#knuckles..... /looks/ like an echidna..... but what if he isn't quite one?
aphantimes · 1 year
Thinking about Knuckles and Chaos and how they're both guardians of the M.E and both seem to have been specifically "chosen" by the M.E and are both sole representatives of an extinct people (the Echidnas and the Ancients respectively, though Chaos isn't an ancient themselves but has an appearance reminiscent of them) and both generally have a kind protective nature and defend those that are defenseless
And how Chaos' rage at seeing their kin trampled and slaughtered led to them retaliating by committing mass murder and how Knuckles may or may not have that same potential except Knuckles would be able to use the M.E where Chaos could not
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theflashdriver · 1 year
Out of Body, Out of Mind: Chapter 1 (A Silvaze Fanfic)
"Next time you two visit, it better not be to stop another Eggman attack!" The crushing bearhug of one Amy Rose served to emphasise a point that she had already made a half dozen times today, "Or an ancient monster emerging or aliens invading... or a wizard's mind control, or evil doppelgangers, or a ghost tornado, or-
"Amy, I think they get the point. Squeeze them any longer and they won't live to leave, let alone return," Sonic piped up from somewhere out of view.
"I'm just making sure they understand, darling," A singsong tone entered the pink hedgehog's voice, "To see my blue blur turned green with envy; if you wanted a hug that badly you only had to ask."
Blaze stumbled as she was released, straightening her jacket as she steadied herself. Her companion within the hammer-wielder's vice-like grip wasn't quite so prepared, only just psychically catching himself before he could tumble to the ground. The cat couldn't help but smirk as he wobbled to right himself and land beside her; this past week had certainly been one to remember.
What had begun with her and Silver crossing space and time to fend off a surprise attack from an empowered Metal Sonic had stretched into a two week long stay with their friends. While the initial days had been focused on recuperating following the battle, soon the pair of them had been dragged into hijinks ranging from movie nights to visits to Twinkle Park and museums. From sharing Amy's pull out couch to overnight stays in hotels, these past days had brought with them a certain undeniable freedom. It'd all ended with a final campout up on Angel Island. She was glad that she'd allowed herself to relax, even if it had taken a few dozen pleading looks from the time traveller to her right.
"Hey, Knuckles! Stop letting Rouge distract you, we need to get them home before there's some sort of multidimensional fallout or something!" Sonic called as he raced past, Amy still in pursuit.
"I really don't think that's likely," Tails piped up to strike down Sonic's teasing, "As long as Blaze keeps-
"She's not distracting me; she's trying to steal the Master Emerald and none of you are helping!" The echidna roared.
"Aww, come on Big Red, don't be like that," Blaze turned to find the bat hovering, elbows atop the great green gem as she stared down at the flustered guardian, "I just love watching you work, that's all."
"Get off, I'm trying to perform a ritual!" Knuckles insisted from his cross legged position before the Master Emerald, "If I mess this up, anything could happen; to them or us."
"If something goes wrong, we'll be able to handle it," The psychic hedgehog reached out a hand and Sonic came to a sudden halt, only to be immediately leapt upon by Amy.
"Yes, we're more than prepared to face whatever comes our way," Seizing the moment of stillness Silver's juvenile choice had induced, the cat raised her voice, "Thank you for the time you have afforded us to recuperate. I swear that when we next return it will be under less troubling circumstances."
"That's a pretty stiff way to say you'll visit sometime the world isn't ending," Sonic snorted, now swept up in Amy's arms, "But a promise is a promise; we'll take it."
"Or maybe we could visit your world instead," That idea seemed to put a sparkle in Amy's eyes, "We could have a beach day, or go sailing!"
"I will see what I can arrange," Blaze swallowed, trying not to think about the great social barrier which was her royal status.
"I'd love to visit the future sometime and see all the new technology," Tails proposed.
"Oh, um, sure, maybe at some point," Silver not so subtly floundered, plainly trying not to remind the young fox of the various apocalypses he endlessly faced in his time, "Knuckles, are you ready for us?"
"I think I am," He called down, "Come on up, push away batgirl if you can."
"Fine Knuckie, I know when I'm not wanted," The bat rolled her eyes, taking to the sky.
"Whatever," He grumped, "Have a nice flight."
"Try not to miss me too badly," She blew a kiss his way as she took off higher, "I'll be back before you know it."
The grumbling of the red echidna continued, even after she was out of view and the pair of them had scaled the altar. Despite his bashfulness, the guardian lowered his head and reached out toward the great stone with open palms. His muttering had turned from the topic of Rouge to that of prayer like chanting, calling upon the great gem's power. A green tint began to fill the cat's vision, she saw sparks crack to crease the air and felt weightlessness spread across her body. The moment was almost upon them.
"Guys! That's us going, I think!" Silver called down toward the giggling hedgehog pair and fox tinkering with his tablet, "Try to stay safe, keep an eye out for the next attack!"
Blaze elbowed the hedgehog's side, subtly really wasn't one of his strong suits, "Until we meet again, I-
"Knuckles, you need to stop!" Rouge's shout cut the cat off.
"What is it now Rouge, I'm almost-
Blaze's ears spiked high but energy had already encased her, both she and Silver were floating against their own wills. The cat tried to turn but found herself unable to do more than peer over her shoulder as Sonic, Tails and Amy began to run up the altar toward them. Blaze only managed to see what happened out of the corner of her eye. Rouge grabbed Knuckles by the shoulders and flew, forcing him away from his work just as a shadow cast over the master emerald.
The once green energy around them flared a blinding white as their transportation was interrupted. A giant metal mass, like a grasping yellow and red claw, crashed onto the massive emerald and reduced it to shards which flew straight past them. The last thing Blaze saw was an orange Eggman insignia before her vision became a blur of white and blue. The cat felt herself falling; endlessly tumbling head over tail in a swirling void like intangible foamy seawater!
She held onto her breath for fear it would be her last. Fingers desperately clawed out into the space around her, hoping to grasp onto anything! This sight wasn't uncommon, she'd been tossed like this when travelling dimensions before, but usually it lasted mere moments. This was more, how long has passed already!?
Something touched her hand; she couldn't see through this endless swirl but something had brushed her right hand! The guardian flailed out in the hope that it was her partner, reaching and stretching with all her might in an attempt to latch onto something. Fingers met her wrist and hers coiled onto another in kind. She knew that feeling, calloused fingertips and a chunky metal bracelet. It was him, she had-
No, he wasn't holding her right hand, he was holding her left. Was she just so imbalanced in this tumbling space that she'd lost track of right and left? Regardless, she had him- they had each other. This couldn't go on forever, they'd arrive somewhere, they had to land somewhere!
She tried to focus on the Sol Emeralds, tried to harness her inherent connection to them, but her head started to ache. Everything felt wrong, from her left to her right to her tongue in her mouth and the weight across her body. This was all going wrong and her lungs were burning, she had to take a breath but there was no hope of air.
As she gasped the world around her began to darken. First the white faded from amongst the sky blue it was mixed with, then that blue faded indigo. Whether it was her body now failing her or the end of their travels she had no idea; but she held tighter onto Silver as that indigo faded to black.
Then, with no more than a blink, Blaze saw white again. Her whole body felt heavy and her mouth felt dry, it took a few more moments of just lying there and blinking to recognise that the white above her was no void. It was a cloudy sky. There was grass to her back. A cool wind was blowing.
She shut her eyes, her shoulders and back were aching, had the fall agitated the wounds from the fight those weeks ago? Blaze was certain she'd fully healed, that she was ready to face whatever came next. Well, regardless of her state, they had to get back and help their friends. That surprise attack could easily have been the next calamity set to destroy their world.
Blaze clenched her left hand and did still feel that she was holding her partner's right. No matter where they both were, whether they were still in Silver's past or they had made it to her dimension, they were still together. They could get out of this. They could fix this.
Wait, no. Something was wrong. Silver's fingers weren't as slender as the set she was feeling now. There was no thick metal band at the wrist of this hand. She felt a psychic static as their palms creased over each other's but something felt different, something felt wrong. Regardless of who she was lying next to, they weren't moving. Something had to be-
Blaze rose from her lying position, sitting up and turning, only to find herself staring down at a white furred muzzle on an otherwise purple furred face. A red gemstone was centred on the form's forehead and their hair was in a tall raised ponytail. The lying figure wore a purple long coat, white tights and heeled shoes. That form was her own body; Blaze was looking down at herself.
A hand was holding hers; a hand attached to a white furred forearm, itself wearing a great golden cuff. Silver's hand. A hand she had just raised before her face, the one she was seeing out of right now, and looked to find it was attached to her body. Something had gone terribly wrong, but she had to know the full story, she had to confirm it all.
Leaning over, feeling stiffness in her shoulders, Blaze pushed a hand to the neck of her prior body and felt a pulse plainly beating. Amber eyes flickered open as she leaned over, a daze marred that form's face followed by a rather uncouth bellowing yawn. By that alone Blaze had her suspicions but she had to confirm it; it wasn't safe. Her hands came down heavy and hard against her own body's shoulders, jolting the recently unconscious form into a more awake state.
"Silver, is that you?" She barked down.
"I'm Silver, yes... but you're..." Realisation seemed to grip the individual, panic entered their eyes, "Who are you? What are you doing-
"No, that's not enough. Eggman attacked as we were leaving, I need to be certain that you are you," Anything could have happened while they were falling between dimensions, whether that was part of the doctor's plans or otherwise.
"Blaze?" The imposter blinked, perhaps putting this together as she had, "Okay, yes, I am Silver... how do I prove I'm Silver? How do you prove you're Blaze?"
"We have time together we can draw upon that no one else should recall, there would be no records of it. If we use that, then I will have every confidence that you are Silver in my body," The form beneath her still looked unsure, so Blaze opted to open, "Ask me a question from that time, one which only I would know the answer to."
This had in itself actually been a ploy, an effort to get some extra affirmation through not letting this potential imposter use her question to scramble for one in turn.
"How did you explain the Chaos Emeralds to me when we first found one?" The form beneath her asked.
"I told you they were good luck charms," That question was sufficient, a clear moment with an obvious answer... but Blaze had to be sure, "Where did I find you after we were first sent to the past, when Mephiles separated us?"
"By a dock in Soleanna, on some stairs near the water," Blunt regret entered her prior body's eyes as the tale continued, "There were boats there, I was looking out over the water. It was after I'd tried to kill Sonic for the first time. Amy had stopped me..."
Blaze slackened her grip as relief flooded through her, "I'm glad it's you in there Silver... but I don't know what we're going to do."
"Where are," His speech came to a sudden stop, his brows furrowed, "Ow..."
"What happened, are you okay?" Panic for both her partner and her body swept through Blaze as she scanned for the source of the pain.
"I'm fine, I just bit my tongue," He grumbled, "Your teeth really are sharp..."
As he raised a hand to his cheek, a flash of orange and fresh terror swept over the now hedgehog. Flames were dancing along feline fingers as a cheek was rubbed- the very power Blaze had spent so many years learning to control and hone were now in the hands of a total novice. Ever so quickly the monarch pushed the cat's hand from his face and pinned it into the grass next to him, mirroring that manoeuvre on the other side. Remembering what Silver himself had done in times before, she concentrated on the burning hand only to watch as a cyan pulse blew the flames away. Had it always been that easy for him?
"We need to get you somewhere safe," She insisted, eyes now flickering to her surroundings, "Then we can figure this out. I'm certain we can find a way to fix this."
Blaze quickly recognised just where they were; great twisting shaped topiaries were to their left and a large glass greenhouse to their right. They were in the middle of the royal gardens, they had made it to the right space... but had they made it to the right time? The only way to find that out would-
"Oi, mates, you're back!" Blaze looked over her shoulder only to get an eyeful of quill, she had to really turn to see Marine approaching, "And closer than ever I can see, not back for a moment and you're already all over each other, strewth. What, were Sonic and Amy's eyes on you the whole time? Need to make up for missed snoggin'?"
"Marine, it is imperative that you listen to me," Blaze quickly rose from atop her partner, stomping in boots that felt overly heavy, "When did we leave here last, why did we leave?"
"Oh um," The raccoon looked even smaller than usual, her current unfamiliar shadow cast over her, "About two weeks ago? To help save Sonic's world?"
"Be more specific than that, to save it from what?" The pyrokinetic turn psychokinetic insisted.
"Umm... was it the ghost tornado?" Blaze's eyes widened for a moment, "No, no, that was last time," The raccoon started to bounce her leg, deep in thought, "Don't tell me mate... Metal Sonic, it was an upgraded Metal Sonic, final answer!"
Relief swept through the guardian. They were in the right place at the right time, just in the wrong bodies. It wasn't as though they were completely-
"Um, help?!" Blaze turned to find that Silver had risen to his feet but was wobbling, struggling for balance with burning hands flailing at his sides.
Blaze raced over, zooming around behind the cat to catch him by the wrists. It was strange to look over a shoulder that was hers, let alone to find herself taller than her own body. Gently, the hedgehog allowed her psychic power to leak and sooth over his burning hands. It was a strange sensation, like water running off of her palm and into the air; yet she still felt all that the output energy touched. She was the breeze coiling around his wrists and snuffing those flames.
"Easy, take deep breaths, you can control this," Blaze whispered into his ear, gently bringing his arms to his sides as she allowed their fingers to interlock, "We need to fix this as quickly as possible..."
"Sorry, I got excited to see Marine and it just... it feels like I'm overflowing, is this really what every day is like for you?" He was hot to the touch, burning up in a way Blaze couldn't remember physically feeling while in her own body.
"What's goin' on? You two are acting real weird," The youngster rubbed her chin, "I mean, weirder than usual."
"Blaze got sick in the other dimension. It's impacting her sense of balance, which in turn is affecting her control over her pyrokinesis," Blaze said, hoping Silver's inability to lie was a personality trait rather than a physiological one, "We need to move her to the palace courtyard; that way she won't risk burning anything or anyone."
The feline in her grasp stiffened but didn't speak up, clearly trying to go along with the plan.
"Oh strewth, sounds serious," Marine panicked as the lie worked, "Well hurry up then, sweep her off her feet and cart her to safety mate. If you fly her there you'll save the roses, and have a chance to smooch among the clouds."
Right, flying. This was going to be difficult. Silver's look of recognition, worn so plainly exaggerated on her own face, confirmed that worry. Lying had seemed like the right idea, both to keep Silver safe but also to prevent panic throughout the kingdom. If word spread that the guardian and her closest ally were both out of commission then uproar or even an invasion could occur.
Releasing the feline's hands, she allowed the heavy grasp of her new body to drift across her old one. Her right arm wrapped around Silver's shoulders while her left slipped beneath his knee to lift him off the ground. As it always had, the cat's form slotted flush against the hedgehog's chest- his head was against her shoulder. Was she really this light... or was Silver stronger than she'd been giving him credit? She had been noticing this body's shoulders in her peripheral vision a lot more than she had her own...
"Wait, this... feels weird," Did she look like that when she usually blushed? She hoped she wasn't usually so beet red, let alone volcanic to hold.
"Try not to think about it, that's what I usually do," She muttered under her breath, "How do I fly?"
"Oh, um," Silver leaned up, whispering into her ear, "You want to let the energy flow over your whole body and then just sort of... think in the direction? The harder you think, the more significant the force. Try to be gentle with your thoughts, too much and things will get dangerous. Maybe try to just hover first?"
Blaze closed her eyes and felt the coolness of psychic energy wash over and encase her body. That was the easy part, she'd managed that much already. What on earth did he mean to think in a direction? Silver didn't always look where he was casting his power, so it wasn't as though he meant to focus on a point in front of them. Did he mean to imagine an arrow? She didn't think he was constantly doing that in the heat of battle. What-
Something smacked Blaze's knees and made her eyes open wide; she looked down toward the ground and very almost plummeted directly into it! With so little thought, so little effort, the new psychic found herself rocketing through the garden; battering her way through bushes at a breakneck pace and barely feeling them smash against the psychic shell around her.
She commanded her body to stop and came to a neck wrenching halt, still hovering around half a metre off the ground. A glance backwards showed that a not so insignificant portion of the garden had been torn apart in the wake of her movement; it was lucky they hadn't been facing the greenhouse. Much further though and they would have hit the palace wall...
"Maybe try to think less?" She looked down to find her own face cringing up at her, "Gentle thoughts, light thoughts, try not to push too hard."
"I understand that now," She grumbled, throwing one more glance back to a rapidly approaching Marine before looking to the top of the palace wall, "There really is no chance we'll fall, is there?"
"No," Silver shook his head, "If you start to feel tired or lightheaded we should land as quickly as possible, but I know my body, I can handle way more than what you just did," Blaze felt his arm on her back, right where she had held him so many times, "I trust you."
"I don't like hearing that in my voice," Blaze harrumphed, turning her gaze skyward, "Let's get this-
Before she could even finish that sentence they were far higher than they had any right to be. By the time they finally made it to the courtyard the new hedgehog was both lightheaded and tired. This was going to be long and arduous, but they could make it work. Couldn't they?
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sonicasura · 1 year
Tales of Father Rung: Sonic
The second part of Father Rung. For this one, it's Sonic the Hedgehog specifically his movie variation. There will be some changes to him though. Let's get started.
Rung finds little Sonic one week after the hedgehog ends up on Earth. The bot is heavily concerned not only for the toddler's condition but also the fact he's being hunted down. Rung takes Sonic intobhis care.
It was bit of a rocky road at the start. Rung knows what a humans needs but not an unknown hedgehog species. He can't forget that Sonic is small enough to fit in human pockets. The trauma the blue blur has was something Rung could tend to.
Absolutely got dragged despite Sonic being small and on a leash. Child harness was the only way. Sonic likes laying on his chest when Rung is lying down or in recharge. He does it less once he's older but never fully stops.
Sonic grew deathly ill when he was 6. Rung looked desperately for anything to save his ailing son. He finds a shard of the Paradox Prism which binds itself to Sonic. The hedgehog recovers but now has transformations utilized by other Sonics. Except for Werehog and Colors, Dark, Excalibur, Darkspine are weaker without a proper conduit.
Knuckles joins the family when Sonic's seven years old. An unintentional encounter between the hedgehog and echidna while Rung was out gathering supplies. Or therapist comes back to an impromptu adoption.
It took time for Knuckles to adjust into their peculiar family. Learning things outside his tribal warrior background was slightly less difficult. The echidna is not the type for sudden hugs at least by strangers.
Tails appears around a week after Knuckles' 9th birthday. Rung was absolutely not prepared to find the infant fox mobian outside the den. Much less raise him. The therapist still took up the task.
No letter was left behind when Tails been abandoned thus his nickname became his actual name. His unique two tails were loved and never seen negatively like in canon. Rung nearly had a spark attack when Tails taught himself how to fly. Even moreso once the fox acquired a plane.
The last member to join the mixed family (before TF shenanigans) is an amnesiac Shadow the Hedgehog. A warp ring malfunction dropped the family of four to where he was held on Tails' fifth birthday. The fox opened up the pod and brought Shadow to Rung. Poor bot couldn't withstand the birthday boy style puppy dog eyes paired with 'Can We Keep Him'.
It takes at least two years before Shadow gets his memory back. The hedgehog is still a bit closed off but shows his soft side around his family(and later close friends.) Search for the Master Emerald and clashes between Dr Robotnik(intruder from different universe) still occur. Hyper Sonic alongside Super Sonic are acquired in the aftermath.
Rung was completely unaware of the Nemesis and Arc being on Earth much less the war being present here. Learns about the situation as their family home is next to where the Decepticons' spacebridge being built. The Cons discover Rung who been coming back from a grocery run.
Autobots get front row seats to Team Sonic go into protective mode and chase off the opposite faction. No one messes their dad. Rung can only sigh knowing the war is back now with his kids involved.
The family are taken into Autobot Protection which leads to moving in as their home isn't safe anymore. No bot knows the war is gonna get fully flipped over its head. Team Sonic guarantees that.
Rung prepares to profile the Decepticons. If their personalities are similar to those from his universe, getting them to stop the war is a viable strategy. Tails helps with the task.
New Challenge unlocked: Beat Sonic the Hedgehog in a race! The speedsters of Team Prime eager to try and outspeed the Blue Blur. A challenge happily taken in stride by Sonic although he ain't going easy on anyway.
Science bots get an assistant in the form of Tails. Wheeljack is quite ecstatic to teach such a young clever mind about Cybertronian engineering. Explosions are kept to a minimum thanks to Tails(and Rung's threatening parental aura.)
Wrecker style roughhousing with Knuckles. Shadow wants a nap but everyone is too loud especially the Wreckers. He often leaves to vibe with the Dinobots who like the tiny hedgehog creature alongside strange eyebrow bot.
Autobots and human companions get father treatment from dorky therapist. Everyone chuckles when Optimus gets forced to take a nap. Leaders need their rest too.
Transformation mayhem or how alien robots learn that the small blue hedgehog can transform too. Dark Sonic terrifies everyone with Darkspine in second place. Werehog being loved by Dinobots and Wreckers. Colors wreak havoc on Starscream while Megatron is forced to clash blades against Excalibur. Super Sonic and Hyper Sonic defeat Unicron.
The family of five's home had been near Detroit's outskirts. Until construction began to expand closer. Not wanting to lose their home, the kids begin to sabotage the construction whether by messing with the equipment or creating obstacles such as trenches and even walls.
This results in Team Prime being called in. Bumblebee gets taken by Knuckles so the rest of the team would follow. None had expect their friend being fine or Rung alongside his family. It became clear to Team Prime that they were just protecting their home.
The construction is cancelled under the clause of 'Endangered Species' in the area. (Actually true upon accidentally discovering a critically endangered deer species nearby.) This didn't stop the visits to come from Rung's family.
Sari gets some non-mechanical friends for once. The five play games and chat whenever they can. Rung is happy his sons now have more friends whether it be Sari or the young bots.
Night of the Werehog aka Sonic decides to be a little shit and scare his new friends. Successfully spooks everyone but Prowl who got the last scare. Fuzzy werehog later gets his fur ruffled by a curious Sari, Bulkhead, Bumblebee and Prowl.
Tails makes a lab underneath the Team Prime's home. Ratchet now has more efficient tools to repair his fellow bots and a fuzzy assistant. Grumpy medic gets to take more naps.
Rung casually dads Team Prime. Optimus is very awkward when it comes to positive words and hugs. Shadow just tells everyone to get used to it as he knows his father won't stop.
Mystical communication between dorky therapist, ancient life giver, robotic ninja, large green emerald and young echidna warrior. Knuckles feels a bit overwhelmed but becomes accustom to it overtime with Prowl's help. Both meditate in their spare time.
Decepticons and villains of the week get menaced by incredibly strong fuzzy animals. Detroit alongside Elite Guard are utterly confused with Team Prime's companions. Befuddlement increases when Rung gathers newly born bots like lost sheep and guide them.
Rung is immediately awakened one night by the destruction of Unicron. Tails discovers a massive black hole upon accidentally hijacking an Autobot video feed from Cybertron. Familiar of five gather info on how to stop this massive threat.
Red Alert uncovers a data transfer from Tails and sends the info to Optimus' team. Vector Prime immediately senses Rung once touching down on Earth. The sudden connection causes the therapist to collapse but also release a powerful signal when he was coming back with gifts for his four sons.
An accident that leads to an attack from an investigating Starscream, Thundercracker and Megatron. Team Prime to see Team Sonic defend Rung but also force the three Decepticons to retreat. Both now work together to stop the black hole.
Rung requests Vector Prime to not speak of his true identity. If he has to tell truth then it'll be on his terms. For now, Rung just wants to be treated as a father of four sons. Vector Prime respects the therapist's decision.
Minicon and human shenanigans increase with the addition of four Mobian siblings. Jetfire wants a break from energetic children but Tails always snares him via cuteness. Shadow pities the bot.
When a certain blue blur accidentally adds a fifth course to the Planet Cup: Sand Oasis. Or Sonic slips away to the Speed Planet for Darkspine practice. Everybot except for two factions are confused at seeing this strange hedgehog creature. Confusion later becomes shock when Sonic outspeeds Override.
Massive rumble on Jungle Planet as Big wolf Snarl meets small werehog Sonic, and smaller fox Tails. Protective instincts activate in lupine Beastformer while his rhinoceros teacher is amused. Knuckles doesn't like Scourge so much and Shadow hates mosquitoes the size of corgis.
Super Sonic vs Empowered Starscream followed by Super Sonic + Super Shadow + Primus + Rung vs Empowered Starscream 2.0. Battle of Five Titans while everyone scrambles for safety. Vector Prime is the only one watching in amazement.
Small Mobians on Gigantion leads to hysterical chaos. Massive bots are utterly awestruck at these even tinier visitors being so fast or powerful. Knuckles gets dubbed a 'Mini Wrecker' in the process. Rung struggles to wrangle his curious kids.
And that's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll race you back to Cybertron at super sonic speed!
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silverisbestboy · 4 years
Sonic Boom x Reader
Requested by @blackace1993: Conversation was accidentally deleted but from what I remeber of it, they wanted hc for the Sonic Boom characters who has a partner who frequently gets into trouble and/or captured by Eggman. They didn't specify which character they wanted so I just did all of them minus Tails. Hope you enjoy!
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There's no denying it
Sonic was smitten
The moment you set foot on the island Sonic was taken aback by you
To him, you were drop dead gorgeous with a great personality so I guess you could say it was love at first sight for him
This boy is a fool for you
It's actually quite funny watching him zip across the island at the slightest remark that you need something
"Man, you what? I'm feeling kind of hungry"
"Say no more!" He'll say as he zooms away and reappears seconds later with a chili dog in hand
But, unfortunately for you, being in any sort of relationship with Sonic is not wothout complication
Eggman sees you as a new oppurtunity to best Sonic and ends up taking you hostage on a regular basis
The first time it happens, Sonic all but destroys Eggman's fortress looking for you
But after it continuously happening, it starts getting kinda old
"Greeting Sonic! I see you've come to rescue your little girlfriend"
"Yeah, yeah. Can we just we just get to the part where I clobber you?"
It gets to the point where Sonic starts teaching you how to defend yourself so you can hold your own against Eggman
Not that he doesn't mind rescuing, it's just he can't always be there to protect
With the amount of times they've had to save you, the team are already very familiar with you and consider you apart of their friend group
But as you get better is self-defence, Sonic officially announces you as part of the team and you start joining them on missions
While Sonic does tend to stick to your side more than his other teammates during battle, he's glad to have you fighting alongside them
After all, he's happy to spend as much time with you as possible, even if that means having to bash Eggman's robots to do so
You're not a bad person
So what if you have anger issues
So what if you get into fights from time to time
So what if you've been in trouble with the cops before
Doesn't mean you're a bad person, it just means you've.... got some issues
One day you're not in the best mood and have already had a pretty shitty day, and you're just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode
So it's no wonder that when a big guy bumps into you and causes you to drop the tray of food you're holding, you go off on him
Unfortunately for you, this guy is huge, a tall red echidna with bulking arms that looks like he could punch you into next week
But you're not one to back down from a fight, you've beaten up guys twice your size before and you're not afraid to do it again
"Woah, hey, sorry about that, didn't see you there."
What, is he dense?! Who does this guy think he is barrelling into anyone he pleases just because he's big? You bet he was just gonna walk off without even helping you. Well, you'd show him!
Without warning, you lunged at the echidna with the intent of knocking him over the same way he almost did to you
But you underestimated his initial strength and reflexes and he caught you midair with your legs kicking and your hands clawing for his face
"Woah, dude chill! I said I was sorry!"
He just kinda holds you up in air at arms length with you kicking and screaming until you eventually tire yourself out
The echidna stares at you cautiously
"Are you good now?"
After a moment, you reluctantly nod, and he gently sets you back on your feet
He then carefully leans down without takong his eyes off you and grabs your burger which is still wrapped in foil and reaches it out to you
"How about we start over? I'm Knuckles."
You thought after that encounter, that was the last you'd see of him
But one day, you've gotten yourself into another fight, and to say you're losing would be an understatement
It's once again, a guy twice your size and he's absolutely beating the crap out of you
But by some miracle, Knuckles happens to be walking by and immediately notices you
He steps in to save you, and the guy you're fighting knows about Knuckles being part of Sonic's team and doesn't even bother attempting to fight him
Knuckles takes your half conscious body to Tails's work shop where they fix you up
After that, Knuckles refuses to leave you alone
Even if you try to leave, he always ends finding you to make sure you don't get into more trouble
He helps you find outlets for your anger by sparring and working out with him
You grow a soft spot for Knuckles that you'd never thought you'd have for anyone
He's your big goofball that somehow always manages to calm you down and get you out of whatever trouble your in
Though it's beyond you why anyone would want to put up with you, eespecially a lovable ray of sunshine like Knuckles, you're so grateful that you have someone like himin your life to keep you in check
A/N: Might make more hcs for that because I absolutely love the idea of big, strong goofball Knuckles having a little ball of pure rage as a partner.
Amy Rose:
Some would say you're a pacifist
Some would say you care too much
Some would say you're too nice
But you like to think that you're just trying to do good in the world
You're definitely the type of person that hates conflict and wants everyone to get along, and you're more often than not a bit of a pushover
You like to give people benefit of the doubt and prefer to see the good in people, although sometimes, this affects you negatively
A kindly looking (or at least in your opinion) wolf with a showman's top hat and a certain glint his eyes one day stops you in your tracks and asks you ever so politely if you would kindly lend him some money to help feed his family
Of course, you're quick to help, but little do you know that this is none other than T.W. Barker himself, and he's been watching you carefully for some time
He notices the way you jump at the oppurtunity to help someone in need, and he being a con man at heart, decides to take advantage of that
But before you can lend the man all the money you have in your pocket, a certain pink hedgehog decides to interfere
"Hey, you leave her alone Barker! Go find your own ATM machine!"
Amy Rose herself stands not far behind you, hammer in hand and ready for trouble
"N-now, now, let's not be too hasty. I was simply accepting a generous donation from this unsuspecting-- I mean self-less young lady."
"Yeah right. Beat it before I hammer you into next Tuesday, punk!"
You're in utter shock as the seeming wolf in sheep's clothing (pun intended) makes his escape
"Gotta look out for scumbags. Seems this village is getting more and more of them everyday. Anyways, I'm Amy, what's your name?"
Since then, Amy keeps a close eye on you to make sure you don't become prey to anymore scam artists
Now Amy will never admit she has anger issues, but she does get... irritated from time to time
On more than one occasion, you're there to help her calm down and have a sleepover planned or a spa day for when things get particularly rough for her
Whenever she needs help choosing which paint to redo her wall with, or which dress she should wear to a party, she calls you up, because no matter what you're interests are or how inconvenient the timing might seem, you're ready to help a friend, even with mundane things
Amy has you become a part of the Sonic family, and while you never do join them in battles, you help keep the peace between the team whenever there's an argument
And Amy always makes sure your overly caring attitude isn't being taken advantage of
No matter the time or the place, Amy knows she can always count on you, and you know she's always got your back
Well this is quite the predicament you've gotten yourself into
A lot of people would descibe you as clumsy, but you knew you just bad luck
And to prove just that, here you were dangling upside from a rope trap after deciding to take a liesure stroll through the forest
What are we, nomads? Who sets out traps in the middle of the woods anymore?!
After about 20 minutes, the blood is rushing to your head and you're starting to feel faint
But just as you think that your bad luck will finally be the end of you, figure bursts from the bushes with a fierce battle cry
It's a badger girl with a boomerang clutched in her paw, ready for a fight
But after a moment she realizes just who's gotten caught up in her trap
"Hey, what's the big idea?! Why're you in my snare?"
"Why am I in your snare? Why did you put out a snare you loon?!"
After about 5 minutes of arguing, Sticks reluctantly cuts you down, begrudgingly explaining that she set out a trap for any woodland monsters
You run into her again on another walk, crossing a small stream before tripping on one of the stepping stones and almost falling in before a furry arm wraps around your waist
"You outta be more careful out here. The wilderness is no place to be a klutz."
"Hey, I'm not a klutz. I just have bad luck is all."
And what more to gain the attention of a superstitious badger than the possibility of supernatural forces at play
"You could've been hexed by a witch. Or worse, there could be a vengeful spirit after you! We gotta get you an exorcist!"
"I'm fine, I'm just unlucky. Always have been always will be."
"We should still burn some sage in your home just to be sure."
You let Sticks do what she wants with you, after all, her superstitious perspective is a nice change from everyone just thinking your clumsy
You think her attempts to "cleanse" you are endearing, she tries something new everyday, and you end up learning a thing or two about survival and the corruptedness of politics from her
Weeks later, her attempts slowly dwindle down, and she just comes to accept she's just gonna have to keep an extra close eye on you, especially when she sets out booby traps
The time y'all have spent together, although it was somewhat motivated by Sticks not wanting to get whatever curse you exposed her to, lead to y'all having a close bond
Everyone has their quirks, she's paranoid and you're clumsy, but you two always manage to work things out
And that's the beauty of a relationship
A/N: Sorry I haven't been that active lately, so take this as an apology. Four hcs for the price of one!
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aquillis-main · 3 years
I asked Drop her reasoning for it, so I'll do it for you too; what do you like about those characters? Why are they your faves?
Miles ‘Tails’ Prower: I think that the kid's abilities and special tricks make him fit quite well into Sonic, without the need to rely on cheap things like making Tails a mythical kitsune.
Sonic the Hedgehog: What can I say about him that hasn't already been said? He's sweet, he's gentle when he needs to be, and he's not above seeing his fights with Eggman as a game as opposed to thinking like a super hero would.
Vector the Crocodile: It's nice to have older characters in the series, and Vector's got the right attitude for an adult.
Big the Cat: Totoro in Sonic? Totoro in Sonic.
Charmy the Bee: It's nice to have one character that acts their age for once.
Knuckles the Echidna: When he isn't being flanderized, I feel you can make him work in a situation. Take, for example, his depiction in Riders.
Manic the Hedgehog: I just feel his character's pretty good for the series. Also he's not similar to Rouge despite
Cyrus the Lion: I feel he's got a more interesting personality behind his looks, and feel kimd of bad he's never going to be used again.
Trevor the Mouse: I think he fits the 'cowardly' role better than Antoine does, and I like to use it in a way that makes sense with him.
Oracle of Delphius: When you answer a straight-forward question with 'What do you think?' back, you've earned my respect.
Amy Rose: Amy I felt had always been a great character to have. She's kind yet a bit emotionally overbearing, she acts like a kid yet speaks wisdom from the heart, and her go-getter attitude makes me smile in ways Sonic can't.
Rouge the Bat: I actually really like that Rouge looks the way she does, and she really inst all that sexualized in the series (save for her DLC Costume, but even then it covers a lot).
Cream the Rabbit: Honestly, I like a character that just plays off the routine from time to time, and Cream's sense of family tends to get her out of that pacifistic mindset at times.
Vanilla the Rabbit: A canon parent? In Sonic? I'd like to see more of her, SEGA!
Marine the Raccoon: All joking about Marine being the Ultimate Lifeform aside, I really do think Marine's characteris similar to Charmy -- where she acts her age and isn't afriad to be looked down upon for her clumsiness.
Wave the Swallow: I kind of honestly love how Wave can admit to herself that Tails is quite good with machinery, and yet also talk with him about mechanics. I just like that aspect of her that's not really touched on.
Sonia the Hedgehog: Sonia, I feel, has the most character development in the show. She goes from someonewho can't stand to get dirty, and look down on others into a capable fighter for the Resistance. I wish other characters in the franchise had that level of change in them.
Queen Aleena: Look, if *you* could run around the entire world looking that fabulous, I'dthink people would appreciate her more. Jokes aside, I really do think people overemphesize the whole 'Aleena is a bad mother' because they don't pay attention to the scenes where she's either taking care of her kids or downright giving them clues to help themselves.
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