#lady of water
goldleaf-blog · 8 months
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In the world of Pangea there was a time where the Black Dragon ruled. The innocent were force to suffer in a world of darkness and chaos. During this time there were five sisters whose true names have been lost to history. They seek the aid of the Sun God and he granted them immortality, elemental powers and great wisdom. The Shadow locusts having seen the light turn their back against their maker and with the aid of the Ladies of Wisdom they banished the Black Dragon into Tartarus.
Lady of Light
The Lady of Light is Starroyere’s mother and the oldest among the sisters. When the Lady of Light fall pregnant her sisters went their separate ways and they lost their trust with Shadow Locust. The Lady of Light raise her daughter the best she could. But the Lady of Light was unfortunately killed by Redclaw, forcing her daughter to avenged her. Starroyere’s anger and hatred prevented her from inheriting her mother’s wisdom. But eventually at the end of the first game she repents from her hatred and she is granted her mother’s divine wisdom. Making her the new Lady of Light.
Lady of Fire
The Lady of Fire Is the second oldest child and the twin sister to the lady of Wind. She became the guardian and advisor of the Eastern realm. However when the Naga invaded she was captured and brainwashed to servant King Ozark. Becoming the Lady of Darkness. In the second Game she was freed by Starroyere and her friends when they found the gemstone of life. Filled with Guilt for her actions as the Lady of Darkness the Lady of Fire renounce her gifts and she goes into exile as she dies an old mortal.  She refused to give her inheritance to anyone as she believe that no one should use her powers.  (Because of her actions the prophecy becomes broken and unfulfilled resulting in our heroes finding a new solution in the Last game)
Lady of Wind
The Lady of Wind is the middle child and twin sister to the Lady of Fire. She became the Queen of the Northern realm. However many of her subjects viewed her as a harsh cruel leader as many innocent people were imprisoned during her reign. The Lady of Wind met an unfortunate death at the hands of a rebellion. In her dying breath she gave her powers and her wisdom to the Wind Queen. With the Wind Queen becoming the new Lady of Wind and ruler of the Northern Realm.
Lady of Nature
The Lady of nature is the second youngest among the sisters. She went to the Western Realm and became a warrior. She lead a army against the demon invasion. But she and her forces were all killed by Wormwood, the demon wizard. In the Fourth expansion she and her army are brought back to life as undead to attack the western kingdoms. When Starroyere killed Wormwood and stole the meteor staff she commanded it to kill the undead army thus freeing their souls from Wormwood. With the Lady of Nature’s soul freed she gave her inheritance to Mednarm who becomes the new Lord of Nature.
Lady of Water
The Lady of Water is the youngest among the sisters. She became the guardian to the Southern Realm.  She is the only surviving member of her family beside Starroyere herself. She fight alongside the good guys and helps stop a rising pirate army.
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mo-mode · 9 months
AU where Mr. D claiming to be Percy’s dad accidentally counts as Claiming according to Greek god law or whatever and now all the other gods legitimacy believe Percy is his son, but if Mr. D corrects it, he has to explain to Zeus why he pretended he was Percy’s dad so now he’s like “YEP ol’ Perry Johansson is MY child wowie just look at the little fry, you have your mother’s eyes. Please stop standing next to water or you will blow my cover”
Meanwhile Poseidon is just standing off to the side like “how on earth did I dodge THAT bullet”
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alexandriad · 9 months
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archerinventive · 2 months
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Testing. Testing.
With the faire and festival season in full swing, I've been trying out new configurations on my sword and shield combo.
This was my first run with this previse setup, so the beach surrounded by water, and with the crazy talented Ashmo_fire as my safety seemed like a great place for some trial and error.
There are still a few modifications to be made before my next public show at the upcoming Revenge of the Dragon event, but I'm really excited to keep pushing the boundaries of my flow.
Stay safe out there, and please don't try this at home unless you are a trained professional.
I hope you all have a splendid week. :)
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demaparbat-hp · 10 months
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emahriel · 1 month
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water genasi lass!!
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letsduneit · 5 months
thinking about paul saying "we're harkonnens. so this is how we'll survive. by being harkonnens" and about jessica saying "your father didn't believe in revenge" and paul replying "yeah well i do" and how things can die even as they continue to draw breath and how the harkonnens really did kill off all three of the atreides that night not just leto
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zdrawstvyite · 2 months
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meeting old friend
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walloruss · 4 months
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Older Zuko and Katara with their babes
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madisoncounty · 6 months
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She swallowed past a lump in her throat, looked up into her son’s eyes. "Paul…I want you to do something for me: choose the course of happiness. Your desert woman, marry her if that’s your wish. Defy everyone and everything to do this. But choose your own course. I…."
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emacrow · 2 months
When 20 year old Danny moved into gotham for Space Engineer University, his apartment that was set up thanks to Sam had exploded due to a super villain. (joker)
Leaving Danny's only available apartment that was stuck to a seedy part of Gotham. Nobody didn't told him that most of Gotham's waters that wasn't from the rich area was very very pollution with nasty rancid junk ectoplasm.
Ellie and Dan were with him due to a core accident with a forgotten fenton trap that hadn't been torn down yet, but they were now 4 and 6 years old physically and mentally until The medicine Frostbite specifically made for them to take every once a month, help their core regained the loss energy to reform back to their natural state later.
Luckily he had the fenton ectoplasm water pipes filter to throughly clean out the nasty junk to turn back into normal pure ectoplasm mixed water which was a bit light greenish blue to the normal person's eyes but glowing green to liminals, ghosts and halfas. Though he had to sneakily goes transport down in the sewer to fixes those rusty ol pipes, made a undead zombie friend whom seem to be trapped in a terrible limbo of saying a repeated phase.
Then danny felt a bit terrible that some of the neighborhoods also had the same problems with the pipes. Whom is the mayor to not investigate this much rusty pipes that had a a few thousands spirits and feral blob ghosts of the deceased not properly buried!?!
Seeing sick looking children outside with a bad case of slow bad ectoplasm poisoning jerk at his slow beating heart. He knew that if it goes on, there is going to be enough corrupted ectoplasm to cause a lminals to go completely crazy with enough mixed dark ghostly intentions and territorial issues from the restless spirits (a certain leader of assassin sneezed)
The protection mixed space core in him was nearly feral at this point of all the harm that had been done to the people of gotham before Danny gave in, called in his parents to sent him a couple hundred of fenton ectoplasm water pipe filters and grab emergency fenton shovel smacker to start building proper graves for the restless spirits..
By next three month, just looking at his window to see the street kids playing outside actually acting like children, looking more healthy and lively, the anemic lady next door who just had a baby seem more calm and friendly instead of paranoid and scared when he first met her with a package of freshly baked fenton Brownies.
He had almost replaced 3/5 of gothams rusty ol waters pipes, had made nearly 10 thousands Graves more then what he had expected after diving deep in the Gotham's oceans, lakes, ponds, and abandoned public pools.
So far that Gotham has gotten a positive effect when the first morning of August came in, as that the Gotham's news went viral as the black smog clouds that mostly covered Gotham's skies had parted to reveal a beautiful sky along side with incredible decreased in Crimes in certain parts of gothams.
Only for Danny to arrived into his Apartment to see Gotham's City Spirit, who was absolutely jaw dropping gorgeous sitting on his Couch with Dan and ellie chatting her ears off.
Meanwhile a certain bat fam are becoming more and more anxious as the decreased in crimes at night became to the point that tim is becoming more paranoid then gollum from the rings, damian is becoming nearly feral with the lack of criminals to beat upon, dick is actually enjoying the break, dick had been commenting on the lovely colors that gotham had been getting lately, and Jason haven't contact them in weeks ago until last Friday coming by for Dinner feeling and seemingly like the ol Robin he once was before that Bruce had actually ugly cried clinging to him when Jason hugged him.
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fsnowzombie · 24 days
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Armored Lady Monday
i started to read witch hat atelier and the line work is so beautiful i wanted to make a heavy robed mage, with light armor so i can clear my already flimsy definitions of armor, hope you like it!!!
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personinthepalace · 1 month
the mlj fandom @ amazon right now:
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Let’s go save the show!
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fangrurin · 4 months
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Fashion of the Great Houses of Westeros: House Tully of Riverrun
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archerinventive · 4 months
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"Adventure, yeah. I guess that’s what you call it when everybody comes back alive." – Mercedes Lackey
Celebrating this MerMay day with one of my all-time favorite mermaid inspired pieces to date.
A huge thank you to my friends for helping me with this shoot back in 2020. :) You know they truly love you when they’re willing to jump into a river with you first thing in the morning. ♥️
Wishing you all a warm and safe summer weekend.
With @lexi.the.first @steven.the.second @starkraves & Hanna V. (IG)
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demaparbat-hp · 4 months
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Izumi of Jang Hui died young. She was sixteen and unwed. A kind child, protective and lonely—thus unfit for this world.
Izumi of Jang Hui was murdered. The Painted Lady was born out of hatred and grief. Her skin is painted red with the patterns of her scars. Her home is the river where the Dark Water Spirit dwells—he who found her, drowned and beautiful.
Build shrines by the river and pray for her good will. Harm her land or people and pray for mercy.
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