#lady Vepar
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Chapter 101, page 16
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Devotional activities for Vepar
💦 Take a trip to a local River or Beach
💦 Practice safe curse work
💦 Practice self-care
💦 Find ways of advocating for local aquatic wildlife
💦 Learn more about aquatic flora and fauna
Sources: The Book of Oberon, Psuedomonarchia Daemonum, Lesser Key of Solomon/Lemegeton/Ars Goetia, Stellas Daemonum by David Crowhurst and JSK's Pandemonium.
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miano-oscarwilde · 1 year
More posters of fav characters, some of them screaming for attention
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misaqtx · 1 year
im back with a wip drawing
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it looks so...😓😭
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helluvaoutlaw · 5 months
*Newspaper article on the Davy Jones Gazette*:
"Duke Vephar Brutally Slain by Mysterious Assassin in The Night"
In a shocking turn of events, Duke Vephar, a prominent and highly revered member of the Ars Goetia demon family, was brutally murdered in the dead of night. The fiendish aristocrat, known for his influence and power within the underworld, fell victim to an unknown assailant who wielded an angelic blade, leaving the Ars Goetia family reeling with disbelief and fear.
Duke Vephar, renowned for his cunning intellect and formidable strength, held a position of great importance among the demon hierarchy. His sudden and violent demise has sent shockwaves throughout the infernal realm, raising questions about the stability and security of demonkind.
The circumstances surrounding Duke Vephar's murder remain shrouded in mystery. Two servants inside the palace report hearing the distinct sound of a rattlesnake tail coming from their master's bedroom before the deadly attack occurred. The use of an angelic blade has fueled speculation and fear among demons.
Authorities within the Envy ring have launched a full-scale investigation into the heinous crime, but progress has been slow as they struggle to identify any leads or suspects. The lack of tangible evidence has only deepened the sense of unease and paranoia gripping the underworld.
As the investigation into Duke Vephar's murder continues, demons across the infernal domain remain on edge, wary of the lurking danger that now threatens their once-secure existence. The brutal slaying of such a revered figure serves as a chilling reminder that even the most powerful among them are not immune to the perils that lurk in the shadows of Hell.
Duke Vephar, husband to Lady Nerissa and father of two children (Calypso and Nireus), commanded twenty-nine legions of demons, wielding authority over the vast expanse of the waters and the ominous depths below.
Great Duke Vephar's dominion over the seas was legendary, his influence extending far and wide as he guided armoured ships laden with ammunition and weapons through treacherous waters. With a mere gesture, he could transform calm seas into a maelstrom of fury, conjuring storms that would strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest sailors.Yet, amidst his powers of destruction and chaos, Vephar possessed the ability to inflict agonizing torment upon mortal flesh.
With a mere whisper, he could sentence humans to a gruesome fate, causing putrefying sores and wounds to fester and breed with writhing worms, ensuring a slow and agonizing demise that stretched over three harrowing days.
Indeed, the passing of Great Duke Vepar leaves a void in the infernal realm that will be felt deeply by all who knew of his power and influence.
He will be missed.
*Meanwhile, in an unknown location.*
Poor bastard never stood a chance...hehehehe...
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losthavenart · 1 year
Vepar and Focalor - The Twins, the Lord of Plagues and Lady of Decay
Vepar and Focalor individually are considered two of the weaker Greater Demons of the Hells, but they are twins that share a symbiotic relationship and so are rarely caught without the other and together pose a significant threat as well as the power to be considered Greater Demons in the first place.
Vepar is the Lord of Plagues and appears like a heavily shrouded and gaunt human rat hybrid covered in weeping boils and talking with a rasping tone broken by a wracking cough each of which spurts countless diseases. Vepar of the two prefers to keep a safe distance hurling miasmic magics towards those that displease him.
Focalor is the Lady of Decay and takes the visage of a decaying corpse of what may have once been a beautiful woman with a ruptured distended stomach leaking countless maggots and flies. She drags a rusted and decaying scythe with her which she can swing in dangerous arcs instantly causing rank and decaying wounds. All the while her flies distract and make it difficult for foes to strike her in turn.
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daimonpriestess · 1 year
30 days of Deity Devotion
5) Members of the family – genealogical connections
I am not listing every Daemon. But everyone already knows the fallen angels and that "Heaven and Hell" story. The main one's like Lucifer, Abbaddon, Satan, Beezlebub, Belphegor and Mammon or the 7 deadly sins are his closest siblings.
But he is also close to Focular and Belial, though they can be a bit competive. (Could be just around me though hee hee)
The one Asmodeus has told me he doesn't like though is Vepar/Vespar. Aside from "The Angels."
His parents are judgmental homophobes though so he doesn't like to talk about them, specially the past. Him being oppressed before I'm pretty sure is why he became the king of lust in the first place. (This is a Personal Gnosis as told through my tarot readings with him)
Although in other accounts his father is King David and his mother is Agrat bat Mahlat (A Succubus Queen) making him a cambion. Which doesn't make much sense tying in with King Solomon if you ask me... This is not true.
In Hebrew lore, he is the son of Lady Naamah.(an aspect of Lilith) And was once human.
Lilith is his counterpart, (an aspect anyway, the younger Lilith) he's had others but they are not named, aside from human consorts.
But Deities pasts are vast and varied and their family lineage even more so. So I would take what you believe to be true or what he has personally divulged.
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lumiinousbeingsold · 3 months
Biblical and Mythical
Daenerys Targaryen
Rhaella Targaryen
Cersei Lannister
Genna Lannister
Margaery Tyrell
Arianne Martell
Jeyne Westerling
Elaena Perzonys
Wynafryd Manderly
Dacey Mormont
Darlessa Tully
Lyanna Stark
Gwenys Snow
Ravenna Bolton
Argella Baratheon (Durrandon)
Maris Baratheon
Thalassa Blackfyre
Bellegere Otherys
Baela Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Laena Velaryon
Laerissa Velaryon
Alicent Hightower
Alys Rivers
Barba Bolton
Saera Targaryen
Alysanne Targaryen
Rohanne Webber
Isabela of Rivain
Morrigan of the Wilds
Supernatural Genre
Dara Winchester
Emma Winchester
Meg Masters
Claire Novak
Rowena Macleod
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hope Mikaelson
Josie Saltzman
Davina Claire
Rosalie Hale
Esme Cullen
Edythe Masen
Rose Hathaway
Sydney Sage
Defne Mazur
Kate Fuller
Santanico Pandemonium
Winnie St. Hollow
Annis Hope
Daci Ambrose
Bella Dawn Franklin
Hana Pierce
Mona Hayes Jensen
Nari Rhee
Stefania Corsetti
Xiomara Luna-Corsetti
Libby Morgenstern
Rhea Stellamaris
Leia Organa
Nyssa Skywalker
Brielle Fenmar
Jade Caxis
Rayali Coursti
Evie Grimhilde
Maren Hook
Audrey Rose
Allegra Rose
Léonie Legume
Gabrielle de Bourbon
Nafesa al Kubra
Lumi Dwergaz
Calla Stahlbaum
Thea Mousai
Clara Stahlbaum
Kara Kent
Diana Prince
Harley Quinn
Artemis Crock
M'gann M'orzz
Lena Luthor
Darmaris Morningstar
Stella Rogers
Natasha Romanoff
Becca Barnes-Romanoff
Pepper Potts
Shuri Udaku
Medea Harkness
The God Tempest
Layla El Faouly
Allison Hargreeves
Sloane Hargreeves
Lien Hargreeves
Lila Pitts
Andromache the Scythian
Theo Crain | Canon ; Kate Siegel ; 36 in the show, currently 42 ; Lesbian ; Cis Woman, She/Her | Middle sibling in the Crain clan, Theo was always... more sensitive to certain things than her siblings were, and that sensitivity only heightened during their stay at Hill House in the summer of 1992, where she and her four siblings were left traumatized by the sudden death of their mother Olivia. As an adult, Theo obtained her phD with royalties from her brother Steven's books, and now works with children.
Nell Crain | Canon-ish ; Victoria Pedretti ; 32 in the show, currently 38 in aus ; Bisexual ; Cis Woman, She/Her | Youngest of the Crain clan, Nell had been a happy child until that fateful summer of '92, plagued thereafter of dreams of a Bent-Neck Lady, not knowing until it was too late who she was.
Jennifer Check | Canon Divergent ; Shay Mitchell ; 16 in the movie, 31 currently ; Bisexual with a fem lean ; Cis Woman, She/Her | Satanic sacrifice by your favorite boy band is sooo not a good way to die, but luckily Jennifer lied about being a virgin when Nikolai Wolf asked. Not so luckily, the ritual used turns any non virgins sacrificed into demons, feeding off of fear and flesh to maintain their vitality, much like a twisted succubus. After boys began to go missing, Jennifer’s best friend researched what could have happened to her that fateful night, eventually taking action against her. Somehow, Jennifer survived Needy’s attempt, and fled Devil’s Kettle, where she opted to find more… deserving prey.
Love Quinn
Elysia Campos
Jessica Whitly
Ainsley Whitly
Odalys Capello
Aston Capello
Ronnie Teller-Morrow
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missgoldnweek · 2 years
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jackdollnan · 3 years
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down below color variant 
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saynogender · 4 years
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lady vepar icons | like or reblog if you save
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goeticdaemons · 3 years
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Ladies of Hell
I feel the need to read more about demons who are, or sometimes appear, as feminine. I want to work with them more but lack the time. Reading about Them is a form of devotion and that works well for me. Please reblog or message me with any that your work with or suggestions for me.
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beebubb · 3 years
My creepypasta AU! I really wanted to make my own creepypasta world where i can come up with ideas for the characters as to designing and coming up with their personalities and other stuff!
But before I describe my AU/world here are a few things I want to mention first
1. Some of these ideas are inspired by vivziepop, snuffbomb(I do not support what he did in the past, I just like the characters from the comic Creeps), and pastamonsters
2. There are ships that I will include with my OCs but it DOESN'T mean that I'm one of those fangirls that are like "BEnY iS mInE aNd nO oNe eLsE CaN hAvE him!!" and go after other fans! I respect if you ship yourself or your own characters with the same pasta that I like or if you like someone else! Also I might post some headcanons later on that will be based off of my AU and also I might do those Y/N x *insert your creepypasta love interest here* later on as well! So if you like this and wanna ask something or request something later on you can!
3. You don't have to completely like or agree with every single thing I write or make in my AU! This is just for my entertainment and for others!
4. This is includes demonology so I have like princes/kings/Dukes etc of hell so yes that does mean I include stolas but it is not the same stolas from helluva boss (made by vivziepop)
5. The entities I mention that are part of Demonology, each have their purpose as well.
OK now that I got that out of the way here is a bit of my AU!
The world is divided into 3, which is the earth world, underworld, and hell. What's the difference?
Earth world: this is the normal human world, where people like us exist etc
Underworld: this is where all monsters and killers live and exist (I was inspired by this part by the Creeps comic sense I really liked the concept of having an underworld for killers to live at)
Hell: this is where prince's, queens, kings, princesses, of hell exist. So pretty much rulers of hell.
What happens in the underworld?
(this was also inspired by Creeps) in the underworld it is kind of like the earth world, but of course like I mentioned before, this is where killers exist and all that.
The difference is pretty much what you do, what you can study for, what you do for work, and lifestyle.
What can you study for and work for in the underworld?
Here you can study for careers like morticians, hitman, bounty killers, professional stalkers, and killer apprentices(can also be known as studying to be a proxy), or a demon's apprentice (what you dedicate for is depending the demon you decide to work for)
There are also normal jobs of course, like surgeon, CEO, entrepreneur, and pathologist.
What's the difference between hell and the underworld?
In the underworld it is pretty much normal people that became killers, ghosts, etc.
In hell, only royalty and rulers live there.
Who are in hell?
Queen: lilith
Kings: bael, paimon, asmodeus, purson, belial, viné, balam, zalgo, zagan
Dukes: amduscias, Agares, eligos, astaroth, valefar, barbatos, gusion, zepar, bathin, saleos, aim, buné, berith, focalor, vepar, vual, crocell, allocer, murmur, gremory, vapula, flauros, dantalion.
Princes: vassago, sitri, ipos, gaap, stolas, orobas, seir, beelzebub, lucifer, slenderman (he is zalgo's son here)
Marquises: gamigin, aamon, leraje, naberius, ronové, forneus, marchosias, phenex, sabnock, shax, orias, andras, andrealphus, kimaris, decarabia.
Earls: furfur, malthus, raum, bifrons, andfomalius
Knights: furcas
President: barbas, buer, botis, morax, glasya-labolas, foras, malphas, haagenti, camio, ose, Amy, valac.
How can you get to the underworld?
There are a few ways that you can get to the underworld which are
1. You get brought by a demon from hell or by slenderman himself (very common and popular way). This usually happens once the underworld would be a much better place for you (for example, for Ben drowned he was brought to the underworld by slenderman after he died sense well he's a ghost now and was literally part of a hunted legend of Zelda video game so he was basically a bit of a poltergeist)
2. If you have any background with a killer that already lives in the underworld that was or is still related to you, you can also be brought to the underworld (kind of like when will Grossman was brought to the underworld and Isaac was looking for him (Isaac was his great great great grandpa I think))
3. Once your time has come to be in the underworld, you'll be teleported here, if you are dying then you would just wake up here, and if you are still conscious, you'll black out and get teleported.
What happens once you get to the underworld? Do you change?
Not much is changed, you still have the same personality and physical appearance that you had when you were in the underworld, the only physical change varies depending on how you died or why you came to the underworld (kind of like hazbin hotel and helluva boss, that depending on how you died you get left a mark that shows) or depending on what you did to yourself, a few examples are these:
-Jeff the killer: sense he killed his family and cut a smile on to his face, then when he's in the underworld, that smile does become permanent and a part of him, so it won't heal like a normal cut
-amari (my OC) didn't do anything to herself like Jeff did, but she was just power hungry and thrill seeking out of killing, so sense she has no self inflicted physical marks, once she came to the underworld, she had a skull in the iris of her eye (this kinda came out of the "the eyes are the Window to the soul" thing, and sense she literally wanted the death of others, she had a skull on her eye)
What pastas will I include? (if you are interested in having me do a y/n x creepypasta thing and you wanna know who I am including then this list is for you!)
-Jeff the killer
-Ben drowned
-Jane the killer
-Will grossman
-laughing jack
-nina the killer
-hoodie/Brian (I won't include marble hornets so here hoodie/Brian are the same, same goes for masky/Tim)
-sherry(my OC)
-eyeless jack
-ticci toby
-amelie/lady(my OC)
-amari(my OC)
-Damien (my OC)
-hobo heart
Info of the demons
They all have different personalities, morals, and different beliefs. So just because they are demons, it doesn't mean everyone is evil (except for zalgo, he's an evil mf)
-Some of them teach at the institution or schools
-they can make deals with anyone from the earth world and underworld
-sometimes they can take someone under their wing when they see potential in them
-Some of them have businesses, safe houses, proxies, etc just like slenderman
-sometimes they hire hitmen, bounty killers, and stalkers
Well that's it for now! I hope you like this concept I made!and like I said, I this is just for fun! Nothing of this is Canon for the original creators of the pastas or other characters, it's just something I made for my own entertainment and others!
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the-siren-saga · 5 years
Mistress of Avarice
"And our lovely benefactor has returned," purred that beautiful, seductive voice as Vepar walked into the office. "Come, have a seat. Let's talk."
She was used to it by now, or thought she was. Everyone loved to think they were immune to his charms, until they were so taken in by him that they no longer cared. "You flatter me, Marchosias," she said, as tonelessly as possible, with the most diplomatic of smiles as she inclined her head slightly in respect. There were those who worshipped him, thought him a god even above the Hethe, but she had never been one of those. She did, however, know power when she saw it, and she had risen as far as she had in the Court by finding power and allying herself with it. Vepar Oshtai could be many things, but above all, she was strategic.
He leaned forward as the Mistress of Avarice sat down across from him. It was hard to ignore how fluidly and effortlessly he moved, as if every motion was a step in a dance that only he knew. "Well, one of such cunning wit and striking appearance must allow herself to be flattered from time to time, wouldn't you agree?"
She knew this game. She knew it very well. Best not to resist at this point. If she made it too easy, he'd get bored and move on, but if she fought, he'd pursue her further– therefore, by acquiescing to the small demands, she'd be safe from the big ones.
I am a Mistress of the Court. We are nothing more and nothing less than equals, and soon, I will have the upper hand.
"Yes, I would," she answered. Her face felt a bit like a mask, permanently contorting into a thin, obliging smile, but she was in control. She was always in control, even in this room where Marchosias truly was the closest thing to a god. Always in control of herself. And if she was very lucky, and very careful, she might even find herself in control of the situation at large.
"Good, good. I'm glad to hear we're already starting off on the same page– it'll make this all so much easier." He poured himself a glass of wine from a bottle on the desk, offering some to Vepar as well. "Would you like some wine, Vepar? They say that a glass a day can be remarkably restorative."
She declined as respectfully as she could. "No, thank you," she said. "I'd love to, but I prefer to have my wits about me, especially during important meetings like this." She idly held her Purple Rose pendant between her fingers. Marchosias had given it to her at their last meeting– a token, he claimed, of the Society's gratitude to her for everything she'd done to further their cause. And for whatever reason, she'd come to wear it with something approaching pride. Strange.
“Well,” Marchosias said, “I hope you don’t mind if I indulge.” His tone made it very clear that he didn’t much care what she thought, and was only feigning concern for her preferences inasmuch as he had to maintain some semblance of consideration around other Masters.
Vepar simply nodded. "So," she sighed, "to business, then. I know you didn't bring me here to chat, so come on, out with it."
Marchosias seemed to study her for a moment. It was almost as if he was looking for weak spots, chinks in her armor that he could exploit. Vepar, in turn, could feel tendrils of his power wrapping around her mind, embracing it. Suffocating it. She shrank from the unwelcome intrusion, folding inward and losing a bit of her usual confidence.
That's what I thought, his playful smirk seemed to say. "Mistress of Avarice, you have been a tremendous asset to me. Truly. But that's all you are, love. An asset. Don't you want to be more than that?"
It was so easy to let go. This was by design, of course, but didn't she have the right to forget that? To lean back into the power that filled the room, confident that it would be there to catch her when she fell? That he would be there, as he'd always been? Vepar was selfish– more than that, she was self-reliant. That was her strength, it had been since she was first appointed Dekn Lady of Syrinth so long ago. But it was also exhausting. She wanted to rely on him, to place her trust in him as so many others did.
It's alright, love. Let go.
"Yes…" she began to say, swallowing hard. Master? God-Emperor? She was no cultist, but his name alone seemed inadequate. "I do want to be more. I want to be more to you. Please."
She could feel the tendrils of his power embracing her mind more closely, and the edges of her vision seemed to fill with a deep purple fog. "Of course you do, love," Marchosias cooed. Everything seemed so far away, but his voice seemed so clear, so transfixing. "It's only natural that you do. You must realize, of course, that fighting me is only going to hurt you in the end– I will have you, whether you come to me willingly or not. This will be so much easier on you if you let go."
Fight him? Why would she do that? Why would she want to fight someone who had done nothing but help her?
His voice seemed to pitch shift into a deep, resonant baritone. "Say you belong to me, Annalinde. Say that I own you, the way you did so long ago when we were both young. Give into what we both know that you want, and you'll never be alone again."
Through the Beguilement-induced haze, Vepar saw what Marchosias was attempting to do. He was attempting to initiate her. This revelation threw her into an internal turmoil. No, I must hold onto myself, I must– But would it really be so bad, being his?– I will break free if it is the last thing I do, he will know who is in control here–
She shook off the trance with great effort. "Not this time, Marchosias," she said through gritted teeth. "This didn't work at our last meeting, it won't work now." She stood up abruptly, leaving the office without so much as a goodbye. That had been a close call.
Marchosias smiled as Vepar walked out of the office. Today's meeting with Vepar Annalinde Oshtai went well, he wrote in his journal. It's amazing what I can accomplish with her in such a short time. It should only take a few more sessions before she is ready to join my kingdom in earnest.
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reiignonme-moving · 2 years
       —  [ 👑  @manyformsofchaoticboys​  ]  ❛  requested this meme.
       send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours! chaos.
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of my current muses ;
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vepar, my little demon oc!
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daenerys targaryen, mother of dragons meeting an ancient dragon? sounds interesting!
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viserion, baby dragon adopts older dragon as his father and won’t leave!
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of my future muses ;
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lady jessica, of dune!
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morgan le fay!
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