#kuroshironeko server
kuroshironekoserver · 2 years
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Are you a content creator or just a supporter looking for a safe and positive atmosphere to chat with others and find support?
Kuroshironeko is a multi-fandom 18+ server that provides:
Channels just for Content Creators (Fandom based or Original’s) to chat, share support tools, request beta’s, hash out ideas, post commission info, partner up for projects, even links to events on Tumblr.
Fandom Channels for chatting (fangirling/boying), sharing fiction stories, and artwork:
Dedicated Mashima (FT, RM, EZ)
Kodomomuke series
Shonen series
Seinen series
Shoujo series
Otomate/Josei series
Yaoi/Yuri series
Movie central
Television series
Music/Kpop chat
Gamers lounge
OC art & stories
Entertainment including:
Game channels: Dank Memer, OwO, Gatcha Waifu, KPop Gatch, Pokémon, Cards Against Humanity, open to more
VC rooms for music and socializing, book chats
Sprinto writing Bot for challenges and Sprinting
Potential server events or events on Tumblr.
NSFW channels for creators as well as fun are available for 18+ content.
Current members are into many fandoms including FT, EZ, RM, Inuyasha, Mao, BNHA, Spy x Family, FMAB, Akatsuki No Yona, Jujutsu Kaisen, BSD, ATLA, and still open to more.
We’re opening up for new members. For more information please send us a message. We will require your birthday to verify age before sending out an invite link 😊 Unnecessary drama or bullying is not tolerated and will result in immediate ban. This server is meant to provide a cozy and safe, judgement free place for all, so the mods will maintain that culture.
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michiamotippete · 5 years
Flaming Wings
After too much time, I finally finished my piece for @kuroshironekoserver Secret Santa Event! I decided to do an original piece, changing completely my idea just a week ago...I hope it won't disappoint you @phoenix-before-the-flame and enjoy!
It was a quiet sunny day, the light blue sky was scattered with fluffy white clouds. Everything was  peaceful and silent, a warm breeze caressed the grass lightly.
Suddenly, something out of the ordinary crossed the sky: a red spot was mixing with the light colour of the sky. A figure was soaring, playing with the white puff of clouds and, after a long moment, a loud screech echoed in the land, the once silent space was now interrupted by a mighty noise. The animals living in the plain looked around, sniffing the air for the possible danger and running to save their lives. Humans though, looked at the sky with wonder, amazed by the sight that accompanied the loud noise. 
The funny part of it all was that the source of their wonder was a bird. A bird? you'd say, how can a normal bird be a wonder for humans? That's not an unusual thing to see in the sky! 
That’s right, seeing a bird crossing the sky shouldn’t be an extreme event. Nonetheless, the figure soaring through the blue was a miracle, unimaginable, and mythical. When people looked up, they didn’t see a normal bird; no, what they saw was a magnificent phoenix fluttering its wings. 
It lazily started to land onto the ground, displaying all his enormous figure. What you could see once the creature was a few feet away from you was how big it was. The phoenix was huge, its body around six feet long. The wings though, oh the wings, were something spectacular! When the mythical creature  stretched them they could reach over nine feet, but the most amazing thing about them were the lazy flames dancing over them. Red, orange and yellow kept swirling around, mixing, playing. Watching them from the distance you could swear they were just bright feathers: still, unmoving feathers. The only thing that could make them move was the wind, caressing the bright plumage. Still, standing right beside it, you’ll be able to see the play of the flames. Myriads of fires’ tongues slipped from the magnificent body of the phoenix; they danced, stretched and defied gravity and the laws of nature. Bright flames caressed the green grass under the powerful bird; observing the scene you’d feel only amazement, because there was something magical in the way the fire danced with the wind and nature without ever extinguishing or burning the field.
Nonetheless, the flames aren’t the only thing that can bring you to a state of ecstasy: the entire being can give you chills. The creature possessed an eagle-like beak, sharp and full of strength. Some say they saw a phoenix crush the bone of a human arm with little effort. Looking down, you'll glimpse long legs through the fire; they are strong and massive, useful to bear the weight of the bird look-alike. Connected to them there are arched claws, currently digging into the ground claiming everyone’s attention. Those long, sharp talons aren't there only for beauty: they serve to tear the skin of their prey, to instill fear into those that try to mess with the creature, they serve to prove the phoenix's power. They are an incorporated deadly weapon.
Big round eyes were occupied with scanning the area. The sun was hitting their vibrant yellow, now having a golden glint thanks to the natural light. The vivid colour was a bright contrast to the pupil, the black as dark as the night without the moon; they can lure you in those black voids depths, they are capable of captivate a soul. 
There is an ultimate feature that needs description: the long flaming tail. It bathed in the sunlight, moving along the wind; watching it, you could observe different tongues of fires splitting in various lengths and dimensions. Each one curled into itself or spiraled in the air, which resembled a long spiral that curled at the phoenix's feet. 
The sight was amazing, the creature gave off an aura of superiority and excellence; the phoenix is a beauty and it knows it.
Unfortunately, too soon the bird look-alike choose to spread out its wings. A sudden heat wave hit the surroundings, it seemed that the entire land would burst into flames. As if to demonstrate its elegance, it started fluttering them; it lifted itself into the air, leaving the ground slowly and gracefully. Pushing hard with these flaming wings just once, the phoenix started ascending into the vivid sky.
The mythical creature flew away, distancing itself once again from humanity.
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petri808 · 5 years
Promises to Keep
@marveledbytaetae for the server exchange.
EdWin Angst with happy ending.  I hope you like it :)
As Ed stood there staring at Winry’s closed bedroom door, he knew this would be one of the toughest things he would have to do and yet…  Ed hangs his head, letting out a long, drawn out exhale in an effort to calm his nerves.  It was something that needed to be done.  He never wanted to put her through pain, to have to worry about him, and yet it was the one thing he always managed to do to her.  ‘Soon,’ he reminds himself, ‘this will all be over soon…’  One way or another they were ending this battle with Father.
Ed raises his hand to knock, pausing centimeters against the wood.  He couldn’t do it, holding the fist mid-air, and clenching it tighter, with tears threatening beneath his closed eyelids.  She’s been though too much.  Lost, too many loved ones and here he was about to throw himself in front of the fire once more.  It almost didn’t matter that he was doing it for her, for everyone he cared about.  She deserves better, and he knows it.  Maybe someday….  ‘We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.’
The stage had been set, plans long in progress and time was ticking down.  He knew she deserved to hear the whole truth from him.  About what they were doing and when he, they would be leaving for Central.  It was up to him to prepare her for the coming Promised Day to make sure that she and Pinako would be as safe as possible.  He just prayed she wouldn’t hate him for this.
“Win,” Ed knocks lightly, “are ya up?”
Gentle shuffling sounds along the wooden floors are the only indication of movement from inside the room.
“Yes,” he hears her quiet response from behind the door, “did you need something Ed?”
“Could we…” he pauses to gather his resolve.  “I need to talk to you about something.”
The seriousness of Ed’s tone causes Winry to flinch behind the door.  Suspicions had been mounting the entire time she’d made it home to find Ed, Greed, and the others holed up in her home that something was going on.  Not that she didn’t already know, considering others like the Briggs soldiers that had helped her to escape were plotting too.  It had been frustrating to be kept out of the loop of much of what was happening, but maybe it had been to protect her was the only rationale she could come up with.  She sighs, unlocking the door and cracking it before walking back to her bed to sit down.        
Without a word, Ed quietly let’s himself in, noting the forlorn expression already seated upon Winry’s face.  He sits down beside her with his hands folded in his lap.  She was staring at the floor, and that wasn’t helping his nerves.  It was obvious Winry suspected something.  “Win…” he reaches over, placing a tentative hand upon hers.  “Winry I wanted….” He hesitates, sighing with abandon.  “You deserve to know the whole story.  We…. We plan to leave in a week for Central for the fight with Father.”
“I figured as much…” she breathes out.
He glances over, studying her faced down expression.  “You did?” Ed rubs the back of his neck, “I guess it wasn’t too hard to figure it out.  Aren’t you upset?”
“Of course, I am.”  Winry finally turns to face him.  “There’s nothing I can do about it, but it’s okay Ed, I know you have to go.”  She cracks a half-hearted smile.  “You have to save Amestris, I get that.  Doesn’t mean I have to like it, but I understand.”
Ed had been prepared to get yelled at, scolded, maybe even smacked by her and told he was crazy, but Winry was taking it all so well.  “I think you and granny should take the next train and get out of the country.  Head to Xing, you’ll be safer there…”
“No.  I’m not leaving my home.”
“Win, why do you always have to fight me on things?”
“It’s to keep you on your toes,” she smiles.  This time it’s Winry that takes hold of Edwards hand, squeezing lightly in a gesture of reassurance.  “Besides I know granny won’t leave either and I can’t leave her here alone, so... we’re staying put,” adding a sharp nod of her head at the end finalizing her determination.
Why did she have to be so stubborn?  Then again, it was one of the things Ed loved about her.  He looks away, hiding the light flush to his cheeks lurking beneath the surface of his skin.  Her blue eyes would pull him in so easily before he could catch himself when they glinted in a smile or flashed with determination.  But it wasn’t right.  He didn’t deserve her, not yet, and he certainly didn’t want to break her heart.  Because what if he didn’t return?  That was a big what if.  They’d faced Father once and lost, what if he really was too powerful?  What if Hohenheim failed to do his part in releasing the Xerxes souls?  What if the Briggs soldiers failed to take Central’s military headquarters?  What if?  What if?  Too many what ifs, and not enough certainty for his analytical mind.
It would have been easier to let Edward wallow.  Winry knew him too well not to realize he was probably still calculating and analyzing everything in his mind, the familiar furrow of his brows, or slight twitch of his neck vein when he was deep in thought.  And she wasn’t an idiot, part of that equation was their safety, hers and granny’s.  They were far enough and out of the way from Central to be affected by direct military actions, but maybe there was more to the story?  What else could be causing him to worry so much?
“Are you telling me everything?”
“What do you mean?”  He looks up.  It was true he hadn’t told her about the giant transmutation circle or how Father had planned to kill everyone and take their souls because he didn’t think she needed to know.  It was the whole reason he wanted them out of the country but knew there was no arguing with her once she’d made up her mind.  “You think I’m still holding back?”
Winry simply stares him down, raising an eyebrow for effect.
He flinches, knowing that look could be proceeded by a painful lesson.  “Alright yes, there is, but I’m still not telling you.  All you need to know is that it’s going to be very dangerous on that day for everyone in this country and that’s why I wanted you to leave.”
She takes a few moments to process everything Edward was explaining to her.  Whatever this secret was must be important, and based on his expression, scared him to an extent that he was unwilling to talk about it.  It was hard enough knowing, she may never see him again once he walks out of the house to leave, but at the same time, she’s learned over time, her strength, gave him strength.  
“I’m just scared I’ll lose you Win.”
“Ed, I’m just as scared to lose you too.  You and Al and granny are the only family I got in this world.  But,” she forces him to look at her, placing a hand on his cheek, “I also know how stubborn and strong you both are, and have faith that at the end of the day you’ll win.”
“You can’t know that,” the tears gather at the corners, “Father is strong…”
“And you are stronger!  Edward Elric, I have never seen anything stop you before.  Even when you were scared, you fought through it.  You’re the toughest person I know!”  She looks up holding his amber eyes in a deadlock.  ‘Was he really this much taller than me?’  Banishing those thoughts for the time being, “you’ve come this far Ed, I know you will finish it and come back home to us.”
Somehow, in some way, that flickering flame behind her blue eyes sent a warmth flooding through his frame along with a renewed sense of confidence and hope.  Not that he thought as highly of himself, but Winry was right about one thing.  He wasn’t one to back down from any fight, and this was the biggest to date.  It was time to fight for not just his life but hers, and Al’s, and grannys, and everyone else that meant the world to him.  It was time to protect them.
“Thank you,” Ed leans in, letting his forehead rest against hers.  He places his hand over the one she still holds against his cheek.  “You really are my strength Win, and I promise I’ll come back home to you.”
“You swear?” Win’s own tears threatening, but she holds them back.  She’d promised not to cry until it was over, and she wasn’t about to give in now!        
“With every beat of my heart.”
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snowrobin-133 · 4 years
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Hi hi everyone~ here's a role and clothes switch for my lovely cradlesona Echo and Zero uwu. Originally her hair was supposed to be in a high ponytail but then it was blocking a lot of Zero so I decided to change it lol
I can't remember who suggested to do a role switch but here is the full switch instead of just Echo lol
Also concerning the next few months (under the cut)
this is going to be my final art post because I’ll be taking a hiatus. My hiatus started a while back but I'm now just letting you guys on Tumblr know so uh woops
Anyways, I'll still be writing so don’t worry about stuff like A Blessing from Heaven going on a pause
Also sorry for the lack of content- I'm focusing on a major project of my own, personal problems, and school ugh
By June I should hopefully have more freedom orz
As for the project- All I’ll be telling you guys unless you’re on the kuroshironeko server which means you probably already know what it is is that it’s going to be a sorta original story that’ll be drawn owo
anyways, that’s all I’ll be telling you guys until I come out of hiatus which should be by early June :)
Thanks for taking the time to read this short note~
Please be safe especially when going outside at this time!!
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kuroshironekoserver · 4 years
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Not black mail. Just server shenanigans 😉🤪
@phoenix-before-the-flame @doginshoe @rougescribe @petri808 @bmarvels @mccnfairy
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kuroshironekoserver · 4 years
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I love this little server 💜
@rougescribe @doginshoe @phoneboxfairy @phoenix-before-the-flame 😘 just had to share ya’ll with the world 😊😋
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petri808 · 5 years
Diatri’s Tales
Kind of an insider fun story thing.  How to describe this story...  Think Pet’s movie lol, talking animals.  Two cats find themselves stuck in a house together and they eventually run away to start a new adventure, meeting many friends along the way :) follow the link for Cat language definitions. @diabl0o co-author  @kuroshironekoserver contributors   4k+ words, will be a mini-series.
Chapter 1:  How It All Started
She looks at the ticking machine on the wall flashing 5:00 and stretches one more time, rocking backward until she feels her spine crack and muscles loosen.  Petri yawns giving the carpet a few good kneads… and sharpens her claws for good measure on the shag before circling into a ball.  It wouldn’t be long till the two-legged creatures, the ones that called themselves her owners would be back.  They usually came back around the darkness time.
It’s been a perfect life.  Many seasons have passed in the comfort of this home.  Home, is what they had called it the day they brought her here.  This is your new home Petri!  Whatever, she had thought back then, it’s warm, dry, with three meals a day, it was luxurious.  And the best part, no other animals.  Ugh, the days at that stupid, noisy pet shop surrounded by other cats and puppies and rodents and birds were a memory she happily forgot all about.  Thank goodness, she began to purr to herself, a pretty little white kitten had been too cute to pass up.
They were good owners to her.  She’d hated the name the pet shop had given her, but these creatures changed it to Petri.  It was cute enough, she guessed.  Played with her when she wanted it, left her alone when she wasn’t in the mood.  She gave them affection as she saw fit and that seemed to be enough to keep these creatures happy.  The treats could be a little more frequent but hey, a girl does need to watch her figure.
Soon enough Petri heard the familiar jangle of metal and popped open an eye.  ‘Perfect timing, I was just getting hungry.’  She rises to her feet slowly as the door opens ready to put on the act.  “Moow mow…” Petri pauses, what is that scent?
“Guess what Petri,” the female owner walks over and begins to pet her with a big smile plastered on its face.  “We have a surprise for you and we think you’re gonna love it!”
Based on the smell, Petri was already starting to think of what she could destroy of theirs.  How dare these creatures bring home a…
“It’s a new playmate!” the male creature places a black bundle of fur on the floor in front of her.  “His name is Bob and he’s just the most adorable kitty!”
Petri cocks her head slightly, Bob?  What a stupid sounding name.  “Moow moow mow!”              
“What’s that Petri?  You like Bob already?” the creature’s grin at each other, “see I told you she’d be fine with a kitten,” the female owner pokes the male in the arm.
She glares at the other cat.  “Mew!”  Oh, this is some bullshit!  But Bob, just sits there quietly with his head tilted slightly, the innocent little angel.  Petri narrows her eyes at it, this kitten had the cutesy act all figured out!
“I bet you guys are hungry,” the female owner starts walking towards the kitchen.  After grabbing a second bowl, it pours food into both bowls.  “Come on guys,” it motions to the two cats, “come eat.”  
Bob happily starts to walk over to the bowl, but Petri races there first.  “Hissss!”
“Petri be nice,” the female owner moves the bowls a little further away from each other.  “You each have your own bowl.”  It then picks Bob up and places him in front of the new bowl.  “There ya go little guy.”  As it pets Bob, he begins to purr and happily eat his food.  
This little punk!  ‘Fine!’  It’s obvious to Petri she’ll have to wait until these owners weren’t around to do something to him.  So, she walks cautiously over to her bowl and begins to eat, all the while still keeping Bob in her periphery.  
As soon as the owner walks away, she can see his ear tracking the sound of its footsteps, and when they hear a door open and close, Petri hisses low, “I so don’t want you here!”  
Bob stops eating and looks at her.  “Well hello to you too.  It’s not like I had a choice miss kitty.  And by the way, names Diablo not Bob.”
“Tch, well, Diablo, let’s get one thing straight, I’m the queen of this house,” she points a paw at him, “so don’t you be thinking about any funny business or messing with my things!”  
“But I’m just an innocent little pus pus,” he curls his ears down, widening his eyes into a cute, and well performed expression.
But Petri wasn’t buying it.  She narrows her eyes and flattens her ears, “that works with those two-legged creatures, but not with me.”
“Fine.” Diablo sits up, cocking his head to the side, his tail flicking back and forth in a mindless manner.  “So, you figured me all out have ya?” He cracks open his mouth in a grin like manner, letting a fang show through.  “I doubt that Princess.  Better get used to me, cause I’m here to stay.”
“We’ll see about that.”  Petri’s own tail flicks at a faster pace as her annoyance grows.  This cocky little kitten!  How dare he come in here and start telling her what’s the deal!  “It was nice and quiet without you, and I intend for it to stay that way.”  She rises to her feet, snobbing the other cat and raising her tail straight up to it, “just don’t get in my way Diablo,” then walks away in a hiss.
“Bitch.” he swears under his breath.
“I heard that!”
Oh he’d made sure she would hear him.  This Petri chick didn’t even know him and assumed he’d be a problem!  Well truthfully, he could be a hellcat, but hey, she didn’t know that yet!  Ugh!  Diablo walks over to the living room, leaping up to a window sill, and sits down, staring out over the city skyline.  This was a nice place, he had to admit, and those things that brought him here seem nice.  Guess he couldn’t blame Petri for being territorial.  “Mew…” he shouldn’t blame her.  Diablo lays down.  Maybe he should try playing nice.  It would suck to get sent back to the pound.  ‘I’ll turn on the charm,’ he grins to himself and closes his eyes, ‘That’ll win her to my side!’
She tracked him from behind the recliner, watching as he moved to the window sill.  “Mew!”  When she’d first been brought here, she’d been so nervous at the new surroundings, and yet this cat sure had a lot of confidence.  ‘Look at him, getting all comfortable already!’  Truthfully, Petri wished she could do the same.  Being the only cat in the house meant she hadn’t needed to deal with such anxieties, but now…  ugh!  Okay, so maybe she could have been nicer to him, it’s not like he did anything to upset her, except with his presence.  Her ears lower in shame, “Mooow…”  ‘I’ll apologize in the morning.’
“Petri!  Bob!  Breakfast!”  The call of the creatures coupled with the sounds of dry cat food clinking into their food bowls, rouses the two cats awake.  
Knowing the routine, Petri is the first to arrive, giving the creatures her customary rubs against their legs to send them on their way.  “Meow, Mow Mow, Prrr.”  
“Be good now Petri,” the female owner, gives her a couple of under chin scratches.  “And be nice to Bob, he’s here to keep you company.”
‘Yeah, yeah…’  “Nyaa.”  
The female gives her a few last scratches, “awww!”  Just then Diablo comes walking up, still yawning.  “Bob, come eat breakfast,” the female owner taps his bowl.          
He saunters up, gaining a customary pat on the head from the female, before rubbing along her leg as a morning hello, “Meow.”
Both cats sit and wait next to their bowls, watching as the owners grab their things and leave for the day, ears tracking the sounds of them leaving.  As soon as they could no longer hear footsteps, they both chime up at the same moment.  
“Hey, look…”
“I just wanted…”
Petri turns her head away, “look I just wanted to say sorry.  I was mean to you just for being here and that wasn’t nice.”
Oh ho!  She was apologizing!  Diablo muses to himself, this was going to be even easier than he’d expected!  “Prrr,” he slinks up, rubbing against her, “we started off wrong, let’s start over.”
At first she flinches at the contact, but eases up when he doesn’t relent and rubs against her a couple more times.  “Nyaa,” Petri dips her head, “I agree we should.”  
“Moow.”  Satisfied that he now had the upper hand, Diablo moves over to his dish to eat, with Petri following suit right after.  She must have been sheltered for most of her life, he wonders at the ease of changing her tune.  ‘Or something,’ he couldn’t yet tell.  She was on the smaller side, maybe the runt of the litter?  Those can start off life struggling, often pushed to the side.  These creatures saving her and bringing her here probably saved her life.  ‘Or I’m being melodramatic.’  But he doubted she’d tell him anything right now, so he tucks that question away for a future date.
As Petri watched the black ball of hyper energy chasing after the laser beam, she couldn’t help but chuckle.  Their owners were having a grand old time sending Diablo skittering across the carpet or even up a couple of walls, and he seemed happy to oblige.  He was rarely one to play along if it wasn’t his own decision, but the laser beam turned out to be his Achilles' heel.  They’d keep him going for so long, he’d pant, wide-mouthed and heavy for several minutes trying to calm his heart again.  But the best part was the catnip treats afterwards.  Petri suspected it was a sneaky ploy to keep the kitten from being too active overnight.  Wind him up, then zonk him out.  It was amusing as hell!   If only those two-legged creatures knew, Diablo wasn’t much of a night kitty like she had been at his age.
“How ya feelin’ Di?”  Petri stands over Diablo who was currently belly up, paws curled in the air, with constricted pupils and a loopy expression on his face.  Her face was upside down and counter to his; a bright but bemused look to her.  
He cocks his head to the side.  “Petri that you?  Why yous upside-down?”
She laughs and bops him on the nose with her paw, “silly, you’re the one upside-down!”  
“Nas not, whoa…” his eyes refocus, staring straight up at her.  “Prrr… this is so cool!”
“Weirdo, that cat nip sure does a number on ya.”  But as he continues to stare at her, she starts to feel a little uncomfortable.  “Why,” Petri takes a step away, “do you keep staring at me like that?”
After a brief pause, he nods his head for seemingly no reason as a seriously dangerous look crosses his face.  “Prrr...  I’m gonna take your soul.”
Petri blinks.  “That’s the catnip talking, Di just go to sleep,” she laughs.
“Mew.  Nay is truth.  I don’ lie.”
“Okay,” she chuckles nervously, “I believe you demon cat,” petting his head, “now just close your eyes and go to sleep.”
“Prrr…  Meow mow Petri.”
“Meow mow Diablo.”  
Once she was certain he’d finally fallen asleep, Petri curled up next to him.  Barely a month and this damn little cat really was working his way into her heart.  Maybe it wasn’t so bad having another cat here after all.  He did liven the place up.  With their owners gone most of the day on many days, she wasn’t alone as much.  She couldn’t lie that sometimes she misses the peace and quiet but, he was growing on her.  
She was almost asleep when a tail to the face and added weight roused her.  Diablo had rolled over to his side from his upside-down position, partially on top of her.  ‘Ugh,’ and just when she was starting to get comfortable!  She tries to push him off, but he just rolls right back like a dead weight, inflatable bopper doll.  Unable to move him, and too lazy to move away, she pins his tail and foot from moving, using them as a cushion.  ‘I’m gonna bite him if he complains tomorrow!’                
Things settled into a comfortable routine for the two cats.  Much of their days spent lounging about as typical felines will do.  When birds would come by the windows, they’d taunt them.  The occasional bug would die by one or both of their paws.  Sometimes Diablo would even get Petri to play with the toys with him, fighting over a particular soft, catnip infused mouse.  Their owners really should get more than one of these damn things!  Did they forget that there's two of them in the house now?  
He’d even grown bigger since arriving at the house, most likely to his adult size, almost able to place his head atop hers when standing beside each other.  Not the biggest cat she’d ever seen, but what he lacked in size, he definitely made up for in sheer muscle compared to her.  Diablo was much more active than she ever was and that had to add to his weight.  ‘Tch, that’s why he tends to win when we play.’  If he really wanted to win a toy, he’d simply get her pinned and steal it from her.  Most of the time Petri let him win anyways, too lazy to keep going.        
“Don’t you ever wonder what it would be like to live out there?” Diablo asked her one day as they both lay on the window sill.  It was a beautiful one at that, blue skies with scattered white clouds and a nice breeze coming through the screen.  On days like these, he dreamed of living on the outside, unattached to these two-legged creatures, in the wild, maybe even a forest or something.  He remembered seeing one behind the adoption place his owners found him at.  At least he assumed it was a forest according to the stuff he saw on the picture screen they sometimes watched, filled with lots of trees and other animals.  Water would be nice too.  He hated baths, but he loved water.
“I’ve never thought about it,” Petri responds.  “Being inside is all I’ve ever known.”  She looks at him, “why do you ask?”      
“Just being a curious pus pus,” was all he said before turning back to the window.  
Petri simply chalked it up as one of his incessant questions.  Sometimes Diablo would get into these moments, curious about anything and everything.  He was the first cat she’d ever seen watch the picture screen along with the two-legged creatures.  Well, then again, he was the only other cat outside of the pet store she’d ever met, but still, it seemed a bit odd to her.      
A couple of seasons come and go, the hot yucky season finally letting up into the cooler times where the colors of the leaves start to change.  She loved this time of year.  They were lucky in that the street next to the apartment was lined with trees that had such leaves, it was like watching magic!  Petri could sit there all day watching it happen.  Diablo seemed to enjoy the scenery as well, though lately he’d seemed a little more distracted than most days.  For her watching the outside world was just an amusement, but for him, it was as if he was daydreaming.  She wasn’t exactly sure what he was thinking, but assumed if he wanted to tell her, he felt like it.          
“Moow mow,” Diablo siddles up next to where Petri is sleeping along the couch’s headrest area, taking a seat below her, paws kneading the plush cushion to expend energy.  “Petriiiii!” He whines, “I’m bored.”
She cracks open one eye and sees him looking up at her with expectancy.  “That’s what the toys are for Di.”  Petri closes her eyes trying to ignore him.  Really?  He’s been here long enough to know that she hated being woken up in the early morning!  
“But Petriiii, I don’t wanna play with the toys.  I rather bug ya!”
Oh for the love of!  “Mew!”  
“Aww come on Petri don’t say no,” the whine intensifying from the black fur ball, “I’ve got a lot of energy but the toys are getting boring!”
“Not my fault you’re a morning cat!” she hisses back.  “The sun ain’t even up yet.”
“Mooow,” he cries, “it’s not just that.”  Diablo jumps up and sits in front of her.  “All we do here is eat, sleep, play, do it again.  I stare out the window and keeping thinking about what it might be like to live outside.  Even all the cool looking stuff on the picture thing the creatures sit in front of has all those cool looking stuff about animals.  There’s so much we don’t know about being stuck in here.”
His quiet tirade brings Petri to life.  She sits up, tilting her head curiously.  “So, what are you saying Di?  You don’t like it here anymore?”
“Mew.  Well, I don’t hate being here, it’s mostly cause I’m bored.”
“Mooow.  Y-you’d leave me here to be alone again?”  Petri cringes away.  She was so used to having him around now, that she almost couldn’t remember what it was like before, and what she did, brought out suppressed feelings of loneliness.  Her ears lower in sorrow.  “Mooow.”
“Aww,” Diablo gets up and brushes against her body, “prrr,” bumping his head under hers.  “Mooow mow, have I charmed you that much Petri, you’ll be sad if I go?”
“Tch,” she pushes him off a little flustered.  Even though he had done just as he was accusing, she didn’t need to admit it.  “I’ll just get lonely, that’s why I’ll be sad.  You made me realize it was boring being by myself in this place.”  
“Then come with me,” he retorts.  “You don’t have to stay stuck here.”
“Oh, and how are you gonna get out?”  
“See that screen,” Diablo points with his paw at one of the living room windows, “it’s loose, I can push it out.”
He really was serious!  “I don’t know…  How would we eat, where would we sleep?  There’s dogs and those big moving metal things out there, and…”
“Hey,” he moves in closer, placing a paw on her head, “we’ll be fine, we can totally do this Petri.”
“I need to think about it,” she moves away hesitantly, “I trust you, but I don’t know if I could handle it.”  Her nerves were already fraying at the seams from just the thought of being out of her comfort zone.  Here in the apartment, she knew every nook and cranny, every creature’s routine for better or for worse, but out there was a total unknown.    
Diablo sighs, “well, I’m leaving before the creatures wake up.”  After rising to his feet, he rubs against her one more time to tease.  “You think about it Petri, and if you ever decide to leave, maybe we’ll run into each other again.”  He jumps over to the window, hitting the screen hard, twice before finally popping out the edge.  “Mow mow!” he waves a paw, and heads out into the still dark morning hours.  
Petri quickly jumps over to the window, watching his fleeting shadow slowly fade into the darkness.  He was really gone, and if that wasn’t bad enough, the overwhelming sense of stillness that permeated the apartment began to creep into her bones.  ‘Is this how quiet it used to be?’ She wonders to herself.  Faint sounds of the outside world were all that broke the dead calm of a sleeping apartment.  Her ears curl down and she plants herself next to the window, replaying his words.  ‘Could we really do it?  Start over fresh in a new environment?’  Shivers run along her skin at the idea.  Diablo had a knack for making her leave her comfort zones, but this would be the biggest leap she’d made in her short life.  Was she willing to risk so much for a cat she’s only known for less than a year over owners that have sheltered her for much longer?  A big part of her wanted to jump at the opportunity to follow him.  He was her kind after all, and isn’t it better to stick with your own?  “Mooow!”  Petri didn’t know what to do.
By the time the first noises came from the creatures room to indicate they were waking up, Petri still hadn’t stirred from her roost.  She stayed put as they moved about the apartment in their normal routines, sounds and smells of the coffee maker bubbling, gathering of stuff they take with them when they leave, she could be blinded and still know exactly what was going on.  ‘Is this what he meant?’  The same old thing over and over…  She guessed it made sense why Diablo found this all so boring.  They were things she’d never really paid attention to, but in her defense, she could be a little airy.  
“Petri!  Bob!  Breakfast!” clinking of their food into the bowl, but she stays her post.  
A few minutes pass.
“Petri!  Bob!  It’s food time!”  Again she hears her owners call, and again she makes no effort to move.  “Hun, have you seen the cats?”  Petri hears the female creature ask the male who responded with a ‘no.’
A couple more minutes pass before she hears the sounds of movement behind her, as her owner starts searching the apartment.  “Petri, Bob, where are you guys?”  It’s not a very big apartment, so it doesn’t take long for the female creature to find Petri next to the window.  “Petri, there you…” it sees the open screen.  “Oh no!  Steve come quick!  I think Bob got out!”
“I know, I know Petri,” the female rubs Petri’s head, “you must be so sad that your friend ran away.”  Then the female pops the screen back into place and rushes away to find the male creature, leaving Petri alone again.  
Petri can hear the owners arguing.  
“I told you this was gonna be a problem Merida,” the male snaps at the female creature, “the pound said that black cat was a problem, but noooooo, you thought he was so cute, you just had to have him.”
“He’s been fine this whole time,” the female retorts.  “This is probably just an accident.”
“The accident, is adopting that stupid fur ball and bringing him home.  We already had one good cat who didn’t cause any problems and now look at her, she’s seems devastated that her friend is gone!”
“You know what Steve, I don’t have time for your I told you so’s!  I’ll be late for work if I don’t leave now, but we will look for him after work!”
“Keh!  You can look for him after work.  I’m not gonna waste my time.”
Petri couldn’t believe her ears!  This male creature was calling Diablo stupid!  How dare that thing call her friend stupid!  “Moow moow mow!”  Diablo wasn’t a bad cat, he was just tired of being cooped up in this apartment.  Ugh!  Suddenly, the walls seemed to shrink inward, making Petri feel even worse and confused.  On one hand the anxiety of following Diablo into the uncharted world outside licked at her psyche, but on the other, the overwhelming anger of knowing what an asshole of a creature her owner could be, made her stomach turn.  It was too late to turn back the hands of time, what’s done is done, and now Petri wondered if she’d ever feel the same if she stayed in this apartment.  She sure as hell wouldn’t be able to be friendly towards the male creature, but she would also break the females heart if she left too.  This was such a hard decision!  
She spent the next couple of days tossing the options back and forth, go, stay…  Merely sticking to a basic routine of eating and staring out of the window.  The female wasn’t coming home until later than usual, probably out looking for Diablo.  The male would come home at his usual time, but didn’t really pay her any attention, and frankly, Petri was starting to realize, it was always like that.  The female was the one who took care of them most of the time, not the male.  Had this whole life been a lie?!  This place was supposed to make her happy for the rest of her days but now, she was seeing it’s true colors.
Another night comes and goes, the early dawn set to approach in a few hours.  Petri jumps back to the same window.  These creature were still stupid enough to leave it open.  She tests the screen with her paw, noticing a give to it.  Maybe it was defective or damaged from Diablo pushing it out once before, but she was sure she could do the same.  With one deep breath, Petri pounds against the screen with her body, popping it out.
She did it!
With one last look of goodbye, Petri steps out onto the metal balcony and breathes in the night air, willing herself the determination she would need to face the world.  She had no idea where Diablo may have gone to.  Was he close or far away by now?  Petri turns her nose to the breeze the moment she hits the hard ground below, scenting for her friend.  It was faint, but she swore she could smell some of his scent around.  Either that or she was imagining it.  
“Diablo!”  Petri called out every few yards as she raced through the dead night.  “Diablo!”  
One block away, his scent grew stronger.  “Diablo!” Petri heads in that direction.  He had to be somewhere nearby!  Ignoring her surroundings, she tracks the scent until it leads her to a dead end alley.  Petri plops down to catch her breath.  Where was he?!  She hangs her head, well she shouldn’t have expected to find him so easily.  
Till she hears a familiar snicker behind her.  “Congratulations Petri, you’re free now.”  She turns her head and sees the black cat sauntering up, tail raised high.  “Are ya ready for our next adventure?”
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kuroshironekoserver · 6 years
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