#lady luxo ocs
zootopiathingz · 6 days
Meet Irene Morningstar; daughter of Alastor and Charlie Morningstar!
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A child born from royal and a sinner’s blood. Irene (pronounced i-reen-ie) Allison Morningstar is a hellborn demon with immense power and remarkable beauty. She aspires to be strong like her father and a leader like her mother, while also maintaining her own sense of individualism. Unlike her parents, she’s quiet and soft spoken, and hardly ever raises her voice. She does enjoy singing, but hardly when around other people. Don’t mistake her silence for timidness, though. Her confidence and charm is unmatched and her smile can light up a whole room. Don’t push her buttons, either. Like her mom and dad, when she’s angry…you better find somewhere to run!
As you can see I tried combining as much of Charlie and Alastor’s traits as I could, without it looking too chaotic and over-the-top. I’ve seen many talk of Charlie having goat ears and so I was torn on which kind of ears to give Irene. Ultimately I settled on deer ears that hang low like a goat’s. I also was going to give her antlers when it occurred to me that females don’t typical have them😅 Oh well, she’s got her daddy’s charm and poor eye sight to make up for it! She also has a hairstyle similar to Charlie’s from the pilot (I originally wanted to give her a cute braided bun, but I couldn’t figure out how to draw that with her bangs and ears😭) I also incorporated traits from her grandparents as well—such as Lilith’s nose color and Lucifer’s horns + eyes when she’s in her demon form!
Her design is subject to change later on. But as of right now I’m happy with how she turned out!
(Note to Charlastor antis and those RA shippers: this is a Charlastor kid. Deal with it. Do not steal her and try to pass her off as an RA kid. I will find out and I will come for your kneecaps. She is my character and if you don’t like her that’s not my problem!🖕)
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purplegn0mes · 3 months
Gaaaa there’s so much I wanna post about G&J A New Generation if only I could fucking WRITE IT
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courtfichas · 3 years
INFORMAÇÕES OC ♕ Nome do Skeleton: Garnet ♕ Nome do personagem: Heron Burakgazi ♕ Idade: 28 anos ♕ Label: The Golden proud ♕ Local de nascimento: Brighton ♕ FC: deniz can aktas
♕ A família Burakgazi chegou à Inglaterra pobre e pequena, foram crescendo e se desenvolvendo aos poucos, primeiro começaram a viver de trabalhos rurais, principalmente o cultivo de alimentos, a produção foi crescendo e com um empréstimo conseguiram abrir um bistrô em Londres. Não foi um desenvolvimento rápido, mas com o passar dos anos veio aumento da posse de terras, suas fazendas se espalharam por Brighton e o bistrô se transformou em um renomado restaurante. Mas nada disso foi fácil.
Tudo começou com o tataravô que herdou o bistrô, receitas eram postas em prática diariamente, ingredientes exóticos eram testados, tudo em prol da fórmula perfeita. O pequeno bistrô se tornou um restaurante grande, passado para o seu bisavô e depois para o seu avô. Grandes nomes da monarquia vinham à Londres só para degustar as maravilhas do restaurante que se tornou um dos maiores nomes da gastronomia nacional.
Seu pai, no entanto, não quis seguir o legado da família e se casou com uma nobre, herdando o título daquela família e se tornando um duque. O duque de Brighton, que ironia, não? Diferente da família e dos irmãos, seu pai era ambicioso e mesmo que dinheiro não faltasse, o patriarca da família se estabeleceu em Londres para negócios, o que era para trazer benefícios para a família só trouxe dor de cabeça e os Burakgazi se viram afundando em dívidas. Foi Heron quem conseguiu ver uma luz no fim do túnel, com seus estudos em botânica e a ajuda de um amigo médico transformou a propriedade da família em uma estalagem medicinal, o que trouxe prestígio para eles e para a cidade que agora era conhecida por ser uma estância de saúde.
Crescer sendo chamado de filhinho da mamãe fez maravilhas ao mais velho dos Burakgazi, tornando-o cada vez mais competitivo, fazendo-o desenvolver suas habilidades sociais e profissionais com verdadeiro afinco e sucesso. Heron é um exemplo de cavalheiro, sempre muito gentil e educado, as moças de Brighton sempre suspiram quando ele passa e ele sabe que é mais do que capaz de fazer qualquer mulher feliz, o problema é que ele quer mais. Ambicioso? Não, nada disso. O homem não se importa com riquezas ou luxos para ele, se contenta em trabalhar duro para dar o melhor para sua família e futura esposa. O problema está em sua paixão pela cozinha, a botânica foi só uma desculpa para estudar mais a respeito do cultivo de temperos e ervas, além de ajudar a melhorar as plantações da família, tornando os insumos de alta qualidade para o restaurante que tinham.
Nos anos anteriores não fora possível para Heron participar da temporada de casamentos, estava ocupado demais impedindo que o nome de sua família fosse parar na lama por causa dos caprichos de seu pai. Agora que a estabilidade tinha sido alcançada e que ele tinha ainda mais valor no mercado de casamentos, poderia almejar casar-se com uma mulher da alta sociedade. Mas não era exatamente isso que queria, ele é o primogênito e ao contrário dos cavalheiros que só querem a vida fácil e libertina da elite, ele sonha em continuar o legado gastronômico da família. As maravilhas que seu avô fazia naquele pequeno e apertado lugar, o deixava intrigado e ansioso, quando eram lidas em seu precioso livro de segredos (as receitas). Agora finalmente chegou o seu momento, por mais que ele goste de cozinhar, por mais que esse seja o seu passatempo preferido, ainda pensa se vai seguir carreira ou não. Há um pequeno dilema, seguir a sua paixão pela cozinha ou ser o duque que foi treinado para ser, seus pais o pressionam para se casar. Mas o homem teme que seu pai tenha vergonha de si, que não o tenha mais como filho se seguir por outro caminho. No entanto, fora ele quem salvara o nome da família, deveria poder pelo menos fazer o que mais gostava, não?
Não se importava em nada com o status social de com quem iria casar, mas seus pais faziam questão de que ele se casasse com uma lady e foi por causa da vontade deles que aceitou participar da temporada, abrir o coração e a mente para um possível matrimônio. Apesar de toda sua confiança em saber que é um bom partido, esperava de coração que seu paladar apurado e paixão pela cozinha não afastasse as moças, é algo que gosta de falar sobre e por vezes se empolga.
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fichasthc · 4 years
Quando mais novo seus amigos riam de você, apontavam o dedo e diziam que você era o ‘filhinho da mamãe’ mas o que antes parecia ser ofensivo, fez de você um dos concorrentes mais difíceis de se abater. Você é compreensivo, é um verdadeiro cavalheiro; sua criação o deixa mais perto das moças, todas suspiram quando você passa e desejam um marido como você. E bem, diante de tamanha humildade, você sabe que é perfeito, que qualquer mulher será feliz ao seu lado, basta você escolher uma — a que mais mexer com você, que o faça desejar queimar o mundo.
♕ Nome + pronomes: Solar + ela/dela
♕ Tempo disponível: meu tempo é bem relativo, costumo ser mais ativa na parte da tarde e da noite, apareço nos fins de semana, mas não em todos. posso me ausentar por dois ou três dias devido ao trabalho/estudo, mas procuro me manter sempre ativa.
♕ Triggers: zoofilia, pedofilia, incesto, estupro, violência explícita e abuso sexual.
♕ Nome do Skeleton: Quartz
♕ Nome do personagem: Callum Song
♕ Idade: 28 anos
♕ Label: The Golden proud
♕ Local de nascimento: Brighton
♕ FC: Kim Soo-Hyun
♕ A família Song chegou em Brighton pobre e pequena, foram crescendo e se desenvolvendo aos poucos, primeiro começaram a viver da pesca e trabalhos rurais menores, até se estabelecerem de vez. Com o aumento da posse de terras, tornaram-se fazendeiros, uvas e maçãs eram suas especialidades, além da criação de galinhas, o gado era pouco, voltado apenas para o consumo da família. A prosperidade da família atraiu outros coreanos para o local, os Song passaram a empregar alguns deles e formalizar laços matrimoniais.
Não eram uma família de enormes posses, porém, não chegavam a ser pobres e passar necessidades, viviam com certo luxo e conforto. Alguns gananciosos começaram a frequentar a alta sociedade londrina, estabelecendo negócios na cidade. O núcleo familiar de Callum é composto por seu pai, mãe e mais quatro irmãos mais novos, o terceiro deles com uma condição especial.
Por um tempo, o patriarca da família se estabeleceu em Londres para negócios, o que era para trazer benefícios para a família só trouxe dor de cabeça e os Song se viram afundando em dívidas. Foi Call que conseguiu ver uma luz no fim do túnel, seus estudos em botânica e medicina oriental e transformou a propriedade dos Song em uma estalagem medicinal, o que trouxe prestígio para a família e para a cidade que agora era conhecida por ser uma estância de saúde.
Como primogênito, Callum acreditava ter feito apenas o seu dever, mas para sua mãe ele tinha salvado a família, garantindo o sustento de todos e demonstrado grande responsabilidade para com a família, e ela não mediria esforços para espalhar aos quatro ventos sobre o quão magnífico era seu filho e como daria um ótimo marido, afinal a temporada de casamentos estava para começar.
Crescer sendo chamado de filhinho da mamãe fez maravilhas ao mais velho dos Song, tornando-o cada vez mais competitivo, fazendo-o desenvolver suas habilidades sociais e profissionais com verdadeiro afinco e sucesso. Callum é um exemplo de cavalheiro, sempre muito gentil e educado, as moças da cidade sempre suspiram quando ele passa e ele sabe que é mais do que capaz de fazer qualquer mulher feliz, o problema é que ele quer mais. Ambicioso? Não, nada disso. O homem não se importa com riquezas ou luxos para ele, se contenta em trabalhar duro para dar o melhor para sua família e futura esposa. Um pouco orgulhoso, Callum gosta mesmo é de um bom desafio.
Nos anos anteriores não fora possível para o Song participar da temporada de casamentos, estava ocupado demais impedindo que o nome de sua família fosse parar na lama por causa dos caprichos de seu pai. Agora que a estabilidade tinha sido alcançada e que ele tinha ainda mais valor no mercado de casamentos, poderia almejar casar-se com uma mulher da alta sociedade. Mesmo não sendo um nobre, possuía posses consideráveis e em crescimento, o que o tornava um ótimo partido, mesmo não sendo um duque ou um príncipe.
Não se importava em nada com o status social de com quem iria casar, mas sua mãe fazia questão de que ele se casasse com uma lady e foi por causa da vontade dela que ele aceitou participar da temporada, abrir o coração e a mente para um possível matrimônio. Porém, ele deixou claro, caso nenhuma delas lhe chame a atenção ou desperte o interesse, voltará para casa solteiro.
♕ Alguma observação? acho que não
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zootopiathingz · 10 days
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I still need to color this,
But here’s a sneak peak at my Charlastor kid OC!
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zootopiathingz · 2 months
This fandom has a weird thing about infantilizing grown women to make the men in their lives their ‘father figures’
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zootopiathingz · 16 days
I can’t believe it’s been eight months and I have yet to fulfill the important tradition of making a kid oc for my favorite ship
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zootopiathingz · 6 months
Yk I made that “Charlie and Alastor having 15 kids” thing as a joke,, but now I want to write a short fic of it just to see how it plays out
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zootopiathingz · 7 months
Almost forgot I drew this lol
Tried my hand at drawing Penny based off her description and The Sims 4
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She looks adorable in your style Omgg😭🫶🏻 I love this sm! I know I rlly didn’t give you much to work with when it comes to a physical description so this turned out amazing!🧡🧡
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purplegn0mes · 5 months
Rambling about my OCs even tho no one asked
Lucia’s main love language is physical touch. Rosemary’s is acts of service. Niles’s is quality time.
On a scale from “most easily angered” to “it takes a lot to anger them” would be; Lucia, Niles, Rosemary. Lucia is already incredibly hot-headed so it really doesn’t take much to push her buttons and unleash her wrath. The line you absolutely don’t want to cross when it comes to her is insulting her family. You may as well consider yourself dead at that point. Niles does have a temper at times, but being socially awkward and more on the quiet side, he tries to suppress his anger when the time comes. However he does have his moments of lashing out at others—mainly people he’s close to. It would be very rare for him to yell at a stranger or someone he barely knows. They would have to say or do something very despicable and vile in order to see him in full rage. As for Rosemary, she’s never angry. Not a day in her life has she ever outwardly expressed anger in a way that alarmed anyone. She does have moments when she’d mildly annoyed, but even so she doesn’t like to let it get the best of her. She’s the voice of reason amongst her siblings, so she’s the one who keeps her emotions in check. But, even she has her limits. And I’m definitely not saying it’s impossible for her to get angry, because it’s not. If she were to ever feel angered enough to the point where other people can see it, to where she’s outright yelling at someone…well, they’ll know they fucked up for sure
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zootopiathingz · 7 months
Been thinking about it for a while now…
What is your WH Kid Penny like? Like, anything she enjoys doing, and what her thoughts on other Zootopian characters are?
Ah, I’m so glad someone finally asked! ^^
I guess I’ll start with the basic info; I don’t have an established age for her yet. I mostly picture her as a very young child, around 3-5 ish. But I’ve definitely thought about what she would be like as she grows older, even as a teenager. Her name, Penelope, actually has no relation to anyone either of them know (surprisingly Judy doesn’t have a single sibling or relative with that name) which makes her even more unique to them. Her middle name, however, does come from Bonnie!
Since I can’t draw animals for the life of me, I’ll do my best to describe her physical appearance lol. Her fur is a dark red-ish tone with hints of white-grey around her paws and at the edges of her tail. Her ears have the sharp edges of a fox’s and are the same length and movements of a bunny’s. She has heterochromia, with a light purple right eye and a hazel-green left eye. Her tail is super fluffy and huge—however! She’s numb in her tail due to certain birth defects of being a hybrid, which also makes her partially blind in her left eye.
I still have a lot to figure out about her personality and relationships. On the surface she is a shy, quiet girl who has a hard time fitting in. But I do need to work on the smaller details, as that is sort of similar to my other OCs and I need to change it up a little lol
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purplegn0mes · 1 year
Ok so in an attempt to overcome my stupid creative block I wrote a little one shot about my OCs Niles and Lucia
For context; it takes place in a human AU that I was going to write (the story’s called Times Like These and I posted the first chapter on Wattpad if you’d like to read that first, but you don’t have to to understand what’s happening in this) and so I’ll just post it here since I can’t really show it off anywhere else Lmao
Musical Remedy
A small huff exhaled from Niles’s mouth as he marched his way down the flight of stairs so familiar that he felt no need to hover his hand over the railing like he would anywhere else. At the moment the house was silent, one would assume it was empty aside from him if they were to enter through the front door. But no, every occupant of the house was within its walls, in separate rooms, with no desire to leave their respective spots until supper time.
It was a quiet afternoon, cloudy skies making the interior exceptionally dark for this time of day, gentle droplets of cold rain dripping down the windows of the living room. Niles paid no mind to the faint whispers of thunder in the distance as his sore feet carried him past the abundance of couches and coffee tables in the spacious living room. Crossing his way into the narrow corridor hidden behind the wall and fireplace, he made his way into the smaller, more old-fashion styled den in the corner of the house that was almost always vacant. There really was no purpose to this room other than just being an extra space for Juliet to clean. Although the bay window that provided a view of the backyard was a pleasant feature.
Inside the small den was furnishing you’d expect from someone born in a generation older than Niles’s parents. Floral sofa with a crocheted blanket sitting atop its frame, and equally tacky throw pillows propped up on either side of the cushions. Various mundane portraits of landscapes hung on the crepe-colored walls. A closet that was used for storage, possibly containing broken vacuum cleaners or dusty board games that haven’t been touched in a decade. A lamp provided with a shade painted with Cupid angels dancing about in mid-air. Yeah, it was obvious that when Gnomeo and Juliet moved into his grandfather’s house that they didn’t bother changing much with this room. However, recently it had been used more by Niles, due to the mahogany piano that stood against the wall parallel to the sofa.
Niles had always loved music. As a kid he always found himself humming along to the background music of his video games or movies he watched a dozen times. He would (rarely) dance around his room singing melodies he had heard over the radio in his parents’ car. But only a few months ago did he realize he could actually make music.
And he loved it. He loved every second he spent at the piano. Loved every note that he played, loved the way it sounded in his ears and the fact that he was creating such beautiful sounds. He loved singing along to the beat. He loved listening to a song and immediately repeating it on the instrument as if he’s played it a hundred times, yet he only just learned the notes by simply listening to them.
Niles had a talent, and a good ear too. His family had noticed this. His father was the first to come to the revelation when he came home from work early one day to discover the boy singing “Your Song” to himself at the piano. And to say he was in awe at what he witnessed would be an understatement. Gnomeo was enamored with the way his son played and sung so gracefully in a way that took professionals years to accomplish. He immediately suggested Niles pursue it as a regular hobby, a career even. He let the rest of the family and their close friends in on the little hidden talent of his, and from then on Niles was known as the musician of the family.
Everyday after school, once he finished his work for classes (that he would often have done before the final bell even rung), he would sit at the piano and practice, playing whatever he felt like. He would often challenge himself by playing a fast-paced or upbeat song that normal beginners wouldn’t be able to keep up with. Today, as he placed himself on the bench and hovered his fingers over the keys, he decided to take a break from the pop/rock ‘n roll music he’d normally attempt and opted for a calming, slow rhythm of harmony.
Not five minutes into his practice was he abruptly interrupted by the sound of a door opening and slamming shut, and hard footsteps coming down from the hall outside the door. He turned around to find an annoyed blonde entering the den, throwing her backpack to the floor and plopping down on the sofa with her head in her hands.
“Where’ve you been?” Niles dared to ask, despite easily picking up on his sister’s irritation. But he was curious. He thought she was home already.
Lucia let out an exasperated groan as her palms ran down her face, stretching out the skin of her cheeks, rolling her eyes so much that for a second Niles couldn’t even see her pupils. “I was at lacrosse practice and had the most stupidest conversation of my life with the coach. Oh, and guess who almost got in a wreck on the way home because some asshole decided to cut me off!”
Niles just nodded, quietly taking in the information given. He had some questions, such as why the conversation with her coach was ‘stupid’ and if she was okay from the near-miss of a collision. But he’s known Lucia his entire life, and he knew better than to pry when she wasn’t in a good mood. It was best to just sit silently and listen, to let her do the talking.
“And on top of that, my stupid fucking medication didn’t work again so I was up all night.” The girl huffed and slouched back against the sofa, arms crossed firmly over her chest. “Mum says I need a refill but I think she’s just wasting money on these damn things. The only way I’ll ever get a good nights sleep is if someone puts a rag full of chloroform over my face!”
Niles resisted the urge to laugh at such a statement. He knew she was only exaggerating, but it wouldn’t surprise him if Lucia actually went to that extreme measure. Though it did concern him that that wasn’t a possibility to rule out. “I’m sorry.” Was his sympathetic response after letting his sister breathe for a moment. He truly felt for her. He was there to witness her battle with insomnia since they were 12-years-old. Lucia was a naturally energetic person but that shouldn’t hold her hostage from a decent amount of rest every night.
Lucia let out the heaviest of sighs, shaking her head as her eyes averted to the floor where her backpack laid. “Yeah, well, nothin’ I can do about it now.” She dismissed rather quietly, and in a defeated slouch she reached down for the bag in her sight and pulled out a notebook and folder. Niles instantly realized she had silently decided to get some homework done, and felt the need to warn her that he was in the middle of practicing; hinting that she should take her studies elsewhere. But Lucia shrugged in indifference, insisting that she didn’t mind the background noise. His lips curled inwardly in reluctance. He was still getting used to playing in front of other people. Even if it was just his sister, he wasn’t all that comfortable with his musical productions being presented to her judgmental ears.
But for some unknown reason she had no intention of leaving the den, so with a sigh, Niles turned around and picked up where he left off. He decided to try a different piece, something peaceful but not classical. Something well-known to him and possibly other people around his age. “Ylang Ylang” was his immediate choice, and so, softly as ever, keys emitted the gentle notes of the familiar melody. He was able to ease back into his routine quite easily, tuning out Lucia’s presence almost entirely. Aside from the rustle of paper moving or the harsh movement of her hand brushing eraser shavings away, she was as quiet as a mouse and had she entered the house this silently he wouldn’t have even known she was there.
Maybe it was the serene melody playing just three feet away from her. Maybe it was the gentle sounds of raindrops at the bay window and thunder creeping up in the sky. Maybe it was the warm, soft lighting of the lamp on the table beside her. Or maybe it was all of these combined that were putting Lucia at ease. Every ounce of frustration and stress that had been plaguing her mind for the last half hour started to dissipate, and a weight was momentarily lifted from her chest. For a moment, she could actually breathe. She could inhale, and exhale. And inhale. And exhale. And repeat this pattern over and over. It was a rare time in her life where she actually felt…calm.
Her eyelids grew heavier by the minute. Her brain was being pulled away from alertness, her train of thought making a detour away from the homework and towards a peaceful place in her mind she never knew existed. This was a task that not even her insomnia prescriptions could accomplish. Eventually Lucia gave into temptation and placed her school stuff aside on the table. She couldn’t continue working if she wanted to (which, of course, she didn’t). Quietly as ever, the blonde girl slowly laid herself down on the sofa she never considered comfy that was now a sanctuary for her heavy head.
Hours could’ve passed and Niles would have never known. He was so lost in his own world of music and harmony that the world could’ve imploded and he would be the only person to not notice or even care. This always happened whenever he was at the piano for a long period of time. He took his craft very seriously and at every chance he got, he would patiently play until he was in “the zone”.
Perhaps he should consider this as his career. The thought had crossed his mind several times, but self-doubt and anxiety always held him back from taking the leap of faith of actually pursuing such a goal.
Oh well, that was a problem for later. Right now Niles decided to finish up and get himself a pre-dinner snack from the kitchen. After letting the last note fade into silence, he pulled the cover down to shelter the keys and stood up away from the instrument. Just as he was about to make his way out, something peculiar in the corner of his eye caught his attention. He stopped and turned, spotting Lucia lying on her side, head rested atop one of the throw pillows, eyes screwed shut and mouth parted open slightly to release tiny snores and exhales.
When did she fall asleep? For how long? Niles did a brief glance towards the antique clock on the wall. Huh, it hadn’t even been fifteen minutes yet.
The corners of his lips curved up into a small grin. Rather or not it was specifically his playing that put her to sleep, he was just glad to see his sister finally getting the rest she needed. His first thought was to leave now to avoid accidentally disrupting her slumber, but something held him back for a minute. The brotherly urge to care her was hard to fight and could not be ignored. Lucia deserved a proper recharge, something more cozy.
With a quiet sigh, the boy went over to grab the crocheted blanket, and ever so carefully draped it over Lucia’s figure, sheltering her from her shoulders down to her socked feet. She was absolutely going to tease him about this later, he was well-aware. But it would be worth it as long as she was content and at peace. Her body moved, and at first Niles winced, thinking he had woken her up, but was relieved to see she simply shifted to a more comfortable position, hand instinctively holding the edge of the blanket to hold it closer to her face. For a moment he swore he saw a smile on her face. But maybe that was just hopeful imagination.
Turning off the lamp, Niles then left the room, shutting the door behind him, only leaving it open by a crack merely to avoid making any noise. With a sealed grin, he strolled to the kitchen to fetch himself the snack he’d been craving.
From then on, Niles would put his talent to good use. His music would be the medicine Lucia had been needing for years.
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purplegn0mes · 2 years
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They do be themselves
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purplegn0mes · 2 years
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The children of Gnomeo & Juliet, everybody
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purplegn0mes · 2 years
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I forgot to post this here???
Well, here’s a three month old drawing of Lucia post episode 2 of “A New Generation”. How did she get that crack in her arm, you ask? Read to find out!
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purplegn0mes · 2 years
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Rosemary Bluebury-Redbrick
Rosemary, the first-born child of Gnomeo and Juliet, is a kind and gracious young girl who sees the beauty in everything. She’s calm under pressure and is the least likely of her siblings to cause trouble, deeming her as somewhat of a “golden child”. She’s everything you could ever want to be. Or at least that’s what everyone thinks…
I wanted to talk a bit about my OCs individually, so I thought I’d start with the oldest of the triplets. Rosemary’s design has to be my favorite, but it was the most challenging because I wasn’t sure how to portray her elegance into her appearance, but I think I did it pretty well. I also wanted her and her siblings represent their parents while still having unique features of their own. For Rosemary it was pretty easy; I wanted her to resemble Juliet, so she inherits the brown hair and green eyes and overall beauty. But as you can see she has a blue jewel on her collar to represent Gnomeo. She also takes after his charming and confident personality. I drew her sitting on a vine swing because that’s her position in the garden when the humans are home. Anyway while this drawing took me forever and I struggled with most of it, I’m really happy with how it turned out and I can’t wait to draw Niles and Lucia next.
If you have any questions about Rosemary or my OCs in general pls don’t be shy!!
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