klybnika12 · 2 months
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My friend drew this.... I'm going to kill her.
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krasnoludyzpodogrodu · 4 months
japierdole Koralina to takie thinspo
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albo beldam 😍
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dawns-beauty · 4 months
hey there! i wanted to ask you some more mod questions :) do you have any go-to mods you prefer for character customization? not necessarily ones for the same playthrough. this could be skin textures or cool presets or racemenu things. hope you’re having a wonderful day <3
Hi! Oh-h-h man, I use a TON of these mods for NPC design alone
Get ready for a big 'ol list of as many links as I can post XD Hopefully some of it is new or interesting to you!
First off, some QoL RaceMenu things:
Another Race Menu Rotation Mod - you spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round, like a record, baby...
Stand Still in RaceMenu (OAR) - mostly useful if you open RM after initial character creation, like me. Stops your character from moving, though it takes a little bit to happen for me
RaceMenu Overlays (my beloveds)
Freckle Mania 2 (works fine for Skyrim SE)
Lamenthia's Marks of Beauty
Skin Feature Overlays
Vanilla Warpaints Absolution
Koralina's Freckles and Moles
Koralina has also done some nice makeup mods, and Makeup Mods - Male Support has some invaluable patches for them and more
RM Sliders
Another type of mod I use from practically everything is Expressive Facegen Morphs. I tend to use the version packed into High Poly Heads most of the time, but if you just use the default heads the original mod is worth it. The amount of nice, subtle face sliders it adds are just *chef's kiss*
ECE Ear Shape Sliders for RaceMenu is a new one to me, but I am never going without it. It allows for waaaay more (and better!) ear shape variations than RM alone.
More Scars Slider adds a nifty way to layer different scar types. I highly recommend the Northborn Scars patch.
Mild Hair Colors is a nice replacement for vanilla hair colors.
I feel like I use every non-SMP hair mod in existence, and only like bits and pieces of each lol.
High Poly Vanilla Hairs was my standard default hair replacer (and I still think it is unmatched on braided styles) but I'm also using Vanilla Hair Remake more and more.
I like vanilla mashups more than completely new stuff like Beards of Power, so really just use Beards, SV Beards, The Art of the Beard, and Blackbeerd's Beards.
Kalilies Brows - offers some less perfectly plucked options
Blackmoon's Brows
LM's Eyebrows SSE
Body Textures
Right now for body textures I'm using Tempered Skins for Males, due to the fact it has an option without insane muscles (even has a smooth, ab-less abdomen!)
For the ladies, I'm using Reverie - Skin. I think the body textures are a little on the smooth side (pore/wrinkle-wise) for my preferences, but the elf face textures preserve the brow ridge, which I LOVE. With it, I also like Female Bosmer Normal Map Fix.
For race-specific stuff:
For Khajiit, I use Lioness Look (textures only) and Khajiit Male Lion Textures.
LM's Beast Teeth - excellent teeth for Khajiit and Argonians
3D Khajiit Brows
I like to use Khajiit Overhaul heads, though the default male head is pretty funky, so I use this preset as a base.
Separated Khajiit Earrings for Character Creation lets you add earrings to any Khajiit hairstyle
K.C.C.E Khajiit Character Creation Extended - like EFM for Khajiit: offers a whole lot of sliders
For Orcs, I like Closed Mouths for Orcs, but if you like the bigger teeth default look, I recommend Orcodontist.
I also made a mod for making orc horns horn-colored and more.
For Bosmer, you can't beat Cuyi's Bosmeri Antlers (and perhaps Sharpened Teeth.)
Probably my fave Argonian hair mod is Hott Argonians with Argonian Feather Hair (Hairstyles only.) It has awesome unique feather textures. I also like to use my whole series of Argonian mods XD
Argonian Creation Extension is like K.C.C.E. but for Argonians. Good stuff!
Color Matching Feathers for Argonian Tails
Kabu's Argonian Fins
Argonian Face Horns
Dunmer Scarification - I have some hesitation about recommending it, because right now the compatibility with different skin types isn't great. But! love the idea and hope to work with it in the future.
Bodies (nudity warning)
YMMV, I haven't tried all these in game, but I want a spot to save them anyways. I would like to set up the mod (AutoBody?) that uses presets to add variety to NPC body types at some point.
Tested and approved:
Argonians Are Not Mammals
Female Hands Redone
The Common Guy
Realistic Body Presets - CBBE
CBBE Barbarian
Himbo Fat Preset
CBBE - Hefty Mama
CBBE Bodyslide Preset - Warrior Woman
CBBE Rugged
(If you know of any other good body presets for variety (especially male ones), lmk)
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cybervesna · 5 months
Do you have any reccomended cosmetic (clothing/hair) mods for cyberpunk? I really love Wiosna’s style and appearance, she’s so cute!
Omg thank you so much!!! 😭🖤 She's pretty vanilla compared to other OCs around with cosmetics and all 😅 COSMETICS: I use Kala's Standalone Eyes (Hanako's); Koralina's New Eye Makeup or sometimes Raven Makeup Eyeliner; WINGDEER HAIR COLLECTION is my to-go for hair, but sometimes I use whatever I find fit and interesting on Nexus; one day I got pissed off black in-game isn't black so I made Actually Black Hair Color; I use vanilla black lipstick (but I highly recommend my Vesnace Lipstick Collection) and complexion 04 (tho I made 4k version using HD Head resource); and to finish off this section I'm using VTK - Ava's 4k Body Textures for VTK FemV - Vanilla HD Big! Tho, mind you VTK Big is one of the least supported bodies currently, there's not many refits for it as of right now, when I can I do some, or others do as well if they remember it exists, you can find clothes for it under "Max Big Booba", "VTK Big", "Vanilla Big". CLOTHES: Most of her clothes were modded/ported by me, some I got from friends, but I also use lots of Wingdeer's, Veegee's, NolaDreamer's and from my hoe Meluminary! I hope I haven't forgotten about anything lol
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Wiosna's mirror selfies of "What should I wear to Black Sapphire" for attention.
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rollingsim · 4 months
Ahh thank you so much!!! <3<3 I'll list the mods I use for character creation + some favorite armors! (all are nexus mods and may contain NSFW content!)
Bijin Skin
Bijin Skin Specular - Chooey's Choice
3BBB body + CBBE (NSFW!!!!)
Enhanced Female Head Mesh - Vanilla and CITRUS Heads
High Poly Head SE (linked a reddit post because OG site is down)
Hvergelmir Brows & SG Eyebrows for HPH
Koralina's Eyebrows for HPH
Even More Brows HPH
Maevan2's Eye Brows for HPH
Kala's Eyes
Pocky's Quirk Eyes
Even more eyes by Koralina
Koralina's Makeup Tweaks
Lovely Makeup 2
Community Overlays Tattoos
Cuyi's Bosmeri Antlers
Dint Hair & Wigs
KS Hairdos
Modular SMP Hairstyles
Druid Armor
Magecore Armor
Witcher 3 Armors
Dark Witch Armor
Cabbage ENB (aka the best enb)
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kostucha00 · 11 months
21 Straszdziernika 2023, Sobota 🎃:
🥧: 635 kcal
🔥: 160 kcal
💤: 12 h
📙: 0 h
Wczoraj nie pisałam, ale po ponad 24 h na nogach stwierdziłam, że nie mam siły już pisać i po prostu poszłam spać.
Już się informacja pewnie rozniosła, że u mnie w Gdyni zamordowali tego 6-latka. Nie mam pojęcia co się ostatnio odwala w tym kraju. Jakiś czas temu była afera, że godzinę drogi ode mnie znaleźli ciała trzech noworodków z kazirodczego związku faceta i jego córki chyba z 2 lata starszej ode mnie, przed chwilą przedszkolak z Poznania, a teraz to. PiS tak straszył imigrantami, a tu się okazuje, że Polacy sami sobie są w stanie zapewnić takie atrakcje. Mama powiedziała, że nie puści mnie do szkoły, dopóki go nie z��apią, bo gość jest żołnierzem marynarki wojennej i jest uzbrojony. Na angielski pewnie też nie dostanę przepustki, po tym jak w otoczeniu policji nagrywali Fakty przed domem pani, do której chodzę na korki xD. Kurde, a ja wczoraj wracając ze szkoły zastanawiałam się czemu wszędzie stoi policja... Szczerze, minęła ponad doba, więc facet może już równie dobrze być w innym województwie, albo w ogóle w Królewcu albo na Białorusi. Ale i tak na zakupy dzisiaj jechać nie mogłam sama, tylko z tatą, a i tak ledwo nas matka puściła, jakby facet miał grasować w Biedronce na głównej... Zawsze mnie zaskakuje jej katastroficzne myślenie — jak był covid to zaczęła robić zapasy i czytać blogi survivalowe, jak wybuchła wojna na Ukrainie to chciała uciekać z kraju do krewnych w Kanadzie. Wykończy się takim z podejściem (i ludzi w swoim otoczeniu).
* * * * *
Kupiłam sobie te batoniki — rano będzie wpadał jeden bez liczenia. Mam nadzieję, że mi nie odwali 😅. Znalazłam też idealnie dyniowatą dynię do wycięcia, a także nieco bezkształtną Hokkaido — będzie do muffinek, brownie albo czegoś innego, co sobie wymyślę. W planach mam też ciasto marchewkowe i zastanawiam się czy nie zrobić go w pierwszej kolejności, a z dynią poczekać do okolic Halloween. À propos Halloween — zaplanowałam sobie wycinanie dyni, wypad na groby, pierwszy rozdział czwartej części Felixa, Neta i Niki (akcja toczy się w Halloween) i dłuuugi maraton filmowy (w planach Frankenweenie, Gnijąca Panna Młoda, Miasteczko Halloween, Koralina, Harry Potter i Więzień Azkabanu, Dracula, Jeździec bez głowy, co najmniej jedna część Ghost Busters, i tyle odcinków Scooby-Doo, gdzie jesteś?, ile tylko dam radę). Także grafik mam napięty. I tu pojawia się komplikacja w postaci siostry zapraszającej mnie na imprezę do jej znajomych i bardzo nalegającej, żebym się zgodziła. Nie wiem czemu, zawsze odgradzała życie rodzinne od towarzyskiego grubą ścianą, a tu nagle taka furteczka :O. Wiem że będzie dużo ludzi (15-20 zaproszonych, można brać +1), dużo procentów, dużo decybeli, dużo dwutlenku węgla i nikotyny w powietrzu, i zapewne dużo innych substancji. Nie wiem czy iść. Żadnej z tych rzeczy nie lubię, z drugiej strony siostra bardzo nalega. Ale na takich, nazwijmy to, spotkaniach czuję się jak 8-letni jedynak bez kuzynostwa na obiedzie rodzinnym. Dzieciak versus dorośli. Kompletnie nie z tego świata. Może to miała na myśli moja matka, zarzucając mi wczoraj, że "przez ten mój autyzm mam ciasny łeb".
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mgarmagedon · 7 months
Omg Koralina it was soo scary beautfull but traumatic this and Straszny Dom wdym the dady drowned in concrete and then ate ppl ike why??
I mean its like in my top 3 favorite movies, obv first is Megamind, but Coraline is second at the moment.
And ofc as a giant fan of Flapjack, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ed Edd and Eddy etc. I love scary but also cool as hell cartoons in horror way but also in disgusting way :DD
And imo the other mother and her house full of bugs was one of coolest thing i ever saw :333
AND THIS ANIMATION oh MY GOSH this animation is stunning, gorgeous, breathtaking, marvelous, wonderful, beautiful!!!! I LOVE EVERY SCENE OF THIS MOVIE, because it's like little art piece ❤️
But still my favorite characters are: every character
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beckiboos · 1 year
What mods do you use for your player character's appearance in Skyrim? She looks so cute!
Aww Thank you!
Here's a list of mods I use for her facial appearance
High Poly Head (Vector plus)
Koralina brows
Even more eyes by Koralina
Bijin skin
FRECKLES - racemenu overlay collection
Koralina's makeup tweaks
Even more makeup
Shiny ENB eyebrows begone
Dint999 hair (patreon)
ENB Visceral (not technically for appearance but helps a lot)
ECE ear shape sliders for racemenu
I think that's all of them. They are mostly found on nexus unless stated otherwise. Calliope uses the first vanilla breton preset that comes with the game. I just edited it quite a bit in sculpt, but that first preset has a very good nose
tips for racemenu nobody asked for but here it is anyway because I just can't help myself apparently
Don't skip on the chin/eyes/forehead/nose colours - adding these gives life to the skin and stops skin looking flat, just go very LIGHTLY on it
layer very light freckles all over the skin in a shade a tiny bit darker than your skintone then do it again for a different pattern of freckles slightly darker than that. You want to BARELY see them. What this will do will add texture to the skin (like pores if the skin you use doesn't have a lot of texture) so it looks more realistic
Pick a preset you want to base you character on on one characteristic you're not very good at sculpting/changing. For instance I find noses complicated, so I find a preset with a good nose I want that I don't have to change much and just change everything else
Noses are shorter and the bridge is wider than you think on the face, If you struggle with face proportions check to see if you made the nose too long and thin
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erubadhriell · 3 months
i adore your vincent so much! do you have a list/top mods you use for him?
Hi, Anon! Oh, thank you so much! I'm glad you think so. :) And you mean mods for his appearance or also clothes/accessories and stuff? Here are the mods I use for his appearance, but let me know if you also would like for his clothes/accessories and such:
Freckled babe skin by Kala
Liam Neck and Body Tatoo by Kala
New Eyes by Kala
Vessnelle's Hair Collection by Vessnelle (Hair 40, the one I'm currently using)
Better Natural Colors by Shaudi452
Kerry Neck Cyberwear by AnruiMurasaki
And I'm not sure if this mod is working or not (as I don't remember the vanilla eyebrows), but it's in my mod folder, so I'll leave it here as well, just in case: Koralina's New Eyebrows Edits by CoralineKoralina
(I'm not sure if it's eyebrow nº 1 edit 2, n°2 edit 2 or nº 5 edit 2 as they all have the same name and I've download these three. Sorry, it's been a while.)
I hope it helps you. And let me know if you need anything else. :)
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Nie wszyscy ludzie, którzy są dla Ciebie mili, mają dobre intencje.- Koralina
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himejoshikomaeda · 2 years
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klybnika12 · 3 months
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audrite · 1 year
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i pulled up my skyrim necrowitcher from a few posts ago and ended up playing sims once again and i realized i've made a crossover of davika mai and lai yu meng ( ;∀;) the only things that changed were eyes, hair and makeup (hard-carried by koralina's new cotr makeup)
unfortunately i'm going to have to dial it back so i can get back to the essence of my OC and not character creator but i'm very happy with how she turned out... the cotr normal maps don't have much definition on the chin so i need to figure out how to add it in with PS while avoiding having to install 3d programs at all costs
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and how is little Miss Koralina today, my dear? Hope you’re doing good! I Love youu<3
Hmmmmm, im doing pretty good i think! Workin on another schooooooooooooooooooooooool assignment but its goin good, thank you so much for checking in, youre such sweetheart!! I love u too!!
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cybervesna · 2 years
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Made my first custom NPC! Late time coming but oh well! And it happened to be my Wiosna! Had so much fun creating her, and the personal touches (jacket, stickers, and scanner result) make it even cooler!  Big thanks to @wingdeer @xbaebsae​ Koralina and Kalahira for allowing me to use their files. Also huge thanks to @noraleedoes​, MrBill and Apart for technical support in the process. Little lore: Wiosna is my og character from my Vincent’s story! She used to be my first V that I named Vesna (hence @cybervesna was meant to be a rp tumblr about her lol) but people started calling me Vesna instead, lol.  More lore below!
Merc 2077 appearance Before the Heist, she’s one of the Netrunners from the Afterlife that goes by the name Spring. Her real identity is classified (perks of being a runner) but there’s a high bounty on her because she crossed paths with the wrong people. She has a jacket with her fav band (Die Form) and personal stickers (among them showing fuck you to the Polish government, and appreciation of pierogi - her fav dish). 
Wiosna Default appearance  Her default appearance is a representation of her looks during the game events after the heist. While V is plotting the abduction of Hanako Arasaka, Hanako “abducted” Wiosna. Spring happened to mine Arasaka data in cyberspace. She is a talented netrunner, but she happened to be at the wrong place and at the wrong time. Normally ‘runners from ‘saka weren’t aware of her breaching as once she worked for Arasaka and knows how to deal with their ICE. However, someone better than her noticed data prints of her presence and attacked her. She barely survived and lost her healthy right arm as a result. A few hours later her apartment was stormed by Arasaka agents, and she was taken to talk with her attacker - Hanako Arasaka herself. Hanako needed people like Wiosna in her netrunner team, especially someone on her side in a time like this when Arasaka is unstable. Hanako generously offered Wiosna a job under her and sponsored a new cyberware where Spring’s hand was made to be similar to Hanako’s. On another design note, after accepting the job offer Wiosna started wearing chokers, it’s my nod to represent she’s on Hanako’s leash! Her buns also became horns intentionally! I used it as a way to show “the devil within”. Hanako taking the young netrunner under her wing changed Wiosna as a person. Netrunners create daemons (demons), so this way Wiosna became Hanako’s daemon.  
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f001onthehill · 7 months
Mods used for Vasily
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Most of these mods he couldn't do without; some of them I've tried out once and then barely used for him - but at one point or another, I've downloaded and installed each and every one of these with Vasya in mind and they all deserve a shout-out. :-)
90's Dip Dye by Shaundi452
Better Hair Material by MJ_Ehsan
Custom Netrunner Suits by ygollonac
E3 2018 Samurai Jacket by Spookie
Equipment-EX by psiberx
Expressive Masculine V by SilverEzredes
Graphic Eyeliners by Koralina
Japanese Tattoo Sleeves Shop by VslayerMK
Johnny Silverhand Arm for V & Accessory Modpack by FilipN389
Kala's Eyes Standalone V2 by Kala
Kala's Masculine Complexion Edits by Kala
Koralina's New Lip Make-Up Edits by Koralina
Masc V Clothing Collection by reptile65
Metallic Lipstick Colours by AnruiMurasaki
More body meshes by Nim
No More Lipgloss by Kala
Pride for V (pride flag bracelets) by NoraLee
Round Specs for Male V by chem
Top surgery scars by NoraLee
Unique Eyes by Halvkyrie
V's bullet necklace by e256
V's Closet Expanded by praxatics
Wrinkles begone by AnruiMurasaki
So far I've only listed the mods I got from Nexus, so the list is incomplete. I'll be adding to it.
If you spot any omissions or if you see your mod in the pics but don't see it listed, please let me know. Thanks <3
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