#korekiyo shinguuji: humanity is beautiful
postgame-kork · 2 months
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“ oh? Is it on… kekeke… ”
a voice speaks quietly as a tall man appears in view.. Dark long hair moving slightly as he looks into the camera.
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“ ah hello to everyone of tumblr… my name is Korekiyo shinguji. You may possibly know me from the ' ' killing game ' ' or to be exact, the stimulation, reason why I'm here is because i wish to find my classmates. I do hope some of them see this. ”
he spoke in a quiet voice as his eyes went back and forth.
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forbidding-souda · 1 month
Hi! I was wondering if you could do korekiyo, hajime and makoto with a shsl underground surgeon
I'm sorry if it's to much 🙏🏾
Shinguuji Korekiyo, Hajime Hinata and Makoto Naegi with a SHSL Underground Surgeon S/O
I rated american mary as 4 stars on letterboxd bc oh my goddd i love underground surgeon shit in high school i used to dream to be one.
straying from the usual formatting until I get my feeting in ykwim so this isn't gonna have the scenarios written in the indentation like i used to do. but i tried. also sorry if things are written incorrectly grammar and wording wise.
also guys send me requests rn so i can keep posting daily
-Mod Souda
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Shinguuji Korekiyo
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❤ The moment you two had your first conversation there was an immediate connection. Your actions are too vile for his sister's liking, but they were just vile enough for his. And you're very knowledgable about your studies, it's not as if you're working out of anger or malice towards normalcy. You're like him.
❤ He finds you two very similar.
❤ Oh how the two of you will have a blast talking about anatomy. You both are extremely educated and experienced in human anatomy, tearing into people, often 'fixing' them (if you believe it to be that way).
❤ Wait omg you'd be so good at finding victims for him. There can be a sweet lady who just wants teeth sharpening and you're like omg I have someone you'd want to meet.
You'll be taking off your latex gloves, wiping the blood from your face when he comes into your studio. "My dear," he announces himself so you won't get startled. As if he'd startle you anyway. You always know when people enter. He stares at the patient, alive but unconscious, on the table before glancing back at you. "I suppose you're busy?" "Depends," you turn away and focus yourself on wiping the bloody body next. "What do you need? Is it life or death?"
❤ You know about the gruesome things he can do and he knows about yours. Fairs fair. You're both doing illegal things.
❤ He finds most interest in the requests you've been given. People request you to remove their limbs? Their eyes? Their teeth? Humanity is so interesting...
❤ He'd rock a split tongue just saying.
❤ ^ Moaned.
❤ The first conversation was def you two mentioning niche body mod things from history. He wanted to use trivia to inform you on disturbing things but you'd be like "oh yeah I've done that before, easy peasy" and he's like you've what.
❤ On a cuter note, imagine teaching him all the surgical stitching patterns you know. If there's a tear in the pillow you can highkey fix it, just in a unique way.
❤ People from around the world come to you for commissions and you get to surprise them with your knowledge about their country and customs. It makes you even more popular. Where once you were admired, now you are loved. You make people feel at home.
❤ Morbid ass pictures hanging on the walls of your shared home. Crazy shit that both of you find beautiful.
❤ If you're the type to want a big wedding, imagine how insane the audience would appear to onlookers.
Hajime Hinata
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❤ Yeah he knows an interesting group of people. He never thought Hope's Peak would be able to introduce him to such a versatile group. His class holds a lot of illegal activities, fair's fair. Whenever he wanted to avoid Fuyuhiko, somehow he'd end up in your view. No matter where he turned to run, there was somebody scary beside him. But unlike him, you didn't threaten him, you were kind. The stare you gave him had compassion.
❤ Everyone involved in Japanese street fashion and alternative cultures know your name. And as a man who is usually indoors, he hadn't the clue of you.
❤ You can't be too scary with the way Ibuki keeps fawning over your medical abilities like you're a superhero. And to make your credibility even more astonishing, Sonia was thoroughly pleased to hear all of the things you've done. Class 77-B would love you srry.
❤ ^ Ibuki immediately pulls up her phone to show Hajime how you gave her friend pointed ears.
❤ ^ He's like woahh I see the vision.
❤ You have a certain glow in your eyes when you get to explain your work to him. Sure, the elf ears are pleasing, but there are so many other things you can do.
❤ At least once a week you try to convince him to get some form of body mod. You should make a argumentative slideshow.
❤ Your hands are really steady. He notices this almost instantly. You have the steadiest hands he's ever seen, very different from how shaky Mikan can appear.
❤ ^ Oooo you wanna imagine you sitting on the bathroom counter doing his eyeliner so bad oooo.
❤ ^ "You'd look good with tatted eyes."
❤ ^ "No."
❤ Sometimes he'll catch you staring at him, and you do this thing where you tilt your head as if you're examining his features. You have a hawk-like stare. Though, when his eyes reach yours, you look away with a small smile. In some occasions it creeps him out but in others, he finds it flattering.
❤ You are often forced to hear the life stories of your clients, depending on their modification, some of them feel the need to justify their decision to you. It reminds you of how Hajime gets along with others so well. He's such a good listener and mediator.
❤ Last thing but. Listen okay so realistically how likely is it lore-wise that a SHSL Underground Surgeon would help implement Izuru. Very likely, right? Anywho.
Makoto Naegi
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❤ Be careful with him because if he's not gonna know how to hold his tongue if he finds out some of the stuff is illegal. But he has to remind himself that he is friends with the Toko Fukawa, so his lover being an underground surgeon isn't that bad, right?
❤ It's not as if you're torturing anyone... right?
❤ Your SHSL is scary to anybody once they learn it. You just know how they'll look at you when you have to announce it yourself. But like enjoy your craft; your life's work.
❤ He researched you ahead of time, of course he did, but he stopped at the pictures of people with tatted eyeballs, it made him queasy. When he researched your name, he saw a gallery of your work. You're world renowned.
❤ You do carry photos of your work in your backpack. You have a good portfolio of things you'd do. Silicone horns, rare piercings, skin removals. Nothing murderous or bloody like he thought when you pulled out a big, scary leather folder.
❤ And you're not openly sadistic towards him, you never have been. You're likeable - loveable. Nothing like the scary monster other people claim you to be.
❤ When you explain some things you do he's like "oh, so things like nipple piercings?" and you're like "well it's a little more complicated than that-".
❤ He meets one of your patients that has lip plates and he's like ykw not as scary in person as in the photographs you showed me sweetie.
❤ When he talks to you at night, he's always scared to ask "what did you do today?"
❤ ^ Or if you're in your workshop he's scared to ask you what you're doing.
❤ He doesn't have a job, so his time is mostly free, and you always seem to be busy. You're either talking to a new client, refreshing with an old one, or working on somebody. Your life is filled with your business, but that's what makes you a SHSL, doesn't it?
❤ Can't say his family is the most stoked when learning your SHSL.
❤ Slowly but surely he'll want to be apart of your world, but sitll, he'll always get nervous around your more extreme clients. There are times where your client will enter your workshop and have another people with them, and Naegi is more likely to get along with that person, especially if they're just as unaware of this scene as he is.
❤ You think it's a bit funny.
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I don't know if I can even say that One Post about Shinguuji is written embarrassingly because it's kind of hard to write long posts in an Entertaining Way while still being Serious and doing that thing where I over-explain everything out of fear of misunderstandings (but it actually causes people to overthink it, which causes misunderstandings). Whatever way I went about it in 2018 (holy shit) was probably fine to me at the time. And tumblr posts should NOT be perfect.
[content warnings: references to incest, abuse, sexual abuse, sexual assault]
Anyway, I still stand strongly by my theory that we're meant to understand that Korekiyo's sister is the one who killed Angie. Unfortunately, I think for some reason, a shitton of Korekiyo's characterisation was buried very deep between the lines, in tiny characters. I haven't played DRV3 in a long while, but I feel like he's possibly the worst example of that writing flaw.
At this point in time, I really can't view Korekiyo's situation of incest as anything but a case of him being a victim. I was just thinking about his Love Suite Event... (rewatches it for reference...) ... HOLY SHIT IT'S FORWARD.
...I was just thinking about his Love Suite Event, and the possibility that he, himself, hasn't known anything but this. If I recall, his Free Time Events (or Bonus Mode, you'll understand that this is my brainrot archiving Korekiyo memories, and not that I played the game recently) implied that he had experienced being bound himself.
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(Screenshot from the Danganronpa Wiki on Fandom.)
...Right. (I am not a fan of Shuuichi but "I feel like that door should remain closed." is an objectively funny line.)
The rest is about being reunited with, assumedly, his sister, and the entire event is him describing things very vaguely. It's completely unclear - to me at least - what the practice he's referring to is. Obviously, this is on purpose.
[Placing a cut here in consideration of anyone who may need this post to be shorter on their feed.]
But my reading of Korekiyo (she's writing another Korekiyo post right now isn't she) is that of a victim of abuse who has not realised it's abuse. Personally, I view his insistence on the beauty of both the "beautiful and ugly" of humanity as something he's saying to reassure himself - a world-view he made himself adopt because the truth is much scarier.
In his fantasy, Korekiyo is the one in control. And I can't help but view his description of the other person's feelings - something ugly, that he cannot love, only toy with ("responding to out of simple curiosity") as a projection of how he views his own feelings, or has been made to think them as. Though of course this could be doubly, or solely read as a reference to him already considering his heart taken.
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...And with my reading of it, of course the fact that he sees it as normal to stop Shuuichi from running away, might just be what has been hammered as normal to him.
(That does not make it right. The rest of the event puts it as though Shuuichi does fall under his charm, because it's not trying to be that dark, but the entire event is a horrible, inappropriate way to approach BDSM. My point is exactly this: this isn't healthy. It's a torturous reality that victims of abuse might turn out to be abusers themselves for lack of knowledge of anything else, or of where the boundaries between "abuse" and "normalcy" lie - and I don't shy away from reading Korekiyo's writing as such because I know Kodaka hasn't shied away from writing a grimmer version of this in a previous instalment.)
His final FTE, in which he describes being bound and whipped, contributes to my reading that he refuses to acknowledge he's being abused. Being in control in his fantasy could be an attempt to reclaim control over BDSM acts - but because it's not described as him consenting to a clear act with Shuuichi, and rather just a fantasy that lies in his mind, I mostly view it as... he doesn't have any other reference for how it's done.
To come back to his relationship with his sister, as I've explored in past posts, I view it in a similar lens: she was the one controlling him, and at the time of his death, he hadn't had the ability to get out of her control. (Most abusers disappear when they die, but she did not. See "I'm Glad My Mom Died" by Jennette McCurdy - in her very real experience, she struggled as a kid as she both loved and feared her mother, and as an adult, was able to put words on the fact that she'd been abused after her mom was gone. Obviously, Korekiyo's very loose writing of such a situation is not a good reference to learn about this type of abuse and its survivors at all.) Her lack of love - despite pretending she cared - for him was hinted at in his execution, although again, this isn't set in stone, as it could just be a case of Monokuma using her image to torture him.
All of this does nothing to change the crimes he committed - what it does is put his situation into perspective.
Of course, there's the matter of... "how much of this is headcanon, rather than reading between the lines?" and you may judge me however you like. (The most harshly the most you disagree with my takes.) I personally identify this as my reading of canon, so I wouldn't use the words "headcanon" or "theory", but because canon gives us so little, I veer into theory territory. My main wish is that the writing of Trial 3 had been a lot more transparent about Korekiyo's surprise to "how much their accusations [about Angie] sounded right". Korekiyo was one of Danganronpa's most obvious killers, and the trial could have done with some confusing or heart-tugging "wait, I really don't think I did it", before his sister gets here and convinces him to accept it. Similarly to the way Danganronpa 2's Trial 2 blurred the lines about Peko's culpability a bit, without making the player doubt it too much either... it's just good characterisation. From that point on, I think it would have been a lot easier for many players to question the position his sister had towards him.
Something I haven't mentioned here but that contributes to my assumptions is that the very reason incest isn't accepted as a form of regular love in our society, is that it's a high-risk situation for control imbalance, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse - or alternatively, it exists as a result of familial/child abuse. Real cases of incest have shown to exist with these reasons, rather than healthy love. It's with this knowledge that doubt is immediately cast on Korekiyo having genuinely been loved by his sister.
Of course, one could read it the opposite way - that he had an unhealthy obsession with his sister and was the one to abuse her - but to me, this is disproven by her act of pretending to embrace him before laughing at him during his execution, and the fact that she was the one to possess him and during the trial, he responded to her control/wants/orders (there was nothing to show he was acting on her behalf without her consent or knowledge; even a theory that she killed Angie to cause him to get caught doesn't hold water, since he was putting together Tenko's murder at the time, and finally, she made the damn uniform for him - it all comes back to the uniform in the end!!!1!).
But uuuh don't quote me on this or anything
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The Anatomy of Possession
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WxFdKl1
by Istokcest
In anthropology, possession is many things. A spiritual anomaly, an interesting hypothetical, an explanation for humanity's evils.
For Shinguuji, it's his reality, and it's as devastating as it is beautiful.
Words: 6390, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa Series
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Shinguji Korekiyo, New Dangan Ronpa V3 Ensemble, Original Characters
Additional Tags: Past Rape/Non-con, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Incest, brief self harm mention, Temporary Character Death, Existential Crisis, Character Study, Killing Game Was A Virtual Reality Simulation (Dangan Ronpa), Minor Rantaro/Kiyo and Kiyo/OC, Not important enough to tag in the relationships section imo
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WxFdKl1
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stationerykid · 6 years
It’s too early in the morning for me to be awake and I got ditty so here’s my contribution
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danganronpa4lyfe · 7 years
Korekiyo studies humanity and it's cultures, right
Does that mean he's also studied memes, because they're a part of human culture?
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stalksbyakuyatogami · 3 years
“can i req for yandere kork mondo and gonta for a reader who is really sick but has a talent like the ult plushie maker thank you”
Yandere Korekiyo, Mondo and Gonta Taking Care of Sick S/O
Of course you can! eeeeeeeee
warnings: yandere, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior
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Korekiyo Shinguuji
•Man, he is w o r r i e d about you. He can't afford to lose the most beautiful face of humanity now can he? It's already in his grasp, so why would he let you go after all of his hard work?
•He can't bear to see you suffering, so he stayed by your side the whole time. Even though it pained his heart to see your flushing face, he had to be there.
•He told you how much he treasured the beautiful kork plushie you gave him. He would play with it while he told you stories.
•He would go in to the room, a bowl of soup in hand and tell you that you need to heal soon. Otherwise, he can't have more of your plushies made by an Ultimate like you. The only Ultimate he'd want to receive plushies from.
•He'd sleep with you, but no cuddles, of course. He sleeps with you in the same room, staring at your beautiful form until he himself falls asleep.
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Mondo Oowada
•He is in total panic plEASE— he's fiddling his fingers while he stays with you in the room. He's trying to solve this quietly instead of talking to you.
•Asks you every 5 seconds if you need anything. Asks if are you sure. Brings in something anyway.
•He blames himself for not looking after you more carefully. If he hadn't been so overconfident, this wouldn't have happened. So he promised himself that there won't be a next time of this.
•Not confident if the food he cooks is delicious since you cook for him. It's rice porridge, Mondo. It probably won't hurt anyone. Except maybe if you throw a boiling porridge in other people...
•Will not sleep until you do. Even cuddles you in sleep! If he hears you complain that it's too hot, he'll let go of you. If you're not available for cuddles, he'll get the plushie that you made for him, put it in between you two, and eventually sleep.
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Gonta Gokuhara
•He apologizes to you over and over again. He doesn't really know what to do but he's trying. If he doesn't know, you instruct him. And apologize when he did it wrong.
•He'd prefer to stay by your side the whole time so he can attend to your needs. Or just plainly guard you from anything.
•It's kinda upsetting to see Gonta so upset, so you should make yourself feel better sooner. Oh, and when he plays or story tells with your plushie, his smile will help you get better :)).
•If you told him that maybe a little storytelling will make you feel better, he'll gladly tell you about how he got lost and grew up in the forest. He'd do anything for you to heal faster.
•Overthinks himself to sleep. Poor Gonta, he needs more reassurance. You better tell him that you'll try to get less sick in the future.
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Requests are to be opened soon, so stay tuned! Thank you for requesting!
-Mod Toko
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locke-barmecide · 3 years
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I posted 3,612 times in 2021
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2262 posts reblogged (63%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.7 posts.
I added 3,184 tags in 2021
#korekiyo shinguji - 604 posts
#danganronpa - 535 posts
#danganronpa korekiyo - 454 posts
#danganronpa v3 - 453 posts
#korekiyo - 435 posts
#korekiyo shinguuji kin - 423 posts
#shinsai - 91 posts
#locke oc lore - 67 posts
#locke rambles - 64 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#preferably something that doesn’t require a super high amount of effort since i’m always in physical pain so i don’t rlly wanna move around
My Top Posts in 2021
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Korekiyo being absolutely unbelievablely in love with Shuichi. I stared at Kiyo making sure I didn’t miss a single detail. I really hope I got everything. Drawing his hat caused me a great deal of agony. Kiyo is literally the most ethereal thing I’ve ever drawn.
169 notes • Posted 2021-01-26 03:20:05 GMT
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See the full post
190 notes • Posted 2021-07-31 13:43:20 GMT
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Humanity is... disgusting
Despair disease Kiyo. He hates humanity. Every part of it. Humanity hurt him and humanity hurts others. Even the beautiful parts of humanity are ugly. I don’t know how to feel about how I coloured this. I can’t tell if it looks muddy or nice. Reblogs are very appreciated
230 notes • Posted 2021-02-01 21:17:49 GMT
Is Kiyo a ginger?
233 notes • Posted 2021-08-13 22:24:19 GMT
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Sailor moon redraw but make it Kiyo and Rantaro. I kept the background because I’m lazy and I tried my best to mimic the style which was really out of my comfort zone but I think I did decent.
Reblogs are super appreciated.
321 notes • Posted 2021-01-20 03:04:09 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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drv3imagines · 7 years
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Happy Birthday to the sweetest kid in the V3 class. You are more than welcome to refute that lol.
Ah, it would appear to be that time of the year again. A time when one can express the joys of life amongst family and friends…or peers… A time when I, Korekiyo, can truly reflect on the year’s past and look forward to what future changes I can make to better myself. Korekiyo was sitting alone with his thoughts, calculating his activities he could partake in for the day…except… He sighs and shuts his eyes, forcing his mind to focus on practical, non-depressing subjects. Except, it’s hard to forget when he’s been doing this every year of his life in the past, and that was celebrating his birthday with his beloved older sister. The thought of her brought on such precious memories, but he would not allow his mind to wander too far. Oh no, no, no. In fact he was well prepared to celebrate on his own terms… His intrusive thoughts would not take over…he would not lose to the anxious feelings of being alone…he didn’t need his sister to be there for him today. He was a big boy he could do it on his own… “Korekiyo, are you ready for your surprise?” His s/o called out from the kitchen. Thoughts of anguish and loneliness would not drown him today, oh no, because he had you to make new memories with, and what more could he ask for on this birthday and more to come? I look forward to becoming better, just as long as they are with me.
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Hi Mod Makoto! May I ask for some Korekiyo fluff Headcanons? That's all, thank you! And good luck with the blog, I'm sure you'll be great! 💚
Hi hiii!!
Wow my first anon ask- I am honored 😌
Hope ya like these!! -Mod Makoto
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Korekiyo Shinguuji Fluff Hcs!
Oddly enough, he’s really bad at making modern foods like bacon and eggs, but will certainly wake you up to a full three-course sacred meal of a civilization long forgotten
Anyways moving on
If you’re into styling hair or doing makeup, he would love it whenever you offered to do his hair or makeup, and he’d do yours back! You two would have full makeover sessions sometimes, and they’d usually just end with looking into each other’s eyes, admiring how pretty you’ve made each other look!
Lots and lots of nicknames and pet names! He especially likes calling you things like: darling, beautiful, rose, and doll.
Before going to sleep, he likes to read, and if you ask him to, he’ll read his books aloud to you! They might be kinda boring cause they’re all extensive history theories and whatnot, but it’s relaxing to hear him read, especially when the topic is something that really interests him and he spirals off into little info rants!
I just feel like he gives really good hugs. Also he’d like patting your head a lot if you’re shorter than him or around his height.
Need help with literally anything in school? He’s got your back
And your pencil
He just doesn’t know how to tutor correctly and always ends up just doing the work himself but it’s really cute seeing him try to tutor you
He has an allergy to cats but is still a cat person, they’re just more his kind (it’s definitely not just because they warm your lap up when you’re sitting down)
He doesn’t go by just he/him!! Any pronouns are fine, actually, he’d like to be referred to however humanity would like to refer to him.
For all his mystery and darkness, he can’t hide that he likes taking bubble baths from time to time. Do they sell old spice bubble bath soap because if so he definitely owns bottles and bottles of the stuff.
He really likes rainy weather and winds! He’ll understand and stay inside with you if you’re scared of the thunder, but otherwise there’s no stopping him from standing in the rain. He gets sick afterwards, please be there to care for the lad.
He really loves traveling, for research and for fun, and will bring you with him if you ask!
Again, infodumping, just in a different country
He’ll often give you simple, seemingly meaningless gifts like a rock he found on the side of the road just to see how you react to them. He actually puts a lot of heart into these little things, don’t let him down!
And lastly he loves practicing calligraphy and painting with ink or oil as a pastime!! He finds it calming and the art he makes is actually pretty good!
Ack that was sorta short but it’s 11 pm where I am and I’m tired, also it was never specified if Kiyo had an s/o or not, so I gave a little mixture of both situations. Have a nice day/night amazing anon!!
-Mod Makoto
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forbidding-souda · 1 month
Hello! @tinieprince here! I just reblogged two of your headcanon posts about korekiyo with a partner who age regresses and I absolutely adore them!! I was wondering if you’d be willing to share some other thoughts on that? He’s just so comforting and I think he’d be the perfect fit for someone who’s in littlespace! He’s the number one person to go to for bedtime stories I can sense it! (I have honestly fallen asleep listening to a compilaton of him talking because wow he has the most soothing voice)
Shinguuji Korekiyo with a S/O in little space
i'm gonna combine a little bit of the stuff I already talked about with new things bc those fics were from like 4 years ago but they're still fire so here you go darling @tinieprince
-Mod Souda
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❤ Obvious one first: gifts!
❤ Gifts from all over. His home is filled with artifacts and yours will be, too. You get toys from multiple cultures, especially baby dolls and things along that sort. He absolutely loves getting shit for you, he thinks about you all the time when he's gone. He will never stop spoiling you even if you ask him to stop. He will never stop. EVER!
❤ ^ And you get homemade blankets from many countries.
❤ He probably already knows what little space is / recognized it before you had to tell him.
❤ ^ And he isn't unnerved by it at all. Of course he's not. He knows everything about humanity, so he knows why people go into little space too.
❤ He loves it when he's reading in bed and you'll curl up next to him. Or even better, when you beg for attention. He'll happily put his book down and hold you into his arms.
❤ Oooooo imagine he has deer teeth rattles and things like that. And lullabies in many languages. I love him srry
❤ He will kiss your forehead for all of eternity.
❤ ^ Even if it's just through the zipper.
❤ His voice is soft and comforting, aaaaaa imagine him holding you in his lap and singing to you.
❤ He doesn't get annoyed by kid shows at all. And if you like coloring books be ready for him to lock in and color alongside you.
❤ ^ "Little one" as a pet name. "How marvelous that looks, little one."
❤ He'll always be okay with putting some work aside to be able to spend time with you. He loves working, but he loves you more. And his work won't get sad or disheartened if he's away from it for too long.
❤ If you aren't feeling good physically, as in sneezing or coughing or having a sore throat, he does not gaf he'll still be all up in your space cooing and you and comforting you. He will rock you in his lap if you let him.
❤ Imagine he does the catepillar thing where he wraps an entire blanket around you and folds it under but then he just goes "this is what they do to corpses before they bury them" and you're like damn LMFAO.
❤ Omfg you should a pacifier that matches the color of his mask.
❤ He's good at playing pretend or playing with dolls. Will probably get one of those big doll houses and then say it's for you (he wanted it too). Normal barbies mixed with scary homemade dolls.
❤ Will dress you and bathe you depending on your regression age.
❤ More than happy to feed you too.
❤ If you babble then he's going to respond as if he understands. "Fascinating, my love." / "Oh really? And what shall we do about it?" / "Beautiful, oh how beautiful you are."
❤ Will sing you songs from his childhood. You get to learn so much about his younger years from the stories he will tell.
❤ His bedtime stories are sometimes crazy as fuck tho ngl when he's not reading out of a book he's gonna loredrop about the Song Dynasty.
❤ "Go to sleep, little one. Let me tell you about the london beer flood."
❤ Any woman that makes fun of you is a goner sorrryyy had to add this one.
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himikiyo · 3 years
in saecula saeculorum // himikiyo week day 3
Himikiyo Week Day 3: Vice + Virtue
"If you’re so against the idea of people getting hurt, you should have thought twice before summoning a demon."
Read on AO3, DRA, or under the cut.
Demons did not exist in the modern world. That was common sense, accepted by nearly everyone save fringe conspiracy theorists and fanatics of all types. Those who would believe in something so patently unscientific, so laughable, would be deemed worthy of ridicule themselves. There was no use for the supernatural when humans had triumphed over the natural world itself.
That was the party line, anyway. It was taught to children in schools, passed on in social interactions and media. Even those curious enough to seek out old tomes and uncover the stories within were motivated to dismiss them as legends. Stories of such things were fascinating, but they were from a less educated time. When people didn’t understand the world around them, they were motivated to devise stories of evil beings to explain their misfortunes.
None of it was real. Humanity’s biggest danger was itself.
Locked in a dusty church basement, one girl felt differently.
“Angie hopes you find the answers you seek, Himiko-chan! Remember though, Kami-sama might just smite you down if you aren’t careful! Even as powerful as he is, he doesn’t take threats lightly.” Setting down a small stack of books and clapping her hands together to brush off the dust, Angie took a step back towards the door. “Oh, and lock up when you’re done, okay? Technically Angie isn’t supposed to leave anyone alone here.”
“Yeah, got it. I’ll be sure to take care of everything.”
“In that case, good night!”
Just like that, she was gone. Himiko stayed where she was and waited until the patter of Angie’s footsteps faded out entirely, leaving only silence behind. It was a little creepy alone in a church at night, she had to admit. Best friend or not, Angie’s religious devotion was unnerving even in the daylight. Himiko was more interested in other aspects of the arcane. Things that wouldn’t be taken so lightly if discovered. For the experiments she wanted to perform, the church basement was safer than her apartment in more ways than one.
Summoning a demon was risky at best.
She already had the proper page marked. The candles were lit. The offerings were nearly ready. The demon — whose name in the book was an illegible scrawl, written in a language Himiko had never seen before — would appear or they wouldn’t. Her years of study had convinced her that these creatures were out there, lurking beyond the boundaries of normal human perception, but if she was wrong, this would be the time for that to be proven too.
Her hand trembled as she flicked the light switch off, plunging the room into dim candlelight.
The shakiness made it more difficult to draw blood, scarlet droplets scattering onto the page she was reading from as much as into the bowl they were meant for.
This was an academic experiment, yes, but it was a deeper part of her that would be devastated if it failed. A part of her that thought someone non-human might provide the kind of companionship and understanding she’d always lacked. Angie was sweet, but she couldn’t honestly say they saw eye to eye.
She carried on with the ritual, occasionally glancing around the darkened room to look for any changes. Nothing.
“Maybe...this isn’t going to work,” Himiko said softly to herself, gaze dropping to her own bloodied arm. “Maybe everyone’s right. If demons exist, we don’t really know how to summon them. Not anymore. They aren’t coming.”
Visually, not a single thing changed after she said that. She was alone. From the emptiness, though, an unknown voice made itself heard.
“Not coming? But I am already here. You humans really are blind.” A whispery chuckle followed those words, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere at once.
“What? Who said that?” She turned, fumbling for the lights.
“Yumeno Himiko, I have answered your call. It’s been many years since a mortal last pulled me from the depths, but I am, as always, delighted to serve.” Though the voice was disembodied, not providing any visual clues to help her, she could clearly imagine an evil, toothy grin, like a monster waiting for its prey.
Ignoring the stinging pain still shooting up her arm from the ceremonial cut, she finally slammed her hand against the light switch, bathing the room in brightness. The sudden change made her eyes water, but even before she adjusted, she could tell it did nothing to illuminate her new companion’s location.
“Further introductions are in order, aren’t they?” the voice continued. “Demons’ true names tend to be a struggle for such limited creatures to pronounce, so I took the liberty of selecting a human name for myself a few centuries ago. I am Shinguuji Korekiyo.”
Taking a few steps over to the counter, Himiko grabbed the bandage she’d prepared and pressed it to her arm.
“Um, that’s nice, but...would you mind being...visible, Shinguuji-sama?” she asked meekly, being as polite and deferental as she possibly could. It was beginning to occur to her that she might be in over her head.
“Ah. Yes.” Just like that, she was suddenly aware of a presence behind her. Before she could turn to look, she could feel something brushing against the back of her neck. Someone’s nails? They felt sharper than that though, more like claws. A shiver running down her spine, Himiko tensed, feeling unnaturally warm fingertips graze along her pulse point. The heat wasn’t only coming from their hand though. It seemed to radiate from their entire body, like she was standing in front of a fire. Like if she leaned just a little closer, it might devour her.
After a moment, the hand retreated. She turned, and in the half second it took, they were no longer right behind her. Instead, she saw a figure leaning almost lazily against the opposite wall. For the most part, they appeared human. Lanky and incredibly tall, the way they held themself betrayed strength far beyond what their build might suggest. The mask covering most of their face made it impossible to know whether the smile she imagined was truly present, but the sparkle in their eyes suggested it might well be.
“Thank...you...” she croaked, not wanting to say anything that might make this demon — because yes, it was abundantly clear they were one, appearances aside — upset with her.
“Humans can be broken so easily,” Shinguuji mused. “Both physically and mentally. I’d almost forgotten how entertaining it is. Now, tell me, what is it you summoned me for?”
“To prove I could, I guess. That was part of it, anyway. And to learn from you. Studying magic on my own isn’t the same as having a master. And the third reason, I guess, is just...companionship.” Arm nicely wrapped now, she had no excuse to look anywhere but at them, though her face was burning with embarrassment.
“Study? Well, perhaps you’re smarter than you seem choosing me then. I’m partial to research myself. I do hope we can have some fun outside the classroom too, however.” Himiko knew without a doubt then, mask or not. They were definitely grinning, almost leering.
“What kind of fun do you mean?”
Moving closer again, they replied, “Shall we kill together? There must be people you want gone, yes? I can make quick work of them.”
That sent a chill down her spine, canceling out the pleasant remnants of warmth almost immediately. She was no idiot, of course. She understood that demons were violent by nature. But she didn’t call them for anything like that. They...couldn’t insist that she help them get that kind of ‘fun,’ could they?
“What? No. I don’t want to hurt anyone,” she said, pretending she couldn’t hear her own voice shaking. “Sure, there’s people I don’t get along with, but killing? And...besides, should you really be saying things like that in a church?” Himiko didn’t believe, especially not in Angie’s god, but it seemed as good an excuse as any.
“I don’t fear gods,” Shinguuji said dismissively. “They have no power over me. If you’re so against the idea of people getting hurt, you should have thought twice before summoning a demon. My kind isn’t meant to linger in the mortal world for long without reason, and it’s been so many years since I was last given a chance to...sate my appetite.”
“No, we can’t,” she repeated. She could hear the glee in their voice, like they were enjoying not only the prospect of murder, but the experience of winding her up over it. She was probably giving them exactly what they wanted, but she couldn’t help it.
“Well, if you’re so steadfast in your beliefs...I could always kill you instead, yes? We signed no formal contract. I’m under no obligation to keep you safe.”
In that moment, she was acutely aware of everything around her. The occasional flicker and buzz of the fluorescent lights, the musty basement smell of the air, and more than anything, the imposing presence across from her. If they really wanted to kill her, there would be nothing stopping them. But they were just watching her — beautiful, dangerous, and all too satisfied with themself.
Shinguuji laughed, closing the remaining distance between them. A hand cupped her chin, gently guiding her to meet their eyes. They were a brighter, more intense amber than she’d ever seen in a human being.
“Flattering me to keep yourself alive? Well well, that’s one way to go about it. I’m pleased to hear that you find me so beautiful.”
“I didn’t say that!” Their grip, if it could even be called that, was exceedingly light. It wouldn’t be remotely difficult to pull away and avert her eyes, but she didn’t. She was captivated.
“You didn’t need to. You thought about it. So then, what will it be? I have no real need to kill you, not when I can gain energy from you in other ways. And you’re so entertaining besides. If you’d simply allow me to possess you, you would have access to power beyond your wildest dreams.”
“And what’s the catch? There’s no way something that lets you...feed on my energy doesn’t have any negatives.” She chose not to comment on just how close they were now. The warmth of a lithe, not quite human body pressed against her own was oddly comforting.
“There is no catch. However, if it would make you feel better, I’d be willing to write up a formal contract.”
“I’ll look at it then,” she said grudgingly, one of her own arms starting to slip around them in return. “But before that, no weird possession or mind control or anything. And no murder.”
“Mm, I’ll make you fall in love with it yet. Perhaps when we seal our contract with a kiss?”
“We don’t need to do that.”
Shinguuji laughed, once again backing off from the overly intimate invasion of her personal space. “Indeed we don’t. But don’t let it be said that I didn’t offer.”
“Let’s just go home for now. People won’t notice that you’re not human, will they?” Maybe, just maybe, she’d end up taking them up on it.
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helo!!! i would like a matchup for all of the games if that’s alright! i don’t have any preferences on who i date. i’m a little quiet when u first see me, but that’s only because i’m not great at social cues, so i don’t really know how to start a conversation, but after you talk to me i’m friendly!! i enjoy helping others out whenever i can!!! i don’t have any relationship experience but i enjoy just having company with someone i trust and spending quality time!!
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Hi Anon! Don't worry about the appearance thing it's okay! I hope you enjoy your matchups!
-Mod Kiibo
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Your Danganronpa 1 match is...
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Kyoko Kirigiri!
You two are cute together
Your relationship isn't loud but you two know you love each other
The quiet couple
She will give you small kisses on the cheek
Also will tease you
Since she doesn't speak much she really enjoys your presence
It's a good thing both of your love languages is quality time!
No matter what you two always battle through things together
What icons
Your Danganronpa 2 match is....
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Sonia Nevermind!
Ha R.I.P Soda
She found you mysterious at first because of how quiet you are and was drawn towards you
Baam! Instant relationship!
She loves how friendly you are and how you take care of others!
It warms her heart especially since she needs a partner who will be nice to her country!
She loves spending time with you so she never complains
Loves to cuddle though so expect that all the time
She will help you with social cues
Honestly a very cute couple
Your Danganronpa 3 pairing is...
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Korekiyo Shinguuji!
Humanity is beautiful isn't it?
He found you very interesting and instantly got to know you
He loves how selfless you can be
After all it's the perfect example of humanities beauty
Many are confused as to why you're with him
But he treats you like royalty and loves you a lot!
Smooches your forehead a lot
His love language is also quality time so he will spend a lot of time with you!
You two don't even need to be talking and he'll love you being there
An odd but cute couple
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stationerykid · 7 years
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Watch out He’s Kuku
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ultbeauty · 4 years
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Ind. Sel. canon divergent Korekiyo Shinguuji by Des / Snom // sideblog to ultassassin
/ fanart credit / rules / about
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stalksbyakuyatogami · 3 years
h can i get uh the v3 bois (or just kork and whoever else u want idk how many u write for in a request ;-;) sleeping next to their s/o and waking up to see they were killed (in the killing game obviously) in the middle of the night and angst and yeah <3 sorry if this is dark ig o-o
Korekiyo Shinguuji Waking Up to Find His Dead S/O
nothing's too dark for me dw <33 I'm not an expert in angst, so forgive me if this sucks! I should remove angst from my list, huh...
ALSO!! i just did Korekiyo becuz i was too sleepy hshshsh
warnings: this is reaalllyyyyy cringe, death, blood, aliven’t thoughts, murder
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The moon shone brightly through the windows. The air conditioning was blasting its usual cold air. The sheets we soft and nice to be on. It was just another tranquil night. Or so Korekiyo thought.
He turned in your direction to hug you, him being the big spoon. He had you in his embrace, and he snuggled his head to your neck.
He was alarmed by the sudden dampness that covered his bandaged fingers. It was warm, and there was a lot of it. Disturbed, Korekiyo slowly opened his eyes, the light from outside blinding him. He brought his wet fingers closer to his still blurry eyes.
It took a while to process given Korekiyo's newly woken-up state. But as soon as he realized it, panic consumed his whole body faster than the light of the sun could touch the earth.
Crimson? Why... crimson?
He tried to calm himself down, but the tears about to fall from his eyes proved that he can barely think straight. Worried, he turned your body so that you were laying in your back. His heart almost stopped when he saw the hole in your stomach and chest. 3 holes.
"Oh... dear." His voice trembled while he scanned your unconscious face.
...How brutal. Not losing hope yet, his fingers found their way to your neck. You could still be alive. Your heart must be still beating. Your eyes might flutter open—!
None of those are going to come true. As much as he hates to say it, you were... dead. Why did this have to happen to you? It could've been Angie. It could've been Tenko. Rantaro. Hell, even him!
He can't afford to lose his lover. The one who showed him the most beautiful part I humanity. The one that he had plans with when they get out of this wretched school. The one that helped him with his sister. The one that kissed his tears away. The one that humored him. The one he loved.
Everything was gone. All of it. The joy that came with you were only memories now. Memories that he'd always think of, now that he can't keep making any more of it. Hell just think of it every day, while staring at the distance. It's the only thing that can keep him sane.
Except maybe... if he follows you. He didn't hesitate to jump out of bed.
His determination to follow you was more than noticeable in his eyes. He's ready. He's going to join you there any moment now.
That's cowardly.
How dare he kill himself before getting revenge? How dare he kill himself in front of you. How dare he let your killer loose? 
His hands stopped twisting the cold doorknob. That's right. He shouldn't yet. He needs to fund the culprit and he can beat the shit out of them; psychologically. He'll torture them until they break and can barely think. He'll make sure that they pay for their sins. Pay...
Haha. That's right.
He can only go back to bed and stare at your lifeless body. The saltwater finally falls to his cheeks. He can't stop the waterworks. It is okay for him to get like this, right? It's okay for him to mourn your death.
He can only stare at you with sad and longing eyes. Hell just let this finish, and he'll be sure to join you... soon.
But for now, he needs to curse this all over again and wish for justice to fall upon you. Soon you will be together again.
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WHAAAAATTTTTTTT I wrote this at 10:30 (?) in the evening ajsbkanzjanxjznx hope it at least satisfied you. Thank you for requesting, anon ♡
-Mod Toko [Angie Shift]
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