redskull199987 · 3 years
Not Jamis
Paul Atreides x male!reader Request
Word count: 1.2k
Requested by anon
Summary: You never thought that your greatest enemy could become your closest Confidant...
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I carefully watched the two people walk around the small Valley. They were no fremen, but no Harkonnen either.
"They must be Atreides", Jamis whispered and I eyed him curious.
"It can't be", I stated, "The Harkonnen killed them all. Remember?"
"Now shut up you two", Chani orderd and glared at us,"Its time"
I turned my gaze back to the valley, watching how our people started to attack the two strangers.
On of them, a young boy, made his way up towards us.
While Jamis and Chani went to help Stilgar with the women, I stayed at our hideout and slowly backed away, when the boy reached it.
He didn't even notice me since I was hidden in the shadows. He immediately turned around and pulled out his gun, looking out for any Fremen.
I slowly pulled out my Crysknife and waited patiently for Stilgar to negotiate with the women.
As soon as it was clear, the two were no harm, I wanted to drop my weapon and guide the boy back down, but then I heard Jamis' voice.
He was challenging them. He wanted a fight.
'Damn it, Jamis!', I thought. He will only get himself killed.
A few minutes later, the two strangers who turned out to be Atreides, agreed to the challenge.
'That's how it shall be', I thought and got up.
I carefully tapped the boys back with the tip of my knife.
He spun around and wanted to point his weapon at me, but as soon as he noticed I wasn't goin to harm him, he put it away rather fast.
"Come on", I held my hand out for him. He eyed it for a second before taking it.
"Yuki, hurry up!", I heard Stilgar shout.
I groaned and looked back at the boy:"Come on..."
"Paul", He said, "My name is Paul Atreides"
"Come with me, Paul Atreides", I guided him back into a valley over a narrow path, which only the trained eye recognized immediately.
"May Shai Hulud have mercy on you", I whispered when I saw the look of hatred on Jamis face, once we joined the others.
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"I despise him", Jamis whispered while I stood with him.
He and Paul had gotten some time to prepare for the battle, which was supposed to be held at sunset.
"Why? He is no Harkonnen", I whispered back just as lowly.
"It doesn't matter. He came to suppress us, just as the Harkonnen did", Jamis rented while pointing his Crysknife at Paul, "All, these people ever want is the spice. They don't care about us or our religion"
"Hm", I had no words for what Jamis just said. He was right. People of power only ever came to Arrakis for the spice.
I carefully inspected Paul and his mother. The two of them were talking a few meters away.
"It's almost time", I said and looked at the sun, which slowly startes to set, "Good luck, my friend"
"I won't need that", He smiled and made his way over to Paul and Stilgar.
Turned out, he could've used a little bit of luck...
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I carefully adjusted the mask of my Stillsuit. The sun was burning today, but many fremen were unaware of that, living in the safety of our Sietch.
"You shouldn't be out here all on your own"
It was the voice of Stilgar. I didn't answer him, but turned around instead and gave him a questioning look.
"I've been out here alone many times. It's my job", I mumbled and turned back around.
Miles and Miles of sand lay in front of us. Now and then, you could see the glistening of the spice on the surface if the sand.
"You miss Jamis", Stilgar stated.
I sighed:"I know, I shouldn't. It was a good and fair fight. Jamis was a good man and he died a good death"
"He did indeed", Stilgar agreed and laid a hand on my shoulder.
"But-", I couldn't bring myself to say it.
"But?", Stilgar asked.
"That boy, Muad'dib, he owns Jamis' home now, his water, his wife and even his children"
"You know, it's our tradition. Muad'dib did nothing wrong", Stilagar said.
"I know", I mumbled, "That's exactly my problem. It's our tradition and of course I respect it, but...I just can't bring myself to trust him"
"It will get better", Stilgar petted my Shoulder.
"Come on in now", He said, "We have to prepare the ritual."
"So, it's really going to happen?", I asked and got up.
Stilgar nodded:"Yes. Jessica is gonna be our future Reverend Mother"
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I stood beside Stilgar, while the ceremony was held. The whole Sietch was gathered to watch this unique event.
I carefully watched Jessica talk to our current Reverend Mother and she how consumed the water, which was poison for everyone else, but not for a Reverend Mother.
I watched how Paul Muad'dib assisted his mother and how she finally seemed to come to a realization.
And so, a new Reverend Mother was born.
"Yuki, take Paul to his chambers. I will take care of our Reverend Mother. They need to rest now", Stilgar orderd and I nodded.
I walked over to Muad'dib and carefully pulled him away by his arm. He didn't want to leave his mother's side but I was able to pull him away eventually.
"Come on", I said and the two of us walked through the silence of the empty Sietch.
"Thank you", Paul finally said.
"There's nothing to thank for, Muad'dib", I smiled. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.
I felt how Paul took my hand. I looked up curiously.
"There is a lot to thank for. You took us in after all that happened. After all we did to Arrakis and the Fremen."
I sighed but finally, I slowly squeezed his hand.
"You may be the Duke of the Atreides, but you're also a Fremen now and if the rumors are true, you are the Lisan al-Gaib. You will save us all"
A blush crept up on Paul's face and a chuckle escaped my lips.
"But for now, all you have to be is Paul Muad'dib and you need to rest so come on."
I pulled him inside, as we reached the little place, that was omce owned by Jamis before Paul had defeated him.
I watched him lay down on his bed and gave him a smile.
"Sleep well", I said and wanted to leave, but Paul took my hand. I looked down at him.
"Stay", he whispered.
I nodded and got under the covers with him.
I felt the soft skin of his hands against my arms. I shiver ran down my spine, when he pulled me into his arms.
"Goodnight, Paul", I mumbled and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Goodnight Yuki", Paul smiled, "Goodnight"
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bultaoreune-puma142 · 3 years
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farsight-the-char · 2 years
The more I read of Dune, the  more I realize that Darth Vader is basically what the Bene Gesserit wanted their Kwisatz Haderach to be.
A powerful leader those behind the scenes could control.
A psychic attack dog the “true powers” could wield.
A Thing. A Weapon.
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clumsysprings · 3 years
Friendly reminder not to drink coffee like water.
On an unrelated note I have become the kwisatz haderach,
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thevcssel-a · 2 years
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                         I will not ask you where you came from                          I will not ask you, neither should you                          Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips                          We should just kiss like real people do  ––––––––
an itafushi edit for @kwisatzhadcrach    ||   mutuals can interact // personals do not touch  !!                                                                © 
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sociietiesarc · 2 years
@kwisatzhadcrach said: “ are you hiding stuff from me ? ” from higuruma hiromi to fushiguro toji
the short answer is yes. the longer answer is yes, but with good reason. reason like there’s no reason to tell him. not yet, not when it gets in the way of toji keeping his child after trying to hard to to get and keep him. he almost went to court over megumi, for fucks sake. almost exposed the zen’in clan to the rest of the open society and felt absolutely nothing about it, but that was a while ago.
toji keeps his secrets, gains and hoards them because he doesn’t like sharing. he doesn’t like doing things that won’t suit and him while the other may be lawyer / friend / whatever, toji keeps him out. locked out of the in with lock and keep oh so close to him, never to come in. he does the same to megumi, so why is hiromi surprised? “ no, ” he says instead, instantly and carelessly the way he answers literally everything else, ever. “ why would i do that? ”
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
     @kwisatzhadcrach​ sent: ❛  i was afraid you were dead.  ❜ from tanjiro to zenitsu           from: the witcher 3 prompts
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     tanjiro’s hands grip at his forearms, relief overpowering the worry still present in his eyes, yet it isn’t what he sees or feels that brings fresh tears to zenitsu’s eyes -- it’s what he hears. 
     from the moment he met tanjiro, the thunder breather knew he was kind. he could hear it so clearly, ringing pleasantly and encompassing everyone around him without prejudice. it’s why he trusted tanjiro from the very start despite his tendency to head towards danger, and it’s why he protected nezuko without question. zenitsu hadn’t ever met someone so genuine and selfless, except for gramps, perhaps, but even that was a little different at first. gramps wanted zenitsu to be his successor, after all.
     but tanjiro doesn’t want anything from him, and now that kind sound isn’t all-encompassing. it’s directed at zenitsu, loud and still slightly frantic, still tinged with fear that makes zenitsu’s heart twist in his chest. " i was, too! ” the thunder breather blurts out, flinging his arms around tanjiro and allowing his own tears to flow freely. “ i really thought i’d die, tanjiro! somehow i didn’t, but, ” he sniffles and glances down at his legs. “ why do my legs hurt so much, huh? the demon didn’t chew them up, did they?! ”
     tanjiro’s sound loses the fear and replaces it with the exasperation zenitsu is much more used to. it sets him at ease, stops his heart from twisting so painfully ( though, he really is freaked out over his legs! ). he doesn’t want to hear tanjiro’s sound become so shrill ever again, especially because of him.
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     “ help me, tanjiroooo--- ” 
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turem · 2 years
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        and maybe you should not be dancing under the moon like this. you could be seen. as the magic sparkles off of your finger tips. and maybe you should not be grinning like the cat who ate the canary as you twirl, watching the lavender light surrounding your finger tips. is she watching. / @kwisatzhadcrach​ gets miss anya jamie for sally owens
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godfinder · 2 years
ask meme | x | @kwisatzhadcrach​ asks: ❛ people like us don’t get to decide when we’re done. ❜ from okkotsu yuuta
          IT TOOK SEVERAL MOMENTS for his words to sink in .  When it did ,  the regret was immediate .  She scolded herself for letting his indulgence in her queries go this far .   ‘ FOOLISH TERU ’  .  He was too honest ,  she thought ,  and he seemed so softhearted when he spoke .  It gave his answer a depth of sadness that pecked viciously at the edges of her naive soul ,  especially when she remembered how little her own world had been—  and probably still was . 
          ‘ What if you decide you don’t want to fight curses anymore ? ’  Truly ,  it had been a foolish question to ask .  She wondered if he felt insulted and was just very good at hiding it .  Sat on a park bench ,  Teru shifted in her place and brought a hand up to tousle the curly hair behind her head .
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          “ I see .  Not even one little vacation ? ”   She tried to lighten the atmosphere ,  but her words didn’t come out as playfully as she’d hoped .  Looking at him was difficult all of a sudden .  In that instant he had become a blinding reminder of what the real world was ,  a product of the truth she’d actively kept ignoring in favor of playing hide and seek .
           “ I’m sorry .  It must be hard . ”
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I swear to God, Em is trying to kill me. ( I'm both flattered and dead from laughing )
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aemiliu-aa · 3 years
28)  receiver is trying to do something rash so sender simply picks them up to make them stop and listen.  from illumi zoldyck
carry prompts / accepting.
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--- Her FRANTIC pace was cut short when long fingers ensnared her waist and lifted her slightly ; ceasing her running in an instant and Emily emitted a short cry at the abrupt grab. " O-Oi! " 'Twas when her head whipped around, TUMULTUOUS waves of ebony bouncing with the motion, that she noted who had stopped her --- that intense, UNNERVING stare connected with her own and her thrashing came to a complete stop. " I-Illumi..What.. " What was he doing here ??? He was an ASSASIN and surely this was not a case that piqued his interest. Emily was a research hunter, journeying from place - to - place to learn & discover all she could about the world, but she had stumbled upon a trafficking ring during her explorations ; she had soon began to aid the hunters tasked with bringing the faction down.
She had been following one of the suspects when he had suddenly taken off down an alleyway and she had pursued.
But now...
" You let him get away! " She crowed loudly, the realisation just now invading her senses and her wriggling began anew. " I had him! He was leading me to their hideout! Why did you stop me? " Again, WHY would this interest him ??? They were acquaintances, she supposed, but Emily was not unaware of his ways & mannerisms ; if it benefitted him in any manner...he probably would not hesitate to kill her. She was no so naïve as to think he actually CARED about her. This was certainly not him being concerned for her safety. " Illumi, why are you even here? "
/// @kwisatzhadcrach
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manueljiniesta · 3 years
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"Kwisatz Haderach" of DUNE by Manuel J. Iniesta
"Kwisatz Haderach" by Manuel J. Iniesta FanArt of DUNE
Kwisatz Haderach was a term used primarily by the Bene Gesserit. It was an old Chakobsa term that translated literally as "Shortening of the Way".
Kwisatz Haderach, literalmente, "El camino más corto", es un término utilizado en la saga de novelas Dune de Frank Herbert.
Digital Art with @photoshop
https://manueljiniesta.artstation.com/ http://iniestailustraciones.blogspot.com https://www.facebook.com/iniestailustraciones/ https://www.instagram.com/manueljiniesta/
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life-dream001 · 3 years
Paul Atreides || Legends Never Die || Dune
I saw Dune in the theater and what a movie!
The visuals are stunning, the music is immersive, the script is smart, catchy and well paced. And above all, the characters (and actors) are excellent.
Timothée fully embodies Paul Atreides in all his complexity.
I like the song which sublimates the story and dilemmas of his character.
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thevcssel-a · 3 years
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@kwisatzhadcrach​​ asked:                    [ sacrifice ] for your muse to get hurt protecting mine  from fushiguro megumi to itadori yuuji     ||     ✎  
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Yuuji took a big hit, that was for sure. While he was able to endure the pain and the hits, his skin was still soft, paper like, being able to split at the slightest sharp end. It didn’t matter how many blows he took, as long as he had enough blood to keep his heart pumping, Yuuji wouldn’t stop until the fight was over or he passed out. He always hoped for the former, but half the time his body gave out right as the fight was coming to an end. 
The cursed spirit had threw up against a wall, pointing its hand at him with smiling grace. Oh, it was about to shoot cursed energy at him. He could take it. How many had he taken before hand without passing out? He braced himself for the impact, for the pain, but it never came. 
Instead, when he looked up, he saw Megumi standing in front of him, arms outstretched as the blast of pure cursed energy hit him like a million bullets. his eyes widened, staring as Megumi shielded him from the hit. 
❝     No... Megumi!     ❞     Yuuji screamed, scrambling to his feet in an attempt to catch the other as the light of the burst faded. His body crashed into Yuuji’s, unconscious from the blast.     ❝     Damn it, Megumi!     ❞     He could feel the burns already forming on rough skin, he knew how those felt. 
He held Megumi close, trying not to touch any newly opened wounds, as his gaze turned toward the laughing cursed sprit. Yuuji grit his teeth. Slowly, he lowered Megumi to the ground, knowing he couldn’t do anything until that spirit was exorcised. And now that Megumi was out of commission, it was all up to Yuuji. Not that he needed any encouragement, his anger was enough to fuel into his cursed energy and charge.
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infinitxes · 3 years
@kwisatzhadcrach said:
“I’m going to pick you up now, okay? Just hold on to me.” from nanami kento to satoru gojo.
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“Aw- Nanami. Why’re you s-so considerate all of a sudden?”
The subway tiles were icy under his cheek. Everything was cold- so cold. The very air he sucked at was frigid, a physiological shock so stark as to make his throat tighten with every breath. 
The only warmth he could feel was that which pulsed just beneath his ribcage, his jacket torn to bracket garish wounds that encircled his torso; the lingering presence of those bonds which had managed to snare him. Blood pumped freely, a swift haemorrhage that would likely have seen him dead in minutes had it not been for his reverse cursed technique. 
But even that was weak, the honed edges of his cursed energy dulled down by Kenjaku’s momentary triumph. 
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“H-hah. Y-You never agreed to cuddle before. Not even when I w-went- hah, t-to the trouble of asking so nicely.”
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❛  i thought you were better than that.  ❜ from sukuna to fushiguro megumi
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𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐒 𝐅𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐖 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐉𝐀𝐖𝐒 𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇 .  Megumi didn’t recall a moment where he had expressed himself to be in need of commentary on his behaviour ,  least of all from the one who currently possessed the body of his friend .  He felt the ire wash over him like tidal wave ;  only ebbing away under the sheer pressure of iron will–– at the cost of every ounce of self control , for he didn’t want the King of Curses any hint he had managed to get under his skin .  Bruises began to bloom and a trickle of blood ran down his mouth ,  yet digits squeeze to fists and muscles tense in preparation for a counterattack .  It wasn’t hard to guess the Ryoumen Sukuna was up to 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 ,  but he never allowed other to take a peek at the full set of cards he had in hand .
❝  If all you are going to do is mock me , you might as well just return to your hellhole right now .  ❞
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