seemabhatnagar · 6 months
"Quashing of Denial of Joining to Pregnant Nursing Officer"
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Misha Upadhyay v. State of Uttarakhand and Others
W P 241/2024
Before High Court of Uttarakhand at Nainital
Heard by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Pankaj Purohit J
Writ Petition was allowed and the order denying joining to the petitioner on account of being pregnant was quashed. The respondents were directed to give immediate joining to the petitioner within 24 hours from the date of production of certified copy of the order.
Petitioner was denied joining as Nursing Officer in B.D. Pandey District Hospital, Nainital as she was 13 weeks pregnant. Hence, she approached the High Court for quashing of the order dt.15.02.2024. Petitioner was given appointment letter dt 23.01.2024 under the signature of Director General of Medical Health and Family Welfare, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
The issue which came on the way of joining of the petitioner Misha Upadhyay was Fitness Certificate containing the endorsement,’ presently unfit for joining’.
This endorsement was given in the light of Gazette of India: Extraordinary, Part I, section 1, page – 120, clause 09, which prescribes as under: -
“If as a result of the test a female candidate is found to be 12 weeks or more pregnant, she should be declared temporarily unwell until she give birth. She will be re-examined for a medical certificate 6 weeks after the date of delivery on production of a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner.”
Submission of the Counsel of the State
In view of the guidelines the petitioner was denied joining and there is nothing wrong on the side of the Respondent.
The duties, which the petitioner is required to perform, are cumbersome and owing to her pregnancy, she could not be perform.
Observation of the Court
The medical certificate does not disclose any disease, weaknesses or bodily infirmity except the pregnancy of 13 weeks and the same medical certificate further reveals that it is not a disqualification for any employment.
The kind of treatment, meted out to the petitioner by the respondents amounts to gender bias and she cannot be denied joining.
When a woman is entitled for maternity leave which is her social and fundamental right as held by the Apex Court time and again, then to deny joining on the ground of pregnancy, would be highly discriminatory to a woman. Denying joing to a pregnant woman is violative of Article 14, 16 and 21 of the Constitution of India.
If a woman who joins service on fresh appointment and becomes pregnant after joining, she would get maternity leave, then why a pregnant lady cannot join her duties on fresh appointment.
After joining, she would also be entitled for maternity leave.
The action of the State is highly parochial against the women who make half of the population it cannot be countenanced. We have to look at it with a new angle.
Seema Bhatnagar
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namarikonda · 1 month
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Jesus showing off his top surgery scars to the boys (John. 20:27)
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yvanspijk · 3 months
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Church & kyrie
The word church is closely related to the name of the prayer Kyrie eleison. This name comes from Ancient Greek kȳrie, eléēson, which means 'Lord, have mercy'. It contains the vocative case of kȳrios (Lord). The derivative kȳri(a)kón, which meant 'house of the Lord', was borrowed into West Germanic as *kirikā around the fourth century AD. This word became church, German Kirche, Dutch kerk, Swedish kyrka, and Scots kirk, among many others. Click the infographic to see more.
Next week we'll delve into the history of the Romance words for 'church', such as French église and Portuguese igreja. These also come from Ancient Greek, but their etymology is entirely different.
People who are subscribed to tier 2 can download an audio file with the recordings of the reconstructed pronunciations of the historical forms in the infographic here.
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deathzgf · 1 month
oh yeah did i show you guys this cool ass coin my mother randomly found on our bench lol
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silly little 1791 french 30 sols ( i have no idea what a 30 sols is )
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bambiraptorx · 7 months
I cast “Become a Tot” on Draxum
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[I.D. Two panel comic. The first is a cloudy explosion labeled 'Poof!' The second is a teenage version of Draxum, his hands clutched to his chest and his hair floofed up in distress. His ears are somewhat larger than his canon design, and he wears a tunic with short sleeves and a himation, a large cloth wrapped around his body and draped over his left shoulder. He says "Τι συνέβη? Πού είμαι?!", which means "what happened? where am I?!" End. I.D.]
(pulls out that old teen Draxum design I never posted) well it didn't quite turn him all the way into a toddler, but it certainly did something.
...anyone here speak Greek? Or possibly Latin?
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gemsofgreece · 18 days
11th Century Greek Grammar Lesson Poem
Michael Psellos (often latinised erroneously as Psellus) was a monk, philosopher, courtier and one of the most distinguished scholars of the Byzantine Empire. Among a lot of other works, he composed a group of educational poems for young heir Michael Dukas (1050-1090), son of Emperor Constantine X Dukas, teaching him on a variety of sciences. As he notes:
«Τοῦ αὐτοῦ Ψελλοῦ Σύνοψις διὰ στίχων σαφῶν καὶ πολιτικῶν περὶ πασῶν τῶν ἐπιστημῶν γενομένη πρὸς τὸν εὐσεβέστατον βασιλέα κῦριν Μιχαὴλ τὸν Δούκαν ἐκ προστάξεως τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτοῦ καὶ βασιλέως, ὥστε διὰ τῆς εὐκολίας καὶ ἡδύτητος ἐνεχθῆναι τοῦτον εἰς τὴν μάθησιν τῶν ἐπιστημῶν.»
“Synopsis by Psellos himself in comprehensible and political (?) verses about all the sciences, made for the most devout king* Lord Michael Dukas at the command of his father and emperor*, so that he will be initiated in the study of sciences easily and with pleasure.”
*Notably Psellos uses the term βασιλεύς (Greek for “king”) for both the emperor and his heir.
This post features a poem about Greek grammar. However, it is not about the technicalities or the grammatical rules but it is instead a very brief guide to help the young heir tell the various Greek dialects apart. By Greek dialects, Psellos does not refer to the local Greek idioms that were spoken across the empire at the time. He counts five dialects: Ionic, Attic, Aeolic, Doric and Koine Greek. The first four were the main dialects spoken by the Ancient Greek tribes. The last one, Koine (Common Greek), was the lingua franca and official language of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, believed to have evolved from Attic specifically with some additional influences from the other ancient dialects. Psellos seems to believe that Koine is the aggregate of all previous four equally and even though he considers it "overused", he still thinks of it as superior to the ancient four.
Μελέτω σοι γραμματικῆς καὶ τῆς ὀρθογραφίας πρῶτος αὕτη θεμέλιος καὶ βάσις μαθημάτων. Οὐκ ἔστι δὲ μονότροπος οὐδὲ κοινὴ καὶ μία, ἀλλ’ ἔχει γλώσσας καὶ φωνὰς καὶ πέντε διαλέκτους, Αἰολικήν, Ἰωνικήν, ᾿Aτθίδα καὶ Δωρίδα καὶ τὴν συνήθη καὶ κοινὴν καὶ κατημαξευμένην· ἑκάστη δὲ διάλεκτος ἔχει φωνὰς ἰδίας. ἡ δὲ κοινή, κἂν πέφυκεν ἄθροισμα τῶν τεσσάρων, ἀλλ’ ἔστι καὶ μονότροπος, ἄλλη παρὰ τὰς ἄλλας. Aλλ’ ὡς ἐν παραδείγματι δεικτέον σοι τὰς πέντε. τὸ μὲν γὰρ ‘Πέρσης Πέρσεω’ τυγχάνει τῆς Ἰάδος (ἣν εἶπον γὰρ Ἰωνικὴν καλῶ σοι νῦν Ἰάδα, Ἰὰς γὰρ ἀπὸἼωνος· διώνυμος ἡ κλῆσις). ὣς δὲ τὸ ‘Δημοσθένεος’ γενικῶς τῆς Ἰάδος καὶ τὸ ‘Περσέων’ γενικῶς, ὣς δὲ καὶ τὸ ‘νυμφέων’· εἰ δέ τις μεταλλάξειε καὶ λέξειε ‘νυμφάων’, Αἰολικὴν διάλεκτον εἶπεν, οὐ τὴν Ἰάδα. εἰ δέ τις εἴποι ‘θάλατταν’ ἢ ‘τεῦτλον’, ᾿ Aττικίζει. εἰ δέ τις ὀνομάσειε τὰς Μούσας ‘Μώσας’ πάλιν, ὑποδωρίσας εἴρηκε Δωρίδι διαλέκτῳ. ἡ δ’ Αἰολὶς διάλεκτος τῷ ῥῶ βῆτα προσνέμει, ‘βράκος’ τὸ ῥάκος λέγουσα, ‘βρυτῆρα’ τὸν ῥυτῆρα. εἰ δέ τις εἴποι ‘θάλασσαν’ καὶ ‘ῥάκος’ καὶ ‘ῥυτῆρα’, κοινὴν εἶπε διάλεκτον ἤτοι συνηθεστάτην. ταύτην μοι μόνην δίωκε, τῶν δ’ ἄλλων καταφρόνει. Καὶ τοῦτο δέ μοι γίνωσκε καὶ μή σε λανθανέτω· χρόνοι πολλοὶ λελοίπασιν ἔν τισι τῶν ῥημάτων καὶ πρόσωπα πληθυντικὰ τῆς κοινῆς διαλέκτου, ἀλλ’ ἀντανεπληρώθησαν ἐξ ἄλλων διαλέκτων. Τὸ τρίτον τῆς γραμματικῆς τοῦτο τυγχάνει μέρος, ἱστοριῶν ἀπόδοσις καὶ γλωσσῶν πολυτρόπων. ἑκάστη γὰρ διάλεκτος παμπόλλους ἔχει γλώσσας. ἡ γὰρ Δωρὶς διάλεκτος ἔχει τοιάσδε γλώσσας, ᾿Aργείων Κορινθίων τε καὶ τῶν Συρακουσίων· ἡ δ’ Αἰολὶς τῶν Βοιωτῶν, πρὸς δὲ καὶ τῶν Λεσβίων. ὀφείλει δ’ ὁ γραμματικὸς εἰδέναι καὶ τὰς γλώσσας· Ἰάδος γὰρ τὸ ‘πίσυρες’, ἀλλὰ Συρακουσίων.
Translation in English:
"Let grammar and dictation be your concern; that is the first foundation and basis of sciences. It is, however, not of one kind nor is it common and the same, but it comprises tongues and idioms and five dialects, Aeolic, Ionic, Attic and Doric and the usual, common and hackneyed; and each dialect has its own sounds. And the common, even though it is an aggregate of the four, it is nevertheless also of one kind, different in comparison with the others. But the five have to be shown to you by way of example. For the inflection ‘Πέρσης Πέρσεω’ happens to be from the Ionic speech (for the speech they called Iōnikè, I shall now call it for you Ias, for Ias derives from Iōn; the appellation consists of two names). As the form ‘Δημοσθένεος’ is the way in which the genitive is conveyed in Ionic as well as the form ‘Περσέων’, thus is also the form ‘νυμφέων’; but if one altered it and said ‘νυμφάων’, he spoke the Aeolic dialect, not the Ionic. But if one says ‘θάλαττα’ or ‘τεῦτλον’, he speaks Attic. But if one names in turn the Muses ‘Μῶσαι’, he speaks in the Doric fashion and talks in the Doric dialect. And the Aeolic dialect adds a beta to the rho, saying the word ‘ῥάκος’ as ‘βράκος’, the word ‘ῥυτήρ’ as ‘βρυτήρ’. But if one says ‘θάλασσα’, ‘ῥάκος’ and ‘ῥυτήρ’, he spoke the common or the most customary dialect. Follow this one alone indeed, and look down upon the others. But know this indeed and may it not escape you: many tenses are lacking in some of the verbs and also plural persons of the common dialect, but they are filled up by other dialects. This happens to be the third part of grammar, the explanation of ‘histories’ and various tongues. For each dialect comprises numerous tongues. For the Doric dialect comprises the following tongues, that of the Argives, that of the Corinthians and that of the Syracusans; and the Aeolic that of the Boeotians, but also that of the Lesbians**. The grammarian is obliged to know also the idioms, for ‘πίσυρες’ [derives] from Ionic, but [also] from the Syracusans."
**The islanders, not the homosexual women.
Source: Poem found in the scientific article
Teaching Greek grammar in 11th-century Constantinople. Michael Psellus on the Greek 'dialects', Raf Van Rooy, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2016.
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justineportraits · 9 months
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Nathalie Koin Naked in the Stairs 2011
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overlordraax · 3 months
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[Image description: meme format of a hand being slammed down onto a huge blue button. The button is labelled: "The chance to spell words beginning with a 'c' with a 'k' instead". The hand is labelled 'The Mortal Kombat franchise. end description.]
When I introduced the game to a friend, she was initially pointing out how everything was named stuff like 'Krypt', 'Koins' and 'Krystals', and I was like "Look there is something you need to understand about this franchise..."
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katlyntheartist · 9 months
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I finally got around to redesigning my old Sonic Boom OC's. I'm hoping that for 2024 I can finally get started on my Sonic Boom fan comic.
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chmerkovskiyvalentin · 11 months
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Perfect Score + Skybox Cuteness
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lammienade · 1 year
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precipasse · 8 days
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aelstudies · 14 days
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Thursday September 12th
Third class day of the new fall semester, yay! And the second day of New Testament Greek classes. I am really excited for this course. I am taking three others as well.
I also got cast in the lead for the school’s upcoming production of Shakespeare’s King Lear. Rehearsals start tomorrow evening. Exciting!
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emm-posts-things · 1 year
Odysseus, the lord of lies
Okay, I’ve been reading Emily Wilson’s translation of the Odyssey, and for a million and one reasons I would recommend it.* But my favorite reason, by far, is that she decides to call Odysseus “the lord of lies” as one of his epithets. Of course, it’s not a word for word translation of the original epithet, because that can be hard to pin down, but I think it so interestingly and comically describes Odysseus. So yeah. That’s all.
*She writes it in IAMBIC PENTAMETER?! Do you know how hard it is to write in iambic pentameter? Do you know how hard it is to translate a work like the Odyssey? DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO TRANSLATE A WORK LIKE THE ODYSSEY INTO IAMBIC PENTAMETER?!?! All this work, she does, to preserve the common rhythm that listeners would’ve felt. God bless Emily fucking Wilson.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
One minute into the second episode of Minato's Laundromat 2, and I'M SCREAMING!
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Shin had his mom write a letter to give to Akira approving Shin moving in with Akira.
Shin told his mom the first day they started dating that they were dating.
Shin told his mom EVERYTHING!
Is this why Shin wrote Akira a letter in the first season?
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This family is a family who writes letters as permission slips.
I love people who write letters!
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dav-suburbiia · 1 year
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Danganronpa TheAfter Doodles
highly recommend this fangan. it’s on YouTube! I’m absolutely obsessed, I just finished chapter 1. there’s English captions because it is in Japanese.
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