#kugo: oh caught me monologuing
badheart · 1 year
"Perhaps it is." The younger Fullbringer considered. Maybe its ego.. Maybe they're lacking something, so they murder others to try and gain it back. Like hollows losing their hearts-- Braids hung about her features shifted as her head swing side to side. Disagreeing with a thought. Come and gone. Left to the past as she closes her eyes with a small sigh. "Whatever the case - they're quite the destructive lot."
They met up so he could take their powers? That was... so bizarre.. And it was a little jarring. Could he take her powers? Would he ever want to? Fingers trailed a pouch against her hip with lips thinned in thought.
"Do you remember when we first met, and I told you I would tell you more later?" Questioned Jezebel. An uneasy shift where she sat, dragging her arms around herself protectively. "Before she was murdered.. My Mum encouraged me to use my powers.. I lost her when I was only three..." It was unbelievably difficult to share, but -- they were alike. He had so much more experience, and it seemed he was willing to teach her. It could only help but explaining a few things -- right? Maybe he was someone she could call a friend? It was a nice thought..
"To summarize my life following that - I became a weapon. The man I believe murdered her, took me to London where I lived isolated. Forced to do unspeakable things to people. When my powers grew, he began to fear my potential.. So he bound me. My life was deprived of -- everything that made me feel human. Anyone I became curious about.. he killed.. because they were a distraction.. Hueco Mundo was my one reprieve from that life. He would dump me there to survive on my own many times, believing it would make me a better assassin."
Brows knit upward and her head turned towards him with an apologetic glance, "You're only the second person I've shared that with.. It got a bit out of hand.. My apologies. " Feeling a touch uncomfortable having revealed so much, she tries to refocus the topic of discussion, "Tsukishima?" Jezebel questioned a bit more subdued, "Perhaps you could introduce us.. It may be.. nice.. to meet others like us... What other powers can Fullbringers manifest? What are you able to do? How is it you can take others powers?"
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"I wonder what you gonna do then, considering your current position..." Surprised, that they would even accept another Substitute Shinigami. It is not like they ever really cared about the humans being attacked by Hollows in the real world. One more won't really do a difference in Ginjo's opinion but he had stopped caring anyway. He had never desired to change the world, not really, answers had been his bigger interest, and revenge.
"Vaguely," he admitted and slumped slightly down in his position, getting more comfortable, as he had the feeling, she would tell him quite a bit now. He would not consider himself a bad listener but his sympathy for others left him years ago. Even if they were Fullbringer as well, he was not the sensitive type. Ginjo would listen, but if she searched for comfort, he was not the right one as he would simply stare at her, when she told about the demise of her mother. While his own was still alive, most likely, she could be pretty much considered dead anyway, when she left them. "London?" That seemed to surprise him more, even perk his interest, considering how far away it was, and now she was back in Japan? "I've heard plenty of stories, and I guess you win... not that you want to win in this." Bearing one hellish life. "Kind of ironic, how you may go through the same again, you certainly became another weapon yet again and this time for our otherworldly military." He could not help the snort that escaped him when he spoke of the Shinigami. "Who can become quite scared too, if you grow too powerful, there I am sure... they trust no one, probably not even themselves."
At least he could somewhat understand her demeanour now, it made a lot of more sense after she shared her past. Becoming as cold as ice, before slowly opening up. "Life is a harsh mistress," he mumbled and looked into the far distance. "And turns out death sucks just as much, if not more." Well, if he could call it death, considering he was more of a spirit now, sadly with no one to haunt, that might be more entertaining. "An assassin... sounds like he had plenty of enemies?" Though who? That one would go through the whole hassle to train this woman, instead of hiring an existing one. He reads too less news, but assassinations seemed to be a rare case in the world and probably even more in western countries. Ah whatever, in the end it was pointless to wonder about this all anyway, considering his fate.
"Nothing to apologize for," he reassured her with a small smile of his, waving her off. "Just the second?" Faking a hurt tone, just to bring some humor into their talk again. Always preferring to rather enjoy than pitying himself. "And here I thought, I would be special enough to be the first, just as I was the first Substitute..." Almost grinning now, before momentarily closing his eyes. "He not really interested in girls, I think," Ginjo teased. "Books are his true love... but you can usually find him around here as well... he is taller than me." That made him purse his lips as he let out a huff. That idiot had been so small once in comparison to him and boom, growth spurt.
"I don't know, I just can... it's not like I picked this power... it just happened, developed into that... just like by other Fullbringer, though I don't recall anything traumatic happening to me... perhaps I wanted to get stronger, which boy doesn't want to be a strong hero with cool powers?" Ginjo snorted. Not much was remembered from his childhood and frankly he did not want to. "Though, I remember always finding the villains cooler..."
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