#la signora boss fight
psamathesmusic · 2 years
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c6jpg · 1 year
assuming she does have a boss fight i hope we fight arlecchino 1v1 a la the childe/raiden shogun boss fights bc i'm getting tired of fighting Big Thing i want to DUEL
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genshinmp3 · 2 years
Chrysalis Suspirii from Islands of the Lost and Forgotten Yu-Peng Chen, HOYO-MiX
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demonlordcosnime · 10 months
lets play genshim impact part 73
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petitexmagician · 1 year
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“I studied my magic, crafted it and continue to get better at it. What’s that Greatest Magician got but smooth talk and parlor tricks.”
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f-ai-n · 2 years
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(Fatui Adopt Kaeya AU) Grudge
Kaeya knows that the traveler is not the one who actually killed La Signora, but he does count them as... an accomplice. The traveler is lucky that Tartaglia is quite fond of them. Otherwise they might have to experience a surprise boss fight lol
Not included in the drawing: Kaeya proceeds to kindly (menacingly) ask the traveler to give him Signora's Funerary Mask.
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lazodiac · 6 months
Spent all day writing out a full campaign story recap for my MTG themed DND game. I've posted it below because... maybe people would be curious to give it a read? Hope you enjoy!
Four planeswalkers; Signora Luna de la Cruz, a Soratami cleric and adventurer initially claiming to be a vampire. Kaneis, a Nyxborn wanderer seeking a place in life. Rodna, a vampire warlock secretly working for the Dimir. Wistralaxa, a Naga sorceress with an uncanny ability to not die. Each found themselves in possession of a letter requesting they head to a Ravnican café at a specified date. Upon doing so, they met with an Azorius arrestor with a mission that required finesse, strength, and secrecy.
The mission was, initially, to find the Goblin mob boss known as Krenko and bring him to justice. However, a mixture of “actually fuck the cops” attitudes, secret dealings, and sensing of foul-play being afoot lead our heroes to instead side with Krenko (after roughing up some of his men) and help him in taking down the Azorius instead. In doing so, a conspiracy of sorts was discovered, as well as Rodna retrieving a package from her Dimir handler, Etrata- a mysterious tome.
After the mission, the party has lunch and decides to keep in touch- they seem to work well together, after all. And so, each return to their lives; Rodna receives her next mission. Kaneis finds a letter placed on their bed labeled “A Friend”. Signora Luna’s inn-room is bombed. Wist encounters the mysterious Mr. Taz, who gives her an invitation to Eldraine- seemingly the mastermind behind all the goings on.
Our heroes reconvene to discuss what happened and what their next task will be. After some discussion, it is decided to tackle the bombing Luna narrowly avoided- seemingly caused by the Shattergang Brothers, goblin rivals of Krenko, their “new friend”. After some investigation, they head to the Undercity’s Golgari Markets to stock up, complete a task for an ally, and then rest for the night.
Our heroes then storm the Rakdos Cult nightclub the Shattergang Brothers are held out in, fighting through the twisty-turning pathways. Guards and goblins, but also at least one creature from Amonkhet, Wist’s home plane, something that should be impossible. This all comes to a head with our party successfully capturing the Shattergang Brothers… only for them to be found dead, slain when no one was looking. The truth of the matter is then revealed; Rodna is a Dimir assassin, unknown even to herself. Her true task, to hunt down Dimir agents who have gone rogue, and the link to all of these events is one said rogue agent; Ivreyla, and the “Friends of the Multiverse”, led by Mr. Taz Dranos.
A dark truth revealed, our heroes support Rodna as she breaks her pact with Rozumu, leaves the Dimir, and after recovering head off to Ivelya’s hideout, lead by a former guildmate of hers. Unfortunately it is a trap, and our heroes must fight their way through the hideout to save Rodna’s friend- captured by Ivreyla- and bring an end to her Dimir cell once and for all.
Strava, Rodna’s friend, is saved- though turned into a vampire to do so. The Dimir cell is destroyed, all members killed. Ivreyla herself seems to escape as her spark ignites and she planeswalks away, but a cursory inspection of the plane she ended up reveals she is likely to have been ripped to pieces by a werewolf. A satisfactory ending, that in the end leads our party- through Kaneis- to make actual contact with the so-called “Friends of the Multiverse”, an organization of Planeswalkers who seek to assist each other in various… endeavors.
The party categorically refuse, for understandable reasons, and instead head to Kamigawa- an old friend of Wist’s may be able to help with their current problems…
The Story Circle- a loosely connected band of Planeswalkers that share information and stories, a friendly group that is connected by faint threads more than the bond of battle and bloodshed. Wist is a friend of the ‘leader’ of that group, Tamiyo, and heads to her home on the plane of Kamigawa in the hopes of fulfilling their goals. Rodna needs to learn what is going on with her body- breaking the pact has seemingly unlocked some sort of mutation that is happening to her. Luna wants further adventures, and exploring her home plane is something of an interest for her. Kaneis has a want for connection, to more firmly define themselves through others. While some of this is accomplished something all-together more important pops up. One of Tamiyo’s Iron Scrolls have been stolen.
The Iron Scrolls, she explains, are three very powerful stories she has collected through her time traveling the multiverse- stories that MUST be recorded, but in the recording have been granted overwhelming power that befits their very import. Plane shattering stuff. So our heroes head off in pursuit of the thief, reaching a nearby Nezumi village. Assisting the locals and entreating the local kami-god Nezu-kyo- and telling each other the stories of how their sparks ignited as payment- our heroes are pointed in the right direction, heading to a city on the edge of civilization.
Our heroes reach the Painted City, a beautiful place of neon paints and colour. A Soratami planeswalker- known as Eshi- lives here, and Nezu-Kyo has pointed them towards him to find that which they seek. Going to see Eshi however involves them finding a strange diorama of a tall tower… that our heroes then find themselves within! Strange puzzles and antics are has… as well as one of Wist’s cooking knives being drawn in as a massively powerful yokai that our heroes must run from.
Eventually, our heroes locate Eshi’s painting room within this strange diorama. An enigmatic sort, with paintings of various lands in Kamigawan style- most relevantly, a scene from Theros, and a painting marked with the symbol of an Innistradi cult that Rodna found in that cursed tome of hers. This turns out to be relevant, as whatever mutations Rodna is undergoing, something similar is happening to him, and he provides some information about it- as well as pointing them towards how they can contact the Friends of the Multiverse and locate that scroll.
Eshi lets our heroes leave after he finishes Signora Luna’s painting- a strange thing, that seems to shift as one looks at it, and perhaps more questions than answers, especially with regards to the Tide Star Seer, something that Luna finds familiar… but that’s brushed off as they further explore the city looking for Sen the Silent. Our heroes engage in Sen’s fight club, learn of some leads, and after some shenanigans involving a shadow kami end up getting the information they need- though not before said kami puts on a little show for Luna, taunting her about something she doesn’t quite understanding.
With information in hand, our heroes journey through the old wilderness of Kamigawa… and find themselves changing. Rodna grows stronger, fiercer, in defense of her friends. Wist grows impatient and reckless as the worry of what this Iron Scroll could do weighs on her. Luna starts to welcome in the power of her home, dragon-cries echoing in her dreams. Kaneis starts to define themself, a whirling dervish of blades and tendrils and jellyfish dresses. The old magic of the plane, the conflicts they encounter, turn our heroes into Heroes, befitting the quest they’re on. Little do they know what this could mean…
 Partway through, they encounter the Tiger Claw bandits, and end up storming their fort through stealth and guile and absurdly intense power. The honestly quite pathetic leader of this crew and his minions are dispatched quite easily by our heroes, but in the doing they discover some oddities- the leader’s Dominarian armor, a Zendikari elemental trapped within a room of the hide out as a digging tool. More things that suggest the Friends of the Multiverse have been here, twisting lives for their own gain.
The confrontation draws near. The planeswalkers reach the mountain where the Friends’ hideout is, and explore it in search of their enemies. With some assistance from an old kami known as Night’s Reach, our heroes find it- in exchange for taking a mask representative of her power with them, to bury on another plane at a later date. Our heroes reach the hideout of the Friends of the Multiverse… and reality crashed down upon them, as words echo across them- echoes of Dominarian history.
They are reading the scroll. There is not much time left. Our heroes rampage through the undead samurai and Innistradi spirits and other would-be monsters defending their lair, and all the while echoes of magic ring out across the pagodas. The world reverberates and rattles.
In tackling the pagoda fortress, our heroes split up. Kaneis on their lonesome, the rest together facing the undead hordes- and faltering. Luna is unconscious, Wist is being hounded by spirits, and Rodna is doing her best. It is here, at a tea room positioned between pagodas, that Kaneis runs into another kami- though this one is not a servant of their enemies. She asks if they need assistance, and Kaneis says yes… in exchange for a favor. Kaneis has a beast to hunt, and will know when the time is right to repay this debt. With a golden hand, the spirit plucks the remaining heroes from their rooms and places them in the tea room, where our heroes take a moment to breath before confronting their foes.
Within the final chamber are the twins of the Friends of the Multiverse; Seele, a Geistspeaker, and Corpus, a Ghoulcaller, both from Innistrad. The twins and their servants (plus the animated remains of the ninja Higure) ready themselves to fight, and our heroes charge to meet them. Corpus continues his reading, the magic crackling through the very fabric of the plane itself, reality starting to shift.
The battle is chaos incarnate. Luna fights Seele, having previously fought her in Sen’s fight club. Wist provides support. Rodna engages Corpus directly with her strange powers and her katana. Kaneis whirls and carves and kicks and fires off spines in defense of their allies. It is break-neck, frenetic, and our heroes are pushed to the limit. Finally, it happens! Rodna slays the ghoulcaller and he dies with portentious words; “It’s the wrong scroll”. Followed by a hideous, hissing roar as a behemoth of a black dragon, scales metallic and shiny, tendril lord cords lashing out from its hide steps through a smokey rip in reality. It screams “THERE WILL BE SILENCE.”
Seele turns her remaining soldiers about the creature, but it simply isn’t enough. A stream of caustic acid bellows forth from the dragon’s maw, and the Geistspeaker is washed away in a sea of glowing liquid. Luna barely survives this, but falls unconscious. Rodna does her best to carve into it. Wist is worn and weary, attrition taking its hold. Kaneis’s spines clatter against its metallic hide- but then, a solid blow! A hammer-shaped spine shatters one of the dragon’s eyes, and the second, sharper spine enters the gap in the creatures skull. It unleashes a horrid screech, worse than anything they’d heard before.
And then, Silence. The dragon’s flailing roars, their own haggard breathing, all of it blanked out. They can barely even hear themselves think. The dragon’s head twists upside down and unfurls into a cylindrical device… and starts glowing, light flooding from the hairline fractures that open up into it.
It is, quite clearly, a bomb. Our heroes run, Luna managing to wake up in time- though not before seeing a vision of nine stars slicing through the sky in formation before scattering to the winds. She and Wist each other as support as they run, Rodna chasing after, and Kaneis quickly passing them all as they rush ahead- the healthiest of them all, trying to clear the way. But all the spirits and undead that remain seem frozen. They run, footsteps silent, hearts pounding, the impending doom behind them glowing fiercer. Rodna falls, out of breath. Wist and Luna try to pull her to her feet. Kaneis doubles back to help. They feel as though they’re running in sand, and then- vision gone white, a massive explosion piercing the silence.
Our heroes awaken on the front yard of Tamiyo’s home, each in a pile of pristine white sand, soft and gentle. Luna has a golden ring marked with a face in her hands, she does not know from where, with a message held between the teeth. She looks at it, a mystery. Wist collapses in the sand, crying from exhaustion. Kaneis sits there, shaken. Rodna just lays face down. They have barely survived.
Then, a faint glow. A woman in gold robes, the kami Kaneis met, appears. A silver dragon perched across her shoulders. She introduces herself as Michiko and Kyodai, the Sisters of Flesh and Spirit, the patron gods of this plane- higher than any other, but bound by the metaphysical rules of their domain, as they explain in the wake of Wist’s anger at what has transpired. They apologize for what has happened, for as much as that matters, and after some discussion reveal that Luna is the Tide Star Seer- one of five blessed by the dragons of Kamigawa, and the strange visions and dreams are her future sight manifesting.
With that, the Sisters grant our heroes each a boon. Wist uses hers to task the Sisters with restructuring society upon the plane, so no one is powerless to shape their own fate. Rodna asks them to rid her of the corruption stemming from her palm, and is given a wolf shaped amulet that will absorb the power of that which changed her, ridding her of that corruptive force. Kaneis simply asks “Why am I?”, and they answer that they hold within them an intensely beautiful soul- to return to Theros with their companions will answer the questions they seek, and Kaneis receives a compass to guide the way. Luna, meanwhile, does not know what boon she will ask- but when she does, the Sisters will act.
In the aftermath of all this, our heroes return to Tamiyo’s home- not difficult given they’re on her front porch- to regroup, recover, and inform the poor Soratami of what all happened. Luna inspects the ring she found in her hand, the note telling “Those who fought the Black Dragon, seek out the One Made Five”, but decides they’ll handle that later. As well, much to Tamiyo’s horror and the concern of our heroes, the Iron Scroll casings are now each marked with a symbol that they swear was not there before- an upside down pyramid with a ruby in the center.
But those mysterious will have to wait. Instead, our heroes have made a decision… Rodna is too important to them to leave in a lurch like this. Next stop, Innistrad.
Innistrad is an awful place at the best of times- always cold, often dark, the wilderness full of all manner of creature with a desire to kill you. And that was before the Trevails, when the ancient eldritch creature known as Emrakul came to the plane, corruption in her wake… though a different set of heroes solved that problem well before our heroes ever met. But it is in that aftermath of a world that Rodna, Luna, Wist, and Kaneis find themselves, on the hunt for information about Rodna’s mark, and how to cure it.
They march down the road to Ulm, the town nearest their arrival. A simple town, with more than a few problems, and our heroes feel the need to do as heroes do and help out. There’s a murderer on the prowl, the town is down to the last dregs of humanity who wish to survive here, and it is only through helping solve this case that Ulm will be saved.
The investigation begins, the party splitting up to cover more ground. Kaneis bonds with a small child. Wist examines the four victims. Rodna infiltrates secret areas of the local parish. Luna makes friends. Far too much happens in far too much detail to properly set up in a recap in any reasonable length of time which is wild because look at how big this document is already dear lord.
Fact is, our heroes discover some of the many secrets of Ulm, and end up finding the murderer- a cultist and his son, who they swiftly dispatch after exploring his strange, haunted hideout. Within, they discover something far more important; a portrait of Rodna, from before she was turned into a vampire. Turns out, the cult has ties to her origin… and someone in town has seen a woman who has the same fiery red hair as she does.
Journeying through the woods to find said person, the planeswalkers encounter a tribe of strange were-panthers- previously encountered during the investigations. They are led to meet the leader of their tribe, to negotiate a peace with Ulm. Said leader is a tall panther-man with a  deep, strong voice and a penchant for speaking in metaphor- Kaneis matches wits with their own poetry, Wist strikes to the heart of the issues, Luna is less than thrilled, and Rodna is wary. The man, calling himself the Sage, leaves them with cryptic comments and a singular warning; the shadow of a Planeswalker leaves a long shadow. He does offer to make peace with Ulm as Wist requests, and our heroes leave to continue their search.
It does not take very long; in a clearing of the woods, far enough from civilization to be reasonably called idyllic, they find a simple log cabin. A woman with fiery red hair, working her day. It is Rodna’s mother, and the reunion is terrifically sad. Not least of which because… reunions often mean departures. Rodna is oh so very tired, and this is the first sign of something stable and comforting in a long time. She opts to stay, for now, to learn of her history and why she became what she is- the attempt at revitalizing a dying house of vampire nobility, mutating for reasons still unclear save for being marked as some grand Matriarch of import.
Rodna would rather not have to deal with that, so she rests, and our heroes leave with heavy hearts. They know they may see her again, but for now it is goodbye. Their next task; learn the truth of that mysterious symbol. And so they leave for Dominaria, to investigate the mighty libraries of Tolaria…
Wist, Luna, and Kaneis find themselves on the plane of Dominaria. Not the first time for any of them, though Tolaria’s coastal locale is a new one. School is currently out for the upcoming autumn season, and the library should be mostly empty. But other mysterious faces roam those storied halls…
Splitting up to cover more ground, Luna heads off and encounters two such faces- Myfanwy, a Faerie wizard from Eldraine with many a secret of her own, and Linessa, a local Human wizard. Seeking the adventure most likely to be found within this school, she joins the two of them in their quest to access the so-called Forbidden Texts. Myfanwy thinks all knowledge should be free, Linessa has a thesis to write, and Luna sees this for the adventure it truly is.
Wist and Kaneis meanwhile scour the shelves for books pertaining to the strange mark, and find a mysterious face of their own; Linessa, a human wizard local to the plane. The mystery of these same-named folks obscured for the time being, they assist her in hunting down tomes, eventually finding a handful of promising leads; a book on demons and a diary of an extremely ordinary, dull man.
The diary is so boring that Kaneis nearly falls asleep reading it… only to pierce the veil of this illusion and receive a strange poem of a riddle. Before they can bring it up, disaster strikes as Wist pries open the demon book with a blast of magical ice, unsealing one of the demons from within; a demon from her own home plane. They fight it tooth and claw and tail, but only thanks to the appearance of Myfanwy (who has completed the exam and gone exploring) that they manage to survive the beast.
Myfanwy then leaves again as our heroes recover, reuniting with Luna and the Linessa she met to reach the Forbidden Texts room, guarded by a delightful talking door. Gaining access, they pore over the books inside to find something, anything, that may give them the answers they seek. Myfanwy finds a book on the stars of multiple planes, Luna finds an old scroll on the history of Kamigawa, specifically regarding the Dragon Stars, and Linessa… finds what she is looking for, before vanishing in a gust of wind.
The Linessa with Wist and Kaneis vanishes as well, having satisfied her curiosity with the two planeswalkers, just in time for Luna and newcomer Myfanwy to return. They reconvene, and if you’re reading this right now that means you’ve caught up! If you’ve got any questions please ask me! I'd love to ramble about this (but no spoilers some of my players follow me)
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team-frightfur · 1 year
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Yuya: Jeez, Serena, why does Team Frightfur let you have TWO outfits!?
Serena: To match Arc V.
Name: Serena.
Vision/Delusion: Inazuman Cryo/Mass-Produced Anemo.
Weapon: Sword.
Boss Drop: Maguu Kenki.
Talents: Tartaglia.
Ascension Stat: Crit Damage.
Affiliation: Fatui -> Sakaki Travelling Theatre Troupe.
Constellation: Lunae Panthera (Lunar Panthera)
Model: Medium Female.
Like Arc V's Serena, Genshin Serena is serious, aggressive, and humourless. However, she's also extremely honour driven and easily misled/surprised/pranked due to her upbringing. 
Like Yuri, Serena was picked up by Arleccino following the fire. Unlike Yuri, Serena possessed and maintained a strong sense of honour from a young age (though whether Yuri had one to begin with is questionable). As a result, she's largely uncomfortable with the Fatui's actions but attempts to satisfy herself by thinking "If I fight enough, they'll transfer me to one of Tartaglia's units. Surely he would understand."
Eager to transfer, she threw herself into her training, eventually gaining a name as a model trainee and soldier. Despite her efforts, though, Yuri, Sora and Dennis have always overshadowed her due to their visions, which annoys Serena. Instead, while Serena wasn't powerful, trusted, or mature enough to receive a proper delusion, she was given a mass-produced delusion to augment her abilities. Thankfully, Serena was informed of the delusion's side effects, allowing her to avoid Teppei's fate. Still, her occasional use of the delusion has cost a few years of her life, turning part of her hair white.
Eventually, Serena achieved her long-fought dream and, before deployment, was transferred to Tartaglia's unit. Unfortunately, her orders were still the same. Go to Inazuma and support Scaramouche La Signora in any way she can. Naturally, the Fatui don't consider 'squeamishness' an excuse, forcing Serena to violate her morals again and again. Realising that, even under Tartaglia, she would still be miserable was deeply depressing for Serena but, with no home other than Snezhnaya, she had no choice but to miserably live on.
"If we have to destroy Inazuma, can't we let them fight back? Watching Inazuma destroy itself is just...wrong."
As the year wore on, such thoughts tormented her. Of course, she knew the repercussions of speaking out so, until the Traveler foiled their plans, she held back. Instead, it was as the boats were retreating from the beaches and ports that she finally made her choice.
"After everything I've done, I refuse to run away. I'm going to face my fate with honour."
The moment she said it, she gained her Cryo Vision in a flash of light.
Yuri stared, laughed, and said "No one was expecting you back, you know!" in his usual mocking tone. Still, he didn't prevent her desertion. The first, only, and last kindness he'll ever show her.
There on the shores of Nazuchi beach, Serena made her last stand. Using her new Cryo powers, she fought as hard as she could but, in the end, she was slapped in the face by a brutal Yuzu, Shun, Ruri and Yuto combo.
Losing, she expected. What she didn’t expect was waking up. As it turned out, instead of killing her, the Resistance had taken her prisoner. Assuming they wished to interrogate her, Serena bluntly told them she’d die before talking, instructing them to kill her, instead. 
Regardless, they tried their damndest and, while they didn’t extract any useful information, they did learn of her desertion. Then, since Serena was officially no longer their enemy, Kokomi gave Serena to the Sakaki Travelling Theatre Troupe to deal with.
Shun wanted to throw her off a cliff, Ruri wanted to put her on trial, Yuto wanted her to send her to Snezhnaya, Yuzu wanted her to serve her sentence, and Yuya put her in a maid outfit, saying “Welcome to the fold, sister!”
He’d kind of Just gotten his vision back. No one wanted to depress him. So it was that Serena became the Sakaki Theatre Troupe’s new…Maid. 
Assorted headcanons: 
Serena is easily impressed with street food and enjoys sweets. 
She’s extremely dedicated to her housework, treating it like a military order.
While many are concerned about her gallivanting around in a maid’s outfit, Serena has no clue that maid outfits are ‘funny’ or ‘humiliating’ and is deeply attached to her clothes. “They’re proof of Yuya’s forgiveness!” No one has the heart to tell her.  
Arlecchino: Her first adoptive parent. Even after deserting, Serena is drop-dead terrified of Arlecchino and will refuse to divulge any sensitive information. Unbeknownst to Serena, though, she’s actually considered a potential sleeper agent by Arlecchino so, as long as she doesn’t give up Fatui secrets, Arlecchino is willing to let her live. For now. 
Tartaglia: her favourite Harbinger, they share a fixation on honour and love of battle, but hate espionage. They’ve also never met. It’s kinda Parasocial on Serena’s part.
Yuri: He was picked up alongside Serena and therefore calls her ‘Sister’. Although he’s not quite kind, if it’s between hanging with SSD (Serena, Sora and Dennis) and anyone else, he’d choose them every time. Additionally, while Yuri was aware of Serena’s flaws (fixation on honour and dislike of espionage) he never raised them to her superiors, liking her just the way she was.
“It’s not ‘like’! I just find her desperate attempts at heroism amusing!”  
Sora and Dennis: Serena and Yuri’s friends. Much like Yuri, they protected Serena from her superiors and silently wish her happiness in Inazuma. If Serena ever betrays the Fatui, Yuri, Sora and Dennis will be ordered to assassinate her. It’s a punishment for both sides, Serena for deserting and Yuri, Sora and Dennis for letting her walk away.
Yusho and Yoko- her second set of adoptive parents. Despite her past, they forgive and accept her. They can see from her maid work how genuine she is in her defection. Plus, they know how important Yuya and Yuzu’s siblings are to them.
Yuzu: Serena’s long-lost biological sister. Although, at first, Yuzu was disappointed to find her sister was a fatuus, she’s taken to rehabilitating her with zeal. Yuzu gave Serena her obi and ribbons. The arrowhead pattern represents her wish for Serena to “never go home” (since arrows, once fired, cannot return). 
Yuya: Although he lost his vision due to the meddling of the Fatui, Yuya doesn’t hold Serena’s past against her. Instead, he values her as a fellow member of the troupe, important sibling of Yuzu’s, and respects her for her honour and courage. Besides, to him, the more Fatui realise they can build a home outside Snezhnaya, the better! Yuya was the one to give Serena her kimono. He picked Peonies for bravery, Anemone for sincerity, and Violets for honesty.
Shun and Yuto: Although they resent Serena for her actions as a Fatui, they hold back for Yuya and Yuzu’s sakes. Serena knows this and is determined to show them how serious she is about turning her life around. They become closer over time and, eventually, the only fights that spark between them are over card games.
Ruri: Unlike Shun and Yuto, Ruri doesn’t resent Serena, but she still bears a healthy suspicion. Like Yuzu, though, Ruri is happy to have her sister back, so she’s a lot more active in pushing Serena’s rehabilitation/redemption than her fellow Watasumi Islanders. 
Thoma: Serena’s housekeeping senpai. She follows him like a lost puppy in her free time, eager to take her housework into a new level of efficiency. Thoma obliges.
Kit (Cryo Only I’m Lazy Lmao)
Elemental Skill: Moon-Reflecting Frostblade.
Serena enters the ‘Moondance’ state. Moondance has no duration, instead, it will automatically conclude after 6 normal attacks. Switching out will also cancel Moondance. Moondance’s cooldown will only begin after Serena exits Moondance. 
Moondance has three effects. First, it infuses all Serena’s normal attacks with Cryo. Second, a ‘Moon Mirror’ will be generated after every successful normal attack. Third, every successful hit will be accompanied by a cryo follow up attack. (She attacks twice. Get it?) 
Elemental Burst: Storm of Dancing Ice.
Upon activating Storm of Dancing Blades, all Serena’s moon mirrors will transform into ‘Moondance Turrets’. When any character other than Serena normal attacks (no need for a hit), the Moondance Turrets will fire a cryo blast (Hail-Shot). 
When there are three moondance turrets, Serena’s Hail Shots have no ICD. It’s time to forward melt. 
Passive Talent: Resource Efficiency.
When a party member uses attacks to obtain wood from a tree, they have a 25% chance to get an additional log of wood.
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dkniade · 4 months
Some reactions I noted down of Fontaine OSTs. It was my first time listening to it so I had no context (except that it showed up in a Childe theme playlist and the album art suggests it’s Fontaine) and—(found out seconds ago)—oh it’s actually the themes for the whale boss phase 1 and 2?? (I thought it maybe played during a cutscene)
OST “Eschatologia Iudicata”
Suspense, almost horror, something mysterious and dangerous, with a heartbeat sound. Choir gives a religious vibe. A faint arpeggio in the background (2:26) sounds similar to the electric guitar in La Signora boss fight phase two
OST “Silhouette of Catastrophe”
My god. What IS this. It’s like reality itself is being torn apart. I nearly thought my device is malfunctioning due to how glitchy the track sounds. Power, heartbeat sounds, water sounds, something that sounds like whale song. This has to do with the All-Devouring Narwhal doesn’t it
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djinmer4 · 9 months
Genshin Impact x Hades Crossover
TBD with Murata and the Tsaritsa, but I thought it's far enough along to at least make a start on this.
Traveler (either Kong or Ying by choice) as protag, going through the stages to get answers about their sibling.
Decided to combine or split the character roles.
House of Hades/Mondstadt: Starting area, get teleported back every time you 'die' in a run. Shops, currency exchange, quest bulletin board, get your own house? to decorate and show off collections and accomplishments. Should be very pretty. Maybe a fake sky?
Characters in this area:
Xiao and Ganyu as Thanatos and Hypnos, generally hang around and offer gossip (or ". . ." I suppose in Xiao's case). Both occasionally show up in your runs to offer help, Xiao offers you a challenge the same as Thanatos, Ganyu offers a complete heal. Each can only appear once per run, although they may not appear at all.
Katheryne as Hades, hanging around always doing paperwork. She makes commentary on your run, like Hypnos except much more obviously sarcastic. She also gives out challenges/bounties and you can purchase decorative upgrades from her. (I originally was going to put Jean here, for the paperwork, but Katheryne seems to make more sense.)
Noelle as Dusa, mostly just commentary and can increase relationship values here.
Diluc as Achilles, offers combat advice as you try out new weapons and boons. Maybe also offers to spar with you for practice? Unlike Skelly, he fights back though.
Dori as the Wretched Broker, exchanging artifacts for currency or vice-versa. She also takes the place of Charon during the runs, offering items, boons and artifacts in return for currency, either in person or at shops. Maybe an extra boss if you steal from her, but not THE bonus boss.
Skirk as Nyx, more commentary, maybe the one who advances the plot?
Tartarus/Liyue: First hostile area, shown mostly underground, as opposed to Mondstadt. Mostly dark with gold accents, very luxurious looking (as opposed to Tartarus appearance of a prison).
Dainsleif is the merchant in this area, implied to be sneaking around for unknown reasons and should drop hints in conversation on how to advance the plot.
The boss for this area is an Abyss Lector, either one or a combination of Enjou, Egill and Agnarr. Enjou would be the only one who really talks and is friendly to the Traveler. None of them show up in Mondstadt.
Asphodel/Fontaine?: Definitely full of rivers, maybe frozen over. Elegant in appearance, lots of fountains.
The merchant is Faruzan. She's in a comfortable, luxurious palace with lots of resources, but implied to be stuck only in the palace and ironically without the items/artifacts she needs to get out. While normal items can be purchased with the regular currency, advancing the relationship with her would involve bringing her artifacts so she can build something that would allow her to escape.
The boss for the area would be the All-Devouring Narwhal.
Elysium/Sumeru: Rooms should alternate between jungle and desert decorations. (I really wanted to do Mondstadt here instead, but I decided it worked better as the starting area.)
Kaeya is the merchant in the area. He's a lot more snarky than Patroclus but maybe some hints of depression still. Advancing both his and Diluc's friendship points means helping them rebuild their relationship, usually by passing messages back and forth to each other. (Personally, I'd like the idea that you can make choices to tilt the relationship to be either romantic or familial, but we know that developers would never go for it.)
La Signora and Childe are the bosses, with La Signora being the Theseus expy and Childe as Asterius. NB: while La Signora shows both Pyro and Cryo abilities and Childe Electro and Hydro, they can only summon the Tsaritsa for an aid attack. Maybe stick a relationship path with Childe, maybe advancing by doing certain challenges?
Temple of Styx/Greece: Not sure what to put here. It would either be Khain'rieh or Celestia, neither of which have been seen yet.
Cerberus would be Durin, except instead of finding a Fetid Sack, you'd pick up a Mondstadt souvenir instead.
The final boss is the Traveler's sibling. Each time you defeat him or her you get a chance to ask one of three questions. But not all questions advance the plot and if you choose the wrong one, well you just have to go again. Not sure what causes the Traveler to return to the beginning each time.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
the funniest part about being kin with La Signora from Genshin Impact is the fact that i can fight myself every monday *starts breakdancing while my boss theme plays in the background*
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double-4-designer · 2 years
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Weekly bosses reset today. Who’s fighting La Signora?
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genshinmp3 · 2 years
Saltatio Favillae from Islands of the Lost and Forgotten Yu-Peng Chen, HOYO-MiX
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dourpeep · 2 years
Do you feel as if genshin is becoming too much of a chore? I haven't done weekly boss fights in Over 2 months, simply because I just don't have the drive. Hell, i havent even done scaras archon quest. :/ Even with Good stats, 100% crit, 200% damage, I still feel as if I'm getting no where, barely making 7k damage at times. Is the game so rigged? Like do I have to c6 and refine 5 everything just to be decent? I know my character choices matter but Jesus, didn't think it mattered that much >>
A little? I think it's just because there isn't main story atm, at least for me. I still have the desert quests to do ehehe
But I've been telling myself "I'll get around to doing them once I get the rest of the parts for a pc" (since I'm building one rn w/ the help of my cousin's) but it'll probably another month or so before that happens so I should really stop putting off quests since they just pile up!
Otherwise, I don't mind it being so slow--considering I'm endgame w/ good artis, I just really log in to do dailys and then also arti farming since you can never really have a perfect artifact. Regardless, it's not really something that you should worry about--and in my opinion, the game isn't rigged to favor character constellations or 5* limited weapons. It helps, for sure, but you can get through all the current content just fine with minimal limited 5* since the characters that you are guaranteed are pretty well-rounded!
If I have to really think about it, it is more of a "can you memorize boss patterns" as well as team synergy more than a character choice!
Namely with stuff like La Signora, Raiden or Scaramouche. I'd say that Ruin Serpent is similar as well...but basically, it feels like mhy is starting to branch more towards bosses similar to an mmo with attack patterns that jumble but happen a specific way (that you then can determine from the first few moments of the boss charging up)--BUT it could just be me!
Uh uh but yeah--really, while you can get away with using any character with anything (that isn't to say it won't be difficult or time consuming), perhaps take a peek at what your comp is and how that lines up with your performance? Maybe that might help?
That being said, don't force yourself if ur not feeling it! It could also just be that you're not as into Genshin as you were before so things just feel lackluster in comparison
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fates-theysband · 2 years
every so often I remember the dream I had a while back about a genshin/dark souls collab where the player would have to like. go through an area that just straight up WAS a dark souls area (I think it was specifically blighttown?) copy and pasted into genshin with no change to the art style and once they made it out they’d be dropped back into the actual genshin setting on a beach and then have to fight a dark souls-style boss
I later learned that the boss in my dream like, Literally Was la signora’s boss form. I had never seen it before because I do not play this game.
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c6jpg · 2 years
more scaramouche thought hours you know it
kinda sad that we probably won't ever get to see scaramouche actually fight pre-robot pre-playable vision or whatever the fuck he's getting. we keep getting told that he's pretty fucking powerful and the fatui did some shenanigans to unlock whatever ei sealed away but we've never actually seen him fight, like WHAT powers are they even talking about. we'll probably never know :(
like i kinda wish his boss fight was more like our other humanoid weekly bosses where it's their normal form for the first phase and THEN he gets in the robot. like i get plot-wise he's long already in the robot but come on. i love the raiden shogun phase 1 part so much precisely because it feels a lot more like one-on-one combat (and childe to an extent but he dies in like 5 seconds. and la signora just kinda stands there). phase 2 is always more like just avoid their big flashy moves and i feel like that's gonna be scaramouche's entire fight.
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