#kw: everything sucks
xcrimsonlunaticx · 6 months
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seth-burroughs · 1 year
Hot take incoming but Makoto is one of the characters where everybody focuses on only one of his crimes, which is arguably actually the most justified out of all his actions, while ignoring pretty much. Everything else.
Like sorry but I don't think turning people into food was That Bad considering homunculi need human meat in order to live, they literally die if they don't eat it - it's either A. no humans get killed, and in turn all of Kanai Ward dies, or B. humans die and get turned into meatbuns, and Kanai Ward gets to exist. You could argue that the defective homunculi weren't really supposed to exist anyway but like, they do now so what. Makoto is also a homunculus, of course he probably sympathizes more with the other homunculi instead of the humans (that put them there in the first place) of course he's gonna choose KW over approx. a million humans.
If that was me in that situation I'll do the same thing fuck them bun filling lmao sorry I'm not saying it would be the best choice but it's one literally most people would choose anyway because like. What can you do, it sucks, moving on.
Substitutes for human flesh are possible to create (thank you ramen guy) but it'd require him to seek help from others which would require him to tell them the truth which fuck no. Like in that regard I believe he should be allowed to kill whoever he wants actually!
What actually makes me go 🤨 about him is everything else he's doing. Or not doing - aside from providing food and rain clouds, aka only a portion the bare necessities, he's doing absolutely nothing for Kanai Ward, especially Dohya District. He lives in the most expensive looking penthouse I ever laid my eyes upon, there is so much he could do with all of his billions, like, I don't know, at least unflood the Dohya District do you remember the Dohya District it appeared once in chapter 3 I believe.
Also your city has a poverty crisis the population's like 10% rich bitch working for ✨Amaterasu✨ 90% i live in a sewer i have like 8 shien. Please stop saying you love KW like every othet sentence and actually do something I'm begging you I'm poking you with a stick right now.
Say what you want about Yomi but he was so real for telling Makoto he's not doing shit, only ever instance in rc where the guy is like.... somewhat correct. I was about to say something else but I stopped myself because I have a healthy amount of Fear.
Apparently Makoto's love for all homunculi doesn't extend to Kurumi though, a teenage girl, after he just dumps her along with Yuma in the restricted area for no reason whatsoever, endangering her severely. He also risked her finding out she was eating human flesh for three years straight, the only reason she didn't go into the freezer was because Yuma was there to tell her there was nothing there. There was no reason for Makoto to drag her along to be the audience to his epic showdown with his DNA donor.
I'm not mad at him for that though, that was so fucking hilarious, the fuck?? What is wrong with him <3333
Since I know somebody is going to say that Yomi existing severely limits what Makoto can actually do, which is fair to some extent, but like... Was Yomi holding a gun to his head and telling him he's gonna execute the hostages if he tries to unflood Dohya? Was he? Yomi controls the peacekeepers, he doesn't control where Amaterasu money gets donated. Yomi (and by extension, the peacekeepers - Yomi is, as I see it, the personification of everything wrong with the Amaterasu Corporation cops peacekeepers anyway) can be blamed for a large portion of everything wrong with Kanai Ward, but not the entirety of it; and Makoto can't be, either. Blaming everything on Yomi is not only just wrong, but also the most boring answer possible.
Speaking of -- Makoto didn't even care about all the abuse of power Yomi was commiting the entire time. According to him, "If all Yomi did was throw his weight around, that would have been fine, but [forgot the exact phrasing, but he says him trying to leak homunculus information was where he had to step in]", so you can't even give him points for being a Yomi hater! Sad. Anyway here's how makoyomi worsties can still win
Do I dislike Makoto? No not really. I don't really care about him as much as other people tend to, but he's fun when you let him be his silly (ominous) self. The atrocities are a part of him and I decided they're funny. Actually wait I changed my mind I love him now.
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scienter · 7 months
Anon from last ask about tvd series finale.
TVD writers should have declared that Stefan had transformed into superman when Bonnie injected the cure because no way in hell a normal human could survive a stab wound,a gun shot and being beaten & kicked by a 4000 year old psychic within a span of 72 hours only to end up with a scratch on his forehead! And how the hell did he still have the cure in his body after bleeding out so much every single day! Silas sucked Katherine out of her blood to take the cure.Amara did the same to Silas.But it took only a small syringe of blood for Stefan to turn human! Nonsense!
Stefan came to Mystic Falls as a suicidal guy,spent his entire narrative with passive suicidal ideation,went on a suicide mission not less than 48 hours before he got married and then actively chose to end his life widowing his wife and gleefully screamed I WAS FEELING EPIC while Lexi CHEERED? LEXI of all people celebrating Stefan's suicide?
.This was HIS STORY?This was the end of Stefan Salvatore?
I DON'T BUY IT. This is NOT Tragedy.This is NOT dark.
This is CHEAP.PRETENTIOUS.And this is probably how the finale discussion went down👇🏼
KW: I want Stelena endgame.
JP:I know but that won't make any narrative sense.
KW: But Stelena is epic.
JP: yeah but Elena declared her undying love for Damon.
KW: Paul wants Stefan dead.
JP: We can work on that.But what about Caroline?
KW: Caroline who?
*awkward silence*
KW: Umm I don't know put her with someone Ric,Matt,Tyler...Klaus!
JP:Klaus! Of course! But Stefan and Caroline are married...
KW: Stefan and Elena are soulmates.
JP:But in s6 finale,Stefan said Elena didn't come into his life to be his soulmate.
KW: What S6?
JP:Well! If I kill Stefan, then Klaroline switch-bait will be easier! And Bonnie will get her powers back to save Elena's life.
KW: So,Stelena is endgame?
JP: Don't worry.I have everything under control.Oh and We will blame Nina in interviews.
*violent sound of writing*
Stefan dies by self-immolation.
It was E-P-I-C.
I had a similar reaction to Stefan's actions in the finale:
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pudding-parade · 1 year
Do you happen to use any Nraas modules with your KW? I use a ton of them and have missed having kw in my game (but not the lag) and you’ve just shared a way to be naughty with minimal lag. If there’s very little conflicts… I may have to download. Thank you!
Yes, I use the same NRaas mods in my Kinky World saves that I use in my non-KW saves, which is all of them except Vector, if I'm remembering right. And I do not disable ErrorTrap's dereferencing as recommended, either. (Doing that basically deactivates ErrorTrap, and you don't want to do that. I'm half-convinced that this is why KW has a save-breaking reputation, because ErrorTrap isn't doing the behind-the-scenes clean-up of EA crap that it's designed to do.) But yeah, in my experience NRaas mods and KW work mostly fine together, with the proviso that I don't use all of KW's functions because I'm just not interested in them. I have no interest in sims being raped or sims engaging in bestiality, for instance. (No shame if someone else wants those in their fantasy game. It's just not what I'm into, so those things and a few others are turned off.) Even so, when it comes to KW+NRaas functionality issues, I think the only relevant thing is that NRaas doesn't like KW's playable high school system, and it may just be Story Progression that doesn't like it. At least, that's what I've read. I've never used a KW high school myself because it's another of those things I'm not interested in. So with all that in mind, the KW+NRaas issues I have noticed are:
1) Go Here, believe it or not. They don't conflict in game-crashing or game-breaking ways but in smaller ways. For example, with both KW and GoHere in place, when a sim leaves work, they won't come home in the carpool vehicle. They will briefly get in the carpool vehicle, then get out, summon a taxi or their owned vehicle, and then go home in that. (Which sucks if you're playing with a mod where taxis cost money. For this reason I don't use such a mod in KW saves, though I do in non-KW ones.) Likewise, kids won't take the bus home from school. They'll get in the bus, then get out, and ride their bike (or sometimes walk) home instead. This doesn't bother me, but it is a conflict between them. Even if it did bother me, I highly value Go Here's door-locking functionality, so I'd put up with it. :)
Also, sort of related to Go Here, if you happen to use the Toddler Independence mod (the one that allows toddlers to climb stairs), I haven't been able to get it to work with KW, at least not with the Go Here-compatible version of that mod. It's conflicting with KW (or with the combination of KW and Go Here) somehow because Toddler Independence works fine in my non-KW saves, but not in my KW ones. Just thought I'd mention it.
2) Woohooer, perhaps obviously. Basically, with KW in a save, you don't need Woohooer unless you want teen woohoo/pregnancy and/or male- and/or same-sex pregnancy because KW doesn't enable either of those. I want all of that, so what I do when playing a KW save is turn off everything else but teen and male/same-sex pregnancy in Woohooer's settings. That said, you can leave things on, if you want to. You can build Woohooer's Kama Sutra skill, you can get the Woohooer post-woohoo moodlets in addition to the KW ones, etc. But, I just leave on the teen and mpreg/same-sex preg stuff and turn off/make non-autonomous everything else.
(Also, there's a bug fix included with Woohooer that you might want even if you want/need nothing else in Woohooer when using KW. That is that the game can freeze when an NPC is giving birth. Woohooer fixes this and, so far as I know, it's the only fix for it. So there's that, too. You can turn off everything in Woohooer's settings, but it will still fix this bug. So you might want to keep it in play just for that.)
3) Retuner, a bit. But, again, not in game-breaking ways, and only if you use Retuner to customize pregnancy length and correspondingly adjust when sims get the symptoms of pregnancy and the moodlets and start the preggo walk and all that. Left to its own devices, KW will trample all over those settings unless you also go into the KW settings and set the pregnancy length to match whatever you set it to be in Retuner. Then it should follow the other pregnancy-related settings you set in Retuner as well. Non-pregnancy-related settings in Retuner are all fine.
4) Relativity, but only in the sense that if you use it to slow down the game and to commensurately slow down skill-gaining, Relativity can't affect the speed that sims gain KW's Woohoo and Exhibition skills. Because obviously Relativity doesn't "see" those skills. So it's not a conflict so much as a "you just can't do this" thing.
Similarly, I've also tried slowing down the gaining of the KW skills more manually using Master Controller's settings where you can set individual skills to gain more quickly or more slowly. Although those skills do show on the list where you can control that in Master Controller, changing the multipliers for those skills doesn't seem to change anything in-game. Unfortunately. So, if you play with longer life spans, you'll have sims who master the KW skills very quickly, which is a bad thing in my view, but of course YMMV.
5) Story Progression. These two don't really conflict, except that KW has a very rudimentary story progression of its own that, again if left to its own devices, will overwrite the equivalent settings in NRaas Story Progression. So, I just turn off all of KW's story progression except for the two bits that control NPCs gaining the KW skills because obviously there's no equivalent settings in the NRaas mod for those. Everything seems to work fine. For instance, I use Story Progression's caste system extensively in my D/s world to differentially govern the behaviors of those sims who are doms and those who are subs. It all works fine in conjunction with KW.
And that's really all that I've noticed after years of playing with KW and NRaas mods across many saves. That said, if you do choose to play with NRaas+KW and you have problems, the folks at NRaas will (rightfully) not help you with any save touched by KW. Basically, using KW in a save "voids your warranty" when it comes to the NRaas mods in that save. So, if you're not a person that can figure things out for yourself when things go wrong or don't work as expected, bear that in mind.
Whatever the case, if you choose to proceed, don't become overly attached to any KW save, with NRaas or not. I've actually never had one go bonkers (and I've been playing a few KW saves for quite a long time), and as I said I'm half-convinced that this is because I don't hamstring ErrorTrap as recommended, but there's always a first time. Don't plan to do a 10-generation legacy in a KW save if you're the type to be heartbroken over it going belly-up in Gen 8 or something, and also, as always, make lots of back-ups, and I think you'll be fine.
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unhingedselfships · 1 year
She'd been playing nice all night. 
It was exhausting but she didn't mind it. 
She had her part to play, and if it helped at all, well, it didn't matter how the week had gone.
She had her role.
There was always someone though, wasn't there. 
Pushing buttons, testing limits.
Someone always had something to say.
She was beautiful, there wasn't any denying that. Glossy hair, sultry eyes, the perfect body. Not too tall, not too short, impeccably dressed to draw attention without drawing too much attention.
Terribly artificial, but beautiful.
Kimi could recognize that.
She dreaded interacting with women like her.
It wasn't even the way she looked. It was her approach. The way she walked, the cruel edge to the smile.
Even when she could play it off, these interactions always hurt.
It started the same as it always did. The same trite small talk. Then current events. A passing comment about her family. That was usually where things went South.
"So, Lady Dojima, you seem terribly interested in Kadokura-san. For a married woman."
She fought the urge to sigh.
Tonight was supposed to be a good night.
Take her mind off things.
"Of course. Kadokura and I have been close for years. He's very dear to me."
"Dear to you? My my, are you certain there isn't more to it? Is Dojima-sama aware of his wife's… straying?"
Had- had this woman missed out on all the accusations all these years? Or did she just suck at digging?
"My husband knows where I am and who I'm with. We do actually talk to each other, shockingly enough."
Ah. Her patience had run out. 
"Hmm you just seem very invested for a woman who is unavailable. And not exactly… of the right caliber."
Kimi blinked. Oh. This angle. 
She was so tired. It had been a rough few weeks and she was still so raw. 
when wasn't she, honestly
So much had built up, with nowhere to go.
Good and bad.
Something in her gave.
Her tone stayed mild. Flippant even. 
But her words-
"You think I don't know how unworthy of him I am? That I could never hope to be good enough? He's- Kenshi is-"
She shook her head with a laugh.
"I have nothing to give him. Any of them. I would, will, have, given him, them, everything and it's all- None of it is worth anything. I can't- Contribute in any way that matters. I know that. I fucking know it."
She was still so flat. Shut down. It was as though she'd slid right through hysteria and into numb.
She always let them get in her head. 
she always got in her own head
"I have no value. No worth. I am nothing. I know my life, my being, is meaningless. Worthless. I don't need some full of herself, artificial, self inflated bitch to tell me that."
She smiled coldly, fingers brushing absently against the tattoo partially exposed by the plunging neckline. The self placed brand.
"At least I know my place in this world, instead of lying to myself and hoping someone else buys it."
The woman stared wide eyed, and Kimi averted her eyes to the man just behind her.
She tried not to think too hard about what his expression might mean.
"Hey, Kenshi? I think I should go home. I don't feel very well."
She slipped past him, trying to avoid looking at him directly, and made her way to the bathroom.
From the stall she shot a couple texts and waited for the tears to stop.
They wouldn't, but at least no one else was around to see it.
Kadokura first, she had to try to smooth things over.
KW : I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make a mess of tonight. I'm just being dramatic. Put it out of your mind ok? I just. Don't really feel very good. Sorry. Love you.
And then Daigo. She needed to go. She needed out. Before she did anything stupid. Well. Stupider.
KW : Could you send someone to get me? I'm not. I'm not doing well.
DD : Of course, sweet girl. Are you alright?
KW : No. Not really. I will be. I'm just hurting right now. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'll get over it. It doesn't matter. I'll be fine. I love you.
She abandoned her heels on the floor, curled into a corner, pulling her legs up to her chest, and tried to remember how to breathe.
Gods why was she like this?
She was fine.
Everything had been fine damnit.
And suddenly she wasn't.
Choking on a sob, a self hating laugh, she spoke into the empty room.
"I'm always the fucking problem aren't I?"
"Frequently, yes, this time, no."
The voice startled her. She hadn't expected him to come for her. 
She probably should have.
Her look of confusion as he stood there made him snort. 
"You didn't lock the door. Idiot."
Crouching in front of her, elbow on knee, chin in palm, he eyed her lightly.
"You done now? Get that out of your system?"
"Just let me go home Kenshi, you hate my… episodes. They annoy you. I annoy you. I just- I wanna drink until I forget myself."
"Oh good," he said brightly, "I love drinking! Are you going to come back outside or am I going to have to keep delivering drinks to the women's washroom?"
She huffed, a tired laugh, “... if you’re willing to let me play barnacle the rest of the night, I’ll cancel my ride.”
“When have I ever not been ok with that, princess?”
He stood, and helped pull her properly to her feet. She moved to grab her shoes, and he waved her off.
“Leave them, I know your feet are hurting by now, and honestly, who gives a fuck.”
Snorting, she did as she was told, abandoning the heels to their fate.
Pulling her chats back up on her phone, she shot another text off, letting Daigo know she was staying after all, and yes, she would be fine. She just had a moment. 
A quick, let me know if you change your mind again and I’ll get you out of there, and exchanged I love yous, and she slipped the phone back into the clutch she carried.
With a theatrical flourish, Kadokura presented his arm to her, and guided her out of the bathroom. 
There was a spark in his eyes, that made her a bit nervous. That up-to-something look he got when he felt like being a shit disturber. 
As promised however, he kept her close to him, her hand tucked into his elbow, and led her towards the bar.
Ordering himself something straight, and her something fruity, he switched his hold, his warm hand settled at the small of her back.
She avoided looking around too much, not wanting to see if anyone else was aware of what had occurred-
of course they were aware, every knows how pathetic yo-
He squeezed her hip lightly, pulling her out of her head, no other indication he knew what was happening.
Reintegrating into the conversation he'd left for her, he kept her pressed to his side, hand rubbing soothing circles on her waist.
This was more blatantly affectionate than she was used to from him. Especially in a setting like this. He was always soft with her, but there was a certain distance. Playful, but never too close.
This was outright clingy. 
He shuffled her around as he worked the room. 
Always with at least one hand on her.
Shoulders, hips. Wrists and waist.
Hair, throat, jaw.
Always touching. Caressing. 
He was showing off.
He'd leaned to whisper conspiratorially in her ear. Little things to make her giggle, and he'd grin, that smug, self satisfied smile.
People were watching them.
He didn't let her pay it any mind.
Kept her focus on him, even as his was everywhere at once.
The night wore on, and everyone had relaxed a bit. The uptight nature of business loosening into the conspiratory indulgence of the upper class.
Kenshi leaned casually against the bar, chatting pleasantly, Kimi tucked against his side, absently twirling her hair in his fingers.
Noticing the woman from earlier making her approach, a set look on her face, Kimi made to slip away, vanish again. 
Kenshi didn’t let her. His grip around her firmed, and he turned away from the man he was conversing with. 
Turning to her fully, he gently cupped her face, and there was that look again.
One hand staying on her jaw, the other gripping her waist, and he was on her.
The kiss was- Not something she’d ever expected. Or let herself hope for.
Though she’d certainly dreamt of it.
Deep, passionate, far more skillful than she’d expected.
Absently she wondered who he’d practiced with.
Was he just that good?
And it was. 
Very good.
Her heart stuttered, and he pulled away. Smug. Self satisfied.
This was gonna hurt later. 
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joiedevivrevehicles · 2 years
Used Renault Sandero Stepway Techroad Drive Review
The Renault Sandero for sale is still a great vehicle.
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The Renault Sandero first entered the market in 2009 and over 64 100 units of the Sandero have found homes in South Africa since 2009 and over 30 500 Stepway variants have been sold since their introduction in 2011. 
So, as a manner of celebrating the Stepway’s success, the French automaker introduced the Sandero Stepway Techroad which sits on top of the Sandero range.
You may also be interested in: Find a used Sandero Techroad of your own.
Besides the familiar C-shaped daytime running lights as well as C-shaped rear lights, the Techroad is fitted with freshly designed front and rear bumpers. 
Other exterior styling cues include an integrated roof spoiler, roof bars and rear skid plates that give the Stepway an off-road stance.  The Sandero Stepway Techroad rides on 16-inch hub-capped wheels. 
The cabin feel is not bad even though you get a lot of plastic material on the dash and on the door panels - everything is well put.  The space inside is generous with ample leg and headroom.
The luggage space is measured at 292 litres and if you think that is not enough, folding the rear seats can further expand it. 
The seven-inch infotainment system allows Apple CarPlay and Android Auto connectivity as well as Bluetooth and a reverse camera. It is the same system that lurks in the Kwid and I found it very easy to fiddle with. 
The infotainment system comes fitted with on-board navigation and honestly, I never used it even once, thanks to the Android Auto smartphone mirroring feature that let me project my phone’s Waze on the Sandero’s infotainment system via a USB connection.
The 0.9-litre turbocharged three-cylinder petrol engine with 66 kW and 135 Nm delivers adequate shove. Build up the revs and the engine pulls off smoothly with no hesitation in all five gears.
The suspension is fairly soft and manages to suck up most bumps pretty well, and even potholes do not send particularly nasty jolts through the car.
Safety comes courtesy of airbags, ABS with ESP and ASR as standard. It is also fitted with EBA and HSA. 
In conclusion, the styling of the Renault Stepway Techroad gives it a sense of purpose and whatever the French brand did to make it impressive, works.
The Sandero Stepway Techroad comes with Renault’s 5-year / 150 000 km warranty together with a standard 2-year / 30 000 km service plan. Services are at 15 000km intervals. Update: The Renault Sandero range was discontinued in 2022 to make way for the new Kiger, but you should get a Renault Sandero used model if you’re looking for a great, affordable hatchback.
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Review compiled by https://boksburgadvertiser.co.za/
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anewbeginningagain · 3 years
I really don’t like when commentators are too complimentary towards the skaters. If someone sucks, you have to say it (nicely) and you have to explain why, you can’t say the same things about everyone. I want to know why the best team is the best, and why the worst is the worst. I want to know about technical elements, why something is done great or horribly. KW was insufferable at ACI because even with the most mediocre teams like Scott’s Canadian one, she was talking as if they were the next Olympic champions, while they were extremely bad. I’m not saying she has to destroy them, but at least be objective and say all the things that could be better and they didn’t do as they are supposed to be done. For me, Tanith is the best.
I mostly agree, for me, what irked me the most was when they talk about certain skaters as if they are fighting for an Olympic spot when the chances of them making the Olympics and me making the Olympics are rather similar... I mean you can say they have a slim chance if you must but pretending some skaters are an option just makes you seem unknowledgeable.
Tanith has the perfect balance between criticism and support and her criticism is exactly how it should be - impersonal. Her one downfall is that she insists on remaining neutral even when there's no reason to be, I think it's acceptable that she'll say something like "for me on the day X is more deserving because W, Y, Z but we'll see how the judges will go". I listened to her RDs commentary from Skate America today and she was very on point and I love it.
What I like about Mark Hanretty is that he does his homework and knows anything and everything you need to know about any team - even little tidbits from their personal lives that are related to skating. That's how it should be. He's also enthusiastic about the performances and is both supportive yet critical.
Carol Lane is also good but she has a very strong bias and in general, is quite limited to dance. Kurt and Brenda are meh to me.
Belinda Noonan who commentated on the official Olympics feed was excellent and I loved her (the guy next to her was not) and I would love to hear more from her.
Johny and Tara are mostly insufferable because they insist on being theatrical and making things about them, though this weekend he was alone with Terry and it was better than usual.
Tracy Wilson was pretty good and I mostly enjoyed her, same for Ben Agosto. Ryan Bradly was often too much talk when commentating but was good at spotting errors and calling them.
Robin Cousins is excellent but he's better saved for the big occasions. Same for BESP uncles, they have issues (wrong pronunciations of names and often lack of updated knowledge) but they've been doing it for longer than any of us been alive and while fs twitter was nasty towards them I have a soft spot for them.
The guy who did 4CC 2020 and Euros is my worst nightmare, he legit just described what was happening without any technical terms and talked about costumes the entire time. If he'll do SCI and GP Italy I'll might cry.
Did I forget any English-speaking commentators?
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ava7494rob · 4 years
Cordless Leaf Blower
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Gathering, raking and diverting colossal proportions of fall leaves can be devastating. A leaf blower can discard departs rapidly and effectively from yards, land, carports, and walkways. Notwithstanding, purchasers should focus in a few habitats, considering the way several out of each odd leaf vacuum cleaner is similarly reasonable for every single required assignment and the possibility of the things offered in the exchange changes.
1.Poulan Pro 967039201 Cordless Blower
Poulan Pro 967039201 is a model of a leaf blower with a force of 3000 Watts to permit you to vacuum all the leaves from your yard shockingly quick. The air stream speed changes between 230 km/h and 418 km/h to change its utilization as per your necessities to the degree the proportion of sheets to be sucked or such a surface to be treated.This blower goes with a removable center tip to permit you to blow everything in only one pass. The unit has a power limit of 14 m3/second to guarantee that you don't leave any sheet advancement whether you clean an immense zone and whether it is wet. This machine is besides set up to crush at a degree of 1/sixteenth which is ideal for treating the soil. ​
2.Toro PowerPlex 51690 Cordless Blower
Toro PowerPlex 51690 is a shocking green leaf blower model, easy to utilize and satisfactorily remarkable to make your nursery incredible and leafless. Its blowing rate is 800 m3/h, which is an astonishing speed stood apart from what most comparable gadgets can achieve.The handles of this gadget are ergonomic and ensure an unparalleled handle. They require just the base exertion on your part to utilize it. This shredder awards you to decrease your leaves to compost through a 10:1 destroying degree, which proposes you don't need to discard your pulls out and not undertaking their value. Its gathering pack is made of wetness wicking surface and enough prepared to hold the leaves. ​
3.Oregon Cordless BL300 Leaf Blower
The Oregon Cordless BL300 is phenomenally lightweight, its weight being restricted to just 4.4 kg with the target that you can in actuality oversee or move it to have the decision to blow a basic locale at a time. It is sufficiently more humble, its assessments including 56.4 cm long, 38.4 cm wide and 28.8 cm high permitting you to store it effectively without devouring a huge load of room. For these reasons, this model can be viewed as the best warm sheet blower on the market.Its power appears at 0.75 kW, promising you an exceptional speed of the gadget to complete the assignment you have offered out to it. Its air stream speed is indistinguishable from 345 km/h which is a dazzling rate stood apart from the speed of other comparative models open. ​
4.Best Partner Cordless Leaf Blower
The Best Partner Cordless Leaf Blower is an uncommon and liberal blower vacuum cleaner that will permit you to dispose of a wide extent of waste proficiently and rapidly, from grass branches to pine cones and characteristic thing stones.Its sitting velocity can be changed from 6,000 to 13,000 rpm. The switch among attractions and blower modes is finished with an unmistakable switch. In vacuum mode, the volume of air sucked appears at 13 m³/min while in blower mode, the speed goes from 100 to 270 km/h, which awards you to reasonably forgo decline that will when in doubt get implanted. The low speed makes it simple to gather the leaves in a corner going before vacuuming them.
5.Makita DUB182Z Cordless Blower
Makita DUB182Z Cordless Blower is an impeccable and essential blower model that licenses you to take out all the leaves lying around in your nursery or yard with unimportant exertion on your part. This model is ready for blowing, sucking and walloping all dead leaves.When the unit is in blower mode, it works at a blower speed of 260 km/h. This speed hurries to permit you to make even the world's most prominent nurseries or yards flawless by chance. The gadget goes with two chambers: a confined chamber for blowing and a wide chamber for sucking up the sheets. This licenses you to obviously see each breaking point. Concerning as far as possible, it is brought out through an ABS finned turbine which permits this beating to be done with a degree of 10:1, which licenses you to get fertilizer.
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Doberman, PT 2 || KWS
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Plot: Revenge is always sweet.
Rating: R 18+ // NSFW
Genre: modern day // mafia!au
Pairing: Kim Wonsik x Female OC (Kokia)
Warnings: Strong language, sex, violence, death
Links: FAQ || VIXX Masterlist || Admin L’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 2,564
AN: For Admin E! I wrote this a while back and now that we have a space for VIXX, I figured I would go ahead and post it! PART 1
© thebiasrekkers (Admin L). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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He reported back that she was dead. 
The boss smiled at his results and laughed, relief overflowing his features. The Hunter didn’t like the news but his neutral face betrayed nothing as he stood there and watched the man laugh like he had just conquered something. The history between the Wolf and the Boss had been spread all through the gang for years now. Even the newest person knew about them. So when it came about that she had betrayed him, they all knew that they couldn’t go against the Head. His anger was overflowing to the point that he was wrecking anyone that dared to approach him.
He had taken up so much of her so when she retaliated, Ravi had to marvel how hurt the Boss seemed. He saw that it was all chalked up to reputation and ego, bruised heavily by her. Personally, he saw it coming but he didn’t step in because she was the only one keeping the whole operation afloat. So when she was betrayed, he just sat back and watched. 
Honestly, he should have helped her then but she had done such a good job of shaking things up herself. And he knew that the proud Wolf didn’t want any help. 
So when she had the hit put out on her, Ravi nearly didn’t take it. Deep down, he didn’t want to harm her when it was completely justified but orders were orders. He took the time off to track her down, every little thing that he sniffed out like the Doberman he was. He was the Hunter, the dog of the Boss that always fixed things. He wasn’t going to give up until he had cornered her, which he did. 
Ravi had finally found her. Her wonderful dark skin, eyes narrowed as they honed in on him. She had sized him up and it sent a thrill through him that he never would have admitted to anyone but her. They threw themselves at each other and after several rounds, he had destroyed her. Over and over again, he topped her and fought with the Wolf until they were both spent. Their talents both at an even playing field until an opportunity had presented itself.
Now, he was paying for that choice. Ravi’s face fought to keep neutral as his Boss gloated over the loss. The loyal dog was now disgusted with himself as another, more compliant woman danced her way over to him. It was as if she had never existed and that made him want to bare his teeth even more. Loyalty was everything to him and to see it disregarded like that--he wanted to kill them both. The Doberman was no longer loyal to its master. The hand that fed him had disturbed him for the last time. 
But he had hoped that he could make things right, for the first fucking time.
He finally tore his eyes away from the sickening couple when the phone buzzed. Ravi stood stock still in his corner as he watched the Boss smash the button out of aggravation. 
“Boss, there’s someone to see you.”
“The fuck? I don’t have anyone here so tell them to get lost or die.”
His boss jerked his head after hanging up on the poor man and he walked over to the door. Ravi waited by the door to see who it was but instead, he heard a couple of gunshots. The sound alarmed the Boss as he stood up, the woman almost falling to the floor. He couldn’t help but grin as he opened the door, letting whomever in. His Wolf waltzed through, a gun in her hand and sporting the most beautiful dress he’d ever seen on her body. 
The color would have put the royal family to shame with how brilliant the purple was on her body. The dark color of her skin accentuated the color and hugged every part of her body that he lavished not too long ago. That night when he had finally cornered her and absolutely fucked her until they had both finally given up on energy. He could feel the heat on the back of his neck as he thought back to her naked body beneath him and the absolute horror of his boss when he realized who he let in.
That was a rush for him just as much as her walking in with that sinful dress. The man sputtered, skin splotchy with red as he tried to form angry words towards the both of them. The door clicked shut with a quiet sound, his hand gently closing the door after the entrance of his Wolf. After locking it, Ravi walked over to the desk and grabbed one of the cigars that the man had been smoking on. Clipping off the end near the neat gold end, he stuck the thing in his mouth and pulled out some long stick matches to light the thing with. Ravi then sat down on the desk, his dark eyes watching her walk up to him. 
“Kokia! He told me you were dead!” 
A smile broke out on her face slowly and growing to the point where her canines were showing. The smoke from the cigar wafted up as he took an inhale, eyes still trained on his former boss. Kokia reached him and pressed her body against his, lifting her hand up to take the cigar from his lips. Her other hand caressed his chest, reaching in to feel the warm skin that was underneath his black silk shirt. Her fingers played with the area where his tattoos were as they ghosted over the taut muscles. Goosebumps peppered his skin where she had been touching it but he knew that if he took his eyes off the disgusting man--then he would try something. 
“Oh, Wonsik…. You told him I was dead? Well, that’s not far off.” She put the cigar in her own mouth, dark red lipstick staining the end of the cigar like a promise. “Well, I am dead. Dead to you.”
Kokia let the smoke ease out of her mouth like tendrils and he never wanted to fuck her more than in that moment. He even had the mind of letting the pig watch as he took the beautiful woman, showing him how it was actually done. He stood up and wrapped an arm around her waist, roughly pulling her to his pelvis to show off how turned on he was at the moment. Her eyes got wide before understanding what he meant, a smirk of his own growing on his own face. 
“Leave before you die.” Kokia spat at the woman, who gathered her things and practically ran out of the door. Ravi reluctantly left the warm spot to lock the door again, making sure that they wouldn’t be disturbed. He heard two quick gunshots and the man yelling in pain. Turning around, he saw that Kokia had shot him in the knees--the man spilling out onto the floor from it. 
“You won’t survive after this! I’ll make sure of it!” Ravi crossed the space in what seemed like seconds to grab the man by the collar and throw him into a chair. He took his own tie and the other’s to secure him to that chair, not that he could walk very far regardless. “And you! If I die, the whole gang will come after you!”
“Shut the fuck up. I don’t work for you anymore and I’ll kill everyone else who decides that Kokia isn’t fit for your job.”
She sat there, perched on her new desk and watched him work as she smoked. He pulled at the man’s hair, yanking his head back as his legs bled before making him look directly at her. She stood up and stalked over, gun in hand before kneeling before the former boss. One hand slid up his thigh before grabbing the man by the balls. 
“This is what I think of your gang.” She put the gun directly on his crotch, moved her hand and shot. He howled in pain, trying to squirm away from her affections. “I’ll make this place my bitch and do it better than you. Oh wait… This isn’t news.”
She laughed as she stood up but the moment she did, Ravi pinned her body to his. He was unchained, unbound and willing to lay at her feet. Grinding himself on her, he bent down to whisper in her ear--a naughty thought that had been running rampant in his mind since she entered. 
“Let’s give him one last show, love.” Nipping at her earlobe, Ravi trailed kissed over her jaw and onto her neck. He sucked on that sweet spot there until there was a visible discoloration from where he left his lips. Her body responded to his as she pulled at him with the same ferocity that he came at her with. But the pout on her face is what stopped him, for the moment. 
“He doesn’t deserve to see my body any longer.”
Ravi immediately took the gun and cigar from her hands before popping the smoking thing in his mouth then popping a bullet into the man’s forehead. He then turned to her, placing his forehead on hers as he blew some of the smoke out downward like a dragon. She grabbed his face and threw the cigar away, hitting the corner before devouring his lips. Ravi growled in response as a hand dived into her front, grabbing one of her tits and massaging it in his large hand. The other hand hiked up her dress, exposing her long legs. She then removed his hand and jumped up into his arms as she attacked his mouth again. 
He held her up easily as he walked to the chair that was previously occupied by the dead man. Kokia, once Ravi had sat down in said chair, looped her legs through the arm rests to get a better position on top of his lap. He watched as she untied the back of her dress, letting her top half fall free of the constricting fabric. Her perky tits bounced only for him and he reached up to give them the attention that they deserve when she smacked his wandering hands away. Her mouth trailed down his neck to the exposed skin, unbuttoning several parts of the shirt. 
“No. You’re gonna sit here and take it.”
He nearly groaned at the sound of her husky voice, completely submissive for her in that moment. Ravi knew that she needed to get that out of her system, needed to have some semblance of control back so she could move on. And if she used him in the process? So be it and he would die a happy man. 
She made quick work of getting his belt off the black slacks he had on, wiggling around to expose what was underneath. A moan slipped out, the friction only making him harder but he obediently kept his hands to the side as she worked. The dress she had on was making it a bit hard to do what she wanted so he actually reached up and ripped the dress, allowing her more freedom to grind against his crotch. Kokia grabbed his face, anger in her eyes but he didn’t waver on that subject. 
“I’ll buy you a better dress but for now, please fuck me.” He almost whimpered to her. Her eyes softened at his low words and took him in her hands, stroking him almost agonizingly slow. Ravi knew that she was going to have her revenge for tearing the dress and he accepted it. He just craved the way she felt, the way that she pressed her body against his. The way that his own body carnally wanted her, in every way that he could think of. He would have been harder even faster had the windows actually had people looking, showing them what all she was doing to a killer like him. 
His beautiful killer.
Once she was satisfied with touching him, Kokia lifted herself up just enough to slide his member in all the way. She took him in slowly, every inch had him panting and eager for more. He tried to lift up his own hips but as powerful as they were, Kokia slammed her own hips down and ground him deeper than before. He gave out a cry, a soft keening sound as he threw his head back. He didn’t see the grin on her face before she did it again, working him up and down. Holding onto his shoulders, she bounced on him--the slickness making sounds in the now quiet room. Aside from their heavy breathing, nothing else could be heard since Kokia went on her rampage earlier. Everyone that would have had a problem with them, were now dead and he was so fucking close to losing his mind as she kept the brutal pace going. 
He couldn’t take it anymore, the proud and deadly killer started to beg. His deep voice took on a whine as he chanted for her to keep going. Harder, faster--Ravi moaned loudly as she moved, arms twitching with the determination of keeping them to the sides. He allowed her to bruise him, to touch him and to drive him so close to the edge that it nearly broke him. She brought him so close, then took it away to watch the absolute dejection on his face. Her skin had taken on a light sheen from the effort of chasing that high with him, one that he would gladly indulge in again if she wanted to . 
Finally, with a quick adjustment, he snapped and his arms wrapped themselves around her. He wanted that fucking friction, pounding up with his hips. He wouldn’t take that moment from her but he would help her along the way. Her own cries of pleasure mixed with his breathy moans as the chair kept bumping into the desk with each movement. Ravi finally grasped her hips and pulled them down so hard as he came up--he saw stars. The final movement had her grasping all around him, clinging to the hardness that was currently inside of her. It was over quickly for Kokia but Ravi had other plans. 
He kept rolling his hips, using her overstimulated clit as a buffer for his own chase. Even having his thumb join in to keep her pleasure going. He was so close to finishing inside of her that every little touch she provided was making his brain foggy. A kiss there, a nip and suck there. This time, it approached them both with a vengeance as it washed over them--his hips stuttering from the effort. 
They clung to each other, both gasping for breath to regulate themselves. Her head landed on his, gently knocking them together. Ravi chuckled, peppering her face with small and sweet kisses. 
“Are you ok, love?” He asked her, eyes shining only for her. She nodded, not wanting to say another word about it. He knew that she was hurting from what happened and needed a release but never saying anything to her unless she spoke first. He let her do things at her own pace and only stepped in when needed. He was her Guardian Devil and a dog he would be...
...For her. 
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immaturegzb · 4 years
kpop masterlist (bts, exo, svt)
you cry during a fight (maknae ver) // (hyung ver)
he has something to say about your outfit
he finds out you bias someone from a diff group
a member of txt has a crush on you
ours (hyung line)
ours (maknae line)
colors (maknae line)
reaction to you using safe word
when another idol flirts w/ you (hyung) // (maknae)
accidentally cumming inside
thy cup runeth over
Mafia!BTS masterlist
another member likes you
they have a nightmare and you aren't there
they think you like a diff member
jealous of your guy friends
I waited for you
in which he's thinking about kids
the pretenders
pillows are over rated
missed you
dark horse
impreg kink
all aboard
a stranger’s gift
needy on his birthday
in heat
heart over mind
blood bound
rumor has it / drabble
let the villain win
let me hold them ft jk
there was a bug
the stand-in
trivia love
a little longer
free delivery not included
welcome to seoul land
make up sex
a very personal assistant
mad passion
the take home test
hammer it home // totally screwed // a wrench in the plan
to tame a fox
studio sex
jealous 01 // 02
bad day
lost in the funhouse
pleading for mercy
mr. president
here, now
don't care about the presents
two hours
boiling point
thigh riding
morning sex
the good girl
there's a first time for everything
try again
borrow you ft maknae line
lessons ft jk (s)
homie hopper ft jk,jh
jealous Yoongi
what’s wrong? your nipples are sore? too bad
nine months from now
steam ft jk / mist / murk / blur / vapor
my bf’s are pornstars ft namjoon
I need your help
where is my mind
gone wild
friskiness under control
guide me
homie hopper ft jk,rm
one year
you weren't supposed to hear that
suck and blow ft jjk
you're still my girl, yeah?
dark side of the moon // 1 //  2 // 3
heatwave  // heatwave drabble: like a best friend // heatwave drabble: sucker for u
play with me
pretty babies
made for each other (series)
in the couch
night terrors
fever // rapture
in which he hates that she's clueless
the text
seamed tights
impreg kink / #
sugar daddy
belong (series)
father in law / 2
I've got is so bad for this man, he needs his own list
a mirage by any other name (kai)
hero (pcy)
the morning after (pcy)
lonely (kw)
i have never once been jealous of park chanyeol in my entire life 1 // 2 // 3
better left unsaid / promises
2:14 am
promising young woman
king sized bed ft jk
beach boobs babes / ice cream(ed)
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storytell · 5 years
@florabled​ asked
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1. What would prevent you from following someone?
well, it’d probably depend on how put-together their blog looks, and i think the frequency with which they write is also important. also, someone having too many rules or rules that sound too aggressive is something that might put me off, but if i really like their muse i dunno if it’d prevent me from following.
2. Are aesthetics important to you? If they are, why?
on some level, yes. on one hand, i won’t follow someone with good graphics if their writing sucks, but it IS a little bit of a deterrent when someone doesn’t put a lot of effort into their blog graphics because if their pages and replies also seem pretty lackluster then it makes me think they just don’t care as much?
3. What current rp trend do you hate?
DEFINITELY dash-only blogs. i say this while following a lot of them, and i don’t hate the people who do have dash-only blogs, but it feels like it’s really redundant now. the trend of google doc rules started because normal rules pages aren’t very accessible to mobile users, and while i think that kind of accessibility is great.. a lot of people have rules pages that aren’t even READABLE on mobile. plus, i just like having everything in one place.
4. How do you explain rp to someone in the real world?
i dunno. if i have to, i straight up say it’s “collaborative writing, where each person writes a character and you build a story together” because it sounds less embarrassing than saying “i write anime mark twain and sometimes if i’m feeling spicy he fucks pumpkins”.
5. Do you prefer interacting with male muses or female more? Why?
i don’t think i have a preference. i definitely find myself interacting with male muses more, but that’s more because my friends tend to write male muses more than female muses.
6. Do you prefer writing male muses or female more? Why?
gender isn’t REALLY a factor in my muse choices. i have a lot more male muses than female muses, but i think that itself is more of an issue with the writing of most of the female muses in the series i like, because they seem a lot more.. stale, in most cases? then you have servamp, which only has like 4 female characters total.
7. What’s your opinion on call out posts?
if they’re not angry and opinion-based, and are well-put together with evidence from multiple sources, i might reblog it if i feel it’s relevant to warn my friends and acquaintances about someone. generally, though, i tend to stay away from them.
8. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
the fact that nobody seems to want to talk to eachother, the unpopularity of open starters, and people who refuse to accept that others can have headcanons different than theirs.
9. What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not?
i don’t mind exclusivity ever. i do very rarely practice exclusivity, because there are occasions where i’m REALLY attached to a certain bond or dynamic that has formed between my muse and my partner’s. i think all of my current exclusive relationships are with kit, but i’ve probably at least thought about being exclusive if we have a developed relationship between our muses.
10. Have you ever had a bad experience with commissions? As either someone who makes them or as someone who buys them?
i’ve actually never commissioned someone because i’m afraid of coming off as rude or demanding even though i know most artists probably WANT more commissions so they make more money.
11. What do you know now about rp that you wish you knew when you first started?
i wish i knew how important graphics were to the general community! i was a total mess with my first blog and i didn’t know how to do anything. not a lot of people wanted to interact, but i’m very grateful for the ones who did, because without them i wouldn’t be writing here!
12. Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it?
yes. as someone who has unpopular opinions within the fandom, i have found myself caught up in petty fandom drama. the drama that most impacted me happened in the bsd fandom where i sent another rper an ask on anon and we got into a pretty short-lived but heated fight. i used to feel really bad about it, but recently i’ve realized how much they were overreacting and being kind of an asshole about it, so now when i think back on it it almost makes me laugh a little.
13. Have you ever thought about leaving rp? What caused it? What changed your mind?
i have not. yet.
14. Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person?
overall, i think rp has been pretty positive for me. i’ve become a lot more consistent with my writing and my writing style and over the time i’ve had my blog i’ve started to get a little better at replying to more things rather than just dropping things the moment i don’t feel like writing them.
15. How has rp changed you personally?
i think i’m a lot more confident with my writing than i was beforehand. it’s nice.
16. If you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why?
probably just the general divide between rpers. recently i’ve been trying to reach out to more people, but it’s a little exhausting on my mental health to do that when a lot of people generally seem like they don’t want to branch out much.
17. Have you ever sent a message to yourself on anon? Why?
the only time i can recall was sending myself asks from a headcanon meme because nobody else had sent anything and i was really bummed about it.
18. Have you ever sent hate to yourself on anon? Why?
yes. i’m not proud of it, but it happened on my old gentle blog a couple of times. i’m not sure why i did it, but i guess i just wanted to seem cool or to get attention. i’d never do that today but tbf i was like 14, shit happens. 14 year olds are just like that.
19. Do you delete anon hate or post and address it? Why?
it depends. sometimes i’ll post and address it if it’s an issue i want to address seriously. sometimes if it’s a repeat offender like the person who wants me to have less muses i’ll post it and poke fun at them. other times, like in the case of the really creepy and weird anons i kept getting before, i’ll delete the ask and block the anon.
20. Have you ever felt pressured to write something you weren’t comfortable with?
not recently, but yes. on my very first blog i had a hard time saying no to an oc that REALLY wanted to ship with my muse, and it honestly made me uncomfortable enough to leave that blog and make a new one. i also had some bad experiences on the site i USED to rp on where someone pushed me into rping smut when i was still like 13-14. bad times, man.
kw strikes again.     /     accepting.
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mikebolger1 · 6 years
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scienter · 9 months
Do you think J.Plec ever intended to write Defan differently?She tried to sell this powerful brotherbond and yet not even 1% of the said brotherly love was reciprocated by Damon.Defan was always written in favour of Damon and Delena.The only way they could have achieved any character growth was if Damon had stopped centering his actions & choices around Elena ,stopped being selfish,vindictive and actually taken some real responsibility.Instead we had Damon I-met-a-girl-&-she-made-good going around in circles and then maybe 2 seconds of epiphany where he would realise he should have been there for his brother and then next thing you know he'd be back at square one.As for Stefan instead of ever learning how to draw a healthy boundary,how to live in moderation(barring the beginning of s8,maybe),he centered his entire existence around -I need my brother-drama & the thought of disappointing/losing him quite literally multiplied his need for the said brother.Plec, in my honest opinion, knew if she focussed on this then she wouldn't have to give narrative importance to Bonnie and Caroline who not only deserved it but were quite capable of carrying the show especially after Nina left and yet they were shafted in the most non-consensual, gross storylines with irrelevant plot props, where zero effort was made, simply for plot convenience that did nothing to further either of their characters.How did we even think Belvafore could save this show?This was never gonna happen.Julie never let go of her obsession with that triangle of doom and catered to the whims and fancies of a giant part of the fandom who sincerely believed(probably still does) that being a a certain Petrova held precedence over everything and everyone.Having stepped away from all the fandom chaos and with the hyperfixation gone,it helps see things in perspective.No wonder Plec wrote the series finale like that.It was to reestablish that triangle that, in her mind, never really ended (don't honestly blame KW.He was nothing but consistent with his D-J/S-E fandom wank) which is precisely why there was so much disconnect between that one episode and the rest of the season.She couldn't care less about the story and was more into giving "closure" to that triangle that, in reality ,had perished in s3!!! *sigh* I could go on and on with my ranting.Anyway! Happy New Year :)
Happy New Year, anon!
I think Plec and the rest of the TVD writing staff wrote Defan exactly the way they wanted to write it. The story didn’t write itself. The writers did that. And they seemed to think that it worked and Defan arc wasn’t bad storytelling*.
I think that Defan was hit or miss. Defan worked when it explored Stefan and Damon supporting and resenting each other (e.g., the flashbacks). Defan didn’t work when it forced Stefan and/or Damon to regress because of the plot or Delena/love triangle (e.g., Damon's regression in season 4).
I 100% blame the TVD’s lame ending on Kevin Williamson because he stated that it was HIS IDEA. Julie Plec/TVD Writers originally wrote a different ending (Damon dies and Stefan lives), but KW changed it because he was salty that he wasn’t going to get his preferred Stelena ending.
*The only time I ever read Plec regretting a plotline or admitting that a certain character arc didn’t work was Enzo’s story in season 6.  It’s rare for TV writers to admit when their writing sucked or a storyline didn’t work so that tells you how awful Enzo's season 6 storyline was. Just saying.
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imsarahcate · 6 years
I’m really proud of myself, I have to be honest.  It’s been a little over 2 months since KW got married and “moved out”  (I mean, there’s still a LOT of her stuff that she hasn’t shifted yet but we’re getting there… piece by piece).
I’ve done a little bit of work each week to try and rearrange the house in bits and pieces.  With my new little magnetic dry erase calendar, I’m keeping on top of chores without getting overwhelmed or overdoing it.  For example, I had vacuuming the living room and kitchen on the calendar for yesterday but I wasn’t up to it.  Today, I did both room, one at a time with a long break in between.  
I’m keeping up with the animal chores, and I think the calm of it all is actually making the animals calmer too.  I love KW to death, but she does get frustrated and make things MORE complicated instead of less in her frustration.  But because I’ve got things rolling… pretty smoothly … EVERYONE including me, spends a lot less time frustrated and tripping over each other.  
And the more I get done, and the more stuff she takes to the apartment- the easier it gets for me to keep up with everything here.  
We’ll see how things go as the weather gets colder… it does get harder and harder for me to just.. .function when it gets cold- so hopefully it won’t be a really terrible winter. :fingers crossed:.
But right now, I’m feeling pretty encouraged.  For most of my life, once I’d realized I wasn’t going to die at 18, I kind of thought living alone would be out of the question.  My mental health was just… never good enough- full stop.  And while financially I’d hardly be termed independent (thank god for KW’s continued support), the mere fact that I can exist in this house without my whole brain sprialing out of control is something I never anticipated.
I’ve always been SO mentally unwell.  I’ve had a hard time taking basic care of myself when living alone.  That’s one reason living with Kris was such a blessing for so long  you know?  At our best times, I WAS relatively financially independent, but I was also not alone.  There was someone noticing if I didn’t eat, or if I was too quiet, or not leaving the house anymore.  I needed that, for a long time.
And I’m so happy that now- well… I don’t need that.  Not right now anyway.  And I know part of that is me, and part of it is CityDad and Fam, and part of it is the animals, and part of it is having Kristie in my life, and part of it ties all the way back to SuperTherapist and all the work I did back then.
I was digging for something today (which I didn’t find) and came across the journaling I kept during therapy.  And it was like… reading the emotions of an entirely different person.  I felt so much hurt and so much anger SO incredibly deeply when I was in therapy.  I was made up entirely of pain and fear and anger, coated in a casing of pure self-loathing.
And I can sort of remembering feeling all of that- but I don’t… FEEL it anymore.  Not even a little bit.  I mean, yeah, I struggle still with my self-image… it’s never easy to be fat in this world, or disabled, or queer, much less all of the above.  But the struggle I have now is … it’s so divorced from all of that pain.  I can remember- just feeling pure pain all the time in my heart.  Feeling like everything was 100% worthless and pointless.  
I spent YEARS after I turned 18 just… completely lost.  I’d never expected to live that long.  So 21, and 25, and 30… it was just… HOW?  And at 29 I got sick and it was the first time I really realized that for the first time in my life- I didn’t want to die.  Not just that, but I really REALLY wanted to live.  And that was such a foreign idea for me, even at that point when I’d done all the work with SuperTherapist.  
To sit in a Dr.’s Office and be told you have stage 3 cancer, that it’s advanced, that it’s in a lymph node too… and to suddenly feel- with every fiber of your being: This. Isn’t. Over.  I don’t want this to be over.
When you’ve spent your whole life wishing for nothing else.
And it’s wonderful, I mean.. no shit sucks, and I’m poor as fuck and I’m disabled and I literally hurt physically every minute of every day.  But my life as a whole now, compared to my life as a whole back then… is so incredible.  And I won’t say I wouldn’t trade it for the world- I would.  I’d give up this pain in an instant if someone had a way to take it.  But the rest of it, the headspace I live in, my family, my SISTER for god’s sake.  A person I LOVE who loves me, a project I believe it, people who support my endeavors and my art and my goals.
I never thought I’d be mentally well enough for any of these things.  
And that, even if everything else was absolute shit, is wonderful.  
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hellsbellschime · 6 years
I think KW gets bored with projects really quickly, which sucks. If you combined his writing, especially for plot, with Plec's tendency to latch onto a series like a fucking pitbull & never let go we probably would have had a lot more great years of TVD. And speaking of Plec's inability to let go, I really think that considering the network picked up Legacies so quickly/easily that the only reason TO ended was bcuz JM&DG didn't wanna do that garbage anymore cuz of the material & bad reception.
Yeah I agree on pretty much everything.
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rainbow-bois-blog · 6 years
Get to know me!
1. Full name: Cyrus Aurora Lee Raine M***
2. Nicknames: Cy or blob
3. Birthday: July, 21st
4. Age: n/a
5. Zodiac star sign: cancer
6. Moon sign: n/a
7. Ascendant: n/a
8. Venus: n/a
9. Gender: male
10. Pronouns: he/him
11. Sexuality: queer
12. Myer-Briggs type: The Adventurer ( ISFP-T)
13. Relationship status: taken
14. Best friend: Maryann, Tanner and Emily
15. Religion: I don't submit to one
16. Favorite color: teal or black
17. Favorite music genre: alternative
18. Favorite band/artist: Hayley Kiyoko ( honestly I have a top 30 list so this was hard)
19. Favorite song: Don't Look Back In Anger ( Oasis)
20. Favorite holiday: Halloween
21. Favorite tv show: Everything Sucks or One Day at a Time
22. Favorite youtuber: Shane Dawson or miles mckenna
23. Favorite perfume/cologne: anything Axe
24. Favorite season: summer
25. Favorite flower: tulips
26. Favorite gemstone: Fire agate
27. Favorite roller coaster: n/a
28. Favorite fruit: kiwis
29. Favorite vegetable: sweet potato
30. Favorite icecream flavor: cookie dough
31. Favorite candy: love too many
32. Favorite restaurant: Apple bees
33. Favorite fast food restaurant: taco bell
34. Favorite starburst flavor: strawberry
35. Favorite pizza topping: pepperoni
36. Favorite chip flavor: honey bbq
37. Favorite non-alcoholic beverage: monster
38. Favorite alcoholic beverage: n/a
39. Favorite video game: Resident Evil 2
40. Favorite board game: anything monopoly
41. Favorite city: n/a
42. Favorite dog breed: pugs/corgis/all doggos
43. Favorite animal: blobfishes
44. Favorite number: 69 ;)
49. Patterned or plain: plain
45. Coffee or tea: coffee
46. Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
47. Leather or denim: leather
48. Short or long sleeves: short
50. Floral or plaid: plaid
51. Black or white: both?
52. Makeup or no makeup: no makeup
53. Tumblr or Twitter: Tumblr
54. Facebook or Snapchat or Instagram: Instagram
55. Phone or tablet or computer: phone
56. Liberal or conservative: liberal
57. Sunrises or sunsets: both!
58. Are you vegetarian: no
59. Are you vegan: no
60. Are you allergic to anything: no?
61. Are you polyamorous: no
62. Have you been out of state: yes
63. Have you been out of country: yes
64. Have you kissed a boy: yes
65. Have you kissed a girl: yes
66. Have you kissed an enby: no
67. Have you broken a bone: yes, my elbow when I was 9
68. Have you been to the emergency room: yes
69. Have you ever been high: no
70. Have you ever been drunk: no
71. Have you ever been in a band or choir: no
72. Have you ever catfished someone: kinda
73. Do you have any siblings: yes 5
74. Do you live with your parents: yes ( mom)
75. Do you have more than 100 followers: no
76. Do you have more than 1,000 followers: no
77. Do you have more than 10,000 followers: no
78. Do you smoke weed: no
79. Do you drink: no
80. Do you have a job: kinda
81. Do you own any musician/youtuber merch: yes, Shane Dawson and miles mckenna
82. Do you have any internet friends: yes
83. Do you play any instruments: yes
84. Where did you go/are you going to college: NECI ( New England Culinary Institute)
85. College major: Cooking
86. Names of all your group chats: don't have any
87. Tap the middle autofill button 10 times: no makeup artist for the n kw and sweet dreams
88. What time zone do you live in: EDT
89. Your best friend’s sign: n/a
90. Your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th closest friends’ signs: n/a
91. Your crush’s sign: n/a
92. Your mom’s sign: Taurus
93. Your dad’s sign: n/a
94. Your sibling(s)’ sign(s): n/a
95. Your enemy’s sign: Gemini
96. Your ex(s)’ sign(s): n/a
97. An ex best friend’s sign: n/a
98. Tag 5 people to participate: @readingwarrior17 @thatsthat24 @sixpenceee @dancinggfan @unicorn
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