#lady shizuka
hekateisconfused · 11 months
Today is a very special day to me. Five years ago, I got my PS4, and was searching for free games. There was one, a free MMORPG, Onigiri. I never expected that five years later, I'd be obsessed with it, and have it be my absolute passion.
This marks my fifth year anniversary of playing Onigiri! It's been such a fun journey, and here's to many more years!
There's no proper amount of words to say how much this game means to me, it has gotten me through a lot, and has sparked my creativity and passion to go further. Along with it being my fifth anniversary, that also means it's my fifth year of having Crystal as my main character, and she means the world to me.
This feels surreal and I'm so happy to share my passion of my favorite RPG with you all.
Here's to five years, and many more!
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l00k4tm4m45c415 · 1 year
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Shizuka Sugiyama
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amc1851 · 11 months
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Shizuka from One Punch Man Episode 184
This is my rendition of the Hero Association recruiter "Shizuka" from One Punch Man episode 184, I liked her a lot, how professional she is, scouting for new heroes to hire, unfortunately the Hero Association will not last longer, according to the hero Axel.  I drew her surrounded by her fellow scouts.
Pentel Mechanical pencil 0.7mm
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yu-gi-poll · 10 months
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Monster Stats & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Cyber Harpie, known outside of the anime as Cyber Harpie Lady, is used by Mai Kujaku ("Mai Valentine" in the dub) and by Katsuya Jonouchi ("Joey Wheeler" in the dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: WIND
Level: 4
Effect Type: CONDITION
Effect (according to the anime): "(This card's name is always treated as "Harpie Lady".)"
ATK / DEF: 1800 / 1300
St. Joan is used by Shizuka Kawai ("Serenity Wheeler" in the dub). Its stats are the following:
Attribute: LIGHT
Level: 7
Effect Type: [Not Specified]
Effect (according to the anime): "The Forgiving Maiden" + "Marie the Fallen One"
ATK / DEF: 2800 / 2000
One of many Joan of Arc references the show has made.
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godtiercomplex · 8 months
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Introducing another fighter to the ring: The Dark Mage Lost His Script!
Join me on this biweekly crisis of these chosen bisexuals.
Important things must be said thrice: Join me! Join me! Join me!
Please enjoy.
The Dark Mage Watanuki Kimihiro suddenly becomes aware that he is in the world of a book about a Sunflower Princess. His mission? Get the plot back on track! He just has to stick to the script! Too bad he lost his script! Important things must be said three times: he lost his script! gone! vanished! disappeared! Fuck. A xxxHolic transmigration AU. Updates Biweekly. Next update: Week of Jan 29th
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lanymme · 2 months
Falls to my knees , hiii so like... the requests.... would you be so kind as to consider Ushiwakamaru|Yoshitsune (and her wife Shizuka Gozen....) (she gets 1 dialogue in Heian-Kyo (Incredibly romantic line about wishing to follow Yoshitsune until the very end) and mentioned in Little Big Tengu)
Scenario... Ushi getting reminded of Shizuka and realizing how much she misses her...im basic i am starved
The idea of Ushi joining the "i miss my spouse" club and Tomoe being there is hilarious honestly. I am rambling
I am very sorry if this ask was too late </3
The monkey's paw curls.
Sure i can write that for you!
It’s a quiet, clear night, the full moon shining brightly down on the trees, the courtyard, the roof of the mountaintop compound.
Sitting on that rooftop, one knee tucked up and the other dangling casually from the edge, foot swaying back and forth, a figure clad in a Japanese armor sits alone, drinking and looking out at the light of the city far below, long unbound hair fluttering slightly in a gentle breeze.
Behind them, a scattering of gold motes of light blows into shape and coalesce, as a woman dressed in similar armor stands behind them, posture straight and proper, sharing the same view.
“Ah, Lady Archer.” Her voice, normally energetic or cheerful, is subdued yet friendly. She turns, casual and unmannered, to smile thinly through the weight of emotion at her guest. “Please, come,” she says, offering the bottle and a small cup to her visitor. “Share a drink with me, and some familiar company in this foreign land.”
Archer ignores her offer, continuing to stare out into the city.
“…Lord Saber. I would kill you here, now, if our Masters were not allied.”
“Mm.” She nods, acknowledging the statement as true, if not important. “Such is the nature of the war we fight.”
Archer’s eyes narrow.
“…I will state the truth plainly, then. I would kill you if there were no war. Knowing you live, I would seek your death. Only duty now stays me from seeking vengeance for my Lord.”
Saber takes in a deep breath and lets it out in a sigh, staring out over the city.
“…Fair enough. I can’t apologize for anything I’ve done to serve my own Lord. But, if my Master permits, once our alliance is over, I will give you a proper fight to the death.”
The wind blows through the trees, rushing, cool. The tips of Saber’s hair blow in the breeze. She takes a sip, and studies the bottle of alcohol with casual interest.
Archer’s fists clench, the sound of friction audible like a creak of leather, before she lets her fair, callused hands relax.
“I am surprised to hear you’d take consideration for anyone other than the master you serve.”
Saber’s head bobs in positive appraisal. She continues to stare out into the night.
“My Master told me to convey to yours that he is to meet her in the shed tomorrow in the morning to discuss plans regarding Caster and Rider.”
Saber nods again. She stares into space for a moment, as she convey the message through the link.
Then, she takes another sip of alcohol, looking up at the moon.
Archer waits a few minutes longer.
Her eye twitches.
Just as she prepares to leave, Saber speaks again.
“It was a night like this, when I last saw my love.”
Archer regards her carefully.
Saber smiles, wistful, fond. “She liked to go for walks at night, and I would go with her, and stand close to keep her warm. Even on hot summer nights.”
For a moment longer, she looks out over the edge, features softened into a sad smile.
Then her face falls.
“But the last night I saw her… we didn’t have time for such happiness, such peace.”
She looks down, now, into the courtyard, at the earth.
“My retainers managed to convince me to run, when my brother decided to put me down. I gave it my best, really. But I knew he would catch up to me. And… I think she knew, as well.”
Archer stares at her, uncompromisingly.
“She wanted to stay with me, even so. I never… really understood people, or love. I don’t know what I did to deserve such loyalty. Or maybe that’s just how she was. But I appreciated it. I needed it. To know there was someone with me who would never move, never leave, even as I am… how I am. Who really cared.”
“If you really appreciated it,” Archer says, voice heavy, tinged with venom, “then why. Why did you send her away, before the end?”
Saber turns and looks at her. She smiles, faintly.
“Because I wanted her to live.”
Archer snaps.
“Selfish! You say you appreciated her loyalty, yet you would trample it for your own selfishness!”
“…Mm. It was selfish.”
Archer stalks toward Saber, where she sits balanced at the edge of the roof, “If her love, her loyalty truly meant so much to you, then why deny her the chance die alongside her Lord!” she demands, breathing hard, long-restrained anguish bleeding through into her fury.
Saber makes no move to respond, to back away or take a defensible position. She curls, hugging the knee tucked up against her chest, eyes cast down.
“Because… I always knew she would die for me, but I… I would always serve my liege, first. In the end, though, when my brother decided I should die… I thought, for once, I would like to return that devotion. To thank her, for always… for always supporting me. If I was to die… then I could still give her a life, to live on. I could do that for her, at the end.”
“I was never good at expressing my feelings. I knew enough, to know it would hurt her. But still… I wanted to do that for her.”
She takes a sip of alcohol, and smiles ruefully.
“I failed in the end, though. My brother captured her anyway. I was dead, by the time it happened, but…”
Archer stares at her, still breathing hard, glaring, body tense. But the earlier fire is gone from her eyes, and they instead search through old emotions.
“… We do not decide how fate will turn. It is the choices we make that speak for us.”
A moment later, she turns away.
She pauses.
“…Saber. The Master you serve…”
“Hmm?” Her face brightens visibly.
“…” Archer looks up, over the compound, fists balled at her sides. “…That person is not worthy of your devotion.”
She dissolves again into swirling gold motes of light, and they blow away in the gentle night breeze.
“… I wouldn’t know,” Saber says, to the empty rooftop. “I'm not the best judge of people. All I want… is the chance to faithfully serve, until the end.”
Cautiously, Tomoe Gozen enters the ruined compound, the remaining fires burning low. The building where she spoke with Saber on that night in the first days of the War is rubble, pulverized by the shock of Rider’s Noble Phantasm, and then cleaved in half.
Master— she begins, reporting out of habit.
Foolishness. Her gentle, composed Master is gone. She feels the loop of prayer beads at her side where they hang under her robes.
Rest easy. For my Master’s sake… I will see your wish granted. I will save them.
She is cursed, cursed to always be the survivor.
She’s too late to witness the conflict, but the state of the war has shifted dramatically. She picks her way through the buildings to see what she can still learn.
The night is darker, now, the moon waning. The courtyard is in ruins, stones broken and split, the lonely pear tree torn up from its roots. Great slashes are carved into the walls of the sturdy storage building that makes up its other side, and the wall has fallen over.
As she proceeds toward the center of the compound, she finds the headless body of Rider’s Master, lying flat on its back.
One of Caster’s siege defense machines has fallen from the rooftops, burnt almost completely, its bolt still loaded lying on the floor.
She tightens her grip on her self control as her oni blood flares, threatening to overtake her reason. She looks up to survey the surroundings
The other giant crossbows that line the remaining buildings are mostly intact. The one farthest back is split in half, jagged wooden remains stained by a heavy spray of blood.
But they are pointed into the heart of the compound, not at its surroundings.
A trail of blood leads her way deeper into the compound
A pit of dread fills her stomach. She worries at the prayer beads that keep her temporarily sustained with mana, her Master’s parting gift to her.
She materializes her sword with a lick of flames, and raises it in preparation before turning the highly defensible corner.
She finds the remains of the body Assassin was puppeting, leaking black ichor.
A few paces away, one of the giant crossbow bolts has buried itself into the earth. It’s stained red with blood.
The trail of blood thickens beyond it. There are bloody handprints, smears against the walls.
Tomoe Gozen narrows her eyes, and steels herself, and proceeds through the bounded field into the heart of the compound.
It’s burning. Ichor and bloodstains everywhere.
At the far side of the space, the largest crossbow is spattered with blood. Beneath it, the severed sleeve of Caster’s robe lies trampled on the ground. And beside that, a mangled figure.
Maintaining her alert, she makes her way quickly across the space.
Saber—Yoshitsune lies slumped against the building’s wall, still clutching her sword in her hands. Her skin is blistered, her long hair burnt away. Cuts and pierces litter her ruined armor. And a crossbow bolt the size of a wooden beam pins her against the building behind her.
So it’s true. Saber’s Master has taken Rider as his Servant.
The loyal general Minamoto no Yoshitsune has once again been betrayed and cut down by the lord she serves.
Tomoe Gozen feels no joy at the sight of her husband’s killer.
The lively, energetic Saber is almost inert, staring blankly up at the sky with dulled eyes. But as she approaches, she looks up at her in awe. Her sword falls from her fingers. Her bare, dry voice whispers.
“…Shizuka?” Tomoe’s heart drops.
She kneels by her foe, and takes her remaining hand in her own. Sightless, dull eyes cast toward her, feebly.
“… ah. My Shizuka. You’re safe. I’m glad… I’m glad.” She sighs, shuddering. “If you live… then all was not lost. I—“ she heaves a breath, and smiles. “can meet my death, without regret.”
Tomoe takes a ragged breath. Suddenly, her vision is full of tears.
“Lord Yoshinaka, I beg of you—“
“I have given you my command!” Her husband shouts, voice trembling with fervor. “Leave this battlefield! I will meet my death with Kanehira at my side!”
He looks at her, then, and feeling flashes over his face. Love. Sorrow. Pain. “I will not—“ his voice chokes, rough, raw. “—be shamed by dying together with a woman.”
She takes in a deep breath, trembling, spine straight, mastering her feelings. Then she bows stiffly.
“—As my Lord orders it.”
Before she turns away for the last time, filled to overflowing with mastered emotion, tears leaking from the corner of her eyes—
She sees something like peace come over her husband’s face.
She trembles, kneeling before Saber.
Her mortal foe takes in a slow, desperate breath.
“Ah, but Shizuka. Your Ushiwaka… has so rarely received an injury. It really… hurts, after all.” she laughs weakly, and then coughs, and trails off.
Tomoe draws in a deep breath, steadying herself.
“Lord Yoshitsune,” she says. “Allow me to ease your pain.”
“…thank you,” that haggard voice says, relieved. “Thank you.”
Saber slumps forward, presenting her bare neck.
Tomoe stands, and draws her sword.
“…forgive me!”
With one swing, she separates Yoshitsune’s head cleanly from her shoulders.
A moment later, in a shower of gold mana, the body of her great enemy, of her husband’s killer, dissolves and fades away into the smoke-filled night air.
Tomoe stands alone. She cleans, and sheathes her sword.
“Lord Yoshinaka,” she whispers. “Your wife has avenged you. And if it gave you peace, then I will proudly carry forever the shame and sorrow of surviving you.”
With one final lingering glance at the place where a crossbow bolt lies embedded in the wall, she leaves the place of death behind.
Her Master, still, remains to be avenged.
There are yet more ghosts for Tomoe Gozen to carry.
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tanuki-kimono · 2 years
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Hello! i saw your kimono drawing guide, and i have some questions. I saw this art and was wondering about a few things: what is the tied knot& tassel things on the sleeves for? and, what hairstyle is the lady wearing? If you know, please tell me! If you don't know, could it be possible to direct me to someone that might? Thank you for taking the time to answer, if you're able! Have a lovely night/day!
Hi and thank you for your question :) The ukiyoe you are sharing is by Utagawa Kunisada and titled Genji rokujo no hana (源氏六條の花), or "Cherry Blossoms at Genji's Rokujô Mansion". It is part of a three prints set:
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It depicts an imaginary scenery from The tale of Genji, and the young lady playing with her pet cat is the princess Onna San no Miya.
Characters are not shown wearing period accurate clothes (from Heian era), but luscious Edo period attires. Because of her rank, the young princess is wearing what Edo princesses would, especially the trademark hairstyle named fukiya 吹輪.
You'll find below a translation from a costume photobook I did a while ago. Note the big bridge style front hairpin, and the drum like one in the back. Princesses from the buke (samurai class) would also have dangling locks called aikyôge (I also found the term okurege), but I am not sure kuge princesses (noble class) wore them too.
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There is a whole dispute about this hairstyle, as we are not actually sure it was worn as such by actual princesses. This style may have in fact started as a somehow cliché bunraku/kabuki costume used to depict princesses (think a bit like Western Cinderella-types princess gowns). Nowadays, it is found only as a theater style, or worn by Maiko during Setsubun season.
For comparison, here is character Shizuka Gozen from kabuki play Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura:
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As for the dangling cords, I covered those in a past ask about kamuro that you can find here (part 1 / part 2). TL:DR: I am still not sure what is the exact name for those decorations (kazari himo? sode no himo?).
But their use is pretty much linked to 3 things:
1) luck + protection (knots have auspicous meanings),
2) reinforcing weak points of garnment (here: sleeves wrist opening)
3) cuteness impact, as much like furisode (long sleeves kimono) those dangling ribbons were mostly seen on girls/young unmarried ladies by the Edo period
All the design elements chosen by Utagawa Kunisada for his Onna San no Miya stress own young and carefree she is still (which considering her narrative arc is in fact a bit sad... like all Genji Monogatari stories). BUT: bonus points for pet cat!
Hope that helps :)
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ripempezardexerox · 5 months
Dices Merzbow, yo digo Justin Beiber
Dices Boredoms, yo digo Katy Perry
Dices Gerogerigegege, yo digo Skrillex
Dices Coil, yo digo Lady Gaga
Dices Throbbing Gristle, yo digo Black Eyed Peas
Dices Whitehouse, yo digo Taylor Swift
Dices Nurse With Wound, yo digo Bruno Mars
Dices Einstürzende Neubauten, yo digo Maroon 5
Dices Brainbombs, yo digo Drake
Dices Egor Letov, yo digo One Direction
Dices Death in June, yo digo LMFAO
Dices Current 93, yo digo Beyonce
Dices La Monte Young, yo digo Carly Rae Jepsen
Dices Moondog, yo digo Kelly Clarkson
Dices Lou Harrison, yo digo Coldplay
Dices Henry Cowell, yo digo PSY
Dices Luigi Russolo, yo digo Imagine Dragons
Dices Popol Vuh, yo digo Lana Del Ray
Dices Fishmans, yo digo Ellie Goulding
Dices Jean Jacques Perrey, yo digo P!nk
Dices Les Rallizes Dénudés, yo digo Owl City
Dices Rainbow Caroliner, yo digo Carrie Underwood
Dices Taj Mahal Travellers, yo digo Christina Aguilera
Dices Fushitsusha, yo digo Ariana Grande
Dices Peter Brötzmann, yo digo Rihanna
Dices John Cage, yo digo Jennifer Lopez
Dices Scott Walker, yo digo Ed Sheeran
Dices Unwound, yo digo Mumford & Sons
Dices Dead, yo digo Tyga
Dices Frank Zappa, yo digo Shakira
Dices Morton Feldman, yo digo Macklemore
Dices Captain Beefheart, yo digo Big Time Rush
Dices Pharoah Sanders, yo digo Akon
Dices Albert Ayler, yo digo Foster the People
Dices Ornette Coleman, yo digo The Weeknd
Dices Alice Coltrane, yo digo Panic! at the Disco
Dices Arnold Schoenberg, yo digo Florida Georgia Line
Dices Pierre Boulez, yo digo Big Sean
Dices György Ligeti, yo digo Gym Class Heroes
Dices Karlheinz Stockhausen, yo digo Miley Cyrus
Dices Nang Nang, yo digo The Lumineers
Dices Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, yo digo Jay-Z
Dices Nara Leão, yo digoCharlie Puth
Dices Basic Channel, yo digo Mac Miller
Dices Raymond Scott, yo digo Twenty One Pilots
Dices Delia Derbyshire, yo digo Harry Styles
Dices Daphne Oram, yo digo Charli XCX
Dices Noah Howard, yo digoBTS
Dices Terry Riley, yo digo Iggy Azalea
Dices Peter Sotos, yo digo John Legend
Dices Lula Côrtes e Zé Ramalho, yo digo OneRepublic
Dices Boyd Rice, yo digo Migos
Dices Mahmoud Ahmed, yo digo Logic
Dices Henry Flynt, yo digo Bastille
Dices Kazumoto Endo, yo digo Five Seconds of Summer
Dices David Tudor, yo digo Pentatonix
Dices Aporea, yo digo The Chainsmokers
Dices Half Japanese, yo digo Fall Out Boy
Dices Mega Banton, yo digo David Guetta
Dices Secret Chiefs 3, yo digo Greta Van Fleet
Dices Keiji Haino, yo digo Alicia Keys
Dices Ramleh, yo digo Kanye West
Dices Otomo Yoshihide, yo digo T-Pain
Dices John Zorn, yo digo Lizzo
Dices Joe Meek, yo digo WALK THE MOON
Dices Robbie Basho, yo digo Cardi B
Dices Phil Spector, yo digo EXO
Dices Faxed Head, yo digo Solange
Dices Harry Partch, yo digo Lil Nas X
Dices Wesley Willis, yo digo Disclosure
Dices Fred Frith, yo digo Sam Smith
Dices The Residents, yo digo Michael Buble
Dices Sun Ra, yo digo Paramore
Dices Sun City Girls, yo digo Linkin Park
Dices Hans Krüsi, yo digo Florence + The Machine
Dices Royal Trux, yo digo Rascal Flatts
Dices Jandek, yo digo Eminem
Dices Yat-Kha, yo digo Chance the Rapper
Dices Loren Mazzacane Connors, yo digo Mariah Carey
Dices Pärson Sound, yo digo Snoop Dogg
Dices The Dead C, yo digo Adele
Dices Comus, yo digo Shawn Mendes
Dices Cromagnon, yo digo Chris Brown
Dices Eliane Radigue, yo digo Camilla Cabello
Dices Arthur Doyle, yo digo Halsey
Dices Shizuka, yo digo The 1975
Dices The Red Krayola, yo digo Billie Eilish
Dices Henry Cow, yo digo A$AP Rocky
Dices Magma, yo digo Dua Lipa
Dices Opus Avantra, yo digo Kendrick Lamar
Dices Pan.Thy.Monium., yo digo Nicki Minaj
Dices Murmuüre, yo digo Madonna
Dices Ksiezyc, yo digo Britney Spears
Dices Gong, yo digo Post Malone
Dices Cukor Bila Smert', yo digo Jonas Brothers
Dices cLOUDDEAD, yo opino que te calles
Dices Muslimgauze, ¡¡ YO GRITO POP!!
Dices Kaoru Abe, y te parto la madre
El 92% de la juventud está escuchando Avant Garde Noise. Si eres parte de ese 8% que aun escucha música de verdad, comparte este post a tus contactos de facebook.
¡¡¡¡ No dejes que el espíritu del POP muera !!!!
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izumi-fanclub · 10 months
A3! Event Story Translation “NEW ERA GARDEN” [Chapter 4]
An episode dedicated to Kasumi's feelings about his role and his past as a leader.
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“Toshi-san, there’s this interesting rumor I’ve heard from an older lady.”
It’s hard to get the intonation right… The emphasis should be here…
“Kondo-san, I’ll stand guard here! I won’t let anyone escape!”
Papa, are you playing as a woman?
Or are you playing a guy?
Which is it~?
Uh… Actually…
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…Y-Yukio-san, this… is a mistake, right…?
It’s not.
Eeh!? B-but I can’t believe I’m the only double cast…
As for you, I wanted to see you play as both Kimigiku and Todo Heisuke.
You played Lady Shizuka in “Traces of a Dream” already, and just playing the beautiful Kimigiku is boring, isn’t it?
And I also want as many people as possible for the Ikedaya incident scene.
No, no, no, no way! I wouldn’t care much if it’s just a female only role, but I’ve been blank for too long and yet you already want me in the Ikedaya fight…!
It’s like a neighborhood kid getting caught in a gang leader fight!
It’ll be fine. Yuzo said he’ll teach you.
…Yeah. Leave it to me. I’ll put you through the Shinsengumi hazing process.
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(...Yuzo looked like a complete bully that time.)
This time, papa will play as two people, two roles at once, it’ll be a lot of work.
You should practice a lot, then. Kaede and her friends always practice a lot of dances at the nursery.
Do it everyday. You have to get it right.
You’ll be able to do it after enough practice.
Let’s play over there so we don’t get in the way.
Good luck, papa~.
*He flips the page*
(In the other play I acted as Lady Shizuka after a long while of not playing female characters, and I got a lot of compliments from a lot of people. I'm looking forward to playing Kimigiku.)
(The only problem is Todo Heisuke… Hopefully… I’ll get the hang of it after some practice.)
(Now that I think about it, I remember the first time I was on stage there were three sword fights, it was a mess…)
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“...Haah, haah, my bad…”
I’d be on my knees at first, it was hard to get up.
My body ached everywhere and my body felt heavy like steel.
It was as if the gravity only changed around me and pulled me down.
“...If the leader’s gonna be like this, there’s nothing to discuss, shouldn’t we just replace this guy?”
Syu-san’s bluntness and arrogance was nothing out of the ordinary, but it struck my heart this time.
I was pathetic and remorseful, I couldn’t even get myself to face them.
It was the first time I was assigned a role where I had to fight.
No matter how much I practiced, no matter how slow I took my time, I couldn’t reenact the movements properly at all.
I looked like I was doing a Lantern festival dance instead of having the form of a swordsman.
It’s no wonder that Syu-san, who taught it, was dismayed.
“Alright well, let’s leave the fight scene at that for today before you get hurt.”
I heard Yukio-san’s gentle voice interrupt and just bowed my head, devastated by my own shortcomings.
Yuzo looked at me like he wanted to tell me something, but with the state of my mind, I couldn't take another word, I left the rehearsal room as if to escape.
“...Today’s the day I’ll get it right.”
The next morning, I was determined and went to the rehearsal room early.
“Well, aren't you early?” “Eh, Yuzo? Why are you…”
Immediately after that, he threw a wooden sword at me and Yuzo told me to prepare myself.
“Get in form.”
Subconsciously, I handled the wooden sword as Syu-san had taught me.
“Try to move the same way as I do.”
“But, Yuzo, your role…”
“I already got your movements memorized in my head. Try to keep up the pace.”
Repeating it over and over and adjusting the speed, eventually I got it right for the first time.
“Yes! Finally!”
I was able to keep up with the other members at the same pace.
The joy of being able to do something I couldn’t before welled up deep inside me.
“This is just the beginning. Go show Syu-san, that this role is yours alone.”
Yuzo usually only smacktalks me, but he helps me out so casually like this when I’m going through something difficult.
He really is a reliable childhood friend.
As a way to show my gratitude for being helped like this,
I definitely made that role mine, and mine alone.
I made up my mind and got back into the flow of things.
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(Back then, I felt like I had to do my absolute best as the leader of the Spring Troupe.)
(...I wonder if Sakuya-kun also had a tough time with fight scenes.)
Rather, the upcoming play, Sakuya-kun might come to see it…!?
(He adores me as the first Spring Troupe leader, I can’t just show Sakuya-kun an unseemly sword fight.)
(I got no choice, I’ll just have to suck it up and ask Yuzo for help.)
(In the story, Kimigiku supports the Shinsengumi from the shadows, meanwhile Todo Heisuke leaves the Shinsengumi later.)
(It overlaps with my desire to support MANKAI Company in the shadows in different ways despite my departure from the theater.)
…You really are amazing, Yukio-san.
(Honestly, you’re like a wizard.)
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hekateisconfused · 1 year
A stranger...
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... Turned best friend.
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October 19th...
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l00k4tm4m45c415 · 1 year
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Shizuka Sugiyama
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alliebirb · 5 months
Hi there, so all your art is amazing but I especially am enamored with your Ring!Anzu/eye!shizuka au!
They also inspire some questions in me.
1 - Does Ring!Anzu recruit ladies like Mai, Isis or others too?
2 - Does she win or lose and regardless can you tell us what that looks like?
3 - I am curious, have you ever consider doing something similar for Asuka Tenjoin, or have n idea what that might look like?
Apologies if any of these questions seem out of sorts, and thanks for sharing your art!
Hello!!! Tysm, Im so happy you like the ring!anzu au!! It’s been way too long since i’ve drawn her tbh i gotta rectify that when i have a spare second ( ˊᵕˋ ; )
- in the au, my full suport of women’s wrongs come out and it’s my hc that at some point, all the ygo girls have an item that possesses them and amplifies their negative traits - anzu’s rlly the only one who has a full possession that traps her fully in her mind, her bond with the gang hinders the ring’s progress too much otherwise -
shizuka using the eye to torment yamima for what he did to jono, ishizu using the and necklace rod to bring people to her family’s mission willingly or not, mai using the key to read souls to better manipulate others, etc etc. could also see mai without an item helping the remaining yuugang band together to try to help/stop anzu/zorc/the ring spirit/tkb??/who knows how many souls are in that thing
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- For the second question, i’m assuming you mean anzu?? If so all my art of her is under the ring!anzu au tag!! Other charas show up there as well, but mostly anzu. Overall, ring!anzu has darker, messier hair, more light grayish blue eyes (think tkb), and is paler than regular anzu. This can change with the primary possessor as well
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- i havent watched gx and dont plan to in the near future! (tho i have heard many good things) so including asuka or any character from another series isnt in the cards rn. Plus, I feel like each series has it’s own mechanisms and lore that wouldnt really fit with the millennium items. Once atem passes, the items are destroyed and eventually in the au, that comes to pass regardless, perhaps with more strain and violence, but the girls regain themselves by the end.
I have drawn asuka and aki with anzu before tho a while back, LOVEE both of their designs. Thanks for your questions!!! :D always happy to blab ab this au
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thatnerdyqueer · 9 months
Light from Uncommon Stars (Ryka Aoki)
tw for sexual assault, drinking and drug use, racism, sexism, transphobia (A LOT OF THIS), homophobia, slurs (racial, homophobic, and transphobic unfortunately), parental abuse/violence, and a lot of descriptions of food
that said this book was undeniably hopeful and I cannot tell you how much it made me smile as well as fucking bawl my eyes out
It's about a young transgender violinist (Katrina Nguyen) finding security in her sound after running away from abuse for all of her life
luckily Shizuka Satomi, her new teacher, and accompanist/housekeeper/Shizuka's bestie Astrid take her in and teach her how to love herself by finding her sound (I say sound because as well as finding her violin sound, she finds her voice its very cute)
one tiny problem. Shizuki Satomi has long since entered into a contract with hell. She has one year left to deliver one more student, otherwise she will be dragged to hell and her music never heard again (she's also cursed so she can't perform)
Also another problem. Endplague. Lan Tran, Shizuka's new milf love interest aka 'donut lady' is a refugee from the Imperial Army from another galaxy. I won't give too much away about what it is etc but Big Issue.
Anyway this was gut-wrenching and heart-warming within the space of every paragraph, and particularly cutting and healing, since I myself am a trans violinist
100000/10 would recommend best book I've read in a while (idk about best ever but it'd be up there! I'm probably biased because of the trans violin thing but hey if its good its good).
There's lesbians, demons, aliens, good food, good music, trans people, adorable found family, a classic sci-fi plague, and some good old fashioned music snobbery.
I mean come on!!!!! READ IT!!!!!!! *foaming at the mouth*
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merryfortune · 1 month
I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do
August 15th: Marriage | Sea Bathing/Beach | Crossover
Title: I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do
Ship: Sideshipping | Anzu/Shizuka
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,191
Tags: Past/Referenced Child Abuse, Fluff and Angst, Hopeful Ending
   It was a little too late to have cold feet about it. 
   Not too late for a divorce, Shizuka reasoned, even though she and Anzu had only been officially married for all of what… two hours? The cake still had its knife in it in case anyone wanted to go for seconds after the bridal dance.
   Marriage was a big, bureaucratic thing. It also seemed like something well way off into a murky future tomorrow that would never actually become today but lo and behold. The bell now tolled for her and her lover, letting half the countryside know that she had become Mazaki Shizuka. 
   The thought filled her with bubbles for a while. Cheery, exciting bubbles of a happier future which was so faraway, it could never happen. Now it just filled her with bile. She felt like she could puke it all up and over her sparkly white shoes bought especially new for the occasion. She could taste everything at the back of her throat, the wedding cake, the main meal, yesterday’s breakfast, whilst she stared at the champagne slowly going flat in her glass. 
    “Are you okay?” Anzu asked. “Not feeling nervous for our big dance, are you?”
   “Oh, um, only a little.” Shizuka lied through her teeth.
   Anzu reached across the head table and placed her hand at the edge of it. She tapped the pristine tablecloth and coaxed Shizuka to place her hand atop of Anzu’s. That’s better. Anzu held her hand, stroked her skin. A tingle went down Shizuka’s spine as she listened to Anzu’s kind words that proceeded.
   “We’ve practised so much, you’ve done so well. We’re gonna stun.” Anzu encouraged her, entirely oblivious to the problems causing the obvious raincloud of Shizuka’s head.
   “Yayyy.” Shizuka weakly replied.
   That was true. Anzu’s words did spark joy - or at least the idea of it. Shizuka smiled sheepishly as she recalled all the effort that had gone into the wedding. The fraught discussions of if it should go ahead at all because of what Shizuka had witnessed as a child during her own parents’ marriage. It lingered but it didn’t lose her completely.
   She knew the sacrament and milestone meant the world of Anzu who was so full of so many dreams and Shizuka wanted to be one of them. So, she said yes with a heart in the right place and full of hope. The mania that followed was stressful but it was fun, too. She felt like the centre of not only Anzu’s world as her bride to be but the whole world’s.
   Shopkeepers bent over backwards for them as potential patrons since weddings meant an even bigger pricetag could be attached to their goods and services. The window shopping and actual shopping for an engagement ring. Cake testing and florist visiting. Dress shopping was the best and the worst, not a moment was spared in the pursuit of perfectly tailored glamour. 
   The result was that this was not a wedding that had happened overnight with little foresight or forward planning. It had been in the works for two years.
   Yet now, for all that preparation, Shizuka wanted to leave Anzu at the altar. Or she should have. She was regretting not doing that now but it would be a waste to spoil a good dress and a banquet and how much money it cost to hire venues and such.
   The sound of squeaky shoes on linoleum alerted Shizuka to the end of her reverie. Anzu looked up and over her shoulder, welcoming Katsuya back to the head table.
   “Hey girls, I mean, ladies,” he said as he held onto the back of Shizuka’s chair to say hi, “I just got done talking with the DJ, you two’s dance is queued up if you want to get ready. Powder your noses or something first.”
   “Thanks, Katsuya.” Anzu said and she glanced at Shizuka. “Do you need anything first?”
   “Er, nope, I’m good!” Shizuka chirped.
   Anzu gave her a big smile, the corners of her eyes crinkled with laugh lines and excitement. Shizuka’s stomach plummeted to the floor and she was taken by the hand, pulled along by Anzu to the centre of the stage. The lights around the dancefloor dimmed as they made their way to the middle of it. Their guests - only their nearest and dearest - whooped and hollered. 
   A wedding was a series of exciting events - the vows, the kiss, the cutting of the cake, and then of course the dance - but as the final one, this one had the most pressure on it to get right. Or wrong and be made a joke of for years to come. Shizuka hoped that it wouldn’t be the latter.
   She had the world’s best broadway dancer to guide her. She also had eight weeks of practice behind her with the world’s best broadway dancer and her favourite choreographer as well. In theory, she should be fine. Even with what felt like thousands of eyes on her, Shizuka took position with Anzu in front of her.
   Anzu’s hands were calm and steady amid the nerves. She was so effortless when it came to her passions, her talents. She worked hard and the rest, she just trusted in that hard work, that it wouldn’t be in vain but Shizuka wasn’t quite so free.
   “You ready?” Anzu asked, her voice a whisper.
   “As I’ll ever be.” Shizuka murmured. She so badly wanted to be sick.
   She had woken up this morning feeling like a princess. On top of the world. Now she felt like the pauper, or more accurately, the pauper who should have been inside of a pauper’s grave. She should have rolled over and pretended today was written off, that nothing of import was scheduled to happen.
   Their music started. Shizuka hazarded a smile. Those opening notes were so comforting and familiar. Even if they heralded the beginning of the choreography, there were so many things to remember and opportunities to make a mistake but this was their song. Or one of them, at least. It was light and silvery and reminded Shizuka of her and Anzu’s first night together in New York. It was Christmas and they went sleighing through the snow. Oh, it was magical.
   Holding onto that memory, with Anzu holding her hand through every motion, Shizuka allowed herself to re-enter her very own wedding. She was spun and twirled, dipped to and fro. Anzu took the “masculine” lead so she could show off her more masterful talents at dancing. She had the whole crowd proud with her moves. 
   Anzu looked so gorgeous as she danced a modernised version of the waltz. She was in her element, sparkling beneath her makeup and well coiffed hair. Her footwork was swift and delicate, the tule of her dress bounced in tune with the music and her movements. It was very clearly the happiest moment of her life.
   And for both herself and for Anzu, Shizuka couldn’t be happier and yet.
   She was still detached from it. Eaten away by her worries, merely going through the motions as though she were the doll inside of a ballerine’s jewellery box, turning on a screw. Not that she minded. The dance was simultaneously an eternity and not long enough as the music began to fade out. She had done it. She had survived dancing with Anzu to conclude the official matters of their wedding.
   It was a weight off. Literally. Shizuka’s shoulders no longer felt quite so sloped as Anzu changed how she held her wife around her waist.
   They paused long enough to take a vow. Katsuya’s voice was boisterous over all, he couldn’t be happier for his sister and his now sister-in-law. It embarrassed Shizuka.
   “Thank you muchly.” Anzu announced. “Please, feel free to enjoy more food, the music, let’s party until dawn!” She split into laughter.
   But Shizuka wasn’t.
   And that popped up on Anzu’s radar. Shizuka didn’t know if that was an “oh no” moment or a “finally” moment. Either way she felt guilty as Anzu readjusted herself. The music changed to more upbeat party songs to coax people onto the dancefloor. 
   “Hey, um, is everything okay?” Anzu asked quietly.
   She took Shizuka by her hands again, propping them up on Anzu’s shoulders and Shizuka let it happen. The distance between them, with Shizuka’s elbows locked, made them look like middle schoolers leaving a ruler’s worth between them. It was kind of silly. Especially as, together, they bopped along to a Top 40 favourite from twenty years ago. Shizuka stared at her feet though as they did so as she mulled over Anzu’s question. Anzu waiting patiently, not pressing it as they were in public and if Shizuka was close to a melt down, neither would want that as they were the centre of attention.
   “Well, um, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.” Shizuka mumbled half way through the song.
   They drew in closer to one another. They were more romantically chest to chest whilst remaining appropriate for a wedding. Shizuka absorbed Anzu’s bodily warmth, deeply breathed in her pretty perfume and sighed.
   “I want a divorce.” Shizuka announced.
   Anzu snorted in disbelief, “What?”
   “Well, um, I’m… I’m worried. What if this isn’t such a good idea?” Shizuka rambled. “Like, this whole. Getting married thing.”
   Anzu’s expression softened. She had been ready to cop this as a joke but she could sense from Shizuka’s melancholy that this was really eating her up. Shizuka appreciated the shift as well. She licked her lips and was mindful of the heavy rhythm of how her heart was pounding in her chest.
   “I just remember being so scared of my father as a child.” Shizuka mumbled. “He was awful to me, to Katsuya-nii, and of course to our mother. He drank all our money away, pushed us around. I have no good memories of my parents’ marriage. I know I was so young and sickly but it was quite formative.”
   “Oh, Shizuka…” Anzu breathed, dripping with sympathy.
   She cuddled Shizuka closer. She rubbed Shizuka’s back and it made her arms twitch. They still danced. They slowed down, their footwork was clumsy and they were out of time with the music. To their friends and family, it looked like they were slow dancing. Not having a heart-to-heart as they whispered amongst themselves.
   “What if you start doing that?” Shizuka murmured, her brows furrowed. “What if you lose your job and blame me?”
   “I would never.” Anzu replied.
   “Do you really think I’m so awful?” Anzu asked, head tilted, trying not to be offended.
   “No, not at all!” Shizuka protested. “I think you're wonderful, the best woman in the world and I’m very fortunate to have you but…” Shizuka’s voice trailed off. Her tone of voice was frantic until it fizzled out. She took a breath. “Or, worse still, what if it's me? What if I wake up and start being horrible to you?”
   “Oh, Shizuka, you would never.” Anzu gasped, more offended at the idea of Shizuka turning abusive than her.
   “How do you know?” Shizuka argued, eyes watering. “What if I start drinking and start pushing you around?”
   “You wo-” Anzu stopped herself in her tracks and Shizuka cringed but looked up at her, studying her. Anzu took a deep breath and she nuzzled against Shizuka’s face.
   Shizuka requited the affection. Anzu’s face was soft but chalky with foundation and other makeup. 
   “You're right.” Anzu told her.
   “Huh?” Shizuka blinked.
   Anzu pulled back and shrugged, “I don’t know what will happen in the future. I don’t know what I’ll be like nor what you’ll be like. Anything can and will happens, I could get hit by a truck tomorrow-”
   “Don’t say that!” Shizuka interrupted.
   “That’s rich,” Anzu laughed, “but you get the point, right?”
   “Right…” Shizuka chewed on her reply.
   “Marriage is hard.” Anzu started again, reiterating. “We’ll probably fight, we’ll probably have really boring days and really busy days. We’ll have good ones and bad ones but we’ll make it work, I promise.”
   Shizuka smiled a small smile. The butterflies in her stomach were back but it felt oddly good. Not great but it was fuzzy and hopeful which was good enough for her to deem it, well, good. 
   “Thanks, Anzu,” Shizuka replied, “that… That I can believe. That we can do it, we can put the hard work in.”
   “I’m glad,” Anzu murmured and she leaned in, “but if there are days which are excruciating, which make you want to throw in the towel, there are steps we can take before we get to a point where… where we hurt ourselves or each other, you hear?”
   “I do.” Shizuka replied.
   She tilted her head up and she kissed Anzu on the lips.
   Her lipstick was glossy. Her breath had the tingle of champagne. Shizuka committed it all to memory and took Anzu’s words here more to heart than their actual vows that had been rehearsed many a time in the bathroom mirror. She kissed back and surrendered herself to the idea that perhaps marriage can be a dream of hers as well.
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pugsbone · 11 months
Muses: Taiyang, Sun, Qrow, Ganondorf, Link, Roadhog, Batman, Fujimaru, Takashi, Persona Protags, Kazuma, Sakurai, pokemon protags.
Kinks: Brides, NTR, cosplay/outfits, submission, sexism/misogyny, swimsuits, cockshock, bimbos, threesomes, breeding, nuns, spanking, impregnation, bondage, hypnosis, petplay, bondage, ballworship/musk, Daddy kink, choking, cheerleaders, face fucking, sleep sex (giving and receiving), cuckolding, filming, collar, lingerie, aprons, stepford wives, fembois, fucking a femboi and girl at the same time,
Hungry for: Weiss, Olivia, Ruby, Yang, Pyrrha, Summer, Cinder, Coco, Neo (Cat Neo), Raven, Blake, Kali, Ilia, Penny, Ciel, Whitney, Neon, Nora, Rin, Winter, Emerald, Zelda, Paya, Urbosa, Riju, Purah, Mercy, D.Va, Ashe, Kiriko, Junker Queen, Tracer, Widowmaker, Powergirl, Cassandra Cain, Wonder Woman, Lady Shiva, Harley Quinn, Zatanna, Huntress, Catwoman, Jalter, Morgan, Ereshkigal, Mash, BB, Musashi, Altria, Scathach, Nitocris, Meltryllis, Rei, Saya, Saeko, Shizuka, Rika, Persona Girls, Darkness, Aqua, Uzaki Family, Pokemon Girls.
Crossover Girls: LoL: Jinx, Akali, Ahri, Caitlyn, Vi, Gwen, Katarina, Miss Fortune, Neeko, Nidalee, Poppy, Qiyana, Seraphine, Sona. Kuroinu: Olga, Chloe, Celestia, Maia, Alicia. Dead or Alive: The women in general, they're all winners. MLP, as humans, gotta be very clear about that: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Celestia, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rarity. Misc: 2B, Mavis, Tinkerbelle, Tsunade, Hinata, Mei Terumi, Naruko, Boruko, Chloe Bourgeois, anyone else really, as long as you list the series they are from.
Fembois (Not as muses, they are here to get fucked by studs): Whitley, Oscar, Garnet(boi Ruby), Cheshire (Curious Cat/femboi Neo) Lie Ren, Astolfo, 9s, Link, Kiri Uzaki.
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bestygogirl · 1 year
Submissions: Closed
Tournament begins evening of September 26. Polls will last one week.
There will be 64 match ups in round 1 and to make it easier, these will be split up into four groups of 16.
I will not reblog propaganda that is bashing one opponent rather than being primarily focused on supporting one.
Mod IS biased but won't be voting.
Groups and match ups under the cut!
(match orders subject to change)
Group A:
Barbara VS Rovian Kirishima
Aqua VS Yoko Sakaki
Eve VS Sushiko Maki
Gloria Tyler VS Princess G
Dog-Chan VS Ranran Nanahoshi
Melissa Claire VS Miyu Sugisaki
Brooke Walker/Umimi VS Epoch
Himika Akaba VS Queen
Akari Tsukumo VS Aileen Rao
Reira Akaba VS Kyoko Taki
Luna (zexal manga) VS Sorako Noodle
Grace Tyler VS Sunavalon Dryatrentiay
Cathy Katherine VS Manya Atachi
Ray Akaba VS Kiku Kamishirakawa
E’Rah VS Asaka Mutsuba
Houchun Mieru VS Nanaho Nanahoshi
Group B:
Yuzu Hiragi VS Entermate Uni
Aoi Zaizen/Blue Angel VS Entermate Corn
Sayaka Sasayama VS Dian Keto
Mimi Atachi VS Diabellestar
Asana Mutsuba VS Cyber Tutu
Yuamu Ohdo VS Dark Magician Girl
Ranze Nanahoshi VS Darklord Ixchel
Yuna Goha VS Cyber Angel Dakini
Light Tsukiko VS Blue Eyes Abyss Dragon
Rebecca Hawkins VS Condemned Darklord/Maiden/Witch
Ecclesia VS Baronne de Fleur
Yugi’s Mom VS Ash Blossom & Joyus Spring
Echo VS Sky Striker Raye
Princess Rose VS Apollousa
Mizuchi Saiou VS Tour Guide from the Underworld
Emi Ayukawa VS Sunny
Group C:
Masumi Kotsu VS Winda
Tiger (Haruka Kamijo) VS Traptrix Rafflesia
Yuka Goha VS Tearlaments Kitkallos
Anzu Mazaki VS Silent Magician
Mitsuko Hiramori VS Sevens Road Wtich
Isis Ishtar VS Pumprincess of Ghosts
Mana VS Prima Guitarna
Rei Saotome VS Performapal Ladyange
Luna VS Nini the Mirror Mikanko
Tome VS Lyna the Light Charmer
Yubel VS Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
Mikage Sagari VS Insect Queen
Anna Kozuki VS Lady Labyrinth
Misty Lola VS Kitt
Rio Kamishiro VS Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko
Ayu Ayukawa VS Ha-Ra the Sword Mikanko
Group D:
Serena/Celina VS Emma
Asuka Tenjoin VS Miss Mystery
Carly Nagisa VS Haru Tsukumo
Miho Nosaka VS Patty
Kotori Mizuki VS Momoe Hamaguchi
Romin Kirishima VS Junko Makurada
Ghost Girl/Emma Bessho VS Sera
Ruri Kurosaki VS Vivian Wong
Mai Kujaku VS Dinois Velgear
Kisara VS Droite
Shizuka Kawai VS Princess Adena
Camula VS Risa Kagayama
Martha VS Tilla Mook
Aki Izayou VS Xiangsheng Magician
Sherry LeBlanc VS Blaze Maiden, Rino
Rin VS Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
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