#l / 26 / she or they / cst
fuckedprophet-arch · 1 year
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(  #FUCKEDPROPHET  )    a  private  rp  blog  for  DALLAS "PRETTY BOY" MCMEEN.  a  (  FANDOMLESS )  original  character.  birthed  by  L  and  originally  est. 2023.  this  blog  is  iconless.  BLOG  FEATURES;  heavy  themes  that  are  USFW.  topics  include  and  are  not  limited  too;  murder,  drugs,  sacrilegious  ideology,  religious  trauma,  sex,  cannibalism,  sacrificial  rituals,  etc.  CONTENT  WILL  NOT    be  suitable  for  all  viewers,  please  curate  your  own  space.  in  order  to  interact  please  be  over  the  age  of  twenty  one,  mun  is  twenty  six.  
*FUCKED PROPHET  -  a man who can see the past , present , and future and chooses to walk willingly into his death.
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AFFILIATED ; @notladylikes | @ohlazrus | @deigrxtia <3
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1.  don't  be  gross ( homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, ableist, pedophilic, someone who fetishizes someone for their race. )  basic  rp  rules  apply,  but  please  don't  be  rude  or  mean.  that  kinda  negativity  im  not  into.  keep  the  drama  to  yourself,  im  just  here  to  write.  if  you  wanna  be  friends  that's  great  and  we  can,  but  i  don't  wanna  be  pulled  into  any  kind  of  drama. 
2.  this  blog  is  heavily  nsfw.  when  i  say  heavily  i  do  mean  it  literally.  it  touches  on  uncomfortable  topics  for  most,  drug  abuse,  murder,  cannibalism  (mentioned  not  written  out),  sexual  conduct,  sacrilegious  topics  and  or  behavior,  cosmic  monsters  verses  human  monster.  its  not  for  the  faint  at  heart.  i  wont  write  rape,  incest,  dd/lg,  or  anything  gross  like  that.  if  you  write  that,  stay  away.  thank  you.  i  also  wont  write  smut  on  tumblr.  if  we  are  close  enough  and  have  developed  a  stable  friendship  /  plotting  /  chemistry,  we  can  write  it  on  discord.  
3.  im  simple.  easy  as  that,  i  used  to  write  real  flowery  prose  and  such  --  but  i  cant  seem  to  do  it  anymore.  my  writing  has  shifted  more  into  a  novel  format  rather  than  a  Shakespeare  play.  if  you  write  that  way  awesome,  i  love  to  see  it  and  read  it.  i  just  cant  do  it.  that  being  said  i  don't  expect  you  to  match  my  length,  writing  style,  or  anything  like  that.  i do have vision issues so i don't use icons or tiny font.
4. shipping is fun. its cool and great and i love it. im not afraid to admit ships are one of the fun aspects of rp-ing. i enjoy all forms of connections, romance, platonic, hateship, etc. i just like chemistry is all. its easier that way yknow? so please don't force anything on me. i don't consider memes sent force shipping its testing the waters. if you have an idea or see anyone that strikes your interest just let me know and we can chemistry test. easy as that. 
5.  i  love  ocs.  i  love  some  canon  characters,  but  im  skeptical  of  some  fandoms.  forgive  me  if  i  don't  follow  you  for  my  own  comfort.  if  i  followed  you  first  though  that  means  im  interested  in  writing.  i  try  to  keep  my  list  pretty  sl
im,  so  if  we  follow  each  other  and  i  send  memes  with  no  real  response  or  there  isn't  any  pulse  on  the  other  end  of  our  plotting  i'll  unfollow.  i  just  don't  see  the  point  in  following  someone  if  we  aren't  going  to  actually  try  to  write  together.
that's  the  end  gang.  hope  those  rules  weren't  too  harsh,  i  don't  see  the  point  in  kinda  beating  around  the  bush.  im  pretty  sporadic  and  this  is  a  low  activity  blog;  i  work  and  have  a  family  im  pretty  dedicated  too.  any  questions  please  shoot  them  my  way.  
psd credits go to ; ariapsds
MAINS: notladylikes / ohlazrus / medicnal / bandysnatched / fleuramor / mafiaheiress / behe4dings / shellcrack / @el3nas / @cahroline / @swervdcity
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𝙳𝙰𝙻𝙻𝙰𝚂 𝙹𝙾𝙽𝙴𝚂 𝙼𝙲𝙼𝙴𝙴𝙽 ___  was  born  during  the  month  of  january;  the  3rd  to  be  exact.  born  to    luke  and  sarah  mcmeen, he  is  the  eldest  of  two.  elder brother too alana ruth mcmeen, dallas despite being the first born son was cast down by his own family. now  we  find  him  roaming  alongside his  band FUCKED PROPHET.  sharing the tour bus and motels with his bandmates and managers.  
AGE:  late twenties  -  early  thirties.  NICKNAMES:  pretty boy,  meenie,  tex,  hoss.  BIRTHDATE:  january  3rd,  ___. SPECIES:  human.  GENDER:  CIS-male.  SEXUALITY:  undecided.  STATUS:  single.  BIRTHPLACE:  copper wood tx.  RESIDENCE:  no where.  OCCUPATION:  guitarist && back up vocalist  /  VD.  
HEIGHT:  6'4".  WEIGHT:  215lbs.  BODY  TYPE:  sort of healthy,  built like a wall, muscular.  SKIN  TONE:  fair,  freckled.  HAIR  STYLE:  shaggy, hangs below his ears.  HAIR  COLOR.  dark brown almost black.  EYE  COLOR:  baby blue.  SCARS:  several from the abuse his father acted out on him, mainly on his arms and back.  MODIFICATIONS:  pierced  ears,  pierced tongue, tattoos that cover his scars (on his arm, two sleeves and a large piece on his back, he also has one on his left hip).  FACECLAIM:  tom welling. 
BIRTHSTONE:  garnet.  SUN  SIGN:  capricorn.  MENTAL:  pstd, anger issues, anxiety, undiagnosed depression. ALIGNMENT:  true  neutral.  AESTHETIC:  unloved child feed poison shall grow too love the taste, cowboy turned metal, i will devour god, killer smile, loyalty shall be the death of me. 
PERSONALITY:  Intelligent,  Calm,  Trustworthy,  Loaded gun,  Cruel.  
FATHER:  luke austin mcmeen.  MOTHER:  sarah abbigail mcmeen nee eunice. YOUNGER  SISTER:  alana ruth mcmeen.  FRIENDS:  camillie shepard, corkie johnson, jack o'neil, micky lorene, tot, etc.  PETS:  none.  
ABILITIES: it is noticed at some point in the earlier pieces of dallas music career, that he has a knack for predicting the future. a skill he puts into his music and lyrics that seem too haunt him in his sleep.
SOUNDTRACK:  jekyll & hyde - fiver finger death punch.   
SYNOPSIS:  dallas was loved for all of two seconds as his mother held him. not her fault really she's just weak willed, one look of that righteous disapproval on lukes face and sarah cast out her only son. they couldn't give him up for adoption oh no, how would that look to the congregation that luke led so diligently? no they'd raise him, even if they didn't want him. sarah didn't count on marrying a man who would envy a newborn that his wife smiled at him so brightly or that nurses cooed over him. things stayed that way even after alana was born three years later and took some of her fathers attention off how ashamed he was of dallas. things would stay that way and progressively get worse over the years for the young boy, but at the ripe age of sixteen when he came home from school his father attacked him. dallas cant remember how he did it, but he'd been able to over power his father now that he'd shot up four inches taller than him and put on at least fifty more pounds.
he nearly killed the older man, there was so much blood staining their pea green shag run in the foyer. now looking back dallas cant tell you who bled more but at the time the young man was able to over power his father and even bite a chunk out of his right hand. luke mcmeen would later on to go and claim that he'd been attacked by a wild dog which sent him to the hospital, and as for dallas? he'd ran away. he'd struck his father and slammed his mother into the wood paneling of their entry way, and all to be looked at like he was the monster. no he'd had enough; nothing to his name he bolted out the back door and hoped fences. it was nearly dawn when he emerged from his hiding spot, washing his face and clothes in a loose hose from the house he'd hide around. he would then later go on to walk the highway leading out of town before hitch hiking his way to the city.
four days had gone by when the sixteen year old had been discovered by jack o'neil and the girls at 'heartstoppers', sprawled out in the alley behind the pastel pink brink building they'd dragged the kid into the back room and let him rest on the sofa. they say fairytales don't exist, that only god is the maker of miracles and happy endings -- but dallas calls bullshit. the very people his father had preached against and claimed to have hated had protect him far better than either of his parents had. jack and his topless bar eventually became dallas' second home, never allowed on the floor dallas simply provided security for jacks back office. after all jack had nagged him about it several times to go and get his GED, and even though it'd taken a couple weeks he'd managed to secure that very thing.
as years came and go, in this time dallas began to start hanging out with corkie johnson. a metal head from the record store four blocks over, and from there it seemed history would be made. corkie taught dallas how to play guitar, and in the damp and shitty apartment of corkie's the band Fucked Prophet was born.
now fucked prophet is a famous metal band that's touring the country and putting on jaw dropping shows.
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pictured above, a rough edit of the bands questionnaire in the popular metal head magazine ' iron balls '.
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Shady sider turned Sunnyvaler isn't easy. In fact its pure torture if you dont get in with the right crowd. Though verbal abuse isn't anything new for Dallas, up until his sixteenth birthday he’d been brutalized by his father while residing under his roof. It wasn't until his grandmother, who had just recently discovered he existed, took him from under her son's care and brought him over to the sunniest town all around did Dallas begin to understand why. It was the summer before junior year and with hormones blazing and more, it became evident – after raising a lycanthrope isn't easy. In fact it's what spurred Dallas’ father to kill his own brother ages ago and casted Luke McMeen into the trenches of Shady side. Now under his grandmother's care he must learn how to deal with the social queues of High School royalty, the raging hormones of a werewolf, and not to mention a plague that seems to be stalking shady siders – even if they’ve changed their colors. ( this is pre camp ) At camp Night Wing, Dallas is a counselor for the Sunnyvale side. He runs his own cabin shared with another counselor, and mainly partakes in swimming, hiking, and music lessons. During the events of the camp wing massacre, he is targeted during the attacks but thanks to his special skills he’s able to save some kids but ultimately sustains a few minor injuries before escaping.
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mommydcys · 1 year
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#MOMMYDCYS : nsfw independent blog for allison jade “sonny” munroe. MUTUALS ONLY. loved and cherished by lumi ( 26+, pst/cst, she/her ). sideblog to @snnydcys and @snnynatural . WRITTEN SINCE JANUARY 2021 
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this is mutuals only, so those i interact with on @snnydcys and @snnynatural will be the ones i'm interacting here for my comfortability. with that said, i will not be writing with any mun and muse under the age of 18. i will NOT be writing anything that has to do with the following: rape, incest (includes step family members), torture porn, ect. please be kind to me and to others things will be tagged, but not placed under read more. but if my writing partner would prefer that i place it under read more, feel free to tell me and i shall! if any questions, feel free to message me!
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galacticshq · 2 years
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L O A D I N G : // . . . congratulations,  james !   you’ve  been  accepted  as  sabine  wren  here  at  GALACTICSHQ !  the  fight  for  galactic  peace  has  only  just  begun  &  the  rebellion  is  glad  to  have  your  help.   please  send  a  dm  to  the  main,  including  your  alias,  for  access  to  the  discord  server !
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・❥・have you met SABINE WREN yet? ・❥・ SHE/THEY is a 26 year old DEMIWOMAN HUMAN, originally from MANDALORE, but typically reside on THEIR SHIP. after everything they've gone through, they show loyalty to THE REBELLION. they are best known for being a WEAPONS MASTER, and i hear they're pretty INVENTIVE yet also STUBBORN at times; i hope they survive the empire (JAMES, 21, CST, HE/HIM)
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lilliumhqs · 2 years
WELCOME, IRIS. follow the yellow signs on the ground towards the dining hall for orientation. we’ll see you there! (kneewah is now taken!) you have 8 hours to send in your account!   
*can we please get a new job as the bartenders at tequila mockingbird are full?
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☓﹒kneewah. 26. she/he/they.  ❥﹒l welcome to lillium, (IRIS ITO)! we’re extremely happy to have you participate, but of course we need would like to get to know you first. it says here that most people would describe you as (DIMWITTED), but you see yourself more as (ADVENTUROUS) . ah, so you think of yourself as the (BIMBO GAMER) type? i did hear you listening to your (I WANNA BE A COWBOY BABY) playlist on your way to (TEQUILA MOCKINGBIRD). i know you’re working there as a (BARTENDER) for some lilies! i’m sure this won’t be like anything you’ve experienced at (AUBURN, ALABAMA,) but we hope you enjoy it here! last thing! it says that you’re afraid of (STING RAYS)? don’t worry. we’ll fix that. any questions? don’t hesitate to come back to the front desk! ﹒﹐🌷 (cst, 25+)
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yonkimint · 2 years
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The End is You and I [Taehyung x Reader] - COMPLETED
Everyone has always considered y/n a wise soul. Her whole life, everyone, even her older brothers, have come to her for advice so when her psychology class requires a creative final project, she decides to create an anonymous “advice column” on Twitter. What she doesn’t expect is a DM from her long time crush and best friend, Kim Taehyung:
“How do you know if you’re in love?”
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Genre: College!AU, F2L, Angst
Warnings: 🔞; subject to be added to.
Schedule: Sundays and Thursdays 1 AM CST
1. Not the L Word
2. Sir Humphrey
3. Violent Protest
4. Pine Unrequited
5. Deal with a Demon ✎ 
6. About Yoongi
7. So Cringe
8. Hook a Bro Up
9. The Bangtan Secret
10. That Crispy Sprite
11. Jazz Night
12. In Love
13. Enough Time
14. Tae Especially
15. Boba
16. Apologize
17. Noodle Girl
18. Move On
19. Brownies and Oppas
20. Still My Number 1
21. The Boy
22. Jealous
23. Toxic
24. Hiding a Girlfriend
25. A Bad Vibe ✎
26. I Know
27. Let Me Try
28. A Poor College Student
29. Double Date ✎
30. Breakfast ✎
31. Tae’s Redemption Arc
33. Making Up
34. Coffee with the Girls: 1 ; 2
35. We Need to Talk ✎
36. Sleep on It ✎
37. Stay Apart
38. Quoting the Bible
39. Good Luck in Paris
40. Safe Subjects
41. Easier for Who?
42. The End is You and I ✎
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unwrvtten · 4 years
margot robbie & cis female. ⇢ CALANTHA CAULFIELD, age 26, graduated Gilchrist University in 2015 as a CINEMATOGRAPHY / SCREENWRITING major. SHE was born in EDINBURGH , SCOTLAND & has been living in NEW YORK CITY , NEW YORK working as a FILM DIRECTOR / SCREENWRITER. CAL is known to be PRODIGIOUS, CHARISMATIC, PHLEGMATIC & DEFIANT and that might be because SHE is a PISCES.
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hello, all ! my name is lauryn and i’m 20 years old. i currently reside in the cst timezone and you can use she / her pronouns for me ! i’m unbelievably excited to interact with everyone ! feel free to like this post and i will come to you for plotting when i get the chance ( or you can message me if that’s what you prefer ) ! . . . do note that this is fairly long , but i promise i did my absolute best to cut it down in length ! my discord is mzsesandthings#6826.
( tw parental neglect ) calantha was born in edinburgh , scotland , to a british family with scottish ancestry. her parents were authors who started their own publishing company not long after the move and achieved great success with this. cal grew up comfortably in a religious family driven by success , though she was raised by nannies due to her parents’ busy schedule. their neglect led calantha to find comfort in television and movies.
from a young age , calantha was labeled prodigious by her teachers and other authority figures ; even at top-rated schools , cal outpaced her peers. as she isolated herself from others , a superiority complex developed within her. her above average intelligence led to apathy as logical reasoning overrode her emotions. calantha was highly competitive , driven to excel academically in order to feel as though she had an advantage over others. the mary eskrine school recruited her for enrollment after cal’s iq test put her at a score of 160. cal enjoyed writing novels and converting them into screenplays , as well as doing a massive amount of research on cinematography. as she progressed in age , religion slowly drifted out and rebellion took its place.
( tw kleptomania ) calantha’s kleptomania manifested in her young adulthood , her impulses driving her to steal from varying sources. the thrill of successfully stealing something and outsmarting society elated cal ( a feeling she had not yet experienced ) and the misery brought upon her when she would ignore these impulses tormented her.
( tw substance abuse ) in reaction to a lack of stimulation and curiosity, calantha began to experiment with drugs. cal dove pretty deep into this, as drugs exercised her creativity; some of her favored works were created in a state of delirium. many in edinburgh came to know cal as someone who could take any amount of any drug and continue to function, which, of course, made her ego inflate. by the end of secondary school, calantha had already finished one screenplay.
( tw kleptomania ) after leaving school, cal got into legal trouble for shoplifting; she was punished with juvenile diversion, much to her dismay despite the alternate punishments she could’ve received. regular drug tests and therapy were implemented, and a therapist attempted to treat calantha’s kleptomania. her illness was something that she took responsibility for but did not want to receive treatment for. however, the experience as a whole was somewhat humbling for calantha, who realized that she was not invincible; calantha pushed herself further into isolation following this realization, especially after her community branded her a pariah.
long story short, cal ended up at gilchrist university and was given an exceptional offer: to join the gravediggers society. the initiation was of no difficulty to her, as her only fears seemed to be failure and dissatisfaction. the gravediggers ended up being a godsend for calantha and her career. the production of her first film was announced after her 18th birthday ( written and directed by calantha ). the group ended up being the most thrilling thing to grace the moments of her life; it offered excitement and stimulation in an environment with intelligent, like-minded individuals, things that she craved. cal often hosted small parties for the group, centered around drug use rather than networking ( though networking was still done ). cal felt as though she had comrades for the first time.
eventually, cal met a man who piqued her interest, and they soon entered a passionate relationship. their relationship had awoken something in cal, and she became aware of the fact that she really could love. at the age of 21, calantha graduated with a double major in cinematography / screenwriting and her first movie had been released with rave reviews. with some assistance from gravedigger affiliates, calantha got her foot in the door of the film world ( much to many’s dismay, as calantha was regarded as somewhat of a controversial figure due to material featured in her first film ). cal and her lover also got engaged.
nearly a year later, however, he left her. her issues had become insurmountable for him: there was the substance abuse, habitual stealing, apathy, communication issues, and pigheadedness. cal had been spiraling even further after receiving some acclaim for her first film, and it was easily noticed. she chose to no longer put effort into their relationship and fixing her own issues. her 22nd life procured the release of her next movie; however, some of her darkest moments took place in this year, as well.
( tw sexual assault in the form of a policeman’s abuse of power  ) calantha ended up pickpocketing an off-duty policeman who offered to forget about it in exchange for sex, something a drunken cal eagerly agreed to in fear of public controversy and the end of her career. the incident was a wakeup call for cal, and she began behavior management therapy for her kleptomania; she was also given help processing what happened. the incident led to a fairly intense fear of police; even the sight of a cop car can send her into a full-blown panic attack. therapy also led to her recognization of her toxic behaviors, and Cal turned to God once again.
the last few years of calantha’s life were relatively uneventful. the incident had brought upon some of the best writing of her career as she dove deep into her work. she pushed out two movies with another set to release in 2021. calantha was achieving the impossible in terms of building up her oeuvre at such a speedy pace; outlets began releasing articles promising her success in the industry and by the middle of 2020, she was as famous as david fincher with a net worth of $78 million. despite the fame, calantha found herself lonely and void of anything fulfilling aside from her success. when an invitation came to return to gilchrist, calantha could not deny it. both the money and the entertainment intrigued her, and there was a small hope that her ex would accept the invitation, as well.
( calantha’s about is documented here. statistics are listed here. and potential plots can be found here. you can find out more about me here. )
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wisteriacourt · 4 years
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𝐀𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐃... wisteria court’s first ever event is upon us ! as briefly mentioned in a few admin posts, the luxurious suburb of wisteria court ( located within austin, tx ) will be holding its 𝟓𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 & 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋 ! it’s a weekend full of deliciously fragrant flora, wild concerts, food vendors, & family-friendly entertainment for all the families living within the wisteria-lined walls. for more details as to how this is going to work, please read on forward & like this post once you have in order to confirm your understanding of the discussed topics ! as always, if you have any questions, admin l & i will be here to answer them for you as quickly as we can !
this is a dashboard exclusive event, which means that there won’t be any group-chat related festivities at this time, but look forward to some in the future ! the events of the 5th annual flower festival will only be held over the weekend ( 04/24 to 04/26 ) in-verse, but threads can be written surrounding the festival for one week, out of character ! so, the event will officially conclude itself on 05/01 ! if this is confusing to any of you, please let me know & i’ll explain it better upon request ! threads that are non-event-related are allowed to be continued, but priority should be on wisteria’s flower festival to fully soak up all of the time we have before this event is over ! below, you’ll find a schedule of what all is going to happen during the celebration ! threads may take place at any of these events, & if your muse is interested in being apart of the fun in anyway, please let us know & we’ll find a way to include them ! they can volunteer, or perform, or host certain events —— there are tons of possibilities to explore !
*  FRIDAY, APRIL 24th, 2020. —— festivities will start off a little on the simpler side, but it’ll grow much larger, & much more grandiose, as the weekend continues ! at 8pm cst ( 9pm est / 6pm pst ) everyone is invited to a block party hosted by the families living at the cul-de-sac ( the pending families are listed below ! ) at the end of wisteria court. it’ll be a texas barbecue of sorts, with edna applebaum of edna’s kitchen making an appearance with her crew to whip up her famous chicken ‘n waffles special. she’s also offering a special menu including korean-style barbecued beef, pork baby back ribs slathered in a homemade spicy barbecue sauce, potato salad, bratwursts with stone ground mustard, & grilled chicken atop a salad of local greens donated by sweet pea food market. the finest of desserts ( both health-conscious & not ) will be provided by edna herself, & spill ! tea shop & café —— specifically edna’s deliciously baked all-american mini apple pies with house-made vanilla ice cream, & spill’s gluten free / vegan cupcakes topped with aesthetically pleasant edible flowers. additionally, mexican cuisine will be provided by de la garza catering to round out the menu ! alcohol is permitted at the block party / barbecue, but only if you bring your own. that said, every household is asked to contribute a cooler loaded with beer, wine coolers, & whatever else they’d like to drink throughout the night ! once everyone is done, a clean-up crew will break things down, & start preparing for saturday’s festivities ! 
*  SATURDAY, APRIL 25th, 2020. —— continuing on from the night prior, edna’s generous enough to offer discounts on what she likes to call her “hangover healin’ breakfast.” however, if you’re not super hungry in the morning, spill ! tea shop & café is offering discounts on beverages, baked goods, & teas ; even announcing a specialty blend they made specifically for the flower festival ! speaking of which, the van winkle family’s flowers will be used as decor for almost everything —— pastel colors predominantly the theme this year ! then, later in the evening, everyone who is 18 & older is invited to kiss & tell bar + lounge at 8pm cst ( 9pm est / 6pm pst ) for a drag show ( including special guests from various seasons rupaul’s drag race, specifically alyssa edwards, trixie mattel, plastique tiara, kennedy davenport, & asia o’hara ! ) filled with local queens & entertainers, & throughout the drag performances, artists from gm entertainment will take the stage for début performances ( & the residents —— minus the gale-mcvey family —— aren’t aware of this, but delilah blair [ our kacey musgraves / taylor swift - based pop act signed to gm entertainment ] will make a special appearance to perform a limited set of her hits + a duet with trixie mattel ) ! if your muse is a musician & would like to take this opportunity to perform at the club’s concert, message the main & we’ll make it happen somehow —— we’d love as many of you to be involved as possible ! festivities at kiss & tell will conclude around midnight, but right after, there’ll be an after-party hosted by those who live in wisteria court’s esteemed cul-de-sac ( which, in my mind, are the coleman-pierce family, the howell-glenn family, & the gale-mcvey family, but if your opinions differ, let me know ! ) that’ll go all night long if you want it to, so make sure to pack lots of condoms !
*  SUNDAY, APRIL 26th, 2020. —— ah, sunday ! a day of rest, right ? well, SORT OF ! dorothy’s hideaway is closing its doors to the public, but are allowing the residents of wisteria court to enter their facility exclusively for a discounted price, & everyone who had a long weekend of partying may want to take this opportunity to soak in the hot springs, stew in the saunas, rejuvenate in the bathhouse, or book a massage to fully unwind ! another “treat” for those interested, that isn’t really public knowledge, is an orgy of sorts being held in the spa’s bathhouse around 6pm cst ( 8pm est / 4pm pst ) ! everyone will be together in one place, so who knows what’ll end up happening. i guess we’ll just have to wait & see !
we hope you enjoy our first ever event ! please tag your open starters, threads, aesthetic posts, ootd posts, etc. that are event related #WC: FLOWER FESTIVAL ! if you have any questions, concerns, comments, or interest in including your muse in one of the events, please don’t hesitate to reach out to admin l or i on the main for further guidance !
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terahqs · 4 years
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WELCOME TO PARADISE, MALIKAI DAVIS, EBENEEZER “BENNY” RAIN, YOO-JIN “GENE” MOON , MARIN JAIN, NOEL HERNANDEZ MORENO  welcome home!  Please send in your account within 24 hours and be sure to go through the CHECKLIST ! if you need an extension, feel free to  let us know! ROBERT SHEEHAN,  SEO KANG JOON,  FIVEL STEWART, MICHAEL B JORDAN, DAVID CASTAÑED are now taken.
i, ebeneezer “benny” rain, am a terran. i stayed in tera because i cannot abandon my mother’s legacy. i am a twenty- eight year-old cis male. i know i’m charismatic & hot as hell, but i can also be reckless & self-absorbed. i am the manager at the greenhouse. my stance on the council is conflicted. ( robert sheehan, “z,” any and all/doesn’t matter, 20+, est, n/a)
i yoo-jin “gene” moon am an outlander, i left tera because i followed a family member after the council imprisoned my sibling, i am a twenty-seven year old cis male. i know i’m decisive & quick, but i can also be secretive & insensitive. i am a  builder/rogue. my stance on the council is against. ( seo kang joon, yvvy, they/them, 26, est, none )
i marin jain am a terran, i stayed tera because the council has given me no reason to leave, i am a twenty - five year old cisfemale. i know i’m charismatic & intellectual, but i can also be haughty & pessimistic. i am a lead infotech of ART and AI. my stance on the council is for/neutral. ( fivel stewart, sara, she/her, 23, est, no triggers )
i malikai davis am a terran, i stayed tera because it is my duty to protect and serve, i am a twenty-eight year old cismale. i know i’m trust worthy & disciplined , but i can also be overprotective & quick tempered. i am a lieutenant sentinel. my stance on the council is neutral ( michael b jordan, b, she/her, 23, cst replacing dakota)
i noel hernandez moreno am a terran, i l stayed in tera because i believe in what the council has built here, i am thirty- one years old cismale. i know i’m self-sufficient & gutsy, but i can also be harsh & inconsiderate. i am a deputy sentinel in tera. my stance on the council is for. ( david castañed, ivy, she/her, 32, EST, n/a
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skippyv20 · 5 years
MM Anon
MM ANON …… a little bit of this , and a little bit of TAT…… musical chairs …… electric LIGHT transport … kitchen conference …… eyes wide shut…… 🎼” If ever a woman was born …… “🎼…… flunky goes to Hollywood …… Curt-see-all…… “ not in this house Philip, NEVER!!! “ …… “Gan Gan, por favor ven y juega “…… “que”… “ tell your child my Spanish is pants”.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
October 26/2019 0317 hrs CST
 a little bit of this , and a little bit of TAT
There are two phrases MM ANON has combined here. One is, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. The second is tot for tat. The first one is, example when cooking, you put in a little bit of this… . A speech, a little bit of this and little bit of that, tie in a bunch of phrases, nothing original. Tit for tat can be serious or like a child. Example you took my toy, l will take yours. Revenge or return of an insult real or just perceived. Here we have Prince Harry unexpectedly arriving with madam today at WC. Well the obvious ‘tit’ were on display big time and very inappropriately. Her word salad was exactly the first phrase. But the tit for tat was calling Harry a gate crashed in revenge for Well Child night when he laughed and refused to continue to read what she had written for the teleprompter and read off his own notes instead. Oh she must have been furious! She must have been furious also about her night at OYW event, vehicle with a broken bumper🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂, a very lukewarm reception from the crowd, sitting on the bench and then NOT being able to give her speech was the clincher.😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣
… musical chairs
Well, musical chairs is such a fun game, you put out chairs but just one less than there are people playing. You have someone in charge of the music. As the music plays everyone walks around the chairs. When the music stops, there is a mad scramble for chairs. The person standing is out of the game. Then a chair is removed and it goes like that until there are only two left and the final one wins. It’s great fun. This is jostling for power and, MM ANON, you’ve chose a great metaphor here for Prince Harry and her, publicly, she jostles constantly for the ‘chair’. The chair being attention, she minimizes his input, talks over him, prepares what he is to say, etc etc etc. Well he took the chair back at Well Child, and she yanked it back today by calling him, a blood Prince, a gate crasher. She was probably very ticked off that he was there, she had been planning being centre stage with her own guests, implant one and implant two🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣. She is so beyond the pale, pardon the pun, of being disrespectful!!!
 electric LIGHT transport
Prince Harry, despite not be scheduled to appear, arrived with madam who was decked out in red and subergine, she reminded me of Mrs. Wiggins from the Carol Burnett Show, does anybody remember her or who l am referring to? 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. The Audi they arrived in was electric, oh all low carbon footprint, ‘woke’ way of travelling. Yeah, great, marvellous , let’s all get one. Just one minor problem, they don’t run in -30C weather, there are no charging stations here and oh yeah THE CAR COST $$220,000 US DOLLARS!!! Yes please, l will take two, one in purple, surprise me with the other colour.🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂
kitchen conference …
Well it certainly appeared that neither of them were expected today. Water glasses empty and turned upside down, no name plate on the table as others had, very sparse room, with card tables. Harry wore his Commonwealth pin, she wore her brand new breast implants 😄😄🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. So pathetic, vile, minimizing him at every turn, it’s just disgusting. She looked disgusting!
 eyes wide shut…
This is a really creepy film with Nicole Kidman and Scientology junkie, l refuse to say his name. The film is all about secret society, dressed in masks, robes, sex related, l think l made it through a small part of the film and yuck! When a person refuses to see something in plain view because of opinions they hold, the way yet believe or expect others to behave or of what this something should look like. This frequently happens to naïve people l think our poor Harry had his eyes wide shut when he boot called madam. I truly think BP did at first also, they had no idea of the attack/assault that was about to happen. Who would have ever thought the world could change so quickly?
  🎼” If ever a woman was born …… “
I simply cannot recall or even find a song with those exact lyrics. I have found a song, Born a Woman by Sandy Posey. They go on and on about a woman’s destiny is to be controlled by men and at the end saying she is glad she’s a woman when her man comes home. Oh-Kay then, dated lyrics for sure. I don’t know if this is the song MM ANON is referring to however l do see roles being switched. Harry is the one being under madam’s thumb, controlled by him, grabbed onto constantly, to taps him so she can walk ahead of him and a million others examples of things we have all seen. I would Julie to add, this is her PUBLIC way of treating him. Privately, there is no relationship or contact. I am sure he steams though, after anytime with her, being publicly chastised, minimized again like we saw today, he must be so angry afterwards!
🎼…… flunky goes to Hollywood
Frankie Goes to Hollywood was a musical group. They had one of the raunchiest songs sexually in the lyrics and background l can recall!! Here we have flunky, what is a flunky. Let’s find a dictionary so we are all clear what it means. A flunky is someone like a servant, a helper , person who does things for you no questions asked, no deed too much. No back talk, no moaning about, just quietly goes about getting things done. Is this MA? Ready for her when she arrives for Thanksgiving? The two of them can get up to something, make some cash. Is he her flunky, or is she his? I actually think both are at varying times. We do know both are willing to do a whole lot for money without questions THST is for certain!
Curtsy and courtesy. Curtsy is a females greeting to a Royal person, or if Royal another royal higher up in rank. Courtesy well it’s simply being polite, good manner, treating others with respect. Well that was the weirdest of greetings at the OYW / The Price is Right appearance the wig appeared wearing madam. The woman tried to curtsy to her🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮, but madam went in for a hug as if the lady was her best friend in the world who she had not seen in years, even to the pint of putting her head on her shoulder. There was nothing royal or even showing courtesy by putting that woman in the white dress in that horribly awkward situation!
“ not in this house Philip, NEVER!!! “
HMTQ speaking with PP, very clearly uppercase, multiple exclamation marks saying in no certain terms will madam ever enter Windsor Castle, her cherished home, retreat, worships, relaxes, although she has not had much chance to do that! I think this applies to all her homes but Windsor Castle, that’s her weekend retreat. 
 “Gan Gan, por favor ven y juega “
This is our little ones perhaps Prince George or Princess Charlotte. Their nanny Maria Borollos is Spanish, l am certain she has been teaching them the language likely at the request of the parents, to add to their knowledge base. I am pretty certain this is Prince George, because he calls HMTQ Gan Gan. He is simply asking her to come and play with him. I wonder if lizards are involved?😂😂🤣🤣🤣
This reminds me of Fawlty Towers😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂. More Spanish, HMTQ, replies shockingly to Prince George, “what!” to his request to play with him. How l would have loved to see that little interaction ESPECIALLY if lizards were involved.😊😊😊😊
 “ tell your child my Spanish is pants”.
Pants🤣🤣😂😂😂, l remember the first time someone said this to me, l thought they were talking about my trousers🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🙏🏻🤣🤣. Pants means bad, lousy, terrible, slang word. HMTQ is saying her Spanish is ‘pants’ or terrible and she is not understanding what Prince George is saying to her! She is speaking to either Prince William or Duchess Catherine.
October 26/2019 0445 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG!  Excellent .  You sure add humour, which is so much fun.  Much appreciated.....🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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N A M E  → Casey Caldwell
S T A T U S  → ★
A G E  → 26
PRONOUNS  → she / her
N E I G H B O R H O O D  → Williamsburg
O C C U P A T I O N  → baker / cashier at Sweetie Pies
TRIGGERS: cheating
P A S T  →
On the morning of the eighteenth of December, the sky had been blanketed entirely in gray, the four hundred and thirty-two acres of farmland covered in sparkling white snow, and Casey Caldwell took her very first breath. Both Travis and Ashley Caldwell had worked tirelessly for every single thing they had ever created together and Casey was no exception. Fertility issues had plagued the young couple for years and they’d nearly depleted their life savings with intrauterine insemination and IVF when that had failed. And then came Casey,several years and thousands of dollars later. Their little family finally complete. That was, at least, until four years later, when they welcomed a baby boy into the Caldwell fold, a huge surprise to her mother whom had been told would likely never bare another child.
Growing up on a farm, of course, came with its own set of difficulties. Eight o’clock was considered sleeping in and there was no such thing as a ‘day off’. But looking back, Casey wouldn’t have changed a thing. Not that there was much in the way of options in a small podunk town in Nebraska. Even still, life was good. On some Saturday nights, Casey’s father would take her and her little brother to one of the two bars in town where she learned how to shoot pool – and by ten could hold her own against even the well-seasoned players – and other nights, she kept herself busy with painting, writing poetry, reading a book, baking a plethora of sweets, or bent over the keys of the old grand piano in the living room that had been well loved through several generations of the Caldwell family. And while her parents had never quite managed to get out from under the the thumb of debt, Casey couldn’t remember ever wanting for anything.
When it came time for Casey to go off to college, she’d already mapped out her life goals: she was going to go to college for business and she would open her own bakery, sourcing what ingredients she could from her parent’s farm. She loved the work, the long days that stretched into night, standing in the wheat field as pinks and purples and oranges streaked against the darkening sky, but her heart longed to see the world, to make her own mark with the tools and the love she’d been raised on. And so, she took an opportunity to do just that at Northeastern University in Boston for which she’d received a scholarship.
She went into her freshman year focused and ready for anything. Anything, that was, except for Wesley Drake. Her carefully laid plans had left no room for love, but he wormed his way into her heart, anyway. He was charming and smooth, his silver tongue whispering romantic promises against her skin and she was powerless against it. They soon fell in love and her plans shifted to include him beside her. It didn’t matter that they were young, it didn’t matter that she had promised herself that she’d see the world before she even dreamed of settling down. It didn’t matter. They were inevitable and, like everything else she did, she threw her entire heart into their relationship.
Two thirds of the way into her senior year of college, she received a phone call that also had never factored into her plans: her father had been hospitalized following a heart attack. With the money from her bakery job that she’d held since her freshman year – money that belonged to her future – she bought a same day flight back home to Nebraska to see her father. He thankfully recovered – mostly – and was back home and settling into a new routine of taking it easy, something that none of the Caldwells were very good at. But the time off had taken its toll on their finances and though her mother did her best to hide it, Casey learned from her brother that they were at risk of losing the farm. At nearly twenty-thousand dollars in debt and no way to come up with the funds themselves (especially with her father’s poor health), they were preparing to lose everything and Casey couldn’t let that happen. Wouldn’t. Not if she had the money to cover it. Not even if it meant sacrificing her future. At least for now. And while her mother staunchly refused to take her money, in the end, they couldn’t say no if it meant saving their livelihood.
So, with her savings nearly depleted, Casey flew back home bone-weary and spent. She wanted nothing more than to fall into the arms of Wesley who would stroke her hair and tell her everything would be okay. She’d only been set back a few years, it wasn’t like everything was gone. But all of the bombs had not yet been dropped, it seemed, as she bypassed her apartment entirely for Wesley’s, needing his soothing words and promises more than ever. The bad feeling didn’t hit her stomach until she unlocked the door with the spare key he’d given her the year before and made it halfway into the living room. The unmistakable sound of a woman’s quiet laughter floated down the hallway and she followed its melody into his bedroom where she found him, naked, in bed with someone else.
Everything she’d been building, gone, wiped out in the span of twenty-four hours. She’d done it to herself, she supposed, for being so god damned naive, living her life as if it were a romance novel with a happily ever after at the end, instead of facing the cold, hard bleakness of reality. So she finished out the last few months of school, throwing herself into her work to avoid dealing with her empty bank account and even emptier bed. But graduation came and went and there was still a gaping hole where all of her hopes had once lived. So she decided to do something impulsive and rash – two things that were very much not a Casey Caldwell signature – and packed up her clothes and a few belongings, using the last bit of money left her in savings to start anew somewhere else. She wanted gritty and real, she wanted a place that had chewed up and spit out so many other dreamers before her. She wanted the challenge, wanted a place to channel the devastation and anger and betrayal she’d been left with, needed a reason to harden her wounded heart. So, with Boston in her rearview and her dreams scattered to ash on the floor, Casey packed up her little blue Nissan and headed in the direction of her fresh start.
P R E S E N T  →
Though she’d been burned and though she was still struggling to get her meticulously planned life back on track, those softer parts of her had not been beaten down by the roughened edges of New York. It was the cityscape at night or Central Park at dawn that breathed life back into those broken parts of her, the romantic heart that had been battered and bruised. It was the crisp autumn mornings and the sweltering concrete summers that pushed her forward and kept her going. And though it felt as if she were stuck in a loop, working as many hours as Edmund, the owner of the bakery she saw more than her own apartment, would allow and saving as much as she could to reclaim everything she’d lost, she held onto the belief that everything happened for a reason. Maybe she would always be naive. But maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. And like everything else she did, she would pour her heart, her soul, her everything into rebuilding her and the life she’d planned for herself. 
P E R S O N A L I T Y  →
+ compassionate, ambitious, caring, responsible
- naive, self-sacrificing, stubborn, clingy
CASEY CALDWELL ( Emma Watson ) is written by JULES ( she / her → CST )
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salparefm · 5 years
welcome aboard the amore cruiser, VAAN, BECK, VIVIANA & VALERIE. please make sure to check-in at the front desk with-in the next 8 hours. enjoy your stay! ( JUNG HOSEOK, MARK LEE, ALEXA DEMIE & JORJA SMITH ARE NOW TAKEN.)
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⌇.✮。• * JUNG HOSEOK. 25. HE/HIM. ciao VAAN PARK we are so pleased to have you joining us for our first around the world voyage and in our newest ship no less! we just need you to verify some information for us just to make sure there weren’t any mix up with your survey answers, we hope you don’t mind. now it says here that you spend your days working as a BARTENDER? okay. it also says here from the survey that the one special item you’d bring with you on the ship would be SMILEY FACE NECKLACE HIS MOM AND DAD GAVE HIM BEFORE HE LEFT? that’s so sweet, we haven’t gotten many answers like that. now i also see here you said the song that would be your theme song is CYBERSEX BY DOJA CAT correct? good. we saved the best one for last here, you said one thing that not everyone knows about you is that you REDACTED? oh! don’t worry nobody else gets to see these answers but us here, so it’s safe with us. well it looks like we’ve verified everything that we need to, we can’t wait to see you at the port! (L., she/her, cst.)
⌇.✮。• * MARK LEE. 20. HE/HIM. ciao BECKETT “BECK” HAN! we are so pleased to have you joining us for our first around the world voyage and in our newest ship no less! we just need you to verify some information for us just to make sure there weren’t any mix up with your survey answers, we hope you don’t mind. now it says here that you spend your days working as a STUDENT? okay. it also says here from the survey that the one special item you’d bring with you on the ship would be YOUR GLASSES? that’s so sweet, we haven’t gotten many answers like that. now i also see here you said the song that would be your theme song is FALL AWAY BY TWENTY ONE PILOTS correct? good. we saved the best one for last here, you said one thing that not everyone knows about you is that you REDACTED? oh! don’t worry nobody else gets to see these answers but us here, so it’s safe with us. well it looks like we’ve verified everything that we need to, we can’t wait to see you at the port! (k, they/them, est.)
⌇.✮。• * ALEXA DEMIE. TWENTY-TWO. SHE/HER. ciao VIVIANA MONTEZ! we are so pleased to have you joining us for our first around the world voyage and in our newest ship no less! we just need you to verify some information for us just to make sure there weren’t any mix up with your survey answers, we hope you don’t mind. now it says here that you spend your days working as a BARISTA/ASPIRING SINGER? okay. it also says here from the survey that the one special item you’d bring with you on the ship would be RINGS FROM HER PARENTS JEWELRY COLLECTION? that’s so sweet, we haven’t gotten many answers like that. now i also see here you said the song that would be your theme song is 26 BY PARAMORE correct? good. we saved the best one for last here, you said one thing that not everyone knows about you is that you WERE REDACTED? oh! don’t worry nobody else gets to see these answers but us here, so it’s safe with us. well it looks like we’ve verified everything that we need to, we can’t wait to see you at the port! ( r, she/her, cst.) 
⌇.✮。• *. JORJA SMITH. TWENTY-TWO. SHE/HER. ciao VALERIE GEORGE! we are so pleased to have you joining us for our first around the world voyage and in our newest ship no less! we just need you to verify some information for us just to make sure there weren’t any mix up with your survey answers, we hope you don’t mind. now it says here that you spend your days working as a BARTENDER? okay. it also says here from the survey that the one special item you’d bring with you on the ship would be JOURNAL? that’s so sweet, we haven’t gotten many answers like that. now i also see here you said the song that would be your theme song is THE MIDDLE BY JIMMY EAT WORLD correct? good. we saved the best one for last here, you said one thing that not everyone knows about you is that you REDACTED? oh! don’t worry nobody else gets to see these answers but us here, so it’s safe with us. well it looks like we’ve verified everything that we need to, we can’t wait to see you at the port! (d, she/her, est.)
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galacticshq · 3 years
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L O A D I N G : // . . .   congratulations, bucky !  you’ve been accepted as juno eclipse here at GALACTICSHQ !  the war is only just beginning and we’re glad to have your help.  please read over the checklist and send an ask in once you’ve made your blog for the discord invite !
JESSIE MEI LI // have you met JUNO ECLIPSE yet? SHE/THEY is a 26 year old GENDER FLUID HUMAN. they’re originally from CORULAG and now show loyalty to THE OLD REPUBLIC. they are best known for being a REPUBLIC OFFICER, and i hear they’re pretty PASSIONATE yet also ALOOF at times; i hope they survive the galactic civil war. (BUCKY, 25, CST, SHE/THEY)
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lilliumhqs · 2 years
WELCOME,  CJ, BREE, & MARIKO. follow the yellow signs on the ground towards the dining hall for orientation. we’ll see you there! (wy.an, im nayeon, & hirai momo are now taken!) you have 8 hours to send in your account! 
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☓﹒wy.an. 23. he/him.  ❥﹒l welcome to lillium, CJ OGAWA! we’re extremely happy to have you participate, but of course we need would like to get to know you first. it says here that most people would describe you as GOOFY, but you see yourself more as CHARISMATIC. ah, so you think of yourself as the COMEDIC RELIEF type? i did hear you listening to your CANT COMMIT AT YOUR GROWN AGE? playlist on your way to BLUE MOON CLUB. i know you’re working there as a BARTENDER for some lilies! i’m sure this won’t be like anything you’ve experienced at DALLAS, but we hope you enjoy it here! last thing! it says that you’re afraid of SUFFOCATING ON YOUR COMFORTER? don’t worry. we’ll fix that. any questions? don’t hesitate to come back to the front desk! ﹒﹐🌷 (est, 21)
☓﹒im nayeon. 25. she/they.  ❥﹒l welcome to lillium, BREE PARK! we’re extremely happy to have you participate, but of course we  need would like to get to know you first. it says here that most people would describe you as CUNNING, but you see yourself more as FLIRTY. ah, so you think of yourself as the KATHRYN MERTIEUL type? i did hear you listening to your ELDEST DAUGHTER SYNDROME playlist on your way to LITERARIUM. i know you’re working there as a MANAGER for some lilies! i’m sure this won’t be like anything you’ve experienced at NEW YORK CITY, but we hope you enjoy it here! last thing! it says that you’re afraid of LOSING YOUR WEALTH? don’t worry. we’ll fix that. any questions? don’t hesitate to come back to the front desk! ﹒﹐ (gmt, 22)
☓﹒momo hirai. 26. xe/xem.  ❥﹒l welcome to lillium, MARIKO AHN! we’re extremely happy to have you participate, but of course we need would like to get to know you first. it says here that most people would describe you as SHARP TONGUED, but you see yourself more as LOYAL. ah, so you think of yourself as the  REBECCA FROM CYBERPUNK EDGERUNNERS type? i did hear you listening to your FEMCEL DRAINER GAMING playlist on your way to BLUE MOON CLUB. i know you’re working there as a BARTENDER for some lilies! i’m sure this won’t be like anything you’ve experienced at HOUSTON, TX, but we hope you enjoy it here! last thing! it says that you’re afraid of CLOWNS? don’t worry. we’ll fix that. any questions? don’t hesitate to come back to the front desk! ﹒﹐ (cst, 22)
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yonkimint · 3 years
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when the party’s over (Jimin x Reader) - COMPLETE
y/n has just returned to Seoul after four years attending university abroad, much to the delight of her family and friends but when she meets her cousin, Jin’s, employees/roommates/best friends, a secret she’s kept for years resurfaces.
Will her budding interest in one Park Jimin survive the fallout?
trigger warnings: mentions of nudity, mentions of alcohol, mentions of assault
Send an ask or leave a reply to be added to the taglist!
Updates every other day 1 AM CST
1. Baby Kim
2. Dinner with Demons
3. Baby Bambi
4. It’s the Crime
5. Smooth Operator
6. Clingers first, psychos second
7. Fahrenheit 451
8. Dropped my Croissant
9. Staring at Baby Kim
10. Still wasn’t sus...
11. As Sincerely as Possible
12. No you didn’t.
13. A Whole Ass Meal
14. scootin
15. Capture the Flag
16. Time with the Frog
17. Gossipers, traitors, psycho, and my favorite boy
18. Live the life you want to live
19. Why are you running?
20. Time of Crisis
21. Cronies
22. Oh honey.
23. I did it.
24. Too soft
25. I need some air
26. it’s l o v e
27. Every Moment
28. Don’t Try
29. He’s what you want, right?
30. Get the girl
31. A Deal’s a Deal ✎
33. Favorite Cousin
34. A Trap
35. Let me do it.
36. You’ll help me?
37. FINE-apple
38. Safe
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parkkjiminssi · 6 years
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Dream Chaser
Jeon Jungkook x Reader | social media au
Part 26: Rub Some Dirt On It
Y/N L/N is a college student who’s soon reaching her twenty first birthday. She has always dreamed of being an artist but never had the courage to show her talent. It was thanks to a certain boy that she finally decided to give it a shot at her dreams and start auditioning. She even created a YouTube channel! However, things don’t seem to turn out the way she hoped and decides to give up and focus on her studies. Y/N thinks that by writing him a letter, it will help her assimilate things and move on… but never in a million years did Y/N ever consider the possibility of him actually reading the letter.
[tag list: @abigaildiangelo, @taeyongskookie, @aureumjeon]
updates monday-friday at 8:30PM CST.
a/n: we’re reaching the climax! What are your thoughts so far? comment if you’d like to be tagged in future updates! Just a reminder that due to tumblr’s recent issues I won’t be linking my updates for the time being but my main Masterlist and the Masterlist for this story will be linked on my bio.
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hiddenwashington · 5 years
Was that [DAVID TENNANT]? Oh no no, that was just [THE TENTH DOCTOR], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [DOCTOR WHO]. They are [THIRTY-FIVE] years old and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. {ooc: L, 26, CST, she/her}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. the tenth doctor [david tennant]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you’ve arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!
** we are in the middle of an event!! please read this post to catch yourself up!! if you have any question, please don’t hesitate to ask!!
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