#kravitz please interact
ya-kn0w-fr0m-tv · 2 years
okay so like,, where’s the hot sexy grim reaper when you wanna talk to him- 🌂
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anistarrose · 5 months
taz balance one-shot recs!
I've been meaning to make this post for a while now, so here we are! The majority of these are from the past three years or so, because I love a fandom classic as much as anyone, but I particularly want to shine a light on some gems from after the peak of traffic in the fandom tags! There are of course also exceptions that are older, though.
Also, April 19th-21st are Just Leave a Comment Fest, so please show these authors some love!! They're all so deserving!
a recipe for home by @journalofimprobablethings: Taako tries to cook for the first time since Glamour Springs. When things go awry, Lucretia is there to lend a hand.
Gen (Taako & Lucretia), 3.5k. Early B.O.B. era hurt/comfort centered around cooking, with a delicious dollop of sentimentality and dramatic irony on top.
Seven Times Magnus Burnsides Gave Someone A Hug + One Time He Received One by @barry-j-blupjeans: Magnus wasn't really any good at— at words. He was more of an action man. Or, y'know, a "I'll take this hit so you don't have to" man. Talking to someone about their feelings was all kinds of weird, so usually he just left the space for someone else to talk. And, well... Magnus wasn't good at words. But there's a few different ways to get his support across.
Mostly gen with some Magnulia, 8.6k. You've all heard of the classic 5 Plus 1, but obviously Magnus deserves a 7 Plus 1! I don't know how to describe it without spoilers other than being full of incredibly sweet, gentle takes on so many fraught or bittersweet moments. Super underrated, do give it a read.
Embrace the Dark by @ceilingfan5: Bookstore coworkers Kravitz and Taako get more than they bargained for when Taako tries to use his powers to fix Kravitz's migraine. But it's okay--it's an excuse for them to spend time together until one of them can nut up and ask the other out.
Taakitz, 8.9k. Modern with Superpowers AU! Super sweet interactions between Kravitz and Taako, paired with lots of fun background worldbuilding. And, of course, a very special grilled cheese sandwich.
Break This Heavy Chain by Punka_Writes: In the immediate aftermath of Story and Song, Barry Bluejeans could really use a hug.
Blupjeans and misc. platonic interactions, 2.3k. The absolute epitome of comfort food in written form, with excellent Barry characterization (and of course, he does get that hug)!
birds of a feather steal sweaters together by @holdmecloser-gandydancer: When you're a big, burly guy it seems that your clothes just become free reign for all your friends. Normally Magnus is a reasonable guy, but everyone has their limits.
Gen (IPRE crew), 1.9k. Starblaster era fluff! Everyone is written absolutely delightfully, and every time I read it I snort out loud at least twice.
Security by @ceilingfan5: Barry has finally made it--his incredible scientific discovery has landed him a huge fortune...and a lot of problems. The only good thing that's come of it, honestly, has been his bodyguard, Lup. (And the science. That's good also.) He's just gotta stay normal about how nice it is to have someone like Lup around, and also not perish by way of press circuit, and everything will be fine.
Blupjeans, 6k. Modern with magic AU from Barry's POV, featuring equal parts anxiety and pining. Also, it's straight-up extremely funny.
Lonesome Dreams by @jerreeeeeee: Taako wakes up one morning from a nightmare, fast fading. There was a guy in glasses, and they were… somewhere high up? Something terrible happened, but he doesn’t remember. He wakes up in a wagon he’s never seen before, but it has his name on it. There’s tons of food inside, more than he’d be able to afford. And he’s alone. Thinking back to the last thing he remembers is difficult. College? No, he’d graduated. Top of his class, obviously, he remembers that. But what- what happened after? Where is Lup?
Gen (Taako & Lup), 10.2k. Everything starts out the same, except Taako remembers Lup, even if not how she went missing, and it's incredibly underrated and full of phenomenal characterization. I won't spoil how things shake out, but it's a great emotional ride and I genuinely reread it all the time.
it's my party and I'll mope if I want to by @holdmecloser-gandydancer: Taako's birthday is just another Thursday. A detective and an old friend have a different idea.
Gen (Taako & Lucretia & Angus), 2.1k. Short and so sweet! Fics about voidfished!Taako's birthday never get old, and this is one of my absolute favorites. Nailing the angst-to-wholesome ratio.
Tedious Familiarity by @barry-j-blupjeans: Déjà vu. Noun. A feeling of having already experienced the present situation. A tedious familiarity. Barry Bluejeans woke up in a cave, fresh out of a pod filled with green goop, and saddled with an unsettling feeling that he had been here before. If you had asked forty-year-old Barry if he would follow instructions left by a talking coin, he probably would have asked you what type of drugs you were on. But, y’know, fifty… two? Fifty-one? How old was he? Fifty-two sounded right. But, y’know, fifty-two years old Barry didn’t really have that many other places to turn, so this couldn't be all that bad.
Gen, 4.1k. Missing scenes based off Barry's decade alone, written in such an effective style, where all the little details truly make it. Mandatory reading for fellow Barry angst enjoyers.
Angus McDonald and the Wonderland Escape Rooms by coppersunshine: When Angus gets grounded from detecting, to keep his skills sharp he becomes a patron of the Wonderland Escape rooms, run by Edward and Lydia, who quickly decide he's their new nemesis. To their surprise, Angus and the collection of weird adults he's accompanied by decide otherwise.
Gen (Angus & Edward & Lydia), 7k. Modern with magic AU, putting Edward and Lydia in the absolute funniest possible job, at which a little boy detective torments... and maybe, even gives them a chance to turn over a new leaf. I am of the opinion that Angus and the Wonderland twins have a criminally underexplored dynamic, and this fic gave me everything I wanted.
If the Sun and Moon Should Doubt by Punka_Writes: Merle Highchurch, on the brink of a bad decision.
Gen, 1.6k. Merle character study immediately before running out on his marriage. Truly the incredible characterization that Merle deserves; this was a fic that really ignited my love for him.
Greensleeves by @sgrumby: Kravitz has never seen a lich like this before, and he's seen a lot of liches. Merle is just trying to save the universe, thanks very much.
Gen (Kravitz & Merle), 2.2k. A unique and also absolutely genius Lich!Merle AU where Kravitz inevitably comes after him, and Merle is... well, the Peacemaker, of course!
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noodyl-blasstal · 11 months
Sticky Keys
It's @taznovembercelebration day 13 and today's card was "sticky"
Read below or on Ao3. Missed yesterday's? Find it here.
If he just jabs the space bar a few more times Kravitz is certain it’ll be fine. The first 78 times haven’t worked, but the next few prods will definitely do it.
“Is everything okay, my guy?” A tall man with long hair pokes his head around the door. “Taako heard keyboard warfare and came to join in if reinforcement was needed.” Something in his tone implies that he absolutely will go to war against the keyboard if Kravitz asks it. He’s tempted to if it means he gets to spend some more time with him.
“It’s the, er…” Kravitz pokes the space bar again. “You know.” He finishes lamely, gesturing at the still very depressed key.
Taako’s mouth quirks at the corner. “Ah yes. Welcome, we’re great at IT here, only the top of the line equipment for the institute’s teaching staff. What’s your handle, kemosabe? I’m assuming you’re new. Cha’boy would definitely remember you.” The last line is accompanied by a not-so-subtle once over.
Kravitz’s mouth dries up. It’s not that this doesn’t happen, he has a mirror, he knows he looks good, but this guy is handsome and engaging and this doesn’t happen to him. It’s strange guys in clubs approaching him in the toilets, not institute staff propositioning him with their eyes in the lecture theatre. Maybe this is his life now? Maybe higher education is precisely as horny as all the trashy horror novels he read in high school made out.
“Guh.” He says, intelligently. Making sure that Taako knew he was charming, witty, and engaging.
“An interesting name. Short, sweet. I'm intrigued.” Taako moves closer like he's stalking prey. He has to know the impact he's having on Kravitz's, has to be able to see the wave of heat clawing its way up his neck.
He can't give in. He can interact normally. “Kravitz.” Says Kravitz, and sticks his hand out to highlight that he actually managed to remember his own name this time.
“Taako.” Says Taako, as if he didn’t already say his, then proceeds to fist bump Kravitz’s palm.
It’s purely instinct, but Kravitz curls his palm around Taako’s fist and shakes it anyway. It’s a move that never ceases to make his nephew shriek. It looks like Taako wants to do the same and that helps honestly. He’s just people, it’s fine.
Kravitz smiles at him like what he’s just done is completely regular. “Pleased to meet you, Taako. I appreciate you coming to help in my time of need.”
“So, do you need cha’boy to do kung fu on the keyboard? They don’t call me flip wizard for nothing.” Taako chops convincingly at the air, then blows on his hand and tucks it back into his pocket.
“Why do they call you flip wizard?” Kravitz needs to know immediately.
“Because Taako has all the moves.” Taako says confident and incomprehensible.
“Every single move?” Kravitz asks, injecting disbelief into his tone.
Taako leans in, close, conspiratorial, “all of ‘em.”
“What about this one?” Kravitz spins in a circle and adds a little kick at the end.
“I can’t believe you stole that and didn't even do it right.” Taako performs the same move. “Ha cha! See, done properly.”
“I’m not convinced there was a difference.”
“Of course not, you’re just out here stealing moves you don’t even understand, that you don’t know the heart of. Where's the nuance, Kravitz? Do you even know what’s the soul of the wiggle circle flick? What the purpose of the kick is?...” Taako pauses to let Kravitz answer, then interrupts the silence. “Exactly, you don’t know.”
“Do you?”
“Of course!”
Kravitz raises an enquiring eyebrow.
“It’s all about synergistics.”
“Taako, if you make this work related I’m going to think about my damn powerpoint again.”
“Speaking of the powerpoint, how much do you love me?”
Kravitz pauses. The answer is more than nothing, which is probably what it should be. Also, he may hold the secrets to salvation.
“A lot?” Says Kravitz.
“Are you asking Taako, or telling him?”
“A whole lot!” Says Kravitz, now with confidence™
“Bit weird, you’ve only known me five minutes.” Taako’s smiling though, so Kravitz’s swoopy ill feeling doesn’t last long. It’s a joke, it’s going to be okay.
“Do you by any chance know how to fix the powerpoint? Or were you just looking for a declaration of love to spice up your Tuesday afternoon?”
“Could the answer be both?”
“I suppose I’ll allow it, this time.” Kravitz smiles, he doesn’t often get to play like this at work. Everyone’s too busy focusing on tenure and being dull.
“Stand back.” Taako orders.
Kravitz bows, elegantly he hopes, and gestures to the computer. “Your dodgy IT equipment, my lord.”
“Ooooh, Lord Taako, cha’boy could get used to it.” Taako muses as he passes. “It has a ring it.”
“Lord Taako: Flip Wizard.” Kravitz gives him his proper title.
Taako hunches over the computer, then reappears a second later looking pleased with himself. “Click it!” He says, holds out a tiny unicorn themed stick to Kravitz.
Kravitz stares at it, unsure of where to begin.
“The horns.” Says Taako, patiently, as if it was obvious, as if Kravitz was being ridiculous..
He presses a horn tentatively. His slide moves on. He clicks again, it moves again, and again, and again. Then back when he presses the other horn. Thank the lady! Kravitz could talk about music and folklore for hours, but the slides would definitely help the class actually stay awake. “Taako! You wonder, I could kiss you.” Fuck. It was a figure of speech, but he’d like to… it definitely wasn’t something you said to colleagues you just met though.
Taako considers him at length. Probably debating whether to report him to HR or super HR. Kravitz opens his mouth to apologise, but Taako replies before he gets the chance. “Go on then.”
I hope you enjoyed! Check out the next prompt here.
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year
'BEEF BUTTON' AND 'THE FEAR' PLEASE (I'm yelling because I'm excited) with Taakitz.
Thank you so much (both for the list and all the fabulous writing you give us to devour!)
Kravitz can do this. He can. It’s easy, probably. Normal people would find it easy, and he’s normal enough, ergo, fucking, do it, coward. He squeezes the pinback button a little too tight in his hands and inhales when the stupid thing pokes him, because it’s sharp, because it’s a button. Stupid. Normal, though, so normal, and regular? Categorically. 
Hey, you dropped this. Easy. He can use that smoldery voice he practices in the shower. Hey, you dropped this? Minor edit, more inviting. Maybe? Is this yours? I found it on the floor. Very sexy. Tenouttaten, layable. Bangtastic. His fuckable nature and awkward swag are legendarical. He’s gonna floor this whole fucking cafeteria with just how awesome this interaction goes. 
God, he is sweating. If it was some rando, it would be easy enough. Well, not like, Easy easy. He’d take it to lost and found. Or? Honestly? Keep it. It’s not like some show or a dumb thing. This button is bright red and just says BEEF. That rules, what the fuck? Kravitz needs to understand. So he has to interact. It’s math. Probably. He graduated and never looked back, honestly. 
Why the BEEF? Why? What could possibly necessitate such a strong statement?? But this guy isn’t just some rando, he’s Dreamy…. Like, legitimately. Like, magazineworthy, like, commercially, like Kravitz has run into him four and a Half times and thinks of him OFTEN, you  know, #normally, and is categorically regular about imagining what that long pink hair looks like out of that thick braid that could be a weapon, and that charming gap in his teeth, and the bootyshorts that say CONSTANTLY ALIVE, or that skirt that left glitter all over the floor, or the platform shoes that rattled full of actual aquarium gravel and gummy sharks,  or- or- or- or-
Beef. It’s what’s for winners. Winners who best social anxiety and return the cool button to the hot guy. Winners who can talk words good and do tasks and complete objectives. 
He’s rooted to the fucking spot with The Fear ™. But he can do this. He’s gonna do it right now.
Aaaaand go.
Nope. This time.  AAAAAAAaaand go. Shoot, one more. Third time’s the charm. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand- 
“Oi-” he says, wincing internally at the sound that comes out of his face, but somehow he has…already committed to the bad accent. “Did you drop this?”
“Huh?” he gets in return. Taako looks up at him from his book and wrinkles his nose, and his freckles dance, and he is the sun, and Kravitz should have worn sunscreen today. “What?”
“This button, the BEEF button, it’s yours? Seems like something you’d have. On your person. Or objects you possess. Is it?” He is sweating. Why did he wear all black today? Well, he always wears all black, but why?
“Oh, yeah! Thanks, man.” Taako holds out his hand to take it. Kravitz is pretty sure his name is Taako. When he orders his iced coffee drinks he half-sings T-double A- K- O. And Kravitz has NOT been writing it in his journal like a lovesick middle schooler. That would be sad. And he doesn’t even own a gel pen. So there.  
“No problem,” Kravitz’s accent warbles and changes, and Taako kind of tilts his head at him. “What’s it for? What- what’s the BEEF?”
Taako laughs. 
“It’s vintage,” he says. “God knows. This ancient beef rose before me and will fall after I am gone. The BEEF is eternal, you know? What’s your handle, scented candle?”
“Kravitz,” Kravitz manages. “And…cinnamon sugar, maybe.”
Taako blinks. 
“F-, uh, for the candle? Did you not-”
“Ohh,” Taako says. “Taako.” He jabs a thumb at his chest. “Mmmmmm…Spice rack.”
“Spice rack?” Kravitz is so taken aback he drops the accent entirely. “Like…oregano and garlic powder?”
“Absolutely,” Taako says. “Everybody is like, what smells so good, what are you cooking? And you hit ‘em with the fact that they wanna eat wax. Hilarious.” 
“Avant garde, even.” Kravitz shakes his head. “I, uh,” and nothing else comes out of his mouth. Taako lets him hang there for an uncomfortable amount of time, and then snorts. 
“You busy later, homeboy? I’ve been meaning to go to that new restaurant, but I thought it would be weird to go alone?”
“Burrito Boyfriend? I, hadn’t, plans- yes? I would love to get a boyfriend- I mean- I would love to get a burrito with you. Taako. Yes.”
Taako laughs hard enough that he makes a beautiful noise, and he covers his mouth, but too late. Kravitz is in love with him. 
Fuck. And all because of a little ground beef.  
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f0point5 · 4 months
It's giving "you couldn't have let me have this one?" but, not as a joke
Then again, it seems like Lando this weekend has been kind of wish washy in general. Idk what the consensus of Ted Kravitz is but, he was whining about his interaction with Lando recently too
Ted was whining because someone finally called him on being a nosey little shit. And he didn’t expect it to be Lando because he thinks that British bias he has is reciprocated by the drivers and it’s not. Ted thinks he’s in the “in” crowd but these aren’t his friends and they don’t want to talk to him
Low key but not even that low key, Lando always gives “you couldn’t let me have this one could you” energy where Max is concerned. There’s like a little bit of…dare I say, Ocon, about Lando where Max is concerned.
Don’t get me wrong I think they genuinely get on but I think during race weekends Lando gets a bit testy
Edit: Low-key this makes me want a love triangle fic with Max and Lando can someone get to work on that please
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clvsetome · 2 years
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hello everyone ☆ — 
i am on the hunt for some 1x1 or doubles on discord <3 i am someone who wants to talk, plot, and be besties ooc, & share constantly, so if you’re looking for something similar, i am your gal! basically, if you love to share hcs, pinterest boards, playlists, or send random messages at 4 am about our ships, i’d love to write with you! 
i am getting back into wanting and searching for some ocxoc plots, so i’d love to read about your muses or create them on the spot! i don’t have a ton of preset muses rn, personally! anyways, there will be a lot more info down under so, if anything here or down below sounds interesting to you, leave a like or message me and i’ll come to you so quickly ! all the love ! ☆
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please take a look at my rules before interacting to see if we’ll mesh! it’s a bit messy sorry! + since i don’t have a list, this might seem all over the place as well, apologies in advance <3 mainly looking for mxf plots! with me playing the male or female role, but please do not assume i’ll just take on the male role! i am definitely fair when it comes to doubles! ☆
i love a good friend group plot, there’s so much to work with there
dont ask me why, but i’ve kinda been thinking about fame/celeb plots. either both of them being celebrities, or one of them being one and the other not? idk could be saucy? 
yall, tlou got me craving some post-apocalyptic plots! i haven’t done one in a LONG time, but watching it made me crave a plot like that so heavily! 
this one is typical but even just making things up on the spot! coming up with a plot together, so fun, especially when we shape it around our muses
obviously anything centered around some angst and of course some fluff
if you have any wanted plots we can take a look at those too! i am not looking for anything mafia/crime/fantasty/sci-fi/historical. 
fandom - i really am only writing stranger things rn! ocxcc, or if you want to just do a stranger things inspired plot. 
florence pugh 
maude apatow 
logan lerman 
diana silvers 
savannah smith 
jacob elordi
olivia cooke 
robert pattinson 
joe quinn
zoe kravitz 
sophie thatcher 
joe keery
daisy edgar jones 
+++ down to look at your opposites! <3 
timothee chalamet 
joe keery 
robert pattinson 
sydney sweeney 
joe quinn
diana silvers
andrew garfield
logan lerman 
florence pugh 
pedro pascal 
oscar isaac 
jacob elordi
+++ down for most people! 
hope some of this sounds exciting for you! & we can begin writing! have a good evening yall <3 ☆
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whatiwillsay · 1 year
I am all but begging Taylor to find a new gf to be loud on main with. No offense but I find the late stage kaylors and swiftgrons to be equally insufferable. Not every gay moment Taylor has is about these two women she hasn't interacted with in years. If I'm wrong I'll own it, but doubt I am. Gaylors are losing their minds saying The Alcott is about either ship when Taylor is just a FEATURE. She wrote a VERSE. idc if I'm an asshole, please learn to enjoy her art without shipping it's sad 🤦🏻‍♀️
the disrespect to zoe kravitz is INSANE like... they quarantine together, travel together, collab on music together, zoe is PROUDLY OUT AS BISEXUAL and these people wanna talk about these fucking blondes taylor hasn't seen in years god it makes me SICK
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highfm · 11 months
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𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐟𝐦          is   an independent,   semi-selective,   multi-muse   account   dedicated   to   fictional   characters   adored   by   nelle   ...   mun   is   twenty5   +.   preferring   the   pronouns   she   +   her   and   lives   in   cst   tmz.   this   account   will   contain   triggering   content   and   nsfw   imagery,   so   viewer   discretion   is   advised   ...   refer   to   the   rules, found below,  before   any   interaction,   thank   you. ( 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬    :   currently low activity levels. )
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       OO1.  muses       OO2. narratives       OO3. opens       OO4. opps
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𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬          be  advised  mun  is  above  the  age  of  twenty5+,  and  requires  all  that  interact  to  be  over  the  age  of  twenty1.  this  same  regulation  applies  for  in  character,  and  that  all  refrain  from  the  use  of  underaged  face  claims  &  characters  during  character  interaction. 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲          the  activity  level  for  mun  will  be  low  to  moderate  based  on  the  work  week  and  coming  holidays.  be  advised  responses  may  take  longer and is  based  upon  mun's  writing  motivation, though can be immediate. in  addition,  with  likely  case  scenarios,  mun  can  &  may  lose  interest  in  threads  during  interaction,  please do not hesitate to reach out.   however, if  the  reason  is  solely  based  on  ooc  interaction,  it  will  be  another  matter  of discussion. 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭          the  literary  scheme  preferred  by  mun  are  semi  lit  to  literate,  with  interaction  based  on  writing  schematics  and  character  development  prior  to  interaction.  in  addition  to,  mun  will  only  accede  to  cut  post  and  gifs  between  80-270px. 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧          following  interaction,  be  advised  mun  will  not  tolerate  god-modding  unless  mutually  agreed  upon.  in addition to, mun is open to interactions on tumblr and discord, but please reach out for further information. 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦          please refrain  from  using  any  faceclaims  under  the  age  of  twenty1,  deceased,  and  requested  not  be  used  by  mun : ariana  grande,  cindy  kimberly,  alexis  ren,  kardashians  /  jenners,  hadids,  biebers,  sprouses,  dolans,  one  direction,  scarlet  johannsen,  tom  holland,  addison  rae,  amber  heard,  danielle  campbell,  camila  cabello,  danielle  rose  russell,  jennie  kim,  dominic  sherwood,  dakota  johnson,  madison  beer,  miley  cyrus,  maia  mitchell,  katie  douglas,  selena  gomez,  megan  fox,  taylor  swift,  demi  lovato,  lily  collins,  hailey  steinfield,  barbara  palvin,  zoe  kravitz ... more can & will be added or removed at mun's discretion.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
001: TAZ (Specifically interested TAZ Balance takes but if you wanna mix in Amnesty or the mini arcs between the two go for it!)
002: Percy/Vex (I'm sure you've talked about about them a ton, but as a bit of a new follower I'd love to hear your opinions) 003: Fig Faeth (or if you haven't seen Fantasy High, your pick of Dimension 20 characters)
below a cut simply bc this shall be long as fuck
TAZ Balance
Favorite character: Lucretia
Least Favorite character: none really;
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): I feel there were not really five ships in this but like, naturally, Lup/Barry and Taako/Kravitz were both a delight
Character I find most attractive: I mean, probably Magnus.
Character I would be best friends with: I want to hang out with Carey and Killian
An unpopular opinion: I think TAZ Balance is very good and I love the graphic novels and all that but I do still think that Amnesty was stronger and deserves more accolades.
Most Badass Character: Lup, this is not a question
Most Epic Villain: I guess John? The main antagonist is like,
Favourite Friendship: the Taco Twins
Character I most identify with: Lucretia, for better or for worse. I do not think I am a well-intentioned extremist irl but I think in a D&D story I could absolutely fall into that.
Character I wish I could be: Davenport but after his memory is restored and he's just a sea captain
When I started shipping them: hard to say in that I went into C1 knowing how the general ships shook out. I do remember loving their interaction when Percy first tells VM about the Briarwoods and Vex immediately is like "oh this is 100% our problem now too",
What makes me happy about them: everything. My ideal for fictional romances is truly "we are flawed in the same way, but through each other we can see how we are worthy of love despite that" so like, this is my fucking jam.
What makes me sad about them: not much, honestly! lifespan angst was made up by mediocre fanfic writers to sell more mediocre fanfic.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: nothing specific to them; in general I am a very "he would not fucking say that" person when it comes to fanfic so getting the voices right is crucial, but that's always true for any ship.
Things I look for in fanfic: see above; get the voices right.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I mean, they are perfect for each other and no other ships for either of them compare, but I would not be mad at Percy/Tary or Vex/Zahra.
My happily ever after for them: they've got it! Percy just wants to do weird science in a workshop while a competent partner does all the political work; Vex wants the security that power grants her after a childhood and young adulthood of profound instability and emotional abuse, and both want someone who loves even their more vengeful and complicated side, and that's what they're doing!
Fig Faeth
How I feel about this character: She is great. Love how Emily leaned into Angry Teen in a way that felt real and understandable.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Ayda
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I mean, all the bad kids, but Riz and Kristen are some of my favorites. Also her relationship with Gilear is wonderful.
My unpopular opinion about this character: None really?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Nothing specific other than "please give us a third season one day, please d20 cast, please"
Favorite friendship for this character: Probably Riz; Emily and Murph as players are hilarious in that they NEVER explore romantic chemistry despite being irl married, but their characters almost always end up really good friends.
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kincalling · 2 years
Hi, I'm Kravitz from The Adventure Zone Balance looking to talk to anyone! 18+ only please. Please interact if you want me to msg you, just be aware I am probably going to reach out from a sideblog.
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queenxfthedxmned · 2 years
indie semi-selective multimuse roleplay blog. eighteen plus only. mature themes and tw’s include: drugs,violence,crime,weapons,alcohol,blood,death,murder, & occasionalsmut
guidelines & banned
This is a sideblog penned by Mia, age 28
I have am married with a toddler so my activity will range from slow-fast, however I’d like to think most of the time I’m fast
I will not interact with anyone who’s under 18 and preferably not under 21
If you are under 18 you’ll probably be blocked
This blog will not be smut-centric AT ALL, if you want to write with me just for smut, I probably won’t write with you
That being said, I will write smut on occasion if it fits the plot! 
There will be many mature themes on this blog from drugs, blood and murder.  I will do my best to tag them as such.
Other than that, I’m here to have fun! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to write :)
Here is a list of ‘banned’ faceclaims
I don’t really have any ‘banned’ faceclaims per say.  I won’t rp with any mun or fc under 18.  I won’t rp with animated faceclaims, cartoons, anime or anyone like that. Amber Heard is a given. There are some faceclaims my muses won’t be attracted to so don’t try to force a ship please.  I will probably add more but those faceclaims are listed here:
Charlie Hunnam.  Garrett Hedlund.  Ben Barnes.  Benedict Cumberbatch.  Matt Smith.  Logan Lerman. John Krasinski. Tom Holland. Chord Overstreet. Michael B. Jordan.  Alexander Skarsgard.  Mads Mikkelsen. Jack Quaid.  Victoria Justice.  Selena Gomez. Michael Daddario. Alexandra Daddario. Taylor Swift. Please understand that these faceclaims are not banned, but a ship will never come from a pairing with one of these facelaims. I also will do my best, but i find it really hard to write against faceclaims that i’m unfamiliar with.  I like to envision the character, and I find it a bit harder when i have no idea who the fc is. Here are some faceclaims that I LOVE:
Elizabeth Olsen.  Sebastian Stan.  Chris Evans.  Zoe Kravitz.  PETER GADIOT.  Oliver Jackson-Cohen.  Joseph Quinn. Victoria Pedretti.  Nina Dobrev.  Jensen Ackles.
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noodyl-blasstal · 2 years
Scamming me, scamming you chapter 2
Kravitz is just trying to save the world and google his way through interpersonal interactions.
Read here or on A03.
Chapter one here
Kravitz had wondered if the email was too heavy handed, but a small part of him hoped he could shame the scammer into quitting. They weren’t as awful as some of the other ones he’d encountered, or, at least, they were much less skilled. To be honest, they usually tried a bit harder. Maybe this person was already working a few different marks? Kravitz made a mental note to step it up, there wasn’t much point in replying if he wasn’t distracting the scammer. He should probably mention being incredibly wealthy and emotionally vulnerable at some point… in a totally natural way.
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: RE: YOU’VE BAGGED YOURSELF A PRIZE! Body: Ooooh, so you’re basically just perfect then? Hottie who loves to help people. I’m not sure a simple idiot chef can match up, thank goodness I’m so gorgeous. I do love my job though, it’s nice to make people happy with cooking. I’m hoping to get my own food truck soon and stop having to work for other people. No one else has the vision for the full T-Experience!
So what else do you do aside from defending people from evil doers and being super smart?
That was more like what Kravitz expected. Here was the flirting, and the food truck? He was sure that there’d be an emergency with that soon which required some emergency money. Thank goodness T’s devoted boyfriend would be there to help fund his dream. Kravitz shook his head, and glared as he hit reply. Time to play this scammer like he should be playing his cello right now.
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: RE: YOU’VE BAGGED YOURSELF A PRIZE! Body: You’re very flattering, T! Thank you so much for your kind words - I appreciate it very much, although I’m not convinced I’m quite the person you paint such a beautiful portrait of.
I also get the feeling you’re not an “idiot” as you profess, it certainly takes a lot of intelligence to cook - I’m convinced I could burn cereal. The food truck sounds like a really interesting idea. What kind of food would you make?
I have to admit that I do spend a lot of time working, it makes it hard to meet people, but thankfully my colleagues are lovely. It’s not great for dating though! I never know where to meet people… My colleagues are exceedingly married even if they aren’t officially dating. On the upside, working all the time means I don’t have time to spend any money! Great news for retirement. How about you? What do you like doing when you’re not cooking?
There, that would do it. It told T he was single, didn’t have any prospects, was isolated from people, and had money. It may also have been a little bit true, but that didn’t matter.
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: RE: YOU’VE BAGGED YOURSELF A PRIZE! Body: Hey, don’t doubt me. I know what I’m talking about. You’re a catch!
Burning cereal sounds like a specialist skill, my guy. I’d love to see you in action. If it’s as impressive as I’m imagining, I might fully pivot from the Mexican food I had planned into the flaming cereal market! Bet it’d go down well on instagram.
Working all of the time is definitely tempting when you’re committed to something. I can only imagine I’ll be working all the hours soon. I'm a baller chef so things will pick up fast once I get going! Hopefully the money will happen after that. Right now I’m working every shift I can get my hands on in the hope of escape. I usually love to fish, but I haven’t done that in a long time. It’d be nice to go again sometime.
Sounds like we both need to find some free time!
Kravitz was pleased, the emails were much more substantial than the first one and the replies were quick. He had the scammer on the hook! The replies kept coming. This guy was good, (Kravitz was fairly sure it was a guy), he really could choose to believe that T liked him. Thankfully Kravitz was too smart for that.
It wasn’t until three months in that he realised he knew T’s schedule. T hadn’t emailed yet and that meant he was working through his break again. Kravitz sent a conciliatory message telling him to look after himself before he even thought about it. T worked too hard and he didn’t get paid enough, he basically ran that place and Jenkins got to take all the credit? It wasn’t right. T deserved better… But, T wasn’t real. He was a dream manufactured to pull Kravitz’s walls down and take advantage of him, he was a reflection of things Kravitz said, things they thought he’d like. It was okay though, he was strong enough to do this, he just had to remember that it wasn’t real. He kind of wanted it to be real.
Taako washed his hands as fast as possible and grabbed for his phone, his hair felt ready to crawl off his head and he definitely had flour streaked across his face after the mixer-incident, but priorities. Now that it was finally happening, he had no idea why he had put off speaking to Krav (it was only fair that Taako got to give him a nickname too) for so long. It was just, well, nice? Talking about stuff was easier if you didn’t have to look at anyone while you did it.
Obviously Lup and Barry told him lots about Kravitz, Taako knew that he was working with them on an extended project doing something good for humanity which involved computers. Taako knew that he bought his lunch every day because he was a terrible cook (not because he specifically asked Lup about that or anything, he wasn’t planning on cooking for the guy). Taako knew that Krav asked about Taako too, but probably just in the polite ‘asking questions about your colleagues’ family to show I was okay after that time I got skeeved out when they hit on me because I thought they were you’ kind of way. But now, they could just ask each other stuff? Maybe, maybe now that Kravitz knew he wasn’t Lup, and knew he was still interested (Taako was laying it on thick, okay?), they’d actually be able to try going for a date or something? Taako was pretty convinced he could sit across a table from this guy and hold a conversation without panicking or staring too hard at him.
Taako’s face warmed when he saw there were two emails waiting for him - one continuing the conversation that had been running for months, and another sweet one hoping that he got a break soon. Krav was such a dork, he’d learned his schedule? Taako was not used to anyone outside of the family caring so much. He quickly ducked out of his apron, wrestled it into the bag he grabbed from his cubby, and wormed into his jacket as he finally escaped out the back door.
Before he replied, he took a moment to lean against the miserable grey wall outside the restaurant. Today’s shift had been hellish. Between shitty customers, missing ingredients, and the mixer refusing to do its one job, Taako just needed a minute to feel human again. He let his head thunk back against the brick and let the cool sensation seep into his skin. He was off the clock now and he had a whole day and a half to himself. Maybe tomorrow he could just casually drop by and surprise Lup and Barry with lunch? It would just be a happy coincidence if he saw anyone else while he was there and maybe just possibly happened to have something spare for them… Taako always over catered.
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: RE: Take a break Body: Hey Krav, chaboy really appreciates you, you know? No breaks for me, only mixer wrestling, cleaning up the resulting flour explosion, trying very hard not to fight the customers, and working out how to make our signature dish without three of the ingredients (I did it because I’m amazing, natch.)
Did you have a good day?
I’ll reply to the other message later, but right now chaboy’s going home for the world’s longest bath.
T xxx
So, maybe the kisses had crept back in after Lup’s first disaster message, and maybe they’d increased slightly over time. But Krav was nice and he had reciprocated too. Reply sent, Taako couldn’t wait to go submerge himself, it was probably the only way he was going to feel remotely human again. There was no chance the shitty shower would hold out long enough for that to happen, and he had to look his best tomorrow… for no reason.
Kravitz kept waiting for the request for money to come. Surely T would have had a terrible accident or needed some money for his best friend’s sick chinchilla or something? He hadn’t even gotten a massive inheritance he wanted to share but just needed a little bit of money to help him with the court costs to release it. It never came. Bad things happened to him, it had been months, of course some bad things happened, but mostly he just shared them, joked about them, and moved on. Like today, the mixer had been giving them trouble for weeks and the manager refused to release funds to replace it. That was the perfect time to ask, Kravitz probably would have paid for one too if he didn’t know what was going on. Kitchen stuff didn’t cost that much, right? Plus, T deserved it. He was great at what he did and he should have the right equipment to use. It was strange that he hadn't used the opportunity to grift Kravitz.
The timeline didn’t really fit with anything that Kravitz had read about romance scams either. T should be declaring his love by now, but aside from adding a few kisses into his messages here and there, he hadn’t done that either. Crafty bastard was clearly pioneering some new technique. Kravitz wasn’t sure what to do, it was important to know how the scams developed over time, and T was easy to talk to so it wasn’t even remotely taxing to keep up the distraction. Plus, selfishly, it was nice to speak to someone. Kravitz enjoyed his job, he was good at it, but it was hard to work out how to meet people around his schedule. Yes, he could definitely work less hours, and okay, he could take less work home, but how did you even make friends as an adult anyway? It was basically just dating and he’d always sucked at dating. Regardless of the type of relationship you were trying to form with someone you had to get to know each other and navigate the awkward stages. You did small talk, and then tried to make it big talk, or going for a coffee, and it was hard to know where to go from there. In college, sleepovers just happened because he lived in the city, taxis were expensive, and the bus service was terrible. You could just cuddle your friends and it was platonic and fine. But when you got older it was harder to navigate those boundaries and know when and how to even try asking. Did adults still have sleepovers and sleep together if it wasn’t about sleeping together? No one really talked about it. Maybe he should ask T…
Kravitz did have friends, Lup and Barry were his friends, but that certainly hadn’t been simple. He worked with them, so they were always around, a captive audience worked best for his social skills. They started by talking about work, and okay, he absolutely came off as a pompous prick, but they kept ignoring University policy. After a particularly tense meeting which led to a scolding by senior management, Barry, looking exhausted, suggested they go and get pizza. Barry was a smart man. By the time they’d demolished pizzas, garlic knots, and scolded Barry for ‘forgetting’ to order the dairy free cheese, they couldn’t exactly remember what their issue was. From that point on, Kravitz had friends. They chatted in work, they went out for coffee, and grabbed dinner together. Barry went to gigs with him; he and Lup told Barry they were watching incomprehensibly artsy movies and then trashed terrible rom coms on Netflix. But Lup and Barry were busy people, and Kravitz didn’t want to solely rely on them for company, so a lot of the time he just did things by himself, or at a distance with Sloane back in Goldcliff. Lup and Barry asked him to group events regularly, but he was so terrible with people that he never went. They had to learn to get on with him, the others had a choice in the matter.
Perhaps this situation with T was highlighting that what he had right now wasn’t enough, that he was more lonely than he realised? Maybe he should take Barry and Lup up on the next invitation? If he liked them then it made sense he’d also like the people they liked. It would be nice to meet Taako again if nothing else. He loved hearing stories about him and Lup always had plenty. In fact, he was a chef too… Bollocks. Was he just projecting with T? Was that the real reason he was so interested in talking to him? A chef whose name began with T who (said he) was beautiful, basically the same man. Yeah, definitely more of a reason to accept an invite. Seeing Taako again would be good, it would be nice to have a do-over after the Candlenights party situation. To be fair to Kravitz, Lup hadn’t mentioned that she had a brother, let alone that they were identical twins and shared a wardrobe. He definitely wished she’d clarified in advance… although was it weird to have a crush on the identical twin of his colleague? Another good reason to never interact with people ever again. Interacting with T was safe, that was just keeping him preoccupied so he couldn’t do crime. Interacting with T was a public service, it didn’t matter what T thought of him because he was just trying to scam him! T wouldn’t care if he looked the same as his sister and Kravitz still fancied him, because T wasn’t real.
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Question Body: T, do adults still have sleepovers? Krav xxx
May as well get some answers to his questions in the process.
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: RE: Question Body: Well good morning to you, Krav. Buy me dinner and we’ll see what we can do. T xxx
Oh... That wasn't... Fuck.
That also shouldn’t be such an interesting offer. Sure they'd chatted about sex a bit, but that was just part of the scam. So were the photos. Kravitz wrestled the flutter of excitement about seeing T down. This wasn't about anything but doing a good deed. Yes, he definitely should have clarified platonic sleepovers, but he couldn’t do that now, it was too awkward. Although... he asked for dinner, maybe this was T asking him for money? Was it finally happening? Maybe at dinner Kravitz could confront him and make him stop doing crimes? Yeah. This was important for public safety. The only sensible and logical option here was to play along.
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: RE: Question Body: I could be persuaded to do that, Krav xxx
He turned his phone over so he couldn’t see the screen. Glanced nervously at it. Turned it back over. Thought better of it, and lobbed it into his desk drawer. He didn’t need to think about that right now. He had actual research to get on with.
Kravitz was fully absorbed in a case study, reams of notes next to him with different concepts highlighted and research topics which might give him further context. He’d barely noticed that he’d missed coffee break and almost lunch until Lup knocked and poked her head round the door. “Hey Kravitz, just need a quick word.” She walked in and closed the door behind her. That wasn’t a good sign, that meant it was serious.
“Is everything okay?” Kravitz asked, nervously. Usually Lup would just invite him to lunch or offer a drink from the doorway, any serious meetings happened in the Bluejeans-Taaco office because it was bigger.
“Absolutely, we just need to have a quick chat about the massive crush you have on my brother because he’s on his way in.” Lup kicked her legs up onto the table and didn’t look even the slightest bit phased by the topic of conversation. Kravitz debated exactly how mortified he’d have to be to expire on the spot. He didn’t think he was far away from it.
“I.. You… I don’t… It’s…” Kravitz replied, eloquently.
“Uh huh, great point.” Lup replied. “Anyway, so he’s on his way and I wanted to warn you so you could get used to that idea because I know surprises aren’t a thing you do well with.” Lup didn’t say it with malice, and she was absolutely right. Kravitz did not do well with surprises.
“I don’t have… I’m… He’s coming here?” Kravitz was definitely thinking in whole sentences. They just didn’t seem to be making it out of his face right. “Am I that obvious?” Of course, of course that would be the sentence he could do. The one admitting he fancied her brother.
“Oh, my guy.” Lup shook her head. “You’ve been asking for stories about him every day for at least six months.” She still didn’t look angry. Kravitz was relieved, but still not entirely ready to go down without a fight.
“It’s just polite to ask about your friends’ family!” Kravitz said, he knew he was right. It was absolutely fine to do that, he’d considered it a lot because he knew he asked about Taako a lot. It was definitely okay though, because it was his friend’s sibling and you were allowed to do that - he’d Googled it and it said it was polite and showed an interest in their lives.
“Uh huh, what’s Barry’s sister’s name?” Lup’s grin was evil, with good reason. Did Barry have a sister? Kravitz didn’t think he had a sister… Wait, no, he’d got it!
“Jean!” Kravitz replied triumphantly. Lup stared at him wide eyed for a long moment before she howled with laughter. Okay, maybe that wasn’t the right answer. Lup was gasping for breath and Kravitz was fairly sure he saw a tear rolling down her cheek.
“Just… Just to clarify, Professor Kravitz. Multiple PhDs, many publications, foremost expert in his field.” Lup began, pausing occasionally to choke back a laugh. This definitely couldn’t be good news for him. “Just so we’re on the same page. I’m going to repeat this back to you.”
Kravitz nodded quickly hoping this would be over soon. Maybe it wouldn’t become a story? It would be nice if it didn’t become a story.
“You think the sister of the esteemed Professor Barry Bluejeans is called Jean Bluejeans?” Lup let the silence hang a second. “Jean Bluejeans.” She repeated.
“I… was joking?” Kravitz tried.
“Swing and a miss, my guy. There’s absolutely no escape from this one. You’re on your own with my brother, I have to tell Barold about his new sibling.” Lup leapt up, still laughing as she fled the room.
Kravitz sighed. Okay, so Barry didn’t have a sibling. Well, at least he didn’t have to feel guilty for forgetting her name… just for being the least subtle man in the universe. Wait… Had Lup told Taako? Did he know? Oh goddess, maybe Kravitz could just hide under his desk until they went away? Maybe there was a Wiki How for this situation?
Kravitz checked, there was not a Wiki How for the situation.
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boroughshq · 5 months
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Due to not meeting activity, please unfollow:
@jackfm / @dansfm
The following faceclaims are now reopened: Jonathan Bailey, Jacob Anderson, Zoe Kravitz, Matthew Gray Gubler, Tyler Alverez, Andrew Scott, Sydney Sweeney.
The following faceclaims on these mumu accounts are now reopened. please keep following:
Yara Shahidi (@paintedgxld)
Due to not sending in their account, the following faceclaims are now reopened: Melissa Barrera, Megan West.
The following muns have been granted individual extensions to meet activity:
@zhcngs (1 interaction) / @vantonovas (2 interactions) / @conwcys (3 interactions) (until 5/16)
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sourstimes · 9 months
˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . hi friends i'm gwen, this is my dash only indie rp. i'm 25 & will only interact with those 21+. i'm getting back into things but i've been rping on tumblr on & off for almost ten years now.... insane and at this point i don't have many rules, mostly just information you may want to know. such as...
mature & darker themes (violence, smut, drugs, etc.) will be present in probably equal volume to fluffy softer themes, please keep that in mind. i will do my best to tag posts that may be triggering as #usfw. not much triggers me but plots that make me uncomfortable to write myself are anything non-consensual or incestuous.
all my muses are bisexual. i love f/m & f/f ships. i know some people aren't partial to all-female muse blogs. that's okay, i'm sorry about your bad experience with one, you can move along. may you enjoy your experiences elsewhere.
fcs i tend to avoid are the following: jenna ortega, johnny depp, stranger things cast, little mix, tom holland & anyone that's stated they don't want to be used as a fc
i'm a rather shy person with anxiety through the roof so just keep that in mind. I love plotting and chatting with my partners but i may not be the most forward in doing so.
don't forget to be kind & drink water today! can't wait to write with you
- Gwen
roxanne "roxy" lawless. nepo baby jewelry designer & business school grad. los angeles, california. 25. leo. isabella jones / madelyn cline. - pinterest- theodora "teddy" campbell. fashion student & style blogger. new york city, new york. 27. capricorn. dua lipa. - pinterest- fallon li. journalist & aspiring novel writer. london, england. 25. taurus. havana rose liu. - pinterest- alexandra "alex" masters. personal trainer & bartender. new york city, new york. 30. aries. zoe kravitz. - pinterest- margot dunn. bottle girl & dancer. miami, florida. 22. libra. tate mcrae. -pinterest- calliope "callie" bismark. surf coach & retail worker. frisco, north carolina. 26. gemini. christina nadin. -pinterest-
desired opposites
desired plots
0 notes
carlandonorri-s · 4 years
Ted and Lando <3
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thee-achilles · 2 years
🍊.| astro observations & drabbles pt. 3
orange edition because i have been on a KICK
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“lee, the second one is a grapefruit, not an orange” FYL🤬🤬🤬‼️‼️‼️‼️ didn’t ask, don’t care. plus your feet STINK. anygay 😒🙄
💥. | these are only observations i have made. please take them with a grain of salt. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE OR POST ANYWHERE ELSE. if there is anything you’d like to add, let me know! <3 |💥
🐅.|made by a libra sun, libra rising, and leo moon :)
🍊mercury doms tend to pick at their skin a lot and if moon is aspecting their mercury or they’re also moon dominated, it can be a coping mechanism.
🍊you cancer risings are quickly climbing up my ranks. i’m interacting now with a lot of you guys and- y’all are syrupy sweet. also y’all could easily manipulate anyone you wanted with that charm of yours. but you didn’t hear that from me. 👨‍🎨
🍊gemini venuses/placements really like collarbones. also they’re the people to notice your new earrings and compliment them. everyone shits on gemini venuses, but their attention to detail in love is insane 😒
i have a gemini venus friend who every time i where something that shows my collarbones, she always complements them or stares at them 😭😭 and she bought me earrings for my birthday and noticed me wearing them the first time i wore them too. 🧍
🍊you earth doms love to take personality quizzes for fun huh 🤨 is it cuz you don’t know yourself or because you’re bored out of your mind? which is it 🤨 imma make ‘em say both 😻❣️
not only that, but you’ll take them as many times as it takes UNTIL you get the result you want. accept it. you are not hange. you’re yelena. i understand that you are mentally ill, which is why one day i am going to open up a hospital-
🍊mercury square mc 🤝 people telling you that you explain things well 💪 i get this a lot and it’s one of the best compliments ever tbh
🍊virgo mars like tattoos. whether it be getting them or people with them, it’s just something they’ve always found to be attractive.
🍊earth placements are so good with hair and makeup?? like i know we talk about taurus being good at it, but virgo and capricorn too?? they have such an eye for detail and color coordination, that they’re just so amazing at it.
🍊sagittarius placements/degrees are so fluid?? and we don’t talk about it enough. like zoë kravitz. it’s insane how fluid she is.
🍊“i’ve always had trouble shitting.” -my virgo stellium bestie <3
🍊leo placements are/were scared of the dark. they just constantly need some sort of light in order to sleep. it’s that sun ruler ship speaking 🙄😒
🍊moon in 9H/sag placements may have felt out of place growing up, but find their people overtime. also y’all are so smart 😻😻
🍊aries & sag risings & fire suns, air moons (or vice versa) CANNOT hide their expressions. you say some weird shit? their face gonna be like 😟
🍊aries rising, aries mercury, mercury in the 1H, mars-mercury aspects/dominance have BOOMING voices. i’m talking fee fi fo fum type shit. y’all just be talking and then someone is like “why you yelling 🤨” and in actuality you’re just speaking 😭😭
🍊harsh jupiter aspects (square, conjunction, opposition) with venus or ascendant & jupiter in virgo can’t tell if they’re hungry/full, so the sometimes just eat a lot or not at all.
🍊⬆️going off of that, harmonious venus-mars or venus-jupiter aspects have a fast metabolism.
🍊venus-jupiter aspects?? since no one said it: ⌛️
🍊mercury-neptune aspects 🤝 being great fantasy authors or absolutely hating the genre depending on the aspect.
🍊fixed placements like nice cars and have the NICEST cars. put love & care into them.
both of my grandparents are leo suns. my grandpa has an aquarius moon and they have such nice cars. and a LOT of them too. they even have this bright yellow truck 😭😭 how flashy can you get?
also scorpio placements are super knowledgeable on car mechanics. they love to see how they work!
🍊moon-doms/moon-mars/moon-jupiter aspects 🤝 their feelings taking up the ENTIRE room and literally changing everyone else’s mood. 😰 if you ever seem em in the forest with a grizzly bear... HELP THE BEAR‼️‼️
🍊moon-jupiter aspects could’ve had the bigger room while growing up or had a lot of things.
🍊it’s true what they say about you not liking your 8H sign 😭 my brother’s band directors are both taurus suns and he does NOT like them. my cousin is a taurus moon and i haven’t always really trusted him. it’s not that he’s a bad person and i do love and care for him, i just can’t bring myself to trust him. 🧍 my brother and i are both libra risings❤️
of course, if the 8H placement is cancelled out by other placements, you’re good. it’s happened to me plenty of times. my cousin just has a lot of my 8H sign’s influence.
🍊y’all can always catch a person with their mercury in detriment (pisces, sagittarius) with allergy issues. y’all be STUFFY and allergic to EVERYTHING. especially is the person is mercury dominant‼️
🍊taurus mars individuals really got their own speed. 😒 the world will be burning down and they’re like “well, i GOTTA put my shoes on first 🙄” and then put them on. as. slow. as. possible. it’s the venusian effect on mars i swear.
🍊this is just a personal observation, but virgo venus individuals LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE scorpio venus individuals. i’ll be minding my own damn business and a virgo venus will come up to me and dedicate their whole well-being to me. literally. like. i’ve got a plutonic venus why are you doing this 🧍 very very sweet though and SUPER caring. literal soulmate venus signs. gotta be one of my favorite genders 🙏
🍊if your moon falls into their first house or your mercury sextiles their moon, expect that person to laugh at EVERYTHING you say. you’re like the funniest person in the world to them and they actually understand your behavior. vvv validating.
🍊i think the funniest and most accurate thing i’ve heard from a moon in the 6H is “she’s just... too chatty.. and kinda slow...:” (she was describing her cousin btw 😭😭) moon in the 6H like their peace and quiet and common sense 🙄❗️
🍊i think... virgo placements have their own way of speaking. like when a virgo placement speaks (especially mercury or mars) i’m like 😲 oh okay! they’re so funny and kinda have a high-pitched ending to their sentences and could have their hands near their mouth when they speak.
🍊9H with some 8H synastry could have the same views on taboo things. i hung out with this dude who had the same view on s3x as me and we talked about it for HOURS. we both wanted to be extremely experimental. then, i checked out synastry and we both had venus in each other’s 9H. shoutout to that dude🙄‼️
🍊taurus mercuries are INSANNNNNNEEEEEEEE‼️ the SMOOTH TALKERS of the mercuries. you guys make me feel like i deserve ONLY the best. okay! kiss me!
🍊back to gemini venus..... very VERY good with their hands. got me like 👁u👁. and mix that with a little bit of cancer placements... oh em gee. me like a lot.
🍊whenever the turn of a zodiac season happens or when the moon is in full, new, or half waning/waxing, i’ve noticed a lot of people get allergies?? they just get all sniffy. i started noticing this a couple of months ago, too.
🍊(h58) waldemath lilith rules over big feelings and how we express ourselves at our worst. i noticed in my birth chart that i have it in 29° scorpio in my 2H. i ALSO have asteroid # vangogh at 29° scorpio in my 2H. when i was at my lowest, i created a lot of art and, specifically, wrote a LOT of songs based off of my experiences. go check out @brielledoesastrology’s post on it. it’s amazing 😋
🍊the last name asteroid of my first love conjuncts my saturn and sextiles my sun 🧍 the big impact is showing 🙄‼️
the asteroid sextile my sun: “what’ve you done 😨”
the asteroid conjunct my saturn: “😏 aaaaaaveeeeee 😌 mariiiiiiiiiaaaaaa 😩”
🍊i’ve been on an (#20000) asteroid varuna kick as of late. she’s a mix of neptune, uranus, and jupiter i think. she stands for long-term fame. i have her at 17° in my 9H conjunct my mc at 2° orb 🙄‼️ literal slay monster.
🍊i know this girl who has super curly hair and the most intense eyes. like when she’s intently listening to you as you speak her eyes are just... 👁👁 i think she’s got her (#149) asteroid medusa PROMINENT in her chart. woman’s intuition 🙄🙄🙄🙄
🍊(#1388) asteroid aphrodite making positive aspects to your personal planets could be what people think is “perfect” about you.
ex: i have aphrodite conjunct my moon and people that were close to me have told me they always thought that my tatas were the perfect size. 🧍
🍊(#10985) asteroid feast might show our eating patterns/our favorite foods.
i have feast in 8° of scorpio in my 1H square my saturn and trine my uranus. the foods i like now that are my favorites have been my favorite foods since I was really young, but they’ll probably change in my older years. i’m also really experimental with the foods i try! :)
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oh em gee. it’s a been a huge glucky second, party people. i never forgot about you hoes‼️‼️‼️‼️ thank you so much for reading. would make out with every one of you. just be vaccinated though cuz... a girl got places to be 🙄🙏‼️
©thee-achilles 2022
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