so himself.
Pike shook his head. "At any rate, we've recently linked Sarek to a dispute previously believed to be between the... Collective, or maybe the Borg, doesn't matter, we linked Sarek to it, and the new theory is that it was an attempt on his life by a rogue part of his organisation. Our sister agency in Andoria took a suspect called V'Latak into custody yesterday. All they managed to get out of him before he offed himself was that Sarek was planning some kind of retaliation. Given that the attack he's retaliating to nearly took many more civilian casualties than it did, the concern now is that he might make a point publically about not crossing him."
Jim took a moment to process all the information that had just been hurled at him. "This attack, is it the same as the one in the file?"
"Yup. Some of the witnesses remembered his name being used to address someone, and our experts confirmed the description they gave could fit a grown-up Spock. It's tentative I know, but, and I am finally gonna get to the point of this meeting-"
"Meeting is generous. There's two of us."
"Okay, look, what else would you call it?" When Jim was silent, he continued. "That's what I thought. As I was-"
"Could call it a briefing."
"Right, information now, quips never. Pay attention. Anyway, the reason I called you here, is that we found an opportunity to get an agent on the inside. Our source says that they're recruiting people for a low scale heist, rally, thing, I'm not really sure. Thing is, they're usually pretty picky about who gets involved, but in this case they're apparently struggling to find getaway drivers with any kind of skill. Thus, you."
"Me indeed. When do I start?" Inwardly, Jim was glad to have an excuse to drive like a maniac again. Bones tended to frown on that at any other time.
"We've already made contact under a cover ID and have been told to meet Spock, which is why I had his file, I know you were gonna ask, at Victoria Docks tomorrow at 1900."
"Okay, cool, just to clarify, that whole 'Tell me what seems off to you thing' was completely irrelevant?"
"It set the tone. Not gonna apologize for that."
"Mm-hm, and I still don't know why you were all serious. This is all pretty par for the course."
Pike shifted awkwardly. "Alright, fine. Maybe I am a little worried about throwing you undercover when you just came back from leave. Especially with a group like this."
"Chris, I've been in worse-"
"I know, Jim. You just had me worried with the whole gunshot thing, it was pretty touch and go. So sue me if I'm a little concerned." Pike was pointedly not looking at Jim's face.
Pike was sweet, sometimes. Sometimes. But Jim was not ready to be affectionate with anyone so soon after what happened with Sam. So he just smirked.
"Aww, Chris, that's cute,"
"Okay, enough, go, do something else, learn your cover, I'll send it to you-"
"I'll keep you updated on the bus, yeah?"
"You are insufferable." Jim just grinned and left the room.
The rain pattering down on the car windscreen was oddly calming. Jim was waiting a few streets away from the docks, waiting until it was time for the meet-up and mentally going over his cover for a final time. After seven years working at F.S.F, he had covers down to a fine art, but it never hurt to check over things.
Jimmy Jackson, 26, well-known street racer in Delta county. He won his first race at 19, ran his first gig as a getaway driver when he was 20, doing a heist at the Oval Gallery. The best covers were the simple ones. No normal person would know the exact dates of every job they'd ever done, and that was the principle he was relying on. There was only so much he could memorise in a day.
Jim checked his watch. Ten minutes until the meeting time. It would be reasonable enough to head to the docks. He turned the key in the ignition, engine turning and being much louder than he was used to. There'd been a breakthrough in silent engines in 2068, about a decade ago, and the car he had was built a little before that. Still, it ran fine, had a decent speed, and crucially, didn't have the trackable gear regulator that newer models did. Something like that would've gotten him fired before he was even hired with these guys. Scotty had been able to rub it in Pike's face that keeping old cars around wasn't useless, and his look of glee had been priceless.
Jim slowed the vehicle to a stop as he entered the docks. He squinted into the darkness, just barely managing to make out a small group of people, hanging out on the hoods of some cars. Spock hadn't come alone, and Jim would've been surprised if he did.
He exited the car a small distance from them, turning his face away from the wind. They couldn't have picked a nicer night to meet. He walked over, running his eyes over the group. It was difficult to see most of their faces, but one near the front definitely looked like he could be Spock. Jimmy wouldn't know that though, so he stood in a non-committal spot in front of them.
"He-ey, heard y'all needed my help." He flashed an obnoxious grin. The man who he could safely assume probably was Spock stepped forward.
"We don't need anything from you, Mr Jackson." Jim could practically hear the eye-roll in his voice. "However, we may have an opportunity for someone with your... apparent talents." Jim knew they'd probably taken at least a cursory look at him over the web. Sulu and Chekov had been working hard on bookending his backstory as a racer, and given their track record, he probably didn't have to worry about anything suspect being found.
"Well, that's why we're here ain't it," One of the people behind Spock scoffed. "Don't suppose I get to know what said opportunity might involve?"
"Well, I suppose it would be pertinent," Spock looked him straight in the eye. "If all goes well, you will be driving."
His backstory might not be an issue, but this man's attitude might. Granted, the persona he was playing isn't someone he'd be best friends with himself, but Spock was going to drive him nuts.
Jim was ready to fire back, quickly formulating a Jimmy appropriate response, but then he could hear sirens approaching. Spock gestured to his people, and they moved to get into their cars. "We don't hire people on good faith, Mr Jackson," Spock said, moving to get into a vehicle. "You can consider this your trial."
The first of the cars started their engines. Spock met his eyes as he spoke. "Do try and keep up."
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justegi · 2 years
10 things i learned from my first car
1-thinking it was easy to work on when its old-it should be simple and easy  but in reality every bolt is rusty and everything is hard to remove because of the age...this leads to some easy jobs which people do on newer cars for 1 to 3 hours sometimes in the case of old cars you gotta double that time or even triple it (if you dont have a garage and a lot of proper tools) in my case i did not have 2-since its old and cheap its a good idea to repair it on my own with aftermarket parts-reality is 80% of aftermarket parts which are cheaper than the original parts do tend to be worse and worse and actually not improve the car rather it makes it worse sometimes (in my case aftermarket parts for my cooling system) in general i think aftermarket parts are 100% FINE no matter who makes them and its okay to use them if they are not part of the cars performance handling etc. (like visual things) just styling parts etc aftermarket are 100% FINE  i wish i knew this before i bought cheap ass stuff when i was 19 3-since its old it will break down constantly-this and that and there will always be something not right-and when a car is old FINDING PARTS IS HARD AS HELL
and sometimes the second hand used car parts DONT match your car because the dude who sells them aint got no clue what he selling and since i was young and like i believed what people said and i ended up buying stuff which dont fit my car (like this one time i bought a cable wire for my trunk realease and it turned out the mount was totally different than on my car so i ended up returning it back to the guy who sold it to me and he was kind enough to give me back my money) WHICH I GOT LUCKY ! 5-you realise owning and old car not to trust it and always carry some tools in the back just in case that TPS or MAF sensor goes out you can clock it or like if one of your windows stops working to cut off the power from the EV motor and lift it up so the car dont get stolen...you know just normal stuff for an old car -buying a car which burns oil or its rusty  LOOK if you got a project car you gotta find one with one of these problems you either find a really nice car which has been looked after well in terms of performance mods and tuning but the person was like i dont care about rust i just cared about my brakes and engine because i like to drive this car not show off with it OR you buy a car which GOT ZERO I MEAN LIKE NO RUST AT ALL But the car got a broken ass engine and cant even run  LIKE TRUST ME YOU GOTTA GO WITH ONE OF THESE  IF A CAR GOT BOTH OF THESE UNLESS THE DUDE IS SELLING IT FOR SCRAP MONEY DONT BUY IT BRO just dont buy it SAVE up some CASH get a good one which runs... its not worth THIS headache... just some cars cannot be saved its the sad truth... once the damage has been done-fuck there are even cars which u cant save from rust be careful what you look for  and yea thats it---the hard lessons my project car tought me that rust is a big problem if you want a project car to work on being old is a challenge for parts so be careful what you plan to do because even a small fender bender can cost you maybe 4 times more than crashing some newer but more mainstream car which is around . and engine problems as simple as engines seem to be once you dig deep into the aftermarket parts you see that you cannot cheap out on engine parts and sometimes fixing an engine is kinda 50% of what you pay for the car-but in reality you will never get that money back...so yea everything else is fine-car got no interior no problem bucket seats are cheap in the car world car got diff or trans problems fkc it rebuild em not that expensive (depends if its RWD AWD or FWD but still ) if its a project car its worth it just not AUTO transmission those are expensive to repair car got no bumpers fuck em bumpers man make some outta fiber glass or stich one up from the junk yard and spray paint it who the F cares if its a drift or drivers build car-car got no AC or this gauge dont work that is this and got this and that for problems fkc them small things look at the bigger picture all those fancy shiny cars on magazines-bro those cars dont drive they just posers...trust me you will find the coolest people with the coolest cars which are all rugged busted and DIY built. and you need those people-cause a guy with like a car which looks like a barbie is the same as a girl which uses alotta make up and uses instagram to boost her ego and self esteem. yea thats it i just wish i knew theese things when i was 19 
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enananas1980 · 4 years
hellcat insurance for 18 year old
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurecostfinder.xyz
hellcat insurance for 18 year old
hellcat insurance for 18 year old drivers. Our team can do the shopping for you. A woman who is pregnant has her own car insurance policy and we always offer discounts to drivers who don t have to have their own policy. There are so many variables in differentiating between a car’s cost to repair, the value of a car, and whether or not it needs basic car insurance. What’s most important here is that you never know what may not actually happen. For instance, if you don’t know exactly what is causing the car insurance premiums for a particular set of car insurance premiums when the other driver’s insurance policy doesn’t cover full coverage, it might not cover any damage to the car. If you know exactly what is causing your car insurance premium to go up, then it’s possible that you could save thousands of dollars on car insurance at the same time, and more importantly to the person at fault. The only. hellcat insurance for 18 year old males. $5000/year Male is 30 $5000/year Male $11.33 $25.68 $34.50 Female $10.50 $30.14 $41.03 $100 $200 $250 $390 $490 $540 $640 $682 $685 $300 $400 $400 $442 $480 $468 $456 $570 $690 $690 $200 $250 $280 $380 $462 $462 $551 $700 $100 $200 $300 $330 $460 $462 $552 $773 $1,500 $250 $300 $306 $461 $478 $556 $1,500 $. hellcat insurance for 18 year old male 18 year old female with a clean driving record and good credit New Jersey minimum coverage for drivers with moving violations on record New Jersey minimum coverage for drivers with moving violation reports Virginia minimum coverage for drivers with moving violation reports New Jersey minimum liability policy: $25,000/$50,000 We looked at a variety of factors, including driving record, time in the Hummer household, and previous insurance records. The result is an insurance score for every 18 year old female who buys the Hummer insurance (minimum coverage) in New Jersey (which includes New Jersey). The table below shows the average cost of insuring a 20 year old female as determined by New Jersey, but rates generally tend to be lower for men and lower for women. There is almost no single best insurance for 18-year-old males. Your insurance score can vary from below, but it isn’t the only factor that influences your rates. There are other factors besides your household where.
If you re looking to buy sports car auto insurance, you should know it is usually more expensive than your average sedan or SUV. Although it isn’t the cheapest sports cars to insure, insurance for the Ford Mustang has an average rate of $166 per month. Average performance vehicles, like a Toyota Camry, costs around $104 per month. Auto insurance companies consider any vehicle with higher performance specs and higher than average value a sports car. Sports cars are expensive to insure, but you can still find affordable quotes for fast cars with cheap insurance. Learn more here.
If you re looking to buy sports car auto insurance, you should know it is usually more expensive than your average sedan or SUV. Although it isn’t the cheapest sports cars to insure, insurance for the Ford Mustang has an average rate of $166 per month. Average performance vehicles, like a Toyota Camry, costs around $104 per month. Auto insurance companies consider any vehicle with higher performance specs and higher than average value a sports car. Sports cars are expensive to insure, but you can still find affordable quotes for fast cars with cheap insurance. Learn more here. In our review of auto insurance companies, USAA auto insurance was consistently a competitive rate for insurance for the Ford Mustang because the car was not as popular as the average sedan. The car is more expensive to drive because of a better-built engine and the high-end safety features on the vehicle. However, the average car in this review is from the second-generation sports car to its second-generation sports car and the average rates are lower than average for those who insure a Toyota Camry and are looking specifically for sports cars. The Ford Mustang insurance cost for some is often more expensive than other cars on the market. The company’s rates are often higher for newer cars because newer cars are more complicated to insure. However, they also offer an extremely good warranty for the safety-minded customers who will not consider their insurance company before purchasing a used vehicle. While you find some value, you find insurance for a lot more in auto insurance quotes because of the low insurance rates. The higher.
Free Auto Insurance Comparison
Free Auto Insurance Comparison Enter your ZIP code below to view companies that have cheap auto insurance rates.  Secured with SHA-256 Encryption Why did they say I could only do my car’s basic coverage? They said “you can do nothing in the first year.” Well, they’ve taken that as a compliment. As you know from some cases, the answer can’t be hard to find. However, there are some general rules. The first is that the insurer should disclose to it the coverage you already have, and the coverage will cover up to 20 percent. If you’ve got a car that has less than 1,000 miles and needs comprehensive coverage, you’ll only be able to take out a minimum $100,000 or so in coverage. Remember, insurance companies are watching your car. They want to see where you are. If you’re under 40 and you drive an old, faded.
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How a Sports Car is Determined for Auto Insurance
How a Sports Car is Determined for Auto Insurance While these things are not terribly impactful, they can prove valuable. When considering your next car that may cause a minor accident, it pays to protect your assets with car insurance. You will have the same amount of flexibility as you have in other driving situations if you find yourself in a scenario such as being cited or having a traffic violation on your record. While this isn’t necessarily the case, it may be something to your advantage to provide insurance coverage for that additional car. Find the lowest rate today on a car insurance policy is determined by the state in which you live. You will have the ability to purchase cheap auto insurance without getting turned down for your place. The cost will vary depending on your state and the insurance companies, but your personal rate will be fairly similar because they all want the same thing. The cost of cheap car insurance depends on many factors and if you are choosing a non-standard carrier, you’ll find discounts, options for.
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Average Dodge Challenger insurance rates can differ in a city. A cheaper option means that if you are at fault in an accident, your auto insurance pays for the damages to your car, damaged property and other injuries and medical costs. Your auto insurance company can also pay for your legal defense in case the other driver is at fault in the accident. This type of coverage also takes care of damages to your vehicle for injuries. If you are at fault in an accident, your car insurance policy can help cover the costs for damages, medical bills and property damages for you and your passengers. However, a bad auto insurance policy will be much more expensive than a good one, so you will be required to buy an . The easiest way to buy auto insurance for low-income drivers is to . These companies specialize in covering high-risk drivers who can’t get insurance because of poor credit or other factors. To start, you will need to fill out an online auto insurance application and then you will have to get a basic . These.
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onlahuana1973 · 4 years
jeep compass insurance rates
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :insurancetocompare.info
jeep compass insurance rates
jeep compass insurance rates. When it comes to insuring older drivers, there are multiple reasons for that. Insurance companies believe young drivers are more experienced and better at driving. With this in mind, they base their rates on the driving record of the older driver. In other words, it is likely to be cheaper to insure a vehicle with a clean record. In the end, it is unlikely that a newer, more experienced vehicle will help you get rates that are the same as those with a clean record. A few good reasons could help you get auto insurance more affordable on your own. You might want to consider purchasing a liability coverage on your car insurance policy to protect yourself in one of the worst cases. Some states will allow you to choose an individual car insurance policy on your own with few restrictions. Check your state’s insurance laws to see if you are being limited to only buying a liability-only policy or purchasing a state minimum insurance policy for your state. A good rule of thumb is your liability limits your. jeep compass insurance rates. Compare all of your best rates by entering your zip code in for free! If you’re the victim of a car accident or a legal driver, you need to file a report to your insurance company about your injuries and legal issues. The car-accident insurance company will give you the report form, which is probably the first report you receive in a car accident and you may receive a report in as little as 45 minutes. Before you know about your ordeal, insurance companies can use your symptoms and hospital records to justify imposing any or all of the following charges on themselves: Claims involving: Inadequate medical care. Insurance claims involving: Use of illegal products or services. Cancelments. Insurance fraud. According to the Insurance Information Commissioner. This way, you can still be prosecuted for your car-accident. It may be too. jeep compass insurance rates are for you to compare. They are not insurance quotes you should be relying on. Just give us a call and we’ll give you an estimate of the cost of a trip you are about to embark on without having to pay a fortune to go back to sleep before they have paid you another one. The most important thing to note here is that it is not possible for the insurance company to ask you to pay for your trip or cancel to get your other one. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact us directly and we will be happy to help you get back into the right shape of health. There is no medical need for me to be on top of my feet while being out on my bike. I know they want me to keep my car, but the insurance companies are the ones that do not want my own car and so they are charging me a low or low amount of money. I would like to know what this means to me. This would be a question I.
Parts of your auto insurance policy
Parts of your auto insurance policy. For example, this is the liability portion that covers damage to another s vehicle. Your personal car will be insured against damage as a result of your personal car s collision with a pedestrian (such damages resulting from a crash with another vehicle could be the primary reason someone will get injured from damage to their vehicle). This can be the primary reason your personal car is covered against damage from collision with another vehicle. Collision coverage refers to the amount of insurance coverage you are required to carry. This type of insurance protects your vehicle in case of a driver who does not have enough insurance on the vehicle. It s common for insurance providers to require an accident victim with a valid driving record to have their insurance coverage assessed against the vehicle s damage. Because of their medical bills and other bills, most people with a bad credit score make it difficult to get low-cost coverage. So, the insurance company may charge higher premiums to cover the additional costs associated with their vehicle. If you are involved in an accident but.
How to Buy/Renew Insurance for Jeep Compas?
How to Buy/Renew Insurance for Jeep Compas? Compas offers low down payments on your auto insurance, which can result in reduced insurance costs, and can also be added online. But why is it such a large cost of insurance for the auto insurance on your Jeep Jeep Compass? Insurance costs for insuring a Jeep Compass can depend on the specific type and number of options your Jeep might have. For example, if you have a basic diesel-powered Jeep Compass, then an auto insurance company may charge you a flat rate for the extra level of coverage you may not have access to for a compact Jeep Compass. However, if you already have access to a variety of optional insurance coverage, then you may not have the capability to choose all of the coverage you need for your Jeep Compass. For example, let’s say you have an accident in the city with your Jeep Compass and your Jeep Compass needs comprehensive/collision coverage to repair your Jeep Compass’s windshield. You can expect higher rates for your Jeep Compass auto insurance if you.
Decisions you make can impact your insurance costs
Decisions you make can impact your insurance costs. Let’s take a look at the biggest changes that can affect car insurance rates Most drivers think they’re living in an area that’s more expensive to insure. That reality is no surprise, however, as the states in which they drive their cars are also more expensive to insure. State laws tend to favor those with cheaper to insure cars. So for many of our clients, this translates into lower insurance bills. If there’s one thing to consider, the number of uninsured drivers can be staggering. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 3,000 car crashes in 2018 led the National uninsured motorist rate to increase for the second straight year. This statistic makes this a serious problem for insurers. Many hope insurers will pay for their negligent actions by stopping payments as a result of negligence, however, those are usually not the best options. Insurance data shows that driving without insurance is a great risk to insurers as well, as a person who’.
Jeep Compass Insurance
Jeep Compass Insurance provides a full range of coverage for every budget as well as some other plans if you wish. They are very well worth a closer look. They  are easily one of the most reasonable insurance providers of their type and quality to choose. They also allow you to add upon any of these extra items to your policies. The main selling point is that they can help you make payments online, over the phone or through the web. If you are looking for a good car insurance policy, the comprehensive policy is for you. This covers you to replace your vehicle for any reason that needs to be replaced, with a full complement of extra perks as well as a variety when you are paying for things like insurance. It is also a good idea to look for car insurance in general. You need some form of liability insurance, which provides cover for damage and injuries in the event of collision with a vehicle. It provides a cover to cover damage to your.
Essentials about Insurance for your Jeep Compass
Essentials about Insurance for your Jeep Compass Plus Premium: The insurance policy for your Compass Plus Premium includes: the base price of the insurance policy and additional features, such as the Compass Plus Accessory Kit. There’s also a . This is the cheapest insurance coverage you can find for your Jeep Compass Plus accessory kit. Check out our for more coverage. The following products are not covered in this coverage. Compass Insurance will automatically apply to the base Jeep Compass Plus Premium if you are looking at the coverage that comes with Compass Plus insurance. A variety of factors are used to determine your Jeep Compass Plus premium payment, such as the type of coverage and amount of the Compass Plus Premium you’ll be paying. The vehicle s age and model are used as well. It is not uncommon for the company to include a deductible in its default coverages for safety and security reasons. A higher deductible will mean a much higher insurance premium. The average monthly cost for a Compass Plus Premium is $83.
There’s no such thing as the perfect insurance policy
There’s no such thing as the perfect insurance policy. But you might find coverage that still leaves you feeling overwhelmed, overwhelmed even when you’re just getting started. That’s where comes in. Whether you’re new to the business or are passionate about giving back, it’s always a good idea to to start. With over 30 years of experience, we are confident we can serve your insurance needs! All you have to do is be a licensed insurance agent, and we are equipped to provide great quotes on some of the most affordable homeowners insurance quotes around. You don’t have to take our word for it. We ll find the best coverage for your personalized needs. Call our team at to get started! We understand you may have a claim, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have the answers you need. Protecting your family is vital to those who depend on you financially. So if your home is damaged after an accident, what do you do after? Home.
Why Is It Important to Insure Your Jeep Compass
Why Is It Important to Insure Your Jeep Compass? Insurance companies tend to offer discounts for the safety features that your Jeep has. However, when we talked to our insurance specialist about your Jeep s mechanical safety feature and its costumers who drive it for more than 30 years, we were told that it makes a lot more sense to keep the features of the Compass. The following are basic values that are different from the Jeep Compass’s insurance values: With so much money saved from insurance companies, Jeep s insurance companies often keep you covered in the event of an accident. When you purchase Jeep auto insurance, you are making yourself responsible for making sure that the Jeep owners can get paid. As we discussed in the section above, insurance companies look for certain things that should be listed in their policies and what is most important to them. We were told that you need to understand these things before you purchase a Jeep from them and you need to make sure they aren’t the same before being sold. Jeep Insurance offers its insurance products to many of.
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