#korra: wait you like someone yangchen? who?
sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
Paparazzi: Please we just want to interview you all! Korra, holding the door down: Damn it they found out about us! Kyoshi, helping her: So uhhhh what do we do? Yangchen: Sigh, we could just answer their questions. Korra and Kyoshi: Yeah no our public image isn't the best, and we really suck with that type of stuff. Aang: I'm a child. :) Kuruk: I don't deal with people. Roku: Something tells me we'll regret talking with them. So, no. Yangchen: FINE! I'll talk to them. What's the worst that can happen?
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Reporter: Yangchen! Yangchen! What's it like being the only Dom in a long line of Subs? Yangchen: This panel is closed!
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jammatown919 · 1 year
At Last
This is another thing that's been sitting in my drafts basically done for a few months now. Was talking to my friend about how it would be cool if the Spirit World was a legit afterlife and it would be interesting but really sad if the Avatars were kept separate, then I wrote this at 2am and promptly forgot about it.
By now, Kyoshi had been away from Rangi longer than she'd been with her. She'd been here longer than she'd been alive, actually.
Where here was, she didn't exactly know. Some space only accessible to the ghosts of Avatars long past and, on occasion, the current Avatar, who seldom graced them with her full presence. Instead, they watched her life play out like a performance, chiming in where they could, but often serving as little more than her captive audience. How lucky they were. 
It wasn't the current Avatar's fault. Kyoshi actually quite liked the fierce young Korra, for all that she could like someone she'd spoken to once and only once. Korra was mostly Aang's in the way Kyoshi had been mostly Kuruk's, but they were all shackled to her and would be until the end of her life, at which point she would join them as prisoners of her successor. 
It was a miserable fate, one Kyoshi had no idea she'd be subjected to until it happened. Some Avatars carried the burden with grace, as they had in life, but Kyoshi's Avatarhood had been anything but graceful. Why should her afterlife be any different? She hated it here, and she wasn't afraid to let it be known. 
All the Avatars knew how she felt, and still would even if she hadn't screamed it for years upon her first arrival. They could feel each other in some strange way, like they were all part of the same organism that some of them, namely her, would love nothing more than to break away from. 
No one spoke much. Yangchen and Kuruk had entertained her when she was new, as she'd done for Roku when he was new, but when stuck together until the end of time, people tended to run out of things to say. 
So Kyoshi did nothing at all. She simply drifted, lost in memories, wishing and wishing that she could leave, or that her loved ones could join her, or that anything of meaning would happen to her. 
She got her wish seventeen short years into the Era of Korra. The cycle broke and started anew, leaving everyone but the poor soul who hadn't yet joined them behind it. At long last, they were free. 
They were still together when they reappeared, torn from what had been their home for so long and tossed into the real Spirit World, but there was no need to stay that way. Some left immediately, off to find loved ones or just see something new for once, but others stuck around to say goodbye. 
Kyoshi nodded to Roku. Shook Kuruk's hand. Gave Yangchen a hug. 
Then she was running, faster than she ever had in life, toward something she hadn't felt in centuries. It was her own dear heart, beating somewhere far away, still waiting after all this time. Kyoshi couldn't wait to see her again. 
However, it was not Rangi that made her stop. Instead, it was a trio of spirits; a winged snake resting atop a living rock, beside what appeared to be a cloud of sand and pebbles. She recognized them all instantly, and they recognized her. They had become something new, but they had not forgotten what they had once been. 
Her parents, she had no interest in. Perhaps one day - there was all the time in the world, after all - but not today. But Lek... she couldn't just pass him by. 
"Hello, brother," she murmured. The other two seemed to realize she was not here for them and backed away, leaving her room to approach the boy she'd hardly known and yet managed to love and miss so fiercely. 
He changed as she drew nearer, becoming the scrappy young Earthbender he'd been when they were still alive. 
"It's been a while, sister," he replied. He stepped forward and embraced her. 
"I've missed you." She was too tall to even rest her chin atop his head, so she just squeezed him tight. "The others...?"
"Kirima and Wong are always nearby," he said. "Topknot hangs around sometimes. She's not here now, though."
Kyoshi snorted upon hearing Rangi's old nickname. She'd almost forgotten it entirely. She wondered how many things had slipped her mind over the years. 
"I have to go to her," Kyoshi said. "I'll come back to see you again, but I have to go to her now."
"We all understand," Lek promised, and released her. "When you come back, will you talk to them?"
He didn't look at them, but Kyoshi knew he meant her mother and father. 
"I'll think about it," was the best she could give him. He must have matured greatly after being here so long, because he didn't press her. Instead, he smiled and let her move on. 
Beyond him and her parents was a spacious forest, full of other spirits she knew were not the ghosts of humans, except for one. He stood out to her, and she stopped for him, a beautiful white bird that radiated fatherly love. Her true father. Kelsang. 
It hurt so much to see him again, but it was a good pain. He flew to her, changing as he did, and that beloved old face brought tears to her eyes. 
"I'm sorry," they both said at once, yet neither believed there was anything for them to forgive. They embraced fiercely, and a softly spoken "I love you," was their compromise. 
They stood there, together again, for so long that Kyoshi thought Rangi might come crashing impatiently through the forest. It would've been nice, honestly. The thought reminded her of old times. 
"Kuruk is free, too," Kyoshi mumbled into his shoulder, almost as an afterthought. 
"I'll see him soon," Kelsang replied. "For now, you're looking for someone more important. Let me guide you." 
Then, he was the bird again, winging away across a sky far brighter than that of the world from which they'd come. Kyoshi followed him, dazzled by the light in his form. She followed blindly, trusting, and he did not fail her. 
They came to a flowering field beyond a sparkling river, where two bright red felines lay side by side. The creatures were quite literally identical, but Kyoshi could tell them apart easily. One was her mother-in-law, and the other was her very soul. 
They rose together, their bronze eyes wide and waiting. Hei-Ran did not move or change as Kelsang landed beside her, a neighbor checking up on things. 
Rangi was her old self in an instant, sprinting across the field to hurl herself into Kyoshi's waiting arms for the first time in centuries. 
Her glowing girl's weight had been no great burden to her in life, and here they both felt weightless, but Kyoshi collapsed to her knees anyway, holding her beloved wife close with every selfish intention of keeping her there for all of eternity. Rangi didn't seem to mind one bit. 
"How?" she asked through the most beautiful tears Kyoshi had ever seen. "I thought... the Avatars-"
"We're free," Kyoshi replied with a sob. "There's a new cycle and no need for us anymore. I can be with you again." 
Rangi wept freely into Kyoshi's chest. 
"I looked for you," she said. "I looked for you for years, even though every spirit I met told me the Avatars were somewhere else. I never accepted that I couldn't see you again."
"I'm here now." Free of the rules of etiquette, Kyoshi pressed a long overdue kiss to Rangi's scalp. "I'll be here forever."
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survivalove · 11 months
same anon here -> i've read both the kyoshi & yangchen novels and that's fucking insane to me like ok by that logic we should also wholeheartedly hate on roku for leaving aang to deal with the hundred year war— oh wait! it's just fucking misogyny! although i guess i shouldn't be surprised by this anymore considering this is the same fandom who will see korra lose her past lives and instead of be rational people & think "oh wow thats a bad writing choice" will instead be like "korra's a bitch and shes the WORST avatar ever"
and yes like you said it's not as if yangchen just fucked off and let spirits be trampled on by humans without a care in the world 😭 she reasoned with said humans more than once but they'd continue what they were doing as soon as she left (even after their own children were put in danger)
it’s the annoying people that go “actually yangchen did xyz” whenever someone compliments her. they’ll fully admit to not even reading her books and to be fair i don’t think most of them like kuruk that much either, they just to have a woman’s name in their mouth 🙄
the korra thing is also annoying and i didn’t even know people liked roku 😭
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thebountywriter · 5 years
I remember the first time I watched legend of korra I was stoked to see a female avatar (I know there was avatar Yangchen(?) and Avatar Kyoshi but this time the show was going to follow an actual female avatar. I remember watching it on the family computer in my brothers room I was already hooked the moment I saw baby korra. This was the time where they aired every week a new episode so I had to wait an extra day out of the week for online ones to pop up because we didn’t get US aired episodes till months later. I was excited to see what this was going to turn into. There was an Avatar the same as me, a girl and she was buff, and strong and cool. Then came Mako the the possible love interest and I wasn’t too keen on him. He was a nice dude but I dunno I guess it was okay, maybe it’ll grow on me.
Then... Asami graced the stage. The moment she removed that helmet my gay little heart was in love with her character already. Not just because she looked really good, but in that moment the way she was animated and voices I knew she was gonna be one of my favorite characters. The moment she was onscreen my gut was telling me. She’s definitely gonna be badass. Then it was presented that she and mako that was gonna be together, which I was like “huh..?” Cause the way it was presented he would be with korra, not asami.
Then the most brilliant idea came into my head. The scene of him with Asami and the moped wasn’t even done when I went (and it’s a good thing I was alone watching) “Korra and Asami would look good together. I now ship it”
I thought it was going to be just an offhand comment like something I will only see in fan fiction. like seriously? Nickelodeon letting two women be together? Yeah right. I’m never going to see someone like me on this type of tv. And for the rest of season 1 and 2 that’s how I felt. I thought they were forcing the korra and mako and the asami mako romance. That they wanted to put these two women against each other and I almost lost interest.
Then came season 3 and oh boy it was a doozy and my little gay shipping heart was outright in a tizzy. The interactions were amazing and they even actually addressed the love triangle issue. That even when it happened they became really good friends. Girlfriend as korra stated. I cannot for the life of me see how people can say it was forced that it came out of nowhere because I could clearly see everything and it made me happy. Then finale came and I yelled and got teary. I knew they couldn’t just outright kiss on screen but it made it feel like I wasn’t alone anymore.
I saw a lot of myself in korra even from the very start. The drive to hopefully be seen, be remembered, and be useful. She was basically a woman who did not know exactly what she was supposed to do but she stuck to it. And it turned out she wasn’t entirely straight. Being seen and feeling like you aren’t alone is an amazing feeling and I hope that in the future of cartoon and animation more people can see themselves and get to say “their just like me I’m not alone”
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
Avatar vs Antagonist switch up pt 2
The follow up from this.
Korra: We still have a bunch of Antagonists to get through....
Roku: Are you going to be taking on any more?
Korra: I don't think so, I'm literally taking on all Kuruk's spirits, I think that's worth a lot.
Kuruk: Yeah but you're spiritbending, it's kinda cheating.
Korra: Ugh, fine. Who's next on the list?
Aang: Hmmm Hama on a Full Moon? And Yakone.
Korra: Ugh, bloodbenders. >_>
Roku: Blo-what now?!
Aang: They're waterbenders who can manipulate the water in people's bodies. It's kind of terrifying. Most can only do it on a full moon, but Yakone, and Korra's Amon and Tarrlok are ones who can just do it whenever.
Kuruk: That's horrifying.
Roku: Don't mention this type of bending to Yangchen or Kyoshi, I'm afraid they'll be a little too interested.
Kuruk: Let's not add to Yangchen's repertoire of unique killing bending styles, ok?
Korra: Actually.... I think Yangchen or Kyoshi should take them.
Roku: Korra, we can't nominate other people to take on the enemies when they aren't here. And we can't just take all our problems and give it to those two.
Korra: No I don't think they can solve it, I wanna see them get ragdolled around.
Aang: Korra that's kind of messed up.
Korra: They wouldn't be dead, it'd just be funny.
Kuruk: Nah that kinda would be funny.
Roku: I think Kyoshi would break out of it, she's built different.
Korra: Oh I think so too, but for the first few seconds? jksafjlaaf Bwaaaaaahahahaha.
Kuruk: Oh you should see the memory I saw of Yangchen being blown back by a combustion bender. It'd probably look just like that.
Korra: Ok ok all in favor of giving the bloodbenders to Yangchen and Kyoshi say "Aye!"
Kuruk: Aye!
Aang: NO! We can't do that, Kyoshi is already taking on two big bads, and Yangchen is *shudders*
Roku: Plus Wan, Aang, and I need more enemies to fight.
Korra: Ugh, but if I give Tarlok and Amon to Aang he'll easily just Avatar state it away. :/
Aang: I guess I'm taking Tarrlok and Amon. But who is taking Yakone and Hama?
Korra: I can deal with them, but I don't want to. Someone else take them.
Kuruk: Wait, where is Wan?
Roku: I take it you won?
Wan: Of course! It's in my name!
Roku: Lava's not fun is it? >:)
Wan: Shut up!
Kyoshi, walking in, also smoking: Which one of you sad sacks is taking Tagaka?
Korra: Who's Tagaka?
Kyoshi: A pirate/daofei waterbender.
Wan: Is she hard?
Kyoshi: ........yes?
Roku: Kyoshi was that a question I just heard.
Kyoshi: Listen, I was unconscious when she was beaten.
Korra: You didn't even beat her?!
Kyoshi, shrugs: Tbh, it wasn't even my fight. Plus I fainted because I pulled up the seafloor and that wiped me out.
Kuruk: You ain't normal kid.
Wan: I guess I'll take her if she's easy. ;w;
Aang: Wait where's Yangchen.
Kyoshi: Trust me, you don't wanna know what she's up to.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
Avatar vs Antagonist switch up pt 3
Follow up from this
Roku: Kyoshi....how did the....fight go? Kyoshi: ? I won, obviously. Roku: I mean, Sozin....Did you....you know? Kyoshi: Did I what Roku? Roku: Please Kyoshi, he was my friend. :( Kyoshi, rolls eyes: And Yun was mine, you saw how that went down. Btw, someone is gonna need to take him. RIP to you tho. Roku: KYOSHI PLEASE! Kyoshi: He's fucking alive ok?! I didn't kill him! Aang: ...I....I'm so impressed Kyoshi! I didn't think you had the restraint. Kyoshi: I'm not a bloodthirsty tyrant who gets off on killing- Aang: I'm sorry I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions- Kyoshi: That's Yangchen! Aang: Excuse me? Kyoshi: Everyone just looooves to confuse me with Yangchen! C'mon! Kuruk: Tell me about it, "oh let's pray to Yangchen, she'll help us with this spiritual issue" please! Aang: Kyoshi, Um.....why didn't you kill Sozin? Kyoshi: Huh? Oh, Yangchen wanted a word with him. Aang: Roku, go, NOW! Korra: He's already gone Aang. Hey, Kyoshi, why are you smoking? Kyoshi: Huh? Oh. Apparently that Ozai guy can shoot lightening too. Aang: And.....you got hit by it? Kyoshi: Ugh, yeah. Multiple times. So annoying. I really am starting to dislike lightening benders. It's so cheap. Aang: M....multiple....times? Kyoshi: Yeah it hurts like hell. Korra: Kyoshi, something's wrong with you.... Kyoshi: "Kyoshi somethings wrong with you!" "Yangchen, why are you like this?" "Kuruk! Why are you such a failure?" Get some new material! Kuruk: Preach sister! Korra: Alright alright. Tell me about this Yun guy. Kyoshi: He's the greatest earthbender that ever lived. Korra: Fine, I'll take him. Kyoshi: Great, watch your back. And pro tip, freezing the lungs and heart doesn't hurt. Korra:.....I'll try spiritbending first and then go from there. Kyoshi: Damn, why do I feel like that's going to work out for her? So cheap and unfair. Kuruk: Tell me about it. Korra: Btw Aang, if you take on Amon, you have to go through an army of Chi Blockers! Aang: Wait what?! That's not fair! Korra: Tell me about it! I hate those motherfuckers. Yangchen, walking back with Roku trailing behind: "Motherfuckers?" Oh Korra, it sounds like you're talking about combustion benders. :) Is there another one? Aang: How'd it go Roku? Roku: I fear for the rest of the people on our list, Aang. ;w;
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
"Honorary Water Tribe member"
Kuruk: I think we should claim Kyoshi as an "Honorary Water Tribe" member. Kyoshi: What the fuck are you talking about? Korra: Yeah Kuruk, I don't really get it. Aang: Yeah if anyone is going to be one, it should be me! I'm at least married to someone from the Water Tribe! Heck, even Yangchen counts. Yangchen: You all keep my private life out of this! Kyoshi: Yangchen, quick, what do we do when we're hit with allegations?! Yangchen: Deny, deny, deny. Blame it on spirits! Kyoshi: No! We take accountability! Yangchen: You stay in your lane, I'll stay in mine. Kuruk, please elaborate. Kuruk: Thank you, Yangchen. As I was saying. I think Kyoshi should be labeled as a member of the tribe! Roku: I mean, as Avatar's we technically belong to all the nations- Kuruk: That's not what I mean! Kyoshi: Then what the hell do you mean????? Kuruk: What I mean is, Kyoshi you've inherited some key features from me, my wife, and Kavik. Kyoshi:............................. Yangchen:.............................. Korra, Aang, Roku: ???????? Kyoshi: Hey Yangchen..... Yangchen: ...... Kyoshi: He's talking about your boy, you want to stop him? Yangchen: My boy? I don't have a boy. Kavick? Who's he? I'm leaving. Leave me out of this. Kyoshi: Damn, denying that poor boy of an existence, the hell do I have in common with him? Kuruk: You're both the subbiest bottoms I've ever met. Kyoshi: ......................................... Kyoshi: Kuruk, what do you want to say to your wife? Kuruk: What- Kyoshi: Kuruk, tell me what you want to tell your wife. Because I will find Koh and relay the message, after I FUCKING RIP YOUR SPINE OUT THROUGH YOUR THROAT- Kuruk, pulls Kyoshi into a one arm bear hug: THAT'S MY GIRL! Look at that bloodlust! You got that from me! Kyoshi: ?????! Kuruk: You also got my amazing game too! Dripping with rizz and you don't even try! Like c'mon! Nyahitha even says we're basically twins! Kyoshi: Kuruk shut- Kuruk: And same taste in the ladies~! uwu Kyoshi: ........................................................ Korra: She's going to kill him. Kyoshi: I'm going to kill him. Kuruk: You also have my wife's face, so I think that qualifies too! Kyoshi: Get off of me. Kuruk: Korra, you also inherited Rangi's wishes for Kyoshi! A castle, guards, people love you! Korra: Heh, so that means they're my great-grandmas? Kuruk: Exactly! Korra: You know what? I kinda feel a kinship with her, esp with Kuvira and Chin. Damn, I didn't realize Kyoshi had so much in common with us. Kuruk: I know! From our looks, to our personality, or our vibe. She deserves to be part of our Tribe! Kyoshi: None of you are making any sense. Let go of me and go do whatever you want. I'm leaving! Yangchen! Wait up!
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