gyorinokedli · 6 months
A kötődő és igényszerinti nevelésben hiszek.
Már a terhességem gondolata előtt tudtam, ha valaha gyerekem lesz, azt így fogom irányítani magam mellett. A szülői identitásom nagy részét ez teszi ki. Számomra egyértelmű, hogy egy kisbaba igényei és vágyai egyek és ugyanazok, nekem pedig a szent feladatom hogy ezeknek eleget tegyek. És ennek a gyakorlata átültethető akár totyogós, meg annál idősebb gyerekekkel való együttélésbe is.
Na meg a poroszos módszert a bőrömön tapasztaltam csúnyán félremenni.
Na de én sokat jártattam a számat erről a férjemnek, a terhességem alatt, meg azóta is. A praktikus hogyanokról, meg az elméletekről is. Ő mindig jól egyetértett, de soha nem volt a témában proaktív.
Anyámmal a gyerek születése után volt egy hatalmas határhúzásom, és vitám, viszont azóta a kapcsolatunk virágzik. Soha nem voltam ennyire közel hozzá emberileg. Ettől függetlenül ő engem tök máshogy nevelt, nem is érti mit miért csinálok, azt gondolja túlgondolok és túlreagálok mindent.
Mostanában sokat vagyok vele, néhány dologban beadtam neki a derekam, csak hogy menjen a kapcsolatunk továbbra is egy jó irányba. Én hurcináci vagyok, a gyerek 6-7 hónapos koráig babakocsiról hallani sem akarok. Van egy, úgy örököltük, de csak 6 hónapos kortól jó, amit anyám persze nem hitt el. Hát összeraktam, megmutattam neki:tessék lássék marad a hordozó, majd tologathatja eleget később.
Ezt elmeséltem a férjnek, aki olyat mondott, amit nem gondoltam. Azt mondta, hogy ő fél, hogy anyám meg fogja változtatni a nevelésről alkotott képemet, és hogy ezt ő nem akarja.
Engem ez lesokkolt. Mármint soha nem mondott ellent az elveimnek, azok szerint is cselekedett az elmúlt 3 hónapban, de nem gondoltam, hogy ilyen mélyen egyetért velük. Fantasztikus módon, a tudta nélkül űzött el a fejemből minden "szaranyavagyokagyerekemutálnifogéskülömbenis" gondolatot, amit a családdal való csatározások a fejembe ültettek.
Szeretem ezt az embert
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pharawee · 7 months
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miss0atae · 7 months
Porsche and Job Krisz -- 09.03.24 (Video from Porsche's TikTok)
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mysterygrl20 · 29 days
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Star Hunter Entertainment | Unseen 7 Boys Project
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zhaozi · 7 months
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ใครคลั่งรักกว่า กด 1 กรมท่า กด 2 พี่เฟื่อง // who is crazy about love. press 1 for navy, press 2 for phi fueang.
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alejunsu · 6 months
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City of Stars EP 7
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save-the-data · 6 months
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City of Stars | S01E08
Thai Drama - 2024, 12 episodes
Episodes | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Youku | Catalogue
Between this and Deep Night, so many green-flag relationships and good times. Lovin' both these shows as feel-good-dramas.
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itsallaboutbl · 3 months
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the way i'm laughing 😂😂
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singto-prachaya · 29 days
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Is Starhunter also going to tell us what this project is besides 7 half naked guys?
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aliceisathome · 5 months
City of Stars was a weird combination of pulpy fluff and some fairly serious commentary on social media, shipping and the damage it can wreak on RL partners and how shitty and hypocritical some 'fans' can be. I don't think the actors were quite strong enough to carry the Fueng and Krom roles unfortunately - I couldn't help thinking that Star Hunter has/had some better, more experienced options. I kept thinking about what BankBonus (PokTong in Gen Y)* could have done in these roles.
Stlll, a nice chat about sexual preferences early in the relationship (yay - verse boys represent), condoms (lube still a step too far it seems) and some positive trans rep. Plus some great friendships. Shame Fueng got his confidence for singing back though.
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Mind you, the giant pic above his bed of Fueng with an electric guitar being a rock god did rather undermine the whole lack of confidence in singing thing. Actually the whole house was a bit odd - the year round Christmas tree, the piles of (i think) the same gifts on the counter
Fueng and Khom can't keep their hands off of each other - something that's fairly rare in BL and the complete opposite in RL. Much appreciated boys, thanks, especially as the skinship and Job's rather nice 6 pack and pecs were the only thing keeping me watching during the rather flat eps in the middle. Shallow? Me?
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I was, in fact, more invested in the het couple of KorNamsom towards the end, slightly ruined by the very careful info dump explaining that they hadn't made out at all for the six months they were dating - god forbid Kod accepted the love of his life's body before she had the sex reassignment surgery. Yes, it was explained as her decision and she absolutely should have that choice but why was it even a talking point?
Anyway the final ep was charmingly domestic and sappy, And yes, since you ask, I would use Zendaya as an app. And Zendaya herself should be the CEO - much nicer than that muskrat.
*I see that the latter two terminated their contracts with StarHunter in Feb this year - fingers crossed for more opportunities moving forward. They were absolutely the only thing that kept me watching Gen Y...
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visualtaehyun · 8 months
MOSLHONG - สติกเกอร์หัวใจ (Heart Sticker) ft. Wonderframe
The MV also stars a few of the Cosmos girls and other cast members from Love Senior, Job from City of Stars, Fong and JJ from Big Dragon, and Banky has a brief cameo~
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fagcrisis · 2 years
if i dont go somewhere soon im going to lose my mind. i miss my friends!!!
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pharawee · 7 months
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"I've wanted this since the day I met you."
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miss0atae · 5 months
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It's really the end for City of Stars and I was happy to see everyone again in the special episode. This episode gave us just enough time again to appreciate the love between Fueang and Krom. I'm glad they found each other and they are happy. They are surrounded by good people.
This series was really sweet and fluffy. It makes you believe in love. It tackled some important issues and and in the end everyone got their happy ending.
It gave me the opportunities to discover actors and actresses I didn't know and I appreciate how well they played their roles. I really liked Job Krizs. He knew how to portray the head over heels in love partner. I also want to add how well he seems to kiss. It may be just acting but I found it visually pleasing. Rock Kwalanda is just amazing and it was really interesting to see her plays with Kimmon Warodom. They worked well together. The chemistry was on point!
I always feel a pang of heart when it's time to say goodbye to a series I liked. I will miss every characters and I hope the actors will get other opportunities to play, soon.
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mysterygrl20 · 28 days
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Job Krisz | Unseen 7 Boys Project
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zhaozi · 5 months
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Coffee or Daddy ☕️😎
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