#knuckles hes pink sometiems :)
couch-house · 1 year
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ummmmmm KNUCKLES :D
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shellalana · 6 years
Salty Air
The half-circle of sun was slowly being eaten up by the horizon of ocean, its reflection scattered and rippling with the incoming waves. A warm breeze washed over the pair as they lounged around in the large floats, their skin shiny with sunblock and each donning a pair of reflective shades. Reyna had her hair wrapped in a headscarf and a half-empty can of beer sat in the cupholder of the large unicorn-shaped float; K’was without a drink, and was flopped onto his stomach in the limegreen seahorse he’d chosen as his “steed.” “... Maxima should have been back by now,” he casually remarked as he dragged his hand back and forth through the cool water, peering down at the small fish that swam only a few feet beneath him. The lumbering cyborg had passed up the opportunity to spend the day in the ocean - something about it gunking up his parts with salt - and had resigned himself to getting them some food to cook over the fire around dinner time. That had been two hours ago. “He’s never one to be late.” Reyna lazily kicked a bit of water in his direction, but the droplets fell short. “But I’m starving.” “Kid, you’re always hungry. Quit you’re bellyaching.” She would have thrown her can at him, but that would have wasted the rest of her beer. The sky quickly faded from its hues of pinks and oranges to a dusky blue-grey, and the first of the brightest stars were making their appearance. Balmy breezes were replaced with slightly chilly ones, and the pair soon swam themselves to shore to towel themselves off. At least Reyna did; the teenager merely flexed the knuckles of his armoured hand and steam rose off of him like he’d just come out of a hot shower. Even his hair was all fluffed up and dry in a matter of seconds. “Maybe we should go look for him.” “Or we could stay here. We go looking for him, we’ll waste more time if we accidentally miss each other.”
“Can’t you just let me do what I want, woman?” K’ hated talking back to Reyna and forced his gaze to the last few disappearing rays of light. He could never look her in the eye for very long whenever he raised an argument. “Sure. I mean, I would if there wasn’t a bounty on your head. But until that’s gone, you’re kinda stuck doing what I tell you to.” Reyna drained her can and crushed it. Maxima’s absence was starting to wear on her patience too. “Funny. I get my life back and it still isn’t even mine. When’re you two gonna cut me some slack?” He dropped to his haunches, his toes digging into the cool sand. They were supposed to be enjoying this day off at the beach, not dwelling on things that pissed him off on a daily basis. He blamed his empty stomach for that. It was true; they’d gotten their hands on everything they could’ve found since he’d been taken from her, pieced it all together so that they could formulate a timeline of where he’d been and who he’d been with. Most if it he couldn’t remember - thankfully - but they’d basically reassembled his life from the ground up. Only to chain him down again to their sides because of the people who were after him. Reyna couldn’t give him a straight answer either. Maybe never. She’d just gotten him back into her life and she wasn’t so eager to let go again, not with all the formulative years she’d missed. But he was a grown ass man, no longer needing to be coddled or cooed at to take away his tears. His life had hardened him to crying a long time ago. “Look.” She bounced the crushed can off the top of his head and took a seat beside him. Sand stuck to the still-wet spots on her legs and cooled down her heated skin. “I want to, believe me. And I know you can take care of yourself, done it your whole life. I just... want you to be able to take a breather and let me take care of you for once. So you don’t always have to be looking over your shoulder.” Was that too much to ask for? “... why change what already works?” he commented, not daring to look at her. He knew his words hurt, and sometiems he forced himself to not care. But their time together had restitched a few of the invisible threads that even he felt a small pang of guilt burning in his chest. The words, however, couldn’t be unsaid. “... why don’t we go hit on that hot bartender? The one who was giving you googly eyes,” Reyna finally said after some time of silence had passed. It was better to pretend that it didn’t bother her and deflect than to raise the same old argument that she knew she could never win. “Maybe we can get some free drinks out of him.” K’ stared down at his sand-covered toes in contemplation. It was upsetting that she was pushing aside the wall that still stood between them with humour, but he’d learned why she did from the time he’d spend around her. There were already too many problems in her life outside of her own that needed fixing, more important problems than making sure she and her own son were on speaking terms. “... yeah. Sure. Could be fun. Uh... how do you want to do this?” Finding people attractive was one thing; talking to them was another. “Easy. Put on your best shit-eating grin and tell him about his eyes. Or his abs. Whichever the f**k you like better.” Reyna dusted the sand off her backside as she stood, and started heading towards the small cabana where the makeshift bar stood. “And then...?” “... oh my f**k.” Reyna dragged a hand down her face and snorted into her hand. “You’ve never done this before, have you? Should I get you a pen and paper so you can start taking notes?” “Oh, blow it out your ass...”
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