dcviated · 1 year
@kyriosc replied to your post “"When the hell do I get a vacation day, huh?"”:
"You don't. That's what work life is about." -Mei
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"NO WAY! THERE'S GOTTA BE MORE THAN THAT!!" He won't believe it. He refuses.
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cadcnce-archived · 1 year
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@kyriosc sent: She just wants to sit on the couch curled up with her coffee. Maybe sitting close. Maybe leaning on his shoulder. And maybe she will. "Hey you, how's it going? I know this is going to sound weird and out of the blue but sometimes I think I should quit my job. Maybe go back on the road for a bit again? Did you know I wanted to be a Gym Leader when I was a kid? Yeah, a normal-type too. Sometimes I still think of it but it does sound silly now. Oh well."
Mei's arrival is heralded by the familiar scent of fresh coffee. Smelled before seen? Not that he was looking. Okay, maybe. Prior attention however had been focused on his notebook where he was roughly sketching out another outfit idea. Wylan doesn't consider himself an artist, but when commissioning others a little goes a long way. If Mei was paying attention before she made herself comfortable she'd catch some interesting looking spaulders with flower patterns.
Kalosian? Hm.
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"Hey yourself. Was just brainstorming some stuff. Can never have too many outfits to go along with Gigi, right?" Though his voice is neutral to dismissive on his time-killing, the posturing is anything but. Mei is well accomodated. Once the notebook is snapped closed he's a veritable pillow for his moody lover. Who had some things of her own on the mind.
"Hmmm.... mmmm?"
Conversations had to start somewhere.
But what does a man like him say in the face of that kind of ruminating? Talk of dreams and maybe he could say he's already made it to where he wants to. Which. Isn't. The best approach in the face of someone currently pondering a crisis of identity (he can smell that too, in addition to the coffee).
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"Excuse you? I'm the one dancing with Pokemon in front of crowds in borderline clown outfits. Nobody gets to talk silly except for me. Goof." Wylan jests with a poke to her cheek. One two. Poke poke. His arm finds a comfy spot behind her back. Were it not for the coffee he'd be manhandling her into his lap for even more annoying affection. She's spared!
"On the one hand, I think part of me always wanted to be a performer. On the other... it took a few steps to get there. Just because you didn't become what you wanted right off the bat, doesn't mean changing steps later is silly. Don't do that, Mei. C'mon."
Brows furrow.
"That said... I don't know the first thing about gym certification. But! What I do know is how to travel around. Here's an idea! Maybe you can take a work leave and go on a tour with me?" Wylan nudges her hips with his, waggling his brows invitingly. "You're a researcher who's been living nose to desk for years. You gotta have some leave saved up."
C'mon c'mon. Trip. Trip!!
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strawbelina · 3 years
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She might have a terrible blush right now and wiggle a bit uncomfortably but tells Natsu sheepishly.
“I.. I got one for you too.“ / @kyriosc​
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crossxskulled · 3 years
Edeth hands Ryuji a thicc eggplant :)
☠ - Ah. Something long and hard tied with a honest, sunshining smile. What better way to find himself going and contemplating exactly how in the hell did he approach this venue in life. Yet, a small pause had to be taken, bearing witness to the way her dainty hands felt dwarfed by the massive, prideful curve that each finger could barely contain. It almost felt like that eggplant was alive from the level of chad like confidence it proceeds to exude. For a moment Ryuji’s mouth briefly gapes, simply leaving him lost, steeped in wonder exactly where she managed to find this modern day goalith to eggplant kind.
Moreso, just how damn long was she out here carrying this?!
Did she just have an army of these at her beck and call at her home? Was she a modern day eggplant queen and she found it sweet to forgo mercy upon him? “H.. Holy fuck, that girth, dude...” You’d have to be a damn fool not to see it! All the while his hands carefully rose, joining Edeth’s in carefully taming this beast she held within her hands. “You.. this can’t be, you deadass are just handin’ this to me? Not that I’m complaining or... I mean, dude, you could practically break a hole into anything if you jammed this in there!”
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”I-- I sure as hell don’t frickin’ know if this is a rodeo I can go handling in one sitting. Why is it thicker then someone’s whole ass arm!?”
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scarletooyoroi · 2 years
"Ah...." It's one thing getting lost, but to get lost in an entirely different region was a new thing for the woman. For sure she was far from home and the biggest reasons being the gigantic mountain that lingered in the distance, where ever it is she went on this island she could always see it. Even in the thick fog that started encircling her feet as she took the steps." Chills continuously running down her spine as her hands grasp her upper arms tightly, stomach grumbling slightly.
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"Hah, if I die here then I wish I had that last bottle of wine before I left home. Goodness, I didn't think there were so many rogues out here as well."
“C’mon, with an ill attitude like that, misfortune would find you too favorable. Would it not?”
Upon this day that lulls into the dwindling moments of the deep evening, allowing for a blanket of navy to coat the skies alongside a wide swath of stars, this particular traveler wouldn’t be alone. Thoma has sadly caught many a case where some unknown pull causes people to venture in what looks like a lack of preparation. It wouldn’t of been considered if it hadn’t sound like they weren’t necessarily equipped for what’s ahead.
Within these lands of Inazuma, there’s a cutthroat lifestyle akin to a force of nature, something that many vagrants and wandering ronin would happily take advantage of. As Mt.Yougou remains as the center piece that stabbed high into the skies above, Thoma’s appearance would remain respectfully distance as they linger around the edges of Byakko plains. While many questions held a lingering not, for this moment, he intends to swiftly dispatch the matter. Something about them had him worried.
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”Shall we find grounds that will at least supply a roof over your head? Ritou has plenty of inns that can supply you with a night’s stay.”
0 notes
orderbourne · 3 years
Let Natsu's cat get pet by Jin
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    “Are you by yourself, little guy?”
The blonde drops to a knee, patting his lap and holding his palm out to the little black cat. It looked fairly well kept, so he doubted that it had been alone for all too long. Still, it looked somewhat lost, so Jin felt a responsibility to check on it. Once it trudges on over to him and he feels like he’s gained it’s trust and attention, he gives it a little scratch behind the ear while he takes a look at it’s collar.
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    “Gene, huh? You’re certainly a cute one. Well...I’d better give your owner a call and let them know where you are...”
A shame, really. If it didn’t have an owner, he could have brought it home. Luka could always use a playmate while Jin was busy working. Nevertheless, he whips out his cell phone and gives the number on the collar a call. Someone was likely to be very relieved in a moment...
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kyriosc · 2 years
“C’mon, with an ill attitude like that, misfortune would find you too favorable. Would it not?”
Upon this day that lulls into the dwindling moments of the deep evening, allowing for a blanket of navy to coat the skies alongside a wide swath of stars, this particular traveler wouldn’t be alone. Thoma has sadly caught many a case where some unknown pull causes people to venture in what looks like a lack of preparation. It wouldn’t of been considered if it hadn’t sound like they weren’t necessarily equipped for what’s ahead.
Within these lands of Inazuma, there’s a cutthroat lifestyle akin to a force of nature, something that many vagrants and wandering ronin would happily take advantage of. As Mt.Yougou remains as the center piece that stabbed high into the skies above, Thoma’s appearance would remain respectfully distance as they linger around the edges of Byakko plains. While many questions held a lingering not, for this moment, he intends to swiftly dispatch the matter. Something about them had him worried.
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”Shall we find grounds that will at least supply a roof over your head? Ritou has plenty of inns that can supply you with a night’s stay.”
Was this angel in disguise poking through the thickening fog? And here Edeth was already starting to write out her will on some scrap paper in her satchel. Any normal person would be wary or be thankful yet still be cautious, not Edeth; with tears in her eyes and reddening in her cheeks she already reached out to grab the hem of the man’s jacket. Her whimpers akin to a whining puppy. Definitely like a lost child in an adult’s body.
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“T-Thank you so much. I, erm, I don’t really know where I am, just washed up on a shore nearby." Thinking of it now the woman gave herself a quick look, dirtied attire, disheveled appearance, and not a thought to her name in these lands. Her heels dig into the dirt for a moment, looking down. “I... I’m afraid I don’t have much in the way of currency whatsoever. I’m sorry to have wasted your time. But I can most definitely work for coin, I’ll do anything to keep my stay. Cook? Clean? You name it and I will do my best.”
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dcviated · 4 months
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@kyriosc sends a supermom:
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Edeth sent in for soft hugs and head pats.
This is so embarrassing. But what's a girl who isn't accustomed to beneficial maternal affection to do but simply accept it? Eira wants to huff. Wants to escape. Yet she does, somewhere in there, yearn for this sort of support and acceptance. It's unconditional, and goes above the baseline she felt growing up.
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"H-hey, wait a minute. I'm a college aged woman you realize? Not a child? You don't... need to be doting on me like this, m--I mean-- j-just let me breathe for a moment!!" The flush only intensifies, and yet the little Eira is physically capable of nothing that pushes her away.
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In fact, eventually, Eira would simply relent and lean into it. Fine. If only to placate Edeth, she would put up with their attachment.
Complete victory.
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dcviated · 4 months
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@kyriosc sent: Young lady has been looking around (and by looking she means hands on approach) for some attention. Sure the hugs have been quick and plenty but lately she has still been feeling lonely. His shirt grabbed, on tip toes, pouting. "Raguna... Mmh!"
Withholding affection and teasing Matilda on purpose? Raguna being so bold would be a dangerous circumstance. Isn't it the naivete that gives him some of his charm? With a lady like her it would especially pose a risk to his well being. She is no stranger to being drastic with measures taken herself. That determination can certainly be endearing. It was one of the traits that had Raguna fall for her all over again.
No, this unfortunate farmer is simply busy. With each day brings a further warmth to the soil and a further step towards another harvest to say nothing of managing the monsters. It rests continuously in the back of his mind. Ringing like a chime every time the wind turns. Don't forget to spend time with Matilda.
Compartmentalizing his tasks was efficient, but it also led to this scenario.
She gets her hands on him when he's coming inside to put away some things, synapses firing in that cyclical internal monologue that pilots the Earthmate like a conductor of a train. Except this time something is blocking the train in its perpetual march forward. Good.
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"Sorry Matilda, I've had a dozen different things on my mind. But I'll be done soon, as soon as I finish packing up the feed then I'll be able to put away the cluckadoodles. Once they're settled I can--" But who wants to hear his explanations and spiel of chores? Not Matilda. Her interruption comes as greedy as can be. Fingers curl in his clothes, toes are tipped, and he's brought down to her level where lips can find lips.
She may have not said it out loud, but if she wanted him to shut up- he sure had!
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"....mmmh." Forget all those things. The sequence. The errands. With the soft touch of her lips and the now gentle hold of her grip Raguna is quite content to slip into an errand that's far more appealing than all that busywork. Soft touches and pecks mingle together and his arms slip around her middle as naturally as the sun glides across the sky.
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"...what was I saying? Hmmm. Forget it. It probably wasn't as important as I thought it was. Not compared to you."
Or at least, it can wait until Matilda was taken care of...
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dcviated · 1 year
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@kyriosc sent: Who cares about what many one online test says. Edeth says that Eira is 100%, no, 200% huggable!
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"There, there, it's okay. You are wonderful to hug!" Cue the coddling and simultaneous head pats.
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Eira is now sinking into Edeth's wholesomely abundant embrace, sighing hard enough to suggest troubled emotions beneath the frustration.
"I don't understand why I can't seem to win against this ridiculous machine! It's just not fair. Why can't I ever seem to get indulged...!"
0 notes
dcviated · 1 year
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sof intimacy memer :: closed
@kyriosc sent: 😴  - Curl up next to my sleeping muse for found mother daughter
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"...Edeth..." Oh, the blend of emotions in the utterance of that one name could merit the creation of a drink all its own. The fondness is but a swirl in the mess of frustration, however. A dry taste in the mouth as Eira, who had been studying upstairs until a moment ago, looks down at Edeth who was half dozing on the counter in the middle of cleaning. Good grief.
The bar had been closed for an hour, and it was the strange silence downstairs in the aftermath that had made the college student curious. So, she put a bookmark into her notes and went to investigate. Here we are. And there she is... well what to do now?
"You can't sleep here, come on. I can't... carry you so work with me!" A grunt as the girl hoists the exhausted woman up and over her shoulder. She's training, but perhaps there's just enough spark left in Edeth's brain to have her thicc legs do some thicc work to get up to that sof bed waiting upstairs. One step and then the next.
Good grief. By the time she's deposited (and quickly unconscious) Eira realizes just how much of a toll that had taken out of her self. A touch to her head, a spin of the eyes. This shouldn't be a surprise, you idiot. You just spent how many hours poring over the notes for your coming exams? Too many...
"Nngh... is it really this late? ... I stayed up longer than I meant to." Bed sounds nice. This one even feels nice. And before Eira's realized it she's taken a seat at Edeth's side. The comfortable sheets are ever so inviting. As if she's cognizant enough to utilize that. Another minute of grumpy inner monologuing results in her passing out next to the surrogate mother. And that's where she would be found the next morning.
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dcviated · 1 year
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sof intimacy memer :: closed
@kyriosc sent: 🌺 - Put a flower in my muse’s hair because maybe god will give me some soft wy or mei whichever
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"Maybe this'll work? Nah, I didn't think so either. Something a little different... lets see...." Praise for Mei is merited in this situation. Though arguably Wylan would attest that the introverted woman could be validated at all times. To varying reactions. And varying satisfaction. Right now she's likely at her most vulnerable despite the playfulness of the scenario. In the dressing room as her husband fusses with makeup and accessories. Just for fun.
Years ago this scene would be an impossibility, laughed away as a dream or life for someone else. For both parties involved. Wylan, so practiced with fashion and Mei, pulled all the way out from her shell. Both of them with rings on their fingers and family to call their own.
"Oy. Hey now. Keep your eyes closed or the deal's off, alright? Good girl." There's a playful tickle to Mei's neck after reminding her of the challenge, if you can call it that. Then a responding trill of a Lilligant nearby. The Pokemon can be heard prancing off to fetch something else again at her trainer's request. "Ooo, Gigi, that... actually might be perfect. Give it here? Tha~nk you."
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Is it torment? Is it enjoyable? Hard to say. The feeling of brushes and other impliments as her hair is fussed and foundations are laid. For better or worse, Wylan works rather quickly. Dolling up Mei's face before finally adorning her hair. There's a good measure of humming, both from the Pokemon and her trainer, before a quick peck to the lips to surprise the woman just a little bit more.
"Okay, done! You can look now. Badaba~"
The chair is turned around, and look at that! She looks like a forest spirit with the eyeshadow and blush. Complete with a bright pink flower. Slipping her glasses back on, one could even say... the look is improved. Wylan is sitting back with a camera.
"Tabs is gonna want to see this. Now! Say... uh..."
"Lilli!!" The Pokemon interjects excitedly, throwing up her petals in a grand pose.
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dcviated · 1 year
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sof intimacy memer :: closed
@kyriosc sent: 🤗 - Sneak up behind my muse and hug them for the dogi man!
Pit stops can be fun too, you know. Depending on where out in the countryside you are those little stations can have their own share of surprises and history. Gotta have something to bring in the business, right? Only so much happens once you leave the bustling streets and it's good to have some claim to fame. It's not as blatant here as it was back home (no BIGGEST PICKLE or BIGGEST YARN BALL signs to be seen) and Dogi could appreciate the subtlety.
Edeth too, but she was less accustomed to travel in the first place because of the amount of emphasis she put on her work life. It's a good thing there's people in her life to help, and that her bar is doing well enough to pay them, otherwise the chance for her to head out and try some more camping wouldn't happen.
He's going through some brochures when Edeth finds him again, and rather than make herself apparent, decides to have some playful fun and throw her arms around him! Dogi jerks, standing back up to his height and nearly pulling the woman up with him had she held on more tightly.
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"Whoa, hey hey, fyou surprised me there for a second!" Does he mention once he felt her chest on his back it was plainly clear that it wasn't a stranger coming up and trying to mess with him? Nah, probably not a great idea. Worse idea would be to mention that time a fan recognized him... still, this felt nice. Maybe a little lean back against her, a hand reached back to pet over her arm. Her voice sounds nice to his ears... right right. Focus. Daylight was burning.
"Got everything you needed? It'll be another few hours before we make it to the site, y'know. Look at this." Dogi holds out the brochure, letting the woman take a peek at the sights and photos. "This is where we're heading! Getting excited? I sure am."
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dcviated · 1 year
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sof intimacy memer :: closed
@kyriosc sent: 🧢 - Put a hat on my muse for ragutilda babs
It's a playful breeze, one that carries with it the scent of flowers and the crash of salty waves. Plenty for the senses to appreciate as Raguna and Matilda walk hand in hand down to the beaches. It was at the woman's insistence that Raguna take a break from his work around the fields to enjoy the start of the warm season with her. This visit would only last so long, after all. She wanted to cherish every moment she could with him, fingers curling ever more securely around his hands.
How does any young man so in love argue against that? A trick question of course. They don't. Not even a pensive look is sent back at the unsowed rows before Raguna retreated inside to change before he returned to accompany the beautiful lady. What words could describe the way she looks as she glides across the ground. Careful steps as the sundress flutters and her hair dances. Were it not for his hand in hers, he'd wonder if she was a spirit or from a dream. Something intangible and too wonderful for his world.
It's all Raguna can do to keep his heart in his chest, and not pull Matilda into his arms at every step. It did cross his mind, that it would be far from impossible for him to carry her down to the water. She wouldn't entirely appreciate that, as much as the close contact was nice.
Sand between their toes and then the brisk touch of brisk water. It was still early in the season for them to consider dipping further than this. Even if Raguna wasn't one for swimming in the ocean, the vicinity of the waves was enough to appreciate, at least until that playful breeze grips Matilda's hat and takes it out into the waves.
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"Ah! The hat! ...I'll get it!" Raguna acts instinctively, plunging out into the water with loud sloshes as the waves break over his chest. So cold! But it's not too far yet! If he hurries he'll be able to grab it before the current draws it too far out into sea. Matilda is concerned, dismissive of the need to save it, but that's not enough to dissuade the young man now that he's this set on the goal.
Raguna stumbles face first into the water, but sure enough is able to retrieve the straw article and return to the shore a little more easily with the help of the waves. He coughs and shakes off, and Matilda is quickly at his side, a mixture of chastising and concern. Rather than say anything, he's shaking out the water, and once it's no long dripping sets it carefully on Matilda's head.
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"Oh, sorry, is that a little cold? Maybe I should have dried it out a little mores first."
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dcviated · 2 years
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loud and deafening silence :: open
(a  series  of  nonverbal  prompts .   mature  themes  present ,   ‘ my ’  muse  belongs  to  the  one who  posted  the  meme  -  send   “ + REVERSE ”   to  reverse  the  prompts .)
@kyriosc sent:  grasp .   run  to  my  muse  &  jump  into  their  arms .  for dogi/edeth will he catch her
It'll be a cold later that night, but at least for now the spring evening carried with it a fleeting sense of enjoyment. Sun disappearing over the horizon off behind the mountains. Trees fluttering with the growing breeze. Really. Dogi can't get enough when it comes to camping.
Usually of course he's out here for a video. Trying out some new supplies and getting recordings in for a review. Or talking about the region as part of travel advice or basic camping tips. Some of those can get repetitive, but fortunately it's for a different reason he's here. It's-
Actually. Where did Edeth get to?
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"Hope she didn't get lost out there. Did she not bring a flashlight?" Dogi hums to himself in thought. Give the woman another couple minutes before he gets up to check. If she needed to take care of business, last thing you want to interrupt. He tends to the fire instead. Putting the pot of buttered corn kernels on top of the planks. Yeah, it'll be great for the movie later. He's brought the projector and everything.
Then he hears it. The small crack in the distance and then the scream.
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"Edeth?! What happened, where did--" No sooner is Dogi up to his feet does the woman break into the clearing. Sprinting past the truck, the tent, and catapulting herself up into Dogi's arms in panic. He catches! He does! But in doing so has to drop what he was doing. "Hey hey hey. You're alright." He hears a series of barks retreating in the distance and chuckles.
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"I'd wager the deer you startled is less scared than you are. C'mon, calm down calm down. I get it. You didn't know. But it's fine now. The deer left. Now it's just us and the fire-" Dogi looks down, and notices that the match he'd dropped had started another one at his feet!
"Ah! Fire!"
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dcviated · 2 years
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today is malkuth's BIRTHDAY :: open
@kyriosc sent: Was it awkward to give someone a present when you've only known them for a drunken night and a half? Mei isn't quite sure and she's got a reputation to uphold so she'll slip an envelop with enough money for a couple birthday drinks worth on Elijah's desk and signed. Now to sneak out of the maze of cubicles without being noticed.
If there was awkwardness or any other hesitancy to the giving (leaving) of the gift there sure wasn't any of that to be felt once Elijah returns to her desk. The only thing that takes a beat is pulling herself free of that high-anxiety and high-intensity work mode and switching gears. High intensity and super excited gift receiving mode!
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"Ah! Mei left me a gift? Oh my gosh~" Out of respect for the other employees who shared this part of the floor, she keeps from using her normal volume at least. Though she's chomping at the bit to do so regardless, a quick cut of the envelope to see the money. No card? Well, that's okay! The sentiment is there regardless.
"Heheh~ I bet I can pick up a nice dessert with this later..." Which she will. Sorry for the intent to be drinks, Mei, but Elijah has different things on her mind at the moment. And a sweet tooth to sate. But before that...
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"I need to find out where she works so I can thank her! Maybe I can find someone who knows?" Who to ask in order to find out? Suffice to say. It would have to be a mission for later. It's work hours, and Aether Foundation was a very busy place. "I need to get back to work for now! I'm sure the chief needs me!"
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