#krist reads
kevin-the-bruyne · 5 months
oops I made the mistake of going into the ex- morning tag and it’s a dog eat dog world out there: please reblog/like this post if you are planning to watch the ex-morning and are Krist and Kristsingto good vibes only so I can follow you now and won’t have to rely on telekinesis to find you when the show is airing
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 1 year
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[in]correct cracked up be my favorite 5/?
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dropthedemiurge · 7 months
I've seen things after SOTUS extreme actor harassment, I've been here through BMF "hate watching flashmob" and you know what, this year I will actually stop tolerating BL fans (at least on tumblr) who don't even have the decency to just ignore things they don't like and who think bullying someone is a good fandom sport, and start calling out. No matter if you believe clickbaits or you're a proud member of celebrity witchhunt or just don't believe people and situations can change, whatever, I really don't want to see KristSingto hate if - when - they will come back with another BL series.
Peraya fans have been waiting and hoping for KristSingto reunion for years, they wanted it themselves for so long as well, and we've unfortunately encountered way too many people who don't use their braincells and who encourage others to follow their footsteps when making derogatory comments about (mainly) Krist or Singto who they don't even know about, or their shows. For years. Some even go to talk shit and laugh right at his face. What the hell.
Maybe don't ruin someone else's parade and don't turn a nice community lake into a swamp. If you consider yourself a good person who can have an opinion "I just don't vibe with this person/show", watch it unbiased, be open minded and if you don't have a full picture, ask fans of the actual story or do research and read proper compilations about him instead of blindly stacking your opinions on repeated echoed insults from yt and tiktok. And if you aren't willing to be open minded and rational, well, let the fans celebrate and stick quietly to your swamp.
It's really no fun to gather around to discuss something and slip on poop piles thrown around for no reason. What happened to civil discussions?
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thebroccolination · 4 months
LONG LIVE THE KINGS - a gmmtv 2024 internal company outing post
Behold the royal couple, o’ dignified and full of grace, the majestic Kings of Couples aboard their proud ship.
[pictured: chaos]
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kristsingto · 4 months
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Eye Contact, duet sung by KristSingto.
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fght-ff-yr-dmns · 6 months
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ohohooooo i think they got me .... i think they got me again .....
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(person pretending to be taken by surprise voice) omg what do u think is gonna happen ohoooooo
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Nirvana - Live At Reading (1992) Full Concert
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In Utero was released in the UK on this day in 1993. The day later the US vinyl was also released, and then on the 21th the CD and cassette versions came out. So yeah, everyone say happy birthday to In Utero NOW.
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53v3nfrn5 · 5 months
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April 9, 1993: San Francisco, CA, Cow Palace (Benefit for the Tresnjevka Women's Centre in Zagreb)
Nirvana's first American show in seven months. Attended by 11,000 people. 'L7', the 'Breeders' and 'Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy' also play. $50,000 is raised. The benefit was Krist's idea: "I was really pissed off by everything I'd been reading and nobody was doing anything about it.”
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kurtcore · 2 years
i hate when redditors talk abt kurt like u literally dont get it …………………….
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kevin-the-bruyne · 3 months
why I thought the kristsingto dance was offensive
My reaction to the KristSingto dance was, in fact, pure and utter shock with an immediate follow up of "well good for Thailand for being so progressive" and that was what I thought would be the end of my engagement with that performance and yet when I read this post by scarefox with commentary added by thebroccolination and hallowpen (mentioned to give credit untagged because I have social anxiety and forcing people to read my post is my worst nightmare) my mind was filled with thoughts that took me the greater part of the day to sort through and I still don't know if the following will be adequate. Because OH HO HO as it turns out Thailand isn't that progressive which means that this performance was constructed to be like this ON PURPOSE. This post is in conversation with some of the concepts brought up in the linked post so it will be helpful in understanding the direction I've chosen to go with this. But the linked post is a great post and you should read it regardless. There is much to love about the Kristsingto concert and even more to love about their sexy dance - the primary of which is how it makes every single one of my Asian sensibilities ring MAD alarm bells. I'm a diaspora south asian but I moved to the US alone when I was 18 which means I have an intact sense of Asian respectability, regularly replenished by my parents. I MEAN LOOK AT IT - THEY ARE ON A FREAKING BED!!!! SIR THAT IS A BEDROOM ACTIVITY ONLY
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But some serious highlights as to what about this performance sets it apart: 1) The performance is focused on sensuality and desire. They're dressed like dancers and not particularly sexy ones. Everything about this performance is pared down to only focus on their movements. The costumes are simple, the bed is simple, the lighting mostly monochrome. There is nothing to see here BUT their desire for each other and the sex they are simulating
2) They are playing to each other and ONLY to each other and not the audience. This is probably THE REASON why it clocks differently from literally every other raunchy performance. They are dancing for EACH OTHER. The performance starts behind a screen, and the sex simulation is the most intense at this stage but then THE SCREEN FALLS but for the purposes of the performance, KristSingto don't even acknowledge it. The audience is THRUST into the position of a voyeur and remains so throughout the performance. Like there is a BED that looks like it came straight out of Krist's bedroom like give me a fucking BREAK sir those are inside house, behind closed doors activities you are engaging with on stage.
Even the parts where Krist or Singto face the audience it is a) never together at once and b) they are mirroring each other's movements highlighting their connection to each other over their individual connection with the audience. There is no hip thrusting, no flirtatious looks, absolutely nothing that would even remotely suggest that they're trying to titillate the audience. All the titillation is directed towards each other. This feeling of looking into a private moment is deeply, deeply uncomfortable.
3) It's KristSingto. So much to be said about this and I have a strong feeling that I am not the person who should be speaking about this. But it's Krist and Singto, highly respected veterans of the industry who don't 'need' to be engaging in these types of 'extreme behaviors' to get ahead. So why would Kristsingto need to 'resort' to these behaviors?
Well, because the purpose of art, and I would argue quite specifically queer art, is to push the boundaries of how society allows the 'self' to behave and express itself. There is a reason why BL has captured the fascination of so many straight women. I would argue this is true everywhere but specifically for Asians, the shackles placed on queer sexuality did not feel so different from the shackles placed on women's sexuality period. Queer sexual liberal *is* sexual liberation and there are a lot of outgroup parties who have a vested, personal interest in pushing this agenda forward. I have to stop before this gets so long that I have to find a university to grant me a masters but 'Fanservice Is Wrong' and 'Fanservice Has Finally Gone Too Far' is just the fan service discourse. But the truth is that Fanservice *IS* radical queer visibility and always has been. I started my fandom journey in JPOP nearly 15 years ago and that was the conversation then [link takes you to a fanservice kiss between Ninomiya Kazunari and Ohno Satoshi from Arashi in 2008 that was 6 years in the making but I digress] and apparently if KristSingto will get to have their way that will be the conversation now. To deny their dance as offensive is to deny the incredible ways in which it's in conversation with the society they're operating in, the risks they are still taking even amidst widespread celebration for the Marriage Equality Bill in Thailand.
KristSingto had totally blown the doors, windows and glass ceilings wide open with SOTUS that I would argue had rippling effects on the BL being produced throughout Asia, not just Thailand. And the pressure of that was SO high, that attention so unexpected and burdensome that neither could actually stay and enjoy that moment. OffGun and TayNew had reaped more fruits from KristSingto's labor than Krist and Singto. KristSingto isn't just another branded pair - they are quite literally BL royalty and they are not here to play games. Except this time they are pushing the envelope with their eyes wide open and I am buzzing to see what's next for them.
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morbidology · 6 months
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On 17 December, 1968, 20-year-old Barbara Mackle was at a Decatur, Georgia, hotel with her mother, Jane. She had been suffering from influenza, as was most pupils from the Emory University. Her mother had picked her up and taken her to a hotel to get over the sickness.
During the evening, Gary Stephen Krist knocked on the hotel door, claiming that Barbara’s boyfriend had been in a road traffic accident. As the women let him him, Krist and his accomplice, Ruth Eisemann-Schier, dragged the two women to the ground and placed a chloroform-soaked rag over their faces.
The duo then bound and gagged Jane before bundling Barbara into their car. They drove Barbara to a remote area in Gwinnett County where there was a pre-dug trench. Inside the trench was a fibreglass-reinforced box fitted with an air pump, a lamp and water and food laced with sedatives. Barbara was forced into the box.
Gary and Ruth demanded a $500,000 ransom from Barbara’s father, who was a wealthy land developer. The ransom drop was arranged, however two policemen driving by spooked the duo, leading them to flee on foot. When their car was searched, the found a photograph of Barbara inside the box, holding a sign which read “Kidnapped.” A second ransom drop was arranged and Ruth called the police, giving directions to where they could find Barbara. After spending three days trapped underground, Barbara was rescued.
Both Gary and Ruth were soon apprehended, with Ruth being the first women to appear on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted. Ruth was paroled after four years while Gary was paroled after ten years.
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thebroccolination · 1 year
So, the trailer for Be My Favorite airs today.
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And to prove how calm I am—and have been—about this, I present evidence of the series formatting I put together in my notes app back in April for the fic I’m going to write and post on AO3 later today immediately following the trailer’s release.
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I am the most normal about my little time loop series.
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veenus777 · 1 year
◜Willbur x Pregnant! reader Headcanons◞
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┊ ᝰ﹕Fluff, SFW, feminine pronouns
┊ ᝰ﹕Do you guys want a part two with Dadbur headcanons? comment here please <3
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♤ As soon as he found out about the pregnancy he would be overjoyed, and also very anxious and nervous.
♧ He wouldn't read books but he would definitely watch YouTube videos about fatherhood
♤ He would seek a lot of advice from his mother and especially from Phil who, even though he is not a father, is definitely the view of a responsible adult
♧ He wouldn't tell his audience for at least five months because he didn't want the stress and hate it would bring.
♤ After that time he would definitely post some photos of himself with his belly showing in his feed, but all of them with comments disabled
♧ The baby shower would be set to a musical theme (like Kourtney and Trevis), and he would take the opportunity to play a song written about his future child.
♤ He would be happy regardless of the child's gender, but I feel like he would have a preference for girls
♧ If it's a girl, the name would 100% be talulah
♤ This baby would be extremely spoiled before it was even born, not only by Will but also by the Sorry Boys and the boys in the band, we're talking about small animal outfits and little band t-shirts with the lovejoy logo
♧ Small musical instruments 🤏🤏🤏
♤ He would write many songs for the baby even before he was born
♧ Before the birth he would work a lot to make sure the child would have a stable monetary life, I feel like he would work a lot at home to be able to keep an eye on you
♤ He would be very careful with you, he was before but during the pregnancy he became 200x more
♧ He would sing and play songs to the baby, he would also read to him while he was in his tummy and use those stupid voices to interpret
♤ He and Tommy are very good friends but I can't think of anyone else Wilbur would trust with his son more than Phil and Krist, they would be the godparents and they would be very touched by it.
♧ He wouldn't let you if you want to get up to get a glass of water
♤ Breakfast in bed every day, he would learn to cook just for that
♧ Will, Charlie, Tommy and Phil They would make a video setting up the baby's room, which would be complete chaos, with paint everywhere, screaming, Charlie pretending to be a baby and getting into the crib and lots of screaming and laughing.
♤ During the last months of pregnancy he would be a thousand and one percent more attentive, with any sneeze from you he would already be running and asking if you need to go to the hospital
♧ I don't think he would be the type of father who faints during childbirth, but he would definitely have a huge panic attack that would probably be controlled by Philza
♤ As soon as he saw the baby he would immediately start crying
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.˚。  💋 .˚。 💌
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absolutebl · 5 months
And the 2nd part is that I was at the Italian fanmeet and noticed that when Khaotung is referring to himself instead of using Pom he often uses his name while First if I heard correctly either uses pom or nothing (if that is even possible). So I was also wondering about your opinion on that. Because to me as a person not even close to understanding Thai it reads more cute than anything really. 🫣😅 Thanks so much if you're taking the time to answer. 🫶🫶
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Khaotung when referring to himself often uses his name.
First either uses pom or nothing.
First and Khao are line mates (1998, only a month or so apart) and also about the same career timelines, which means they are both age & professional piers. Equals.
The use of own name is a bit cute, but Khao is cute, and he plays to that as part of his brand, both with First and his previous pairings. I'm not surprised. First is a little less cute (or at least, when opposite Khao, he is that way) hence his use of pom or nothing.
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I wouldn't be surprised if they use informal with each other in private (off screen). But on circuit? Certainly NOT.
These two are good polite GMMTV boys and they always act that way in public. (Unlike some of the OGs. New slips into rude a lot, Tay's all over the damn place as per usual. So is Krist.) FirstKhao are very on point with their promo and very professional about their publicity.
Essentially, what you are hearing is standard informal but polite language between friends and piers in public. Because the pairs are branded with seme/uke leanings this adds another dimension to their promo language.
So in Thai there is a non-codified distinction between formal and polite. In BL you'll hear:
formal & polite (khun/name, nai/chan, younger: pom or name)
polite but not really formal (age gap: pom/phi or even hia, piers: pom/name)
formal but not polite - careful there's implied intimacy in this one, it's old fashioned, and because of that when misapplied can be quite insulting (rao/ter, nong+name/phi, and a few other iterations)
and rude (guu/mueng) which is neither formal nor polite.
All of these can be mitigated by polite particles.
On circuit you will always hear the boys using krap. So for what we see IRL on screen connected to BL promos, particles aren't in play. But in Thailand (in my experience on the ground) ha is super commonly used with friends and family, and ja within the queer community.
Which brings us to the 5th option "curt" which leaves off the polite particles and can leave off pronouns altogether and is basically not formal and also not "really" polite, but not all the way to rude. Usually only heard in males older than their conversation partner (Dean) or older childless females in positions of authority and genderfluid characters like June in Love Area.
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Okay, I got a flight to catch!
Bye for now. Hope this makes sense.
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