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Mschari kokkinisto me melitzanes
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louise-marie-elsa · 1 year
Clams Kokkinisto - Greek
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My Greek mother-in-Kokkinisto law's served as inspiration. In order to do something different, I chose to add clams. Serve with crusty bread and white wine, over rice or angel hair pasta, and top with crumbled feta cheese.
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dayannacanart · 1 year
Clams Kokkinisto - Greek
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My Greek mother-in-Kokkinisto law's served as inspiration. In order to do something different, I chose to add clams. Serve with crusty bread and white wine, over rice or angel hair pasta, and top with crumbled feta cheese.
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Mschari kokkinisto me melitzanes
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petermorwood · 1 year
Here’s a dish from French Cooking Academy, another of my subscribed YouTube channels.
I like the business of stuffing each chunk of beef with a bit of garlic and bacon; I’ve done this with lamb, using garlic and lemon. Another interesting detail is the use of cinnamon, suggesting a way-back-when influence either from the Moors or having access to spices as they passed through from Dpain Spain or North Africa on the way to somewhere else.
Kokkinisto (Greek) and Tajine (Morocco) also use cinnamon - and cloves, and nutmeg, and ginger etc. etc. depending on recipe. I’ve made both, they’re really excellent.
@dduane​ and I got Very Interested because the use of what Mum used to call “cake spices” is also quite medieval and, in DD’s case, adaptable for the Middle Kingdoms project.
The Corsican one recommends rigatoni, cannelloni or similar large hollow pasta (presumably to hold lots of sauce!) For a more medieval approach I’d try Loseyns from late-1300s cookbook “The Forme of Cury” (that’s “cookery” without the k, so “coo’rey” not “curry”.)
These are often regarded as Richard II-era ”lasagne”, though I wonder if there’s also an association with heraldic “lozenges”, easily created by cutting a sheet of pasta dough slantwise...
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Either way, here’s “Tasting History with Max Miller” (subscribed of course!) having a go at Loseyns, which turn out like mac & cheese with extra spices.
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Max ended up eating them with a stick because forks hadn’t been introduced yet, but IMO a better utensil would be the historical eating pick, like one of these.
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...or even a spoon, especially if the loseyns were cut small with that in mind.
However eating pasta with the fingers - like many other foods - may have been done in the 1300s; it was certainly recorded in paintings from the 1600s...
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...right up to the 1800s...
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...though I don’t think these were dressed with anything more than oil or butter and some grated cheese, and the potential for messy eating was still pretty high. Eating small pasta rather than dangly strands with the fingers was probably much tidier, especially if diners knew the proper etiquette for doing it...
Finally, here’s something from our own store-cupboard, bought out of curiosity during a recent visit to Polonez in Dublin.
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This is pasta cut into little squares; both the front and the back of the pack calls them łazanka...
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...and according to Google Translate, this just means “pasta noodles”.
Can any followers tell me if "łazanka” has any relationship to “lasagna” or “lozenge”? An enquiring mind wants to know! :->
ETA: @seriously-mike​ says “...łazanki were brought to Poland in 16th century by queen Bona Sforza (so) the relationship with lasagna might be there.” See his Reply for more info.
ETA (2): A little bell went off in my head about the shapes in the bag and I suddenly remembered seeing them as something call “torn pasta” - the Italian word is “maltagliati“ - which were made using re-rolled scraps of dough from “formal” shapes; more info at that link.
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kalofagas-ca · 7 months
Beef Kokkinisto with Makaronia | Kalofagas.ca
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sizzledad · 11 months
griechischer Rindfleisch Eintopf | Kokkinisto aus dem Dutch Oven | Rezept DADs BBQ
Kennt ihr den griechischen Rindfleischeintopf Kokkinisto? Ich nicht, aber genau deshalb habe ich den diese Woche mal gemacht. So ein Dutch Oven Gericht mit leckeren Zutaten war wieder mal genau das richtige für das Wetter. Ihr habt keine Lust auf Rindfleisch? Keine Sorge, den Eintopf kann man auch mit Schweinefleisch oder Hähnchen machen. Das Rezept zum Kokkinisto aus dem Dutch Oven findest Du hier: https://barbecue-rezepte.de/recipe/kokkinisto-griechischer-rindfleisch-eintopf-aus-dem-dutch-oven/
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corriecooks · 1 year
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ultrajaphunter · 1 year
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Slow cooker kokkinisto (Greek beef stew)
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olgachangblr · 4 years
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牛肉-700g  切塊
紫洋蔥-1顆  切碎
紐西蘭紅蘿蔔-3根  切片
西洋芹-3根  切片
蒜頭-3瓣  去皮,切碎
丁香-3朵  以棉袋裝好
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thegrapeandthefig · 3 years
If you feel confortable sharing, tell us one of your experiences with the Gods
There's a ton of small insignificant things but recently one that truly made me laugh was when I was planning the Apatouria. The festival was meant to start on nov. 5th in the evening and I usually do my grocery shopping in the weekend. So it was in my plans to buy what I needed for the feast the weekend before, on Sunday. I had chosen to make Moschari Kokkinisto (essentially a type of beef stew). It can be served with anything, but the recipe I had served it with very thick and hollow long pasta, which is known as pastitsio noodles in Greece or ziti in Italy. I live in Finland and since that's a very specific type of pasta I wasn't counting on finding any and had planned to just fall back on regular spaghetti.
Anyway, on the Saturday morning I forced myself to go out to fetch a package that was dropped at my local small shop, which is like a 5 minute walk. I wasn't planning to do groceries, just grab a bottle of milk to make hot chocolate as a treat when I get back home and get the package. So I go to the furthest part of the shop for the milk carton and walk by a random aisle to go pay. It was the pasta aisle. Something catches my eye and I see a bunch of packs of pastitsio pasta. It took me a solid few seconds to fully register what the fuck was happening and almost started laughing in the shop because how?
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I'd put it on capitalism if it was just a random find in a big supermarket, but really that shop is not a big supermarket, just a small neighborhood market. But hey, I can't complain since I got exactly what I needed at the most convenient time. In the end, it's just pasta but I'm still dumbfounded at the circumstances around it all.
Why the gods would care so much about pasta is beyond me, though.
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I want to try some Greek food what are some simple recipe from traditional Greek food that I can try
Greek food is anything but simple I’m afraid 😂.
Greek salad is always a crowd pleaser and dakos. Kokkinisto is probably one of the simpler recipes that come to my mind rn, it’s a tomato sauce beef stew you can serve with pasta, rice or potatoes. Fried zucchini is also gold! You cut it into long coin shape and you dip it in some water and flour mixture and fry it in high heat. Pastitsio is a kids favorite (and not only).
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buntebloggerei222 · 5 years
🇬🇷 Kokkinisto 🇬🇷
*Unbezahlte Werbung durch evtl. Produktnennung/Verlinkung*
Heute sollte es mal wieder eine griechische Köstlichkeit geben und daher stand heute das himmlisch aromatische griechische Paprikagulasch „Kokkinisto“ (Fleisch in roter Sauce) auf dem Speiseplan 😋
Zutaten für ca. 4 Portionen: 500g Rinderbraten o. Gulasch 3 Zwiebeln 3 Knoblauchzehen 2 rote Spitzpaprika 200ml Rotwein 250 ml sehr kräftige…
View On WordPress
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cook-with-popi · 7 years
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Του καλοκαιριού τα λαδερά.👅👓🍖🍻🍴 Μοσχαράκι όπως της γιαγιάς μου. Με μπόλικη κανέλλα και μπαχάρι. Τσιγαρίζεις το κρέας(ποντίκι κατα προτίμηση), τα κολοκυθάκια, τις πατάτες και τα κρεμμύδια λεπτοκομμένα και στην συνέχεια όλα μαζί (και το ζουμάκι τους, ναι και αυτό) τα βάζεις να μαγειρευτούν μέσα σε σάλτσα ντομάτας, κανέλλα, μπαχάρι, μπόλικο ελαιόλαδο και αλατοπίπερο. Το φαγητό θέλει αργό ψήσιμο για να λιώσει το κρέας αλλά και με μια χύτρα έχεις καλά αποτελέσματα. Δεν θέλει πολύ νερό. Λίγο. Για να χυλώσει η σάλτσα. #cookwithpopi #kokkinisto #meat #zucchini #potatoes #grandmasrecipe #mysummer #instafood #theeatersgr #lifokitchen #foodblog #tomatosauce #tastefull #cinammon
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kalofagas-ca · 9 months
Kokkinisto With Beef Short Ribs | Kalofagas.ca
Braised #beef short ribs...a great offering for the holidays AND...you can make a day ahead and just reheat.
Take away the stress of holiday cooking with this #slowfood classic.
Recipe over at [link in profiile]
#christmas #celebration #sauce #braising #comfortfood #greekfood #recipe #Kalofagas
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romios-gr · 2 years
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Κουνουπίδι κοκκινιστό με μήλο και πορτοκάλι Υλικά: 1 μεγάλο κουνουπίδι 1 μήλο 1 πορτοκάλι 1 πατάτα 2 φύλλα σέλινο Ζάχαρη Αλάτι Λάδι 3 καρότα 1 κουτί χυμός ντομάτας Εκτέλεση: Πλένου... Περισσότερα εδώ: https://elromio.gr/koynoypidi-kokkinisto-milo-portokali/
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