#korean female rapper
korean-female-mcs · 1 month
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18 notes · View notes
asianhaven4u · 6 months
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Sexiest Korean rapper? Definitely the juiciest
15 notes · View notes
khiphop-discussions · 11 months
Song of the Week Nov 6th - Nov 12th
신스 (SINCE) - 03. MECHANISM (Official Audio)
2 notes · View notes
beeautycutiee · 27 days
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Ash Booty
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ongakuluva · 6 months
Bibi - sugar rush
2 notes · View notes
wonwoosthetic · 2 months
Hey author! Will you be continuing the NANA Tour series??
Yes, of course!! I know, I’m taking quite some time with it, but I sadly don’t have much time to watch the episodes one after the other, so it usually takes me a while to write them, especially bc I never know when enough is enough, so I also always write way too much😅, but I still love continuing it even now!😊🥰
series masterlist
word count – 12.5k
warnings – almost cursing haha
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Go Together NANA Tour EP3-3. - EP3-4. 🌷 Minnie
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[added captions are in brackets] ˙ᵕ˙
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EP3.3 Nice to meet you, Salute!
After an exciting day, going well over the recommended 10k steps a day average, Jeognhan, Joshua, Minnie, and Vernon finally arrived back at the rented AirBnB. They had divided the bags filled with trinkets and clothing, as well as a few snacks, equally so that each one of them was carrying one back to the house. The sun had already started to set, draping the Italian countryside in a soft golden glow. While the day was slowly coming to an end, the temperature was still peaking high, explaining the exhaustion radiating off the group.
"Great job everyone," Jeonghan breathed out heavily. As enjoyable as the day was, they were happy to be back, re-joining the rest of the members as they walked onto the property.
Before they even reached the door, Seventeen's main producer was just coming from the other direction, presumably the garden, welcoming the four with a naked torso and sweatshorts.
"Oh, Woozi," the '95 Liner called out. "Did you have fun?" The younger three members huddled in with Vernon right behind him, followed by Minnie, then Joshua. The girl's eyes found the '96 Liner in a clearly very comfortable state of mind, chuckling at his choice of non-existing clothing.
"Ey," the younger rapper's voice rang through her ears as he stopped in his tracks, quickly turning around and raising a hand to cover the female member's eyes.
[Protecting innocent eyes]
His antic only made her laugh even louder, getting Jeonghan to stop and glance at the maknae duo.
Minnie slapped Vernon's hand away from her face with a whine and gave him a nudge, making him slightly stumble backwards, cackling to himself.
"What are you doing?" The oldest laughed out loud, joining Joshua, who was already amused at the two. The girl just shook her head and passed them to head towards the entry of the house.
[A loving bond between the youngsters]
Before they reached it, Jeonghan mentioned the Korean grocery store they had come across, explaining where they had gotten the groceries they were holding. The supermarket carried everything they could've asked for on the other side of the world - Ramen noodle packages, instant rice, they had even bought a good amount of Soju bottles, knowing these would go down like water with the rest of the members.
As soon as they got into the house, Minnie noticed how unusually quiet the place was.
"Where's everyone?"
Dokyeom, who was chilling in the living room on the other end of the room, perked his head up at the sound of the girl's voice.
"In their rooms. We're having a break."
Minnie chuckled, "A break from what?" Knowing they were on a vacation in general and finding humour in the term 'break' while not having to do or worry about anything at all. Her fellow '97 Liner shrugged as he walked up to her, reaching his hand out to take over the paper bag she was holding in her grip.
[A gentleman at heart]
"No, it's okay, I'm gonna take it downstairs," she brushed him off, wanting to rush into the kitchen while he continued to be hot on her tracks.
"I can help," he announced, but Minnie stopped him right before she headed down the steps.
"It's okay," smiling brightly up at him before noticing the oldest member, who had come to a halt closer towards the entrance. "Jeonghannie!" She called out to him, making him turn around. "Give me your bag!"
In a somewhat jog, he crossed the ground over to her and was about to hand over the other bag-
"Can you carry both of them?"
Getting a nod from her in return, but he shook his head and joined her on the steps. "It's okay, I'll go with you."
"But I can-"
"Go," he nudged her carefully to continue walking as they both disappeared onto the lower floor of the house.
[Minnie has a lot of helping hands]
In the kitchen, Joshua and Dokyeom joined the two, helping with unloading everything that was supposed to stay there before bringing the rest back upstairs. While some decided to go back into their individual rooms, Minnie was being kept in the living room, mostly due to the maknae who had found out his favourite noona arrived again.
"Noona!" Dino smiled brightly as soon as he found her silhouette coming up the stairs again.
[A little brother that has been desperately waiting for his favourite sister]
Planted in his seat, he opened his arms, waiting for her to come towards him. A grin had made its way onto her face, only widening with each step she took.
"How was the wine tasting?" She asked him. Partially theoretically with a hint of sarcasm, but also somewhat truly wondering about it. His cheery persona wasn't anything rare, yet she could tell by the still soft blush on his cheeks that the alcohol had not yet completely worn off the younger member.
She bent down, to wrap her arms around his muscular frame, chuckling as he tightened his grip before releasing her.
"Ah...," he sighed out loud. "It was... an experience." Minnie chuckled, watching the maknae smile to himself. She let her hand brush over the top of his blonde head of hair.
"Did you drink a lot?"
[Caring words of an older sister <3]
As soon as he glanced up, the girl snickered, the look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know.
"Too much," he admitted, only getting her to laugh louder, Dokyeom and Joshua joining in as they walked into the living room, throwing themselves onto individual seats.
"We all took a nap afterwards. We had to," the maknae continued. "We also brought some of the wine. One is from 2015, our debut year."
"Aw, that's cute. Let's drink it later on," she stated, getting a soft groan from the youngest in return, making her giggle once again.
The group got a short, yet much needed, break from exploring Italy before they were asked to get into the bus that was waiting outside for them. Their packed timetable was still not coming to an end any time soon - the producers made sure they'd be using and enjoying every possible moment to the fullest.
Minnie had found her seat in the very back again with the window to her left and Vernon to her right. While they were putting on their seatbelts and sinking into the cushions, one of the female producers in the very front of the bust started to explain part of their schedule for the evening.
"Today is the last and peak day of the wine festival," she told the members. "You can compare it to Myeongdong Christmas day." Her explanation received a round of gasps from the group as they realised just how many people they were going to be met with once they arrived.
"Woah...," Minnie spoke quietly. "But how cool to have a wine festival in your city."
Vernon nodded next to her, meeting her eye as he spoke. "Imagine having a soju festival."
[Dreams of a true SEVENTEEN member]
His remark made the girl's eyes immediately widen in fear, changing to speak English,
"I wouldn't survive that... But I'd enjoy it." Her reaction got a chuckle out of the younger member as he nudged her side, shaking his head at her comment. "I'm serious!" She exclaimed, joining him with laughter as Joshua in the middle also started chuckling.
The bus set off, letting a rush of excitement rush through the members as they headed to the festival. Dokyeom celebrated by lifting up the phone in his hands, ready to take a picture of himself and everyone around him when he noticed the younger members behind him engulfed in a conversation.
"Can you please look up if you're gonna be in the picture?" His question caught the maknaes' attention as they perked their heads up, immediately smiling into the camera as if it was a reflex. Afterwards, everyone turned back to focus on themselves, most getting entertainment from their phones. Minnie used the time to send a quick text to the leader, forgetting about the time difference separating them.
"Vernonnie, Josh," she called out to get her fellow English-speaking members to glance at her. Minnie was already holding up her front camera, snapping a few pictures once they had looked her way.
"Who are they for?" Joshua wondered as he posed a few different ways before the girl took the phone back into both of her hands.
"My mum and the Chois," the female member automatically switched to their native tongue as he had done so as well.
Shua chuckled, "'The Chois-'"
"I don't know how else to say it," Minnie answered with a smile. "Eomma, Appa, Seungmin-, and Seungcheol-oppa. Better?"
"You really have a group chat with everyone, huh?" Vernon suddenly jumped in, his arms crossed while his head relaxed against the backrest.
With an excited nod, the girl answered. "With everyone that's important to me."
[A loving family person <3]
The drive was only a short 10 minutes long. The bus stopped right at the unofficial entrance of the festival, leaving the members to get off and explore the open space on their own. It was only then that they were able to come to face with the crowd that had already gathered.
Strutting by herself, Minnie was right behind Jun, who had gotten one of the many go-pros they should be carrying from the producers.
Their eyes fell over the area, looking around the different corners and everything the festival had to offer. A soft gasp from the female member made Jun turn around as he continued to walk.
Not thinking, he would've heard her, Minnie looked up before glancing down again, taking the seam of her top between her fingers.
"I just realised, I probably shouldn't have worn white to a wine festival."
"Why?" He wondered, slowing down in his steps to let her catch up with him.
"It's really hard to get red wine out of clothing."
The '96 Liner raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Oh, really?" Getting a nod from her in return. "Interesting... but you're not a messy eater, I don't think you'll get your clothes dirty."
She shrugged. "We'll see. I'm just gonna have to be careful." Sending him a quick grin before they fell into a comfortable silence again.
Before they entered the festival, the group decided to explore some of the more narrow side lanes. Lined with tables, they were able to look through typical touristy souvenirs they might be interested in buying - anything from magnets, to bags or hats, or even paintings.
At the very end of that lane, they finally reached the hot spot of the festival. The crowd they had seen earlier was nothing compared to what they were met with at that moment. A round of gasps flooded through the group, and Minnie could feel herself taking a step closer to the members next to her, who just so happened to be Woozi and Hoshi. She managed to get right in between the two, catching the attention of both unit leaders.
The producer spoke up first. "You okay?"
"Hm?" Her head snapped towards him. "Oh- yeah, yeah."
Minnie wasn't terrible with crowds. She used to be. The thought of being in one could make her panic within only a few seconds. But that was in the past. She had gotten used to bigger masses of people - she had to over time. These days, people don't make her nervous anymore, she had promised herself to keep her head up high and keep a positive mindset, remembering how bad her anxiety used to be when she was younger - constantly looking for a security guard or other member had become exhausting over time and also almost impossible. Only airports are what she sometimes still fears. But this wasn't an airport and she was surrounded by her members, so everything was good.
Hoshi's arm suddenly thrown over her, made her glance over at him. "Let's get drunk."
[A clear goal ahead]
[Very ambitious]
His smile was so bright, making her chuckle at the chubby cheeks forming as the excitement was beaming off of him.
She let her arm wrap around his waist as she could feel him pulling her in closer. His hand brushed over the naked skin of her biceps.
"Won't you get cold later?" Commenting on the cold that would wash over the old city once the sun would set completely, leaving only the moon in the sky.
Minnie shrugged before looking up at him with a grin. "Once the alcohol is flowing, I'll forget about the cold." Her words made the '96 Liner cackle and give her a proud squeeze while Woozi just shook his head with a sigh, already knowing once these two were drinking together, there'd be no stopping them.
[A duo you have to look out for]
They continued their walk into the very centre of the open space, already admiring all the wine and food stands around them. The members could already tell, they would enjoy this evening very much. The producers informed them that they were allowed to roam around freely and on their own, only to remember to meet up later on at the restaurant they were standing in front of.
First on the list to enjoy the festival to its fullest was to purchase empty wine glasses, which Hoshi had already spotted. The 15 Euros entrance fee came along with a pouch, a glass, a pen, and a piece of paper to document each wine they'd be drinking to remember it later on - a survival participation kit if you so will. The group divided itself into a few members, who lined up to get a couple of those, while the rest stayed back and waited.
With their kits on them, the idols started their journey around the festival. Some decided to start on the left, others went to the right side first, and a few even just went straight into the mass.
Minnie, Dokyeom, and Hoshi had found themselves together, arriving at their first spot. After the woman generously filled up their glasses, they left the stall to find a free spot to stand together. Jeonghan and Joshua joined them within a few seconds as well.
Just as the girl was about to take her first sip of the evening, the '97 Liner stopped her.
"You have to smell it first."
With scrunched eyebrows, she looked at him closely.
"Smell it," he demonstrated, "And then swirl it in your glass and let oxygen get to it."
[A wine connoisseur at work.]
Minnie chuckled, "You became a real... how do you say-," she turned towards her fellow English-speaking member, "a wine connoisseur?" But Joshua just shrugged in return, grinning to himself,
"I have no idea."
"A wine expert," she settled on a simpler term, getting a bright smile from the main vocalist in response. Minnie did as she was told, moving her glass to let the wine move around before she took another sniff, getting notified by the experts that the smell was supposed to be different. Well,... if they say so.
"Can I drink it now?" She carefully asked, meeting Hoshi's eye as he had already thrown his head back to get the alcohol down his throat.
Dokyeom nodded, "Yeah, after smelling it, take a sip." The two '97 Liners clinked their glasses together before making the next move. As soon as the liquid touched their tongue, DK let out a satisfied hum.
"OH!" He put the glass down again. "Buongiorno!" Making the members around him laugh at his reaction.
"It's really good," Minnie nodded in agreement, handing hers over to Shua to let him make his own review. He took a quick sip and just by the raise of his eyebrows, the female member knew, he was thinking the same thing.
"Really good, wow."
Knowing that this was only the first one of many they tried, they were even more motivated to explore the other stalls as well, heading straight towards the next one. Stuck in line, Shua pulled out his go-pro to film the '97 Liner closely.
"Dokyeom seems like such a professional," he commented, getting a chuckle out of the girl next to them.
"When going to the winery today," DK started. "It was fun thinking that each bottle of wine had its own story." Minnie couldn't help but cackle at his statement.
"You're getting so sentimental over bottles of wine?"
"Think about it!" He scolded her, "Wine bottles sometimes have a long way in front of them and then they get stored for a very long time before you get to drink them."
"Okay, okay," she nodded, yet still finding amusement in the sentiment. "I understand."
They got their glasses filled up once again, this time, Minnie clinked hers with Hoshi after he had tapped her on the shoulder, nudging his in her direction.
"This one is heavy," he commented on it, handing it over to Shua - all while Minnie stood there with a frown. "What's wrong?" Hoshi asked her, noticing her quiet stance.
"I don't know if I can really taste a difference. It's wine," she shrugged.
[Alcohol is alcohol]
"You have to take a class like us," he told her. "Then you'll become an expert as well." Making her and the '95 Liner laugh.
Suddenly, Jeonghan jumped in, taking the glass into his hold, "What is it like?"
"It's heavy!" Hoshi blurted out. "I can feel that it's heavy," he proudly announced.
"You did well at the winery tour today," Joshua complimented him, getting a smile out of the younger member.
The ringing sound coming from Minnie's back pocket of her jeans brought the attention of all the members to her. She took her phone out, but before she could answer, Hoshi got nosy.
"Who is it?"
"Wonwoo," she let him know, a slight frown to her brows as she picked up, catching the 'aw' from Joshua and having to hold back a roll of her eyes, but not her grin.
"Where are you?" He asked her.
"At one of the stalls with the members. I can tell you the name, wait-", thinking he might want to join them, when he stopped her,
"Do you want to look at some of the souvenirs?"
[Roomates that have similar taste in sightseeing]
"Oh! Yes!" Her exclaim made the others glance at her in surprise. "But- where are you?"
Wonwoo tried to explain the location of his whereabouts as best as he could, knowing that most of the corners in the area looked too similar to each other.
"I think, I know what you mean," Minnie assured him. "I'll be right there." She let him know before hanging up with a soft 'bye'.
"Where are you going?" Jeonghan asked her as soon as he had put her phone away again.
"Wonwoo wants to look at the souvenirs." She turned around to glance at the side of the festival space, focusing on the different windows of the shops. "He said, he's over there. I'm gonna go," she let the others know. But not before leaving with an empty glass. She got a refill on what she and the members had just shared, finishing it quickly again, before handing the glass over and excusing herself from the rest of the group, getting a couple of 'be careful' and 'call him if you can't find him' in return before she disappeared into the mass.
[Caring friends <3]
The grip on the go-pro in her hand tightened as she managed to brush past the people coming from the opposite direction. Thankfully, Wonwoo's directions were clear and his location was close enough to let her find him quickly and not look like a lost puppy in the middle of the crowd.
Her smile widened as soon as her eyes fell on the familiar back looking into one of the windows, only to get even wider once she found Na PD turning around and revealing his face.
"Hyung!" She called out with a wave. The producer chuckled at her action, waving back and grinning as she waddled over to the duo. Wonwoo turned around at the sound of her voice, welcoming her with a smile as well.
The cameraman, who was filming the two men focused his view on her as she got closer.
"How was the wine?" Na PD wondered, getting a big smile in return.
"Really good," she sheepishly admitted, knowing that there most probably was already a slight blush in her cheeks since she hadn't eaten much before they started drinking. "But!" Minnie quickly added, "I haven't drunk a lot yet."
"Yet?" Wonwoo chuckled at her.
[Remembering Hoshi's words]
The girl nodded with a slight shrug, "Who knows... maybe we're gonna drink more later on."
"YOU are definitely going to drink some more," Youngseok chuckled as they started their journey into one of the side streets that separated them from the busy main space of the wine festival.
Minnie stopped in her tracks, making Wonwoo do the same immediately as well. "You can't say that!" She pointed at the producer with a smile. "That makes me sound like a drunk."
The '96 Liner patted her back to keep her walking while the laughs of the oldest of the three could be heard outside of the camera's view. "I didn't say that."
"You just enjoy having fun," Wonwoo defended her. "With wine."
"Exactly," she nodded at him while Na PD just shook his head.
[The excuse of drinking a lot]
As the two idols wanted to leave the plaza and head towards the side streets, Na PD decided to leave them with the other producer and stayed back at the main area of the wine festival to keep an eye on the rest of the group. They said their goodbyes and promised to meet up again at the restaurant they had picked out for later activities.
Now alone as three, writer and producer Choi Jaeyoung wondered, "What are you guys looking for?"
"I want to do something the others haven't done," the rapper explained.
Minnie nodded along to his words. "And we also talked about bringing something back to Seoul."
"Like what?" The producer wanted to know.
"Maybe magnets?" Wonwoo glanced at the girl.
"Yeah," she agreed. "We could see if we can get something for all of the members. Like small things." The duo determined that would be a good idea.
[Always thinking about the others as well]
Just as they were strolling through the narrow street, the '96 Liner stopped. "Let's go there!" He pointed at a walkthrough, painted in a bright yellow, easily catching the eyes of bystanders. "It's so pretty there."
Minnie and Writer Choi were slightly ahead, therefore not able to see what he was talking about but as soon as they caught up with him, the girl gasped.
"Woah..." Her gaze fell on the stone bridge they were getting close to that stretched over trees that were planted much lower and would lead to the other side, where another narrow street was waiting for them, but with brightly painted houses instead of souvenir shops.
"This really is a picture spot," Wonwoo commented, getting nods of agreement as answers.
Jaeyoung looked around the area. "I guess this is a village where people live," he explained.
"Oh wow... to live here...," Minnie dreamed out loud.
"Would you like that?" The producer asked her, getting a nod with a big smile from her.
"We talked about it earlier," she told him, swiftly pointing at Wonwoo, "it must be really nice to have a house here and be able to come whenever you want."
[Deep chats]
"If my house looked like that," Wonwoo jumped into the conversation. "I'm confident, I'd live happily."
"Mm," he hummed. "That's true. But you'd need someone to take care of it while you're gone."
Minnie gave him a quick look, "Mm... I didn't think that far. I just like the idea of it."
[Dreaming a lot while you're young...]
The writer chuckled. "I see."
"Wait," the female member turned around to glance at the rapper who was still admiring the view. "Did you just say you'd live happily if you had a house here?"
With raised eyebrows, he focused on her. "Yeah, wh-"
"Don't you live happily now?!" She threw at him.
Suddenly, the producer and cameraman laughed out loud at her words and Wonwoo's surprised expression. The rapper joined in, chuckling while Minnie continued to look at him unamused.
"Minnie-ya," PD Choi took a deep breath, trying to control his laughter.
The rapper did the same but went ahead to pat her shoulder but she softly pushed him away with a smile.
"I thought you were happy."
"Does she take everything word for word usually?" Jaeyoung asked into the round.
[Never take everything too seriously]
Wonwoo nodded with a smile only to turn towards the girl in the next second, meeting her already sheepish grin to match.
"Ah...," the older man breathed out, "You guys..."
"We're fun, huh?" Minnie jumped next to him, hugging his arm in an overly excited tone.
The producer nodded, patting her hand, "Very, yeah." Getting chuckles from the idols.
[Quick change of emotion seems normal]
Wonwoo had taken his phone out to capture the beautiful scenery surrounding them, making sure to not miss any spots. Minnie decided to take everything in with her own eyes, forgetting about the device in the back pocket of her jeans and not noticing the camera being focused on her for a few shots.
The writer's voice made her turn towards him. "Go stand there on the side together. Let me take a picture of you." He pointed at the edge of the bridge, pushing the girl closer to her fellow member. Handing the phone over to him, Wonwoo joined Minnie.
Together, they leaned onto the stones with the rapper putting his hand on top of them to let him lean.
"Get closer," Jaeyoung motioned with his hands to make them hurdle in together. Minnie chuckled but took a step closer. Wonwoo whispered something, getting a chuckle out of her as she settled down again, letting her shoulder brush against his chest while his right arm was resting behind her.
"A little closer," he asked them, getting an almost shy smile and shake of Minnie's head as an answer. Wonwoo opened his arm to let her slide in closer, scootching in a little bit more as well.
With her head slightly tilted towards the '96 Liner, the producer seemed finally happy enough and started to take some pictures, smiling brightly at the two in front of him.
"Woah... very pretty," Writer Choi grinned. "Next to Minnie, Wonwoo looks even broader."
The girl scoffed jokingly as the rapper took his phone back so they could continue their adventures, with a slight blush to his cheeks now. "Are you making fun of my statue?"
"No," he promised her, putting his hands on her shoulders, and leading them forward. "I'm just saying you look sweet like a doll and Wonwoo looks like he's part of the bridge."
[Compliments all around]
Even though the rapper was further ahead of them, the laughter coming from him made the two chuckle as well. He stopped to let them catch up, only continuing once he was next to Minnie again, leaving her to be in between the two men.
They decided to go back to where they came from, remembering that they had wanted to look through souvenirs and hopefully also buy some. Lazily strolling through the street, the girl had looped her arm through Wonwoo's, slightly leaning onto him as they glanced around.
"I think they sold some pretty pictures here before," he thought out loud as they headed towards the small stalls that were set up on the left side of the street. And just as they arrived, his eyes immediately found what he was looking for. "There it is!"
Nosily, the girl lifted her head, trying to get a glimpse of what was in front of them, but Wonwoo dragged her over.
"Oh my god," she smiled. "They look so good!"
[Admiring artwork carefully]
Together they looked through the small paintings lined up on the very left side of the seller's table. Compared to the other artwork he was presenting, the ones the idols were focused on, were tiny.
"Did he draw all of these?" Wonwoo wondered.
Minnie shrugged. "I guess so. They look handpainted." With a closer look, you were able to see each clear brush stroke that made the paintings only look even more alive than they already did.
"Oh, look!" The female member pointed at the back of the table. "Magnets." Originally, the two had planned to buy small souvenirs like that, thinking of putting them up on their fridge to make their new place look more lived in, but at that moment, as they were surrounded by beautiful artwork left and right, the choice became harder than they had originally thought it would be.
Still, they agreed magnets would make the most sense, so they settled on buying some of them along with one tiny landscape painting they couldn't take their eyes off of - where they would put it was a conversation for another time.
After enough time roaming the streets for a good while more, they found themselves back at the plaza again. The NANA Tour producers had gone ahead and secured a big table at one of the restaurants. They were slowly gathering the members one by one once they passed them, leading them towards the seating area where Wonwoo and Minnie were already chatting with the other producers, passing the time while waiting.
"Oooh," Jeonghan called out as his eyes found the two younger members. "You really did go shopping," he commented on the plastic bag the rapper was holding.
With her arms crossed, the girl glanced at the '95 Liner. "I told you he called me so we could look at souvenirs."
But he just shrugged. "I don't know, maybe you lied to me."
[Trust issues]
"Why would I lie to you about that?" She chuckled, only getting a cheeky grin and a wiggle of his eyebrows in return, which made her shake her head and turn her attention back to Hyojung, who was already laughing at their antics.
Settling down at the massive table they had booked for every Seventeen and NANA Tour member, Wonwoo started to proudly show off the trinkets he and Minnie had chosen to guy. She had just come back and was about to take a seat on the chair nearest her, right next to Dokyeom, who was sitting opposite Wonwoo, when the '97 Liner suddenly jumped up.
"Do you want to sit here?" He asked the girl, who just glanced at him in surprise.
She shook her head, motioning for him to sit back down again. "No, no, it's okay." Assuring him with a quick smile. He pulled the chair out for her, his eyes trained on her, only leaving her frame once she had properly sat down.
[The gentleman is back]
"Did you order yet?" She wondered, getting a 'yes' in return and before she was able to open her mouth again, DK continued,
"Just sodas. They're over there." Pointing at the variety of cans. Minnie didn't have to ask as he was already handing her a Coke Zero. Appreciatively with a grin, she took it and emptied it into the glass at her seat.
"Has Myungho not come yet?" Na PD asked into the round, making every member look around the table only to find no sight of the '97 Liner.
To Minnie's right, Jun was quick with the answer. "Myungho, Mingyu, and Woozi are over there still drinking!" Stretching his arm behind him to point at where the trio was enjoying another round of wine.
"Oh God," the female member chuckled as she glanced at them.
Suddenly, DK sighed.
Minnie's ears immediately perked up. "What?"
"I'm kinda disappointed," he admitted. "I only drank like five glasses."
From a little further down the table, Dino caught the disappointment.
"Guys," he called out, making both '97 Liners' heads turn. "Do you want to go one more round?"
The girl chuckled at the excitement coming from the youngest, ready to shake her head, but Dokyeom was already out of his seat.
"Are you not coming?" The vocalist looked down at the girl, who caught his gaze with expecting eyes.
"Are you really going?" Quickly changing her focus to the maknae who was already on his feet, wine glass tight in his grip.
"Of course," DK's smile beamed at her. "Come on." Nudging for her to follow them.
Once she didn't immediately react, he took a step closer to her, getting a hold of her elbow and pulling her up.
"Dokyeom-ah!" Minnie laughed out loud, not pushing him away, but standing up along with him to leave the table.
[Children, don't let peer pressure influence you]
[This is not a good example]
Now, all the attention was on the leaving trio. Na PD was the first to comment on it. "They're going again!"
"Noona didn't get to taste much, we're gonna show her around some more," the youngest explained, leaving the female idol to look at the rest of the group with wide eyes and a chuckle.
"It wasn't even my idea!"
"We'll be back before the food arrives," Dino promised before pushing the older members along with him, using this as a 'see you later'.
Just as they were getting their glasses refilled, familiar voices spoke up from behind them.
Turning around, Minnie found Jun and Joshua, who seemed to have followed them, along with their wine glasses, ready for another round as well.
"OOH," the girl shouted out in excitement, "You too?"
Shua pushed past them to get to the front of the stall as Dokyeom, Minnie, and Dino were already sipping on the next round of wine.
"This here is the best one," the female member admitted, glancing at Jun, who decided to stay a bit behind.
"This is good?" He suddenly asked in English.
She nodded with a big smile decorating her face, "Very good, yes."
"Good, good."
[The alcohol is so good, they had to change languages]
"Here," she handed him her half-filled glass, exchanging it with his empty one.
"Oh- thank you," Jun accepted it, taking a sip right away while the girl continued to look at him, just waiting for his reaction. As soon as his eyebrows shot up, she knew, she was right - it was in fact the best one so far.
"Wow," the '96 Liner breathed out. "It's really good."
"I told you!" Jokingly, she smacked his upper arm.
After she got a refill into his glass as well, the group took a step to the side, each of them enjoying their wine slowly together. In silence, they took sip after sip, letting the background noise fill the silence.
"I'm so happy," Joshua admitted dreamily, his head tilted to the side. With a soft smile, Minnie gazed at him. She had joined him by his side, nudging his arm with her shoulder. "What do I do?"
"Enjoy the moment." She tried to let the scene not pass, closing her eyes to add to the feeling they were trying to create. Just a comforting atmosphere where each member was quietly sipping on their wine, inhaling the fresh, yet slightly damp and cooler Summer night air.
"I think I can drink 30 more glasses here," he admitted, getting a chuckle out of her. "Drunk on this atmosphere..."
With a grin, she interlocked their arms before pulling him ahead and calling out, "Let's go!" Lifting her now empty glass of wine as she was ready for the next one.
[Enthusiastic for more alcohol]
The laughter of the other members drowned out the background noise.
"Should we meet up with the others?"
The two had been walking around on their own for a bit when Joshua spotted Woozi, Mingyu, and Minghao, whom they had yet to see in quite a while. As it was slowly getting darker and they could only guess their food was soon to be served, they were on their way back to the restaurant. But wine was such an easy distraction.
"Where are they?" Minnie was looking in a different direction, not seeing Shua lift his glass when he met eyes with Mingyu, who, in return, found the girl before she could catch him. Sneaking up to her, while she was occupied with her re-fill, she didn't notice the massive statue that was suddenly behind her. Only when she started to turn to the side.
"AH-" she jumped in surprised when Mingyu lowered his head to meet her gaze. Minnie welcomed him with a hard punch to his shoulder. "Idiot..."
[SEVENTEEN loves each other]
Ignoring the show of annoyance - even if it wasn't serious - the '97 Liner threw his arm around the girl, pulling her into his side before snatching the glass from her grip.
"Didn't you drink enough already today?" She asked him, a slight teasing undertone to her voice.
The rapper gulped down everything that was inside before glancing down at her again. "Didn't you drink enough already today?"
[Bickering is an act of kindness]
"I didn't even drink that much!" She scoffed, letting herself get pulled towards the restaurant as the rest of the group, now with Minghao and Woozi in tow as well, decided to join the team again.
"But your face is really red," Gyu commented, making Minnie stop for a second, her hands flying up to her cheeks.
"Really?" Only getting a chuckle and a shake of his head in return, making her do the same before they continued their walk towards the reserved table.
Stomach filled, in a happy, slightly tipsy, and contained state, Minnie leaned back into her chair, gazing into thin air. A good hour has passed, in which the only thing the idols did was eat. And eat even more. And then drink some more too.
The voices of the members around her were getting quieter as she zoned out, getting pulled back into the presence at the sound of her name being called out by Youngseok.
"Huh?" She glanced up at him.
Na PD chuckled, "Everyone but you is eating so well."
With an almost pained look on her face, she clutched her stomach. "I already ate so much. I promise." And for once, she wasn't lying about it. "I'm really full from the wine."
[Alcohol... is... a meal...?]
"Minnie gets full from drinking quickly," Jeonghan added to her statement.
The producer nodded in understanding. "Did you drink too quickly?"
"I think so. But I feel good, that's all that matters." She grinned brightly. "And I'm happy."
"And you did eat well," Dokyeom commented with a proud smile.
To her right, Minnie found Vernon's head tipped down. Jun had left for the bathroom, giving her a perfect view of the younger rapper.
She turned to Wonwoo, pointing at the '98 Liner. "Is he really sleeping?" Wondering if maybe he had watched him fall into a slumber. Leaning slightly forward, the rapper tried to get a glimpse of the younger's eyes, but he sat back with a shrug.
"I don't know. I don't think so."
Carefully, she reached out, petting his shoulder. "Vernonnie-" He raked himself up and met her eyes immediately. "Oh- I thought you were sleeping."
"No," he chuckled, "But I'm really tired." He let a hand brush over his face, stopping to rub his eyes.
Minnie nodded, "Mm, same..." Knowing as soon as her head would hit a pillow, her eyes would shut and getting up in the morning would be a big challenge. But the quality of sleep would be absolutely worth it.
EP3-4. What are you doing?
Back at the AirBnB, some of the members gathered in the living room of the accommodation while waiting for further instructions. They knew the next point on their timetable was a game, yet what game they'd be playing was still a mystery to them.
Minnie found her place on the single stool in the corner between Jeonghan, who was occupying a single yellow chair and Joshua who was sharing the loveseat with Mingyu. Before she had sat down, she took the fan with S.Coups' face on it into her hands, now holding onto it tightly.
[Even when he's so far away, the leader is always close to the members]
Mindlessly, she looked around the room while catching some words from the '95 Liners' conversation.
At 9:30pm the members had separated into different rooms in the house, with Jun, Woozi, and Dokyeom still in the living room. The '97 Liner was singing along to the random tune the producer was playing, making up lyrics on the go. Minnie was listening to them from a few feet away. She had found an empty spot on the floor she could lie on while putting her legs up against the wall. All the alcohol and food had made her feel bloated and from what she remembered her friends once telling her, this was a quick way to get rid of that.
[Just another day in the life of a SEVENTEEN member?]
Wonwoo was coming back out of their room, eyes fixed on the phone in his hand as he walked towards the living room. Getting a glimpse of the girl in his peripheral view made him take a step back and glance down.
"Are you okay?"
Minnie opened her eyes and smiled. "Yep."
"Do you need help getting up?"
"No, I'm good. I'm just gonna lay here for a bit," she just answered, closing her eyes again.
Clearly unfazed by her antics, the rapper nodded. "Okay." Continuing his way into the living room to join Woozi on the left side, only that he sat down on the yellow couch. From the entryway, Na PD watched them with a fond smile, shaking his head when a chuckle fell from his lips.
For a few more seconds, the house was in complete silence other than Woozi and his guitar and Dokyeom's voice filling the ears of the people around them.
"Pumping and my butthole-" he suddenly sang, making the girl sit up and look to her right, watching the others stop in their movements. Even the producer had stopped playing.
The girl chuckled out loud, "What?"
"Why does your butthole come out?" Woozi asked, getting a round of laughter from the members in the room.
"The result of eating six dishes needs to have a result," Dokyeom explained honestly, only afterwards finding the female member who had now stood up but just stopped in the hallway, gazing at him almost disturbed.
"Oh-," he laughed out loud, "I'm sorry, Minnie!"
With a shake of her head, she joined the members, moving towards the side with the couch where Woozi and Wonwoo were sitting.
"It was good up to then," Wonwoo admitted, "and then you ruined it." Letting the girl settle down beside him.
Minnie pulled her legs up, letting them slightly lean onto the rapper's thighs as she sighed and let her head tilt back in exhaustion. Suddenly noticing the empty feeling in her back pocket, she wondered out loud.
"Where's my phone?" Speaking almost too quietly.
[Important for the young generation]
Not looking up from his own, Wonwoo told her, "On the bed. You put it there not too long ago."
"Oh yeah, right...," Her breathy voice was a clear indication of her tired she had become. Or maybe it was just the food and alcohol.
"Minnie's in a food coma right now. She doesn't know what she's doing or saying," Jun joked, making her straighten her head again.
"That's true. I feel so... like I just ate a ten-course meal."
"Did you really eat that much?" He asked her, getting a nod in return. But Wonwoo had a different answer,
"You didn't."
Minnie turned her head towards him. "Yes, I did. I ate enough."
"Enough, but not a lot," he argued.
She scoffed softly, almost rolling her eyes. "That's the same."
[Oh so nice]
"You drank a lot," Dokyeom added to the conversation, making her nod.
"That too," she admitted. "Just a lot all together." And threw her head back again with another grunt.
Only a few moments later, the group was asked to come together in the kitchen downstairs. With heavy steps, Minnie followed the guys, getting surprised by the volume of Wonwoo's loud voice as he called out for the rest.
She joined Vernon and Dino on the right side of the long table in the middle of the room, settling down right between them. The maknae was still carrying the crossbody bag with the 'pocket money' they were given, making her chuckle and point it out to him. The bag had become almost useless as S.Coups had stopped their overseas payment option since they were apparently spending too much money. The revelation made the girl roll her eyes back when they were told this news on the bus earlier. But that didn't mean that they wouldn't get another way of earning some money to spend.
Mingyu was the last to arrive, but once he joined the group, the 'rules' of the game were laid out for them. There were two separate rooms on the second floor where the NANA Tour staff was staying. By playing rock-paper-scissors, the order in which they would enter these rooms was decided. What was waiting for them there, wasn't revealed to them just yet.
Somewhere along the line, it was finally Minnie's turn to go upstairs, coming to sight with the DIY signs displaying 'Room 1' and 'Room 2'. Not leaving herself a long time to think, she went with the first room to her right.
"Ah, hyung!" She immediately found Na PD already waiting for her with a bright but somewhat cheeky smile on his lips.
[Happy to see her favourite producer]
"How are you, Minnie?" He motioned for her to sit down in front of him. "I heard you're playing a game downstairs."
The girl shook her head, her lips curled up in amusement. "I don't understand what they're doing, so I'm glad I called up right now." Her confession got a laugh out of the producer. With Jeonghan's support, DK created a game he called 'Electric Man' as he tried to entertain the other members while they were waiting for everyone to get the final instructions of what they were doing next. What was the premise of his self-made game? No one knew. How was it played? Also, no one really knew.
"Did they tell you what we're doing?"
"Dokyeom said something about missions," she recalled, "but I think it's probably Mafia, right?"
Na PD pointed at the cards that were spread out on the table in front of them. "You can pick a card and find out."
"Why are you making this so mysterious?" She squealed out, glancing over at the cameraman in the corner who just shrugged. Biting down on her lip, Minnie pretended to think for a split second before her hand landed on top of one card.
"Is this a good one?"
"Turn around and find out," Youngseok simply told her, making her huff out while holding back a grin.
"No," she changed her mind, reaching for a different card, "I'll take this one."
"Okay," he simply nodded and gave her the 'okay' to take a look at it.
Flipping it over, so only she could see it first, Minnie read the words on it. With a slight frown on her eyebrows, almost in pain, she looked up again.
"Can I change it?"
"What did you get?"
She showed the card to the producers and then moved it slightly so the camera could get a good shot of it.
'Make a package of Ramen and eat it with a member.'
"I'm really full. I can't eat anything anymore," she whined with a chuckle.
"You have to share it with a member, so they could technically eat more than you," Youngseok tried to compromise, not wanting to torture her by having to eat.
Minnie nodded with a soft sigh. "So I just have to do this?" She wondered, slightly confused by the challenge here.
[Are you sure it's that simple?]
"You have to do this mission and not get caught," he reminded her. The premise of it being able to earn some money for the next day was explained to her. Now suddenly everything made a lot more sense than before. Finishing her mission while also trying to stop others from achieving theirs. Easier said than done in a group of currently 13 people, all of whom are usually very attentive to the ones around them.
Minnie nodded, mostly to herself. "Okay." Grinning up at the producer, who had the same facial expression.
"Good luck," he told her as she was on her way back downstairs.
The playing field reached from the basement - including the sauna - up to the first floor where the living room and their individual rooms were, only that those and the outside area were banned from using while trying to finish their missions.
As soon as the producers gave them the 'go', the members jumped up from their seats. Minnie and Jeonghan were the only ones who decided to stay seated, knowing if they went ahead right away, there was a good chance, they'd fail.
Dokyeom filled the room with his singing, making Joshua suddenly join in while Vernon just stood on the side, glancing at him with an unreadable facial expression. Minnie's eyes fell on him. Feeling her gaze on him, he turned towards her, giving her the same look.
"What?" She asked him. "What's going on?" Still not knowing why he had stopped in his tracks.
"I'm out," he chuckled.
Her eyes widened immediately. "Already?! What happened?" But he just shook his head and went to find one of the producers to ask for further instructions. He didn't even last a second.
The female member decided to glance around, trying to find some suspicious behaviour. With all the turmoil, it was hard to tell. Most of the members were just walking around, trying to entertain themselves, or at least it seemed like that.
The loud voices coming from the kitchen caught her attention, but what made her stop and stare was Dokyeom who had fished out a Ramen package and looked like he was about to make it. Quick on her feet, she rushed over to the producers, trying to find Na PD.
"Hyung!" He turned around when she called out for him. "What if I also make the Ramen with a member and then eat it together?"
But he shook his head. "You have to make it on your own and then share it."
[Rules are strict]
Minnie pressed her lips together and muttered a quiet, "Okay," before strolling over to the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" She asked her fellow '97 Liner as if she couldn't see it.
"Ramen," he showed her the package. "Do you want some too?"
"No, thank you, I'll make my own." She simply said, about to brush past him, when his voice stopped her.
"Didn't you say you were full from earlier?" True to his attentive self Minnie could curse at that very moment.
[Very attentive members]
"Yeah...," she trailed off. "But there's always room for Ramen."
"True," he shrugged and moved on.
Out of the same cupboard as him, Minnie got a package out and joined him by the kitchen island. Some of the members had found Dokyeom's act of cooking suspicious but now that the girl was technically just joining him, no one was questioning her. Almost no one.
While she was looking around for some vegetables and other things she could add, her eyes found Mingyu, who was currently filling a metal bowl with sugar.
"What are you doing?" She eyes him suspiciously, sending him a grin. His reaction told her everything she needed to know. The rapper snatched the bowl off the counter and tried to hide it behind him.
"Leave it!"
"Wh- I was just asking!" She argued back, not able to hold back her laughter. He most definitely wasn't one of the good liars of the group. Mindlessly, he put the bowl back, focusing on what she was holding, which was a carton of eggs. Eggs that he would need.
"What are you doing with them?"
Her lips curled up into a wicked grin. "Why?" She raised her eyebrows provokingly. "Do you need them?"
Mingyu tried to reach for them, but for once her reflexes were quick enough to dodge out of the way.
"Ha ha!" She threw at him before taking a few steps back. Thanks to his height and much longer limbs, it didn't take long for him to catch up to her, framing Minnie in the kitchen corner. She held the carton far away from him, almost leaning backwards against the counter.
"Tell me what you need them for."
"No," he argued. "Just give me a few and you can have the rest."
Before she could snap back at him, Dokyeom's voice rang through the room. "Has anyone seen the eggs?" Distracted by the question, Minnie's grip slightly lightened, giving Mingyu the perfect opportunity to snatch them out of her hands easily.
"HEY!" She jogged after him, ready to fight, but he suddenly put them back on the counter, now focused on Joshua, who was walking away from the kitchen, taking the bowl of sugar with him.
"Hyung!" Mingyu called out as he went after him.
Without wasting another moment, Minnie took the eggs and brought them back to where she would need them.
In the background, the '97 Liner was still fighting for his bowl with one of the older members, who was very keen on not giving it back. That's when Mingyu's patience snapped, making a shout out to him, using words most definitely not appropriate for TV.
Minnie gasped out loud. "Mingyu just cursed!" She pointed at him, eyeing the producer, who just started laughing on the other end of the room.
[Calling out bad behaviour]
"Hey! Why are you cursing?" Dokyeom, who was still next to her, jumped into the conversation, ending the question by dragging it out and creating another melody. His antics got a chuckle out of the girl and Joshua, who was still running from Mingyu, who would not stop chasing him.
"Dokyeom and Minnie are making Ramen, stop them first!" The '97 Liner tried to convert the attention of his fellow members, who glanced up at him with big eyes.
"Don't drag us into your *shit*!" The girl argued, immediately getting a soft punch to her upper arm.
[Minnie said some pretty words we had to bleep out]
"You can't curse either," DK chuckled when he noticed that the girl had only just realised what she had said. A hand immediately flew up to cover her mouth.
"Now look at you, you punk!" Mingyu pointed a strict finger at her. "You're cursing too!"
[Nice words from a nice member]
"And look who I got it from!" Coyping his stance periodically.
In the meantime, Joshua strutted over to the kitchen island, motivated by the words of the younger rapper to investigate what the two '97 Liners were doing. Snatching it right out of Minnie's hands, Shua grabbed the uncooked noodles and walked away.
"YA!" The girl shouted after him, taking off in a jog to catch up with him.
"Ey, hyung!" Dokyeom continued. "Why are you taking out ramyeon? We want to eat it."
"Why are you cooking it all of a sudden?" The '95 Liner looked at the younger members expectedly while the girl was desperately trying to get a hold of her food from his hands. But damn his quick reflexes. "Do you have a mission together?" With a hand on her shoulder, Joshua made Minnie stop.
With a pained facial expression, she whined at him, "What are you talking about?! How could we have the same mission when we went to the rooms separately! I don't even know what his mission is, I just wanted to eat this because I saw it and felt like it!" Her cries seemed to make him buckle as he put his arms down and placed the noodles back on the countertop.
Swiftly, they were able to move around the kitchen, Minnie grabbing her own pot to fill with water finally and heat it up by the stove.
Suddenly, Mingyu's groans filled the room.
"What did you do?" She glanced to her left, watching him pick the bowl back out of the sink where it had fallen into.
"Nothing, nothing," he quickly brushed it off and went to continue, but the girl blocked his way. "Minnie-ya," he hissed at her. "Move."
She shook her head. "What are you doing? Is it your mission?"
"Shut up," he rolled his eyes with a chuckle and gently pushed her to the side, making her giggle. Dokyeom sneaked a quick look at the two, laughing at the duo.
"Mingyu is really suspicious about the bowl," he commented.
Minnie nodded in agreement, "We have to stop him," her eyes not leaving his form as he moved around the room. As soon as DK tried to get the stove to work, her attention was back to what was in front of her. Since it worked with gas rather than with electricity, the members faced their next challenge.
"Wait," Minnie told him. "Raise the flame," she motioned for him to move to the side slightly so she could change the strength with one of the regulators. Just as a small flame let itself be seen, Mingyu passed them. With a quick blow to the stove, the fire got extinguished and the other two '97 Liners were back to the start.
"You f-" The girl lifted her hand, ready to curse at the rapper, but already knowing her well enough, he caught her arm mid-air.
"Don't curse," he grinned at her, making her only even more annoyed.
[He's doing our job, thank you <3]
She pushed him away. "Leave us alone," whining out loud seemed to entertain the other members as Dino's laughter rang through their ears.
"What are you guys doing?" He stopped by her side, his arms wrapping around her waist as he pulled her in closer to let his chin rest on her shoulder.
"Mingyu's being mean." Her pout got an eye-roll from the man in question and another chuckle from the maknae while DK was still focused on getting the stove to work.
"I can't do it!" He called out in disappointment, making the two younger members turn around while holding onto each other - Dino was clearly not thinking of letting go that soon. Minnie patted his back and brought him with her as she got to work on her portion of Ramen noodles. Easier said than done when suddenly the two packages they had opened had disappeared into thin air.
"Huh?!" The female member looked stunned at where they were last seen. "Didn't we...," she thought out loud, glancing around in confusion. "Dokyeom, where did you put the Ramen?"
"Right there," he pointed at the now completely empty space on the counter. "Where's it gone?"
"Mingyu!" The girl spat at her fellow '97 Liner, who stood a few feet away from them. His head shot up, meeting her furious eyes.
"What? I didn't do anything!" He immediately stated.
"Don't lie! Where did you put it?"
"W- I didn't do it! What even are you talking about?" Completely stunned, he held her gaze.
Dokyeom's hand reached out to touch his arm. "Hyung, you're a really bad liar."
Mingyu scoffed with an eye roll. "But I'm not lying."
"You're annoying!"
"I didn't do anything!"
"Liar!" Minnie and Mingyu went back and forth, completely ignoring what the other members around them were doing.
[A normal day for SEVENTEEN]
Woozi and Jeonghan were still walking around the space, having a fight of their own, Dokyeom was nowhere to be seen and Joshua seemed to have been minding his own business.
"Guys!" Suddenly Minghao's voice rang through the room. "I'm done!"
In surprise, everyone's eyes fell on him. He had just come out of the left corner of the room, clearly dripping wet with his hair slicked back and a towel thrown over his shoulder.
"What did you have to do?" Minnie asked.
Mingyu took a different guess. "Did you have to wash your hair?"
"No, I'm done if I go into the sauna," Hao enlightened them. A round of 'aah' came from the members in return.
"Seungkwan is supposed to do Calligraphy!" Hoshi came sprinting down the stairs, bursting into the kitchen, interrupting another argument that had broken out between Mingyu and Minnie as she tried to get the bowl out of his tight grip. The interruption made her loosen her grip, and he was able to pull away, making her stumble back slightly, only for him to reach out and catch her arm, steadying her.
"Calligraphy?" She asked again, getting a nod from the '96 Liner who was still chuckling.
"Wonwoo's trying to take his stuff away and hide it." And just the mere imagination of that picture got all of the members in the room to laugh. Some wanted to see it with their own eyes and rushed up the stairs, leaving the kitchen fairly empty. Out of the corner of her eye, Minnie saw something colourful peek out from the shelf. Taking a step closer, she found the Ramen packages she had been looking for underneath a cake bell. Not even caring about who had put it there, she took the quiet time to get them back and head over into the kitchen, even forgetting about Mingyu who was moving around the room to find a moment of peace to finish his own mission.
[The mission might have been too easy]
Standing by the stove, water boiling and noodles cooking, Jeonghan and Woozi suddenly joined her. Secretively, they moved into the corner of the kitchen. As they spoke in hushed tones, the girl had a hard time catching what they were saying, but she was able to make out an important part.
"This is kind of vague, so I will protect you," he promised the group's producer.
"You're protecting him of what? Huh?" Minnie glanced over, her eyebrows raised with a smirk playing on her lips. "What are you guys doing?"
"Should I help you too?" Jeonghan's sudden question made her frown.
She shook her head. "I don't trust you."
[Hurtful words]
Right at that moment, Joshua came back, passing the girl and heading towards the two other members.
"They're being weird!" Minnie pointed out, only making him even more suspicious than he already was. With Shua's attention now on the older members, she was able to concentrate back on the noodles in front of her. She added the soup package and cracked an egg into the middle. Focusing on her own task at hand, she blended out most of what was happening around her. Dokyeom had been chasing Mingyu around the room. Only when the rapper's moans of pain and clanking of metal erupted did she turn around to take a look.
"What happened?" Her eyes were trained on him now limping towards the kitchen. "What did you do?" Taking a step closer she reached out to where Mingyu was clutching his knee, hunched over, clearly hurting from what had just happened.
"Be careful," she somewhat hissed at him while Dokyeom continued to worry, with a soft laugh lacing his voice.
"Are you okay?" But the answer to his question came quick when Mingyu suddenly took off in a sprint to the other side of the room with DK hot in his tracks, leaving the girl, once again, alone. Shrugging and with a deep breath, she went back to the stove, deciding to ignore the rest of their antics.
"Minnie," Woozi's voice made ears perk up.
"Huh?" She turned towards him, finding him with the screen of his phone facing her. With a few steps closer, he stopped right next to her.
"Do you want to say 'hi' to Carats?"
"To Carats?" Her focus was still on the pot in front of her, she didn't realise that she would be seeing herself on his screen as he was currently doing a livestream on Weverse.
"I'm live right now," he explained.
"Huh?" Confused she glanced over, surprising herself by watching her face stare right back at her. "Oh- hello everyone!" She leaned in closer, waving to the camera with a big smile. "Was that your mission?" She asked before another realisation hit her. Quickly, she covered the camera. "Are they even allowed to see this?"
With a chuckle, Woozi pushed her hand away, so the fans could see them again.
"If I'm supposed to do it, of course, they can see us."
Minnie sent another smile at them, "Hiii."
As soon as Hoshi came in closer, the group's producer asked him if he would want to be in the frame as well, now moving the phone to film him and away from the female member.
To see if it was finally done, Minnie grabbed a pair of wooden chopsticks they had gotten from the producers, dipping them into the pot and gathering some of the noodles. After a quick few blows, she got to taste them, nodding to herself happily. Just when she thought, she'd finally be done and could get to eating them and finishing her mission, Dokyeom came back again.
"Minnie, how did you turn on the stove?" With a lighter in his hand, he was clearly struggling, not knowing the next thing about a gas stove. Quickly, she helped him, not even thinking about this being a possible mission of his since it was hers already, she left him in the kitchen and moved over to the dining table. Minghao had followed her, claiming the seat next to her.
"Is this your mission?" He quietly asked her, keeping his voice low enough so no other member could hear them. With her lips pressed together, she looked at him, shaking her head. But Minghao chuckled, seeing right through her.
"Please," she whined. "Here, you can have some. Just please let me do this in peace." She held up the chopsticks with enough noodles for him to slurp and pushed the pot closer to him.
He leaned in, but before opening his mouth, he stopped for a second but decided to just take it, not in the mood to ruin this for her.
Hoshi had come down the stairs into the kitchen, seeing Minnie by the table, still painfully trying to finish the pot of Ramen while the two '95 Liners and Dokyeom were occupied by the stove.
"Is everyone already out?"
"Huh?" Jeonghan looked at him confused, "No, Minnie's still doing hers and Dokyeom too."
"Minnie?" The '96 Liner turned towards the girl, sitting down opposite of her with a big grin on his lips. "Is this your mission?"
She decided not to say anything but just nodded.
Slowly but surely, Hoshi reached out, obviously trying to pull the pot towards him. It didn't take long for the female member to catch onto his action.
"Just take it." She brushed it off. "I can't anymore, I'm so full." Minnie let herself fall into the chair with a heavy breath.
"Really? Just like that?" He wondered, taking the chopstick between his fingers.
The girl nodded. "I wanted to finish it, but I can't. I don't care."
Not caring much about the truth behind her words, Hoshi dug into the rest of the meal, while Minnie was biting down on her lip. Holding back her grin about the fact that she had just managed to achieve her secret mission without anyone knowing and with Hoshi believing she had given up that easily.
Looking around the room, her hands on top of her stomach, she noticed something.
"Has anyone seen Mingyu?" Only getting a shrug in return from the member sitting across from her while the other three were talking too loud amongst themselves to hear her. Remembering the last place she had seen him run off to, she decided to take a chance and go look for him.
In the left corner of the room was another door leading to what she had yet to discover, only knowing that Minghao came back from exactly there, soaking wet.
Pushing it open, she came to sight of the small pool right in front of her.
"Woah-" Movement out of the corner of her eye made her stop and turn her head. "What are you doing?" Watching Mingyu crouched down on the floor, the bowl tight in his grip and a whisk in the other hand. She chuckled at the sight while he just begged her to keep quiet.
"Finishing my mission," he explained to her.
"But what is it?" She took a step closer to look into the bowl, frowning at whatever was inside of it.
"I have to make a meringue."
"Meringue?" She repeated, unsure if she understood him correctly. "The stuff that goes into macarons?" He nodded his head quickly.
In the meantime, the door had opened again, letting Jeonghan in, who found them immediately. He didn't even have to ask what they were doing.
"He has to make meringue," Minnie let him know, taking a step to the side to let him fully in. As they both just stood there watching Mingyu whisk hastily, the girl felt a finger poke her side. She glanced down, but right up again, seeing the oldest member nudge his head towards the pool. A wide smirk spread on her lips, but she didn't need to be told twice. Watching the rapper intensively, she could tell how focused he was, not even noticing as she got closer again, now with some water in the cup she created with her hands. With a quick motion, she managed to dunk some of the water into the bowl before Mingyu could even realise it and pull it away.
"YA!" He shouted out, pushing her back. Not able to react quick enough, Minnie didn't get away far enough as he leaned forward, putting his arm into the water and splashing it right at her, only with much more force and amount.
[At this point, we'd like the remind Carats and viewers that SEVENTEEN truly loves each other]
She shouted, giggling as she tried to get away, but bumped into Jeonghan. He switched positions with her, now copying Mingyu to throw some of the water on him. He repeated it while the rapper just stood in the corner, hoping to somewhat shield his bowl. Deciding he was drenched enough, the older member moved to the side while the '97 Liner got back to the water, ready to splash it back at the mischievous duo.
With a loud chuckle, Minnie took a few steps forward and just started to do the same, sudden laughter from her and the '95 Liner filling the room while Mingyu was still grunting in annoyance. From the other side of the pool, Jeonghan tried to help Minnie, splatter even more water onto the younger member.
"Mingyu, do you think you'll be able to make Meringue?" Giggling along with his words while the girl tried to contain her laughter.
Once they noticed he had officially given up by the way his shoulder sunk down, the splashing stopped.
"Ah, guys..." Mingyu sighed out loud. With a sweet chuckle, Minnie got closer to him, throwing her hands around his waist to hug him from behind. He turned around, making her loosen her grip and take a step back when he sat down the bowl, thinking he would just take a short second of peace. But before they could even blink, Mingyu put the bowl into the water, throwing the much bigger amount of water right at her before dipping it in again and making Jeonghan his second victim. Her screech could probably even be heard from next door.
Minnie rubbed her eyes, not even thinking about her hair at the moment that was probably sticking to her forehead and all over the place, making her look like a wet puppy. The rapper managed to push past them while Jeonghan snatched the bowl into his own hands, filling it up and waiting behind the door that Mingyu was holding onto tightly from the other side of it. Getting it to open just slightly the oldest member threw the water out, not even looking if it would hit him directly - that just happened out of pure luck, making the duo laugh out loud.
[Fun day at the indoor waterpark]
Minnie opened the door fully, now revealing a fully drenched Mingyu in front of her, but she wasn't looking much drier either. He sighed heavily while the girl continued to giggle, following him back into the kitchen, where wide eyes were waiting for them.
"What?" Woozi couldn't stop looking at the three fully submerged in water as if they had just gone swimming with their clothes on.
Mingyu glanced behind him at the girl who was cheekily looking at him.
"Careful." He pointed at her shirt before heading further into the kitchen. Glancing down at her shirt, Minnie realised her white top had turned quite sheer. With her fingers, she managed to get it from sticking too tightly onto her body as she continued to go upstairs to change.
On their way up, Hoshi came from the other direction, stopping to look at her and Jeonghan, who trailed behind.
"What did you do?"
"Making Mingyu fail," the older member giggled, making the girl chuckle.
Wonwoo stood up at the sound of their laughter, putting the guitar he had been clinging onto back on the couch.
"Mingyu's out?" He wondered, getting a nod from the girl and a verbal confirmation from Jeonghan in return.
"Good job, guys." His smile made theirs only widen. Then, he suddenly came to sight with the state of their clothes.
"Wh- Guys!" He chuckled, pointing at Jeonghan and stopping the girl by putting his hand on her elbow. "You did this to make Mingyu fail?"
"Yeah," Minnie told him excitedly.
"Wait-," the maknae looked at them with big eyes. "What did you do?"
"We put water into his meringue," Jeonghan explained.
"He told me to do it!" The female member excused herself by pointing at the older member, getting the infamous 'hehe' out of him. She headed over to her own room, ready to change as she wanted to stop clutching onto her shirt to not let every camera catch just how see-through it had gotten.
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Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms @lllucere @iamawkwardandshy
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afro-elf · 7 months
blackfishing competition: round four
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supplementary materials for undecided voters:
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korean-female-mcs · 2 months
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asianhaven4u · 2 months
The sexiest Korean rapper ?! 🤤
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nct-krown · 2 months
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Home » Kpop Girl Groups » NCT KROWN Members Profile
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insp @soul2seoul
NCT KROWN (엔씨티 KROWN), is the 4th sub-unit of the group NCT with all the groups female members. The group consists of 7 members: Stella, Gina, Sarang, Honey, Jen, Jade, and Kiko. The group debuted on May 20, 2019 under SM Entertainment.
(un) Official Greeting: always on top, hello, we are NCT KROWN!
Official Fandom Name: NCTzen
Official Sub-Unit Fandom Name: JWLS (jewels)
Official Fandom Color: Pearl Neo Champagne
Dorm Arrangements (As of January 2024): Stella & Honey , Jen & Kiko , Jade & Gina & Sarang
Official Accounts:
Website: nctkrown.smtown
Instagram: nct_krown
Twitter: nctsmtown_krown / nctkrown_jpn / nctkrown_members
NCT KROWN Members Profile
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STAGE NAME stella ˒ 스텔라
BIRTH NAME stella saetang
THAI NAME sarai saetang ˒ สะไร แซ่ตั้ง
POSITION krown leader ˒ main rapper ˒ lead dancer ˒ center ˒ visual
BIRTHDAY 03 jan 1998
ZODIAC capricorn
HEIGHT 170cm ˒ 5'6
SUB-UNIT nct u ˒ nct krown
INSTAGRAM @whois.stella
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STAGE NAME gina ˒ 진아
BIRTH NAME liu ji-an ˒ 刘 吉安
POSITION lead rapper ˒ lead vocalist ˒ lead dancer
BIRTHDAY 19 sept 1999
ZODIAC virgo
HEIGHT 160cm ˒ 5'2
SUB-UNIT nct u ˒ nct krown
INSTAGRAM @g1nal1u
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STAGE NAME sarang ˒ 사랑
BIRTH NAME hayley sarang kim
KOREAN NAME kim sarang ˒ 김 사랑
POSITION main vocal ˒ visual
BIRTHDAY 14 feb 2000
ZODIAC aquarius
HEIGHT 168cm ˒ 5'5
SUB-UNIT nct u ˒ nct krown
INSTAGRAM @i_sarang_u
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STAGE NAME honey ˒ 호니
BIRTH NAME kim minji ˒ 김 민지
POSITION main dancer ˒ lead vocalist
BIRTHDAY 11 march 2001
ZODIAC pisces
HEIGHT 165cm ˒ 5'5
SUB-UNIT nct u ˒ nct krown
INSTAGRAM @sweetlike_honey
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STAGE NAME jen ˒ 젠
BIRTH NAME jennifer juliet annan
POSITIONS lead dancer ˒ lead rapper ˒ sub vocalist
BIRTHDAY 05 nov 2001
ZODIAC scorpio
HEIGHT 169cm ˒ 5'6
SUB-UNIT nct u ˒ nct krown
INSTAGRAM @jenjuliet.jpeg
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STAGE NAME jade ˒ 제이드
BIRTH NAME jade-bella li
CHINESE NAME li ming mei ˒ 里 明媚
POSITION main vocalist ˒ face of group
BIRTHDAY 05 aug 2002
HEIGHT 163 ˒ 5'3
SUB-UNIT nct u ˒ nct krown
INSTAGRAM @ jadethestone
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STAGE NAME kiko ˒ 키코
BIRTH NAME nakashima akiko ˒ なかしま あきこ
POSITION main dancer ˒ lead rapper ˒ maknae
BIRTHDAY 30 december 2003
ZODIAC capricorn ˒ ♑︎
HEIGHT 165cm ˒ 5'4
SUB-UNIT nct u ˒ nct krown
INSTAGRAM @akik0_0
Show more Kiko fun facts …
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khiphop-discussions · 2 months
Society if Jvcki Wai released a full version of the song at the end of "Capitalism"
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venusvity · 13 days
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Jung Yoonah (Korean: 정윤아, born November 16, 1998), known professionally as Baebi (Korean: 배바이; Japanese: ベビ), is a Korean singer, dancer, and actress based in South Korea. She is a member of the South Korean girl group Venus, formed by Angelico Entertainment in 2018. She is portrayed by Im Youha & Go Minsi.
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Yoonah was born on November 16, 1998, in Guri, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea as an only child. Her mother taught art at a university while her father worked in sales. Yoonah began dancing at the age of three, being put in ballet by her mother.
Yoonah trained in ballet from a young age, having practiced it for eleven years before debuting with Venus.
Yoonah would attend the School of Performing Arts Seoul (SOPA; Korean: 서울공연예술고등학교 / 서공예), where she would be scouted by Angelico Entertainment.
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𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟐 - 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟑 : 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐨 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 & 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬.
While attending SOPA, Yoonah would be scouted by Angelico's CEO, Son Jinhwa, and COO, Jeon Jihan, through an open audition the pair hosted at the school. She was scouted for her visual and dancing skills.
Yoonah would become a frequent feature in Priority music videos, acting as a love interest to the boys or as a backup dancer. She would also model for various CF brands and commercials.
In Januaray 2014, it was announced that Yoonah would debut in Angelico's first-ever girl group, Emphasis.
𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟒 - 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟕: 𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐬, 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬.
Yoonah debuted with Angelico Entertainment's Emphasis on May 21, 2014. Emphasis officially debuted and released their first mini album, EMPRINTSIS, accompanied by the title tracks "Symphony" and "Road Trip."
Emphasis would have their first and final comeback with their second mini album, EMPATHSIS, promoting the title tracks"Love Bomb" and "Wee Woo!" before falling into a year of inactivity.
On May 24, 2016, Emphasis was officially disbanded. Angelico Entertainment announced that Yoonah would be staying with the label.
Following Emphasis's disbandment, Yoonah would return to training and join Angelico's pre-debut team, "Angellies." The group would rotate trainees and perform around South Korea. The team would operate on a ranking system voted on by the fans they would garner from their performances and live streams.
Yoonah was a prominent member of the Angellies, often being voted as the fan favorite in their monthly rankings. By the end of the group's run, Yoonah was the second-most-voted fan favorite.
In 2016, Yuuna would officially take on the stage name Baebi.
In 2017, Angellies would be discontinued to prepare for Angelico's new girl group debut.
𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖: 𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐒
On March 17, 2018, Baebi would officially debut in VENUS with the release of their first extended play (EP), SHE DEVIL, and its lead single, "SHE DEVIL."
She is the group's leader, main dancer, main vocalist, and lead rapper.
𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟗: 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐭
In late 2019, Baebi made her debut as a solo artist with the EP Bubble Pop!.  She released her debut extended play (EP), Bubble Pop!, in June 2019. It peaked at number two on South Korea's Gaon Album Chart, and charted atop the US Billboard World Albums. As of 2023, it has sold 360,000 copies in South Korea. 
Bubble Pop! 's commercial success was the main contributor to Angelico Entertainment's leading music sales. The song peaked at number one in South Korea, where it has sold over 2.5 million digital units. To accompany her solo release, Baebi held a series of small concerts called Baebi's Summer Splash. She was awarded Best Female Artist at the 2019 Mnet Asian Music Awards and at the 2020 Golden Disk Awards.
𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏 - 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬
She made her acting debut in the 2021 Netflix K-drama Squid Game, in which she played Han Doyun, an unpaid intern at an unnamed company, alongside her husband, Han Wonil, played by Jang Kiha of Priority,  who need money to pay off their ever-mounting debt.
Doyun became a fan favorite, and Jung was called Squid Game's breakout star by critics. For her performance on the show, Jung won the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series at the 28th Screen Actors Guild Awards.
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Baebi has had a controversial relationship with Mydol CEO Son Jinhwa. An anonymous source revealed the pair's relationship to the public in 2022, resulting in a wave of backlash that led to Jinhwa stepping down from his position as CEO of Angelico Entertainment and Baebi going on a brief hiatus. The pair never confirmed their relationship.
In 2023, Baebi would confirm her relationship with Kim Juwon, the lead vocalist of the boy group Priority. The pair had been dating for three years before the announcement, silently putting the rumors of her and Son Jinhwa's relationship to rest. Baebi and Juwon would break up in 2024 after spending five years together.
Baebi has been a vocal mental health advocate, being very open about her struggles with depression and anxiety. She often donates to mental health charities and volunteers at children's hospitals in her spare time.
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In 2019, Baebi became the face of Gentle Monster, a sunglasses and optical glasses brand founded by Hankook Kim, choosing Baebi to represent their brand due to her "hot and cool" image. 
On February 2, 2021, Baebi was announced as the face of Chum Churum, a soju brand under Lotte Corporation.
On March 8, Baebi became the advertisement model of HOT6ix, an energy drink brand under Lotte Corporation.
On April 8, Etude House introduced Baebi as their new brand model.
In September 2022, Baebi became a model for the Japanese bathing suit brand KŌRARU.
Baebi has walked in runways for Burberry, Miu Miu, Jason Wu, Chanel, Schiaparelli, Giambattista Valli, Bottega Veneta, Emilio Pucci, Prabal Gurung, Jacquemus, and Tory Burch. She has also appeared in advertisements for Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermès, and Bottega Veneta and on the covers of Vogue Korea, Vogue Japan, CR Fashion Book, and Harper's Bazaar Korea.
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svt-kiki · 2 months
( 🖇️ ) PROFILE ⌅ .
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─── ୨ৎ  › 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 . 
BIRTH NAME. kitamura kyoka ( 北村響香 )
STAGE NAME. kiki ( 기키 )
BIRTHDATE. july 20, 1995
ETHNICITY. japanese
BIRTHPLACE. kyoto, japan ( hometown )
HEIGHT. 170 cm ( 5′ 7″ ) 
─── ୨ৎ  › 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄 . 
FLUENT. japanese ⋆ korean
IMPROVING. chinese ⋆ english ⋆ sign languages
─── ୨ৎ  › 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐑 . 
GROUP. seventeen ( 세븐틴 )
COMPANY. pledis entertainment
TRAINEE. since march, 2011 ( 4 years )
DEBUT. may 29, 2015
POSITION. main dancer ⋆ lead vocalist ⋆ rapper
SUB UNIT. performance team ( co-leader ) ⋆ svt leaders
NOTABLE SKILLS. acting ⋆ video directioning ⋆ editing ⋆ stage directioning
EMOJI. sunflower ( 🌻 ) lion ( 🦁 )
NICKNAMES. sunflower fairy ⋆ nation’s noona / eonni ⋆ kit kat ⋆ stage queen ⋆ seventeen’s ( movie ) star
─── ୨ৎ  › 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 . 
MBTI. infj ( 2019 ) esfj ( 2022 )
CHARACTER. calm ⋆ bright ⋆ smart ⋆ kind ⋆ affectionate ⋆ sweet but willing to burn the world to protect the members and loved ones
LIKE. cooking ⋆ reading ⋆ old movies ⋆ traveling ⋆ organized place ⋆ calming environment ⋆ morning ⋆ sunshine
DISLIKE. weird smells ⋆ crowd of people ⋆ big noises ⋆ get angry at someone ⋆ physical pain ⋆ suffering of loved ones
─── ୨ৎ  › 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀 . 
she lost her parents when she was still a baby, and be raised by her grand parents: the parents of kiki’s father. her mother’s family lives in hokkaido and she visiting there time to time.
her grand parents running the small restaurant in town, and that’s why she is good at cooking.
she belonged to the japanese biggest theater company as a child actor, played young nara in the lion king musical ( that's why she got lion as her icon ) and that made her possible to experience the actual stage performance from such a young age.
she is in charge of stage directioning in both performaces and concerts beside the job as a performance team leader with hoshi
directed some of svt’s music video, such as “thanks”, “fear”, “fallin’ flower”, etc.
lyrics of seventeen’s jp songs were written by her. she also writing korean songs' jp ver lyrics as well.
known as a talented choreographer across the kpop. she made choreo for other groups such as loona, the boyz, iz*one and xg.
she got casted when she was 14 in tokyo while the school trip. after passed the audition, she decided to go to seoul after graduating the junior high school.
she can play basic instruments such as guitar and piano. always wanted to be able to play drums though ⸺ and with woozi’s help, she’s now improving slowly.
her appearance is known as cool and charismatic that sometimes being misunderstood as a cold, scary figure ( can be said as “resting cold face” or smth like that ). in fact kiki has bright personality and smiles a lot enough to be recognized that expression as her trademark.
also known as the most ‘handsome’ female idol. her feature is something that makes people imagine that she would’ve been very handsome if she’d been a man. she’s very sweet and gentle to other female idols: helps in the stairs, lends jackets and cushions if they looks like uncomfortable, etc.
she has quite talented acting skills, and recieved several awards. she’s now working in japan, korea and hollywood in future, maybe...
she appeared in tv programs: hit the stage ( 2016, mnet ) and produce 48 ( 2018, mnet ) as a dance trainer
she has an high physical ability, especially talented at basket ball, archery and running event. even she got banned from the female sprint of isac bc always won the 1st and other idols had no chance to touch the trophy ( lol ). instead she joined the male relay race along with the members as an exception ( then grab the 1st place, AGAIN ). she’s also good at winter sports too. ⛷️
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(    📁    )   :   NAVI   :  MASTER LIST     
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asystol · 2 months
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         ᯓ FILE 000. — LEE, NICOLE ๋࣭
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BIRTH NAME.     nicole lee
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  KOREAN NAME.     lee nakyung
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀HANGUL.     이나경
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ALIAS.     nikki ❪ given by julie, origin from her birth name ❫⠀ ⠀collie ❪ ‘ pronounced cole-lee ’ given by belle, origin from her birth name ❫⠀ ⠀nana ❪ given by natty, origin from her korean name ❫⠀ ⠀뿌 ppu ❪ given by haneul, origin is 뿌 is a cute expression like the ‘ 😁 ’ emoji ❫⠀ ⠀naky ❪ given by daniel, origin from her korean name ❫⠀ ⠀ttokki ❪ given by fans, origin from her representative emoji ❫ ⠀ ⠀nakorita ❪ given by haneul, origin from the pokemon chikorita ❫ 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DATE OF BIRTH.     april 1st, 2001
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  AGE.     23 years old
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ZODIAC.     aries
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  CHINESE ZODIAC.     snake
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PLACE OF BIRTH.     toronto, canada
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  NATIONALITY.     canadian
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ETHNICITY.     korean
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  RESIDENCE(S).     port hope, ontario, canada ❪ 2001 — 2013 ❫⠀ ⠀chungcheongnam-do, south korea ❪ 2013 — 2015 ❫⠀ ⠀seoul, south korea ❪ 2015 — ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  LANGUAGES.     english ❪ fluent ❫⠀ ⠀korean ❪ near fluent ❫⠀ ⠀spanish ❪ advanced ❫⠀ ⠀japanese ❪ intermediate ❫⠀ ⠀thai ❪ beginner ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  GENDER IDENTITY.     cisgender female
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PRONOUNS.     she/her
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SEXUAL ORIENTATION.     bisexual
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.     homoromantic
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  RELATIONSHIP STATUS.     single
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HEIGHT.     163cm (5’4”)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  WEIGHT.     —
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BLOOD TYPE.     a
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  EYE.     brown
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  NATURAL HAIR.     black
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BODY MODIFICATIONS.     lobe piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀upper lobe piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀industrial piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀helix piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀conch piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀belly button piercing⠀ ⠀‘ i am the somebody ’ tattoo ❪ right rib ❫⠀ ⠀strawberry tattoo ❪ left hip ❫⠀ ⠀koi fish tattoo ❪ behind right ear ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FACE CLAIM.     nana of wooah
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SPEAKING CLAIM.     nana of wooah
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  VOCAL CLAIM.     juria of xg
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DANCE CLAIM.     yuna of itzy
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  RAP CLAIM.     rei of ive
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  STAGE NAME.     NAKYUNG (나경)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  COMPANY.     pledis entertainment ❪ 2015 — 2022 ❫⠀ ⠀off the record entertainment ❪ 2018 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀axs entertainment ❪ 2019 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀swing entertainment ❪ 2020 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀s2 entertainment ❪ 2022 — ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  TRAINING PERIOD.     five in total ❪ skipping 2018 — 2021 ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SURVIVAL SHOWS.     produce 48 ❪ 2018 ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  OCCUPATION.     idol
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  GROUP(S).     IZ*ONE ❪ 2018 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀KISS OF LIFE ❪ 2023 — ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DEBUT DATE(S).     october 29th, 2018 ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ ⠀july 5th, 2023 ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DEBUT AGE(S).     17 years old ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ ⠀22 years old ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISBANDMENT DATE.     april 29th, 2021 ❪ IZ*ONE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISBANDMENT AGE.     20 years old ❪ IZ*ONE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  POSITION(S).     vocalist, sub rapper, visual ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ ⠀vocalist, center ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  REPRESENTATIVE EMOJI(S).     🦋 butterfly ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ 🐰 bunny ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  INDIVIDUAL FANDOM NAME.     nakyorita ❪ origin from chikorita + nakyung ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  INSTAGRAM USERNAME.     nicolee ❪ public, 11.4m followers, 14 following ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISCOGRAPHY.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀COLOR*IZ.     october 29th, 2018
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Suki to Iwasetai.     february 6th, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀HEART*IZ.     april 1st, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Buenos Aires.     june 21st, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Vampire.     september 25th, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀BLOOM*IZ.     february 17th, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Oneiric Diary.     june 15th, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Thirteen.     october 21st, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀One-reeler / ACT IV.     december 7th, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀D-D-Dance.     january 26th, 2021
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Stardust love song.     march 6th, 2022
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀KISS OF LIFE.     july 5th, 2023
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Born to be XX.     november 8th, 2023
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Officially Cool (with BANG YEDAM).     february 9th, 2024
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Midas Touch.     april 3rd, 2024
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Sixth Sense.     may 25th, 2024
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Sticky.     july 1st, 2024
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  KNOWN FOR.     placing second in produce48, the ‘listener’ for the yapper best friend (julie), her duality, accidentally kissing chaewon during a live, everyone’s parents loving her more than their own kid, the switch in concept between iz*one and kiss of life, her vocals, slapping/patting her members’ butts for no reason, belle recording her crying over the finding nemo movie, being the biggest moomoo, her stable cover of bad news while drunk, openly being a ‘gleek’, affectionately being called a loser in a hot body by fans, her sanrio themed room
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MBTI TYPE.     intj-a ❪ assertive architect ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀ANALYZING.     an assertative architect tends to have more self confidence than a turbulent architect, particularly when handling life’s ups and downs. if things do go the way they expect, an intj-a is not likely to second guess their initial actions or experience regret.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  POSITIVE.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀rational.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀ambitious.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀self-assured.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀adventurous. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀observant. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀efficient. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  NEGATIVE.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀arrogant. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀impulsive. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀impatient. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀nosy. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀withdrawn. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀rigid.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAMILY.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀joshua lee ❪ father ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀angie lee ❪ mother ❫  † ❪ 1975 — 2021 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀daniel lee ❪ brother ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀ciara lee ❪ sister ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀kim seoyoung ❪ maternal grandmother ❫ † ❪ 1955 — 2018 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀park hojin ❪ maternal grandfather ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀park jaewoo ❪ maternal uncle ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀park sooyoung ❪ maternal aunt ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀lee jihyuk ❪ paternal grandfather ❫ † ❪ 1950 — 1994 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀jung yeonhee ❪ paternal grandmother ❫ † ❪ 1954 — 2011 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀lee eunbyul ❪ paternal aunt ❫ 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HISTORY.    
 ⠀⠀  ⠀nakyung was born on april 1st, 2001 as nicole lee in toronto, canada. she grew up in port hope, ontario, canada with her older brother, daniel, and younger sister, ciara. her mother, angie, worked as a middle school music teacher and her father, joshua, was a construction worker.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀she became interested in music early on, her mother teaching her how to play guitar and piano as soon as she was old enough. when nakyung wanted to be a singer “just like stevie nicks” at eight-years-old, angie put her in vocal lessons.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀after being persuaded by her best friend, she joins the free ballet classes at her school with her. she starts to take dance and her vocals more seriously, finding it more fun than instruments. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀when she’s thirteen, her parents tell her and her siblings that her mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer the year before. they wanted to wait to see if chemotherapy would help. angie had gotten laid off from her job, leaving joshua the only financial support. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀for more financial stability and emotions support, the lee family moved from canada to south korea to stay with angie’s parents. nicole didn’t even have time to say goodbye to her friends.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀nicole, now going by nakyung, didn’t make very much friends in her new school and kept mostly to herself. she got a job under the table as a waitress to help her parents with bills, telling her family she was at a dance studio by her school.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀while working, she was scouted by pledis entertainment. despite her parents thinking it was sketchy and cult-like, she auditioned and was accepted. as her brother was going to seoul national university, she moved to seoul with him to train at pledis.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2016, nakyung’s parents announced that angie was in remission. she started working as a teacher again after becoming healthier.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀nakyung was in the final line-up for pledis’ upcoming girl group, but was pulled out due to ‘not being ready’. she almost left the company until her mother convinced her to stay and become better.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀with no news of a new pledis girl group, nakyung volunteered herself to join mnet’s survival show, produce 48. she would end up placing second in the last episode and debuting in temporary girl group, IZ*ONE, in 2018.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2020, nakyung’s parents announced that angie’s cancer had came back— being part of the 10-20 percentage of ovarian cancer recurrence. angie would not try chemotherapy again, wanting to be with her family and go to new zealand. due to the pandemic, the family would ultimately stay in korea and not fulfill angie’s wish.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2021, her mother dies and IZ*ONE disbands. nakyung is not seen for a long time, not even by her IZ*ONE members until her OST song for kdrama ‘twenty-five twenty-one’, stardust love song, was announced. she would, again, disappear.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2022, it is assumed nakyung left pledis around this time as she later joins S2 entertainment after lee haein offered her a spot in ber upcoming girl group.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FATHER.     joshua lee was born march 13th, 1973 in daegu, south korea as lee jaehyun. the day he turned eighteen, he left his house and moved to canada with his best friend and legally changed his name to joshua lee. he met angela park in 1994 and would go on to have three children with her. the first being daniel in 1997, nicole in 2001, and ciara in 2004. he doesn’t want to be in korea when they have to move but does it for his wife. when angie dies in 2021, he completely barricades himself in their room. one day, his number is changed and all of his belongings are gone. we never find out what happened to him but he either killed himself or changed his name again and started a new life. he is referred to as ‘dad’ or ‘deadbeat’. (non affectionately)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MOTHER.     angela ‘angie’ lee was born on october 29th, 1975 in jeju, south korea as park jangmi. she goes by angela or angie now because she likes the name. she was studying abroad in canada when she met joshua. in 2012, she is diagnosed with ovarian cancer. together, they decide to bare the news on their shoulders alone and decide not to tell anyone unless chemotherapy doesn’t work. it begins to work, but it’s too expensive and she’s laid off. they have to move to seoul to be near her family for help. she hates the person she is while on chemo, and turns to god in her sickness and health, even when she’s in remission in 2016. she begins working again. in 2020, the cancer come back, but angie doesn’t want to be on chemo again. she wants to be with her family, in new zealand. but then they can’t go and she dies in korea. she is referred to as ‘mom’.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BROTHER.     daniel lee was born on august 15th, 1997 in toronto, canada. he grew up teasing his younger sisters, ever so mean to them during puberty but there for them when they were upset. his relationship with his parents wasn’t so great, always noting a difference in the way they brought him up compared to his sisters. when he was eighteen, he left for seoul national university in 2015 with his sister. he now works as a cyber security engineer. he is referred to as ‘daniel’, ‘danny’ or ‘dumbass’. (affectionately)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SISTER.     ciara lee was born on november 3rd, 2004 in ontario, canada. she grew up wanting to be everything like her sister, wanting to be around her constantly. she slightly grew up in nakyung’s shadow, but that didn’t matter to her— it just made her want to be her even more. she wants to become an idol just like her older sister— and she will. she currently lives with their aunt, sooyoung, and her girlfriend, bora, in busan, south korea. she is referred to as ‘chaeyoung’ or ‘cee’ or ‘ciara’.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER.     park seoyoung was born on january 19th, 1955 in busan, south korea. she met lee hojin in 1972 and shortly married him a few months later the same year. they would go on to have three children, one boy, two girls. in 1996, seoyoung and hojin moved to chungnam, south korea and settled there for the rest of their lives. in 2017, her health begins to decline. in 2018, she dies in her sleep peacefully. she is referred to as ‘할머니’ (halmoni).
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL GRANDFATHER.     park hojin was born on may 12th, 1949 in ulsan, south korea. after his father died during the korean war, his mother moved them to busan. he met seoyoung in 1972, marrying her and having three children with her. in 1996, he and seoyoung moved to chungnam. in 2001, he suffered from a heart attack. he is currently retired, but used to work as a contractor.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL UNCLE.     park jaewoo was born on february 21st, 1973. he is currently a businessman, living in new york.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL AUNT.      park sooyoung was born on september 27th, 1977. she is currently living in busan with her girlfriend, bora, and her niece, chaeyoung/ciara. she works as a hotel secretary.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PATERNAL GRANDFATHER.     lee jihyuk was born in 1950. he was verbally and physically abusive to his son, jaehyun, which was one of the leading factors of why jaehyun left forever at eighteen. he died in 1994 of a heart attack.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER.     jung yeonhee was born on july 1st, 1954. she never tried to protect her son from her husband, but joshua was soft on her and it took a lot of him to leave her behind. after jihyuk died in 1994, she tried to find jaehyun, as she knew him, but failed. she later settled in jeju, south korea in 2000 and died of a car accident in 2011. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PATERNAL AUNT.     lee eunbyul was born on december 28th, 1981. her brother was nine years older than her and never cared enough to talk to her, despite the two having more in common than he thought. she was relieved when their brother left and then her father died. when her mother tried to look for her brother who never even wanted them, she grew angry and began to resent her mother and her brother even more. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HABITS & MANNERISMS.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀making sound effects, making sweater paws, switching from english to korean in a sentence, constantly organizing and reorganizing things, talking in aegyo, sleep talking, mumbling to herself, makes up lies about random, unimportant things for no reason, pouting or puckering her lips, sleeping in late, using ‘like’ constantly in a conversation, gesturing while talking, checking her phone, laughing in serious situations, poking haneul’s cheeks, slapping/patting her members’ butts for no reason, talking about stars, getting overstimulated with too much noise under stress, bursting into songs and choreo, being jumpy.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HOBBIES & SKILLS.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀singing, writing, playing the piano, playing the guitar, watching old and new cartoons, gardening, seeing how far she can push her members, vlogging, watching tiktoks/being on her phone, sleeping, shopping, collecting her bias’ photocards, journaling, collecting rubber ducks, doing mindf*ck games.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  LIKES.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀sleeping, music, shopping, reading, strawberries, rubber ducks, learning, butter pecan ice cream, astrology, stars, science, organizing, candles, dramas, the season fall, color purple, swimming, gentle rain, night time, puzzles, talking about her mother, ice skating, museums.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISLIKES.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀alcohol, the color orange, loud noises, hot weather, clowns, thunderstorms, liars, mint flavor, horror movies, assumptions, being vulnerable, repeating herself, being active besides dancing, chronically late people, wasting time, camping, cemeteries, family dinners, waiting, dirty fingernails, sundays, cheese, cleaning, world ending conspiracy theories/far stretched conspiracy theories.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PHOBIAS.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀heights, blood.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE COLOR(S).     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀lavender and pink.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE SEASON.   
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀fall.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE ANIMAL(S).     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀bunnies, dogs.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE NUMBER.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀seven.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀anywhere but home, seulgi. gibson girl, ethel cain. rhiannon, fleetwood mac. spring day, bts. teeth, enhypen. out of the woods, taylor swift. take a bite, beabadoobee. liquid smooth, mitski. bye my neverland, kiss of life. left alone, fiona apple. black madonna, cage the elephant. you know i’m no good, amy winehouse. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  CLOSE FRIENDS.   
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀former iz*one members. ryujin and chaeryeong, itzy. aespa. yunjin, le sserafim. miyeon and shuhua, (g)i-dle. nagyung, fromis_9. gaeul, ive. heeseung, enhypen. mark, chenle, haechan and jaemin, nct. sungchan, riize. yiren, everglow. yeonjun, txt. chuu. keeho, p1harmony. tsuki, billlie. soojin. matthew, zerobaseone. lily and haewon, nmixx. isa, stayc. park jihoon.
inspo from @m3loria
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opertabry · 1 year
wrong number smau ➝ kwangya's residents
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synopsis ➝ peer pressured by your group members, you ask a fellow idol for her number. but when you texted her that night, you realised that she wasn’t the person you were texting. what you didn’t know was that she gave karina’s, aepsa’s hotshot visual and leader, number to you.
profile 1 ➝ kwangya’s residents
『be my ae! hi, we are aespa!』
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aespa ➝ a 4 member girl group formed by SM entertainment, the group consists of members: karina, giselle, winter and ningning. being one of the main leaders of the 4th generation, aespa takes the world by storm with their unique metaverse concept. in their latest summer comeback, ‘MY WORLD’, they show off a new side to them never seen before.
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karina / jimin ➝ aespa’s leader, one of 4th gen’s best female aces, and a member of SM entertainment’s Girls On Top subunit GOT the beat. contrasting her online persona, her skepticism to interact with other idols is notorious in the industry. she opts to stick with her small circle of friends rather than socialising.
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giselle / aeri ➝ aespa’s main rapper, born from japanese and korean parents, she is fluent in english, japanese and korean, with limited fluency in french. being one of the more social members of the group, she finds her place in y/n’s circle.
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winter / minjeong ➝ aespa’s lead vocalist and the maknae of SM entertainment’s Girls On Top subunit GOT the beat. she’s less sociable and stays to herself, having less friends in the industry than giselle and ningning. her members being her closest friends and confidants.
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ningning / yizhou ➝ a chinese singer under SM entertainment and aespa’s main vocalist and maknae. being one of yunjin’s closest friends, her, yunjin, giselle and y/n often go out for café searching. karina’s favourite.
masterlist ⌊ next
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talklara · 3 months
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ᯓ★ ⠀ Klara Blix was born on November 15, 2001, in Los Angeles, California, as the older sister of one sibling.
At age 10, Klara and her family permanently relocated to Nanjing, China, after her grandmother fell ill and her mother wanted to care for her full-time. The transition wasn’t easy for Klara as she was often the victim of bullying at her new school and struggled to make friends due to her poor Mandarin.
Although her Mandarin was pretty rough, that didn’t stop her from auditioning for "I Am a Singer" at just the age of 16 years old. Though her powerful vocals shocked the judges and crowd, she only made it past the audition phase, being deemed “too young and inexperienced” to continue. This, however, is how she caught the eye of an SM Recruiter who offered her a trainee contract. With Klara being only 16 and not speaking Korean at all, her parents were very hesitant to let her join the company, but after much consideration and begging from Klara, they let her begin training.
Klara Blix has been a trainee at SM Entertainment for what feels like an endless five years. She didn't have "the look" for Aespa, her alleged NCT unit fell through, and every plan for a girl group gets shelved or canceled. She feels like a permanent SM Rookie until the downfall of NCT Universe. With angry NCTzens and falling SM stocks, everything changes. Sungchan and Shotaro are suddenly removed from NCT, causing even more uproar. Realizing they need to make a bold move to save their company, SM decides on something daring and unprecedented - Klara's debut in their new group, RIIZE.
She made her debut as RIIZE's MAIN VOCALIST and LEAD RAPPER. Her outgoing and lively nature makes it difficult to determine who she is closest with, as she is often seen spending time and playing around with all the members, earning her the title of the "FAKE MAKNAE."
Klara seamlessly integrated herself into RIIZE. In fact, her presence as the only female member of the group was so natural that hardly anyone remarked on it. BRIIZE greatly appreciates her, especially for being the most outspoken OT7 member and gaining popularity for her English vlogs on TikTok. Klara is an up-and-coming IT GIRL, adored by fans for her charming personality and refreshing visuals.
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BIRTH NAME :: Klara Blix
BIRTHDAY :: November 15, 2001
ZODIAC :: Scorpio
BIRTHPLACE :: Los Angeles, California
HOMETOWN :: Najjing, China
ETHNICITY :: Chinese-Swedish
NATIONALITY :: American-Chinese
YEARS ACTIVE :: 2023 - Present
GROUP POSITION :: Main Vocalist, Lead Rapper
FACECLAIM :: Lola Tung
VOCAL CLAIM: Lily Morrow + Chappell Roan
DANCE CLAIM: Alexa Christine
RAP CLAIM: Shin Ryujin
HEIGHT :: 171 cm || 5′7
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